June Bulletin

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Monthly Bulletin



The San Francisco Yacht Club

June 2010

2 • June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org

TThhee BBuulllleett iinnMagazine of

The San Francisco Yacht Club

May 2010Volume 16 • Issue 5


Commodore Raymond LynchVice Commodore Robert HellerRear Commodore Robert GriswoldSecretary Bill MelbostadTreasurer Suzie MoorePort Captain Jay HookerDirectors: Steve Fentress

Tad LaceyEd LynchJohn RittenhousePaul RosenlundS/C Kyle Elliott


President Alisa BekinsVice President Lisa RosenlundTreasurer Mimi BlakesleeSecretary Melissa TulpDirectors: Kari Cusack

Ginny DeMariaLori FrommLee JohnsonCindie O’DonnellGinna MilanLaura RousseauJane YoungHelen Reilly - Ex-OfficioKim Lynch - Honorary

General Manager Dennis ConneallyAsst. General Manager Evelyne Swinscoe-Byer


Editors P/P Mimi Cornelius S/C John Swain

Production Manager Vince Mattera

Bulletin Committee Joan Linn BekinsDennis ConneallyMickey McClureMike NorthBill ReillyP/P Sally SecorEvelyne Swinscoe-ByerBarbara Raeuber ThomasRoss Tibbits

Contributors Bob Van Blaricom, Royanne Florence, Ed Lynch, Steve & GingerMason, Angie Lackey Olsen, Leslie Ruhland, Bill Stark,Sergei Zavarin


Belvedere, CA 94920-0379(415) 435-9133 • FAX (415) 435-8547



The San Francisco Yacht Club

November 2009

Columns3 Commodore

10 Auxiliary President

18 General Manager

19 Food and Beverage

Departments6 Bowline

7 Around The Club

8 Race News

11 Harbor

14 Cruising

Features16 Crossing Wakes

17 Eight Bells

Social Events12 On the Horizon

photo by Sergei Zavarin

Maureen Herr looked greatin a Trina Turk ensemble.

Cover photo: CommodoreLynch on thebridge of Tom Perkins’Maltese Falconduring the 2008Leukemia Cup.

Front Row (Left to right): Secretary Bill Melbostad, Rear Commodore Robert Griswold, Jr., Commodore Ray Lynch, Vice Commodore Robert Heller, Treasurer Suzie Moore, Director John Rittenhouse. Back Row (Left to right): StaffCommodore Kyle Elliot, Director Steve Fentress, Director TadLacey, Director Paul Rosenlund, Director Ed Lynch

From the CommodoreFrom the CommodoreRaymond Lynch Commodore / commodore@sfyc.org

ell let’s takecare of businessfirst and answer

last month’s column endingquestion to “Name ThatTune”! Contrary to apparentpopular belief, I do knowsongs other than those sungby Jimmy Buffet. The cor-rect answer was BobSeeger’s, “In Your Time”.Although there were manywinners, the first correct oneI received, was from StaffCommodore Bill Smith,

who had to withstand a severe scrutiny by the East Germanjudges over many, many unrelated issues. A great bottle ofcabernet is on its way, Bill.

Around The Club: Your Board of Directors has been hardat work with many key, long term planning issues. In Novemberthe Board voted to proceed with a much needed kitchen remod-el that has been mandated more than anything by the MarinCounty Health Department. Primarily due to the lack of spacein the current kitchen, The Club is lacking enough quality freez-er space to bring food down to the required temperature withinthe timelines allowed. When the kitchen was last remodeled,(in 1994, I believe) we kept most of the existing equipment.Like many things, this equipment has lived out its’ useful life.In order to provide enough storage capacity to meet code in thegalley remodel, it is necessary to cannibalize the AccountingOffice. But there are two items The Club is lacking across theentire property, storage and office space. An encroachment intothe lawn area is the only solution. So a plan was drawn up to

begin the official remodeling permit process through the City ofBelvedere.

At the same time, the Board authorized hiring an outsidebuilding consultant to determine the integrity of the Cove House.While the foundation seems to have somehow stood the test oftime, I’m afraid the rest of the beloved shack has not fared sowell. Simultaneous to pursuing these endeavors, we were meet-ing with the City of Belvedere about The Club’s need to obtain aConditional Use Permit for the occasional use of tents duringlarge events. Not wanting to waste precious time, we brought upour needs for a Cove House remodel and the kitchen expansion.The City said to “bring it all at once”. So The SFYC will look atthese ideas as a Master Plan and then probably break the projectinto components. So the diagrams on the following pages showthe Board’s vision for the entire remodeling project. This willbegin months of meetings and planning on The Club’s part. Itwill involve the House, Harbor, Race, and Finance Committeesall studying and contributing to a plan that will provide the bestoutcome for The Club’s future. Of course, you, the members willhave the final say. But we need to find out what our parametersare first. And please remember, I said long term planning!

Going further around The Club: Our first Annual CincoDe Mayo Party was a huge success. Over 250 members showedup on a Wednesday evening for Chef Rene’s “South of theBorder” delights. Once again, if you missed out, try and makeour next trip as we head down to the Caribbean Zone for aJimmy Buffet Beach Party in late July. We are also trying to pulloff a Blue Hawaii Party in late June, a chance for everyone tostrut around in their version of beautiful Hawaiian shirts, sippingRay’s Mai Tais and eating Rene’s pupus. Has you running for thecloset to find “that one shirt” already doesn’t it? Stay tuned.

June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org • 3


New frontview fromBeach Road

(continued on page 4)

4 • June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org

View fromthe Harbor

View of new officeadditionfrom DryStorage Area



















(E) H E D G E



(E) L A W N



(N) P A T H (E) S I D E W A L K






















Out on the water: Things have real-ly picked up. First off, in late breakingnews, the youngsters got it right. Whilethe adults couldn’t get it together, theStFYC and SFYC youth programs gottogether under the great leadership ofMike Kalin, StFYC Youth Director, andraced The Little SF Cup. The races wereheld in J22s, best three out of five, andsailed at a neutral site, the Sausalito YachtClub. The team of Nick Dugdale, ScottLynch, and young Jack Barton came outon top 3-1, to win this inaugural eventagainst a terrific team from The StFYC!Two hotshot nineteen year old collegesailors dragged along a freshman in highschool to go out and practice. They thenhit the Bay and brought home the trophy.Now that’s what I’m talking about!Couple these youth endeavors with

(continued from page 3)






















(N) FP






June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org • 5

New frontview ofCove House

New side andrear view ofCove House

Scooter Simmons capturing theCentennial Cup in his J105, andwe’ve cornered the century! OurClub Series continues to have bigturnouts. Elite Keel had a remark-able number of boats and many,many members are getting out forFriday Night Racing next door. It’sa beautiful thing! Last week, StaffCommodore Kyle Elliott and Ihad a further meeting with GaryJobson, from Annapolis Yacht Clubabout an East-West challenge. Andjust in – I received a nice note fromSFYC member, Roger Chrisman,who happens to be the currentCommodore of the Santa BarbaraYacht Club, the second oldest yachtclub on the West Coast. Roger andhis great club would like to see ifthere is interest in developingsomething between us that couldfurther the camaraderie betweentwo great clubs! I have been askedabout our (my) approach to theseover the horizon endeavors. Mythoughts are we should be lookingfor events and venues that morethan just the sailors in the boat(s)can enjoy. I want to see us load thebus with the band and taxi squadand go have some fun somewherebefore my year is over; a fantasticevent that will help create some-thing that will be looked forward toby our entire membership. We canand will do this!

Hope to see everyone aroundThe Club or on the water.


6 • June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org

The BowlineThe BowlineKeeping The SFYC membership tied to what’s happening around The Club

SFYCPhoto ContestScheduled for

September 2010Get your cameras ready. The

Bulletin is having a photo contest.Photos will be accepted startingSeptember 1st. So start taking photosnow that capture “The Spirit of theSFYC”. More information will be print-ed in upcoming issues of The Bulletin.

SFYC Ship’s Store SaleThe SFYC Ship’s Store will be

holding a terrific sale throughout themonth of June. All merchandise will be20% off its original selling price.Support your Club- Shop early, shopoften!

Can’t wait until the first of themonth to read your Bulletin?

Get it delivered to your new iPador computer up to a week early.You might even save a woodenboat from being recycled intopaper!

For a sample, check out:http://issuu.com/sfyc.org/docs/bulletin_april_2010_final

Sign up for digital delivery of

The Bulletin by contacting The SFYC Desk at415-435-9133 or


Got Ideas?The Bulletin editors welcome ideas

for possible articles for the magazinefrom The SFYC membership. Pleasecontact the editors at bulletin@sfyc.org.

Master MarinersWooden Boat Show

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Supports the Preservation ofClassic Sailing Vessels,

Seamanship and Nautical Education

Corinthian Yacht ClubMain Street, Tiburon

10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

A rare opportunity to view andboard San Francisco Bay’s classic sail-ing yachts, meet the skippers and learntheir history.Admission $10 Children under 12 free

The GreatSan FranciscoSchooner Race

Returns ToThe SFYC

The 2010 Great Schooner Racewill take place Saturday,August 28th at The SFYC.

These beautiful, and in many caseshistoric, vessels will begin arriving

on Thursday, August 26th and will beavailable for viewing at the GuestDocks before and after the race.

Celebrating our maritime her-itage, this event promises to be big-ger and better than ever. The days’activities at The Club will includesome great surprises, a Parade of Sailbefore the race and a barbecue partyafterwards. All members are invited.Bring your family and enjoy the day!

Once again we have charteredthe eighty foot staysail schoonerSeaward to represent The SFYC inthe race. There are a few spots openfor SFYC members who would liketo sail in the race on board Seawardfor a tax deductible donation. Formore information contact StaffCommodore John Swain at435-0468.

Save A Wooden Boat

Around The ClubAround The Club

Walking into The SFYC bar after the race theother evening, I overheard an interestingstatement regarding some other attractive

females who followed me in. “Hey guys, look –‘Racer Chasers’. They’re here just to hang aroundcool guys…like us.” There was a subtle movement atthe bar as the smart guys backed away from thespeaker. Unbeknownst to “Testosterone-boy” thereare an abundance of SFYC female sailors who couldclean the clocks of quite a few of the Friday NightBig Shots (FNBS). From a Rolex Sailor of the Yearto collegiate All Americans, SFYC women have beenknown to not only improve the visual ambiance ofselect watering holes, but have also crossed oceans,reefed mains in fifty knot winds, raced in nationalteam racing championships, climbed masts of seventyplus height to retrieve errant halyards and…need Ipoint out the obvious?…. are capable of giving birth.Might I suggest a different line at the bar….

This is all from me, Your On-the-Dock Reporter.

Hard AgroundBy P. Anderson

Rob Slaymakeris nearly readyto launch theNorwegianFaering that hehas been build-ing in his work-shop at his homenear the club.

June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org • 7

8 • June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org

Etchells FleetThe Etchells Fleet got their season under way on May 1 - 2. Finishers in the

money for the SFYC burgee are:Saturday: Ben Wells on Mr. Natural in secondSunday: Ben Wells on Mr. Natural in first and Bill Melbostad/Bryan Moore on JRin second.

YRA Season OpenerThe Great Vallejo Race - May 1 - 2

The season opener… Hundreds of boats from all over the bay gathered in theBerkeley Circle for the start of the Great Vallejo Race. Sailors looked forward to anexciting spinnaker run with jibing duels as they headed north to the Vallejo YachtClub for Saturday’s post race BBQ and live music entertainment. Sunday’s beatback to the main bay finished off the San Rafael channel. SFYC racers scoredpoints in their respective YRA classes as follows (single race participants do notreceive points):

Saturday: Steve Stroub’s Tiburon, second, Mark Dowdy on Eclipse, first, JimLindsay on Topgallant, third and Richard von Ehrenkrook on Can o’ Whoopass,first.

Sunday: Richard von Ehrenkrook on Can o’ Whoopass, first, Mark Dowdyon Eclipse, second and Mary Coleman’s Astra, first.

Farallones Race - May 8, 2010This is a race that is one of the oldest in the Bay Area. S/C Ken Frost found a

newspaper article from 1907 announcing the race. It was then SFYC CommodoreF.G. Phillippe’s idea, and he donated a “handsome silver trophy” for the event. Therace was open to any yacht on the West Coast. The starting line was an imaginaryline from Point Bonita to Fort Point, and with the start at 0900, the boats had 14hours in which to race around the Farallone Islands and finish. SFYC ran the racefor many years from a Committee Boat in the Bay, but it has now become anOffshore Yacht Racing Association (OYRA) race. SFYC runs the race for theOYRA. As with most OYRA races, the start is off the Golden Gate Yacht Club’s

Club member, Kirk Smith, createdthe Anniversary Cup in 1994, honor-ing the SFYC’s 125th anniversary.

Since then it has been held each year on theSaturday before Opening Day, and is includ-ed as one of the regattas in the ClubChampionship Series.

Three races out of a possible nine in theClub Championship Series have been com-pleted to date. Saturday, April 24 was awonderful spring day – sunny with moderatebreeze in which the twenty four participat-ing boats completed two races. JeffZarwell, PRO, and his team of Jay Hooker,Lynn Spiller, Anne Scully, Tess Morantes,Mindy Spence, Janet and Jeff Hawkins,Mark Gathings, Kim Bishop, and JohnStuart, set Course #4 for the first race.Racers took the longer course up to YellowBluff, down to #8, back to Yellow Bluff andthen to finish. The second double W/Lshorter course got everyone back to the dockaround 5 pm.

Winners of the Anniversary Cup andrecipients of the Pineapple Sails raceinstruction protectors were:

Non-Spinnaker: First (and winner ofthe perpetual trophy donated by John Lowe,a former Youth Member of SFYC) - GlennIsaacson on Q, Second - Suzie Mitchell &Tom Perot on QE3, Third - Julia Yost &Nancy Rogers on Spirit.

Spinnaker: First (and winner of theNon-Spinnaker perpetual trophy also donat-ed by John Lowe) - Steve Stroub onTiburon, Second- Skip and JodyMcCormack on Trunk Monkey, Third -Fennel/Baylis/ Froeb contingent on Good& Plenty.

WBRA NewsCissy Kirrane on her Bird Robin

brings home the first place position in bothraces in the WBRA regatta held on the Cityfront on May 1. As Cissy is the 2009 Birdchampion, we are not the least bit surprisedat her consistent performance at the top ofthe fleet. Congratulations Cissy!

Race NewsRace News

Anniversary Cup –April 24

photo by Sergei Zavarin

June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org • 9


June 5 - 6:Express 37 & J/120


June 12 - 13:J/105 Invitational

June 19 - 20:Easom Founders &

Melges 24 Invitational

Race Deck. This year, PRO Erich Ringewald, arranged for two separatecommittees, one for the start and one for the finish – which was definitely notearly in the day! The total distance is calculated at 58 nautical miles and theresults were based on PHRF handicap corrected times.

Two SFYC member boats participated in this year’s race: TrigLiljestrand’s Ragtime, got second place in their division and Paul Tomita’sExpress Lane, also owned by Pieter de Vries and Lisa Brinkmann, manageda fourth place finish. Full results can be found at:http://www.yra.org/OYRA/docs/Results/OYRA_farallones_2010_results.pdf

Rules ReviewLarry Drew held a review of the 2009-2012 rules in the Commodores’

Room on April 29. Larry organized an entertaining and educational eveningfor about 25 racers, utilizing an animated program downloaded from HalseyUK. In these scenarios, boats slow down as they luff and speed up when thesails are trimmed in. Spinnakers even come down as boats round marks.Collisions occur and protests are called. After analyzing the animation, withmuch vigorous discussion each time, participants went on to read the “FactsFound” and the “Conclusions and Rules That Apply” to each of the protest sit-uations shown. If you are interested in trying this out at home, please visit:http://www.ukhalsey.com/rulesquiz/quiz_list.asp. Perhaps we can convinceLarry to host this again in the future.

Angie Lackey Olson, 2010 Race Council Chair

Let’s find a cure. The fifth annual Leukemia Cup Regatta

benefiting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society will be held

on October 2nd and 3rd at The San Francisco Yacht Club

in Belvedere, CA. Register at: leukemiacup.org/sf



10 • June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org

Alisa Bekins, Auxiliary President

Lastly, the Auxiliary Board is talking about organiz-ing another session of women’s sailing lessons. Theselessons would be open to Auxiliary and Club membersonly. If you think you might have an interest in learningto sail with our top-notch instructors please let me know!

All the best,Alisa

Auxiliary NewsAuxiliary NewsAlisa Bekins, SFYC Auxiliary President, 2010

Hello from the Auxiliary. We were so pleased to see such strongClub participation in the recent Opening Day Raffle and theTrina Turk Fashion Show Luncheon! We’re very confident the

Youth Sailing Program will benefit greatly from all the monies raised.First, Opening Day, what fun! The Club was absolutely packed full

of new and regular members as well as a fewlocals who added some entertainment. MimiBlakeslee, Lee Johnson and I did our best to makeit through the crowd and sell-sell-sell our raffletickets. What fun it was to draw the name of thelucky winner, who was…. Alison Russell!However, she had graciously given her lucky ticketto young Brooke Brilliant who was SO excited towin the bunny. Little did she know, it came with akayak, life vest and paddle! Congratulations,Brooke!

Second, The Trina Turk Fashion ShowLuncheon was spectacular. What a huge turnout!

Co-Chairs Cindie O’Donnell, Kari Cusack and Laura Rousseau dida phenomenal job transforming The Club into a chic “Palm Springs”environment. Our elegant models really stole the show. The Auxiliarywould like to give special thanks to models Maureen Herr, ShanaLynch, Jill Finegold, Elaine Nolan and P/P Carol Jesmore. Youlooked gorgeous ladies. Many guests had a great time shopping TrinaTurk’s new spring line. The clothes where flying off the rack! We alsohad the pleasure of sampling wine from a new label called 94574 Brandfrom winemakers Dave Barry and Henry Schlangen. What a lovelytreat. Thank you to everyone for making it an event to remember!

2010 SFYCAuxiliary Boardof DirectorsBack row, left to right:Ginny DeMaria,Jane Young, Kari Cusack, Lori Fromm, Kim Lynch, Laura Rousseau,Cindie O'Donnell,Ginna Milan, andLee Johnson.Front row,left to right: Mimi Blakeslee,Lisa Rosenlund,Alisa Bekins,P/P Helen Reilly, and Melissa Tulp.

Trina Turk Fashion Show Luncheon Co-Chairs, Kari Cusack, Laura Rousseau and Cindie O’Donnell.

Brooke Brilliantand her newbunny.

HarborHarborEd Lynch, Harbor Chair / elynch@rpm-mtg.com

As I write this month’s article, it isstill raining and I am beginningto wonder if it will ever stop. It

certainly has caused some delays in get-ting projects completed around the har-bor, but we will prevail. By the time wego to print, many of the projects --including the new North Hoist Dock, pilecaps, pile hooks, new rescue ladders(with yellow bands around the piling tomark the ladders) – will be completed.The harbor staff has really stepped up tothe plate and taken care of many of thesejobs as well as a list of repairs found dur-ing a recent harbor survey.

Many of you may be aware thatJerry Fisher, our Harbormaster, has beenout of commission after a couple of seri-ous surgeries. Originally, Jerry wanted tokeep this information low-key, but manymembers expressed much concern forJerry and wanted more news about hiscondition. I am now happy to report thatJerry is expected to make a full recoveryand will be back to The SFYC by earlysummer. Here is an update from Jerry:

To the members of The San Francisco Yacht Club,

I would like to thank each and every member for your concern and warm wishes.About three weeks ago I had my gall bladder taken out, along with a tumor removedfrom my kidney. I am feeling much better as each day goes by. I am now the proudowner of a scar on my side that looks like I have been bitten by a large shark. It is avery appropriate scar considering my occupation. In addition, the doctors have foundthat I have prostate cancer, so I will be having a second surgery on May 13th to removemy prostate. After that, from everything I have been told by my doctors, I will be can-cer-free and able to resume my life that I have had on hold for the past few weeks.

My wife Michelle and our 12-year-old Dachshund have been a wonderful supportduring my recovery. In fact, our Dachshund recently had a tumor removed from herchest and she is fully recovered and running around full of energy and full of life. So I,along with Winifred, recommend a physical checkup with your doctor no matter howold you are, male or female. Please take the time to get a physical. Early detection isvery important. You can then discuss with your doctor how often you should come backfor another physical exam. I would consider this as a favor not only to me but a favorto your family.

Please take care and I hope to be back sometime in early June when I get medicalclearance. Until then, I miss The San Francisco Yacht Club and all its members withall of my heart.

Jerry Fisher

I think I speak for all of us at The SFYC in wishing Jerry a speedy recovery. - Ed

Harbormaster Jerry Fisherin action.

June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org • 11

12 • June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org

On the HorizonOn the Horizon



The San Francisco Yacht Club’s

Flag Officer’sBuffet

Father’s DaySunday, June 20

Entertain Friends and Family

Chef Reny’s Spectacular BuffetServed 6 – 9 p.m.

Reservations RequestedContact the Front Office(415) 435-9133, ext. 10

The San Francisco Yacht Club’s

Pasta NightSunday, June 6

Enjoy fresh pasta dishescooked to order in the

Member’s Dining Room

BUILD YOUR OWN PASTA BAR INCLUDES CHOICES OF:Steak, Chicken, Shrimp, Scallops and Calamari

Bell Peppers, Mushrooms, Olives, Broccoli, Sundried Tomatoes, Winter Squash and Seasonal Vegetables


Alfredo Sauce, Pesto Sauce or Marinara SauceDelicious Garlic Bread and Full Salad Bar

with Chef Reny’s famous Assorted Salads

ALL YOU CAN EAT:$18.95++ Adults $10.95++ Kids 10 and under

CelebrateNew Beginnings

at The Club –

CelebrateNew Beginnings

at The Club –SFYC Catering Department

Can Build Your Dreams

Contact Natalie Watsonat catering@sfyc.org or 435-9133 ext. 25

June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org • 13

On the HorizonOn the Horizon

Fourth of JulyBBQ 2010

Kids $7.95++10 and under

Adults $12.95++

Choice of:Hamburger

Hot DogGrilled Chicken Breast

Carne Asada

Includes:Texas Chili


Eight SelectionSalad Bar

BBQ UPGRADE Adults $18.95++

Choice of:Black Angus

N.Y. Steakor

Grilled Salmon

Includes:Texas Chili


Eight SelectionSalad Bar




Cash Prices:$10.00 Kids • $17.00 Adults • $25.00 Adult Upgrade

Wine Tasting PartySaturday, August 7

An Evening to Explore Many New and Exceptional Wines at the Club

Winery Representatives will be on hand to answer questions about their wines…

Good Food, Great Wines

6:00 to 9:00 p.m.Reservations Requested - No Reserved Tables

Food Stations and Kiosk Tablesin the Dining Room andon Main Deck

Save The Date!

Join Us in Margaritaville!Saturday, July 24

Dockside hangin’,dancin’ and wastin’

away… To live music

fromCaribbean R & B

6 – 10 p.m.

5 p.m. - Sunrise

$18.95 per person

Volleyballstarts at 5 p.m.

Prices Subject to Service and Tax

See You at The Club!

14 • June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org

Join us for someFun-in-the-Sun on the

Encinal Yacht Club Cruise:June 25-27th

Come join us for a relaxed weekendof summer fun and camaraderie at theEncinal Yacht Club on the weekend ofJune 25-27th. The EYC is located on theAlameda Estuary which is a great cruisedestination for adults and families (i.e.kids!) The weather is warm, the estuaryis calm and the pool is heated!!

We will be relaxing on our boats, rac-ing around in dinghies and lounging bythe pool. There are also local activitiessuch as: taking dinghies to Jack LondonSquare, touring the aircraft carrier USSHornet, wine tasting at RosenblumCellars or spirit tasting at St. GeorgeSpirits, visiting the pinball museum, tak-ing in a movie at the beautifully restoredtheatre, or just taking a stroll through thetree-lined Victorian neighborhoods.Friday night you have the option of cruis-ing to Jack London Square or to EYC.Saturday we will all be at EYC for dock-side hors d’oeuvres and dinner at theEYC.

Come join us....this will be a greatcruise for families and adults.....everyoneis welcome and encouraged to come.Please call/email Jim Martensjib@wiredbenefits.com (415) 456-6330with any questions. Bring your shades,shorts and sun-screen! See you there!

Cruise to Petaluma –Art & Garden Festival

July 9-12Our July cruise to Petaluma is one of

the best of the year. If you haven't donethe trip up the river it is scenic and a lotof fun. Of course, Petaluma is a perfectcruise destination. We plan to leave firstthing Friday morning July 9th (you couldalso cruise up on Saturday if you can't getaway on Friday) and ride the flood up theriver. We plan to arrive at a plus five foothigh tide at 2 p.m. so there should be

plenty of water for the deeper draft sail-boats. We will have a pot luck BBQ atthe Petaluma Yacht Club one night andanother progressive dinner on our boatsthe other.

The Annual Art & Garden Festivalbegins at 11 a.m. on Sunday and takesplace downtown next to the docks. Itoffers over 100 booths of local arts andcrafts in addition to food, wine tasting

and live bands on stage all day. We willleave around 4 p.m. Sunday at high tideand ride the ebb back down the river.We are considering the option of stop-ping at the Petaluma Marina and stayingthere Sunday night. Please call or emailHerb Potter with any questions, sugges-tions, or to sign up. His contact infor-mation is (415) 889-5225 and hspotter@aol.com.

CruisingCruisingBill Stark, Cruise Chair / billstark@pacbell.net

INTERNATIONAL CRUISEAthens to Istanbul – September 2011

RoyAnne Florenceis leading this spe-cial cruise aboard

the Wind Star on Saturday,September 17, 2011,embarking in Athens anddisembarking in Istanbul.Along the way we willstop in Mykonos, Santoriniand Rhodes in Greece, aswell as Didim andKusadasi in Turkey.

The price for theseven day cruise is $3784per person. If we have a block of ten or more cabins, there will be a 3% dis-count. A $500 deposit is required when you make your reservation. These arebeing handled through Michael Pruden at Casto Travel in Tiburon (michael.pru-den@casto.com, Ph 435-9725, FAX 435-9940). The two ports of Athens andIstanbul afford the chance for a splendid add-on tour. Michael can help youwith all this, as well as airline reservations, but it’s important for him to hearfrom you soon.

June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org • 15

Offshore Cruise to Half Moon BayBy Bob Van Blaricom

In spite of heavy overcast, choppy seas and a chilly southerly breeze,a fleet of nine boats from the SFYC cruising group combined withthe Cruising Club of America bucked a very strong incoming tide to

head down the coast on the weekend of May 14 – 16 for a three daycruise to the sheltered anchorage at Half Moon Bay. Most of the boatsanchored off the little Half Moon Bay Yacht Club where the 27 visitorsenjoyed a rollicking cocktail hour in the cozy little clubhouse on thebeach, followed by the club’s regular Friday night TGIF catered din-ner. The HMBYC members proudly showed us their newly constructedaddition which boasted a spacious dining room and sparkling new headsand showers. The fresh fish dinner was excellent and our hosts couldnot have been more friendly and welcoming.

On Saturday evening Harold Kleiderman and his jolly crew con-sisting of George Vare, Scott Harris and Carl Lewis invited all handsto a cocktail hour aboard Harold’s impressive, ultra-modern, 48’ Sea Raypower yacht, Andiamo, a vessel at the opposite end of the spectrum fromBob Vespa’s classic 1927 schooner, Scorpio. It was an unusually lively gathering which included legendary trimaran designer, Dick

Newick, double circumnavigator, Fritz Warren,solo sailor Zia Ahari, who sailed his little 31 foot-er, Athesa, from Sweden to the US and NorthwestPassage veterans Doug Finley and ChrisParkman.

On Sunday the fleet sailed home under thesame overcast skies against a moderate northwest-erly breeze. The climax of the trip was an aston-ishing rip tide between Seal Rocks and MileRock. All would have to agree that it had been afun cruise and a mild, but excellent test of the sea-manship of the participants.


September 25Angel Island Beach BBQ

Scott Harris

October 8-10?Tinsley Island/

Delta Yacht ClubLeader TBD

June 25-27Encinal Yacht Club

Jib Martens

July 9-12Petaluma Art and Garden Festival

Herb Potter

Jim Cornelius dressed for a typical day on Half Moon Bay.

SFYC hearty souls at Half Moon Bay.

16 • June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org

Crossing WakesCrossing WakesSteve & Ginger Mason

Many SFYC Cruisers are enjoy-ing exciting sailing this spring.

Jon and Alice Shinn recently discovered that getting toEurope and their boat was one of the biggest problems in start-ing their summer cruising. Flights to London were delayedbecause the airways into Europe were clogged by the huge massof volcanic ash produced by the eruption of Iceland’s Mt.Ejiafjallajokull. London was the Shinn’s transfer point to reachLisbon. They had left their boat in Cassias, a Portuguese coastalmunicipality thirty kilometers west of Lisbon. Jon and Alice willbe heading north to be in Bordeaux around June 6th to pick upJon’s son and his friend. They then plan to continue norththrough Brittany to Cowes. Later, Alice’s son, Stan Martin andfamily, will be joining them in Amsterdam. Their plan is to be inStockholm by August 15th, and then to turn south and visit thePolish, German and French canals. It will be the cold of north-ern Europe that brings them back to San Francisco for the winter.

The PNW’s cooler weather is not causing Safari any prob-lems. Gay and Wyman Harris are off to a good start. Theirlast communication was sent from Lagoon Cove, deep in thewilderness of British Columbia where there are no telephones,no cell phones, no electricity and no roads- just water and nature.Of course, sending us the news was a problem. Their attemptmet with a generator that stuttered and dimmed the lights so thefull story of their adventures may not be learned for anothermonth. We wait with baited breath to see how their secondAlaska adventure is going.

Several SFYC members attended The CruisingClub of America’s recent national cruise in theBahamas. The San Francisco Bay Area CCA Stationwas well represented by Bill and Paula Leroy, JulieCrocker, Robert and Susan Bernheim, Joan andDon Bekins, and Jim and P/P Mimi Cornelius. Thegroup was part of a 65 boat contingent on this cruisethat included participants from across the U.S.

The Bahamas are a two hundred mile stretch ofislands consisting of 29 islands, 661 cays, and 2,387islets (rocks). The CCA group was surprised by theshallow depths of Abacos waters, the beautiful whitesandy ocean bottom, clear water, and the many lowprofile islands dotted with colorful villages.

The groupfound the historyof the area quitefascinating. Afterthe RevolutionaryWar, some fami-lies from Georgiaand Massachusettswished to remainloyal to England.So these“Loyalists” left theAmericanColonies and set-

tled in the Bahamian islands. On Man-of-War Island today thereare many Albury family historical markers and locations namedafter these settlers. The SFYC enjoyed snorkeling in the clearwaters. Many people go to the area to fish for a feisty, longskinny and nearly transparent fish that is not edible. InBahamian waters bonefish are quite an attraction for the sportfisherman. These islands have suffered from this recession butwith friendly people and new marinas being built this is a won-derful place to cruise.

Steve Mason joined Marina and Myron Eisenzimmer inCabo San Lucas on May 13th for the journey to bring Mykonosback to the US for the summer. Almost all insurance coveragerequires vessels to be north of Mexico by the opening of hurri-cane season.

What can be said about Herb Potter? First we heard hewas lounging at a luxury marina in Fort Lauderdale in prepara-tion for a Bahamian cruise. Next we hear he sold his Symbolpilothouse motor-yacht with a second boat in trade. But the newboat didn’t live up to expectations. So Herb sold the second boat,loaded up all his personal boating gear and came home for asummer on the Bay. Welcome home Herb. Kira will be pleasedto receive your undivided attention this summer. See you at theSFYC cruises.

Bob van Blaricom and Zia Ahara on Zia's Halberg Rassy 31,Athesa headed out of the Bay and up the coast on May 19.Bob van Blaricom and Zia Ahara on Zia's Halberg Rassy 31,Athesa headed out of the Bay and up the coast on May 19.

June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org • 17

Eight BellsEight Bells

Richard W. Owen SFYC member since 1946

Richard Owen, a life-long Marin Countyresident, died April 5, 2010. Friends and familyremember Richard as a “quiet, honest, lovingand kind man with a wry sense of humor”. Heattended Park Elementary, Tamalpais HighSchool and the College of Marin. During theKorean War Richard served overseas in the USAir Force. To Richard, a sail maker by profes-sion, sailing was a vocation and avocation. Heparticularly loved ocean racing and sailingStars. Richard is survived by Deirdre, his wifeof forty-six years and a large extended family.Memorial contributions may be made to sailingprograms for children or any charity of choice.

Preben JurvigSFYC member since 1939

Preben Emanuel Jurvig, age 94, passed away April 23, 2010 in SanRafael, California. He is survived by his wife Clare Salles Jurvig, hisgrandchildren Joy and Christopher Jurvig and his niece Carol Tait and herhusband Bill Tait. Born in Denmark, Preben immigrated to the US via EllisIsland at the age of three with his mother and brother. After a cross-countrytrain ride, the family eventually joined his father in San Francisco. Prebengraduated from Galileo High School and the University of California andlater served as a Navy pilot in South America during World War II. Afterpracticing orthodontics in San Rafael for twenty-five years, Preben retiredto spend many happy years travelling the world with his wife, Clare.Preben joined the San Francisco Yacht Club and pursued his passion forsailing on the San Francisco Bay. At his request, there was no service.Donations in his name can be made to The Belvedere Cove FoundationYouth Program, PO Box 786, Belvedere, CA 94920.

SFYC Speaker Series • June 16, 2010SFYC member Bill Barton,

author of The Legend of impwill share the exciting story ofimp, the 40-foot sloop, designedby New Zealander Ron Hollandfor SFYC’s David Allen in 1977.imp quickly dazzled the oceanracing world on both coasts ofNorth America and Europe.More evolutionary than revolu-tionary, imp’s blazing success ledher to be called the “PocketRocket” and “imp-Mobile”. Shewon the 1977 Fastnet and wastop scoring boat in the 1977Admiral’s Cup.

Bill will give an overview ofhis newly published book andspecifically read the blow-by-blow account of the horrors ofthe 1979 Fastnet where 15 racersperished.

Copies of The Legend of impwill be available for purchase.

BILL BARTONwill present

The Legend of imp

Cocktails in the SFYC Club House

6:30 – 7:30Presentation in the Club Dining Room

BILL BARTONwill present

The Legend of imp

Cocktails in the SFYC Club House

6:30 – 7:30Presentation in the Club Dining Room

18 • June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org

From the General ManagerFrom the General ManagerDennis Conneally CCM, CCE / Dennis@sfyc.org

A Sign of the Times

Like many of you, I really enjoystaying ahead of the curve with thelatest trends in food and wine,

searching for the best quality ingredients,well balanced menus, and great taste atsensible prices. All over Marin County, aswell Napa and Sonoma Counties, andeven throughout the city, trends are chang-

ing. Pressured in part by our current economic climate, restaurantsacross the spectrum have been forced to change their way of think-ing in order to stay in business.

The local restaurant industry has seen over a 25% decline inrevenues and over a 50% reduction in catering revenues. This ispartly due to patrons carefully watching how they spend their dis-cretionary income and partly because restaurants have been forcedto reduce their average ticket prices just to keep people comingthrough their doors. Here at The Club, these trends are no different.

Over the past 12 – 18 months we have seen the highly-regard-ed Lark Creek Inn with its award-winning chefs and high-pricedclientele, reinvent itself into the Lark Creek Tavern, offering goodsimple food for half of the previous prices. The brand new ThreeDegrees restaurant at the Tiburon Lodge reinvented itself andreopened as the Tiburon Grill, a much scaled-down version of theoriginal concept with half-off menu selections during happy hourjust to keep its business alive. Two of our local, favorite hide-aways are gone; the Cottage Eatery has closed it doors for lack ofbusiness, and after 40 years in business, Rooney’s Café and Grillin Tiburon closed its doors because of the owner’s retirement.While these trends are troubling, businesses are having to adaptand to find ways to downsize in order to stay open and meet theneeds of their clientele.

For the first four months of 2010, our Dining Room and cater-ing numbers have felt these same pressures with Dining Roomrevenues down as much as 9% over last year and catering rev-enues down over 45% for the same period. Some of this is a resultof a slight drop in the frequency of our regular diners while theother reason is an intentional drop in our average ticket prices.Since January, The House Committee agreed to drop the lunch anddinner prices by an average of $2.00 which has significantlyimpacted our revenues. This was done in an effort to make itmore attractive for you to enjoy The Club, knowing that we aresensitive to the market conditions around us. The Club has alsodropped prices for all of our events; Opening Day BBQ was under$12.00. And themed-events like Cajun Night, St. Patrick’s Day,Cinco de Mayo, 1040 Party, and Bingo Nights all have been pricedunder $15.00. And many more events this year are scheduled atreduced rates.

Please remember to support the Dining Room for lunch ordinner as best you can during these tight times. Other clubs sim-ply raise dues and minimums to cover costs in economic down-times. But with your support, we can reverse this trend withoutincreasing prices and come out ahead of the curve.

A Place for ScruffyIn an effort to work with our fuzzy canine friends (and the

members that they keep in tow), we have created a new“Doggie Rest Area” for their creature comfort while their own-ers help fill The Club’s coffers at the lunch tables or having maitais at the bar. It is located in a shaded area adjacent to thelawn near the big palm tree. This designated area is not meantto be a babysitting area; rather a temporary tie up area with norestroom facilities. Dogs may be tied up on leash for up to 30minutes at a time and must be in good behavior at all times.The Club assumes no responsibility for dogs left unattendedand all owners are required to abide by The House Rules, aswritten, regarding pets. So don’t be afraid to stop by The Clubon your next afternoon walk with Scruffy. A nice, shady wait-ing area with water will be available (reservations not required).

Designated Smoking Area AssignedFor years The Club has had a very strict NO SMOKING

POLICY anywhere on Club grounds-including all buildings, theparking lot, as well as the docks. During this same time-period,smokers have found places to smoke on the property anyway;out of sight, out of mind. On an experimental basis, The HouseCommittee has agreed to designate one area of The Club formember smoking. Two tables have been placed on the cornerof the lawn and will serve as the official “Smoking Area.”Members and guests who choose to smoke will be encouragedto use this area for those purposes. As a directive of theCalifornia Labor Code Section 6404.5, passed in 1995, employ-ees will NOT be permitted to enter this area. Therefore, nofood or bar service will be allowed in this area; it will strictlybe a resting place for smokers who wish to smoke while onproperty. An evaluation of this experiment will take place atthe end of the summer for future consideration.

Bingo!Spring Bingo turned out to be a great success! A brainchild

of The Entertainment Committee and supported byCommodore Lynch in the spirit of inexpensive fun events formembers to enjoy, this six-week progressive bingo event raisednearly $500.00 for the Junior Sailing Program. Celebrity bingohosts included S/C Jim Robinson; P/P Helen Reilly; DirectorEd Lynch; GM Dennis Conneally; Kellen O’Donnell (son ofCindie and Emmett O’Donnell, who celebrated his 7th birth-day that day); Chef Reny Madrid; Commodore Ray Lynch,Youth Sailing Director Forrest Gay and Front OfficeSupervisor Kerry Atherton. Please mark your calendars asBingo will return for another six-week series in the fall.

Sand Dabs are BackPlease remember to join me for delicious Sautéed Sand

Dabs on Saturday nights. It’s complimentary for members from5:00 – 7:00 PM.

I look forward to seeing you around The Club!

SFYC Bulletin Submission Guidelines

Submissions: Send to bulletin@sfyc.org.Drop off at The Club’s Reception Desk at 98 Beach Rd.Mail to SFYC Bulletin, P. O. Box 379, Belvedere, CA 94920.

Formats: Articles must be written in Microsoft Word or Apple Pages. No hand written or articles sent in thebody of an email will be accepted for publication. Photos must be in .jpg or .tiff format. The minimum acceptable camera settings are as follows:3 mega pixel cameras must be set to highest quality; 6 mega pixel cameras should be set to medium or high quality. All photos must include captions.Graphics or computer generated ads and posters must be in PDF format.

Deadline: 10th of the month preceeding publication

Contact: bulletin@sfyc.org P/P Mimi Cornelius and S/C John Swain, Editors, The SFYC Bulletin

Suggestions and questions are welcome.

June 2010 THE BULLETIN • www.sfyc.org • 19

Food and BeverageFood and BeverageReny Madrid, Executive Chef / renymad@sbcglobal.net

Chef’s From-the-Hood Philosophy:

“When God measures success, thetape is put around our hearts, not ourwallets. Success is found in our atti-tudes, our motivations, and our faithful-ness. Regardless of our status or the jobwe’ve been given, we can all succeed bydoing our best.”

– Roy Lessin

Members-Kitchen Confidential:

Ask Staff Commodore Marshall Appleton’s wife, Lorna,how she liked dancing with the Chef on Bingo Night?

I hope that all the ladies enjoyed their Mother’s Day Brunchat The Club. Dinner was also a success with the appetizer buffet.I would like to thank all of the employees who worked day andnight with me, especially my Galley crew. Everything wentsmoothly.

Complaints are appreciated, so I know what needs to beimproved. Regarding our Fish Tacos (which is the #1 best sellerat The Club), I use only the freshest fish available. It is wild andline caught. I get it in fresh in the morning. I have heard com-plaints that it is old and fishy. Well it is fish, but certainly notold! Any suggestions? Please email me at: renymad@sbcglob-al.net.

General Manager Dennis Conneally’s Special of the Month inJune will be Colorado Rack of Lamb for Two. $48.95 ++ whichincludes soup or classic Caesar salad. The entrée also comes withsummer vegetables and twice baked potatoes.

On Wednesday nights we will continue our $1 bites in theBar changing bi-weekly with mini-burger corned beef sliders, St.Louis spare ribs, chicken or fish tacos, and slow cooked pork. Inthe Dining Room we will also feature a mini regular menu.

Come in for our Bar Snacks menu now being servedWednesday to Sunday 3:30 - 7 p.m. and also the Blue Plate atthe Bar from 5:30 p.m. to closing time.

Join us for the Father’s Day Dinner Buffet and treat yourdad like royalty! Happy Father’s Day, and have a great summer.

Regards, Reny

Colorado Rack of LambDinner for Two

served with soup or classic Caesar salad, summer vegetables, and twice baked potatoes

June5, 12, 19, 26

$48.95 for two






July 2010Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday































Finn NorthAmericans

Club Closed Club Closed

Club Closed Club Closed

Club Closed Club Closed

The San Francisco Yacht Club • 98 Beach Road • Belvedere, CA 94920-0379Phone: 415-435-9133 • Fax: 415-435-8547 • E-mail: office@sfyc.org • Web Site: www.sfyc.org


Club Closed Club Closed

Breakfast: Sat 0830-1130; Sun 0830-1500 • Lunch: Thur-Sun 1130-1500 • Dinner: Wed-Sun 1730-2100 (Fri 2200)

Bar Menu


Finn NorthAmericans

Join Us inMargaritaville

Midnight MoonlightMaritime MarathonCEDAR PLANKSALMON FOR TWO$48.95++

505 Regatta

Bar Menu

Bar Menu

Bar Menu


Hart Nunes Regatta


IndependenceCup – Club Series

July 4th BBQ

Finn NorthAmericans

June 2010Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday






























Club Closed Club Closed

Club Closed Club Closed

Club Closed Club Closed

Club Closed


Club Closed Club ClosedBar Menu

Easom Founders& Melges 24RACK OF LAMBDINNER FOR TWO$48.95++RACK OF LAMBFOR TWO $48.95++

Bar Menu

Bar Menu

Bar MenuSpeaker Series:Bill Barton

Bar Menu

J/105InvitationalRACK OF LAMBDINNER FOR TWO$48.95++

J/120 & Exp 37RegattaRACK OF LAMBDINNER FOR TWO$48.95++

J/120 & Exp 37RegattaPasta Night (no regular a-la-carte menu)

EasomFounders& Melges 24 Father’s DayFlag Officer’sBuffet


Youth Sailing Program: Session 1

Youth Sailing Program: Session 2

Youth Sailing Program: Session 3

Youth Sailing Program: Session 4

Youth Sailing Program: Session 4

Youth Sailing Program: Session 3

Youth Sailing Program: Session 2

Youth Sailing Program: Session 2

Cruise Out – Petaluma

Cruise Out – Encinal Yacht

Cruise – Encinal

Cruise Out – Petaluma