Key Events - SEC

Post on 04-Jan-2022

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Key Events

July 2007

The REIT Bill was filed at the House of Representatives.

29 & 30 September 2009

The House of Representatives and Senate respectively approved the REIT


17 December 2009

The REIT Act lapsed into law, in accordance with Article VI, Section 27

(1) of the 1986 Philippine


31 May 2010

The SEC issued the REIT IRR.

27 April 2011

The SEC amended the REIT IRR to

provide that the public ownership in a

REIT shall be at least 40% of the outstanding capital stock on the first

year and shall be increased to 67% by the third year.

25 July 2011

The BIR issued RR 13-2011, imposing a 12% VAT on the transfer of

properties to REITs.

20 January 2020

The SEC and BIR relaxed the ownership requirements and tax

treatment of REITs, among others.

Republic Act No. 9856, otherwise known as the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Act of 2009,

established the legal and regulatory framework and provided an enabling market

environment for the development of Philippine REITs.

The REIT Act was one of the landmark pieces of

legislation approved during the 14th Congress. The main purpose of the REIT Law is to allow both small and large investors to participate in

the direct ownership of real estate. It is an alternative investment instrument to foreign

investors as well as OFWs. It also provides real estate companies a cheaper source of capital

while promoting economic development, growth in tourism and liquidity in the capital markets.

Since its enactment, however, no REIT has taken off. The big players in the real estate industry

found unacceptable the public ownership level prescribed through an amendment of the

implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the REIT Act, along with the application of the 12%

value-added (VAT) tax on the transfer of

properties to REITs, as provided through Revenue

Regulations No. 13-2011.

Under the Duterte administration, the

Department of Finance (DOF) supported the

easing of the restrictive ownership and taxation

requirements. On January 20, 2020, the Securities

and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Bureau

of Internal Revenue (BIR) issued new regulations

on the taxability of REITs, as well as amendments

to the REIT IRR.


What is a REIT? A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a stock corporation established principally

for the purpose of owning income-generating real estate assets such as apartment

buildings, office buildings, medical facilities, hospitals, hotels, resorts, highways,

warehouses, shopping centers, railroads, among others. It is a type of investment

instrument that provides a return to investors derived from rental income of the

underlying real estate asset.

Is a REIT operated and regulated

like a trust?

A REIT does not have the same technical meaning

as “trust” under existing laws and regulations. The

term is used in the REIT Act for the sole purpose of

adopting the internationally accepted description

of the company in accordance with global best


Does the PSE track record

requirement apply to a newly

formed REIT?

Yes, provided that it is backed up by historical

record of operating asset put into the REIT. In

addition, the real estate to be acquired by the REIT

should have a good track record for three 3 years

from date of acquisition.

What are the key requirements?

A REIT must be registered with the SEC as a

stock corporation with a minimum paid-up

capital of P300 million.

A REIT must be listed with an Exchange and,

upon listing, have at least 1,000 Public

shareholders each owning at the minimum 50

shares and which, in the aggregate, own at least

1/3 of the outstanding capital stock of the REIT.

At least one-third or two, whichever is higher,

of the board of directors shall be independent


A REIT must appoint an independent Fund

Manager and Property Manager.

Directors, officers, fund managers, property

managers, distributors and other REIT

participants must qualify under the fit and

proper rule.

Understanding Philippine REITs

REIT Structure

under R.A. 9856

* illustration adapted from

Leechiu Management Presentation


Can a Philippine REIT own foreign

real estate property?

Yes, provided that such investment does not

exceed 40% of the REIT’s deposited property and

only upon special authority from the SEC.

What is an income-generating real

estate asset?

It is a real property which is held for the purpose of

generating a regular stream of income such as, but

not limited to, rentals, toll fees, user’s fees, ticket

sales, parking fees, storage fees and the like, as may

be further defined and identified by the SEC.

The income-generating real estate asset may come

from a sponsor/promoter, or any person who, acting

alone or in conjunction with one or more other

persons, directly or indirectly, contributed cash or

property in establishing a REIT.

What are the allowable investments

of the REIT?

At least 75% of the deposited property of the

REIT shall be invested in, or consist of, income-

generating real estate.

At least 35% of deposited property shall be

invested in income-generating real estate located in

the Philippines.

An investment in real estate may be by way of direct

ownership or a shareholding in a domestic special

purpose vehicle constituted to hold/own real estate,

subject to the conditions provided under the IRR.

Acquisition of a real estate shall include the

ownership of all rights, interests and benefits related

to the ownership of the real estate. The real estate to

be acquired by the REIT should have a good track

record for three years from date of acquisition.

For the complete list, see Rule 5– Allowable

Investments of the REIT of the IRR.

What are the incentives for a

company to become a REIT sponsor/


It provides real estate companies a cheaper source of

capital by transferring their income-generating real

estate assets into a REIT and, in the process, raising

fresh funds for more projects.

Are transfers of properties to a REIT

subject to VAT?

The Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion

(TRAIN) effectively exempted from the 12% VAT the

transfer of property to a REIT in exchange for its

shares, provided the exchange should result in an

acquisition by the transferor of at least 51% of the

outstanding voting capital stocks of the transferee.

The exemption was reiterated under the Revenue

Regulations issued by the BIR on January 20, 2020 to

amend RR No. 13-2011, which had imposed the 12%

VAT on the transfer of properties to REITs.

What is a deposited property?

It is the total value of the REIT’s assets reflecting the

fair market value of total assets held by the REIT.


* See Rules 6 and 7 of the Revised IRR for the qualifications

and requirements of fund and property managers.

What is a REIT fund manager?

Among others, a fund manager:

1. Implements the investment strategies of the

REIT by determining the allocation of the

deposited property to the allowable

investment outlets and selecting income-

generating real estate;

2. Oversees and coordinates property

acquisition, leasing, operating and financial

reporting, appraisals, audits, market review,

accounting and reporting procedures, and

refinancing and asset disposition plans; and

3. Causes a valuation of any of the real estate and

other properties of the REIT to be carried out

by the property valuer.

What projects can a REIT sponsor/

promoter undertake?

A REIT sponsor or promoter must reinvest in

any real estate, including any redevelopment

thereof, and/or infrastructure projects in the

Philippines the following:

1. any proceeds realized by the Sponsor/

Promoter from the sale of REIT shares or

other securities issued in exchange for

income-generating Real Estate transferred

to the REIT; and

2. any money raised by the Sponsor/Promoter

from the sale of any of its income-

generating Real Estate to the REIT.

The Reinvestment Requirement was introduced

following the declaration in the REIT Act that

REITs shall assist the State in achieving its policy


1. promoting the development of the capital


2. democratizing wealth by broadening the

participation of Filipinos in the ownership

of real estate in the Philippines; and

3. using the capital market as an instrument

to help finance and develop infrastructure


What are infrastructure projects?

R.A. No. 6975, as amended by R.A. No. 7718, and

the Constructors’ Performance Evaluation

System Implementing Guidelines for

Infrastructure Projects define an infrastructure

project as construction, improvement or

rehabilitation of roads and highways, airports

and air navigation facilities, railways, ports, flood

control and drainage, water supply and

sewerage, irrigation systems, dams, buildings,

communication facilities, dredging and

reclamation, power generating plants, power

transmission and distribution facilities and other

related construction projects.

What is a REIT property manager?

Among others, a property manager:

1. Plans the tenant mix and identifies potential


2. Formulates and implements leasing strategies;

3. Enforces tenancy conditions;

4. Ensures compliance with government

regulations in respect of the real estate under


5. Secures and administers routine management

services, including security control, fire

precautions, communication systems and

emergency management;

6. Maintains and manages the physical

structures/ real properties; and

7. Formulates and implements policies and

programs in respect of building management,

maintenance and improvement.


How can one invest in a REIT?

Investment in a REIT shall be by way of

subscription to or purchase of shares of stock of

the REIT.

No shares of stock of the REIT shall be offered for

subscription or sale except in accordance with a

REIT Plan and other requirements and restrictions

as may be prescribed by the SEC.

What are the benefits of investing

in a REIT?

The purchase of shares of stock of REITs

allows investors, especially small or retail investors,

to participate in the ownership of one or more

income-generating real estate.

As an investment, REITs attract many investors due

to the following benefits they offer:

Dividends - as mandated by law, investors can

expect to receive annually 90% of distributable

income as dividends

Liquidity - investors can easily purchase and

dispose of REIT shares, which are readily

convertible to cash

Diversification - REITs allow investors to

invest in a portfolio of different properties,

locations and property types at a fraction of

their cost

Transparency - REITs will be subject to

increased disclosure requirements, thereby

generating more transparency and lessening

perceived risk

What are the protections afforded

to investors?

The REIT Act, together with its IRR, has rules on

minimum public ownership, conflict of interest,

related party transaction, limitations on

compensation and fees paid by a REIT, restrictions

on investment activity of a REIT, fit and proper rule

and rules on oversight of independent directors.

For instance, one of the amendments to the REIT IRR

requires the creation of a related party transactions

committee. Majority of the committee members

must be independent directors who shall vote

unanimously in approving related party


The REIT will also have to comply with SEC

Memorandum Circular No. 10, Series of 2019, which

provides the Rules on Material Related Party

Transactions for Publicly-Listed Companies.

SEC Memorandum Circular No. 10, Series of 2019

requires publicly listed companies to disclose their

respective policies on material related party

transactions and report such dealings within three

days from their execution, among others.

As a listed company, the REIT will also be subject to

the stringent rules of SEC and the Disclosure Rules of

PSE. Sanctions are in place for violations of the

applicable laws, rules and regulations.


The Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9856,

or the Real Estate Investment Trust Act , as provided in SEC Memorandum Circular No. 1, Series of 2020,

is available on the SEC website. Scan the QR Code or follow the link below:
