Jt Tb Behavior New

Post on 26-May-2015

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Behavioral Theories of Instructionand their role in Learning and Teaching

By: Jessica Terpstra


Tasha Buchler



Remember Pavlov’s salivating dog?

– That’s behaviorism

Remember Skinner

and the rats–That’s behaviorism



– The behaviorist would use a form of conditioning which would pattern a type of behavior

– 2 types of conditioning Classic conditioning EX:

Pavlov’s- dogs salivate when they eat or see food so a stimulus produces a specific response.

Behavioral or operant conditioning: If you reward following a positive behavior, the positive behavior will occur more often.


What is Behaviorism?

Behaviorism is a theory of animal and human learning that only focuses on objectively observable behaviors and discounts mental activities. Behavior theorists define learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior.

Behaviorism impacts learning because it only uses observable behavior.

Behaviorist learning involves a stimulus and a response. The Behaviorist learning involved the old practices that learning occurred through rote memorization and the isolation of facts.

In the behaviorist learning environment, the teacher would instruct and the students would listen, no active participation.


Pros of Behavioral Theories

With Autistic children rote behavior is necessary.

Observable behaviors are easy to assess

Some of the theories are proven effective

Some of them necessary ex: memorization of sight words.


Cons of Behavioral Theories

Ignores mental activities and problem solving

Does not include all of the different learning styles

More teacher centered More authoritarian How is it that young children learn new

things with the positive reinforcement? Ex: young children recognize new language patterns


Group Participation

Raise your hand if you think you use/have used this theory of teaching.

Now please type in an example of how you’ve used this theory in your teaching


Uses in Classroom

Prize box (positive reinforcement)

Detention (negative reinforcement)

Sight words- memorization of thought process, rote memorization

Reading taught through skill mastery