Kinetics of different methods of polymerization · radical polymerization (ethylene, vinylchloride,...

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Technische Universität Berlin

Institut für Chemie

Polymerization Technology

Karl-Heinz Reichert Reinhard Schomäcker

Third Edition SS 2017


This teaching booklet has been written for students attending the Master

Program of Polymer Science, established as a joint program by four universities

in the cities of Berlin and Potsdam.

This text book focuses on fundamental aspects of polymerization reaction

engineering. In the development of a polymerization process the type of reactor

and its mode of operation are key factors, which not only affect reactor

performance and safety, but also to a large extend the quality of the polymeric

product. This is due to the fact that polymers are non uniform materials and the

degree of non uniformity is affected by chemistry and reaction engineering

conditions as well. I hope that the contents of this text book will be of help to

those students who will be envolved in large scale synthesis of polymers in

times to come.

I would like to thank my secretary Veronika Schott for writing the manuscript of

this booklet and especially for her patience with respect to numerous changes of

the text, which I have made all the time.

Thanks also go out to Monika Klein, who drew all the figures presented in this

book and Scott Kibride who improved the English language.

Finally we would like to thank all my former PhD students and many of our

colleagues for some of their scientific results, which we have used in this text


Karl Heinz Reichert Berlin in October 2002

Reinhard Schomäcker Berlin in April 2017


1. Introduction 1

1.1 Classification of Polymers 1

1.2 Types of Polymerization Reactions 2

1.3 Methods of Polymerization 3

1.4 Types of Polymerization Reactors 4

1.5 General References 4

1.6 Tables and Figures 6

2. Kinetics of Polymerization and Molecular Weight of Polymers 9

2.1 Free Radical Polymerization in Solution 9

2.1 Free Radical Polymerization in Emulsion 16

2.3 Free Radical Copolymerization in Solution 23

2.4 Coordination Polymerization in Gas Phase 24

2.5 Coordination Polymerization in Liquid Phase 32

2.6 List of Symbols 34

2.7 References 35

2.8 Tables and Figures 37

3. Viscosity of Reaction Mixture 55

3.1 Introduction 55

3.2 Viscosity of Homogeneous Systems 55

3.3 Viscosity of Heterogeneous Systems 58

3.4 List of Symbols 59

3.5 References 60

3.6 Figures 61

4. Data Acquisition of Polymerization Reactions 66

4.1 Introduction 66

4.2 Reaction Calorimetry/Kinetic and Caloric Data 66

4.3 Reaction Viscosimetry/Rheological Data 70

4.4 Solubility and Diffusivity of Monomer in Polymer 71

4.5 List of Symbols 73

4.6 References 74

4.7 Figures 75

5. Polymerization in Stirred Tank Reactors 83

5.1 Mode of Operation 83

5.2 Mixing of Reaction Mixture 84

5.3 Heat Removal and Safety Aspects 92

5.4 Residence Time Distribution 98

5.5 Reactor Performance 101

5.6 Reactor Selectivity 105

5.7 Reactor Scale-up 109

5.8 List of Symbols 111

5.9 References 113

5.10 Tables and Figures 114

6. Polymerization Processes 139

6.1 General Aspects 139

6.2 Processes for Chain-Growth Polymerization 140

Solution Polymerization/High Density Polyethylene

Suspension Polymerization/Poly(vinyl chloride)

Emulsion Polymerization/Styrene-Butadiene-Copolymer

Slurry Polymerization/High Density Polyethylene

Gas Phase Polymerization/High Density Polyethylene

6.3 Processes for Step-Growth Polymerization 146

Condensation Polymerization in Solution/Phenolic Resins

Condensation Polymerization in Melt and Solid State/Poly-

(ethylene terephthalate)

Addition Polymerization in Liquid Phase/Polyurethanes

6.4 References 149

6.5 Tables and Figures 150



1.1 Classification of Synthetic Polymers

Synthetic polymers can be classified according to their specific properties into

thermoplastics, thermosets and elastomers. Examples of major polymers of each

kind are listed in Tab. 1.1.

Thermoplastic polymers are organic materials, which consist of linear or

branched macromolecules having molecular weights on the order of 100 000

gram per mole. On heating above melting point thermoplastic polymers melt and

form highly viscous liquids with a typical flow pattern. On cooling the melt

solidifies again. In this way thermoplastic polymers can easily be processed into

materials of different shapes. According to the physical structure and chemical

composition of the polymers they can be partially crystalline or amorphous

materials in the solid state. Amorphous polymers like polyvinyl chloride, poly-

styrene, and polyesters are transparent materials. Partially crystalline polymers

like high density polyethylene and polypropylene are not transparent in the solid

state due to their heterophasic structure.

Thermosets are organic materials, which are formed by higly crosslinked macro-

molecules with extremely high molecular weights. On heating they can not be

molten but they do decompose and lose their original properties. Therefore

thermosets have to be processed in such a way that synthesis and processing of

the polymer material is done at the same time in a given cavity corresponding to

the shape of the material which is to be produced. In general, thermosets are

filled with glass fibre to improve the mechanical strengh of the materials.

Elastomers are linear or branched macromolecules which are very flexible. The

molecules contain double bonds, which can easily react with added crosslinker

at elevated temperatures, forming a crosslinked material with rubber-like


Typical properties of organic polymers are low specific weight, low heat and

electrical conductivity, and good resistant to corrosion. Feedstocks for major

polymers are crude oil, natural gas, salt, air, and water. Organic polymers are

produced by a relatively small number of large chemical companies. Approxi-

mately seventy percent of all polymers produced are thermoplastics, twenty

percent are thermosets, and ten percent are elastomers.


1.2 Types of Polymerization Reactions

Polymerization reactions can be very complex chemical reactions with many

different side reactions. One way of classification of polymerization reactions is

to look at the polymer growth reaction, which is essential for polymer formation.

By looking at the polymer growth reaction, chainwise and stepwise poly-

merization reactions can be distinguished. See Tab. 1.2.

In chainwise polymerization reactions the propagation of a molecule happens by

the consecutive addition of bifunctional monomer molecules (M) to an active

site ( *nP ) of chain length n. Once the active sites are formed they start a chain of

monomer addition reactions until the chain is terminated by a termination

reaction. The active sites can be free radicals, organo metallic complexes or

anionic or cationic species of very different kinds. Depending on the nature of

active sites polymerization reactions can be classified into free radical

polymerization, coordination polymerization, and ionic polymerization. If these

polymerization reactions do not have any chain termination or chain transfer

reaction they are called living polymerization. In case of a living polymerization

the life time of active sites are long (at least on the order of total reaction time).

The life time of free radicals is in general on the order of seconds. Active sites

of organo metallic catalysts can have very different life times. In general they

are on the order of seconds or minutes. The concentration of active sites of

chainwise polymerization reactions is in general very low and it can be constant

or non-constant with conversion of monomer in batchwise reaction. As

mentioned before, chainwise polymerization reactions are complex reactions

consisting of initiation, propagation, termination and transfer reactions. All of

the reactions are running simultaneously. The molecular weight of polymers

formed during chainwise polymerization can remain constant or decrease or

increse with conversion of monomer. This depends on the contribution of each

single reaction. In case of a free radical polymerization run in a batch reactor at

constant temperature the molecular weight remains constant with conversion if

chain transfer reactions play a dominant role. If not, it will fall with conversion

due to decreasing concentration of monomer. The same is true for coordination

polymerization. In case of living polymerization the molecular weight of

polymer formed is increasing with conversion in any case since no termination

and transfer reactions are present in the reacting system. The molar

concentration of polymer molecules of chainwise polymerization reactions also

depends on the kind of polymerization. It remains constant with conversion for a

living polymerization and is increasing for free radical and coordination

polymerization since at any time new polymer molecules are formed.

The situation can be quite different in the case of stepwise polymerization

reactions. Here the polymer growth reaction takes place by stepwise reactions of

bifunctional molecules (Pn and Pm in Tab 1.2). The molecules can be monomers,


oligomers, or polymers depending on the degree of conversion. At the beginning

of reaction only monomer molecules are present in the reaction mixture. With

increasing conversion monomer concentration is rapidly falling and oligomers

are formed. High molecular weight polymers are only formed at very high

conversion of functional groups (above 99 %). The polymer growth reaction is a

typical condensation reaction like the reaction of carboxylic groups with

hydroxylic groups; forming ester groups and water. This kind of polycon-

densation reactions are in general reversible reactions, which have to be shifted

to the right side of the equilibrium for high conversions. The active sites are the

functional groups of the reacting molecules, with an infinite life time on its own.

The concentration of functional groups is decreasing with increasing conversion.

In an ideal case there are no other side reactions in stepwise polymerization

reactions beside growth reaction. The avarage molecular weight of the

condensation products increases with conversion of functional groups. First

there is a very slow increase, then at high conversion there is a very strong

increase in molecular weight. High molecular weight polycondensates can only

be achieved at very high conversions. The molar concentration of polymer

molecules decreases with conversion. At a conversion of 100% only one huge

macromolecule should be present in the reaction volume.

The most industrially important polymers listed in Tab. 1.1 are produced by free

radical polymerization (ethylene, vinylchloride, styrene, butadiene) by coordi-

nation polymerization (ethylene, propylene, butadiene) and by condensation or

addition polymerization (polyesters, polyurethanes, formaldehyde resins).

1.3 Methods of Polymerization

Polymerization reactions are highly exothermic reactions, producing a large

amount of heat that has to be removed from the reaction medium.

Polymerization reactions are further characterized by a very strong increase of

viscosity of the reaction mixture with conversion, which can cause problems

with mixing, heat removal, and transport of the reaction mixture. Another

characteristic feature of polymerization reactions is the sensitivity of the reaction

rate to very small amounts of impurities, such as free radical scavangers or

catalyst poisons. These impurities have to be removed by very intensive

cleaning of the reactants and solvents before starting the reaction.

Polymerization reactions can be performed in very different ways. In Tab. 1.3

different methods of performing polymerization reactions are listed. The

reaction medium can either be a homogeneous or a heterogeneous system.

Heterogeneous systems have the great advantage of having a much lower

viscosity than the corresponding homogeneous system at equivalent conditions.

Due to this advantage mixing, heat removal, and transport is not as much of a

problem as it is in the case of homogeneous systems. The decision of which


process is to be used for performing a polymerization reaction does not only

depend on the engineering aspects named, but also on the properties of the

polymer to be produced and the method of polymer processing for

manufacturing of the polymeric material. For example polyethylene can be

produced by free radical polymerization in bulk phase at super critical

conditions (low density polyethylene for films), but also by coordination

polymerization in a slurry or gas phase (high density polyethylene for pipes and


1.4. Types of Polymerization Reactors

Major polymerization reactors used in industry are represented schematically in

Fig. 1.1. The type of reactor used depends mainly on the method of polymeri-

zation. Most polymerization reactions are run in liquid phase, with some in gas

phase. The most widely used reactor for liquid phase polymerization is the

stirred tank reactor. It is used for batch, semibatch and continuous processes. In

case of continuous processes the stirred tank reactor is used as a single reactor or

as a cascade of stirred tank reactors. A single stirred tank reactor has a very

broad residence time distribution while a cascade of stirred tank reactors is

characterized by a more narrow residence time distribution. This may affect

performance and selectivity of the reactor. In the case of gas phase

polymerization reactions the fluidized bed reactor is used in general. It is run

continuously and has a very broad residence time distribution. Tubular reactors

are used for polymerization in liquid phase. In general they are characterized by

a rather narrow residence time distribution. The mode of operation of a reactor

or process is determined mainly by the amount of polymer which has to be

produced. Commodity polymers are produced in continuous processes. Speci-

ality polymers are mostly produced batch- or semibatch-wise.

1.5 General References

- "Comprehensive Polymer Science“, 7 Volumes, G. Allen, J. Bevington

(Eds.), Pergamon Press, 1989

- “Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering“, 19 Volumes, H.F.

Mark, N.M. Bikales, C.G. Overberger, G. Menges (Eds.), John Wiley and

Sons, 1990

- “Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry“, Vol. A 20, A 21,

A 22, A 23, VCH, 1992

- A. Rudin: “The Elements of Polymer Science and Engineering“, Academic

Press, 1982

- J.A. Biesenberger, D.H. Sebastian: “Principles of Polymerization Enginee-

ring“, John Wiley and Sons, 1983


- G. Odian: “Principles of Polymerization“, John Wiley and Sons, 1991

- N.A. Dotson, R. Galván, R.L. Laurence, M. Tirrell: “Polymerization Process

Modelling“, VCH Publishers, 1996

- K.H. Reichert, H.-U. Moritz: “Polymer Reaction Engineering“, in Compre-

hensive Polymer Science, Vol. 3, p. 327, Pergamon Press, 1989

- H.G. Elias: “Plastics, General Survey“, in Ullmanns´s Encyclopedia of

Industrial Chemistry, Vol. A 20, p. 543, VCH, 1992

- A. Hamielec, H. Tobita: “Polymerization Processes“, in Ullmann´s Ency-

clopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Vol. A 21, p. 305, VCH, 1992


1.6 Tables and Figures

Thermoplastics Thermosets Elastomers

- Polyethylene

- Polypropylene

- Poly(vinyl chloride)

- Polystyrene and Styrenics

- Poly(ethylene terephthalate)

- Phenol-Formaldehyde-


- Polyurethanes

- Urea-Formaldehyde-


- Styrene-Butadiene-


- Polybutadiene

Tab. 1.1: Classification and examples of major synthetic polymers





Polymer growth reaction

1nn PMP XPPP mnmn

Active sites Free radicals



Functional groups

Specific name of

polymerization reaction

Free radical polymeri-

zation (FRP)

Coordination polymeri-

zation (CP)

Living polymerization


Polycondensation or


Life time of active sites Short for FRP and CP

Long for LP Long

Concentration of

active sites

Low and nearly constant

with conversion for FRP

and LP

Low and non-constant

with conversion for CP

According to monomer

concentration and decrea-

sing with conversion

Other reactions besides

growth reaction

Initiation (FRP, CP, LP)

Termination (FRP, CP)

Transfer reaction


None (ideal case)

Molecular weight

with conversion

Nearly constant for FRP

and CP

Increasing for LP


Polymer concentration

with conversion

Constant for LP, increa-

sing for FRP and CP Decreasing

Tab. 1.2: Types of polymerization reactions and characteristic features


Solution Polymerization

Polymerization of monomer in presence of a


Homogeneous system

Bulk Polymerization

Polymerization of monomer in absence of a

solvent (only monomer)

Homogeneous or heterogeneous system

Suspension Polymerization

Polymerization of liquid monomer droplets dis-

persed in a liquid phase (water) using oil soluble

initiators and water soluble surfactants

Emulsion Polymerization

Polymerization of monomer in latex particles

dispersed in a liquid phase (water) using water

soluble initiators and surfactants

Slurry Polymerization

Polymerization of gaseous monomer in catalyst/

polymer particles dispersed in a liquid phase

(gas/solid/liquid system)

Gas Phase Polymerization Polymerization of gaseous monomer in catalyst/

polymer particles dispersed in gas phase



Polymerization of monomer in solution and

precipitation of the polymer formed during


Tab. 1.3: Methods of polymerization


Fig. 1.1: Schematic representation of major types of polymerization reactors

with broad and narrow residence time distribution




2.1 Free Radical Polymerization in Solution

Rate and Conversion of Polymerization

Free radical polymerization is still the most widely used type of polymerization

for polymer production. It can be run in solution, bulk, suspension, and

emulsion. The reaction scheme of a typical free radical polymerization reaction

is shown in Tab.2.1. The main steps of the reaction are initiation of a chain,

propagation of the chain, termination of the chain, and different kinds of transfer

reactions. In the initiation reaction the initiator decomposes into two primary

radicals which can start a growing chain by addition of a monomer like ethylene,

vinyl chloride or styrene. The additon of the first monomer molecule to a

primary radical can in general not be distinguished from the addition of the

second or third monomer molecule, at least from a kinetic point of view. The

initiation reaction is followed by the chain propagation reaction. In this reaction

many monomer molecules are added to the growing chain. The number of added

monomer molecules is in the order of 1000. Molecules with free radical

character are very reactive species which also can react with each other. In this

case the chain propagation reaction is terminated. Two different kinds of chain

termination reactions have to be considered, with chain termination by

recombination being more common than termination by disproportionation.

Both ways of termination can happen simultaneously. The result of termination

by recombination is the formation of one macromolecule with a much larger

chain length than that of the two original molecules. Termination by dispro-

portionation leads to formation of two macromolecules of the same chain length

as the original active molecules. One of the two molecules formed has a double

bond at the end of the chain and is able to act as a comonomer forming branched

macro molecules. Atom abstraction reactions like abstraction of hydrogen or

halogen atoms in free radical polymerization reactions are called chain transfer

reactions. The atom donor molecule itself (monomer, polymer, solvent, transfer

agent) becomes a radical, and the kinetic chain is not terminated if the new

radical formed can add further monomer molecules. In this case chain transfer

reactions do not affect the kinetics, but only the chain length of the polymer

molecules. To control the molecular weight of polymers effective chain transfer

agents like mercaptanes are added to the reaction medium.

For a free radical polymerization reaction the following kinetic equations can be

derived by making some assumptions. One important assumtion is the quasi-

stationary state assumptions for concentration of free radicals.













kfkk td






The overall rate of polymerization R is first order with respect to monomer

concentration CM and one-half order with respect to the initiator concentration

CI. The overall rate constant k does not only depend on rate constant of chain

propagation, initiator decomposition, and chain termination but also on radical

efficiency factor f which is a probability factor for a primary radical to react with

monomer rather than to react with other radicals and become inefficient. To

express the conversion of monomer as a function of time the differential rate

equation has to be integrated. Calling CM,0 and CI,0 the initial monomer and

initiator concentration and regarding CI,0 to be constant with time, the result is :


Cln 1/2



If conversion of monomer X is of interest the corresponding equations are:


dX 1/2I,0

tCkexp1X 1/2I,0

If concentration of initiator is not constant with time, and the initiator

decomposition is a first order reaction, the following equations have to be






dX d1/2I,0





Ck2exp1X d



The maximum conversion of monomer which can be achieved depends on the

type and concentration of initiator used. If the initiator is decomposing too fast

at reaction conditions than the polymerization reaction stops at a conversion

smaller than 1. This kind of polymerization is called dead-end polymerization.

The maximum conversion of monomer can be calculated by the following






For calculation of rate or conversion of free radical polymerization as a function

of time the rate constants are needed. In Tab. 2.2 some suggested values of rate

constants and corresponding activation energies are given. They can strongly

differ and depend on the kind of monomer, initiator, or solvent used. The

numerical value of the chain transfer constant cited in Tab. 2.2 refers to transfer

reactions of monomer, solvent, or polymer but not of transfer agents. Active

transfer agents have much larger rate constants.

In Fig. 2.1 the calculated conversion and rate of a typical free radical poly-

merization are shown.

Molecular Weight of Polymer

The average molecular weight Mn (number average) of polymers formed by free

radical polymerization is given by:


The average degree of polymerization Pn (number average) does depend on the

kinetic chain length .


nP for chain termination by disproportionation

2Pn for chain termination by recombination

The kinetic chain length for polymerization without any chain transfer reaction

can be expresed as:


















P k


at steady state the kinetic chain length is given by:





With this equation the instanteneous average degree of polymerization is:

Pn = 1/2





for termination by disproportionation

Pn = 1/2





for termination by recombination

For free radical polymerization with chain transfer to a transfer agent the

instanteneous degree of polymerization (number average) is given by:











n R










Equation of Mayo with Pn,0 =

Pn,0 = 2 for termination by

disproportionation and combination



1 =








Ckkf2 for termination by disproportionation


1 =










for termination by recombination

In Fig. 2.2 the cumulative molecular weights of polymers produced by a free

radical polymerization consisting of initiation, propagation, and termination by

disproportionation is given. The decay of molecular weight is caused by the

decay of monomer concentration with time of reaction.

Gel Effect, Glass Effect and Cage Effect

In free radical polymerization effects of autoacceleration can be observed

especially in systems with high monomer concentration. In Fig. 2.3 conversion-

time plots of methyl methacrylate polymerization in benzene with different

monomer concentrations are shown. The temperature was kept constant at 50 0C. The higher the monomer concentration the stronger the effect of auto-

acceleration. The same effect can be seen also in other chemical systems. In Fig.

2.4 the rate and instantaneous degree of polymerization (number average) is

shown for polymerization of styrene at 50 0C and different initiator concen-

trations. It can be seen that not only rate of polymerization but also degree of

polymerization increases strongly at the onset of the gel effect. The beginning

and the intensity of the autoacceleration effect is dependent on the type of

monomer, initiator and solvent, but also on temperature and concentration of

reactants. Since this kind of effect is observed mainly in systems, which are gel-

like the effect is called the gel effect.

The gel effect in free radical polymerization is caused by an increase in viscosity

of the reaction medium. The viscosity particularly affects the rate of chain

termination reaction. The higher the viscosity the lower the rate of termination

reaction. The lower the rate of termination reaction the higher the concentration

of free radicals, and subsequently the higher the rate of polymerization at steady

state. This is due to the fact that in highly viscous systems bimolecular reactions

of macromolecules become diffusion controlled. In this case the rate constant of

the termination reaction is inversely proportional to viscosity of reaction

medium. In literature many models have been published to describe the gel

effect of free radical polymerization. One very simple but useful model is that of

A.Hamielec. He developed empirical correlations that describe the decay of the

rate constant of the chain termination reaction with respect to conversion of


monomer. In Tab. 2.3 the correlations of three different monomers are listed.

They are valid for bulk polymerization in the temperature range cited. The

graphical presentation of the correlations is shown in Fig. 2.5. The decay of

termination rate constant with conversion is strongest in the case of methyl

methacrylate polymerization and takes place from the very beginning of the

polymerization. This strong decrease of the termination rate constant has two

effects: it increases the rate of polymerization and the degree of polymerization

according to:

MPpp CCkR with




P k





CkP for termination by recombination and no transfer


With increasing viscosity of the reaction medium not only the rate of

termination reaction but also the rate of propagation reaction can be affected. In

this case the effect will be smaller since the reaction takes place between a

macromolecule and a micromolecule, which is not hindered in diffusion as

strongly as a macromolecule. If the reaction mixture becomes solid (glassy state)

at a certain conversion, the polymerization reaction stops because monomer

molecules can no longer diffuse to the macromolecular radicals and react with

them. This effect is called the glass effect. As can be seen in Fig. 2.6 in the case

of free radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate in bulk at 22.5 0C the

propagation rate constant is beginning to fall at a conversion of about 50% and

becomes zero at a conversion of 80%. At this conversion the polymerization

stops. It can be started again if the reaction temperature is increased. Thus the

temperature of reaction and glass transition temperature of reaction mixture play

an important part in the maximum conversion of a reaction. If a conversion of

one is to be reached the reaction temperature has to be larger than the glass

transition temperature of the polymer to be produced. According to Buche the

maximum volume fraction of polymer P,max at a given reaction temperature T

can be calculated by using the following equation :






for P,gM,g TTT

P and M are the thermal expansion coefficients of polymer and monomer. Tg,P

and Tg,M are the glass transition temperatures of polymer and monomer. The

equation is valid for polymerization in bulk, suspension or emulsion. The

corresponding maximum conversion of polymerization is:







with M and P being the density of monomer and polymer at temperature T.

The correlation of maximum conversion and reaction temperature is shown in

Fig. 2.7 in the case of polymerization of styrene in bulk phase.

Not only rate constants can depend on viscosity of reaction medium, but also the

radical efficiency factor can be influenced by viscosity. If an initiator molecule

is decomposing within a cage of solvent molecules, the primary radicals can

diffuse out of the cage and start a polymer chain or they can react with each

other and be lost for polymerization reactions. The diffusion of the primary

radicals out of the cage will depend on the viscosity of the medium. The higher

the viscosity the lower the diffusion coefficient, and subsequently the radical

efficiency factor. This effect is called the cage effect. Tefera Shibeshi developed

a correlation that describes the effect of conversion on radical efficiency factor

in the case of free radical polymerization in bulk phase:


f2f 0

The correlation is shown in Fig. 2.8 for methyl methacrylate polymerization

with azo-bis-isobutyronitrile at different temperatures. The fitting factor g is in

the order of 0.4.

Effect of Volume Contraction

In general polymerization reactions in liquid phase run under volume

contraction conditions, because the polymer has a larger density than the

monomer. The volume contraction with conversion can be expressed by:

X1VV 0RR ,

with 1P



with this correlation the rate of polymerization is:









The values of are on the order of – 0.1 to – 0.3. The effect of volume

contraction on rate of polymerization is small and can usually be neglected.

Effect of Inhibitors or Retarders

In general chain transfer reactions can be represented by the following reaction


TPTP ntrk




If the numerical value of pk is zero than the transfer agent T is called an

inhibitor. If pk is smaller than the propagation rate constant kp than the transfer

agent is called a retarder. The effect of inhibitors and retarders on the kinetics of

free radical polymerization is shown in Fig. 2.9. Hydroquinone and

diphenylamine are chemicals which are effective inhibitors even at

concentrations of 10 to 100 ppm. Before a polymerization reaction is started,

inhibitors have to be removed from the reaction mixture or an excess of initiator

must be used to start the reaction. Dissolved oxygen in a reaction mixture can

act as an effective inhibitor and has to be removed carefully by purging with

nitrogen or applying vacuum to the system. Variable induction periods can be

the result of different concentrations of inhibitor left within the reaction mixture.

Retarders are for example nitrobenzene compounds.

2.2 Free Radical Polymerization in Emulsion

Emulsion polymerization is one of the most versatile processes of

polymerization. For running an emulsion polymerization a suitable surfactant

has to be used. The concentration of the surfactant in water must be larger than

the critical micell concentration of the surfactant in order to form a large number

of micelles, in which the polymerization is takes place. In general the

concentration of surfactant is in the order of 0.5 to 5 w% of the amount of

monomer. At this concentration the number of micelles is about 1021 micelles

per liter of solution. Micelles are in general spherical particles with a diameter of

3 to 5 nm and are formed by 50 to 100 molecules of the surfactant. Next the


monomer is added to the solution of surfactant under vigorous stirring, thereby

forming spherical monomer droplets with a diameter of 1 to 10 m. The volume

ratio of monomer to water is varying from 0,5 to 1. A certain amount of

monomer is dissolves into the micells according to the swelling equilibrium of

the system. By addition of a water soluble initiator the polymerization is started.

For polymerization, at temperatures of 50 to 700C peroxides like K2S208 are used

as initiators. For polymerization at lower temperatures (~ 50C) redox initiators

like cumyl hydroperoxide and FeSO4 are added. The amount of initiator added is

about 0.1 to 0.5 w% of monomer. The initiator molecules in the water phase

decompose into primary radicals, which enter predominantly into micellar

particles, where they start the polymerization of the monomer, forming latex

particles. At the end of the polymerization reaction a latex is formed containing

spherical polymer particles of about 100 nm in diameter and the number of

particles per liter of emulsion is approximately 1017

. If the polymerization is run

batchwise at constant temperature, the rate of reaction is shown in Fig. 2.10. The

diagram shown is an idealistic representation. This kind of behaviour can be

observed when the monomer is completely insoluble in water phase. If the

monomer is slightly soluble bell-shaped curvatures are observed. In any case,

three different periods of polymerization can be seen. There is an increase and a

decrease in the rate of reaction and in between there is a period of nearly

constant rate.

Intensive work in modelling the kinetics of emulsion polymerization has been

going on since 1940. Pioneers in this field are Fikentscher and Harkins in

Europe and Smith and Ewart in USA. According to their fundamental studies the

following model has been established:

In period 1 (polymer particle formation) polymer particles are formed by

polymerization of monomer within the micellar particles. The formation of

polymer particles is going on as long as micellar particles are present in the

reaction medium. As soon as concentration of surfactant drops below the critical

micell concentration the particle formation period is ending. This period is in

general the case at conversions of about 10 %.

In period 2 (polymer particle growth) the number of polymer particles and the

concentration of monomer and radicals within these particles are constant. This

is due to the adjusted equilibria of monomer between the three phases of the

system and because of the quasi-steady-state of radical concentration in the

particles. Period 2 ends, when no more monomer droplets are present in the

reacting system. This happens at a conversion of 30 to 70 %.

In period 3 (monomer depletion) the concentration of monomer in the polymer

particles is decreasing because it is consumed by polymerization and

transportation of monomer into polymer particles does not take place any longer

since no monomer particles are present any more in the dispersion. Due to

decreasing monomer concentration the rate of reaction falls correspondingly.


The rate of emulsion polymerization is given by :




with N being the number of latex particles per liter of emulsion. The number of

radicals per latex particle is n. NA is the number of Avogadro.

Monomer concentration in polymer particles

The concentration of monomer in polymer particles is determined by the free

enthalpy of interfacial tension and by the free enthalpy of swelling of the

particles. At equilibrium the following equation (Morton-Kaizerman-Altier) is





V 2 R T ]-1ln[ 2


with VM : Molar volume of monomer [m3 / mol]

: Interfacial tension [N / m]

rp : Radius of latex particle [m]

P : Volume fraction of polymer

(1-P) : Volume fraction of monomer

: Flory-Huggins interaction parameter

Swelling of polymer particles by monomer is increasing with decreasing

interfacial tension, increasing radius of particles and decreasing the interaction

parameter, which is equivalent to increasing solubility of polymer in its

monomer. In period 2 of emulsion polymerization the interfacial tension and

radius of particles are increasing simultaneously. Therefore monomer

concentration remains constant as long as monomer droplets are present in the

system. In Tab. 2.4 monomer concentration at equilibrium is given for different

monomers. The concentration in monomer droplets is on the order of 9 mol/l.

Number of radicals in polymer particles

A polymer particle may gain a free radical by absorbing it from the water phase.

A particle may lose a radical by desorbing it into the water phase, or radicals

inside the particle are lost by radical termination reactions. Taking these three

processes (entry, exit, termination) into account, Smith and Ewart developed a

in slmol /


radical balance equation of the polymerizing particles. Stockmeyer and O´Toole

have solved this balance equation. The result is shown in Fig. 2.11. The average

number of radicals per particle depends on the ratios of relative rates of radical

entry, radical exit, and radical termination. In general the rate of exit is small

compared to the rate of entry and the rate of entry is small compared to the rate

of termination. In this case the average number of free radicals per particle is

0.5. On average there is one or no radical inside a particle. But as can be seen

from Fig. 2.11 the number of radicals per latex particle can also be larger or

smaller than 0.5. Numbers much larger than 0,5 are to be expected if the gel

effect is present.

Number of polymer particles

Polymer particles can be formed in different ways.

1. By entry of a radical into a micell. The radical startsthe polymerization of the

monomer which is present in the micell according to the adjusted swelling


2. A primary radical can start the polymerization of monomer in the water

phase since monomer is also present in water to some extent. When the

growing oligo-radical reaches a certain chain length it may precipitate from

the water phase and form the nucleus for a polymer particle.

3. Primary radicals may also enter into monomer droplets and start

polymerization there. Monomer droplets will be transformed into polymer


In the case of an ideal emulsion polymerization the most probable way of

forming polymer particles is the entry of primary radicals into micells and

polymerization of monomer within micells, which then become polymer

particles. For this case of particle formation Smith and Ewart have developed an

equation, which makes it possible to calculate the number of polymer particle at

the end of the particle formation period:







with AMIdd N1Ckf2R [1/m3 s]







AS CS : Specific interfacial area of surfactant [m2/m



The end of period 1 is reached when the interfacial area of all polymer particles

formed corresponds to the area that can be covered by a monolayer of surfactant

molecules. Beyond this point no further polymer particles can be stabilized by

surfactant because there is no more free surfactant available in the system. In the

case that all primary radicals formed do enter into micells and not into polymer

particles, then the rate of particle formation corresponds to rate of free radical

formation. This balance leads to the number of polymer particles according to

the equation of Smith and Ewart. The rate of radical formation is related to the

water phase with a volume fraction of (1-M). M is the volume fraction of

monomer. The factor 2f for rate of radical formation should be considered only

in the case of initiator decomposition into two radicals. If redox initiators are

used for emulsion polymerization then only one primary radical is formed per

step of reaction and the factor 2f is not applicable. The rate of volume growth of

polymer particles is considered to be constant since the number of radicals per

particle are assumed to be constant and equal to 0.5. M and P are the density

of monomer and polymer. The specific interfacial area of surfactant is given by

the concentration of surfactant and the specific surface area AS of surfactant.

In Fig. 2.12 a schematic of monomer concentration, of number of polymer

particles and of free radicals during the three periods of emulsion

polymerization can be seen. These parameters determine the rate of

polymerization, the molecular weight of polymer and the size of polymer


The rate of polymerization is:



NnCk R

with 5/3~ S

2/5I CC N in period 2 of polymerization

then MS2/5Ip CCC R 5/3~

The degree of polymerization is:




with 5/3~ S

2/5I CC N and

5/5~ Id CR in period 2 of polymerization


then MSIn CCCP 5/35/3~

The diameter of polymer particle is:






6d P


with 5/35/2~ SI CCN in period 2 of polymerization

then 3 5/35/2~ SIp CCd

The rate of emulsion polymerization can be influenced by the concentration of

surfactant and initiator and by temperature. An increase in concentration and

temperature causes an increase in rate.

The molecular weight of the polymer does depend on concentration of initiator

and surfactant and on temperature. An increase of initiator concentration and

temperature will lower the molecular weight. An increase in surfactant

concentration will increase the molecular weight. These dependencies count

only for emulsion polymerizations, which are free of transfer reactions. In this

case the molecular weight is increasing in period 1, it is constant in period 2 and

it is falling in period 3. The degree of polymerization (number average) in the

case of an ideal emulsion polymerization corresponds to the kinetic chain length,

since termination reactions by recombination of macro radicals do not take

places. The predominat mode of termination are recombination reactions

between macro and primary radicals, which enter the polymer particles. The

average life time of a growing radical chain within a polymer particle is given

by the ratio of the number of polymer particles to the rate of radical formation in

the water phase. The rate of radical generation is proportional to rate of radical

entering into polymer particles. The average life time of a polymerizing radical

in a polymer particle is on the order of 10 seconds. If a primary radical is

entering a polymer particle it will start a chain. The chain will grow until the

next primary radical is entering the particle. The termination reaction happens

immediately after entry of the radical. Then a period of no polymerization will

follow, which is also in the order of 10 seconds. These successive periods of


activity and non-activity of a single polymer particle will take place during the

whole course of emulsion polymerization. Since the average life time of a

growing radical is much longer in emulsion polymerization than in solution or

bulk polymerization the resulting chain length of polymer molecules will also be

much larger at comparable conditions and if transfer reactions are not dominant.

The molecular weight distribution in period 1 and 2 of emulsion polymerization

is rather narrow since concentration of monomer is constant. In period 3

monomer concentration decreases and molecular weight distribution broadens.

Branching and crosslinking reactions increase with increasing polymer

concentration. In emulsion polymerization polymer concentration in polymer

particles is relatively high from the very beginning of polymerization due to the

adjusted swelling equilibrium. This is why in emulsion polymerization the

polymers formed are in general more branched or crosslinked than in solution or

bulk polymerization. This is also one of the reasons why emulsion

polymerization is often terminated at a conversion of about 70% if branched or

crosslinked products are not wanted.

The polymer particle size in emulsion polymerization increases in period 2 and 3

since the number of particles is constant and conversion increases. The size of

particles can be influenced by the initial concentration of initiator and surfactant.

The higher the concentration the smaller the size. The particle size distribution is

influenced by the ratio of conversion in period 1 to total conversion. The

smaller this ratio the more narrow is the particle size distribution.

Monodispersed polymer particles can be produced in emulsion polymerization

by avoiding particle formation during reaction. This can be realized by running

the polymerization in presence of a seed. The seed is a prepolymerized latex

with no micelles present. To avoid agglomeration of particles surfactant has to

be added, but its concentration should not exceed critical micell concentration.

In Tab. 2.5 the effect of concentration of initiator and surfactant as well as

temperature and volume ratio of monomer to water is shown. These effects can

only be seen in the case of an ideal emulsion polymerization. Deviations do

occur in the case of emulsion polymerization of monomers with a certain

solubility in water and in the case of emulsion polymerization with a gel or glass



2.3 Free Radical Copolymerization in Solution

Free radical copolymerization reactions are widely used in industry to produce

copolymers with specific properties. If a solution of monomer M1 and M2 is

polymerized by means of an initiator, the following reactions have to be

considered: Initiation, propagation, termination and transfer reactions. The

primary radicals formed may react with either of the two monomers forming

species 1P and

2P , which are radicals with monomer M1 and M2 at the end of

the chain. If the reactivity of the radicals does depend only on the type of

monomer at the end of the chain, then the following four different chain

propagation reactions have to be concidered:













The rate of polymerization of monomer M1 and M2 is:





At steady state conditions the rate of initiation is equal to rate of termination:




1P11ti CCkCkCk2R

Of special interest in copolymerization is the cross termination reaction

between two different radicals

1P and 2P . Taking Bodenstein´s rule

Rp12 = Rp21 into account the overall rate of monomer consumption can be

expressed by:

2M1Pp1222p11p2M1M CCk2RR



Replacing radical concentration

1P and 2P by relevant equations, the so

called Melville equation of copolymerization reads:


























1 r;r;;



12tkCkf2R ,

The parameter characterizes the rate constant of cross-termination reaction

with respect to the geometric mean value of the rate constants of termination

reactions of homopolymerizations. Statistically, is expected to equal unity.

Measured values of however are frequently greater than one. These devations

are ascribed to polar effects, which favor cross-termination over

homotermination. The equation of Melville is based on the assumption that

termination reactions are not controlled by diffusion processes. This may be

correct at low conversion, but not for high conversions and high viscosity media.

Furthermore, it was found for some systems, that is a function of monomer

feed composition. This finding was handled by Atherton and North using a

single termination rate constant and assuming, that the value of it depends on

instantaneous composition of copolymer formed. In Fig. 2.13 the initial rate of

copolymerization of styrene and methyl methacrylate is shown as function of

mole fraction of styrene f1 in monomer feed. The experimental results (dots) are

best fitted with a value of 13 which in this case does not depend on

composition of monomer feed. The value is much larger than one, indicating a

strong tendancy towards alternation copolymerization.

2.4 Coordination Polymerization in Gas Phase

Models of Polymerization of Single Particles

For coordination polymerization appropriate catalysts are necessary. Suitable

catalysts are Ziegler-, Phillips-, or Metallocene-catalysts. In general, heteroge-


neous catalysts are used in industry. They are made by fixation of catalytic

active metal complexes onto the surface of certain supports. Coordination

polymerization in gas phase is run in fluidized bed reactors by using catalyst

particles of less than 100 m in diameter and gaseous monomers. During the

course of polymerization the catalyst particles are fragmented by the polymer

formed within the pores of the catalyst. The particles grow in size during the

course of polymerization and have in general the same shape as the originial

catalyst particles if particle agglomeration can be avoided. For modelling the

particle growth an appropriate model is necesarry. Many different particle

models have been published in literature. The most widely used models are the

so called “multigrain model“ and the “polymeric flow model“. Both models are

represented schematically in Fig. 2.14. In the case of the multigrain model it is

assumed that in the beginning of polymerization there is an extremely fast

fragmentation of the catalyst particles and polymerization takes place on the

surface of the fragments, forming micro particles with a core of catalyst and a

shell of polymer. The thickness of the shell grows during the course of

polymerization and thereby also the size of the reacting particle. The polymer

particles produced are assumed to be very porous.

In the case of the polymeric flow model it is assumed that fragmentation of

catalyst particles is also a very fast process, but in this case nonporous particles

are formed. It is assumed that the small catalyst fragments are well dispersed

within the compact polymer particles, having a concentration gradient from

particle center to particle surface. The concentration gradient is caused by the

outward oriented flow of polymer, which is continuously formed by

polymerization. Both models are frequently used for modelling of

polymerization of olefins with heterogeneous catalysts.

Kinetics and Molecular Weight without Effect of Mass Transport

In the case of chemical controlled rate of polymerization it is assumed,that mass

transport of monomer into reacting particles does not play a major role. In

Fig. 2.15 a typical rate-time diagram of coordination polymerization of

butadiene with a heterogeneous Ziegler catalyst at constant pressure and

temperature is shown. From this figure it can be seen that the kinetic feature of

polymerization is characterized by periods of activation and deactivation. For

modelling the kinetics of polymerization a simple but realistic scheme of

reaction is necessary. For that purpose major information on polymerization

reactions and polymer properties is needed. In the present case the following

scheme of reaction is postulated based on experimental data:


Activation reaction: 1ak


Polymerization reaction:



Deactivation reaction: eMP P ndk


According to this scheme it is postulated that only one type of active site P


formed by reaction of a transition metal complex Me with monomer M. Very

often more than one kind of active site has to be considered. This strongly

depends on the type of coordination catalyst used. Metallocene catalysts are said

to be single site catalysts. Activation reactions can be a very complex process.

Very often physical processes like catalyst fragmentation cause activation

periods of a reaction. In propagation reactions the active sites add a large

number of monomer molecules. It is assumed that rate constant kp does not

depend on the length of a growing chain. The life time of active sites can differ

strongly depending on type of catalyst used. Active sites of typical Ziegler

catalysts have average life times in the order of seconds or minutes. The

polymerization reaction as such is also a rather complex reaction and it consists

of the following characteristic steps:

1. Controlled coordination of monomer to the catalytic active site.

2. Activation of coordinated monomer by formation of a four-membered


3. Insertion of the activated monomer into the active metal-carbon bond.

As a consequence of these steps of reaction highly stereospecific polymer

molecules can be formed. In general active sites of catalyst are deactivated

either by typical poisons like water, acids, alcohols, and oxygen or by

deactivation reactions of the active sites by themself. In the present reaction

scheme a monomolecular self deactivation reaction of active sites is assumed.

Very often also bimolecular self deactivation reactions are postulated especially

in the case of homogeneous catalyst systems. Deactivation of catalyst can take

place also by physical processes like formation of a compact polymer shell

around active sites, which prevents the monomer from reaching the active sites.

This will be the case if the polymer shell is made by highly crystalline material

through which monomer can diffuse only very slowly. For modelling the

kinetics of polymerization shown in Fig. 2.15 the material balances of the

reactants have to be solved. It is assumed that the concentration of monomer in

the polymer particles is constant during the course of polymerization at constant

pressure and temperature. This is the case if mass transfer of monomer from the


gas phase into the polymer particles is fast compared to the polymerization

reaction inside the particles. Monomer concentration in the particles is given by

the concentration at equilibrium, which depends on monomer pressure and


., constCC equiMM

In the case of butadiene/1,4-cis-polybutadiene the solubility diagram shown in

Fig. 2.16 was determined by experiments (dots) and calculated (fitted) by the

equation of Flory-Huggins (lines):


M 11lnp






molJ4000E /


The correlation between monomer concentration and volume fraction of

monomer is given by the following equation:






The mass balance of transition metal and active sites should not be expressed in

terms of concentration but rather in terms of moles since the volume of reacting

particles is increasing with reaction time and causes a decrease of concentration

within the particles

Transition metal: MeMaMe nCk td


tCk-expn n Ma,0MeMe


Acitve sites :






with these equations and the initial condition 00tntotal

P the moles of

active sites are given by:


nCkn dMa




The overall rate of polymerization can be defined as:











CkkM3,6R dMa





This equation was fitted to the experimental results by using the parameters

listed in Tab. 2.6. The result can be seen in Fig. 2.15. It should be mentioned

that modelling should be done for a large range of reaction conditions

(temperature, pressure, catalyst concentration) in order to cheque the quality of

the model. For modelling molecular weight distribution of polymers formed

commerical simulation programs can be used. One very potential simulation

program is “Predici“ developed by M. Wulkow. With this program molecular

weight distribution can be simulated if the polymerization scheme and the

kinetic parameters are available. Using the postulated reaction scheme and the

parameters of gas phase polymerization of butadiene one can see that the

experimental molecular weight distribution can not be modeled accurately. The

experimental molecular weights are much smaler than the calculated ones.

Therefore transfer reactions have to be assumed in the present case of

polymerization. One major type of transfer reaction in Ziegler-Natta polymeri-


zation is a chain transfer reaction to aluminium organyle, which is present in

large excess compared to transition metal compound:


trkn PAlPAlP

With this transfer reaction and a value of 610-4


for ktr cAl the experimental

molecular weights can be modeled as can be seen in Fig. 2.17. The other

parameters are the same as those used for modelling the kinetics of

polymerization (Tab. 2.6).

Kinetics and Molecular Weight Distribution with Effect of Mass Transport

If the rate of polymerization of reacting particles is faster than rate of mass

transport of monomer into the particles then concentration gradients of monomer

within the particle will occur. These concentration gradients will effect the

kinetics of polymerization and the molecular weight as well as molecular weight

distribution of polymer formed. In Fig. 2.18 a schematic diagram of

concentration gradients of monomer within and outside of the reacting particle is

shown. The concentration gradient in the boundary layer around the particle is in

the case of gases in general very small. The thickness of the boundary layer can

be influenced by the intensity of mixing of the disperse system. A quick way of

testing if concentration gradients are present in reacting particles or not is to

vary the particle size of the catalyst or the loading of catalyst particles with

active component. If the normalized rate of polymerization does depend on

particle size or catalyst loading, then mass transport is affecting the kinetics and

molecular weight and its distribution.

For modelling kinetics of polymerization or molecular weight distributions of

polymers in the case of reacting systems with mass transport effects appropriate

material balances of chemical reaction and mass transport have to be considered.

In the case of a polymerization scheme like that which was postulated before

and with the assumption that the polymerizing particles are non-porous and

spherical in shape, the following material balances are adequate:

Monomer :








c M




with total

PMpMeMa cckcck R

and equiMParticleM crrc ,


Polymer (convective flux):







Transition metal:




PMe cckRMc







Active sites:
















Of special importance for modelling mass transport is the numerical value of the

diffusion coefficient. Since the diffusion coefficient depends on many

parameters, it is best determined by experiment at relevant conditions. In case of

gas phase polymerization of butadiene the diffusion coefficient was determined

by sorption experiments of butadiene in polybutadiene particles at different

temperatures and pressures. The results are shown in Fig. 2.19. The

polybutadiene particles were made by gas phase polymerization of butadiene

and consists of 98% 1,4-cis-polybutadiene. The numerical values of diffusion

coefficients measured are an indication that monomer transport may happen by

molecular diffusion (D 10-11

m2/s) and by diffusion in micropores with

diameter in the order of nanometers (D 10-9

m2/s). Using the set of parameters

listed in Tab. 2.7 the experimental results of kinetics and molecular weight

distribution can also be modeled very well. This is an indication that mass

transport does not have a strong impact on kinetics and molecular weight

distributions in the case of gas phase polymerization of butadiene at conditions

studied. For reason of comparison of the two models (polymeric flow model

with and without consideration of mass transport) the molecular weight

distribution of polymer was calculated with the same set of kinetic parameters.

The result is shown in Fig. 2.20. The molecular weight distribution is expressed

by the polydispersion index, which is the ratio of weight average molecular

weight to number average molecular weight. The kinetic parameters used for

simulation are listed in Tab. 2.7. As can be seen from Fig. 2.20, the differences

in dispersion index are relatively small and will not be seen by experimental

studies. However, the effect of mass transport depends strongly on the numerical


values of kinetic parameters. In Fig. 2.21 the polydispersion index is shown in

the case of a polymeric flow model with and without consideration of mass

transport. The data used is listed in Tab. 2.8. In this case larger values of ka, kp

and ktr cAl were used. Large differences of polydispersion indices can be

observed. The effect of mass transport is evident. In Fig. 2.22 the kinetics of gas

phase polymerization of butadiene is simulated by using three different particle

models, but the same set of data. It is evident, that the model used has a very

strong effect on the kinetic course of polymerization. The effect of mass

transport is increasing from multi grain model to core shell model.

Effect of Heat Transport

Polymerizations of olefins are strongly exothermic reactions. Heat of poly-

merization has to be removed out of the reacting particles. This will happen by

heat conductivity through the reacting particles and by heat transfer from the

particles to the surrounding gas phase. It has to be checked, which of the two

processes is the rate determining step for heat removal. This can be done by

looking at the heat conductivitiy of the polymer particle and the gas phase as

well as at the characteristic length for heat transport. The conductivity of

polymers is in the order of 0.2 W/(mK). The distance for heat transport is the

radius of particle. Heat conductivity of monomer gases like olefines or butadiene

is in the order of 0.02 W/(mK) and distance is given by the thickness of the

boundary layer, which does depend on the relative velocity between particle and

gas phase. In the case of non-moving particles, the thickness of the boundary

layer will correspond to the radius of the particles. In this case heat transfer at

the solid/gas interface will be the rate determining step. The balance of heat

transport is then given by:



r c2


r c














with Nu = 2 + 0,6 Re0,5


Nu = Gas


Re = Gas


Pr = Gas

Gas,pGas c

The equation of heat balance considers heat formation by polymerization and by

monomer absorption. Heat removal is considered by heat transfer from the

particle to the gas phase and by heat accumulation within the growing particle.

In case of gas phase polymerization of butadiene at 1.6 bar and 50 0C with

catalyst particles of 230 m in diameter, the increase of temperature of reacting

particles (expressed by the difference between average temperature of particle

and gas phase) is shown in Fig. 2.23 for two different Nusselt numbers. A

Nusselt number of 2 means that the reacting particle is non-moving while a

Nusselt number of 30 corresponds to heat transport within a stirred bed reactor.

These simulations show that temperature increase in reacting particles is

strongest at the beginning of polymerization and levels off at the end of

polymerization. The increase of temperature depends on the size of catalyst

particle. The larger the size of catalyst particles the larger the increase in


2.5 Coordination Polymerization in Liquid Phase

Coordination polymerization in suspension is a widely used process for

polymerization of ethylene and propylene. The gaseous monomers are dispersed

into a liquid phase to form fine bubbles. Catalyst particles are also dispersed

within the liquid phase. Monomer has to be transferred from the gas phase into

the liquid phase and from liquid phase into solid phase. The solid phase in the

beginning of the reaction is the catalyst particles, which in general are porous.

The pores of the catalyst particles are filled with liquid phase. During the course

of polymerization porous or non-porous polymer particles are formed. They

contain the catalyst, which in general is fragmented into very fine particles.

These catalyst fragments are distributed within the polymer particles. During

polymerization concentration profiles of monomer within the three phase system

can be present. Fig. 2.24 shows a schematic concentration profile of monomer


within the three phase system gas/liquid/solid. The boundary layers at the

interphases are represented by dotted lines. In the present case it is assumed, that

mass transport of monomer through a boundary layer on the gas side is fast

compared to mass transport through the other two boundary layers of liquid

phase. This means that there is no concentration gradient within this boundary

layer. During the course of polymerization the solid phase is represented by the

polymer particles, which can be porous or non-porous. If the polymerization

reaction is faster than mass transport of monomer, concentration gradients of

monomer will occur inside the polymer particles as indicated in the present case.

Rate of mass transfer and polymerization of monomer can be expressed by the

following equations:

Monomer transfer gas/liquid : )cc(akR LMML ,

Monomer transfer liquid/solid : )cc(akR SMLMSS ,,

Polymerization in particles : SMMe ccfkR ,

Rates are related to volume of liquid phase (mol/ls).

At steady-state the rates of mass transfer and polymerization can be set equal.

By elimination of cM,L and cM,S the following equation results :























According to this equation the total resistance of the process is given by the sum

of the three single resistances. If this model can be applied to coordination

polymerization of olefin in suspension, then straight lines should result if

RcM / is plotted versus Mec1/ . This has been tested in case of polymerization

of ethylene with a heterogeneous Ziegler catalyst dispersed in a liquid phase.

The results are shown in Fig. 2.25. The polymerization was run in a bubble

column reactor with a gas flow rate of 4.5 cm/s at different pressures and

temperatures. Polymerization was started in presence of polyethylene powder.

The concentration was 16 wt%. The rate of absorption of ethylene was

measured continuously during reaction. The rate is falling with reaction time. In

MeS cka with


Fig. 2.25 initial rates are used. Mc is the saturation concentration of ethylene in

liquid phase at conditions given. From the intercept of the straight lines of Fig.

2.25 the values of kL a can be taken. They are affected little by temperature and

pressure, but strongly by flow rate of gas.

Mass transfer coefficient kS can be calculated by using Sherwood correlations

published in literature.

In case of ethylene polymerization in a bubble column reactor the following

resistances for mass transport and polymerization reaction were evaluated. The

values are listed in Tab. 2.9. They depend as expected on the stage of

polymerization. In the beginning of the reaction the resistances are almost the

same, but as polymerization goes on the chemical reaction becomes more and

more rate determining.

2.6 List of Symbols

A Preexponential factor in Arrhenius equation, unit depends on order of


AS Area covered by unit weight of surfactant, m2 / kmol

a Specific interface, m2 / m


C Concentration of chemicals, kmol / m3

cp Specific heat capacity, kJ / (kg K)

D Diffusion coefficient, m2 / s

dP Diameter of particle, m

E Activation energy, kJ / kmol

f Efficiency factor of initiator or catalyst

H Enthalpy, kJ / kmol

h Heat transfer coefficient, kJ / (s m2 K)

k Rate constant of chemical reaction or mass transport, unit depends on

order of reaction, for mass transport unit is m / s

Mn Molecular weight of polymer, number average, kg / kmol

Mw Molecular weight of polymer, weight average, kg / kmol

MM Molecular weight of monomer, kg / kmol

N Number of latex particles per unit volume, 1 / m3

NA Number of Avogadro, 1 / kmol

n Number of radicals per latex particle or number of moles, kmol

Pn Degree of polymerization of polymer, number average

Pw Degree of polymerization of polymer, weight average

p Pressure, bar


R Rate of reaction, kmol / (s m3)

r Local position, m

rP Radius of particle, m

r1,r2 Parameter of copolymerization

T Temperature, K

Tg Temperature of glass transition of polymer, K

PT Average temperature of particle, K

Tgas Temperature of gas phase, K

t Time, s

u Velocity, m / s

V Volume, m3

VM Molar volume of monomer, m3 / kmol

PV Volumetric flux of polymer, m3 / s

X Conversion of monomer

Thermal expansion coefficient, 1 /K

Parameter of copolymerization

Volume contraction coefficient or catalyst effectiveness factor

Viscosity, Pa s

Thermal heat conductivity, kJ / (s m K)

Kinetic chain length

Density, kg / m3

Interfacial tension, N / m

Life time, s

Volume fraction or parameter of copolymerization

2.7 References

- “Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics“, C.H. Bamford, C.F.H. Tipper (Eds.),

Vol. 14 A: Free-radical Polymerization and Vol. 15: Non-radical Poly-

merization, Elsevier, 1976

- D.H. Napper, R.G. Gilbert: “Polymerization in Emulsion“, in Comprehensive

Polymer Science, Vol. 4, Part II, p. 171, Pergamon Press, 1989

- A.E. Hamielec, I.F. Macgregor, A. Penlidis: “Copolymerization“ in Compre-

hensive Polymer Science, Vol. 3, Part I, p. 17, Pergamon Press, 1989


- T.F. McKenna, J.B.P. Soares: “Single particle modelling for olefin polymeri-

zation on supported catalysts: A review and proposals for future develop-

ment“, Chem. Eng. Sci., 57, 4131 – 4153 (2001)

- R.A. Hutchinson, C.M. Chen, W.H. Ray: “Polymerization of Olefins Through

Heterogeneous Catalysis. X. Modelling of Particle Growth and Morphology“,

Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 44, 1389-1414 (1992)

- S. Floyd, K.Y. Choi, T.W. Taylor, W.H. Ray: “Polymerization of Olefins

through Heterogeneous Catalysis. V. Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Limitations

in Liquid Slurry Reactors“, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 32, 5451-

5479 (1986)

- W.R. Schmeal, J.R. Street: “Polymerization in Expanding Catalyst Particles“,

Am. Inst. Chem.Eng.Journal, 17, 1188 (1971)

- D. Sing, R.P. Merill: “Molecular Weight Distribution of Polyethylene Pro-

duced by Ziegler-Natta-Catalyst“, Macromolecules, 4, 599 (1971)

- L.H. Peebels: “Molecular Weight Distributions in Polymers“, John Wiley and

Sons, 1971

- M. Wulkow: “The Simulation of Molecular Weight Distributions in Poly-

reaction Kinetics by Discrete Galerkin Methods“, Macromol. Theory Simul.,

5, 393-416 (1996)


2.8 Tables and Figures


Initiator decomposition

Initiation dk


MR ik



MP 1



MP 2



MP n pk

nP +1




mn PP ctk ,


mn PP dtk ,

mn PP

Transfer Reactions




Transfer agent

MPn mtrk ,


mn PP ptrk ,

mn PP

SPn strk ,



ttrk , TPn

Tab. 2.1: Reaction scheme of free radical polymerization



s1kd /10 5 molkJEd /120

smollkp /103 molkJEp /20

smollkt /107 molkJEt /10

smollktr /10 2 molkJEtr /70

f 0.5

Tab. 2.2: Guide values of rate constants of free radical polymerization

at 50 0C and activation energies

Monomer Correlation Coefficients Valid


Methyl Meth-




t X

t X




B 41.54 0.1082T K

C 23.46 0.0785T K 40-90 0C




t X

t X


2 32


B 2.57 5.05103T K

C 9.56 1.76102T K

D 3.03 7.85103T K

50-200 0C

Vinyl Acetate



t X

t X


2 3exp

B 0.4407

C 6.7530

D 0.3495

50 0C

Tab. 2.3: Empirical correlations for modelling the gel effect in bulk polymerization

of different monomers


Monomer Monomer concentration mol/l

polymer particle water

Styrene 5.4 0.005

Butadiene 6.5 0.015

Vinyl chloride 6.0 0.11

Methyl methacrylate 7.0 0.15

Vinyl acetate 7.6 0.3

Tab. 2.4: Monomer concentration in latex particles and water phase at

equilibrium and 500C

Effect on

Increase of















of surfactant increase increase increase decrease broadening


of initiator increase increase decrease decrease narrowing

Temperature increase increase decrease decrease narrowing

Volume ratio

of monomer to


no effect no effect no effect increase narrowing

no transfer reactions present

Tab. 2.5: Effect of concentration, temperature and phase ratio on different parameters

of emulsion polymerization


50 0C E / J mol


ka / lmol-1


8.16 10-4 100 000

kp / lmol-1


7.83 20 000

kd / s-1

6.46 10-5 25 000

Tab. 2.6 Rate constants for simulation of butadiene gas phase

polymerization without mass transport effect. See Fig. 2.15

50 °C E / J mol-1

0.46 -4000

D / ms-1

3.6 10 –10


ka / lmol-1


9 10 –4 100000

kp / lmol-1


10 25000

kd / s-1

7 10 –5 20000

ktr cAl / s-1


Tab. 2.7: Data for simulation of butadiene gas phase polymerization

with mass transport effect. See Fig.2.15

50 °C


D / ms-1 3.6 10


ka / lmol-1

·s-1 105.5

kp / lmol-1



kd / s-1


ktr cAl / s-1


Tab: 2.8: Data for simulation of polydispersion index of gas phase

polybutadiene. See Fig. 2.21





sS ak




At beginning

of polymerization 20 s 31 s 33 s

After 1 h of

polymerization 20 s 0.1 s 33 s

Tab. 2.9: Different resistances of mass transfer and chemical reaction of

ethylene polymerization in slurry


Fig. 2.1: Calculated conversion and rate of free radical polymerization as function of reaction time

Data: k = 0.002 l 0.5

/(mol0.5 s), kd = 2.610

–4 1/s, CI,0 = 0.04 mol/l

Fig. 2.2: Calculated cumulative molecular weight of polymer (weight and number

average Mw and Mn) during the course of free radical polymerization.

Simulation with Predici program.

Data: CM,0 = 9 mol/l, CI,0 = 0.02 mol/l, kd = 10–5

1/s, kp = 10 3 l/(mols),

kt,d = 10 7l/(mol s), f = 0.5


Fig. 2.3: Effect of monomer concentration (w %) on kinetics of free radical

polymerization of methyl methacrylate at 500C

Fig. 2.4: Rate of styrene polymerization and degree of polymerization at 500C and

different initiator concentrations: a: 0.02, b: 0. 06, c: 0.28 mol/l


Fig. 2.5: Decay of termination rate constant with conversion. Bulk polymerization of

a: Vinyl acetate, b: Styrene, c: Methyl methacrylate at 50oC.

Fig. 2.6: Effect of conversion on rate and propagation rate constant of bulk

polymerization of methyl methacrylate at 22.50C (unit of kp in l/(mol s))


Fig. 2.7: Correlation of maximum conversion of styrene bulk polymerization and

polymerization temperature

Fig. 2.8: Effect of conversion of methyl methacrylate polymerization in bulk on

radical efficiency factor of initiator


Fig. 2.9: Effect of retarder and inhibitor on temporal course of

free radical polymerization

a: no inhibitor or retarder present

b: only retarder present

c: only inhibitor present

Fig. 2.10: Kinetic profile of ideal emulsion polymerization


Fig. 2.11: Average number of radicals per particle as function of relative rates of

and m

Fig. 2.12: Monomer concentration CM, number of latex particles N and number of

radicals n during the three periods of emulsion polymerization


Fig. 2.13: Initial rate of copolymerization of styrene and methyl methacrylate as

function of mole fraction of styrene in feed.

Dots: experiment. Line: modelling with = 13


Fig. 2.14: Particle growth models

Fig.2.15: Rate of gas phase polymerization of butadiene at 500C and 1.6 bar

monomer pressure


Fig. 2.16: Equilibrium concentration of 1,3-butadiene in 1,4-cis-polybutadiene

as function of pressure of butadiene and temperature

Fig. 2.17: Molecular weight (number and weight average) of polybutadiene as

function of reaction time. Dots: experiment. Lines: simulation


Fig. 2.18: Schematic diagram of concentration profiles of monomer within particle

and gas phase

Fig. 2.19: Diffusion coefficients of butadiene in polybutadiene particles at different

pressure of butadiene and temperature


Fig. 2.20: Polydispersion index of molecular weight distribution of polybutadiene.

Simulation with and without effect of mass transport. Polymerization at

1.6 bar and 500C. Simulation data in Tab. 2.6 and 2.7

Fig. 2.21: Polydispersion index of molecular weight distribution of polybutadiene.

Simulation with and without effect of mass transport. Polymerization at

1.6 bar and 500C. Simulation data in Tab. 2.8


Fig. 2.22: Kinetic diagram of gas phase polymerization of butadiene simulated with

three different particle models with the same set of kinetic data

Fig. 2.23: Simulated temperature increase of polymerizing particles in gas phase

polymerization of butadiene for two different Nusselt numbers.


Fig. 2.24: Concentration profile of monomer in slurry polymerization of ethylene

Fig. 2.25: Effect of catalyst concentration on rate of polymerization. Experimental

results of ethylene polymerization in a bubble column reactor at different temperatures and pressures



3.1 Introduction

During polymerization of monomer the viscosity of the reaction mixture

increases very sharply. This sharp increase in viscosity can have an effect on:

- kinetics of polymerization (gel-, glass-, cage-effect)

- removal of heat from reaction mixture

- generation of heat by stirring of reaction mixture

- degree of mixing of reaction mixture (micro or macro mixing)

- flow pattern of reaction mixture in continuous reactors (residence time


Viscosity therefore has a strong influence on reactor performance, reactor

selectivity, and reactor safety. In Fig. 3.1 a schematic of the increase in viscosity

of a reaction mixture of different methods of polymerization is shown. The

strongest increase in viscosity takes place in homogeneous bulk polymerization.

In suspension polymerization, on the other hand, there is almost no increase in

the viscosity of a reaction mixture so long as the volume fraction of the disperse

phase remains constant during the reaction.

3.2 Viscosity of Homogeneous Systems

The viscosity of homogeneous reaction mixtures, either polymer melts or

polymer solutions, is a complex function of many parameters. The following

parameters have an effect on viscosity:

- Molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, chemical and physical

structure of polymer

- Concentration of polymer

- Temperature and pressure

- Shear rate or shear stress

- Type of solvent

In Fig. 3.2 the effect of shear rate on the viscosity of a polymer solution is

shown. The viscosity of the solvent is not dependent on shear rate. The polymer

solution however shows the phenomenon of shear thinning at higher shear rates.

This phenomenon can be explained by disentanglement processes of polymer

molecules at higher shear rates. One very often used correlation to calculate

viscosity of pseudoplastic liquids is that of Ostwald-deWaele. Pseudoplastic

liquids can therefore have different effective viscosities in stirred tank reactors.

At the tip of stirrer the effictive viscosity of pseudoplastic liquids will be much


smaller than at the wall of reactor due to different local shear rates. This has to

be considered in the case of heat removal and mixing in stirred tank reactors.

Effect of Molecular Weight of Polymer

In Fig. 3.3 the effect of molecular weight on viscosity of polystyrene-toluene

solutions is shown. The concentration of polymer is 3 wt % and the temperature

is 250C. The region of Newtonian flow behaviour is decreases the higher the

molecular weight of the polymer. At very high molecular weights only non-

Newtonian flow behaviour is observed even at very low shear rates. All lines

end up in a single line with a slope of – 0.83. The slope is a measure for the

degree of pseudoplastic behaviour of the polymer solution. Fig. 3.3 shows that

polymer solutions of the same concentration but different molecular weights can

have the same effective viscosity at a given shear rate. The effect of molecular

weight of polymer on zero shear viscosity can be represented by the following

empirical correlations:

0 = K M

with 2.5 1 for M < Mcr

0 = K´ M3.4

for M > Mcr

K, and K´ depend on polymer/solvent system. The transition from one

correlation to the other occurs in a relative narrow range of molecular weight.

The critical value of molecular weight is obtained by the intersection of straight

lines representing the two regions of the same log-log plot. The transition

behaviour at certain critical molecular weights is attributed to the onset of chain

entanglement of polymer molecules. The critical molecular weight depends on

polymer/solvent systems and varies from 2,000 to 60,000 g/mol.

Effect of Polymer Concentration

The effect of polymer concentration on viscosity can be seen in Fig. 3.4. At

relatively high concentration of polymer no Newtonian regime is present. The

following correlations of zero shear rate viscosity with resprect to concentration

are reported in literature:

0 = PCK with 6.3 3.4 for M > Mcr

0 = PCK with 4.4 ´ 0.5 for M < Mcr

Also in this case there is a critical molecular weight beyond which entanglement

of the polymer molecules will occur and will cause change in flow behavior.

The effect of molecular weight and concentration of polymer on entanglement


respectively flow properties can be seen schematically from Fig. 3.5. In practice

the concentration of the reaction mixture is in general larger than 10 weight

percent and the molecular weight is larger than 100,000 g/mol. At these reaction

conditions entangled macromolecules will be present in the reacting system.

Knowledge on the increase of viscosity of a reaction mixture in polymerization

reactors is of interest for the design and control of reactors. One suitable

empirical correlation to calculate the viscosity increase of polymerizing systems

is that of Lyons and Tobolsky. It correlates the zero shear rate viscosity of a

reaction mixture with the viscosity of the solvent, polymer concentration, and

molecular weight of the polymer expressed by intrinsic viscosity []. kH is the

Huggins constant, which does depend on solvent quality. b is an adjustable












/g] [cm MK] [ 3MH

Fig. 3.6 shows an example of the application of Lyons and Tobolsky correlation.

The corresponding parameters of the equation of Lyons and Tobolsky are shown

in Fig. 3.7. Application of the equation of Lyons and Tobolsky on reacting

systems with changing polymer concentration, molecular weight, and average

shear rate should be done with caution.

Effect of Temperature

One widely used empirical correlation to consider the effect of temperature on

the viscosity of liquids is the WLF-equation by William, Landel, and Ferry:






c1 17.44 and c2 51.6 if Tref Tg


c1 8.86 and c2 101.6 if Tref Tg ~ 43 K


This equation holds for a range of temperature from Tg to about Tg +100 K for

many polymers.

3.3 Viscosity of Heterogeneous Systems

The increase in viscosity of a reaction mixture with conversion in suspension

polymerization can be neglected. In case of emulsion polymerization the

increase is moderate. In case of precipitation polymerization the increase can be

significant. This is due to different effects of different parameters on the

viscosity of heterogeneous systems. The viscosity of a dispersion in the liquid

phase depends on following parameters:

- Viscosity of continuous liquid phase

- Volume fraction of disperse phase

- Particle size, particle size distribution, particle shape and surface

properties of particles

- Temperature and pressure

- Shear rate or shear stress

In Fig. 3.8 the effect of shear stress on the viscosity of a polymer latex with an

average particle size of 200 nm is shown for different volume fractions of

disperse phase. From this figure the effect of shear thinning and shear thickening

can be seen, especially in the case of lattices with high solid content. The effect

of shear thinning is attributed to an orientation of latex particles in stream lines.

Shear thickening is attributed to agglomeration effects of latex particles. In Fig.

3.8 another phenomenon can be seen. Concentrated lattices start to flow only if a

certain shear stress is reached.

Effect of Volume Fraction of Particles

One very useful empirical correlation for modelling the viscosity of dispersions

with high solid content is that of Eilers, which is based on the equation of


rel 11.25 P

1 (P / P ,max)


This equation was originally derived for narrowly distributed spherical particles

with a maximum volume fraction close to the theoretical value of 0.74. It can be

used, however, also for non-spherical polymer particles like polyethylene

dispersions with much lower maximum volume fractions of solid. Fig. 3.9

shows a plot of relative viscosity of polyethylene suspensions versus volume

fraction of solid. The five polyethylene samples used have different maximum


volume fractions from 0.2 to 0.5. The maximum volume fraction of the

polyethylene samples can be determined from the density of the polymer bed

and the density of polyethylene (P,max=bed/PE). Large deviations between

experiment and calculation can be seen only for sample number 5 with the

smallest maximum volume fraction of 0.2. The other 4 samples with maximum

volume fractions of 0.3 to 0.5 can be modeled very well with the equation of


Effect of Particle Size

Experimental studies with dispersions of spherical particles with diameters

larger than 1 m indicate no or only slight effects of particle size on the

viscosity of a suspension. Below 1 m stronger effects are observed. This is

expected since for dispersions of equal solid content, since the distance between

particles will become smaller and the specific interface larger if particles are

getting smaller. The interactions between particles will increase with decreasing

particle size. For dispersions with rough, irregular particles this effect can be

seen even at larger particle diameter. Polydispersity of particle size may also

effect the viscosity of a dispersion. For small particles, effects of surface nature

and electric surface charge are become more pronounced. In this case the

volume fraction must be corrected for the thickness of adsorbed surface layers of

surfactant. If the surfactant is a polymer, the thickness of the surface layer

represents an appreciable fraction of the particle diameter and has to be

considered according to :






With being the thickness of the layer of surfactant. In Fig. 3.10 the effect of

effective volume fraction on viscosity of dispersions with different particle size

is shown. In this case a strong effect of particle size on viscosity can be observed

at higher volume fractions. The large variety of dispersions and the large

number of parameters affecting the rheological behaviour of dispersions makes

it difficult to formulate a general correlation for viscosity of dispersions.

3.4 List of Symbols

dP Diameter of particle, m

M Molecular weight of polymer, kg / kmol

(cr: critical, M: monomer, : viscosity average, w: weight average)


T Temperature, K

(ref: reference, g: glass transition)

X Conversion of monomer

Shear rate, 1 / s

Thickness of surfactant layer, m

Viscosity, Pas

(o: zero shear rate, s: solvent, rel: relative, []: intrinsic viscosity)

P Volume fraction of polymer

3.5 References

- R.B. Bird, R.C. Armstrong, O.Hassager: “Dynamics of Polymeric

Liquids“, John Wiley and Sons, 1977

- C.W. Macosko: “Rheology, Principles, Measurements and Applications“,

VCH, Publishers, 1994

- H.-U. Moritz: “Increase in Viscosity and its Influence on Polymerization

Process“, Chem.Eng.Technol., 12, 71-87 (1989)


3.6 Figures

Fig. 3.1.: Schematic representation of viscosity increase of reaction mixture with

conversion for different methods of polymerization

Fig. 3.2.: Effect of shear rate on viscosity of polymer solution at constant temperature


Fig. 3.3: Effect of molecular weight (Mw in g/mol) on viscosity of polystyrene/

toluene solutions

Fig. 3.4: Effect of polymer concentration on viscosity of polystyrene/toluene solutions


Fig. 3.5: Molecular weight-concentration diagram of polybutadiene in a good solvent.

Domains of entanglement and no entanglement of polymer molecules

Fig. 3.6: Zero shear rate viscosity of polydimethyl siloxane of different molecular

weight (viscosity average in g/mol)in siloxane solvent at 30oC.

Dots: experiment, lines: simulation


Fig. 3.7 Effect of molecular weight (viscosity average) on parameters of equation

of Lyons and Tobolsky

Fig. 3.8: Viscosity of polymer latex with different volume fractions of disperse

phase as function of shear stress


Fig. 3.9: Relative zero shear rate viscosity of polyethylene dispersions as function

of volume fraction of polyethylene. Maximum volume fraction of sample

1 to 5: 0.474 / 0.373 / 0.336 /0.339 / 0.195.

Fig. 3.10: Effect of volume fraction and size of particles on viscosity of dispersions



4.1 Introduction

For the design of a polymerization reactor, reliable data of polymerization

reactions and polymer properties are necessary. Most important is data on the

kinetics and thermodynamics of the polymerization reaction. But important also

is data on the rheology of the reaction mixture and polymer properties. Very

often this kind of data is not available in literature or is very difficult to find and

not consolidated to one source. In this case data has to be determined by

experimentation. The scale of experimentation depends on data needed. In

general first experiments are run in laboratory scale. The most widely used

technique of polymerization is polymerization in liquid phase. In this case the

most oft used type of reactor is the stirred tank reactor. In laboratory scale

stirred tank reactors with reaction volumes of 1 to 5 liters are used. In Fig. 4.1

the schematic configuration of a stirred tank reactor for data acquisition of

polymerization reactions in liquid phase is given. The unit consists of the reactor

itself, a dynamic thermostat for temperature control, sensors for acquisition of

data, and finally a computer for data mining, modelling and control of the

reactor. Sensors for measuring temperature, pressure, and stirring speed are

available at moderate costs but sensors for measuring viscosity of the reaction

mixture, concentration of reactants or particle size, and molecular weight

distributions of polymer are relatively expensive. A very versatile technique for

on line monitoring of kinetic and caloric data is the method of reaction

calorimetry which has been developed originally in chemical industry for safety


4.2 Reaction Calorimetry / Kinetic and Caloric Data

Reaction calorimetry is a useful method by which caloric data of chemical

reactions or physical processes can be determined. In the case of polymerization

reactions the rate and conversion can be measured directly if the heat balance of

the system can be solved. Reaction enthalpy and heat transfer coefficient of the

reactor can be determined as well if certain parameters are known. One has to

consider that by reaction calorimetry the total heat production within a reactor is

measured. For exact determination of caloric data one has to know how many

heat producing or heat consuming processes are running in parallel. The parallel

or consecutive processes can be of chemical or physical nature. Therefore the

precise evaluation of caloric experiments is in no way a simple procedure.

Reaction calorimeters can be classified into adiabatic, isoperibolic and

isothermal calorimeters.


Adiabatic reaction calorimeter

In this type of calorimeter there is no heat exchange between reaction mixture

and its surrounding. All the heat set free during reaction is accumulated within

the reaction mixture. The temperature of the reaction mixture is increasing with

time and is running into a constant value. In Fig. 4.2 a typical temperature-time

profile is shown. The heat balance is very simple if the temperature increase is

caused by a chemical reaction only. In this case the heat flux by chemistry is

equal to heat flux by accumulation:

accuchem QQ

If only one chemical reaction takes place the temperature of the reaction mixture

is directly proportional to the conversion of this reaction. Adiabatic calorimeters

are relatively simple in construction, they can be used for very fast reactions,

and they are suitable for safety studies. One has to consider that the course of the

reaction may be affected by temperature increase. Side reactions may take place

at elevated temperatures. Effects of temperature and concentration of reactants

on the kinetics of reaction can only be separated by simulation procedures.

Isoperibolic reaction calorimeter

In this case the jacket temperature of calorimeter is kept constant during the run

of reaction. See Fig. 4.3. Part of heat of reaction is transferred to the cooling

agent in the jacket, and the rest is absorbed by the reaction mixture itself. This

can be seen by the temperature increase of the reaction mixture in the beginning

of the reaction. At the end of the reaction temperature of the reaction mixture is

running again into a stationary state. The heat balance of an ideal isoperibolic

reaction calorimeter is given by:

accucondchem QQQ

The heat flux of chemical reaction is equal to the sum of heat flux by conduction

and heat flux by accumulation. Isoperibolic reaction calorimeters are also very

simple calorimeters. They can be run either in an adiabatic way or at sufficient

cooling capacity nearly isothermal. The kinetics of reaction is also affected by

temperature changes. These changes are however relatively small compared to

adiabatic operation procedures. Nevertheless, also in this case the effects of


temperature and concentration of reactants on kinetics can only be separated by

simulation procedures.

Isothermal reaction calorimeter

In Fig. 4.4 the temperature profiles of an ideal isothermal reaction calorimeter

are shown. Reaction temperature is constant with time. Jacket temperature is

changing with time depending on the kinetic characteristic of the chemical

reaction. The heat balance is given by:

accucondchem QQQ

One advantage of an isothermal reaction calorimeter is that chemical heat flux is

directly proportional to the rate of chemical reaction. Isothermal reaction

calorimetry is one of the very few methods by which rate of reaction can be

measured on-line during the run of reaction if heat is produced by chemistry

only. Another advantage is that this mode of operation is very often used in

industry. In special cases the heat transfer coefficient of the reactor can also be

determined. On the other hand isothermal reaction calorimeters are extensive

devices, which are rather expensive. Temperatures have to be measured with

high precision. The same is true for measurement of volumetric or gravimetric

fluxes of cooling agent. In practise one has to distinguish between two different

types of isothermal reaction calorimeters. In the case of a so-called heat flux

reaction calorimeter the conductive heat flux through the reactor wall is

determined by measuring the temperatures of reaction mixture T and cooling

agent Tj according to:

)TT(AUQ jcond

For calculation of conductive heat flux condQ the value of UA is necessary. This

value depends on many parameters. One parameter is the viscosity of the

reaction mixture at the wall of the reactor, but also fouling on the wall of the

reactor has a strong input on the heat transfer coefficient U. In the case of

polymerization reactions with a volume contraction of the reaction mixture the

effective cooling area A of reactor will decrease with increasing conversion of

reaction. If using a heat flux reaction calorimeter one has to know the exact

value of UA but also possible changes during the course of reaction. Values of

UA are in general determined by calibration before and after the chemical

reaction. In the case of changes of UA appropriate interpolation operations have

to be done. One way is to correlate UA with the viscosity of the reaction

mixture, which however must be measured during reaction.


The other type of isothermal reaction calorimeter is called a heat balance

calorimeter. In this case the convective heat flux of the cooling agent is

measured by measuring the temperatures of the cooling agent at the inlet and

outlet of the jacket of reactor. Furthermore, the gravimetric flux of the cooling

agent also has to be measured with high precision. The convective heat flux is

given by:

)TT(cmQ in,jex,jpconv

The advantage of a heat balance calorimeter is that viscosity, fouling of reactor

walls, and volume contraction will have no impact on caloric measurements.

Both types of reaction calorimeters need the complete heat balance in order to

determine the chemical heat flux necessary for calculation of rate or conversion

of reaction. As an example the heat balance of a heat flow calorimeter shown

schematically in Fig. 4.5 will be discussed. The heat balance reads:

acculoscondchem QQQPQ

chemQ = j

j,Rj )H(RV Heat flux by exothermic chemical reaction

P = Ne N3 d

5 = 2 N MT Heat flux by stirring

condQ = U A (T - Tj ) Heat flux by conduction through reactor wall

losQ = h A (T - Ts ) Heat flux from reactor to surroundings

accuQ = dt

dTCR Heat flux by accumulation

In order to determine chemQ the other four heat fluxes need to be known very

precisely. Problematic is the determination of condQ . It is done by using an

electric heater inside the reactor with a well known heating power elQ . Power

input by stirring and heat loss to surroundings is considered by correction of the

base line of the temperature profile. For the calibration of the calorimeter

determination of the heat transfer coefficient is done by used of the following







The term (T – Tj ) takes into consideration heat loss to surroundings and heat

input by stirring. Calibration is done by measuring first T and Tj without having

the electrical heater in operation, then the heater is turned on and T and Tj are

measured at thermal equilibrium of the reactor. This is done before and after the

chemical reaction. In the case of significant deviations of UA values average

values or interpolations have to be used for calculation of chemQ . With chemQ the

rate and conversion of a reaction can be calculated if only one reaction is taking













If reaction enthalpy is not known it can be determined by calorimetry according









As an example of a polymerization reaction run in an isothermal heat flux

calorimeter, the measured temperature profiles are given in Fig. 4.6. For

calibration of the calorimeter an electrical heat flux of 58 W was introduced into

the reaction mixture for 10 minutes. It can be seen that the temperatures of

jacket are pulled down immediately after turning on the electrical heater and

they go back to original level again after heater is turned off. After 40 minutes

the polymerization reaction is started by injection of the initiator into the reactor.

Again the jacket temperatures are pulled down strongly due to heat production

by polymerization. With decreasing rate of polymerization the temperatures of

jacket are increasing simultaneously. After the end of the polymerization

another calibration was run by introducing again 58 W into reaction mixture.

The response of tempertures is almost the same as that of first calibration. This

is an indication that heat transfer coefficient has not changed during poly-

merization reaction. From this diagram and the heat balance of the calorimeter


the rate and conversion of the reaction can be calculated as a function of reaction


4.3 Reaction Viscosimetry/Rheological Data

Viscosity of a reaction mixture is a very important parameter in polymerization

reaction engineering. It can affect reactor performance and safety, but also

product quality. A very useful procedure to measure viscosity of a reaction

mixture in a stirred tank reactor is illustrated in Fig. 4.7. If stirring speed N and

torque of stirrer MT are known the power input of stirrer P can be calculated.

With this parameter the Newton number can be determined. For further

procedure the power input characteristic of the stirred tank reactor must be

known. This characteristic diagram can be measured by mesuring the power

input of the stirrer at different stirring speeds or different viscosities of a

Newtonian liquid and plotting the Newton number versus Reynolds number in a

log-log-plot. A typical power input diagram of a given stirred tank reactor is

shown in Fig. 4.8. From this diagram the corresponding Reynolds number can

be taken if the Newton number is known. With this Reynolds number the

effective viscosity can be calculated. It is evident that this procedure will work

only if the flow pattern of the liquid is within the laminar region. In the turbulent

region the Newton number is constant and viscosity will have no effect on

power input. An important point of this procedure is the precise measurement of

power input. This can be done best by using stirrers with magnetic coupling to

the stirring motor. In this case the friction of the stirrer shaft is minimized.

Reaction viscosimetry was applied to the polymerization of a monomer in

solution using a stirred tank reactor with a helical type of stirrer without baffels.

The corresponding power input diagram is given in Fig.4.8. It was measured by

using sugar solutions of different sugar concentration. Stirring speed was also

changed in order to cover a broad region of Reynolds numbers. From this

diagram and with the data of torque and stirring speed the effective viscosity of

a reaction mixture was determined during the course of polymerization. In Fig.

4.9 the increase of viscosity is shown for three different initial concentrations of


4.4 Solubility and Diffusivity of Monomer in Polymer

For modelling of kinetics or molecular weight distribution in multiphase systems

monomer concentration at the local position of active sites has to be known. It is

surprising to see that this kind of data is difficult to find in literature. Very often

experimental studies are the only way of getting information on solubility and

diffusivity of monomers in heterogeneous systems. Solubility and diffusivity of

gases in polymers can be determined by measuring the sorption of gas in

polymer at different pressures and temperatures. These measurements can be

done by using a suitable micro balance. The polymer sample can be used as a


film or as a pellet. For determination of correct values of solubility the buoyancy

force has to be taken into account. In Fig. 4.10 the sorption diagram of 1,3-

butadiene in 1,4-cis-polybutadiene is given. Polymer particles of 1.5 mm

diameter were used. Plotted is the solubility of monomer in weight fraction

versus time at 250C and different pressures of butadiene. Equilibrium is reached

between 20 and 40 minutes. Equilibrium concentration of butadiene in

polybutadiene is plotted versus pressure of butadiene at different temperatures in

Fig. 4.11. Dots are experimental results. Lines are calculated by using the

equation of Flory-Huggins:


M 11lnp






and M





The equation of Flory-Huggins has to be solved by iteration. The temperature

dependence of Flory-Huggins coefficient can be seen in Fig. 4.12. It can be

described by an equation according to Arrhenius:




with 0 = 0.105 and E = - 4000 J/mol in case of butadiene/polybutadiene.

There are many ways to determine diffusion coefficient from sorption

measurement. In the present case with spherical polymer particles with narrow

particle size distribution, Fick’s diffusion equation was used as an analytical











The result for one experiment is shown in Fig. 4.13. The diffusion coefficients

are, as expected, dependent on temperature, but it was found that they are also

slightly dependent on pressure. This can be seen in Fig. 4.14. The dependence

on temperature can be described according to Arrhenius:



EexpDD D



D0 2.4107 m2 /s and mol/J40017ED in case of butadiene/poly-


Things get more complicated in three phase systems, like for example in the

case of polymerization of propylene in a slurry. Here propylene is first dissolved

in the liquid phase and then in the solid polymeric phase. Hutchinson and Ray

have shown a method for calculation of monomer concentration in the polymer

phase. They were using the theory of Krigbaum-Carpenter. According to this

theory the concentration of propylene in polypropylene is smaller than the

concentration of propylene in solution at partial pressures of propylene between

1 and 10 bars and temperatures between 40 and 70 0C. These results are shown

in Fig. 4.15.

4.5 List of Symbols

A Area, m2

CM Monomer concentration, kmol / m3

cp specific heat capacity, kJ / (kg K)

CR Heat capacity of reaction mixture, kJ / K

D Diffusion coefficient, m2 / s

d Diameter of stirrer, m

E Activation energy, kJ / kmol

HR Enthalpy of reaction, kJ / kmol

h Heat transfer coefficient, kJ / (m2 K s)

MM Molecular weight of monomer, kg / kmol

MT Torque of stirrer, N m

mM Mass of monomer, kg

m Mass flow, kg / s

N Stirring speed, 1 / s

Ne Newton number

P Power input of stirrer, kJ / s

Mp Partial pressure of monomer, bar

L,Mp Vapor pressure of liquid monomer, bar

Q Heat flux, kJ / s


R Rate of reaction, kmol / (m3 s)

Re Reynolds number

rP Radius of particle, m

T Temperature, K

U Overall heat transfer coefficient, kJ / (m2 K s)

V Volume of reaction mixture, m3

X Conversion of monomer

Viscosity, Pa s

Density, kg / m3

M Volume fraction of monomer

Flory-Huggins parameter

4.6 References

- J. Brandrup, E.H. Immergut: “Polymer Handbook“, John Wiley and Sons,


- D.W. Van Krevelen: “Properties of Polymers“, Elsevier, 1997

- D.C.H. Chien, A. Penlidis: “On-Line Sensors for Polymerization Reactors“,

JMS-Rev. Macromol. Chem. Phys., C 30 (1), 1-42 (1990), Marcel Dekker

- W. Regenass: “The Development of Stirred Tank Heat Flow Calorimetry as a

Tool for Process Optimization and Process Safety“, Chimia 51 (1997) 189-


- F. Rieger, N. Novak: “Power Consumption Scale-up in Agitating Non-

Newtonian Fluids“, Chem. Eng. Sci., 1974, Vol. 29, pp. 2229-2234

- R.A. Hutchinson, W.H. Ray: “Polymerization of Olefins through

Heterogeneous Catalysis. VIII. Monomer Sorption Effects“, J. Appl. Polym.

Sci., 41 (1990), 51

- T.F. McKenna, J. Dupuy, R. Spitz: “Modelling of Transfer Phenomena on

Heterogeneous Ziegler Catalysts. Differences Between Theory and

Experiment in Olefin Polymerization (An Introduction), J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,

57 (1995) 371

- J. Crank, G.S. Park: “Diffusion in Polymers“, Academica Press, 1968


4.7 Figures

Fig. 4.1: Configuration of stirred tank reactor for data acqusition of isothermal

batch polymerization in liquid phase

Fig. 4.2: Ideal temperature-time profile of reaction mixture of an adiabatic



Fig. 4.3: Ideal temperature-time profile of reaction mixture (T) and jacket

temperature of reactor (Tj) of an isoperibolic calorimeter

Fig. 4.4: Ideal temperature-time profile of reaction mixture (T) and jacket

temperature of reactor (Tj) of an isothermal calorimeter


Fig. 4.5: Scheme of heat flow calorimeter for isothermal reaction

Fig. 4.6: Temperature profiles of isothermal reaction calorimeter during period of

calibration and polymerization


Fig. 4.7: Procedure for determination of effective viscosity in a stirred tank

reactor by measurement of stirring speed and torque of stirrer


Fig. 4.8: Power input diagram of stirred tank reactor with a helical type of stirrer

without baffels

Fig. 4.9: Increase in viscosity of reaction mixture during polymerization in

solution at three different monomer concentrations


Fig. 4.10: Absorption diagram of 1,3-butadiene in 1,4-cis-polybutadiene at 250C

and different pressures of butadiene

Fig. 4.11: Equilibrium concentration of 1,3-butadiene in 1,4-cis-polybutadiene as

function of butadiene pressure and temperature. Dots: experiment, lines:

Flory-Huggins equation


Fig. 4.12: Flory-Huggins coefficient of the system butadiene/polybutadiene as

function of temperature. Dots: experiment with range of error, line:

Arrhenius equation

Fig. 4.13: Butadiene absorbed in polybutadiene as function of time.

Line: experiment, dots: calculation


Fig. 4.14: Diffusion coefficient of butadiene in polybutadiene as function of

pressure and temperature. Dots: fitting to experiment, lines: regression

Fig. 4.15: Equilibrium concentration of propylene in polypropylene as function of

concentration of propylene in n-hexane



5.1 Mode of Operation

The most widely used type of reactor in polymer production is the stirred tank

reactor. It is used as single reactor or as a cascade of stirred tank reactors. In the

case of a cascade, three to five rectors are in general connected in series. A

stirred tank reactor can be run batchwise, semi-batchwise, or in a continuous

way. Advantages and disadvantages are listed in Tab. 5.1. Batch reactors are

used in general for small scale production of polymers. It can be used for

production of different types of polymers in short periods of time. A major

disadvantage of a batch reactor is its relatively large cycle time necessary for

filling, heating, cooling, emptying, and cleaning of the reactor as well as for

running of the reaction. Since the reactor is filled at the beginning of reaction

with a large amount of monomer thermal run away phenomena may happen in

the case of failure of cooling. This may lead to thermal explosions of the reactor.

In order to reduce the risk of thermal run away phenomena the semi-batch

operation of a stirred tank reactor can be applied. In this case certain reactants

are not filled into the reactor at the beginning of reaction but they are introduced

into the reactor in a time controlled way. This procedure is applied especially in

the case of production of uniform copolymers when monomers of different

reactivity are used. In this case the less reactive monomer is filled into the

reactor first and the more reactive monomer is pumped into the reactor in such a

way that the ratio of concentration of both monomers is kept constant during the

entire course of copolymerization. Semi-batch operation is also applied in the

case of condensation polymerizations in order to achieve polymers with high

molecular weight. In this case the low molecular weight byproduct of the

condensation reaction is removed permanetly from the reactor in order to shift

the chemical equilibrium reaction to the side of high molecular weight products.

Continuous stirred tank reactors are used for production of large amounts of

polymers with constant quality. In general more than one stirred tank reactor is

used. In a train of stirred tank reactors higher conversions of monomer can be

achieved within a given period of time in comparison to the single continuous

stirred tank reactor. Continuous processes have in general a larger polymer

production performance than batch or semi-batch processes. This is due to the

absence of operation time for filling and emptying of the reactor in case of batch

and semi-batch processes. In general stirred tank reactors are run isothermal but

also non-isothermal operations are known. The volume of stirred tank reactors

can differ very strongly. Reactors with volumes of 100 m3 and more are used in

polymer industry.


5.2 Mixing of Reaction Mixture

Types of stirrers and power input characteristic

Mixing of reactants in stirred tank reactors is especially important if reactants

are fed separately into the reactor, or if the polymerization process is run

continuously. In the case of mixing, three characteristic times have to be

considered. Mixing time, time constant of polymerization reaction, and mean

residence time of reaction mixture in case of a continuous process. Mixing time

is the time which is necessary to achieve a certain degree of homogeneity in a

reaction mixture. Time constant of reaction is defined as the ratio of initial

monomer concentration to initial rate of reaction. The mean residence time of an

ideally mixed continuous stirred tank reactor is given by the ratio of reaction

volume to volumetric flow rate of the reaction mixture. For achieving high

reactor performance and selectivity it is logical that mixing time should be much

smaller than characteristic time constant of polymerization reaction and mean

residence time of reactor. In practise mixing time should be at most 10 % of

time constant of reaction or residence time. For good mixing an appropriate

stirrer must be used. Many different types of stirrers are available. They can be

classified according to the resulting flow pattern of the flowing liquid and

according to the viscosity range of liquids which have to be mixed. Some major

types of stirrers used in stirred tank reactors are given in Fig. 5.1. The

corresponding flow pattern indicated by arrows are shown in Fig. 5.2. The task

of mixing can be very different. We have to distinguish between

homogenization of miscible liquids, emulsification of one liquid into another

immsicible liquid, sparging of gas into a liquid phase, or dispersing solid

particles into liquids by stirring. These different mixing tasks will need different

types of stirrers. In Tab. 5.2 a few suitable stirrers for different methods of

polymerization are given. Turbine and propeller agitators are fast running

stirrers used for emulsification of liquids and dispersing of fine solids into

liquids. Blade stirrer is in general used for homogenization of liquids. The

intermig stirrer is a very efficient stirrer used for many tasks but especially for

mixing of disperse systems (gas/solid/liquid). Helical type of stirrers are used for

mixing of highly viscous systems as in case of bulk polymerization of liquid

monomers. For characterization of individual stirrers the power input diagram is

used. The power input characteristic of different stirrers is shown in Fig. 5.3.

The power input of a stirrer is given by:


It can be measured by measuring the torque of the stirring shaft MT :



Knowing P, the Newton number Ne can be determined if stirring speed N,

diameter of stirrer d, and density of liquid phase is known. This dimensionless

Newton number is plotted in a logarithmic diagram versus dimensionless

Reynolds number of stirrer. From this power input diagram different flow

regions can be characterized.

Laminar region (Ne Re = constant):

32 dNCP

with 1ReatNeC

Turbulent region (Ne = constant) :

53 dNNeP

From the power input diagram the following information can be taken:

- Determination of power input in a given liquid for a given stirrer at given

stirring conditions. First the Reynolds number is calculated than the Newton

number is taken from the diagram. With this Newton number the power

input is calculated.

- Comparison of different stirrers with respect to power input at given

Reynolds number.

- The effect of baffles on power input at given Reynolds number.

In the case of non-Newtonian homogeneous liquids like polymer solutions the

power input characteristic is similar to Newtonian liquids if Reynolds number is

determined by using the effective viscosity of liquid phase (Reeff = N d2 / eff).

The effective viscosity of the non-Newtonian liquid at a given stirring speed can

be determined by measuring first the viscosity as a function of shear rate in a

rotational viscosimeter. Then the correlation between shear rate and rotation

frequency of the stirrer is necessary. For this purpose correlations of Metzner

and Otto can be taken which are only valid for laminar region. Correlations of

Metzner and Otto have the form NK with K = 10 for propeller, K = 12

for turbine and K = 30 for helical ribbon agitator.

For gas/liquid or gas/solid/liquid dispersions one has to take into account that

the Newton number is a function of gas throughput. It decreases with increasing

flow rate of gas.


Mixing of miscible liquids

Homogenization of miscible liquids is one of the most often used unit operations

in chemical engineering. The homogenization process of liquids in stirred tank

reactors can be regarded as a two step process. In the first step mixing will take

place by convection of the liquid phase. In the case of turbulent mixing small

volume elements of liquid will be formed. The smallest volume elements which

will be formed can be expressed by the theory of Kolmogorov. The micro scale

of turbulence [m] depends on the specific energy input of stirring [W/kg or


3] and on the viscosity of the liquid [m

2/s] and is given by:



In the case of water with a viscosity of 10-6

m2/s and an energy input of 1 W/kg,

the diameter of segregated volume elements is 32 m. In the case of glycerine

with a viscosity of 10-3

m2/s and the same energy input the scale of volume

elements is already 5.6 mm. This shows that viscous liquids like polymerization

mixtures are always to some extent segregated systems. Power input of stirring

has only a small effect on micro scale of turbulence ( -0.25). In the second

step of turbulent mixing the interior of the micro scale volume elements is

mixed by diffusion. This kind of mixing is called micro mixing and takes place

on a molecular scale. The mixing time by diffusion is given by:



With the diffusion coefficient on the order of D = 10 –9

m2/s, which is typical

for liquids, the micro mixing time is 1 second for water and 30 seconds for

glycerine. This result shows, that micro mixing is fast compared to macro

mixing by convection. Macro mixing does depend on the scale of the reactor.

Micro mixing is scale independent.

Mixing times of liquids in reactors are in general determined by experiment

since many parameters may affect the numerical values. In practise, physical

and chemical methods are applied. A mixing time has to be connected with a

degree of mixing. In Fig. 5.4 the mixing characteristics of different types of

stirrers with and without baffles are given. Mixing time refers to perfect

mixing (micro mixing). For mixing of highly viscous liquids the helical ribbon

stirrer is an effective type of stirrer. It is used for mixing in the laminar flow

regime. Mixing time is affected by stirring speed. In case of blade stirrers one

can classify two regimes of mixing:


1. Re = 10 to 10 2 : N 1/Re : / (Nd)


2. Re 10 3

: N const : 1 / N

In the laminar regime time of mixing does depend on viscosity and strongly on

stirring speed and the diameter of the stirrer. In the turbulent regime time of

mixing is independent on viscosity and the scale of the stirrer. It is affected only

by stirring speed.

In polymerization reactors very often liquids with differences in density and

viscosity have to be mixed. Furthermore, a reaction mixture may have non-

Newtonian flow properties. In this case mixing characteristic becomes more

complex and mixing number N is not only dependent on the Reynolds number

but also on the Archimedes number, which is defined as:


3 gdAr

Mixing time will depend on average density and viscosity but also on gravity

and the density difference of the two liquids. Non-Newtonian mixtures are

homogenized much slower than Newtonian liquids at same mixing conditions in

the laminar and transient regimes of flow. This is due to the fact that there is a

shear rate gradient in the reactor which causes large viscosity differences. The

viscosity of reaction mixture is increasing from stirrer to reactor wall.

Opara studied the mixing behavior of non-Newtonian liquids in stirred tanks in

transient regimes of flow and noticed the formation of non-mixed zones in the

form of vortex rings which rotate around the stirrer. Mixing within these rings is

slow compared to mixing in the well mixed part of reactor. In this case two

different mixing times have to be considered. Mixing by convection is fast

whereas mixing by diffusion in the stagnant rings is a slow process. Total

mixing time of non-Newtonian liquids can be about 10 times larger than for

Newtonian liquids if mixing is done in the laminar regime. In turbulent regimes

the differences become less and less.

Mixing of non-miscible liquids

In emulsion and suspension polymerization liquid monomers are dispersed by

stirring into the surfactant-containing water phase. In suspension polymerization

water soluble polymers are used as surfactants. The average particle size of

monomer droplets in this case is determined by parameters like:

- Physical properties of the two liquids (viscosity, interfacial tension, density)


- Geometry of the stirred tank (type, number and position of stirrer and baffle,

ratio of hight to diameter of reactor, ratio of stirrer diameter to reactor


- Operation conditions (stirring speed, time of stirring and polymerization,

volume ratio of phases, degree of filling of reactor, temperature, batchwise

or continuous operation)

In the case of turbulent mixing the following type of equation is proposed in

literature for calculation of the mean diameter of monomer droplets:


132 C1WeCd










C23 Nd

We (Weber number)

The constants C1 and C2 depend on the chemical and physical system used. This

correlation must be used with caution since at larger Weber numbers deviations

are reported in literature.

If the factor M2C1 is neglected, the following correlation between droplet

diameter and power input by stirring is obtained:


332 Cd

with V



These kind of correlations have also been reported for average diameter of

polymer particles produced in suspension polymerization at high concentration

of surfactants. The constant C3 is determined mainly by the physical properties

of the two phase system and by the energy distribution of stirring within the

reactor volume.

(Sauter mean diameter of

monomer droplets)


In the case of vinyl chloride polymerization in suspension, the effect of Weber

number (i.e stirring speed) on the average diameter of polymer particles is

shown in Fig. 5.5. It can be seen that at Weber numbers larger than 3105 the

particle size is no longer decreasing with increasing Weber number, but

becomes independent of Weber number and at very large Weber numbers it is

even increasing. The three zones of Weber numbers are explained by different

interaction between processes of particle break-up, particle coalescence, and re-

agglomeration of particles.

Mixing of gas in liquid phase

In slurry polymerization of ethylene or propylene in stirred tank reactors the gas

phase is dispersed into an organic liquid (low boiling hydrocarbon). The rate of

mass transfer of monomer from gas to liquid phase is given by:


with V

Aa (specific interface)

L,MMM CCC (see Fig. 2.24)

k L = D/

The saturation concentration of monomer in liquid phase MC does depend on

the kind of monomer and liquid, partial pressure of the monomer and

temperature. The concentration of monomer in liquid phase CM,L depends on the

rate of mass transport and rate of polymerization.

The liquid-side mass transfer coefficient kL is defined according to “two film“-

theory as the ratio of diffusion coefficient of transfer component D to thickness

of liquid-side boundry layer . Effective sparging of liquid phase with gas can

be done with a turbine agitator. The gas phase is introduced into liquid phase

through a pipe placed below the stirrer. The kLa value is affected by gas flow

rate. Gas flow rate may affect also power input of stirring. With increasing gas

flow rate the relative gas hold up of liquid phase is increasing and density of

disperse system is decreasing. This will lead to a decay in power input by

stirring. In Fig. 5.6 the decay in Newton number with increasing gas flow rate is

shown in the case of a 6 blade turbine stirrer with gas inlet below the stirrer. The

gas flow rate is expressed by a dimensionless gas flow number Q. This

correlation is valid within certain limitations. At larger gas flow numbers the gas

dispersing efficiency of stirrer will be lost completely because beyond certain

flow rates the stirrer will be surrounded completely by gas phase. The numerical


values of kLa depend on many parameters like physical properties of disperse

systems, geometry of the stirred tank and operation conditions of stirring. The

average diameter of gas bubbles dispersed in pure liquids of low viscosity is

around 3 to 5 mm and not affected strongly by stirring conditions. In the case of

mixtures of homogeneous liquids, the diameter of bubbles is in the order of 0.3

to 0.5 mm at the same stirring conditions. This is due to the fact that the process

of bubble coalescence is surpressed in mixtures of different liquids or in

presence of dissolved salts. On the other side there are chemicals like nonionic

surfactants which strongly enhance coalescence of gas bubbles an thereby

reduce kLa values drastically. Process oriented parameters which affect kLa

values strongly are the power input of stirrer and the flow rate of gas. The

following correlations are named in literature:

kL a 2.6102 (P /V )0.4 u0

0.5 (for non coalescing systems)

kL a 2.0103 (P /V )0.7 u0

0.2 (for coalescing systems)

with kL a in s-1

, P/V in W/m3 and u0 in m/s. Gas flow rate u0 is related to the

empty reactor (superficial gas velocity).

In Fig. 5.7 the effect of power input on the liquid side mass transfer coefficient

of ethylene is shown in the case of a bubble column reactor filled with n-heptane

or Exsol D 200/240 (a mixture of hydro carbons). The liquid phase contained 16

wt % of polyethylene powder. It can be assumed that power input primarily

affects the specific interface and not mass transfer parameter as such.

Mixing of solid particles in liquid phase

Mixing of solid particles in a liquid phase is an important process in suspension

and slurry polymerization, especially if the process is run continuously. The

degree of mixing in a stirred tank reactor can be expressed by the standard

deviation of particle distribution within the vessel :



12 1

with = Volume fraction of solid at measuring point

= Average volume fraction of solid at ideal mixing

(arithmetical set point)

n = Number of measuring points


In Fig. 5.8 the distribution of glass beads within a stirred tank reactor at different

stirring speeds is shown. The reactor has a diameter of 365 mm. The diameter

ratio of propeller stirrer to reactor is 0.315. The position of the stirrer within the

reactor is marked with hS. The glass beads have a diameter of 200 m. The

volume fraction of glass beads is 0.1. Water was used as liquid with a viscosity

of 10-3

kg/ (ms). The relative density difference of the dispersion is 1.87. As can

be seen from Fig. 5.8, the homogeneity of the suspension is improves with

increasing stirring speed. A perfectly mixed suspension would have a relative

solid content of 1 and a standard deviation of 0 at any position within the reactor

volume. At a standard deviation of 0.25 the glass particles are totally distributed

within the reactor volume, although not evenly. In practise this standard

deviation is the upper limit from an energetic and mechanical stand point. In the

case of slurry polymerization of olefins the relative density difference of the two

phases is smaller and a distribution of solid particles within the total reactor

volume may be reached at higher standard deviations ( 0.5).

The effectiveness of stirrers for mixing of solid particles into liquids can be

quite different. In Fig. 5.9 the standard deviation of mixing versus power input

of the stirrer is plotted for different stirrers at the same mixing conditions. As

can be seen, the so called intermig stirrer has the best mixing effectiveness at the

lowest power input.

The rate of mass transfer of monomer from liquid to solid phase is given by:


with V

Aa (specific interface)

S,ML,MM CCC (See Fig. 2.24)

The mass transfer coefficient kS for a single sphere of diameter dP at rest within a

large volume of stagnant fluid is given by kS = 2 D/dP. D is the diffusion

coefficient of monomer in the liquid phase. Any motion of the spherical particle

relative to the liquid phase will increase the numerical value of kS. The following

dimensionless correlation is proposed for mass transfer of flow past single

spherical particles covering the entire range of hydrodynamics with respect to

the Reynolds number.

3/12/1 ScRe76,00,2Sh

with D/dkSh PS


/duRe P


In slurries of small particles in a gently stirred liquid the relative velocity of the

two phases is low and roughly that of free fall of a particle due to gravity. The

terminal velocity of small spheres in a stagnant liquid is given by the law of





Using the Sherwood equation and Stoke’s law, kS as a function of dp can be

calculated. The correlations are plotted in Fig. 5.10 for suspensions of different

density differences. Slurries of catalyst particles suspended in a liquid are

agitated vigorously to keep the particles well dispersed and to promote

absorption of the monomer gas. The resulting turbulence in the slurry phase

promotes mass transfer and the actual mass transfer coefficient will be larger

than that taken from Fig. 5.10. As a first approximation the actual mass transfer

coefficient may be twice the value taken from Fig. 5.10 based on Sherwood

numbers with termal velocity of particle in free fall.

One of the best ways of estimating kS is correlations for mass transfer in agitated

slurries based on power input of stirrer, provided that power input is wellknown.

Calderbank and Moo Young for example have published the following equation:


S )(13,0Sck

with V

dNNe 53

The exponent of the Schmidt number has to be taken with caution since other

lower values have also been published.

5.3 Heat Removal and Safety Aspects

Heat removal and heat formation

Heat can be removed from stirred tank reactor in different ways. See Fig. 5.11.

The following methods of heat removal are used:

- Indirect cooling by jacket of reactor, by internal cooling coils or by external

heat exchanger

- Direct cooling by feed of reaction mixture or by evaporation of monomer or



A common problem of heat removal from polymerization reactors is the

tendency of reaction mixtures to form polymer films on the wall of cooling


These films can reduce the heat exchange capacity of heat exchangers very

strongly. If external heat exchangers are applied then the reaction mixture has to

be pumped through the heat exchanger and this may cause strong pressure

drops, especially if the reaction mixture is highly viscous. In the case of heat

removal by evaporation of a liquid phase inside the reactor, the formation of

foam may happen. The foam may rise into an external heat exchanger and block

the piping. Remixing of a condensed liquid with viscous reactor content may

also be difficult. Indirect cooling takes place by conduction of heat through the

walls of heat exchangers whereas direct cooling happens by convection of heat

by flowing liquids or vapors.

Heat formation inside a polymerization reactor can happen by chemical reaction,

by stirring or by physical processes like in-situ crystallization. Polymerization

reactions are in general exothermic reactions with very different reaction

enthalpies. Heat formation by stirring has to be considered when highly viscous

liquids are stirred.

The heat balance of a continuous stirred tank reactor can be expressed by the

following equation:

evapconvcondchemaccu QQQPQQ

with dt

dTcmQ paccu (heat flow by accumulation)

VHRQ Rchem (heat flow by chemical reaction)

53dNNe P (heat flow by stirring)

Jcond TTAUQ (heat flow by conduction)

0pconv TTcmQ (heat flow by convection)

evapevap HnQ (heat flow by evaporation)

The previous heat balance does not consider heat losses of the reactor to

surroundings nor heat formation by physical processes like crystallization of

polymer formed.


In the case of heat flow by accumulation one has to keep in mind that heat is not

only absorbed or generated by the reaction mixture but also by the reactor itself.

Heat formation by polymerization reaction does depend on the rate of monomer

polymerization. This rate can be constant with time as in the case of continuous

processes at stationary state, or it can change with time as in the case of batch

processes. In general it will fall with increasing conversion of monomer. In auto-

catalytic polymerization reactions it will first increase with time and then

decrease during the course of reaction. Monomers like styrene, butadiene, vinyl

chloride, propylene, and ethylene have reaction enthalpies in the range of -70 to

-100 kJ/mol. Condensation polymerization reactions have much lower reaction

enthalpies. The reaction enthalpy of poly(ethylene terephtalate) synthesis is

about -10 kJ/mol. Addition polymerization reactions like polyurethane synthesis

are strongly exothermic reactions with enthalpies of about -200 kJ/mol. The

catalytic synthesis of resins like phenol/formaldehyde and urea/formaldehyde

are also very exothermic reactions.

Heat formation by stirring has to be considered, especially if highly viscous

reaction mixtures are to be mixed by stirring. Viscous liquids are mixed in

laminar regimes of flow. Here the Newton number is inversely proportional to

the Reynolds number and power input by stirring is proportional to viscosity of

liquid and proportional to the second order of stirring speed.

Most important in heat removal of polymerization reactors is heat transport by

conduction. The heat transfer coefficient U is affected by the geometry of the

reactor, by physical properties of reaction mixture (viscosity, thermal

conductivity, specific heat capacity), and by operation conditions of mixing

(stirring speed, temperature). The heat transfer coefficient of a stirred tank

reactor with clean walls can be expressed according to Peclet as:



r h






The total resistance of heat transfer is given by the addition of three single

resistances, namely the resistance of heat transfer from reaction mixture to

reactor wall, the resistance of heat transfer through the wall of reactor with

thickness dw and thermal heat conductivity w, and finally the resistance of heat

transfer from reactor wall to cooling agent within the jacket of the reactor. The

single heat transfer coefficients hr and hj are given by the ratio of thermal heat

conductivity of the corresponding liquid and the thickness of boundry layer of

liquid. The thermal heat conductivity of steel is in the range of 15 to

20, of polymer 0.2 to 0.3, of organic liquids 0.1 and of water 0.6 W/(mK). The


thickness of the boundary layer does depend on physical properties of the liquid

phase and stirring conditions. In general the main resistance of heat transfer is

the resistance of heat transfer from the reaction mixture to the reactor wall if the

wall is not covered by a thick film of polymer. In this case so called Nusselt

correlations can be used to determine the numerical values of hr and

subsequently U. For homogeneous Newtonian liquids the following Nusselt

equation can be used for turbulent region of mixing (Re>200) :

Nu const. Re2/3 Pr1/ 3 Vis0.14


rr DhNu ;


pcPr ;




The constant of heat transfer characteristic has numerical values from 0.3 to 0.8

for fast rotating agitators and up to 10 for slowly rotating agitators. The

exponent of the viscosity number depends on heat flow direction. For cooling it

is smaller than 1 and for heating it is larger than 1.

In the laminar regime of flow the effect of Reynolds number on heat transfer

becomes less. For a helical ribbon agitator the following correlation is given:

Nu 4.2 (Re Pr)1/ 3 Vis0.2

This correlation should be valid for Newtonian and non Newtonian liquids as

well, if effective viscosities are used.

It has to be remembered, however, that the heat transfer coefficient of a

polymerization reactor can change strongly during the course of a

polymerization reaction. In Fig. 5.12 the change of heat transfer coefficient of a

2 liter steel reactor with helical ribbon agitator at 160 rotation per minute is

shown for solution polymerization of methyl methacrylate with an initial

concentration of 55 weight percent. The decrease of heat transfer coefficient

with increasing conversion of monomer is caused by the increase of viscosity of

reaction mixture.

The previous correlations of heat transfer are valid for homogeneous reaction

mixtures. In the case of heterogeneous reaction mixtures the same correlations

can be used if average values of physical properties of dispersions are taken into

account. If the reaction mixture is a sparged liquid than additional parameters

like superficial gas velocity and gravity have to be considered. The heat transfer

correlation has, in this case, a different form:


a2 )FrPr(ReconstSt

with 0p





duRe 0 ;

pcPr ;


uFr 0

Heat removal by convection can only be applied in the case of continuous or

semi-batch reactors. The heat flow by convection is mainly determined by mass

flow of feed and by the difference of temperatures between inlet and outlet. The

specific heat capacities of organic liquids are about 2 kJ/(kgK). Water has a

heat capacity of about 4 kJ/(kgK). One industrial example of direct cooling by

feed of reaction mixture is the process of free radical ethylene polymerization at

high pressure and temperature. Due to reactors with thick walls only a small

amount of heat can be removed by indirect cooling via the jacket. The rest of the

heat is removed by direct cooling via convection. Another example is the gas

phase polymerization in fluidized bed reactors with heat removal mainly by


Heat removal by evaporation is used if polymerization can be run at the boiling

temperature of the monomer or solvent at the conditions given. The heat flow by

evaporation is given by the molar flow of monomer or solvent and by the

enthalpy of evaporation. The molar flow is controlled by the area of evaporation.

The heat of evaporation depends on the type of monomer or solvent. The

numerical values are in the range of 15 to 40 kJ/mol. Cooling by evaporation is

used in production of resins of phenol and formaldehyde in water as solvent.

The reaction temperature is kept constant at 95oC by this method of cooling.

The cooling capacity of a stirred tank reactor is defined as the difference

between heat removal by conduction and heat production by stirring. The

difference should be as large as possible. The maximum value of cooling

capacity is connected to an optimum value of rotation of the agitator. This can

be seen in Fig. 5.13, which shows the effect of stirring speed on the cooling

capacity of the reactor. The dotted lines in Fig. 5.13 show the effect of stirring

speed on heat removal by conduction and on heat production by stirring. In the

laminar regime of flow heat generation by stirring is proportional to the second

power of stirring speed, whereas heat removal by cooling via jacket is only

proportional to the square root of stirring speed. That is why the cooling

capacity of a reactor runs through a flat maximum of about 30 kW in the case of

Fig. 5.13, and the optimum rotation number of the stirrer is about 20 rotations

per minute. Very often stirring speed will not be fixed by cooling capacity of

reactor but rather by the degree of mixing of the reaction mixture. The quality of

mixing is in general more important since it can affect polymer quality to a great



Thermal stability of the continuous stirred tank reactor

Safe operation of a reactor means that it should not burst or leak. Bursting of a

reactor can be caused by uncontrolled temperature increase beyond certain

limits. In order to understand how fast the temperature of a reactor will increase

and to what upper level it will rise in the case of a disturbance in cooling,

simulation studies of thermal stability of the reactor should be done. P. Wittner

and others have studied thermal runaway phenomena in the thermal

polymerization of styrene in bulk phase in a continuous stirred tank reactor. First

order reaction kinetics were used for modelling the polymerization reaction. The

following heat and mass balance was used:









with Tcc 0,pp ;


Eexpkk 0


AUq ;



n0 : Feed concentration of monomer [mol/kg]




At stationary state: )X1(k




Data used for simulation:

k0 = 1,4109

1/min cp,0 = 0,4 kJ/(kgK)

E = 89 kJ/mol = 4.310-3


(- HR) = 74 kJ/mol T0 = 288 K

q = 12.310-3

kJ/(kgKmin) jT = 358 K


Results of simulation:

In Fig. 5.14 the rate of heat generation and heat removal is plotted versus

temperature of reaction at a constant mean residence time of 388 minutes. Heat

generation is a complex exponential function and heat removal is a linear

equation. The two curves cross each other in three points which represent

potential operating points of reactor. The lowest crossing point represents

virtually no reaction. The polymerization reaction has not initiated. Whereas

crossing points P1 and P2 are realistic operating point with high conversion of

monomer at conditions given. Inspection of these two points P1 and P2 reveals

that P1 is a non stable operating point whereas P2 is a thermally stable point. At

point P1 a small rise in temperature would produce a greater generation of heat

than removal. Hence temperature would tend to increase further until operating

point P2 is reached. Similarly, a drop in temperature would induce a greater drop

in temperature and temperature will fall till the lowest operating point is

reached. This phenomena does not apply to operating point P2 which is

thermally stable. Fig. 5.14 does not reveal how fast these transitions from one

operating point to the other will take place. In this case the transition

characteristic of the process has to be simulated by simultaneous solution of

both differential equations. In Fig. 5.15 the transition of operating point P1 (at

130 0C and 60% conversion) to operating point P2 (at 170

0C and 95 %

conversion) is shown, when cooling temperature of the jacket increases by two

degrees. It takes about 600 minutes until the new operating point is reached. One

of the worst cases is the total break-down of cooling and feeding of the reactor.

This causes an adiabatic runaway of reactor temperature. The result of a

simulation is shown in Fig. 5.16. Temperature is rising within 50 minutes to a

maximum value of nearly 260 0C. The adiabatic temperature increase is given






5.4 Residence Time Distribution

If molecules or elements of a fluid are taking different routes through the volume of a continuous operated reactor, they will spend different times within such a reactor. The distribution of these holding times is called the residence time distribution (RTD) of the fluid. The RTD can affect the performance of a reactor and may also have a strong input on the selectivity of a chemical reaction. In the case of polymerization reactions the RTD can have an effect on the molecular weight distribution of the


polymer formed. This will mainly be the case when the mean life time of the active species of the polymerization reaction is in the same order of magnitude like the mean residence time of the reactor. In this case polymers with a narrow molecular weight distribution can only be produced in a reactor with narrow RTD. The RTD in the case of polymerization reactions can also play a major role if the reaction mixture is a segregated system. Segregation in the reaction mixture can easily occur if the reaction mixture is of high viscosity or a heterogeneous nature, with elements that act as individual micro reactors without an exchange of mass. The RTD of a polymerization reactor is therefore an important parameter which may affect the performance of the reactor and also the properties of the polymer formed.

Experimental methods for determination of RTD

Most important for determination of the RTD of a reactor is the application of a suitable tracer. A suitable tracer should be easy to detect and the total amount of injected tracer should be detectable at the exit of reactor. The most important methods for the determination of the RTD are the so called pulse and step experiments. They are easy to perform and interpret.

a) The pulse experiments

In this case a certain amount of a tracer is added pulse-wise to the fluid entering the reactor and the concentration-time relation of the tracer at the exit of reactor is recorded. This is shown schematically in Fig. 5.17. From the balance of material for the reactor the mean time of the concentration-time distribution can be found.

Mean time (holding time):











To find the RTD, which is also called the exit age distribution E, concentration-time distribution has to be normalized in such a way that the area under the distribution curve is unity. For doing this the concentration readings have to be divided by the area under the concentration curve. This is shown in Fig. 5.18. The relationship between C and E curves only holds exactly for reactors with so called closed boundary conditions. This means that the fluid only enters and only leaves the reactor one time. No adsorption of tracer at the walls of the reactor should happen. Very often it is convenient to use a dimensionless Eθ curve for reasons of comparison of reactors. In this case time is measured in terms of mean residence time t/t . Then EtE .


b) The step experiment

In this case the tracer is not introduced pulse wise into the fluid entering the

reactor but is introduced in a continuous way by injecting a constant side stream

of tracer to the fluid entering the reactor and measuring the outlet tracer

concentration C versus time as shown in Fig. 5.19. The mean residence time is

given by following equation:









0 tdCC





The dimensionless form of the concentration curve is called the F curve or

transition function. Here the tracer concentration is rising from zero to unity

with time (see Fig. 5.20).

RTD of mixed flow reactors with ideal flow pattern

Fig. 5.21 shows the residence time distribution of a cascade of N equal size well

mixed stirred tank reactors which are connected to each other in series. The most

narrow distribution is shown by the cascade of stirred tank reactors with an

infinite number of vessels. The broadest RTD results in case of a single stirred

tank reactor. The RTD of equal sized stirred tank reactors with mixed flow is

given by the following equations:









with itNt (N : number of reactors and ti : mean time of single reactor)














RTD of mixed flow reactors with non-ideal flow pattern

In reality the flow pattern of reactors deviate from ideal mixed flow pattern. This

is especially the case for polymerization reactors in which a polymer solution or

dispersion with high viscosity is flowing through the volume of the reactor,

causing a non-ideal flow pattern. Non-ideal flow patterns can result for example


if the reactor volume contains so called dead or stagnant regions or if bypass or

recycle flow is present next to the active flow through reactor regions of mixed

flow. If these non-ideal flow patterns are present in a given reactor they can be

seen easily by looking at the corresponding experimental RTD. The following

models can be used to describe the measured RTD of real reactors with

deviation from ideal flow:

Compartment Model

Dispersion Model

Tanks-In-Series Model

Convection Model (for laminar flow in pipes)

In Fig. 5.22 compartment flow models are given for a stirred tank reactor which

is characterized by the presence of dead zones and bypass. The corresponding

RTD of the two compartment models are shown in Fig. 5.23. The dispersion and

tanks-in-series model is used in general when small deviations from plug flow

are expected. They are one parameter models. A dispersion number is used in

the case of the dispersion model whereas the number of stirred tanks is used in

case of the tanks-in-series model.

The convection model is used if a viscous liquid is pumped through a tubular

reactor. In general the flow is of a laminar characteristic with a parabolic

velocity profile. Thus the spread in residence times is caused only by velocity

variations. The velocity profile of a laminar flow is shown together with the

corresponding RTD in Fig. 5.24.

5.5 Reactor Performance

Conversion, reaction volume and reactor capacity

Reactor performance of a given stirred tank reactor depends on the mode of

operation. In Tab. 5.3 correlations of conversion and reaction volume are given

for different types of stirred tank reactors (batch reactor, homogeneous

continuous stirred tank reactor, cascade of equal sized stirred tank reactors). The

correlations are valid for polymerization reactions of first order at constant

temperature, volume of reaction and initiator concentration. The Damköhler

number is defined as: Da = k t or k in the case of a continuous process. In Fig.

5.25 conversion–Damköhler correlations are represented in a graphical way.

From this graph it can be seen that a batch reactor is the most effective reactor

with respect to conversion achieved within a certain period of reaction time. It is

followed by the cascade of reactors. The effectiveness is increasing with

increasing number of reactors. The single continuous stirred tank reactor needs

the longest time of reaction for a given conversion of monomer. The same result


can be seen in Fig. 5.26. Here reactor capacity, which is determined by rate of

reaction, is plotted versus time or conversion. Differences in reactor capacity are

largest at higher conversions. At very low and very high conversions there is

nearly no difference in capacity of different types of reactors. The reason for

different reactor performance is the different rate of reaction in different

reactors. This can best be seen in a qualitative way from Fig. 5.27. Here the

profiles of monomer concentration is given during the course of polymerization

for different types of reactor. In batch reactors there is an exponential decay of

monomer concentration with time in the case of first order reactions. In

continuous stirred tank reactors at steady state the monomer concentration is

constant. The level of concentration depends on the rate of reaction and mean

residence time of the reactor. So if we compare for a given conversion the

average monomer concentration in the three different reactors we see the highest

average monomer concentration in batch reactors and the lowest in single

continuous reactors. The cascade reactor is in between and the average monomer

concentration depends on the number of reactors. A cascade with an infinite

number of reactors corresponds in reactor performance to a batch reactor of the

same reaction volume. Things look different if the reactor performance of

different stirred tank reactors is compared in the case of zero order

polymerization reactions. In this case no differences will be seen since reaction

rate is not depending on monomer concentration.

Another point of interest is the reactor performance of a batch reactor related to

the total time of reactor operation. Batch reactors have to be filled, warmed up,

cooled down, emptied and cleaned. This so called dead time can be larger than

the time of reaction. Due to the effect of dead time the performance of a batch

reactor is in general lower than that of a continuous reactor of same size. The

performance of a reactor depends also on its size. The reaction volume can be

calculated from the mass balance of a reactor according to equations given in

Tab. 5.3. The volume of a reactor depends on the rate of polymer production,

conversion of reaction, and initial monomer concentration. In the case of a batch

reactor the dead time has to be considered. In the case of a cascade the number

of reactors is affects its volume.

Effect of segregation on conversion

In polymerization reactions mixing of reactants can have a large effect on

reactor performance as well as on polymer quality.

Think of a continuous polymerization in solution in a stirred tank reactor. In this

case a low viscous monomer solution must be mixed with a high viscous

polymer solution inside the reactor. Mixing of the two solutions down to a

molecular level will not be an easy task. On the contrary, the two miscible

solutions may easily form a segregated system consisting of monomer solution

distributed within the viscous polymer solution. Mixing to a molecular level will

take a certain amount of time and this time will depend primarily on energy


input of stirring and diffusivity of the monomer (and solvent), which is strongly

affected by the viscosity of the medium. Segregation effects can be even

stronger in heterogeneous systems. For example in the case of continuous slurry

polymerization of olefins in stirred tank reactors or fluidized bed reactors small

catalyst particles are injected into the reactor. These catalyst particles form

polymer particles which behave like micro reactors with an individual residence

time within the macro reactor.

These kinds of segregation phenomena can have an effect on reactor

performance in case of non first order polymerization reactions. In Fig. 5.28

conversion plots of completely segregated and non-segregated reacting systems

are shown for zero- and first-order reactions. For zero-order reactions the

perfectly mixed reactor (HCSTR) will have higher conversions than the

completely segregated reactor (SCSTR) at Damköhler numbers larger than 0.3.

The corresponding conversion equations are listed in Tab. 5.4. The performance

equation of a completely segregated system in a continuous stirred tank reactor

is given by the following equation:



batch dtEXX

with Xbatch being the conversion-time correlation of a batch reactor and E dt the

exit age distribution of the mixed stirred tank reactor. The exit age distribution

of segregated and non-segregated systems in stirred tank reactors are the same.

Segregation can not be seen by the residence time distribution. The residence

time distribution of a continuous well mixed stirred tank reactor is given by:




With conversion-time correlations of batch reactors for zero- and first-order

reactions the performance equations of a segregated continuous stirred tank

reactor can be calculated. Segregation lowers conversion of continuous stirred

tank reactors if the order of reaction is smaller than 1, and segregation increases

conversion if the order of reaction is larger than 1. For first-order reactions there

is no difference in reactor performance of segregated or non-segregated systems,

because conversion does not depend on monomer concentration.

In practise reaction mixtures of polymerizing systems are in general partially

segregated and the question is how can the degree of segregation be determined.

Baumann, for example, has published a characteristic segregation number for

identification of the degree of segregation of a given system:



with = D

2 (micro mixing time)

= V


(mean residence time)

= 4/1


(diameter of segregated department)If water with a

viscosity of 10-6

m2/s is mixed in a stirred tank reactor with a specific power

input of 1 W/kg, the size of segregated elements is about 30 m in diameter.

These elements of 30 m diameter lose their identity by action of molecular

diffusion. The diffusion coefficient in water is on the order of 10-9

m2/s. Thus

segregated elements of water 30 m in size lose their identity in approximately

0.9 seconds, which is a very short time. The segregation number of a continuous

process with a mean residence time of 1 hour is in this case 2.510-4

. This is a

very small segregation number, indicating that the system is to be regarded as

mixed on a molecular level (micro mixed). Things become different for

polymerizing systems. Assuming the viscosity of a reaction mixture is 10-3


then the micro scale of fluid elements is in the order of 5.6 mm if power input

remains constant. With a diffusion coefficient of about 10-10

m2/s the micro

mixing time becomes very large (87 hours) and the segregation number is also

very large (87). In practice the volume of continuous stirred tank reactor is in

some cases not totally well mixed, and so called dead or stagnant regions may

be present within the vessel. The remaining active volume of reactor may have

zones of mixed flow or plug flow. This depends on the geometry of the reactor

and stirrer and also on feed inlet and outlet. Further effects are those of the

operation conditions of the reactor (stirring speed, throughput, temperature) and

properties of the reaction mixture, like viscosity. For calculation of conversion

in such reactors with dead zones and regions of mixed and plug flow, so called

compartment models can be used. In Fig. 5.29 a compartment model of a

continuous stirred tank reactor with volume elements of dead water (Vd), and

mixed and plug flow (Vm and VP), is given. The corresponding residence time

distribution differs according from that of a homogeneous continuous stirred

tank reactor. The mean conversion of the reactor not well mixed is given by the

segregation model in the case of a first-order polymerization reaction as:





















The effect of volume fraction of dead water and plug flow on relative

conversion of the reactor is shown in Fig. 5.30 for two different reference

conversions of 0.2 and 0.8. The result is that volume elements of plug flow

increase conversion whereas volume elements of dead water lower conversion

of a first order reaction as expected.

In summary the following can be said: reactor performance is a complex

function of polymerization kinetics, type of reactor and its residence time

distribution, as well as of degree of segregation of reaction mixture and earliness

or lateness of mixing of reactants.

5.6 Reactor Selectivity

Molecular Weight Distribution of Polymers

One of the most important parameters for the characterization of polymers is the

molecular weight distribution and its mean values, like weight and number

average of molecular weight. Mechanical and rheological properties of polymers

are especially affected by molecular weight and its distribution. Molecular

weight and distribution are determined by:

- Chemical mechanism of polymerization reaction

- Method of polymerization

- Reactor used and operation conditions

Thus chemistry and engineering play a major role in determining the chain

length distribution of polymers. The complex interactions of different

parameters can best be demonstrated by looking first at a very simple kind of

free radical polymerization reaction consisting of initiation, propagation, and

termination by disproportionation. We further assume that the rate of initiation is

constant and the reaction is not affected by gel-, glass- or cage-effects. The

reaction is run in three different stirred tank reactors such as a batch reactor

(BR), homogeneous continuous stirred tank reactor (HCSTR), and segregated

continuous stirred tank reactor (SCSTR). The BR is equivalent to a cascade of

stirred tank reactors with an infinite number of vessels.

When the polymerization reaction is run in a BR at constant temperature the

concentration of monomer decreases with conversion andtime of reaction. In the

case of free radical polymerization the average life time of active sites is very


short (seconds) compared to the time of reaction for high conversion (hours).

Thus during the course of polymerization the average chain length of

macromolecules become smaller and smaller with increasing conversion. This is

shown in Fig. 5.31. The instantaneous number average degree of polymerization

is given by:







and the instantaneous weight chain length distribution of polymer is given by the

Schulz-Flory distribution, or most probable distribution:

1P2 P)1()P(W

P)1(expP)1(~ 2

with 2/1









The breadth of the distribution is described by the dispersion index D= Pw/Pn.

Pw is given by Pw=2/(1-). Dispersion index is two in the case of termination by

disproportionation. When termination is exclusively by combination the

dispersion index is 1.5. In Fig. 5.32 the weight chain length distribution of

instanteously formed polymer at five different conversions is shown. A set of

Schulz-Flory distributions results in decreasing degrees of polymerization at

increasing conversion of monomer. The dispersion index for all distributions

shown in Fig. 5.32 is equal to 2. Integration of the distributions with appropriate

weight factors gives the chain length distribution of the final polymer product at

the end of the batch process. The cumulative distributions broaden with

increasing conversion. This is shown in Fig. 5.33. Here the dispersion index is

plotted versus conversion of polymerization for different reactors and for

termination by disproportionation and combination. In BRs molecular weight

distribution increases strongly at high conversion due to the decay of monomer

concentration and short life time of active species. In the case of SCSTRs the

molecular weight distribution broadens even more with increasing conversion.

This is caused by the broad residence time distribution of the SCSTR. In this

case we have very many individual batch reactors, each with an individual

residence time. The broad residence time distribution which is given by




leads to a very broad molecular weight distribution. The dispersion of the

distribution strongly increases with increasing conversion. In contrary to BR and

SCSTR, the HCSTR produces polymers with narrow molecular weight

distributions even at high conversion. The reason for this is the constant

monomer concentration at stationary state and the very short life time of active

sites. In this case residence time distribution does not affect the molecular

weight distribution of polymers. These simulations of a given polymerization

reaction run in different reactors have shown that the molecular weight

distribution of polymers formed can be very different from each other depending

on conversion of reaction.

However it must be mentioned that the effect of the reactor on the molecular

weight distribution of polymers is not always the same, but does depend on the

mechanism of the polymerization reaction. When chain transfer reactions play a

significant role completely different results may be seen with respect to the

molecular weight distribtution of polymers produced in a different reactor. This

has to be checked from case to case.

The next example is a condensation polymerization forming only linear chains.

If this type of polymerization reaction is run in a BR the conversion of

functional groups is defined as the fraction of functional groups that have

reacted at a given time:





and the degrees of polymerization are given by:




NP 0




The chain length distribution is given by:

1P2 pP)p1()P(W

and is again the Schulz-Flory distribution with a polydispersion index of two at

complete conversion of functional groups (D= Pw/Pn = 1+p). Fig. 5.34 shows

the increase of number average degree of polycondensation with conversion of

functional groups. Polymers of technical use with a degree of polymerization on


the order of 100 can only be produced at very high conversions. This can only

be done in an economical way in a BR or in continuous reactors with a plug

flow profile. In Fig. 5.35 the weight distribution of chain lengths is shown at

various conversions. Since in polycondensation reactions conversion can vary

from 0 to 1 the dispersion index varies from 1 to 2. This is different from free

radical polymerization. Here the dispersion index is always 2 because the

probability of propagation is always very close to unity. In single continuous

stirred tank reactors much broader molecular weight distributions do result as

shown in Fig. 5.36. This is due to the effect of the broad residence time

distribution. In polycondensation reactions the life time of growing chains is

extremely large and therefore the chain length distribution is affected by the

residence time distribution of the reactor. However these results are purely

theoretical results since HCSTR and SCSTR are not adequate reactors for

running polycondensation reactions at very high conversion, and on the other

hand many condensation and addition polyreactions are accompanied by side

reactions, which cause the formation of polymers with a Schulz-Flory


Composition Distribution of Copolymers

Most of the polymers used are copolymers and not homopolymers. An exception

is poly(vinyl chloride), polystyrene and low density polyethylene. The

advantages of copolymers are the specific properties, which can be adjusted by

the monomers used and by the composition of copolymer and its distribution.

We have to distinguish between random, alternating, block, and graft copoly-

mers. Of special interest are random copolymers produced by free radical or

coordination polymerization. Since very often the reactivity of monomers can be

very different, special polymerization procedures have to be used in order to

produce copolymers with an equal distribution of monomers from chain to chain

and within a single chain.

Chemically uniform copolymers can be produced in batch or plug flow reactors

at high conversions only in the case of binary systems with copolymerization

parameters being equal and close to unity (r1=r2=1), or in the case of

copolymerization with an azeotropic point. This can be seen in Fig. 5.37. It

shows for three different binary systems the composition of copolymer formed

(expressed by the mole fraction F1 of monomer 1 in copolymer) in a batch

reactor as a function of monomer composition of charge f1 and of conversion.

The resulting distribution of copolymer composition can be seen in Fig. 5.38. In

general the copolymer composition distribution will be very broad in batch

reactors, since most of the industrially important copolymers are not systems

with r1 = r2=1, or with an azeotropic point at a certain composition of monomer.

The majority of comonomers have rather a very different reactivity of

copolymerization, and the result is a strong change of composition of monomer


mixture during the course of reaction in a batch or plug flow reactor, leading to

formation of very non-uniform copolymers with increasing conversion.

Copolymers of uniform composition can be produced in the case of monomers

with different reactivity by using the semi-batch technique, or running the

copolymerization in a mixed flow reactor. In the case of semi-batch copoly-

merization the less active monomer is introduced completely into the reactor and

the more reactive monomer is than added in such a way that the ratio of

monomer concentration is kept constant during polymerization. For this purpose

analytical sensors or reliable computer programs are necessary. More convenient

is the copolymerization in mixed flow reactors like the homogeneous continuous

stirred tank reactor. In a HCSTR operating at steady state monomer

concentration is constant in space and time. The result is therefore a chemically

uniform copolymer. The instantaneous copolymer equation







with 22,M1,M

1,M1 f1



and 22,M1,M

1,M1 F1



can be used for calculation of mole fraction of monomer 1 in the copolymer. cM,1

and cM,2 are the monomer concentrations in the exit stream of the reactor. In Fig.

5.39 the change in steady state copolymer composition is shown for the system

of styrene and acrylonitrile as a function of conversion. A copolymer with a

certain composition can be made either by varying the composition of feed at a

fixed conversion or by varying the extent of conversion at a given composition

of monomer feed.

However perfect mixing on a molecular scale cannot be realized in practise as

envisioned by the concept of a homogeneous continuous stirred tank reactor.

Most industrial reactors are not micro mixed, and the reaction mixture is

partially or fully segregated, especially at high viscosities. In the case of a

segregated continuous stirred tank reactor the copolymer composition

distribution will be much broader than in case of a HCSTR, and will broaden

with increasing conversion. It will be even broader than distributions of

copolymers produced in a BR. This again is the effect of the broad residence

time distribution of the SCSTR.


5.7 Reactor Scale-up

In general polymerization reactions are first run in lab scale reactors at certain

reaction conditions. If polymer properties fulfill the demand the same reaction is

then run in a larger scale reactor to produce more polymer for more intensive

testing. Scale-up of a reactor should be done by using reactors of the same

geometry. Geometric similarity means that all pertinent dimensions of reactors

should have a common constant ratio. For example the ratio of tank diameter to

stirrer diameter should be constant (see Fig. 5.40). Next step in scale-up of

polymerization reactors is the definition of parameters that must be kept

constant. Of special interest are parameters like :

- Mixing time for homogenization of miscible liquids

- Droplet diameter or specific interface of emulsions

- Distribution of polymer or catalyst particles within the reactor volume

- Mass transfer coefficient in heterogeneous systems

- Heat transfer coefficient of a reactor

These parameters may affect important polymer properties like particle size and

particle size distribution but also molecular weight and molecular weight

distribution. If the most important parameter is identified, then an appropriate

scale-up criterion has to be chosen. One of the oldest and most often applied

scale-up criterion is that of Büche, which says that the specific power input of

stirring should be kept constant during polymerization. Penney used different

scale-up criteria and plotted them in a diagram which is shown in Fig. 5.41 In

this logarithmic diagram the ratio of specific power input of stirring is plotted

versus the volumetric scale-up factor of a reactor. From this diagram it can be

seen that with the scale-up criterion of P/V = constant most of the named

process parameters can be kept constant. If for example the particle size of

monomer droplets (d32 ) should be the same in reactors of different size, then the

specific power input by stirring should be the same in each reactor. In the case

of mixing of liquids of low viscosity in the turbulent regime of flow, constant

mixing times can only be realized in the scale-up of reactors when stirring speed

is kept constant. This however means that specific power input by stirring must

be increased strongly with increasing volume of the reactor, and for economical

reasons this not the right thing to do. Thus, a somewhat larger time of mixing

has to be accepted in large scale reactors at constant specific power input.

The functional correlation of specific power input and volume of a reactor

shown in the Penney diagram shall be demonstrated in the case of mixing of


If mixing in stirred tank reactors is performed in the laminar regime of flow,

then the following correlations are valid:


32 dN.constP and

.constN in the case of a helical ribbon.

If N is substituted by 1/ and 3d by V the following equation results when the

reaction mixture is the same in both reactors:








From this equation one can see that mixing time will be the same in both

reactors if the specific power input of stirring will be equal in both cases. If

mixing, however, is performed in the turbulent regime of flow a different

correlation results. In this case

53 dNNe P and

N constant for all types of stirrers

Again substitution of N by 1/ and with V~d3~D

3 in the case of reactors of

geometric similarity one gets the following correlation:













In this case the specific power input of stirring has to be increased according to

the second power of the ratio of reactor diameters if mixing time shall be equal

in both reactors.

5.8 List of Symbols

A Area, m2


Archimedes number, )r/(gdAr 23

C Concentration of chemicals, kmol/m3

D Diffusion coefficient, m2/s, or

Dispersion index of polymers

Da Damköhler number, 1n


Dr Diameter of reactor, m


d Diameter of agitator, m

dP Diameter of particle, m

d32 Sauter diameter of particle, m

dw Thickness of reactor wall, m

E Residence time distribution function, 1/s, or

Activation energy of reaction, J/mol

F Mol fraction of monomer in copolymer

f Mol fraction of monomer in monomer mixture, or

Efficiency factor of initiator

Fr Froude number, Fr = u0 /(dg)

g Standard gravity, m/s2

h Heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2K)

H Enthalpy, J/mol

k Rate constant of chemical reactions and mass transport processes

MM Molecular weight of monomer, kg/k mol

MT Torque acting on stirrer shaft, Nm

m Weight, kg

m Weight flux, kg/s

N Number of revolutions of stirrer, 1/s, or

Number of functional groups, or

Number of reactors in a cascade

Ne Newton number, )dN/(PNe 53

Nu Nusselt number, /DhNu r

Nseg Number of segregation,

n Molar flux, mol/s

P Power input of stirrer, W

Pn Degree of polymerization, number average

Pw Degree of polymerization, weight average

Pr Prandtl number, /cPr p

p Degree of conversion in condensation polymerization

Q Heat flux, W

Q Gas flow number, )dN/(gQ 3

g Gas flow rate, m3/s

R Rate of reaction, kmol/(m3s)

R Gas constant, J/(molK)

r Copolymerization parameter

Re Reynolds number, /dNRe 2

Sc Scmidt number, Sc=/D

Sh Sherwood number, D/dkSh Ps

T Temperature, K or 0C


t Time, s

U Overall heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2K)

u Linear velocity, m/s

u0 Superficial gas velocity, m/s

V Volume, m3

V Volumetric flux, m3/s

X Conversion

Probability factor

Shear rate, 1/s

Thickness of layer, m

Specific energy input, W/kg or m2/s


Dynamic viscosity, Pa s or kg/(ms)

Mixing time, s

Thermal heat conductivity parameter, W/(mK)

or micro scale of turbulence, m

Kinematic viscosity, m2/s

Density, kg/m3

Interfacial tension, N/m or J/m2

Average residence time, s

Volume fraction,

5.9 References

- S. Nagata: „Mixing, Principles and applications“, Halsted Press, John Wiley

and Sons, 1975

- J.Y. Oldshue: „Fluid Mixing Technology“, McGraw-Hill Publications, 1983

- F.A. Holland and F.S. Chapman: „Liquid Mixing and Processing in Stirred

Tanks“, Reinhold Publishing, 1966

- L.M. Rose: „Chemical Reactor Design in Practice“, Elsevier, 1981

- H.S. Fogler: „Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering“, Prentice-Hall

International, 1999

- T. Grewer: „Thermal Hazards of Chemical Reactions“, Elsevier, 1994

- K.H. Reichert and H.U. Moritz: „Polymer Reaction Engineering, in

Comprehensive Polymer Science, Vol. 3, Part I, page 327, Pergamon Press,


- M. Zlokarnik: „Dimensional Analysis and Scale-up in Chemical Engineering,

Springer, 1991


5.10 Tables and Figures


Advantage: ideal for small-scale production, very

flexible, multi purpose application, high conversion


Disadvantage: large cycle time, dangerous process,

concentration gradients may affect polymer quality,

temperature control can be difficult with fast exotermic



Advantage: good control of reaction rate and product

quality (copolymer composition), relative safe process,

high yield by shifting the chemical equilibrium

(polycondensation), stationary concentration of


Disadvange: lower performance than batch reactor,

extra devices for pumping and controlling.


Advantage: ideal for large quantities of polymers with

constant quality, high degree of automation, relative

safe process, high reactor performance.

Disadvantage: process is not flexible, expensive instru-

mentation (pumps, sensors, controllers), high costs for


Tab. 5.1: Mode of operation of stirred tank reactor


Agitator Diameter


Baffles Tip Speed










3 – 12

3 – 12










1 – 10

1 – 10





Helical Ribbon

Helical Screw





0.5 – 2

0.5 – 2

Solution ( > )

Bulk (>> )

Tab. 5.2: Agitators used for different methods of polymerization.


Reactor Conversion Reaction Volume

BR Daexp1 X





















Tab. 5.3: Conversion and reaction volume of different stirred tank reactors.

Correlations refer to polymerization reaction of first order



O. Order

(Da = k / CM,0)




1. Order

(Da = k) Da1




Tab. 5.4: Conversion equations of segregated (SCSTR) and non-segregated (HCSTR)

reaction systems of zero- and first-order reactions


Fig. 5.1: Some major types of agitators and viscosity ranges of application

Fig. 5.2: Axial and radial flow patterns in stirred tank reactors equiped with baffles


Fig. 5.3: Power input characteristic of different stirrers with and without baffles for

homogeneous Newtonian liquids

Fig. 5.4: Mixing time characteristic of different types of agitators for Newtonian

liquids of similar density and viscosity


Fig.5.5: Sauter mean diameter of polymer particles produced by suspension poly-

merization at different Weber numbers, stirring speeds and surfactant

concentrations (1 : 0.11 %, 2 : 0.13 %, 3 : 0.17 %)

Fig. 5.6: Effect of gas flow number Q on Newton number Ne in stirred reactor

Ne = P/(N 3 d

5), Q = q/(Nd 3), q=V/t


Fig. 5.7: Effect of specific power input on liquid-side mass transfer coefficient in

bubble column reactor filled with different liquids containing polyethylene


Fig. 5.8: Distribution of glass beads in stirred tank reactor at different stirring



Fig. 5.9: Comparison of mixing effectiveness of different agitators at different power


Fig. 5.10: Calculated mass transfer coefficient for spherical particles of different size

settling at terminal velocity in a liquid


Fig. 5.11: Different methods of heat removal from stirred tank reactor

Fig. 5.12: Decrease of heat transfer coefficient and increase of viscosity with

conversion of solution polymerization in a stirred tank reactor (helical

ribbon agitator, 160 rotations per minute)


Fig. 5.13: Effect of stirring speed on cooling capacity of stirred tank reactor


Fig. 5.14: Stability diagram of reactor at stationary state with = 388 min

Curve a: heat production

Curve b: heat removal

Fig. 5.15: Transition characteristic of operating point at an increase of jacket

temperature from 85 to 870C at time zero


Fig. 5.16: Temperature run away phenomena at different failures of operation

a : monomer feed and cooling fail completely

b : monomer feed stops but cooling by jacket works

Fig. 5.17 Tracer concentration-time correlation of a pulse experiment


Fig. 5.18: Transforming the experimental concentration curve into the exit age

curve E

Fig. 5.19: Tracer concentration-time correlation of a step experiment

Fig. 5.20: Transforming the experimental tracer concentration curve into the F

curve (transition function)




Fig. 5.21: RTD of a cascade of equal sized stirred tank reactors (with N=1, 5 and )







Fig. 5.22: Compartment models for stirred tank reactors with dead zone (left)

and bypass (right)

v Vm


v va




Fig. 5.24: Parabolic flow velocity profile and residence time distribution of laminar

flow in pipe


Fig. 5.25: Dimensionless conversion-time correlations of different stirred tank

reactors for 1. order polymerization reaction with k = 10-4


Fig. 5.26: Reactor capacity of different stirred tank reactors as function of time and

conversion. First order polymerization with CM,0 = 5 mol/l and k=10-4



Fig. 5.27: Concentration profiles and residence time distribution of different

stirred tank reactors

Fig. 5.28: Effect of segregation on conversion. Polymerization reaction of

0. and 1. order


Fig. 5.29: Compartment model of a continuous stirred tank reactor and the

correspondinng residence time distribution (CSTR)

Fig. 5.30: Effect of volume fraction of dead water and plug flow on relative

conversion of stirred tank reactor at two different reference con-

versions (0.2 and 0.8)


Fig. 5.31: Relative cumulative degree of polymerization (weight and number

average) as function of conversion of free radical polymerization

without chain transfer reactions

Fig. 5.32: Weight distribution of chain length of instantaneously formed polymer by free radical polymerization in batch reactor at small conversion increments


Fig.5.33: Dispersion index (D=Pw / Pn) of polymers produced by free radical

polymerization in different stirred tank reactors as function of conversion

(dotted line: termination by disproportionation, solid line: termination by


Fig.5.34: Cumulative degree of polymerization as function of conversion of conden-

sation polymerization


Fig.5.35: Molecular weight distribution of polymer formed by condensation

polymerization in a batch reactor

Fig. 5.36: Dispersion index D =PW/PN as a function of degree of condensation

polymerization in different reactors


Fig.5.37: Composition of the copolymer produced in a batch reactor as function of

monomer composition of charge as well as conversion

First column: instantaneous composition; second column: instantaneous

compositions, starting with cM,1:cM,2=1:3, 1:1 and 3:1; third column: cumu-

lative compositions based on the same starting ratios

Fig. 5.38: Copolymer composition distributions of different pairs of monomers.

Complete polymerization in a batch reactor for three different molar ratios

of monomer (CM,1 : CM,2 = 1 : 3 (first column) 1 : 1 (second column) and

3 : 1 (third column) F1 : mol fraction of monomer 1 in the copolymer)


Fig.5.39: Continuous copolymerization in a stirred tank reactor of styrene (f1=0.4)

and acrylonitrile(f2=0.6). Composition of accumulated copolymer F1 and F2

as a function of conversion

Fig. 5.40: Scale-up of stirred tank reactor


Fig. 5.41: Penney diagram with different scale-up criteria



6.1 General Aspects

Chainwise polymerization reactions are characterized by the following features:

- Strong increase in viscosity of a reaction mixture during the entire course of


- Kinetics of reaction can be very sensitive with respect to small amounts of

impurities like free radical scavangers or catalyst poisons

- Non-uniform polymers are formed due to the mechanism of polymerization

- Polymerization reactions are strongly exothermic and in general non rever-

sible at reaction conditions

Stepwise polymerization reactions are in general reversible reactions. The

viscosity of the reaction mixture increases strongly only at very high conversion

of functional groups. Typical condensation reactions are relatively slow running

reactions with low reaction enthalpies. They have to be run at high conversion in

order to get polymers with high molecular weight. Another important parameter

which also affects molecular weight is the exact stoichiometry of functional

groups. The stoichiometry of reactants must be carefully controlled.

Industrial polymerization processes are in general continuous processes run at

constant temperature and pressure. The structure of a typical polymerization

process is characterized by physical and chemical treatment steps (see Fig. 6.1).

The materials entering the polymerization process undergo first a number of

physical treatments like purification, mixing, heating, or cooling. Then the

monomers are polymerized in a suitable reactor at certain reaction conditions.

After chemical reaction the reaction mixture is again treated in physical ways in

order to recover the polymer in such a form and quality as demanded by


Purification of monomers and solvents for chainwise polymerization focuses on

the removal of traces of free radical scavangers and catalyst poisons. In general

separation processes like distillation and adsorption are used for this purpose. In

the case of stepwise polymerization the complete removal of monofunctional

monomers is of interest, otherwise no polymers with high molecular weight can

be produced.

Purification of polymers at the end of a polymerization process deals with the

removal of unreacted monomer from the polymer. The effective removal of

monomer from the polymer is a demanding task. Heating, evaporation, and

effective mixing of polymer are the appropriate procedures of purification.

Effective compounding of polymers with property improving additives at the

end of a polymerization process is also an important polymer treatment step. In

general extruders are used for this purpose.


The development of a new polymerization process starts with the choice of the

chemical polymerization reaction for synthesis of a wanted polymer product.

Today especially coordination and condensation or addition polymerization

reactions are of special interest. These reactions allow the synthesis of polymers

with a special architecture or special chemical composition. The next step in

process development is the choice of a suitable polymerization procedure.

Polymerization in heterogeneous systems can have some advantages in

comparison to homogeneous systems, like better mixing of a reaction mixture or

better heat removal due to lower viscosities. From a commercial point of view

the bulk phase polymerization is a suitable process since no solvent or diluent

has to be used. Mixing and heat removal however can cause problems. The next

stage in process development is the choice of reactor type and its mode of


In the case of continuous polymerization process the residence time distribution

of reactor can have an effect on reactor performance and polymer quality. Very

often a cascade of reactors is used. The polymerization reactor is the heart of a

polymerization process, but the right choice of appropriate physical treatment

steps before and after chemical reaction can also have a large impact on

performance of a polymerization process. In Tab. 6.1 the different steps of

process development in polymer production are summarized. In general the type

and amount of polymer to be produced will be given. Decisions have to be made

on the type of polymerization reaction, method of polymerization, conditions of

polymerization, type of reactor, and on the type of unit operations.

6.2 Processes for Chain-Growth Polymerization

Solution Polymerization/High Density Polyethylene

For polymerization in solution good solvents have to be used to dissolve the

monomer and also the polymer formed. The solvent should be chemically inert

and easy to recover after polymerization. The advantage of polymerization in

solution is the lower viscosity of reaction mixture than in bulk polymerization in

the absence of a solvent. By this means good control of mixing and heat removal

is possible. Initiator or catalyst efficiency can also be better than in

homogeneous bulk polymerization due to better agitation of the reaction

mixture. Disadvantages of solution polymerization are the costs for removal and

recovery of solvents and the tendency of formation of polymer deposit on the

wall of the reactor. The scale of polymer on the walls of the reactor has to be

removed in order to maintain good heat transfer and avoid inclusion of gelled

polymer in the final product. Polymers are recovered from solution

polymerization by flushing off the solvent. The polymer formed is in general a

fluffy powder which must be compacted in separate melting and granulation

process. Major polymers produced by polymerization in solution are high


density polyethylene, 1,4-cis-polybutadiene and polystyrene. Hexane is used in

general in the case of ethylene and butadiene polymerization. But also bulk

polymerization of ethylene at high pressure and temperature must be regarded as

solution polymerization in a homogeneous medium since the polymer formed is

completely dissolved in its own monomer at the reaction conditions given.

In Fig. 6.2 the flow diagram of solution polymerization process of ethylene with

Ziegler-Catalysts is shown. Ethylene, a comonomer, and hexane are mixed in an

absorber at low temperature. Then the solution is cooled down to -40 0C and

pumped into the stirred tank reactor together with the catalyst solution. The

polymerization is run in the temperature range of 130 to 2500C to keep the

polymer formed in solution. The corresponding pressure is in the range of 30 to

200 bar. The mean residence time of the reaction mixture is on the order of 10

minutes. This corresponds to a conversion of monomer of about 95%. The

concentration of polymer in solution is about 5 to 10 wt % and affects strongly

the viscosity of the reaction mixture. The viscosity is also affected by the

molecular weight of polymer. The molecular weight of polymer is controlled by

the temperature of polymerization. The viscosity is controlled on-line during the

course of polymerization. After passing the reactor the reaction mixture is

pumped into a flash tank where solvent and monomer are removed partially

from the reaction mixture by evaporation and desorption. The concentrated

polymer solution is then pumped into a mixer and mixed with additives like

stabilizers, pigments, processing agents, and so on. Then the concentrated

polymer solution is pumped into a second flash tank where most of the solvent is

removed. Finally, the polymer melt is transfered into an extruder where it is

mixed with further additives and degassed. At the exit of the extruder the

polymer melt is cut by a rotating knife and simultaneously cooled down by

rinsing with water. After drying, the polymer granules are ready for packaging.

The production performance of a solution process is due to the high rate of

polymerization, with approximately 1 kg of polymer produced per liter of

reactor volume and hour at 1300C. The polymer produced is characterized by

relatively low molecular weight and narrow molecular weight distribution, and

therefore used as material for injection moulding processing.

Suspension Polymerization/Poly(vinyl chloride)

Suspension polymerization is a water-cooled bulk polymerization. Liquid

monomer with dissolved initiator is dispersed in water by vigorous stirring. The

droplets formed are transformed during polymerization into sticky, highly

viscous particles, which become rigid and have diameters in the range of 100 to

1000 m. To prevent coalescence of the sticky particles during the course of

polymerization proper stabilizing agents have to be used. In general water

soluble natural or synthetic polymers are used, like cellulose derivatives or

poly(vinyl alcohol). Proper agitation of the reaction mixture is important since

the monomer is less dense than water while polymer is in general more dense


than water. The viscosity of the heterogeneous system remains fairly constant

during a polymerization reaction and is determined mainly by the water phase,

but also by the volume fraction of polymer. The final reaction mixture typically

contains about 30 volume percent of polymer. Suspension polymerization is the

only procedure of polymerization which cannot be performed in a continuous

way. In industry up to now only batch processes are known. This is mainly due

to the tendency of the reaction mixture to form deposits of polymer on the wall

of reactor. This fact prevents any continuous processing since polymerization

must be stopped too often for cleaning of reactor.

Suspension polymerization is applied in industry for production of poly(vinyl

chloride), expandable polystyrene, and high impact polystyrene. The major

process for poly(vinyl chloride) production is suspension polymerization. In Fig.

6.3 the flow diagram of the poly(vinyl chloride) suspension polymerization

process is given. It is a batch process with cycle times of less than 8 hours.

Liquid vinyl chloride and water with dissolved surfactant and initiator are fed

into the stirred tank reactor which can have a volume up to 200 m3. Then the

reactor content is heated up to temperatures in the range of 50 to 700C, resulting

in pressures of 8 to 12 bar. Very often steam is used for direct heating of the

reaction mixture. The temperature of reaction determines the molecular weight

of polymer formed. The higher the temperature the higher the rate of initiator

decomposition and the lower the molecular weight of the polymer formed. The

effect of temperature of reactor and jacket as well as pressure are given in Fig.

6.4 for a typical batch polymerization of vinyl chloride in suspension. From the

differences of temperatures one can see that the rate of heat production, resulting

from rate of polymerization, is increasing with increasing conversion and

reaches a maximum value at a conversion of about 70%. Then the rate of

polymerization falls. Simutaneously the pressure of the reactor is falls. This is

the stage of polymerization where vinyl chloride is no longer present as a

separate liquid phase. The rest of vinyl chloride is completely absorbed by the

polymer produced. Heat of reaction is removed by the cooled jacket of the

reactor and also by an external heat exchanger via evaporation and condensation

of vinyl chloride. At about 90% conversion, which is measured by calorimetry,

the reaction is stopped. The hot suspension is filled into a storage tank and from

there pumped into a degasifier to remove the vinyl chloride left in the polymer

particles. This is done by heating and applying vacuum. After an intensive

demonomerization of the polymer the suspension is conveyed into a continuous

centrifuge. The wet product (20 to 30% water) is then dried first in a pneumatic

dryer and then in a fluidized-bed dryer by using hot air. To remove small

polymer particles from the air passing through the dryers, cyclones and gas

filters are used. One major parameter of the polymer produced is the porosity of

the particles, which is responsible for the absorbing capacity of the particles

with respect to liquid plasticizers. The absorbing capacity of the polymer

particles can be influenced by the kind of surfactants used for stabilizing the


monomer droplets. The size of the particles formed is affected by the physical

properties of the monomer/water emulsion (surface tension, viscosities,

densities), by the polymerization conditions (stirring speed, temperature,

concentration of chemicals), and by the geometries of the reactor and stirrer


Emulsion Polymerization/Styrene-Butadiene-Copolymer

The most important process for production of synthetic rubber based on styrene

and butadiene copolymers is the emulsion polymerization. Emulsion poly-

merization is also used for production of poly(vinyl chloride) and acrylo nitrile-

butadiene-styrene copolymers. The advantages of emulsion polymerization are:

- Low viscosity of the reaction mixture during the entire course of


- Polymers with high molecular weight are formed at high rates of polymeri-


- Highly concentrated polymer latex is formed which can be used directly for

further applications.

These benefits make emulsion polymerization a frequently used process of

polymer production in free radical polymerization. The polymer particles of the

latex produced are normally in the range of 100 nm in diameter and the latex

contains in general 50% polymer. In Fig. 6.5 the flow diagram of an emulsion

polymerization process for production of styrene-butadiene copolymer is shown.

Since polymerization is run at 50C the rubber produced is called “cold“ rubber

and is characterized by a relatively high content of trans-1,4- butadiene units,

which has a positive effect on some technological properties of the rubber. The

process starts with the emulsification of monomers and molecular weight

modifiers in water with dissolved emulsifiers, which are in general natural

soaps. The emulsion is than cooled down to 50C and the redox initiator is added.

First the reducing agent (sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate), then the

hydroperoxide is added. The polymerization is performed in a series of six to ten

well agitated reactors. Since the reaction temperature greatly influences polymer

properties, the heat removing system must be well designed. In general heat is

removed by evaporation cooling of ammonia, which is pumped through coils

placed within the reactors. After an average reaction time of 8 to 10 hours the

polymerization reaction is stopped at a conversion of 60 to 70%. At higher

conversions polymer properties would be affected in a negative way due to

formation of long chain branching and crosslinking. The latex is then flashed

into two drums. The first one being at atmospheric pressure and the second one

working under vacuum. In these drums butadiene is removed. The latex is then


pumped to the top of a stripping column operating in vacuum. The latex passes

downward over perforated plates counter-current to steam. The monomer-free

polymer dispersion is then mixed with additives like carbon black, oil,

antioxidant and then pumped into a coagulation tank where acid (H2SO4) and

brine (Al2(SO4)3) is added. Coagulation usually takes place in two well-agitated

vessels. During this operation the rubber is precipitated in the form of porous

crumbs, which are washed free of salt and acid and then dried and baled.

Slurry Polymerization Process/High Density Polyethylene

The polymerization of olefins in a suspension or slurry is a suitable process for

production of polyolefins like polyethylene and polypropylene. The

polymerization is catalysed by different types of heterogeneous catalysts

dispersed in an inert liquid, like hydrocarbons with low boiling points. The

polymer formed is insoluble in the liquid phase at the polymerization

temperature. It forms particles with morphologies which are more or less a

replication of the catalyst particles. The major advantage of a slurry

polymerization process is the relative low viscosity of the reaction mixture,

which favours good mixing and heat removal in the reactors used. Stirred tank

and loop reactors are used in general, with reactor volumes up to 100 m3. The

reactors are run at pressures of 10 to 20 bar and temperatures of 80 to 1000C.

The average residence time in stirred tank reactor is 2 to 3 hours and in loop

reactors 0.5 to 2 hours. The performance of reactors is in general controlled by

the process of heat removal. The slurry leaving the reactor has a solid content of

about 50 wt %. Unit operations for isolation of the polymer are centrifugation,

steam stripping, and drying of the powder. The powder is then mixed with

additives and granules are formed by using extruders. The molecular weight of

the polymer is controlled by hydrogen or by temperature. The distribution of the

molecular weight can be controlled by the nature of the catalyst used or by

means of process technology, like using a train of reactors run at different

reaction conditions. Small amount of comonomers are used to modify the

density of the polymer and to increase the toughness or resistance to stress


In Fig. 6.6 the flow diagram of a slurry polymerization process for polyethylene

production is given. It is based on developments of former Hoechst company.

The ethylene used for polymerization is in general supplied by modern plants in

such a quality that it may be polymerized with little or no further purification. In

Tab. 6.2 the specification for such a polymerization grade ethylene is given.

Commercial catalysts for polymerization of olefins are in generel heterogeneous

catalysts. The catalytic active complexes are fixed on the surface of appropriate

supports, which are porous particles with diameters in the range of 50 to 100

m. These catalyst particles are first dispersed in a diluent and then pumped into

the reactor with such a rate that the performance of the reactor is kept at a


constant level. Pressure and temperature are also kept constant during

polymerization. In Fig. 6.6 only one reactor is shown but also two or more

reactors in series are used. The slurry is passed into a pressure release vessel

where most of the ethylene is removed and then pumped into a centrifuge to

remove most of the diluent from the polymer. The diluent is recycled directly to

the reactor. The polymer is transferred from the centrifuge into a stripper, where

the rest of the diluent is stripped off the polymer by using steam, which is blown

into the stirred product. After a second centrifugation step the wet product is

dried in a fluidized-bed drier using hot air. Additives are then added to the

polymer powder in a mixer, and this mixture is then pelletized in an extruder

and finally dried in a moving bed dryer.

Gas Phase Polymerization Process/High Density Polyethylene

Gas phase polymerization is applied only for production of polyolefins like

polyethylene and polypropylene or copolymers of ethylene and propylene by

using heterogeneous catalysts with particle diameters of about 50 m. Gas phase

polymerization processes are relatively simple processes, particularly if the

customers are able to use the directly produced polymer particles without any

pelletization process. A further advantage of the process is that no diluents are

used. Since the process operates close to the melting point of the polymer,

accurate temperature control is necessary, and is done by regulating the rate of

catalyst addition into the reactor. If a thermal run away polymerization is

detected, carbon dioxide can be injected into the reactor to poison the catalyst.

Problems may also arise if polymer films are formed on the surface of reactor

due to electrostatic charge of the fluidized particles. In Fig. 6.7 the flow diagram

of the gas phase polymerization process for high density polyethylene

production is shown. Ethylene, comonomer, hydrogen, and catalyst are injected

into a fluidized-bed reactor. The reaction zone is the lower part of the reactor. In

the upper expanded section of reactor the gas velocity is lowered, allowing the

particles to fall back into the reaction zone. The lower part of the reactor has a

diameter of about 4 m and a height of 10 m. The overall height of the reactor is

ca. 30 m. The gas phase enters the reactor through a distributor plate, which

manages an even distribution of the gas phase across the cross-sectional area of

reactor. The reactor operates at 80 to 1000C and a pressure of 20 bar. The

average residence time of the particles is 3 to 5 hours. The residence time

distribution corresponds more or less to a continuous stirred tank reactor with

back mixing of material and heat throughout the total reaction zone. The

conversion of monomer per pass of reactor is ca. 2%. Heat removal takes place

more or less by the circulating gas phase. The gas flow necessary for heat

removal is given by following equation:






with m being the production rate of polymer, HR is the reaction enthalpy of

polymerization, and cp are the density and specific heat capacity of the gas

phase, and T is the temperature difference of gas phase before entering the

reactor and the reaction temperature. The recycled gas flow is cooled down by

passing through a gas cooler before entering the reactor. Polymer particles are

taken out of reactor by a sluice working in short intervals via sequenced valves.

The polymer powder passes a cyclone, from which residual monomers are

recovered. Then it is recompressed and transferred back into the main pipeline

of monomer. The polymer powder flows from the cyclone into a purge tank

where final amounts of monomers are removed from the product.

6.3 Processes for Step-Growth Polymerization

In typical step-growth polymerization reactions like polyester or polyamide

synthesis the growth of macromolecules is a relatively slow process compared to

chain-growth polymerization reactions. The activation energies of these step

growth reactions are in the order of 85 kJ/mol. To accelerate the rate of reaction

catalysts and elevated temperatures are used. The enthalpy of polyester or

polyamide synthesis is relatively low at –10 to –20 kJ/mol. In this case heat

removal is not a problem. When these kinds of condensation reactions are

accelerated by application of heat and catalysts, depolymerization reactions

become important. This will affect the conditions under which the reactions are

carried out. Since step-growth polymerization reactions have unfavorable

equilibrium constants it is therefore customary to operate the process at high

temperatures and reduced pressure to remove condensation products like water

or alcohol from the reacting system. Very high conversions have to be achieved

in order to get polymers with high molecular weights suitable for technical


The rate of condensation polymerization is often limited by the rate of transfer

of condensation products like water or alcohol from the liquid, or the solid phase

into the vapor phase. A kinetic model must then include both the kinetics of the

chemical reaction and mass transfer. Mass transfer will strongly depend on

reactor design and operation conditions like stirring.

But step-growth polymerization reactions can also be very fast and very

exothermic reactions. The synthesis of polyurethanes or phenol-formaldehyde

resins are examples of such reactions. In this case lower reaction temperatures

are applied.

The following examples of step-growth polymerization processes will refer to

the synthesis of linear and crosslinked products. Linear polymers are


thermoplastic materials, crosslinked polymers are non-meltable materials at their

final stage of production.

Condensation Polymerization in Solution/Phenolic resins

An important type of polymers produced by step-growth polymerization are

nonlinear polymers formed by condensation polymerization of monomers with

more than two functional groups per molecule. One major type of network

polymers are the phenolic resins. Phenolic resins are polycondensation products

of phenol and formaldehyde. The ring hydrogens in para- and ortho-position of

the phenol molecule can react with formaldehyde to form hydroxymethyl-

substituted phenols which can then start condensation reactions with the

formation of methylene bridges or dimethylene ether bridges and elimination of

water. The production of phenolic resins is stopped at a stage where oligomers

are formed, which are thermoplastic materials and can be cured afterwards

during processing in molds. Phenolic resins are classified as novolacs and resols.

They have different curing properties and are used in different applications. The

production of phenolic resins takes place in general in batchwise processes

because a very great variety of types are produced in relatively small quantities.

The phenolic resin plant shown in Fig. 6.8 can be used for all steps in batchwise

production. Phenol in the molten state is fed into the reactor first and catalyst

and formaldehyde dissolved in water (30 w-%) are then added. The rate of

formaldehyde addition is controlled depending on the heat evolved. Substitution

and condensation reactions between phenol and formaldehyde are strongly

exothermic with about -99 kJ/mol and can proceed very vigorously. Therefore

appropriate cooling is important. Cooling is done by evaporation of volatile

liquids. The temperature of reaction is either 60 or 1000C, depending on

synthesis of resols or novolacs. At the end of the reaction the volatile parts of the

reaction mixture are distilled off under reduced pressure. The molten resin as

residue is then removed from the reactor. Rapid emptying of the reactor and

cooling of the resin is important to avoid further condensation of the product.

Cooling is done in a cooling conveyer filled with water. The product is then

milled, sieved, and mixed with different additives and fillers.

Condensation Polymerization in Melt and Solid State/Poly(ethylene terephtha-


In Fig. 6.9 the flow diagram of continuous polymerization process for

production of poly(ethylene terephthalate) is shown. Dimethyl terephthalate,

ethylene glycol and catalysts are fed into a series of Robert-evaporators in which

the ester interchange reaction takes place at temperatures of 150 to 2100C and

atmospheric pressure. Bis (hydroxyethyl) terephthalate and methanol are formed

primarily. Methanol and ethylene glycol emerging from the reactors are passed

through a rectifying column and ethylene glycol is fed back into the reactors. At


a conversion of about 90 to 95%, which is achieved at a hold up time of 4 to 6

hours, the reaction mixture is transferred into the first stage of a condensation

polymerization unit. The reaction mixture consists of oligomers, mainly dimers

and trimers. In this series of stirred tank reactors the temperature is increased to

265-2850C and the pressure is lowered to about 50 mbar to keep the

condensation fast and the reaction mixture molten. After a hold-up time of 2 to 3

hours, which corresponds to a conversion of functional groups of about 0.95 to

0.97, the melt with a degree of polymerization of 20 to 30 is passed into a

rotating disc reactor. In this reactor the pressure is lowered even further to 1

mbar in order to remove ethylene glycol almost completely from the polymer

melt. The reaction temperature is kept at 265 to 2850C. The reaction rate is

controlled by mass transfer limitation. After a residence time of 2 to 3 hours the

polymer melt leaves the rotating disc reactor with a number average degree of

polymerization of about 120, which corresponds to a conversion of functional

groups of 0.99. To attain even higher molecular weights the products may be

subjected to solid-state post condensation within moving bed reactors at 2500C

for 20 hours. The reactor is then purged with nitrogen gas or put under vacuum.

The direct esterification of terephthalic acid with ethylene glycol is gaining

more importance because of some advantages like better polymer properties, no

usage of catalyst, and no handling of methanol.

Addition Polymerization in Liquid Medium Polyurethanes

Polyurethanes are produced either by the so called prepolymer process or by the

one-shot process. In case of the prepolymer process a diol is reacted with an

excess of a diisocyanate. The prepolymer formed contains an excess of

isocyanate groups which are reacted in a second step with low molecular weight

diols, diamines, or water to form the final end product. The polyurethanes

formed are two phase systems containing hard and soft domains. In general they

are used as elastomers.

The one-shot process is a much more simple process. In this case all reaction

components are well mixed simultaneously and react with each other in a rather

short time to a nearly complete conversion. If the reacting partners have the

same reactivity the polyurethanes formed have a statistical composition of the

two monomer units. The one-shot process is used in general for production of

polyurethane foams. The fundamental reaction in this case is the reaction of the

isocyanate group with water. The resulting carbon dioxide is used as the foam

formation agent.

In Fig. 6.10 the flow sheet of a foam forming plant is shown. The process

consists of two storage vessels, which can be heated. In one vessel polyol,

catalyst, surfactant, foaming agent and other additives are placed. The other

vessel contains the multifunctional isocyanate. Both reaction mixtures are in the

liquid state at reaction temperatures above 500C. Before injecting the liquids into

the mixing head the feed streams are first recycled by using accurate dosing


pumps. When the right feed ratio is adjusted the fluids are pumped into the

mixing chamber via nozzles, and are well mixed by the turbulence created in a

very short time. The further processing of the reaction mixture depends on the

product to be produced. In case of foam slabs or blocks the reaction mixture is

sprayed on a circulating band.

If the reacting components are very reactive the so called technique of reaction

injection molding (RIM-technique) can be used for production of moldings of

different shape. In this case the exit of the mixing chamber is pressed against the

entry of the mold and the reaction mixture is injected into the mold. The entire

polyurethane formation is completed within a few minutes. The mold is then

split open to discharge the final product. So called integral foams are obtained if

the foaming process is controlled so that moldings are produced that have a

closed surface and a cellular core. The mixing head of the reaction injection

molding plant is a very sophisticated part of the plant. The sketch of a pressure

controlled mixing chamber is shown in Fig. 6.11. The upper sketch shows the

mixing chamber at mixing conditions. The lower sketch refers to the state of

cleaning of the mixing head.

6.4 References

- „Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry“, Vol A 21 and 23,VCH,


- „Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering“, 19 Volumes, H.F.

Mark, N.M. Bikales, C.G. Overberger, G. Menges (Eds.), John Wiley and

Sons, 1990

- F. Rodriguez: „Principles of Polymer Systems“, Hemisphere Publishing

Corporation, 1989


6.5 Tables and Figures



Chain or stepwise polymerization




Solution, bulk, suspension,

emulsion, slurry, gas phase



Temperature, pressure, conversion,

continuous, batch, semi-batch



Stirred tank or loop, bubble

column, fluidized bed, tubular


Unit Operations Purification, Mixing, Conveying,

Separation, Molding

Tab. 6.1: Steps of decision in development of a polymerization process

C2H4 > 99.9 vol %

CH4, C2H6, N2 < 1000 vol ppm

Olefins + diolefins < 10 vol ppm

Acetylene < 2 vol ppm

H2 < 5 vol ppm

CO < 1 vol ppm

CO2 < 1 vol ppm

O2 < 5 vol ppm

Alcohols (as MeOH) < 1 vol ppm

H2O < 2.5 vol ppm

Sulfur < 1 vol ppm

Carbonyl sulfide < 1 vol ppm


Tab. 6.2: Specifications for polymerization-grade ethylene (Data from Repsol)

Fig. 6.1: Structure of a typical polymerization process

Fig. 6.2: Flow diagram of solution polymerization process for high

density polyethylene production


Fig. 6.3: Flow diagram of suspension polymerization process for

poly(vinyl chloride) production

Fig. 6.4: Course of temperature and pressure during suspension polymerization

of vinyl chloride


Fig. 6.5: Flow diagram of emulsion polymerization process for production of

styrene-butadiene copolymer


Fig. 6.6: Flow sheet of liquid slurry polymerization process for high density

polyethylene production (Hoechst)


Fig. 6.7: Flow diagram of gas phase polymerization process for production

of high density polyethylene (Union Carbide)

Fig. 6.8: Flow sheet of condensation polymerization process of phenol

and formaldehyde in solution


Fig. 6.9: Flow diagram of polycondensation process for production of poly(ethylene

terephthalate) (Vickers-Zimmer)

Fig. 6.10: Flow sheet of a polyurethane foam production process


Fig. 6.11: Sketch of the mixing chamber for polyurethane production