L6 who is most effected by food security

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Name these countries











Who is most affected by food security and why?

LO: who is most affected by food insecurity?

Maplecroft Food Security Index

• Helpful classification of countries around the world into food secure and insecure.

• Examiners love to see it in exam, if relevant!

Maplecroft Food Risk index

• Food security Risk map 2013 here

• Which countries are more at risk?

Who is most affected by

food security and why?

Who is most affected by food security

• Four main categories of people who are at risk;

1. Those without a ‘political voice’. E.g. woman, children, elderly, etc.

2. Have no ‘safety net’ to fall back on if things go wrong.

3. People live in areas that lack political and economic stability as a result of conflict. E.g.

4. Areas prone to natural hazards and climate change. E.g.

LO: who is most affected by food insecurity?

Who is most affected by food security

• The most vulnerable will be at the mercy of food insecurity for the foreseeable future.

• Globally food prices are rising higher and higher. Forcing the poorest to be driven deeper into food insecurity.

• The FAO estimate that families in counties who import more than they export of food, are spending up to 50% of their income on food.

• People who are subsistence farmers who are victims of climate change who receive poorer and poor crop yields. Poor, young and women.

• Climate change also effects people in Peru – video here(from 4.30)

LO: who is most affected by food insecurity?

LO: who is most affected by food insecurity?

Who is most affected by food security

• Children are clearly highly vulnerable.

• 60% of the 10.9 million deaths of children in less economically developed countries, are as a result of hunger and malnutrition. The results of food insecurity. A lack of vitamins and minerals is the root cause here.

• Long term effects of child malnutrition include; 1. Fewer years in school

2. Lower levels of cognitive growth

3. Lower income-earing ability in adult life.

LO: who is most affected by food insecurity?

Who is most affected by food security

• Solutions need to address the complex social, economic, political and environmental issues.

• This makes it harder to improve the condition of those that are food insecure.

LO: who is most affected by food insecurity?

Who is most affected by food security

• Small minority of people in developed nations are food insecure.

• video one and two

LO: who is most affected by food insecurity?

Some more reading:

– Food riots in Haiti (p284 Parrot)

– Article from Population Reference Bureau

LO: who is most affected by food insecurity?

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LO: who is most affected by food insecurity?