JOURNAL What influences your food choices?? List at least 3 influences (why do you choose the...

Post on 26-Feb-2016

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JOURNAL What influences your food choices?? List at least 3 influences (why do you choose the foods you eat ?). Nutrition. - The process in which the body takes in and uses food. Q: How can good nutrition enhance your quality of life and help prevent disease ?? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


JOURNAL What influences your food choices?? •List at least 3 influences (why do you choose the foods you eat?)

Nutrition - The process in which the body

takes in and uses food.

Q: How can good nutrition enhance your quality of life and help prevent disease?? A: It provides the calories and nutrients your body needs for maximum energy and wellness.

Calories - - Units of heat that measure the

energy available in foods.One important reason you eat is to take in


This energy (from calories) is used by the body and fuels everything you do.

Such as: exercising, playing sports, doing homework, and hanging out with friends.

Nutrients - - Substances in food that your body


Nutrients have many important roles: Gives you energy Builds new tissue and repairs cells Helps your body process and run smoothly Making healthy food choices lowers your risk of

developing many life-threatening conditions such as: heart disease, stroke, cancers, and osteoporosis (bones become fragile and more likely to break).

To survive, the human body needs the nutrients found in food.

Nutrients are classified into 6 groups: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.

Carbohydrates -- The starches and sugars present in

foods. The body’s preferred source of energy (providing 4 calories per gram).

Your body uses energy from carbohydrates to perform EVERY task.

Carbohydrates are classified as either simple or complex.

Simple Carbohydrates--

Sugars (found in fruit, milk, and table sugar)

Complex Carbohydrates - - Starches (found in whole grains, seeds,

nuts, beans, potatoes).

The body must break down complex carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates before it can use them for energy.

HUH?!?!?Your body converts ALL carbohydrates

into glucose.

Glucose - a simple sugar that is your body’s main source of energy.

If your body does not use the glucose right away it is stored in the liver and muscles as a substance called glycogen.

Journal-List 5 healthy foods served in the


- List 5 unhealthy foods served in the cafeteria.

What does your body do when it needs more energy??

- It converts the glycogen back to glucose.

Is it possible to take in more carbohydrates than your body can use right away or store as glycogen???

-YES!! When this happens your body converts and stores the excess carbohydrates as….

body fat

Fiber - - An indigestible complex carbohydrate that is

found in the tough, stringy parts of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Fiber can’t be digested and used as energy but it helps move waste through the digestive system and helps prevent intestinal problems such as constipation.

Proteins -- nutrients that help build and maintain

body cells and tissues.

Proteins continued…

During the major growth periods (infancy, childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy) the body uses the protein to build new cells and tissues.

Throughout your life, the body replaces damaged and worn out cells by making new ones from proteins.

Proteins also supply the body with energy, although it is not the body’s main source of energy.

Proteins continued….

Good sources of proteins are animal products:

- fish, - meat- poultry- eggs- milk- cheese (comes from milk)

- yogurt (comes from milk)

Additional sources can be found in: beans, peas, nuts, and whole grains.

Fats - True or False??

Fats are a substance thatshould be eliminated fromour diets.


Some fat in the diet is necessary for good health.

FATS - Nutrients that provide energy and perform many functions for your body.

Two types of fats:Saturated = fats that are solid at room temp (found mostly in animal and dairy products).Unsaturated = liquid at room temp

(Mainly from plant sources, vegetable oil, avocados, olives.)

Which is better for you??????????

Unsaturated Fat

Found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds.

Unsaturated fats have been associated with reduced risk of heart disease.

Saturated Fat Animal fats, such as lard, and dairy products are HIGH in saturated fat.

Chicken & Fish are LOWER in saturated fat.

A high intake of saturated fat can increase the risk of heart disease.

The role of FATS: Fats transport vitamins in your blood to help with

growth and healthy skin. Fats also add flavor and texture to foods, and

because they take longer to digest, they satisfy hunger longer than other nutrients.

Foods high in fats tend to be high in calories. Consuming too much fat increases your risk of weight gain and obesity.

Cholesterol- A waxy lipidlike substance that

circulates in the blood.

What the body makes on its own is used to produce cell membranes, nerve tissue, Vitamin D, produce hormones, and bile (which helps digest fats).

Cholesterol Continued….

Excess cholesterol is deposited in the arteries (which includes HEART ARTERIES!!!)

Arteries can become clogged which can increase the risk of heart disease.

Question:Is high cholesterol something that is hereditary?


Cholesterol continued…

You can’t control age and heredity but you can control what you eat.

Dietary Cholesterol - cholesterol found inanimal products such as:

-egg yolks-meats (esp. organ meats)- high fat milk products

Vitamins -- Substances that help regulate many

vital body processes, including fighting diseases and producing energy.

Minerals - - Substances that the body uses to form healthy bones & teeth, keep the blood healthy, and keep the heart and other organs working properly.

*The best way to get vitamins & minerals is to choose nutritious


Water - Vital to EVERY body function Transports nutrients and oxygen to cells. Helps you digest and absorb food. Removes toxins and other wastes

**You need to replace water that your body loses. It is recommended that you drink 8 cups of water a day.

Refer to the worksheet to answer the following questions:

1. What does Vitamin C help promote?2. Which mineral is found in bananas?3. What Vitamin is responsible for healthy skin and

normal vision? What are 2 food sources this vitamin is found in?

4. What 2 minerals are responsible for maintaining strong bones and teeth?

5. What is folic acid responsible for?6. Whole grains, breads, and cereals are rich in



1. Vitamin C is responsible for healthy teeth, gums, & bones. It also helps heal wounds & fight infections.

2. Potassium is found in bananas.3. Vitamin A is responsible for healthy skin & normal vision.

Found in dark-green leafy vegies, dairy products, eggs, yellow/orange fruits and vegies.

4. Calcium & Fluoride5. Folic acid is responsible for the production and

maintenance of new cells.6. Vitamin B