JOURNAL OF LA Measurement of Contact Behavior Including ......Wearable physical assistant robots...

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1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2464719, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


Measurement of Contact Behavior IncludingSlippage of Cuff When Using Wearable Physical

Assistant RobotYasuhiro Akiyama, Shogo Okamoto, Yoji Yamada, Member, IEEE , and Kenji Ishiguro

Abstract—Continuous use of wearable robots cancause skin injuries beneath the cuffs of robots. To pre-vent such injuries, understanding the contact behaviorof the cuff is important. Thus far, this contact behaviorhas not been studied because of the difficulty involvedin measuring the slippage under the cuff. In this study,for the first time, the relative displacement, slippage,and interaction force and moment at the thigh cuffof a robot during sit-to-stand motion were measuredusing an instrumented cuff, which was developed forthis purpose. The results indicated that the slippageand relative displacement under the cuff was unevenbecause of the rotation of the cuff, which suggests thatthe risk of skin injuries is different at different positions.Especially, the skin closer to the hip showed largerdynamism, with a maximum slippage of approximately10 mm and a displacement of 20 mm during motion.Another important phenomenon was the individualdifference among subjects. During motion, the inter-action force, moment, and slippage of some subjectssuddenly increased. Such behavior results in stressconcentration, which increases the risk of skin injuries.These analyses are intended to understand how skininjuries are caused and to design measures to preventsuch injuries.

Index Terms—Physical Assistant Robot, ContactMechanics, Human–Robot Interaction, Safety.

I. Introduction

PHYSICAL assistant robots can effectively improvethe quality of life of elderly people and increase the

productivity of workers, both of which are very importantin an aging society. Some existing physical assistant robotshave been proven to be useful for rehabilitating strokepatients [1], [2], for making elderly people active [3], andfor providing assistance in labor-intensive tasks [4], [5].In addition, exoskeletons have been developed for variousspecialized uses such as military applications [6].

Wearable physical assistant robots require a higher levelof safety than other robots because of their close contactwith the user’s body. The contact safety of a physicalassistant robot was studied recently [7]. Now, a new ISOstandard ISO 13482 [8], which regulates the safety stan-dard of personal care robots, including physical assistantrobots, has been launched. According to this standard, a

Y. Akiyama, S.Okamoto, Y. Yamada and K. Ishiguro are with theDepartment of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Nagoya Univer-sity, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan e-mail:

Manuscript received April 19, 2005; revised December 27, 2012.

physical assistant robot should ensure sufficient contactsafety so that discomfort and skin injuries such as blistersand scratches are prevented. Skin injuries occur becauseof repetitive deformation of the skin tissue and slippagebetween the skin surface and the cuff, which connects therobot to the user [9]. Even in cases without injuries, skindeformation sometimes causes a feeling of discomfort.

The problem of pain and discomfort has been studied inthe field of orthotics. Most of these studies evaluated thecomfort of orthoses using subjective measures [10], [11].Although some subjects in a previous study [12] attributedthe discomfort to factors such as slip, it is difficult todetermine each factor. On the other hand, several physicalparameters were measured in some studies. Simon et al.used a pressure sensor and MRIs to evaluate the pain ofthe breast brace due to the increasing normal force [13].The pressure under the contact area of a corset-type bracewas also simulated in another study [14]. Esmaeili etal. quantified the relationship between the deformationenergy of the skin and discomfort [15]. However, althoughthe friction behavior around the contact surface generatesan interaction force and causes skin deformation, themechanism of this effect is not clearly understood becausesuch deformation has not been measured previously. Es-pecially, the uncertainty of the slip behavior disturbed toestimate the interaction force at the cuffs by measuringthe displacement at the cuffs [16]. Thus, the risk of skininjuries and level of discomfort cannot be evaluated despitethe existence of data on the physical strength of humantissues, which are shown below.

Some studies attempted to measure or estimate thecontact between the cuff and skin. The difference betweenthe knee joint mechanisms of a human and robot [17]causes a mismatch around the joint. Akiyama et al. es-timated the relative displacement between the cuff andhuman thigh at the cuff position caused by this ergonomicmismatch. The interaction force measured at each cuff wasrelated to the estimated displacement [7]. Another studyanalyzed the misalignment at the shoulder joint caused bya mechanical mismatch between a wearer and an upper-limb exoskeleton [18]. The displacement of the cuff due tomisalignment at the elbow joint was also analyzed [19].Although some of these studies measured the interactionforce at the cuff, the actual skin deformation at the cuffwas not measured.

Many current physical assistant robots measure only

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2464719, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


the joint torque [20], [21], force [22], and ground reactionforce [23] for achieving control and ensuring safety againstfall risks. A safety mechanism for skin injuries cannot bedevised using the joint torque, force, and limited motionrange because the stress concentration and frictional forceon the skin under the cuff might be overlooked because ofuneven contact and the existence of local slippage.

Physical parameters of the human skin that affect theskin deformation and slippage were analyzed in earlierstudies. For example, the viscoelasticity of human skinwas measured under various conditions [24], [25], [26].Some of these studies used a contactor with rotationalmotion whereas others used a contactor with linear mo-tion to apply repetitive deformation to the skin. Someresearchers [27], [28], [29] measured the friction coefficientalong with other physical parameters. However, the fric-tion coefficient of human skin easily changes in response tochanges in environmental conditions such as humidity [30].In addition, skin stretching was measured by measuringthe strain of the skin between two fixation points [25],[26]. Such skin stretching was numerically analyzed byTepole et al. [31]. A skin stretch model using a finiteelement method was developed to represent the nonlineardeformation of skin. Another group [32] measured not onlythe stretching of the skin surface but also the deformationoccurring in the tissue under the skin. They reported thatthe range of skin deformation was less than 1 cm in theforearm. However, because of the slippage induced by asmall normal force, the value of 1 cm does not representthe mechanical limit of the displacement between a cuffand human skin. Although these physical parameters canbe used as basic data to analyze contact behavior, actualskin movement under an area covered by a wide object hasnot been analyzed and measured so far.

Thus, the direct measurement of friction behavior, in-cluding slippage, displacement, deformation, and interac-tion force and moment, around the cuff is required tounderstand the contact mechanism under the cuff. Lenziet al. developed a sensor system that can measure thedistribution of the normal force under the cuff using adistributed tactile sensor [33]. Although this sensor candetect the concentration of the vertical force, it cannotmeasure slippage and friction, which are crucial for assess-ing the risk of skin injuries. Ueda et al. developed a slipsensor which detects slip by measuring the vibration of thesmall needle which contacted to the surface [34]. Althoughthis method could detect the slippage, it was difficult toknow the amount of the slippage. Methods to monitorthe slippage of the cuff are limited because the contactarea is covered and skin is flexible. In addition, the use ofsome sensors can possibly change the surface condition ofthe cuff and make it difficult to monitor natural contactbehavior. Therefore, a sensor that requires only a smallcontact area for measurement and can measure slippagewithout affecting the friction behavior is required. Anoptical method possibly meets this requirement becauseit potentially measures slippage without contact.

In this study, we installed optical slip sensors and force

sensors on a cuff, which allows us to measure multipletypes of contact information comprising the slippage,interaction force, and relative displacement between thecuff and human skin. Such measurements and analysesof contact behavior, including the direct measurement ofslippage, can contribute to the development of a contactmodel that is useful for improving contact safety regula-tions.

II. MethodThe experiment was performed with the permission of

the institutional review board of Nagoya University.

A. ApparatusA commercially available physical assistant robot1 was

used for the experiment without any actuation. Fig. 1shows the configuration of the fixation and degrees offreedom of the robot. The cuff on the left thigh wasreplaced with a cuff in which two slip sensors and fourforce sensors were inserted (Fig. 2). Two two-dimensionalimaging devices (ADNS-9500, Avago Technologies, Singa-pore) with lenses (ADNS-6190-002, Avago Technologies,Singapore) were supported by springs to ensure that therewas no clearance between the sensors and the skin. Then,the surfaces of the cuff and springs were fixed to fourthree-axis force sensors (US06-H5, Tech Gihan Co., Ltd.,Japan), which were placed on the base of the cuff. Theseforce sensors were used to measure the interaction forceand moment between the cuff and skin. The contact areaof the cuff was 5.5 cm wide and 9.5 cm long. The structureof the modified cuff is shown in Fig. 3. The cuff was directlyattached to the skin to avoid slippage between clothes andskin. The surface of the cuff was fixed on the lateral side ofthe human thigh which was parallel to the sagittal plane ofthe subject. The frequencies of measurement of the forceand slippage were 50 Hz and 1 kHz, respectively. The slipsensor measured the position in the Cartesian system, andthe resolution of the slip sensor was 0.06 mm.

The posture of the subject and the relative motionbetween the subject and the robot were measured using athree–dimensional motion capture system (MAC 3D sys-tem, Motion Analysis Corporation, CA), the outputs fromwhich were sampled at 100 Hz. Markers were attached tothe lateral side of the center of the hip, knee, and anklejoint of the robot, and the knee and ankle joint of thesubject. The data for the hip joint of the subject weredetermined from the markers that were attached to thesacral and anterior superior iliac points on the spine [35].The posture and position of the pelvis of the subject werecalculated from the same markers, whereas those of therobot were measured using markers attached to the pelvislink. The positions of the cuff were marked on the lateralside of the robotic link. The positions covered by the robotwere determined using cluster markers.

1Because of contractual obligations aimed at preventing the evalu-ation of this robot, the name, manufacturer, and details of the assistalgorithm cannot be revealed.

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2464719, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


Fig. 1. Overview of physical assistant robot

Fig. 2. Instrumented cuff of left thigh

Fig. 3. Structure of instrumented cuff

B. ProtocolTen healthy male volunteers participated in the experi-

ment. They were between 21 and 24 years of age (averageage: 22.3 years) and between 169 and 178 cm in height(average height: 173.0 cm). After attaching the robot tothe subject, the length of the thigh and shank links was ad-justed to align the subject’s hip and knee joints to those ofthe robot. Then, the cuffs were fixed to the legs using belts.The belts were tightened as firmly as possible without

causing discomfort to the subject. Before recording wasstarted, several minutes were spent on adaptation. Duringadaptation, the subject attempted sit-down and stand-upmotions continuously until he became comfortable.

In the experiment, the subject repeated sit-down andstand-up motions on a 52-cm-tall chair more than 15times. The sit-to-stand motion was selected for this ex-periment because it is the fundamental motion performedin daily activities and might require the assistance of aphysical assistant robot. This motion has been studiedpreviously, and most of its characteristics are known [36],[37].

C. Data ProcessingThe positions of the markers attached to the center of

joints of the subject and robot were projected on to thesagittal plane in which the sit-to-stand motion occurred.Then, the posture and position of the subject and robotwere defined using body links, each of which was definedas the line connecting two adjacent joint centers. Then,the relative displacement of the cuff position on the skinsurface was calculated by comparing the position of thecuff and its initial position on the human thigh, which wasmarked as a particular point between the hip and kneejoints. This relative displacement includes the slippageand deformation of the skin tissue because of the frictionbehavior. Although surface slippage could be obtainedfrom the slip sensor, skin deformation, which includesshear deformation and inner slippage of the tissue, wasestimated indirectly. The interaction force was obtainedby the summation of the outputs from all force sensors.All data were filtered using a linear-phase finite-impulse-response low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 2 Hzand a filter order of 30.

The geometry of the robot, cuff, and human subject isshown in Fig. 4. At the thigh cuff, slip sensors were arrayedin tandem in the longitudinal direction of the robotic thighlink, which was defined as the line connecting the centerof the hip and knee joints. Because the position of the cuffwas measured at the center of the slip sensors, the relativedisplacement at each slip sensor was calculated from therelative position and attitude of the cuff as follows:

ds1(t) = Dt(t) +(lsin(θd(t)), −l(1 − cos(θd(t)))

)ds2(t) = Dt(t) +

(− lsin(θd(t)), l(1 − cos(θd(t)))


where θd is the relative angle between the thigh link of therobot and the human thigh. l is the distance between theslip sensor and center of the cuff. Dt, ds1, and ds2 are therelative displacements between the cuff and human thighand are defined in the X–Y coordinate system. The Y –axiscorresponds to the direction of the longitudinal axis of therobotic thigh. The original points of each coordinate wereconsidered as the position of the cuff center or slip sensors.The first term of (1) represents the translational motionof the cuff, and the second term represents the rotationalmotion.

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2464719, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


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Fig. 4. Coordination system around thigh cuff (left: overview, right:definitions of parameters)

TABLE IAverage duration of sit-to-stand motion for each subject


Sittingpace [s] ± SD

Standingpace [s] ± SD

1 1.4 0.1 1.3 0.12 1.5 0.2 1.4 0.13 1.7 0.2 1.2 0.14 1.8 0.4 1.5 0.15 1.5 0.1 1.3 0.16 2.3 0.2 2.0 0.17 1.7 0.2 1.6 0.18 3.1 0.2 2.6 0.29 2.2 0.1 1.7 0.110 1.4 0.1 1.2 0.1

Among all the sit-to-stand motions, the first five mo-tions of each subject were not used because of the insta-bility of the contact condition around the cuff. The next 10motions were analyzed. Motions were separated into twophases: sitting phase and standing phase. The static phase,in which the motions were not measured, was not used forthe analysis. The angle of the knee joint of the subject wasused to separate the phases. All the separated data werenormalized by the period of each phase for comparisonbetween subjects.

III. ResultsA. Posture of Subjects

The average durations of the sit-to-stand motions ofeach subject are listed in Table I. Despite the differencesbetween the motion paces of the subjects, the deviationswithin the paces of a subject were small, which suggestedthe stability of motions of almost all the subjects. Fig. 5shows the change in the knee angle (θk) for each subject.These changes are very similar to those observed in thecase of the sit-to-stand motion of a healthy person [38],indicating that the motions were normal even when therobot was worn.

The postures of the representative subject and robot areplotted in Fig. 6. In this experiment, the robot was locatedmarginally anterior to the aligned position of the subjectto fit the cuff to the skin. However, the relative position ofthe robot changed during the sit-to-stand motion becauseof the deformation and slippage of the fixation parts.

The largest displacement of the cuff position betweenthe subject and robot was observed around the middle

Fig. 5. Averages and standard deviations of θk for each subject duringsitting (top) and standing (bottom) phases

phase of the sitting motion. During this phase, the sub-ject’s thigh pulled the robotic thigh and the human motionpreceded the robotic motion. Then, in the late sittingphase, the robot lowered itself under the effect of gravity.

B. DisplacementThe relative displacement which includes the slippage

and skin deformation at the cuff is the basic parameterrepresenting the motion around the cuff. Figs. 7–10 showthe relative displacement along the long and short axesin the sagittal plane. Although the magnitudes of the dis-placement differ individually, especially in the sitting pos-ture, the displacement trend is common across subjects.As shown in Fig. 7, during the sitting phase, the relativedisplacement in the X direction increases initially, and thepeak is reached at around 50% of the sitting phase. Then,the displacement decreases until the end of the sittingmotion. The range of the displacement during the sittingphase is approximately 20–70 mm. As shown in Fig. 8,the displacement returns to zero gradually until the endof the standing phase. The displacement in the Y directionalso increases up to the 60–80% of the sitting phase, andit slightly decreases in the late sitting phase (Fig.9). Thepeak displacement along the Y direction is approximately5–40 mm in this phase. In the standing phase as well,the displacement in the Y direction decreases gradually(Fig. 10).

Along both axes, there are large individual differences.The range of the relative displacement differs up to amaximum of 50 mm between the orange and yellow linesalong the short (X) axis (Fig. 7) and 25 mm between theblack and purple lines along the long (Y) axis (Fig. 9).

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2464719, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


Fig. 6. Postures of human and robot (left: sitting, right: standing)

Another feature of the displacement in the X directionwas the difference in the displacement between sensors.The displacement at the position of the upper sensor wasalways larger than that at the position of the lower sensor.This trend indicated the unevenness of the displacementunder the cuff.

One of the reasons for the difference in the relativedisplacement between sensors in the X direction was therotation of the human thigh link against the robotic thigh(Fig. 11). Because of the rotation, the relative displace-ment at the position of the upper sensor was larger thanthat at the position of the lower sensor by approximately10 mm.

The direction of the displacement suggested that thethigh link of the robot moved downward and backwardwith respect to the subject in the sitting phase. Accordingto Fig. 9, the position of the robot dropped rapidlyat around 50% of the sitting phase. Then, the relativedisplacement gradually returned to zero in the standingphase. In contrast, Fig. 8 shows that the displacement inthe X direction did not converge to zero in the standingphase. This mismatch between the end of the standingphase and the beginning of the sitting phase implies thatthe residual displacement was canceled by the subject inthe standing posture before starting the next motion. Inaddition, the standard deviation was larger along the shortaxis (X) than along the long axis (Y) because of the largedisplacement of the hip fixation in the front-back direction.

C. SlippageThe amount of slippage in the X and Y directions is

presented in Figs. 12–15. For some subjects, the maximumslippage reached several millimeters, whereas for others,the slippage was negligible at the position of the lower slipsensor. The slippage differed between sensor positions in

Fig. 7. Relative displacement in X direction between human androbot in sitting phase (top: upper sensor, bottom: lower sensor)

addition to the subjects, phases, and axes, which suggestedthat the slippage included both translational and rota-tional movements. The difference in the slippage betweensensors was less in the Y direction than in the X directiongiven that the rotation center of the slippage was locatednear the knee joint. Because the slip sensors were alignedto the longitudinal axis of the thigh link, the effect of cuffrotation seldom affected the slippage in the Y direction.The difference in slippage in the Y direction represented

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2464719, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


Fig. 8. Relative displacement in X direction between human androbot in standing phase (top: upper sensor, bottom: lower sensor)

Fig. 9. Relative displacement in Y direction between human androbot in sitting phase (top: upper sensor, bottom: lower sensor)

the skin stretching between the sensors.In contrast, the difference in the slippage in the X

direction suggested the existence of rotation, local slip, andskin movement. Especially, during the sitting phase, theslippage measured by the upper sensor along the X-axiswas notably larger than that measured by the lower sensor

Fig. 10. Relative displacement in Y direction between human androbot in standing phase (top: upper sensor, bottom: lower sensor)

Fig. 11. Angular difference between thigh links (top: sitting, bottom:standing)

along the X-axis (Fig. 12). This trend corresponded to thetrend of the relative displacement. For one subject, theslippage was notably large, in terms of not only the amountbut also the deviation. Such instability and uniquenesssuggested that individual differences should be carefullyconsidered when the slip behavior is generalized.

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2464719, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


Fig. 12. Slippage in X direction between human and robot in sittingphase (top: upper sensor, bottom: lower sensor)

Although such large individuality existed, a commontrend could be found. Around the middle phase of thesitting motion, slip occurred in both the X and Y direc-tions. The direction of slippage suggested that the robotslid downward and backward, which corresponded to thedirection of the relative displacement. However, slippagein the Y direction eased at the end of the sitting phase(Fig. 14) and it had no apparent relationship with thechange in the relative displacement.

D. Interaction force and momentInteraction force and moment were generated at the

cuff because of the motion of the subjects. Although theinteraction force in the compression direction, normal tothe skin surface, affects the comfort of the subject, theamount of shear force is more important to evaluate therisk of skin injuries [9]. Thus, the discussion in this studyfocuses on the sagittal plane. Figs. 16 and 17 show thechange in the interaction force. The interaction moment isshown in Fig. 18. In Figs. 16 and 18, data for one subjectwere omitted because of an electronic fault in the sensorused for force measurements in the X direction.

The change in the interaction force in the X direction(Fig. 16) and the interaction moment (Fig. 18) was nearlyflat with small peaks in the middle sitting phase. A fewparticipants, represented by green and ocher curves, wereexceptions. The trend in the Y direction differed from thatin the X direction. One prominent peak was found in themiddle of both the sitting and standing phases (Fig. 16).

Figs. 16–18 also show that two among the ten subjectswere found to be very unique. The patterns of the forceand moment of the two subjects,represented by ocher

Fig. 13. Slippage in X direction between human and robot instanding phase (top: upper sensor, bottom: lower sensor)

Fig. 14. Slippage in Y direction between human and robot in sittingphase (top: upper sensor, bottom: lower sensor)

and green lines, differed from those of the other subjects.Especially, for these two subjects, the force in the Xdirection and the moment drastically changed during themotions. In addition, each subject had different offsets ofthe interaction force and moment in the standing posture,which might be attributed to the initial condition of

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2464719, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


Fig. 15. Slippage in Y direction between human and robot instanding phase (top: upper sensor, bottom: lower sensor)

fixation of the cuff. When tightening the cuff belts, severaldegrees of initial force were inevitably applied.

IV. Discussion: Contact behavior around thecuff and risks of skin injuries

A. General BehaviorThe motion and force in the contact area of the thigh

cuff were measured using various sensors, and the relativemotion, slippage, and interaction force and moment werecompared with each other. In general, these parameterschanged in the same direction during the major part ofthe motions. This was because the kinematic mismatchchanged the trajectories of the thighs of the human androbot, and this relative displacement interacted with theforce, moment, and slippage through physical parameterssuch as the friction coefficient and viscoelastic constant.

The measured slippage values in the X direction weredifferent between the two slip sensors, whereas their gen-eral profiles were similar. This difference suggested theexistence of an uneven distribution of slippage beneaththe cuff due to partial slip and rotation. During the sit-to-stand motion, slippage was larger at the position of theupper sensor than at the position of the lower sensor inthe X direction. This tendency could be attributed to therotation of the thigh link. The change in the rotation angleand moment also supported this tendency. Because of therelative rotation, the position that was close to the hipjoint showed large movement, which indicated a high riskof injuries.

An important inference from the comparison betweenslippage and relative displacement was that a maximum

Fig. 16. Interaction force in X direction between human and robotat thigh cuff (top: sitting, bottom: standing)

of 40 mm of the actual relative displacement, which wascalculated by subtracting slippage (Figs. 12 and 14) fromrelative displacements (Figs. 7 and 9), seemed too large tobe considered as skin stretching. This gap was probablycaused by the deformation of skin, fat, and muscle tissues.During joint bending, skin around the joint was deformedbecause of the change in its shape and because of tension.This large deformation around the joint propagated to theskin and tissue of the thigh. The flabbiness of the skin andtissue movement affected the relative displacement. Thus,the results of this experiment indicated that not only therelative displacement and the slippage of the skin surfacebut also the deformation of the skin and tissue caused bymotion changed the risk of skin injuries.

According to the changes in the interaction force(Figs. 16 and 17), the shear stress was approximately0.4 × 104 Pa when considering the contact area. Althoughthis value was ten times smaller than the stress requiredto generate a blister [30], the unevenness of the contactindicated the probability of stress concentration. Thus,safety margins should include the effect of such stressconcentration.

B. IndividualityThe results for all parameters such as the displacement,

slippage, and interaction force and moment differed dras-tically for each subject. Such individuality appeared espe-cially in the sitting posture. Thus, individuality increasedin the sitting phase and converged in the standing phase.

Among all the subjects, one subject, represented by thegreen line, had a large relative displacement and slippage.

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2464719, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


Fig. 17. Interaction force in Y direction between human and robotat thigh cuff (top: sitting, bottom: standing)

Fig. 18. Interaction moment in X–Y plane between human and robotat thigh cuff (top: sitting, bottom: standing)

Unlike the other subjects, for this subject, the slippageoccurring during the middle of the sitting phase did notdecrease at the end of the sitting phase (Figs. 12 and 14)and it continued until the middle of the standing phase(Figs. 13 and 15). In addition, the interaction force andmoment became large when a large slippage occurred in

the middle of the sitting phase (Figs. 16 to 18). Thissimultaneous increase in the slippage, the interaction force,and moment indicated the deformation of the skin andtissue. This potentially indicated the stacking of the skinand tissue, which meant the elevation of skin tissue, atthe edge of the cuff in the middle of the sitting phase.The stacking increases the maximum shear force duringthe motion, thus increasing the risk of skin injuries. Theobservation of the interaction force and skin deformationaround the edge of the cuff could be used to determinewhether such phenomena occur.

In addition, the contact behavior of another subject,represented by the ocher line, was differed from that ofthe subject represented by the green line. The amount ofslippage represented by the ocher line was not large in theX direction despite the interaction force and moment forthis subject being larger than those for the other subjects.This difference might have originated from individualdifferences in physical parameters such as the frictioncoefficient and viscoelasticity. This kind of individualityin skin conditions is also likely to influence the risks ofskin injuries.

V. ConclusionIn this study, the contact behavior of the cuff, including

the slippage at the thigh cuff, was analyzed. The resultssuggested that the difference between the motions of thehuman and robot interacted with the relative displace-ment, the interaction force and moment, and the slippageat the cuff. For the first time, the measurement of theslippage enabled us to separate the relative displacementto the deformation of the tissue and slippage of theskin. During the sit-to-stand motions, on average, severalmillimeters of slippage and approximately 40 millimetersof the displacement of the cuff were measured with the in-teraction forces and moment between the cuff and humanthigh being approximately 10 N and 0.2 N·m.

AcknowledgmentThis study was conducted as a part of the “Practical

Applications of Service Robot Project,” which is directedby the New Energy and Industrial Technology Develop-ment Organization (NEDO). Also, we thank the supportby JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 26750121.

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1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2464719, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


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Yasuhiro Akiyama Yasuhiro Akiyama re-ceived the B.E. degree in engineering fromTokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan,in 2006, and the M.S. and the Ph.D. degreein engineering from the University of Tokyo,Tokyo, Japan, in 2008 and 2011, respectively.Since then, he has been a postdoctoral re-searcher at Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.His main areas of research interests are me-chanical safety, human-robot interaction, andmanned space mission.

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2464719, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


Shogo Okamoto Shogo Okamoto receivedMS and PhD degrees in information sciencesin 2007 and 2010, respectively, from the Grad-uate School of Information Sciences, TohokuUniversity. Since 2010, he has been an as-sistant professor at the Graduate School ofEngineering, Nagoya University. His researchinterests include haptics and human-assistivetechnology.

Yoji Yamada YAMADA, Yoji received a doc-tor degree from Tokyo Institute of Technologyin 1990. He had been with Toyota Techno-logical Institute since 1983 and became anassociate professor in the Graduate School ofthe Institute. In 2004, he joined IntelligentSystems Research Institute of National Insti-tute of Advanced Industrial and Science Tech-nology (AIST). In 2009, he moved to the De-partment of Mechanical Science and Engineer-ing, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya

Unversity as a professor. His current research interests include safetyand intelligence technology in human/ machine systems, their roboticsensing and control.

Kenji Ishiguro Kenji Ishiguro received theM.S. degree in engineering from Nagoya Uni-versity, in 2014. Since then, he has been work-ing for DENSO Corporation as an engineer.Kenji Ishiguro received the B.E. and in engineering from Nagoya University,in 2012 and 2014, respectively. Since then, hehas been working for DENSO Corporation asan engineer. His research interests are human-robot interaction, wearable robotics, and me-chanical safety.