Kevin's Tips for Using During Your Job Search in 2013

Post on 22-Oct-2014

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This presentation is designed to help those in an active job search to make the most of their experience. I have personally used all of these techniques and it helped me to find a good job twice, including my current position as a HR Manager for a wonderful organization.


Using LinkedIn For YourJob Search

LinkedIn Social Networking Your Way Into Your Next Job

ByKevin R. Panet, MS HRM, SPHR-CA

2012, Kevin Panet,

What is LinkedIn

Why you should care

15 Tips for using LinkedIn

Final Thoughts



2012, Kevin Panet,

A tool for working adults to build and maintain their social network.

A venue for companies to show off their products and services.

A search engine for recruiters to find talent. A means for job seekers to find information

on companies, available jobs, and people who can help them get hired.

What is LinkedIn?


2012, Kevin Panet,

Over 175 million users on LinkedIn (06/12). 82% of Fortune 100 companies use LinkedIn

for hiring searches. Over 12,000 contract for “hiring solutions.” The 26th most viewed web site in the world

with 131 unique visitors in June 2012. Primary for working professionals.

Sometimes called “Facebook for adults.”

What is LinkedIn?


2012, Kevin Panet,

70% of jobs are now found through networking.

Your “profile” works for you 24/7. If you have no on-line presence, many

recruiters will feel you are hiding something. You will be judged by your profile, good or

bad. You control your profile.

Why should job seekers care?


2012, Kevin Panet,

These tips are like a buffet, take ideas that you feel will work for you.

This list is not complete, new features are often added.

This will require an investment of your time. The best time to do all this is when you are

employed (but do it now and catch up). Don’t be shy!

15 Tips To Improve Your Profile


2012, Kevin Panet,

You can’t do “everything,” so focus on what you want to do (or be known for).

Create your profile with a purpose in mind. Find employment General networking Promote your brand

Engage in activities that support your goal.

Tip 1: Have a Goal!


2012, Kevin Panet,

Reaching “100% Profile Completeness” is only the beginning… So get there fast!

Recruiters are less likely to view your profile unless it is complete.

An incomplete profile might be interpreted as a shoddy work ethic.

This is your first impression, so make it count!

Tip 2: Complete Your Profile


2012, Kevin Panet,

Only go back 10 years, unless you need to demonstrate experience in positions from 10+ years ago.

Use plenty of keywords and acronyms. Recruiters search primarily by keywords, skills,

education, and location. Example: “Used SPC (Statistical Process Control)

to reduce production costs by 38%, increasing profits by over $850,000.”

Tip 3: Work History


2012, Kevin Panet,

You can add up to 50 different skills. Use the skills that reflect the position you are

seeking - get ideas from job postings. If you are lacking skills, go get them!

Check local resources, many classes are offered for free.

Find ways to practice and improve your skills. Do work for non-profits to improve your skills.

Tip 4: Skills & Expertise


2012, Kevin Panet,

List all your degrees, don’t list years.

List any certificate programs you attended that are relevant to the job you are seeking.

Consider joining alumni “Groups” on LinkedIn.

Tip 5: Your Education


2012, Kevin Panet,

Your photo should reflect the image you want to present to recruiters.

Profiles with photos are more likely to be reviewed by recruiters.

Get a good “headshot” of your smiling face. Do not use a photo from a camera phone,

especially if the photo was taken in a bar! Avoid sexy photos or “mug shots.”

Tip 6: Your Photo – Look Sharp!


2012, Kevin Panet,

Use “People Search” to connect with everyone you have ever known. Work: Managers, co-workers, customers Other: School, church/temple, clubs, etc.

Don’t be shy, “Get introduced through a connection.”

Be personable when asking for connections. Don’t just send the canned request.

Tip 7: Connections


2012, Kevin Panet,

Send connections requests to fellow “Group” members who contribute, or say something interesting.

Send a connection request and ask for advice. Ask for general career advice and if they know of

additional resources. Ask what you might do to better position yourself

for a position at their organization.

Tip 7: Connections


2012, Kevin Panet,

Don’t send a request and ask for a job. You can ask if they know about a job posting. If they accept your connection request, you can

ask if they can introduce you to the hiring manager.

You can ask them if there is any way you can help them.

Remember, building connections (like most relationships) takes time, so get started today!

Tip 7: Connections


2012, Kevin Panet,

Accept connections from people who can help you, if not today, tomorrow.

Be wary of creeps, stalkers and others who want to sell you the next greatest / latest / Multi-Level Marketing opportunity.

If someone wants to connect and you don’t know them, simply reply and ask, “have we met?” People who honestly want to know you will

explain why they are attempting to connect.

Tip 7: Connections


2012, Kevin Panet,

Some recruiters won’t consider candidates without recommendations.

Ask everyone who knows your good work for a recommendation. Managers (especially past managers) Co-workers (even if in other departments) Customers

Try to get recommendations that reflect your suitability for the position you are seeking.

Tip 8: Recommendations


2012, Kevin Panet,

Be proactive, give recommendations first! First, connect with managers and co-workers. Second, give them honest recommendations.

Don’t go too crazy. Don’t make stuff up.

Third, once they accept your recommendations, LinkedIn will automatically suggest that they give you a recommendation in return.

Tip 8: Recommendations


2012, Kevin Panet,

Search “Groups” and join up to 50. Most groups should reflect the position and/or

industry you are seeking. E-mails from groups can be overwhelming,

adjust “settings” to limit e-mail traffic. Some groups are “closed” – be patient. Avoid groups focused on sex, religion or

politics (or don’t show on your profile)

Tip 9: Groups – Join Now!


2012, Kevin Panet,

Start interesting “Discussions.” Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you have the expertise, demonstrate your

knowledge in the discussions. Always be polite, even if you disagree. Compliment those who make good points and

ask to connect with them.

Tip 9: Groups – Join Discussions


2012, Kevin Panet,

People will form opinions about you from your participation in groups. Be cool!

Avoid spamming with articles, especially if not relevant to the purpose of the group.

Always be polite and upbeat – no one likes a grumpy Gus!

Always try to be complimentary of others.

Tip 9: Groups – Behave


2012, Kevin Panet,

Try to join groups based on your profession. You don’t always have to be a member of the

professional association to join the group. Allows you to learn and get advice from current

group members. Can lead to long lasting relationships.

You can later ask local group members out for coffee and additional networking.

Tip 9: Groups – Associations


2012, Kevin Panet,

“Share an update” when: You will be attending any training related to the

position you are seeking. Seminars, webinars, workshops, etc.

You attending any professional meetings or events. You want to share something (an article, event,

etc.) with your network. You can celebrate successes with your job search.

For example; getting an interview.

Tip 10: Posting Updates


2012, Kevin Panet,

Multiple posting You can tell LinkedIn to re-post your updates via

Twitter, then tell Twitter to re-post on Facebook. You can use other sites to post to LinkedIn and

other social media sites with a single update.

Don’t over do it! Most people don’t care if you are sitting on a

couch, just ate a bagel, or had a rough morning.

Tip 10: Posting Updates


2012, Kevin Panet,

SlideShare Presentations Allows you to show off samples of your work.

Reading List by Amazon Let people know what you’re reading

Polls Ask questions relevant to your job search

WorldPress Blog Posting

Tip 11: Applications


2012, Kevin Panet,

If you are employed, change your privacy settings so you can search anonymously.

Review your connections, delete those who you don’t want receiving updates on your activities.

Network with people who might be in a position to help you later.

Tip 12: Be Stealthy


2012, Kevin Panet,

In your LinkedIn profile URL to your signature block, use with all outgoing e-mails.

Place your profile URL on your resume, business cards, presentations, etc.

Now is not the time to be shy!

Tip 13: Marketing Your Profile

Jane J. SeekerAdministrative Professional(213) in an active job search


2012, Kevin Panet,

Building an effective network takes time. Don’t be pushy. Don’t give up. Stay focused on what you are trying to achieve

– keep your eye on the prize! Always offer to help others.

Tip 14: Be Patient


2012, Kevin Panet,

LinkedIn is good, but you can’t e-mail a handshake.

Get outside, get to networking events, meet people who can help you face-to-face.

Meeting people in person makes you a “real person,” not just “someone on the internet.”

Meet people in public places, never at their home – use common sense.

Tip 15: Leave The Cave!


2012, Kevin Panet,

LinkedIn is a vital tool to be used in your job search.

Don’t completely rely on LinkedIn. Don’t give up. When you land a job, keep networking!

Every job is a rehearsal for the next job. People in your network often need your help,

don’t neglect them.
