Kingdom Hearts Summary

Post on 24-Oct-2015

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timeline KH


Once upon a time there were these guys

Who were trained by this guy

Who invited this guy

To the final exam of these guys

Only she passes. But he’s only interested in these guys

Because he’s evil, and mistreated this guy

When he was his apprentice, breaking his heart in half and creating this guy

Who actually looks like this guy

Because when he was little

He shared his heart with this guy to save him

So this guy

Teams up with this guy

In order to make these guys

Create this

So he can get his hands on this

And possess him,

since he’s getting old. But this guy

tries to stop all that. He fails, and dies, and white-hair possession takes place.

But this girl won’t stand for that, and beats him into submission

But she then gets trapped in the realm of darkness after turning this

Into this

In order to save what’s left of

and to hide and protect

Whose heart is sleeping inside of

To recover from the damage caused by making this

Meanwhile this guy wakes up

With amnesia, and is taken in by this guy

Who rules this place

And runs a lab with these guys

So he takes him in

Eventually they meet this guy

And becomes friends with this guy

Who refuses to allow this guy

To do dangerous experiments with the heart, so he teams up with these guys

To banish this guy

And assume his identity, and accidentally split themselves in two and release these guys

Who turn this place

Into this place

And start attacking other worlds, so this guy

Sets off on a quest to stop them. Meanwhile this guy

Who’s friends with these guys

And lives here

Wants to travel to new places, but these guys

Destroy this place

And this guy

Manages to summon this

And fights them off only to find this guy

Who destroys his home and causes him to be whisked off to this place

Where he meets these guys

Who are looking for this thing

So they can all use it to save the worlds and beat these things

But it’s all a ploy by her

So that she can get one of these

And manipulates this guy

To capture some princesses to do so. But this girl

Is the last one and her heart is hiding in this guy

So he stabs himself with this

In order to free her, turning himself into this

But accidentally releases this guy

Who looks like this guy

Because that’s what happens when you release a heart from its body. Meanwhile this guy

Finds this girl

And they hug and turn him back to normal. But this guy

Who is half of this guy

Who is claiming to be this guy

Possesses this guy

And he and this guy

Fight in some really cool places, and then he turns into an airship.

And they find one of these

Which this guy

Doesn’t fully comprehend, and is annihilated by it. And then these guys

Appear in the door to the realm of darkness left by this thing

But this guy

Teams up with this guy

Who seal the door, trapping themselves, and restore all the worlds that these guys

Have devoured so far. But these guys

End up here

Which has been taken over by these guys

Who are led by this guy

Who is the other half of this guy

Who’ve captured this girl

Who can alter people’s memories of this guy

Meanwhile, these guys

Also end up here

And they proceed to wreak havoc among these guys

And in the end, only these guys are left

But because of what this girl

Did to this guy’s memory

He has to spend a year in one of these

So she can fix everything. On the way out, these guys

Meet this guy

Who’s actually this guy

And guides them on their way to reviving this guy.

But because this guy

Got released, this guy

Found him and is using his ability to wield this

To make one of these

For sinister purposes, under the promise of making these guys

Whole again. But this guy

Made this girl

Who’s a copy of the memories extracted by this girl

And is preventing her from completing her work on this guy

Simply by existing, but she competes with this guy

Over the ability to use this

But they become friends with this guy

Who’s more or less in love with this guy

But as this girl

Comes closer to finishing, this girl

Becomes more unstable, and eventually goes berserk and has to be killed by this guy

Which causes the saddest cutscene in all of history, and nobody remembers her. But in the process, he gains the ability to use two of these things

And he sets off to destroy this thing

But is stopped by this guy

Who needs to capture him so that this guy

Can wake up again. They fight and this guy

cheats to win, but ends up looking like this guy

Because of it. So he works with this guy

To keep this guy

Who is this guy

But not this guy

In a virtual version of this place

To force him to recombine with this guy

So that he can go and save the world with these guys again

From these guys

But this guy gets in the way

And kidnaps this girl

And then this person

Is here for some reason with a new lackey,

And they’re still obsessing over these guys

Which only helps this guy

Since defeating them provides the raw materials for these things

So with some help from this guy

Who gives his half-life to protect these guys

on the way to this place

So they can destroy this

And rescue her

Who has fused with this girl

Because they’re halves of each other, but from this guy

Instead of from her. But not before he confesses his undying love for this guy

Who’s still stuck inside him

Who then kills these guys

Which doesn’t matter to this guy

Because all he wants is this

Which gets destroyed by this guy

Which traps him in the realm of darkness with this girl

And makes this guy

Look like normal again, so they go fight this guy

And win, and finally get to go back here

But not long after they get a letter from this guy

Who has digitized their journals and uncovered the truth about these guys

And discovers from this guy

That by defeating these guys

This guy is back

So these guys

Now seek training from this guy

So they can pass their exam and save these guys

And defeat this guy once and for all

And they’ll play Simple and Clean a few times along the way.