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June 1, 2008

339th Reunion 2008 – Washington, DC October 9-13 Page 1

Continued next page

Fighter Group Association Station F378 – Fowlmere, England

“The Lads from Fowlmere” Volume 28, Issue 2 Editor: Stephen C. Ananian

White House Tour in the Works! By Lawrence J. Powell, Reunion Chairman, President

In the past, some of our members have complained that they were unable to see enough of our nation’s capitol on our visit to Washington! With this in

The 339th FG in a “fly-by” led by Jim Starnes takes a close look at the Air Force Memorial in Washington, DC!

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

Page 2 Newsletter – stephen.ananian@339fg.com

mind we return again to the Marriott Fairview Park Hotel just outside of the capitol. The price for the 339th Fighter Group is only $99 a night plus local taxes (currently 5%). In addition this year, we have planned several guided tours for our members.

Our first guided tour will be a six hour tour on Friday morning, starting with a tour of the White House (hopefully) and then a tour of the City of Washington ending with a trip to Arlington Cemetery to attend the Military funeral of our wartime comrade MG William “Bill” Bryan, Jr. and his beloved wife Olive. Due to security reasons on the White House Tour, we will not know the date or time until a week or two before our reunion so our whole Event Schedule has to be tentative.

The second tour will be a three hour night time guided tour on Saturday night to see the beautifully lit monuments in

their full glory including the new Air Force Memorial. These tours have been customized to our needs with a minimum amount of walking and handicap accessible buses.

REGISTER NOW! Thursday Oct 9th to Monday noon Oct. 13th!

1. Call and make your hotel reservations at The Marriott Fairview Park Hotel, 3111 Fairview Park Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042 For hotel Reservations call toll free 1-800-228-9290. Tell them you are with the 339th Fighter Group and would like their special rates ($99 a night). Check into hotel on Thursday Oct. 9th at 4:00 PM. Check out 12:00 NOON Monday, Oct. 13th. If you wish to stay longer, the same rates will apply for three days before and three days after depending on the availability of rooms so register now!

2. Fill out and mail in your reunion reservation form (page 19) with a check to our treasurer Richard Thieme (address on form). If you wish to dine with a special unit, fill out appropriate forms (no money) and mail to your unit director (names listed on page 19). Also see the tentative schedule of events on page 18. 3. The hotel is basically in the middle between Reagan National Airport and Dulles International Airport. So either one would be good for your arrival. For transportation to and from the airport take the Super Shuttle call at 1-800-BlueVan (258-3826) and make your reservations in advance or you can catch a cab. There are cabs available at the airports. Cabs are roughly $35-$40 one way but the cab holds several people so it could be cheaper. Self-parking at the hotel is free. Many thanks to Sharon and Bill Clark, Jr. for their invaluable assistance in planning this event. Time is flying and we do not know how many more of these reunions we have left so make a special effort to be with us this year.

Your 2008 DUES ARE DUE!

Larry Powell

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

339th Reunion 2008 –Washington, DC Oct 9-13 Page 3

Sad News! By James R. Starnes,

Staff Columnist, pilot 505thFS

It was a great shock to hear of the loss of Major General Bill Bryan. I had talked to him only two days earlier, and he seemed fine. He told me that he had received a number of documents to sign from an autograph collector and was inclined not to sign them. I had heard from the same “ace chaser” two weeks earlier.

Bill Bryan was the highest decorated member of the 339th Fighter Group. He flew two tours of combat with the 503rd Fighter Squadron at Fowlmere Airfield. He then flew combat in Korea, again in P-51 Mustangs, for which he received the Distinguished Service Cross. He later earned several Distinguished Service Medals prior to his retirement.

Bill and Ollie were regular attendees at our reunions - - we shall miss them!

My photo was on the cover of the latest American Fighter

Aces Bulletin though you would need a magnifying glass to recognize me. There was a more detailed article and photos inside. This occurred when I was guest of the Florida Friends of the Fighter Aces at Keystone Heights Airfield in north Florida. There were four aces on the panel, and we fielded questions from the moderator. I enjoyed hearing from the other aces, but it made for a long day.

Cover of the “American Fighter Aces & Friends” bulletin. Our thanks to Editor Harold Rubin for the copy of the Bulletin from which the picture above and to the right were taken.

L-R James Starnes, Albert Wells, A. T. House & Robert Coats Photo by Gregg Wagner

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

Page 4 Newsletter – stephen.ananian@339fg.com

Maj. General “Bill” Bryan has died at age 86 By William E. Bryan III (son)

With his family at his side, yet another member of the "Greatest Generation," was lost to us Sunday, April 6, 2008. Our dad was a true war hero in every sense of the word.

He entered the Army Air Corps in March 1942 at the age of 21 from his hometown of Flint, Michigan. Dad flew 114 combat missions in WWII in the P-51 Mustang fighter from 1943 to 1945. Stationed in England with the 339th Fighter Group, he achieved the status of "Ace," reserved only for VSH fighter pilots.

A career military man, in August of 1950 dad again flew the P-51 Mustang on 121 combat missions with the 18th Fighter Bomber Wing during the Korean War.

In 1967 while commanding the 831st Air Division, he had occasion to fly a mission from Thailand to N. Vietnam. Thus he would declare that he flew fighters in three wars. He was later promoted to Brigadier General and served 18 months in Vietnam.

“Final Tribute” a computer creation by Dave Ails in memory of Bill Bryon, Jr. showing him on his last flight.

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

339th Reunion 2008 –Washington, DC Oct 9-13 Page 5

As a highly decorated command pilot with greater than 5,000 hours of flight time, he finished his career as a Major General with 33 years of service to his country at which time he retired to Ocean Springs, Mississippi. His accommodations include the Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, the Distinguished Flying Cross with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, the Bronze Star, the Croix de Guerre, and the Air Medal with 23 Oak Leaf Clusters.

Our mother, Olive Bryan, traveled the world with him, raising their four children: Gale Singley of Pass Christian, MS, Julie Hurst of Norfolk, VA, William E. Bryan, III, of Raleigh, NC, and Joni Bryan of Mobile, AL. Until her death, several months before hurricane Katrina hit, their love story spanned sixty years. Dad has given us a lifetime of wonderful story telling, raunchy old military songs, a love of the music of the

'40s and '50s and jokes . . . many, many jokes . . . laughter and love. Until his death at age 86, he was a living legend. His sister, Ruth Yuille of Flint, MI, and his family and friends will miss him more than we can say. Farewell and blue skies for your last flight, Dad. General Bryan will be sent to Arlington, Virginia for interment in Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors on October 10th during our reunion at Washington, DC. All are invited to attend!

Drawing from Air Force Magazine by Art Brewster

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

Page 6 Newsletter – stephen.ananian@339fg.com

We saw a play and ate Chinese food! By Gerald E. Graham, pilot 505th FS

D-Day was anxiously awaited by all of the military personnel in England in the spring of 1944. After more than a year of training in the U.S., I was sent to England, arriving at Goxhill where I flew P-51 Mustangs at that operational training base.

Upon completion of my training I was sent to Fowlmere England, where I joined the 339th Fighter Group, 505th Squadron. I was assigned to “C” flight which was led by Richard Olander. Richard and I became close friends and spent many of our days off in London enjoying Chinese food in Chinatown and a stage play or a movie.

The military build up in England was gigantic, with airfields and military bases everywhere. We all knew that the invasion of Europe was to take place at any time but it was a well kept secret that only the highest level officers knew.

Richard Olander and I had completed 8 continuous days of combat duty and looked forward to 2 days off as was our regular schedule at that time. We took the train from Royston to London on June 5th 1944, did some sight seeing, and went to Chinatown for a Chinese dinner and then the theatre where we saw the stage play “Arsenic and Old Lace”. After spending the night in a London hotel we planned on having breakfast and do some sight seeing before returning to Fowlmere. As we were on our way to breakfast we were passing an office building staffed by military officers of “SHAEF” (Supreme Headquarters of Allied Expeditionary Forces). Parked at the curb in front of the building was an open command car with a woman in the driver’s seat reading a newspaper with an exceptionally large headline covering the entire width of the newspaper. We walked over to the car and Dick took the newspaper from the driver and saw the headline “Invasion” in large bold letters. We read a few of the details, handed the paper back to the driver, and ran back to our hotel for our bags. We then hailed a taxi to the train station, arrived at our base at Fowlmere, just in time to fly the next mission wearing our dress uniforms.

Lt. Gerald E. Graham

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

339th Reunion 2008 –Washington, DC Oct 9-13 Page 7

D-Day as the invasion is called will remain in our memory always. I recall the view of the beachhead as we flew over, with hundreds of empty ships and landing craft spread for miles along the shore. Our mission for the day was to patrol a section inland from the beachhead. On the map, the beachhead area was laid out in grids. We were divided into two sections with the first taking off before sunrise and remaining until relieved by the rest of the group shuttling back and forth all day long. Each section would return after being relieved, refuel, rearm and be ready to return so that our assigned rectangle was defended continuously from daybreak to sunset. Our mission was to destroy anything that moved in our area in order to deny the Nazi’s any material or reinforcements and to defend our troops against any attack by German aircraft.

June 6, 1944 is a memorable day in the lives of all who were involved in any way with the invasion of Europe which put an end to Hitler’s reign of terror and tyranny. I am proud to have been a part of a great day in our history and happy that I did not miss it.

Capt. Richard Olander

339th Fighter Group Association Board of Directors John B. Henry, Commander and HQ Director -

Lawrence J. Powell, President – William R. MacClarence, Vice President - Richard G. Thieme, Treasurer – Stephen C. Ananian, Secretary -

Warren L. Olsen, Ordnance Director - Luther Francis, 503rd Director – William Clark, Jr., 504th Director - David Williams, 505th Director –

Lawrence J. Powell, Reunion Coordinator – Joyce Eiswald, Hospitality Room Coordinator

Members Emeritus William R. Guyton, Past Treasurer - Chester Malarz, Advisor - James R. Starnes, Advisor

Dorothy Clark, Advisor Past Presidents

William E. Bryan, Jr., Sterling A. Conley, Fred W. Cox, Francis R. Gerard, Gerald E. Graham, Robert E. Irion, Lawrence J. Powell, Thomas G. Sams, Dr. Fred R. Scroggin,

James R. Starnes, Charles J. Steffen, Enoch B. Stephenson, Joseph L. Thury Newsletter Editor

Stephen C. Ananian - Phone (864) 288-2599 Email: - stephen.ananian@339fg.com

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

Page 8 Newsletter – stephen.ananian@339fg.com

Kilroy Was Here! By Ron Miller, 505th armorer

I'm sure that all of the members of our World War II military group remember seeing the expression "Kilroy was here," with a doodle of "Kilroy" peeking over a wall, and perhaps even writing and drawing one.

I recently read an article about the origin of this phrase. In 1946 the American Transit Association, sponsored a nationwide contest to find the REAL Kilroy, offering a prize of a real trolley car to the person who could prove to be the genuine article. Many men stepped forward to make the claim, but only one, James J. Kilroy from Halifax, Massachusetts, had evidence as the man behind the signature.

He was an American shipyard inspector who, during World War II, worked at the Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts, where he used to mark rivets he had checked. The builders, whose rivets he was counting, were paid based on the number of rivets they put in. A riveter would make a chalk mark at the end of his or her shift to show where they had left off and the next riveter had started.

Unscrupulous riveters discovered that, if they started work before the inspector arrived, they could receive extra pay by erasing the previous worker's chalk mark and chalking a mark farther back on the seam, giving themselves credit for some of the previous riveters work. Kilroy stopped this practice by writing "Kilroy was here" and drawing the doodle of a round head and long nose peeking over a fence. At the time, ships were being sent

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

339th Reunion 2008 –Washington, DC Oct 9-13 Page 9

out before they had been painted, so when sealed areas were opened for maintenance, soldiers found an unexplained name scrawled.

Thousands of servicemen may have potentially seen his slogan on the outgoing ships and Kilroy's omnipresence sparked Kilroy becoming the U.S. Super-GI who had always "already been" wherever servicemen went in Europe and all over the South Pacific.

To help prove his authenticity, James Kilroy brought along officials from the shipyard and some of the riveters. He won the trolley car, which he gave to his nine children as a Christmas gift and set it up as a playhouse in his front yard.

(This story was of special interest to me because it involved the Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts. After four years in the Marine Corps I became a civilian for eleven months starting in January 1941. When World War II began I signed up in the Army Air Corps in December 1941. During the eleven months as a civilian I had several jobs, both in Massachusetts and Oregon. One of the jobs was working in the Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts, working on the ship, the “Massachusetts." My job was to use a center point and hit it to make an indentation in the steel to help in measuring. One day as I was leaning over the bow to use the center point, I started slipping and thought for sure I was going to fall over the bow and become a "goner." Fortunately, I was able to catch myself - - and also make the indentation needed.)

Many stories have been written as to where the "Kilroy was here" sign was seen. It became a challenge to place the logo in the most unlikely places imaginable. It is said to be atop Mt. Everest, the Statue of Liberty, the underside of the Arch De Triumphe, and even scrawled in the dust on the moon.

There is a story that in 1945 an outhouse was built for the exclusive use of Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill at the Potsdam conference. The first person inside was Stalin, who emerged and asked his aid (in Russian), "Who is Kilroy?"

Those who attend the 339th reunion in Washington, D.C. in October will have a chance to visit the WWII Memorial and look for the engraving of Kilroy there.

Your 2008 DUES ARE DUE! Your $10 (tax-deductible) dues help cover the cost of this newsletter.

Newsletter Circulation – 492 – (447 USA, 45 Overseas

WWII Memorial in Washington, DC with the above engraving in granite!

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

Page 10 Newsletter – stephen.ananian@339fg.com

I recently received these fine photos of our San Antonio reunion taken by Jean Joe. Thank you Jean for your assistance!

L-R Maxine and John Henry with their guests Anne Boyd and Bill Borellis

L-R John Henry, James and Ruth Delisio

L-R George, Dennis and Jean Joe

Betty Miller and daughter Janet

James Delisio and Donald Gerard

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

339th Reunion 2008 –Washington, DC Oct 9-13 Page 11

D-Day! 64 Years Ago! By Stephen C. Ananian, Editor, pilot 505th

On June 6th 2008 the world will celebrate the 64th anniversary of D-Day. We, at the newsletter, are printing another D-Day story to honor the occasion! Jerry Graham, 505th pilot, recounts for us on page 6 his tale of that never to be forgotten day!

Also in this issue Larry Powell, president, gives further details of our reunion plans. We thought an opportunity to visit the White House would be an experience we would all enjoy. Due to security reasons for White House tours, we will not know the exact date or time until a week or two before the reunion. We just have “to play it by ear” for now. For those going on the White House tour please fill out the security form on page 19.

This year our Unit Dinners will be planned before our reunion but you need not send in money in advance. Hopefully this will allow our Unit Directors the freedom of picking a variety of restaurants in the area and will not restrict them to just the hotel meeting rooms.

A sad note - - - It is always distressing to hear of the loss of our comrades in nearly every issue of our newsletter but considering our age, I guess it is to be expected. I try to keep in touch with some of our ailing members by phone from time to time. Like Jim Starnes, I too was talking to Bill Bryan a few days before he passed away. We discussed his health, the difficulty he was having breathing and how he was coping with the situation. Bill had a positive outlook about his situation even though I knew he was uncomfortable breathing and suffering from pain. His parting words were, “Steve I will see you at our reunion!”

Slowly but surely, Bill seemed to be getting well! - Little did I know that our predicted meeting would end up at the Arlington National Cemetery to attend his and Ollie’s funeral!

Bill was a gentleman in every sense of the word and having known him was one of the finest moments of my life. I will miss him!

339th Fighter Group Lapel Pins This polished pewter four-colored Cloisonné lapel pin is a thing of

beauty! Only 7/8 of an inch in diameter it looks like a piece of fine jewelry. While we still have a few left! When they are gone that will be it! The

price is $10 each plus $2 shipping per order. Just drop me a line with a check to the return address on this newsletter (back page).

Actual size!

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

Page 12 Newsletter – stephen.ananian@339fg.com

Deceased Robert E. O’Brien, 503rd Squadron painter passed away on November

12, 2007. Robert was 97 years old and died four days before our 65th wedding anniversary. – Della O’Brien, wife.

Louis A. Oreggia, 505th Armorer passed away on February 20th, 2008. Louis, 88 years old had been suffering with Aldsheimers.

– Flo Oreggia, wife Salvatore “Sal” Alfred Carollo, 503rd adjutant passed away Friday night

March 14, 2008, peacefully, with his family at his side. This has been a 10 year struggle with Parkinson's and Alzheimers', but it would never have lasted this long if his body hadn't been incredibly strong. He was the absolute love of my life. I have asked that memorial contributions be sent in Sal's name to the 339th Fighter Group Association. –Marilyn Carollo, wife

William E. Bryan, Jr., 503rd Operations Officer, with his family at his side, was lost to us Sunday April 6, 2008. Our dad was a true war hero in every sense of the word. - - - His family and friends will miss him more than we can say. Farewell and blue skies for your last flight, Dad.

–William E. Bryan III, son Sarah Arkell Stockman (Sally), Wife of 504th pilot, died in the early

afternoon of May 7, 2008, from lung cancer. Her husband Hervey, was at her bedside. All who knew her adored her.

– Editor- Our condolences to all the families on their loss - - -

Robert E. O’Brien Louis Origgia Salvatore A. Carollo William E. Bryan, Jr. Sarah A. Stockman

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

339th Reunion 2008 –Washington, DC Oct 9-13 Page 13

Mail Bag continued next page

The following have donated monies in memory of their loved ones:- $200 in memory of William E. Bryan, Jr. by our CO John B. Henry, Jr.

$195 In memory of Sal Carollo by Charles Steffen, James Delisio, Constance Little, Nancy Swaja, Doris Wright and Delcise Dare.

$100 in memory of her father Group Deputy CO Harold Woodrow Scruggs, by his daughter Lisan E. Scruggs.

$50 in memory of his father 503rd FS pilot Lloyd Jeff French by his son Phillip French.

$30 in memory of her husband 505th pilot Roland E. Gousie by his wife Claire Gousie.

$20 in memory of her husband 504th pilot Gordon H. Chenez by his wife Barbara Chenez

$50 Charles Steffen, $25 David Delisio, $20 Warren Olsen, $35 John Withers, $35 Bayard Lawes, $20 Bill Langhor, $35 Dutch Eisenhart, $25 William Raines, $23 Eric Brown, $20 John Blizzard, Jr.,

We thank you all for your generous donations.

Grandson of 503rd mechanic Sgt. William Mangan writes:- Hi Steve,

Hope you are well. I wanted to reply to your request for opinions over the organization's future as outlined in the last newsletter. As someone who only recently came to know of it (grandson of Sgt Mangan, 503rd) I was delighted to find it even existed, let alone is so active.

By the time the next generation grows up, however, there will be no more original veterans around, but I think the curiosity of relatives tracing family trees, history buffs etc. in learning something of the people and events of the era will persist.

Perhaps having a permanent a comprehensive archive - internet based - with copies of previous newsletters, photos, personal experiences and so on could stand as such a resource.

For the veterans, I think Fowlmere was a brief but intense chapter that nobody else can truly understand. Having some taste of it though, with such an archive would be a worthy and ambitious project.

Best wishes, Jeff Costello-McFeat

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

Page 14 Newsletter – stephen.ananian@339fg.com

This note from Sandy Adelman, son of 505th Crew Chief Ron Epstein. Hello Steve, 3/3/2008

Received the excellent March newsletter. Really enjoyed the Janie restoration article and your correspondence with Peter Randall about Janie's 'true' ID. Most terrific is your first hand account of the dinghy cockpit explosion. How in the world did you think that fast to pull out your GI knife?!! Amazing. Was wondering if you could explain what your statement “Upper 79 in case anything happens . . “' refers to in your story, if you recall?

Was also sad to hear Capt. John Holloway passed. Attached is picture of Capt. Holloway on the right with my dad his crew chief Ron Epstein (leaning, cap brim up), and Vito Clapps, also assigned to John's flight. The notes on the back of the picture say they are taking a look at the tail damage sustained during a flight on 8/4/44. The stabilizer was damaged when hit by the jettisoned canopy of an ME 109 which Holloway was in the process of shooting down - -

Unfortunately I've not been able to locate any further correspondence between Holloway and my Dad.

My Dad and Vito took lots of pride in prepping the 51's and keeping them in the air. John and his group received a citation for most consecutive missions flows without an abort. - - - Thanks for your help Steve

Sanford 'Sandy' Adelman Sandy, that statement in my story refers to the possibility that I might be forced

down in the water due to mechanical problems or enemy action. Steve

The following mail from 505th Squadron CO, Don Larson’s biographer:- Dear Steve, March 26, 2008

Enclosed is a check for donation honoring Sal Carollo. Though I did not know him I know that your 339th Fighter Group Assn. runs on the goodwill of us members.

With the gas about $3.50 a gallon, and other things being raised, a good non-profit is faced with increasing dues, if not getting estates for donations.

We have had a very mild winter in Eastern Washington this year. Nearly every day we have some sunshine and we only had measurable snow four times which have added up to about 16 inches. I can remember back in 1950, our first winter east of the Cascade Mountain range, when we had a temperature for several days about 23 degrees below. When we talk about climate change, that was 58 years ago and people drained their radiators at night. Seattle seems to get a lot more snow than we do.

I look forward to seeing the newsletter and marveling at the group of the 339th that remain active. My husband, Royal was in the 6th Air Force unit stationed in Panama for two years during the war but finished his tour of duty in Vancouver,

Maj. Don Larson

Ron Epstein

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

339th Reunion 2008 –Washington, DC Oct 9-13 Page 15

Continued next page

WA. We had just married and the Government paid for Royal’s berth and railroad fare. He canceled the berth and I went along with him to Santa Monica where they had a rest place for veterans returning to the States. I got my meals for a Quarter each. He had some military activity every day but we had lots of time to explore the waterfront. A great Honeymoon long remembered. After those two weeks we returned to Bellingham, WA for a month and then he went to school in New Jersey. He was a liaison for the returning enlisted men and a lieutenant was in charge of the officers. Their duties were to help these men and women who had been prisoners of war to get their affairs in order with pay, leave etc. He had many sad stories to tell but now his memory has lapsed so they will never be written.

I am plugging away on Major Donald A. Larson’s account of his life, using the script that I did for the video I edited. It has been an honor to meet the many people through my research to locate Larson and learn about his life. I am so pleased that men are still living who actually remember him. This is remarkable.

Keep those blue skies cloudless for us each month! Constance Little We thank you for your very kind words and the “Memorial” donation on behalf

of Sal Carollo’s family and ourselves.

This photo from Nick King, our good friend in the UK: -

Steve, 3/1/2008 Thought I'd seen the above crash picture before, I'm sure it's the

same. Serial is certainly 413569; Bowers took stacks of crash and damaged plane photos mostly at Manston. Note the squadron ID mistake; at this time (early 70s) writers were confusing the 504th and 505th.

I suspect 413521 (also a D--5) wouldn't have had the fin fillet added by August though a few did.

Steve thanks for the newsletter, love to Isabel. Tinplate 71 Nick King Nick King

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

Page 16 Newsletter – stephen.ananian@339fg.com

Thank you Nick for your thoughts! Peter Randall’s response to Nick: - Nick, 3/2/2008

Thanks for the input. I knew about that photo from Bowers but the crash was actually on 20 June at Fowlmere with Bill Routt in control and due to a systems failure. Damage was fairly minor as can be seen, so very likely 44-13569 would have been returned to service although possibly recoded. Point being that with Peter having 5Q-B code, he most likely "pulled rank" and took 44-13330 due to 44-13569 being out of commission for a while. That is the point that I was trying to make to Maurice and why I thought that 5Q-B was "suspect" for "Marinell". I originally had "Marinell" listed on site as 5Q-B but had my doubts. I finally bit the bullet and changed it to 5Q-D about the time that the article appeared in Flypast. As the article quoted my entry almost verbatim, I naturally assumed that the 5Q-B was also taken from the web site rather than the MACR - hence my anxiety! Steve's article in the newsletter is of course paraphrased from what I wrote to Maurice. I have attached a copy of the original as it might let you see what my train of thought was a little clearer.

Best wishes, Peter

- - - and the story goes on!

Make the following additions or changes to your new mailing list: -

Change: - Members Sanford Adelman Son of 505th Crew Chief Ron Epstein, 8142 La Paz Dr. Apt. 10, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Ferland Adams, 505th Radio Maintenance, 945 Maple Street, Vergennes, VT 05491-9425 Gilbert, Blakely S., 504th – Great nephew of pilot Kenneth Gilbert, 3405 SW 106th Ave., Beaverton, OR 97005 Tim C. Ferrell, 503rd son of pilot Clarence Ferrell, 3033 Ghurchill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-3716 Allen, Seri F., 504th - Daughter of Dale Fitzgerald Communications Supt., 3163 E. Hollyhock Hill, Salt Lake City, UT 84121

Delete: - Weldon Miller- 503rd armorer, Newsletter returned marked “Unable to forward”, Pauline Perry 504th Newsletter returned.

Peter Randall

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

339th Reunion 2008 –Washington, DC Oct 9-13 Page 17 Continued next page

White House, and DC Tour including Arlington Cemetery:- Oct. 10th Friday – A 6 hour narrated tour of the White House, a city tour of Washington

and Arlington Cemetery to attend the Military Funeral of MG Bill Bryan and his wife Olive. Six hour tour only price $30 Washington DC Monuments at Night Tour:- Oct. 11th Saturday Night – A narrated night tour of Washington’s monuments seen bathed

in artificial light. A “Must See” experience! Three hour tour only price $20

Provence Chicken - Oven Roasted Chicken Breast with Herbs de Provence and Mushroom Cognac Sauce with Saffron Basmati Rice and Baby Carrots. Price $35

Seared Salmon - Seared Atlantic Salmon with a Lemon, Oregano and Caper Beurre Blanc with Wild Rice Pilaf and Baby Carrots. Price $45 NY Strip Steak Grilled 10 oz. New York Strip with Red Onion Confit and Yukon Gold Gorgonzola Potatoes and Sugar Snap Peas. – Price $45

Dinners are served with Caesar salad, potatoes, vegetables, dessert - Freshly Baked Rolls with Butter - Freshly Brewed Colombian Coffee or Freshly Brewed Iced Tea with Lemon Wedges

All prices Include 20% Service Charge (Tip) and applicable Sales Tax.

Capital Breakfast Buffet - Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice, Grapefruit Juice,

Cranberry Juice, Apple Juice and V-8 Juice, Seasonal Fresh Fruits, Berries and whole Bananas with Maple - Vanilla Yogurt Dressing, Scrambled Eggs with Chives, Crisp Bacon Strips and Sausage Links, Roasted Breakfast Potatoes, Freshly Baked Breakfast Breads, Muffins, Croissants, and Assorted Danish, A Display of Fresh Baked Bagels, Served with Butter, Plain and Flavored Cream Cheeses and Fresh Fruit Preserves.

Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Assorted Bigelow Herbal Teas, Assorted Soft Drinks and Mineral Water.

$20 per person (Includes 20% Tip and applicable Sales Tax)

October 9th, Thursday All Units will Host Bar!

12:00noon – Registration at 339th Hospitality Room 5:00pm – 6:00pm Welcome meeting

Oct. 10th Friday 505th will Host Bar! 8:00am - White House Tour, followed by City Tour then to Arlington Cemetery for funeral. 12:30 - 3:30pm – Military Funeral services for MG Bill Bryan at the Arlington National Cemetery.

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

Page 18 Newsletter – stephen.ananian@339fg.com

5:30pm – Possible Unit Dinners – Socialize and refreshments at “Hospitality Room”

Oct. 11th Saturday 504th will Host Bar! 9:00am – 10:00am - Board of Director’s Meeting 10:00AM – 11:00am - General Membership meeting Free schedule rest of the day to socialize, see the sights or whatever. 5:30pm – Possible Unit Dinners – 7:00pm – 10:00pm Night tour of monuments

Socialize and refreshments at “Hospitality Room” after Oct. 12th Sunday 503rd will Host Bar!

Free schedule all day to socialize, see the sights or whatever. 6:00pm - Cash Bar - followed by 7:00pm - Banquet Dinner - After dinner socialize at “Hospitality Room”

Oct. 13th Monday morning 6:30am – 9:30am - Farewell Breakfast Buffet

12:00noon Checkout.

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Reunion Registration Form Please fill in your Name:-

First _________________ Last ____________________________ Unit ______ Number attending ______

Also list any additional guest names separately for Name Tags. Number Amount

� Registration Fee $15 each ________ ________ � 6 hour City Tour – (Photo ID or Passport required!) $30 each ________ ________ � 3 hour Night Tour $20 each ________ ________

Sunday Night Banquet Dinner � Fish $45 each ________ ________ � Beef $45 each ________ ________ � Chicken $35 each ________ ________

Monday Morning Farewell Breakfast � Farewell Breakfast $20 each ________ ________

Total ________ Make your checks payable to the 339th Fighter Group Association And mail with this completed form (or photo copy) to: -

Richard G. Thieme, Treasurer, 2732 South 7th Street, Sheboygan, WI 53081-6802 Phone: (920) 452-4780

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NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association June 1, 2008

339th Reunion 2008 –Washington, DC Oct 9-13 Page 19

Unit Dinners First __________________ Last ___________________ Unit _____ Number attending ______ (YOUR NAME above) Indicate number of each � Chicken ________� Beef _________ � Fish _________

Mail this coupon, no money! To the appropriate unit directors listed below so that we know how many are attending. You pay and order your menu choice at the restaurant!

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Unit Directors 503rd Unit Dinner - Fill out unit form below and mail to: - Luther Francis, 503rd Director, 29 Hillview Road, Gorham, ME 04038 Phone: (207)-839-8744

504th, HQ & ORD Unit Dinners - This year our CO, HQ & ORD are invited to join the 504th Unit Dinner. Fill out unit form below and mail to: - William Clark, Jr., 109 Sherwood Oaks Dr., Waco, TX 76705- Phone: (570) 689-4090

505th Unit Dinner - Fill out the form below and mail to: - Dave Williams, 505th Director, c/o Jeff Williams, 1111 Army Navy Drive #1419, Arlington, VA 22202 - Cell Phone: 703-244-9992.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - White House Tour

For those of you going on the White House Tour we will need the following information for security clearance. Please fill out form and mail to Treasurer with reservation form. For US Citizens:- Name (First, Last) Date of Birth S/Security # Country of birth 1.

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Add more if necessary on separate sheet. For our friends from Britain:- Name (First, Last) Passport # Expiration Date 1.

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Add more if necessary on separate sheet.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

June 1, 2008

339th Fighter Group Association, Inc. C/o Stephen C. Ananian 4 North Orchard Farms Avenue Simpsonville, SC 29681-4866, USA



To: - Mailing Address

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -MAILING LIST UPDATE FORM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Check your name and address on the mailing label. Make certain it is correct. If not, fill out

this form and mail to the address below. If you wish to pay dues you may also use this form.

Please accept my donation of $10 for my dues for the 339th FGA. (Tax Exempt)

Please add my name to the mailing list.

Please send me ________ 339th Lapel Pins @ $10 each plus $2 additional for shipping (Number of pins)

Please mail me the 2007 Membership Roster (Mailing addresses).

339th Fighter Group Association, Inc. C/o S. C. Ananian 4 North Orchard Farms Ave., Simpsonville, SC 29681-4866, USA

NAME _____________________________________________________ First Middle Last ADDRESS __________________________________________________

CITY _________________________ STATE _________ ZIP _________

Phone (if you wish) ______________ E-mail _________________________________

Clip here