Laboral - Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

Post on 05-Sep-2014

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By Rosina Gómez-Baeza Director of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial


By Rosina Gómez-Baeza

Director of LABoral Centro de Arte

y Creación Industrial

Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial


I. Introduction

II. Basic Concepts

III. Activity Programme

a. Preliminary Considerations

b. Definition of the Institution

i. The Name of the Centre

ii. Location

iii. Urban layout

iv. Architecture: restored building

v. Ownership and legal framework

vi. Management

vii. Organizational workforce

c. Conceptual position of the Centre

i. Concept of the institution



i. La Fundación La Laboral

ii. Short and long-term goals

iii. Programmatic axes

iv. Relations with nearby organisations

v. The Centre‟s role in other relationships: the international, national,

regional and local fields

vi. Extent, identity and corporate image, publicity and public relations

d. Key Elements: Analysis and Evaluation

i. Public

ii. User evaluation

iii. Services demanded by the public


i. The different areas of the building

e. A new reality

5. 21 MONTHS OF LABoral

f. Exhibitions

i. Feedback

ii. Gameworld

iii. LAB_ciberespacios

iv. Extensiones y Anclajes I and II

v. It´s Simply Beatiful

vi. Gameworld Expansion Pack: Playware

vii. Emergentes

viii. Homo Ludens Ludens

ix. banquete_nodos y redes

x. Nowhere/ Now/ Here

xi. There is No Road

g. Projects Office

i. Situation Room. Pablo de Soto

ii. PSJM. Project MARX®

iii. TACs. Íñigo Bilbao

iv. Ghosts in the Machine

h. Sound Cube

i. DRIFT. Jana Winderen

ii. Las Larvas: Chopping Piano-in C-

iii. Montreal Mutado(2008). Francisco López

i. Research

j. Educational programme

k. Seminars and workshops

l. Professional workshops

i. SummerLAB Camp

ii. LABabierto

m. Didactic and Creation Workshops

n. Artistic production

o. LABconciertos

p. LABacción

q. Encuentros de Cabueñes

r. Sundays at LABoral

s. IVth Fiesta de las Asociaciones

t. Proyecto Cabina

u. LABescena

Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

In March 2000, the extraordinary European Council of Lisbon decided to give impetus to common

political policy at a moment when the economic map of the member States pointed towards promising

and competitive development. The comproimise reached by the leaders who participated in this

Summit situated Europe as leaders in the Information Society.

The universalisation of the economy and the growth of Information and Communication Technologies

(ICT) make manifest the evolution and growth of contemporary society as well as in the fields of

culture, entertainment and leisure. The technological challenge consists in guaranteeing an economic

and social transition that does not marginalise any of the citizenry, where all of its benefits are shared

equally. This is the principal objective behind the “e-Europe” initiatives organised by the European




LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial was created in 2007 as an interdisciplinary space

intended to foster artistic exchange and promote relations between society, art, science, technology

and creative industries.

I. Introduction

It is, further, a centre for research, training and artistic and technical production, as well as for the

public exhibition of new forms of art and industrial creation.

II. Basic Concepts

a. Preliminary considerations

The project arose as a response to the need in Spain for a space dedicated to artistic

experimentation and, at the same time, involved in the development of emerging activity by those

creators that explore their expressive concepts through the use of new tools offered by current

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

III. Activity Programme

i. Name of the Centre

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

b. Definition of the Institution

LABoral is located in Gijón, Asturias, a region in the northeast of Spain with a population

of 1,080,138 people.

ii. Location

Population: 278,000 inhabitants

Existence of a Science And Technology Park

Technological Campus at the University of Oviedo

One of the 14 headquarters of the W3C World Wide Web

Consortium in found in Asturias.

Asturias has the fourth highest rate of employment growth

amongst European regions in the ICT sector.


ii. Location

Urban Triangle

The three largest cities in the Principality of Asturias are Oviedo, Gijón and Avilés

ii. Location

Its principal objective is to support the creation of businesses and institutions based in science and


It has a mixed character, developing projects that incorporate R+D+i in business activity while also

providing a business character to the University.

The Science and Technology Park of Gijón

LABoral is situated near the Science and Technology Park in Gijón and near by …

iii. Urban Layout

The University Campus of Gijón

The University Campus of Gijón is located in Viesques, only a few metres away from the Science and

Technology Park and LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial.

It is home to the Engineering, Civil Marine and Computer Engineering Schools.

… one of the three university campuses of the University of Oviedo (UNIOVI)

iii. Urban Layout

“Moya was history’s last classicist.

Classicism, which was born in Greece, died in Gijón with Moya".Antón Capitel, professor of the Department of Architectural Design at the Polytechnic University of

Madrid (UPM),

iv. Architecture: restored building

The history of the architectural complex began in 1945

with the establishment of a Miners‟ Orphanage in

Somió, to house the children of labourers who had

been killed in accidents at work.

It was initially named Fundación José Antonio Girón

after the Minister of Labour at that time.

The project was carried out by Luis Moya and his architectural team – his brother Ramiro Moya,

Pedro Rodríguez de la Puente and José Marcelino Díez Canteli – who were commissioned by the

Fundación in 1946.

Construction began in 1948 and continued for several years until it was stopped in 1957, due to the

sudden resignation of the Labour Minister, José Antonio Girón, the driving force behind the

emergence of vocational universities in Spain. The architectural complex would eventually become

La Universidad Laboral.

La Universidad Laboral

iv. Architecture: restored building

By then, the first students were already attending the inaugural classes of this thoroughly gijonian

institution. Unfinished and legendary, Gijón‟s Universidad Laboral forged ahead for nearly half a

century between the unconditional and enthusiastic support of its residents and the excessive or

untimely incomprehension – even outright rejection – of those observing it from the outside.

La Universidad Laboral

iv. Architecture: restored building

At first, Gijón‟s Universidad Laboral was administered

by the Jesuits, who were assisted in custodial upkeep

and maintenance by the order of the Poor Clare nuns.

It was here that generations of students and qualified

professionals were formed – lathe operators, school

teachers, welders, mill grinders, skilled experts of all

kinds – coming from every one of Spain‟s territorial


In the 1980s, the Universidad Laboral became part of the National Institute for Integrated Education

and a large portion of its facilities were no longer used. It fell into disrepair, suffering the inevitable

consequence of neglect.

In 2001, the Government of the Principality of Asturias assumed management of the building. It began

by drafting an ambitious Use Plan, to breathe new life into Moya‟s ideal but underutilised city. By the

twenty-first century, it had become what it always was: a magnificent and unique expression of pure

architectural values.

iv. Architecture: restored building

La Universidad Laboral

The former Universidad Laboral is reborn in the XXI-st century, converted into La Ciudad de la Cultura,

a creative community in which more than 4,000 people study, carry out research, create and

communicate with each other – all on a daily basis.

La Universidad Laboral

iv. Architecture: restored building

It was decided that the renovation should transform this highly complex space, consolidating its

extant training activities and providing it with new, complementary applications.

Then, another idea arose: to take Moya‟s ideal city and superimpose the idea of a new kind of

city on top of it, a twenty-first century centre of cultural and creative production, with spaces for

learning and teaching; to see, hear and consume cultural products; to share networks,

exchange knowledge and communicate ideas.

From La Universidad Laboral to La Ciudad de la Cultura

iv. Architecture: restored building

This clearly defined Use Plan was decisive. It prompted the integral reconstruction of a

complex building of monumental size – with130,000 square metres.

The renovations begun in 2005 extended over 80,000 square metres.

In March of 2007, after two years of construction (which did not interfere with the routine of

daily life inside the building), Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura opened its doors, offering to

thousands of visitors fifteen days of Open House festivities, an opportunity to become familiar

with its newly renovated spaces.

iv. Architecture: restored building

From La Universidad Laboral to La Ciudad de la Cultura

Moya admitted that he drew his inspiration for the design of these spaces from the Caracalla

thermal baths of Rome. He conceptualized these concrete cable-stayed vaults in such a way – on a

descending slope from north to south – that a large north-facing window could be placed in each

section, ensuring a good amount of natural lighting.

A single vault spans 19,20 metres and is 9,60 metres long. This is repeated indefinitely, covering all

of the extensive surface with the same constructive procedure.

iv. Architecture: restored building

From La Universidad Laboral to La Ciudad de la Cultura

Luis Moya‟s project design was altered and amplified when a decision, made during the construction

process, changed how it was implemented and turned it into a Vocational University. The enlarged

photograph below shows the construction that was carried out in the northeast corner of the complex

and, outside the central terrace, the six wharehouses originally intended as vocational training

workshops and sporting arenas.

The former workshops and sporting arenas become LABoral Centro de Arte

iv. Architecture: restored building

iv. Architecture: restored building

The former workshops and sporting arenas become LABoral Centro de Arte

A view of the whole complex from the Hospital de Cabueñes

iv. Architecture: restored building

An information graph reproducing the complex of the Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

iv. Architecture: restored building

The workshops located furthest northeast and the old pelota ball court (frontón) were chosen to

house the LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial project.

The task of drafting a project plan – to adapt the building to suit its new purpose – was awarded by

public bid to Austurian architect, Andrés Diego Llaca.

An information graph reproducing the complex of the Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

iv. Architecture: restored building

iv. Architecture: restored building

An information graph reproducing the complex of the Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

Visual Arts Galleries 1 A and 1 B

iv. Architecture: restored building

Industrial Creation Galleries 2 A and 2 B

iv. Architecture: restored building

InforInformation graph of Galleries 2 A and 2 B

iv. Architecture: restored building

Construction has also been completed of a 1113 m² multi-purpose space, located in the north end of

the grounds, in the former boiler forge workshop. It can operate with its own independent timetable.


iv. Architecture: restored building


iv. Architecture: restored building

Corporate name and nature The corporate name "Fundación La Laboral. Centro de Arte y Creación

Industrial" refers to an organisation whose fundamental nature is of private, cultural and educational

interest, a not-for-profit organisation that is resolutely committed to exercising its patrimony towards the

realisation of goals selected in the public interest – goals that are those of the institution itself.

La Fundación La Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial has been declared of general

interest and it governs the activities of the Centro de Arte. Its objective is specified in article 6.1 of its

Statutes: the promotion and dissemination of art and industrial creation through the management of

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial.

v. Ownership and legal framework

The Board of Patrons The Board of Patrons is the supreme governing body, representing and

administering la Fundación, executing the functions that correspond to it, subjected to the present

Statues and current legal ordinance.

President Mercedes Álvarez González, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Principality of Asturias

First vice-president Jorge Fernández León, representing the Principality of Asturias

Second vice-president Nicanor Fernández, representing HC Energía

Secretary José Pedreira Menéndez

Board Members

Juan Cueto Alas and Agustín Tomé Fernández,

representing the Principality of Asturias

Ministry of Culture

Gijón City Hall

Autoridad Portuaria

Caja de Ahorros de Asturias

Fundación Telefónica

Strategic Corporate Member


Associated Corporate Members




vi. Management

Public criteria with a commitment to excellence

Executive Committee The Board of Patrons will establish an executive committee, composed of its

own members, which will operate under its direction and to which it can delegate management and

administrative activities that advance towards the achievement of the foundation‟s goals, restricted

only by the competency of the Board of Patrons as established by the Organic Law 50/2002 or by

any regulation that may supercede it.


Mercedes Álvarez González, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Principality of Asturias

First vice-president

Jorge Fernández León, representing the Principality of Asturias

Second vice-president

Nicanor Fernández, representing HC Energía


Fundación Telefónica


José Pedreira Menéndez

vi. Management

Public criteria with a commitment to excellence

vi. Organizational workforce

1. Concept of the institution

Innovation is fundamental in order to respond effectively to the challenges of globalisation and the

opportunities that it provides.

The capacity for innovation is closely tied to creativity, like a personal attribute based in talent and

cultural and interpersonal values. In order to take maximum advantage of it, it must be

disseminated amongst the population.

LABoral Centro de Arte y creación Industrial believes that art and culture play a decisive role in

the social consolidation of technological advancements.

The activity programme of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial has chosen to comply

with these new requirements of a society in continual mutation, taken special interest in the

relations and interactions that arise between different languages and media.

c. Conceptual position of the Centre

i. General

There are 5 principal areas of activity :

Exhibition: LABoral‟s exhibition programme aspires to become a local, national and international

reference for its investigation into innovative formats and languages that reflect the emergence of

contemporary contemporary artistic production.

Education/Training: This area hopes to make up for currently existing deficiencies – in relation to the

use of new technological media – in schools, universities and professional training fields, stimulating, at

the same time, participation on behalf of the citizenry and amateur enthusiasts.

Research: The CREATIC Laboratory, through scholarships for young researchers in the ICT field and

making available advanced research infrastructure.

Creation-production: A Multimedia Workshop that acts in two areas, producing works of an artistic

character and high quality productions in the field of visual industries.

Cultural: En In harmony with the rest of its project, LABoral is dedicated to the cultural dissemination

of new artistic practices and reative industries, produced principally with or by means of technological


2. Nature, subject matter, mission and mandate

The activities of LABoral are carried out with a wide scope

i. La Fundación La Laboral was created by the Government of the Principality of Asturias with

the aim of strengthening the domain of technological culture as part of its strategy to design alternative

models for the future of Asturias and to continue advancing the development of the Knowledge


3. Institutional and programmatic discourse

ii. Short and long-term goals

To contribute to the development of innovative projects by carrying out this mandate.

To develop projects associated with new languages, narratives and technologies that are open to

possible social, artistic and industrial applications.

3. Institutional and programmatic discourse

iii. Programmatic axes

Paradigm shifts and the transformation of society

Societal transformations are, today, a given, in large part thanks to scientific and technological


Having recourse to theory, practice and collaborative efforts with relevant individuals and groups

allows LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial to investigate and to observe the diverse

changes that are currently taking place, promoting debate about them and about society as a whole.

Perspective on territory, ecology and sustainability

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial promotes collective reflection and public

awareness in the search for new formulas of respectful coexistence with the natural

environment and with the ideas of a sustainable society.

3. Institutional and programmatic discourse

iii. Programmatic axes

The supremacy of the image in contemporary culture

The contemporary information society perceives and constructs its reality principally through the


LABoral promotes reflection on the preeminance of the technical image, independent of its origins, in

art as much as in society.

New narratives

Communication technologies open up a panaorama that favours the development of new narrative


It is important for LABoral that the concept of the narrative be applicable, as such, to information

processing systems, whether they be natural or of human design, opening itself up, as a

consequence, to a wide spectrum of emerging practices.

3. Institutional and programmatic discourse

iv. Relations with nearby organisations

LABoral fosters fruitful relationships with people and organisations that aid in the development of a

society that patently dedicates its time to creation and innovation.

3. Institutional and programmatic discourse

Axencia Asturiana pá la Discapacidá

v. The Centre’s role in other relationships: the international, national, regional and

local fields

LABoral has established agreements with public and private organisations – such as cultural,

academic and social organisations – that favour the exchange of experiences and knowledge.

Organisational networks will be fostered, facilitating and contributing to the establishment of

professional relationships and the promotion of teamwork.

3. Institutional and programmatic discourse

vi . Extent, identity and corporate image, publicity and public relations

The trademark of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial combines the visual arts and industrial

creativity, the objective of the Centre‟s activity. The identification of these two aspects is precisely

what the logo wants to communicate. It symbolically translates the corporate identity of the Centre.

This trademark, created by the designer of Asturian origin who has studied in London, Fernando

Gutiérrez, is the primary element of LABoral„s personality. It is envisioned as atemporal, easy to apply

and develop – while maintaining a clear connection and unity – in every one of the areas of activity of

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial. Its purpose is to help LABoral be recognised and

identified yet be distinguished from other organisations that promote art and culture. But, at the same

time, it must compete with other notable international brand names, with its own personality as a

differential element.

3. Institutional and programmatic discourse

Visual corporate identity, elements of LABoral‟s visual corporate identity

3. Institutional and programmatic discourse

i. Public

LABoral is directed towards the following audiences:

Society in general, with special attention paid to Asturias

Social communication media, generalised and specialised

Asturian artist collectives, national and foreign

Students, youth and children

Critics, gallery owners, external curators and people interested in the current art world

Educational centres, universities, art schools

Public and private institutions, from cultural as well as other fields

Organisations working in technological fields

The business network interested in sponsoring cultural activities

Those linked to creative industries, such as television and the audiovisual world

The tourism and hotel sector of Asturias, the network of travel agencies and tourist boards

d. Key Elements : Analysis and Evaluation



24 months of LABoral

i. Communication and Public Relations

d. Key Elements : Analysis and Evaluation


LABoral in the media. Comprehensive Communication Plan

i. Communication Tool

Three kinds:

- Conventional acts of communication and dissemination

- Use of the possibilities offered by new technological media to propagate information and generate

discussion and opinion: web 2.0 and social networks

- More specific, transgressive acts, arising from the creativity, innovation and highly technological

character of the activity surrounding LABoral


d. Key Elements : Analysis and Evaluation


ii. Action Plan

• The Centre‟s presentations and its activities

• Sending information periodically to the communication media Convocatoria de ruedas de prensa

• Calling press conferences

• Focusing upon and managing interviews, reports and the supply of information and images

• Programmes organised for invited members of the press

• Press files with informative and expert texts, supporting the aim of disseminating knowledge and

creating audiences for art

Preparing written and multimedia presentations with the aim of promoting El Centro.

•Writing texts and institutional presentations

d. Key Elements : Analysis and Evaluation


iii. Action Plan

• Using the web as an element of dissemination and a vehicle for mobile, permanent and accessible

communication for the media, users of the centre and the artistic community

•Development and implementation of the Press Room for the facilitation of access to real time

information on El Centro for the communication media, advocating an image of transparency,

veracity and accessibility

•Sending personal or mass emails using LABoral‟s data base

•Publicity campaigns in specialized national and international as well as in fixed media

•Acts that consolidate LABoral‟s presence on the web 2.0 (wikis, blogs, Twitter, Facebook…) with the

intention of accessing new communication channels and taking advantage of the possibilities offered

by the new media for creating and drawing the interest of new audiences

d. Key Elements : Analysis and Evaluation


LABoral in the media 01.01.07 / 31.03.09

Comparative 2007 - 2008

d. Key Elements : Analysis and Evaluation

January -December 2007

Num. Of sessions 86.594

Pages sent 346.713

January -December 2008

Num. Of sessions 93.178

Pages sent 404.773

iv. On the internet

d. Key Elements : Analysis and Evaluation

monthly ebulletin

Sent to approximately 5,000 email

addresses in the data base

LABoral On the Weekend Agenda


Sent to approximately 1,000

addresses in the Asturian data base

LABinfo Summer special edition

Inserts on the 17th of July to be

included in:

EL COMERCIO43.000 copiesLA NUEVA ESPAÑA75.000 copiesLA VOZ DE ASTURIAS12.000 copies

E bulletin Agenda quincenal de Fin de Semana

v. Recently implemented activities

d. Key Elements : Analysis and Evaluation

vi. Services demanded by the public

Lounge and Information Area

d. Key Elements : Analysis and Evaluation

vi. Services demanded by the public


d. Key Elements : Analysis and Evaluation

vi. Services demanded by the public


d. Key Elements : Analysis and Evaluation

vi. Services demanded by the public


d. Key Elements : Analysis and Evaluation

e. Building

i. The different areas of the building

4094 m² are apportioned to 6 exhibition galleries, with two of them containing areas of more than 1000

m² each. The expository ensemble is completed with workshops and laboratories dedicated to

research, production, training and the applied visual arts.


Galleries floor

Lower-ground floor

Ground floor


First floor



261.28 m2

8,510.72 m2

4,553.33 m2

144.21 m2

868.59 m2

14,338.13 m2


348.47 m2

9,478.50 m2

6,119.76 m2

179.78 m2

1,112.21 m2

17,238.72 m2


Gallery 1A 1,230 m2

Gallery 1B 700 m2

Gallery 2A 375 m2

Gallery 2B 1,036 m2

Platform1 387 m2

Platform 2 366 m2




LABlounge (Main Hall) 1.090 m2

LABcafé 1.113 m2


Source: Article by Miguel Díaz Negrete, doctor of architecture. 2007

LABoral Press dossier. March 2007

Spatial distribution

C1 LABcine

CR Creatic. Creativity and Technological Research Laboratory

4. Building

Spatial distribution

First Floor

1 A Exhibition Gallery UDO.1 Didactic unit

2 A Exhibition Gallery UDO.2 Didactic unit

P1 Production. Projects Office. Platform 1 UDO.3 Didactic unit

P2 Platform UDO.4 Didactic unit

Ground Floor

4. Building

Spatial distribution

1 B Exhibition Gallery UD-1.1 Didactic unit

1 C Exhibition Gallery UD-1.2 Didactic unit

2 B Exhibition Gallery M Mediatheque

Planta -1

4. Building

Spatial distribution

e. A new reality

The vitality of artistic creation today, the incorporation of new spaces of diverse kinds, the irruption of

new technological tools used widely by artists, the notion of “process,” a new concept of time, multi-

trans- and inter-disciplinary work, the variety of projects that attract young audiences to this new and

complex reality: all this obliges us to ask if we find ourselves before a new definition of art and the

function of the artist in society, a mutation that allows us to discern aesthetic, social and even ethical

motives that are different from those of only a decade ago. It is here that the research of LABoral is

carried out.

Spaces for Creation

5. 30 months of LABoral

LABoral is the only existing centre in Spain dedicated – from its conception – to technological culture,

artistic research, production, education, exhibition and the dissemination of art and creative industries.

The activity programme of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial is a faithful reflection of the

spectacular changes experienced by society and its immersion in today‟s visual culture.

LABoral‟s activity aims to contribute to the development of the information society, encouraging the creative

use of new technological tools.

The determination of the Government of the Principality of Asturias to endow the region with such an

innovative Centre has been matched by the enthusiasm and support of a large number of public and private

enterprises that have joined the Board of Patrons that govern LABoral.

These contributions and continual networking – the driving forces behind each and every one of the

programmes organised by LABoral – have brought about collaboration with other art centres, museums and

public as well as private institutions since its inauguration on March 30th, 2007. It represents a constant in

the past and the future trajectory of our Centre.

LABoral hopes to become a key component of the strategy of the Government of the Principality of Asturias

to fully incorporate Asturias into the Information Society, understanding this to be the only means by which

to achieve an improvement in the quality of life of its citizens, sustainable creation of economic wealth and

to transform our society into one that is freer, more cultured and better educated.

Since LABoral opened its doors on March 30th, 2007, the Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial has put on a

total of 30 exhibitions, for which 33 curators selected more than 397 works of art by 408 artists and


The exhibitions have all shared outstanding quality in the art works sleected, the contents developed by the

curatorship, their design and their standards for assembly and presentation.

Special attention has been paid to exhibition architecture, always with the goal of encouraging a dialogue

between the art work and the exhibition spaces at LABoral.


i. Feedback 30.03.07-30.06.07

Art that Responds to Instructions Input or its Environment

Curatorship: Christiane Paul and Jemima Rellie Assistant Curator: Charlïe Gere Organised by: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial Architecture:Leeser Architecture

38 collectives and artists 11 collaborating cultural institutions

FEEDBACK interweaves two themes relating to responsive art. One theme traces the concept of

feedback from artistic creation to art that sets up open systems reacting to external input. A second theme

explores the concept of light and the moving object and image from Kinetic Art and Op Art to responsive

notions of television and cinema.



i. Gameworld 30.03-30.09.2007

Videogames on the Edge of Art, Technology and Culture

Curatorship: Carl Goodman, Museum of Moving Image, NY, USA Assistant Curator: Daphne Dragona (Greece). Exhibition Design: Leeser Architecture, USA. Patrononage: Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón

A selection of historic videogames with an innovative design, alternative games and works of art reflecting

the influence of videogames in modern life.

34 collectives and artists 14 collaborating cultural institutions

f. Exhibitions


iii.LAB_ciberespacios 30.03-30.06.2007

Cyberspace as a Universal Meeting Point

Organised by: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial Design:Kero-Kawamura-Ganjavian, Switz. and Spain. Development of Exhibition Presentation: Manuela Pfaffenberger (Ars Electronica)

Open international competition. 10 works of art reflect the idea of cyberspace as a meeting point.

133 artists from 26 countries submitted entries 4 collaborating cultural institutions

f. Exhibitions


iv. Extensiones - Anclajes I and II 30.03-30.06.2007 and 05.07-30.09.2007

A Look at Creation today in Asturias

Curatorship: Francisco Crabiffosse Independent Curator, (Coruño - Llanera)

Together with Asturian artists, LABoral Centro de Arte ventures outside its locality of Gijón on a search.

The exhibition had two phases and traced surprising itineraries through the geography of the Principality,

outside the traditional urban centres.14 artists 13 art exhibits

f. Exhibitions


v. It´s Simply Beautiful

A Look at the concept of beauty in the art of today27.07-22.10.2007

Curatorship: Peter Doroshenko, Jérôme Sans Produced by: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial and Cajastur

5 artists

A show posing questions as relevant as What is beauty?, its importance in our daily lives or the ability of

works of art to raise the spectator‟s spirit.

5 site specific works in installation format

f. Exhibitions


vi. Gameworld Expansion Pack: Playware 21.09.2007-24.03.2008

The World ofVideogames. Expansion Pack

Curatorship:Ars Electronica and Museum of the Moving Image Exhibition design:Leeser Architecture

The world of videogames, focusing on the act of play as a metaphor for social relations and human

interaction and as a driving force behind creative and technological research.

24 artists 14 Artistic games and 10 multi-player digital art installations

f. Exhibitions

Exposiciones actuales

vii. Emergentes 16.11.07- 12.05.08 Coproduced Fundación Telefónica

10 Projects by Latinamerican Artists / Works in Progress

Travelling exhibition with recent art works from Latin America dealing with the relation and hybridisation

between science and technology.

Curatorship: José-Carlos Mariátegui Project Coordinator: Victoria MessiExhibition Design:Fernando Muñoz and Sergio Sebastián architects

12 artists 10 works in installation format

f. Exhibitions

viii. Homo Ludens Ludens 18.04.08 - 23.09.08

Situating play in Contemporary Society and Culture

Homo Ludens Ludens deeply examines the question why we need to play, how play animates our culture

and the impact it is having on contemporary societies. The exhibition reviews how players create their

identities and these free them from themselves while searching for their utopias.

Curatorship: Erich Berger, Laura Baigorri, Daphne Dragona Architecture: Nerea Calvillo

43 artists 31 art works

f. Exhibitions

Curatorship: Karin Ohlenschäger Architecture: Jovino Martinez Sierra

Next Venue: ZKM

ix. Banquete_nodos y redes 06.06.08 – 03.11.08 Coproduced: Fundación Telefónica and SEACEX

Interactions between Art, Science, Technology and Society in Spain’s Digitial Culture

Banquete_nodos y redes explores the artistic practices being carried out today in Spain. Through more

than thirty digital art and interactive projects, the exhibition poses a number of critical reflections and

participatory experiences to explore networks as the common organisational pattern at every level of life.

35 artists 35 art works

f. Exhibitions

x. Nowhere/NowHere 09.10.08 – 20.04.08

Investigating new lines of enquiry in contemporary design

Nowhere/Now/Here is a journey exploring a number of projects and tests that are creating proposals and

alternatives to accepted interpretations, reflecting present-day concerns in the world of objects we decide

to surround ourselves with and the role of design.

The Curators: El Último Grito (Roberto Feo y Rosario Hurtado)

Consulting Curators: Professor Catherine McDermott, Daniel Charny and Ilka Schaumberg

Exhibltion Design: Patricia Urquiola & Martino Berghinz

Graphic Design and Catalogue: Fernando Gutiérrez

67 artists / 78 works / 20 countries

f. Exhibitions

xi. There is No Road (The road is made by walking) 12.12.08-16.03.09

Curated by: Steven Bode. Director of Film & Video Umbrella. London

An exhibition of artists’ journeys to mountains, off-road places and other remote destinations

There is No Road presents a selection of work by fourteen international artists working on the notion of

“travelling” in moving images, photography and installations. Borrowing its title from the poem by Antonio

Machado “Caminante, no hay camino”, the exhibition registers and explores the experiences evoked in

journeys through Asturias or other equally remote and mountainous terrains, and the implicit acceptance of

a certain kind of narrative, frequently in terms of literary associations with walking and writing

f. Exhibitions

Exposiciones actualesg. Projects Office

i. Situation Room. Pablo de Soto 18.01.08 - 17.03.08

Design and launch of a prototype of a citizen’s Situation Room in Asturias

Design: Pablo de Soto ( and Jaime Díaz (

Assembly: Susana Serrano, Ángel Ortea, José Manuel de Soto and Pablo de Soto

Produced by: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Pablo de Soto and

A competition open to all Asturian artists of less than 35 years of age. In collaboration with the Instituto

Asturiano de la Juventud.

Winning artist: Pablo de Soto (Asturias, 1977)

ii. PSJM: Project MARX® 28.03.08 – 9.06.08

The creation of the MARX® brand name and the establishment of a trademark for the products, the publicity

campaign and the MARX® boutique that were exhibited together in LABoral.

Exposiciones actuales

Produced by: The Projects Office of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial and the Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno

(CAAM of Gran Canaria)

g. Projects Office

iii. TACs. Íñigo Bilbao 27.06.08 - 29.09.08

Experimentation with biomedical imaging

TACs is an exhibition project consisting of a series of digital sculptures and a video-projection. Using tools

from the fields of medicine and industrial design, Iñigo Bilbao portrays the external, changing, temporary

appearance of the models as well as their more lasting and solid internal structure, their bone structure, as

part of a project that investigates the connections between art and medicine.

g. Projects Office

iv. Paul Woodrow & Alan Dunning. Ghosts in the Machine (2008) 24.10.2008-12.01.2009

Ghosts in the Machine uses the ideas inherent in Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) to examine ways in

which we construct the world and extends it to the visual. The project has been developed by The Einstein‟s

Brain Project, a collaborative group of artists and scientists who have been working together for the past

twelve years. The aim of the group is the visualization of the biological state of the body through the

fabrication of environments and simulations

g. Projects Office

i. DRIFT. Jana Winderen 21.12.2007-07.01.2008

Sound Installation

Collage of underwater hydrophone recordings from the following rivers: Fjadrárgljúfur (Iceland), Akerselva

and Hardangerfjorden (Norway), Spree (Germany), Ouse (United Kingdom), Ping and Mae Taeng


Comisario: Erich Berger, Comisario Jefe de LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

h. Cubo de Sonido

ii. Las Larvas: Chopping Piano –in C- 28.03.08 – 09.06.08

Sound Installation.

Colabora: Laboca

Starting March 28th, the Asturian collective Las Larvas will perform their work of sound art Chopping piano

–in C- in the Gallery Platform 2 of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial.

h. Cubo de Sonido

iii. Montreal Mutado (2008). Francisco López 27.06.08 – 29.09.08

Sound Installation

Original source environmental recordings done in Montreal, 2000-2006. Mutated, composed, recorded and

mastered at Mobile Messor (Madrid, Bucharest, Montreal) and Centre de Création Musicale Iannis Xenakis

(Paris), 2000-2006. Remastered and re-structured for this sound installation at Mobile Messor

(Amsterdam), 2008.

Imagen de Francisco López

h. Cubo de Sonido

The opening of the Laboratorio de Creatividad e Investigación

Tecnológica [Laboratory for Creativity and Technological

Research], Creatic, an initiative set in motion by Fundación

CTIC, is a response to the need for the establishment of an

effective alliance between art, technology and society,

promoting creativity, research and innovation.

In recent years, the creation of programmes of “Artists in

Scientific Laboratories” on an international level has become

increasingly common. It is a clear sign of the recognition of the

fruitful consequences issuing from the collaboration between

artists and scientists.

The establishment of Creatic was made possible thanks to the

contribution of the Alcoa España Foundation.

i. Research

Creatic is the instrument by which ALCOA and LABoral will contribute to the creation of employment.

Creatic is a project unprecedented in Spain, conceived as a foctory of creativity. It is a laboratory that will

host young researcher so that they can develop projects in the domain of Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT).

Creatic offers a novel format. It focuses upon researchers that are in a phase previous to “business

incubators”. It is where seeds can be planted, a space for technological creativity that serves as the first link

in the value chain in the Area of R+D+i.

i. Research

Why Creatic?Any pool of innovative ideas coming from young talents

ought to be structured given that neither ideas nor young

talents appear spontaneously. The proposed model is a

space for the generation of innovative ideas (Innovation).

The Alcoa Foundation has made it possible.

i. Research

What is Creatic?

-A model of innovation and creativity that will be one of the

first links of the value chain in research and innovation.

-A factory of innovation and creativity in ITC targeting

young university graduates around the world, offering them

a place where they can develop technological ideas and

product prototypes.

-A test bed for innovative ideas and revolutionary

proposals conceived by young talents.

-A shared space for innovation for the development of free

and copyrighted technologies, products and services.

-A pool of new researchers.

-An innovative form of research involving young talents,

enterprises, university, techological centres and the public

administration in a shared space for collaboration (a

creativity and innovation cluster).

i. Research

Creatic Model

How will ideas and young researchers be selected?

A committee comprising members from sponsoring

enterprises, CTIC and LABoral the Centre for Art and

Creative Industries, will:

- Follow-up the evolution of Creatic and its functioning in

accordance with preset goals, every two months.

- Select young talents on a long-term basis and dedicate

special interest in attracting people from around the world.

- Overseeing “individual” ideas.

The idea must be proposed by the person willing to develop

it within the framework of Creatic.

When the ideas are proposed by an enterprise, CTIC will

study the suitability of its inclusion in Creatic and who should

select the young researchers to develop it.

What is the average duration of a project at Creatic?

The average duration will be one year.

i. Research

i. Research


A place for research and the promotion of contemporary visual culture In the last quarter of this year,

LABoral will open the Mediatheque. It is a documentation centre offering experts from various disciplines

and the public in general access to printed and digital bibliographic materials as well as the most

experimental audiovisual content from cultural and contemporary creation sources, placing spacial

emphasis on the field of art-science-technology.

LABoral‟s mediatheque will be dedicated to contemporary visual culture and will specialise in material

including moving images, photography, media art and creative-architectural industries, design and sound

and audiovisual creation.

i. Research

LABoral Chill-out

A space for meeting, leisure, participation and rest During the last qaurter of this year, in conjunction with

the opening of the Mediatheque, LABoral will inaugurate a new space: LABoral‟s chill-out, a flexible zone

to be put to various uses. The Asturian architect studio Longo+Roldán have renovated an area that,

through simple touches, has become an environment for rest and experimentation, a place for leisure and

repose, a place to take a break while visiting the exhibitions at El Centro de Arte. Further, visitors are

invited to sit and read information on LABoral and its activities, concerts and exhibitions, or even use our

WIFI connection to access the internet. Priority was given to making LABoral‟s Chill-out comfortable,

inviting and restful, something relaxing without being strictly functional. The task was taken on by

Longo+Roldán, architects that have achieved wide acclaim for their work, including the bestowal of El

Premio Asturias de Arquitectura.

Round table discussions, symposia and workshops are all been organised in conjunction with every one of

LABoral‟s exhibitions. These favour dialogue with the citizenry and provoke debate and reflection on the

relationship between society with technological culture today.

LABoral organised 56 workshops and 4 theoretical discussions given by 120 instructors. There were a

total of 10.200 participants coming from the local region, other parts of the country and around the world.

The workshops, intended for professionals, students the family and the general public children, were

conceived as a programme parallel to the exhibitions, always taking into account the specific needs of the

professional local creative community. Emphasis has been placed on education and the use of open code

software for creative ends.

j. Educational programmes

Programa 2007 – Seminarios y talleres

The e-image era 30.03.07-02.04.07

A conference cycle reflecting on the reach and impact of the

electronic image in today‟s society.

Director: José Luis Brea

Venue: Auditorium of Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura

9 contributors

110 registered participants

LED Throwies 28.03.07-29.03.07

50,000 led trowies were thrown (lithium battery + led +


Directed by: Graffiti Research Lab: Amanda Mc Crowdley,

Evan Roth and James Powderly (New York)

Locations: Oviedo, Gijón, Langreo and Avilés

Sponsored by: Codi Soluciones integrales

2 collaborating institutions

k. Seminars and Workshops

Talleres Profesionales

i. SummerLAB Camp 5.08.08 – 9.08.08

The SummerLAB is a gathering of audiovisual creators from around Spain that work mainly with free tools

(FLOSS). The way it is organised reproduces the way in which free software is developed – there is no

heirarchy, only the creation of a context.

Concept and definition :

I. Professional Workshops

ii. LABabierto

LABabierto is an open space for exchange between artists and creators. It is an opportunity to think, share

and develop ideas, as well as to seek consultation about newly emerging projects or works in progress. Any

artists or creators that want to share a few hours of reflection, discussion and consultation about digital

processes and tools are invited to participate.

Talleres Profesionales I. Professional Workshops

m. Didactic and Creation Workshops

LABniños. These workshops aim to encourage creativity in a young audience. Activity programmes are

offered in accordance with determinate age groups and their specific needs.

LABenfamilia. This is an initiative intended for fathers, mothers, teachers or family members that want to

participate in activities alongside their children, offering them the opportunity to become familiar with the

creative process and to examine different artistic practices in greater detail.

LABescuela. These are itinerant workshops: the classes are given in different educational centres, as well

as in LAB itself, during school hours. School trips to LABoral are also included.

LABjoven. This initiative complements the interest of the young public in new tendencies and positions in

the world of art and new technologies. It consists in programmes specifically designed for an audience of 12

to 18 years of age, offering workshops, thematic activity days or meetings with creators.

LABoral has also begun its programme of artistic production with a total of 53 works of art produced so

far, amongst which are included 26 creators by Asturian artists for the Extensiones-Anclajes, It‟s Simply

Beautiful, Situation Room, Marx®, TACs, Homo Ludens Ludens, Banquete_nodos y redes, and There is

No Road exhibitions as well as limited edition art objects for the LABshop.

n. Artistic production

Situation Room. Pablo de Soto PSJM: Project MARX®TACs. Íñigo Bilbao

The LEV Festival is an initiative of the Fiumfoto collective in which Laboral Escena and LABoral Centro de

Arte also participate. It is held in La Ciudad de la Cultura and in the LABcafé. It is an annual event

dedicated to culture and electronic audiovisual art. 8,000 people have attended the two editions of the


17 concerts in which musicians from Asturias, the rest of Spain and from around the world have given the public a demonstration of the current state of musical creation.

o. LABconciertos

LABacción is a six-day-long festival that gathers together important artists from the national and local art

scene in the field of art action and electronic music.

LABacción is organised in collaboration with the Gijón City Hall through its “Arte en la calle” [“Art in the

street”] programme. It complements this renowned cultural event with a selection of highly topical projects

that are grounded in an artistic tradition of unquestionable relevance.

Curatorship by:

Asturias Performance Programme: Ladines Centro de Investigación Artística

National Performance Programme: Luan Mart

Dj Programme: Scattini

LABacción was held over six days in August. 1,900 people were in attendance.

LABacción took place in different locations in Gijón city centre, on public stages set up in by the municpal


p. LABacción

Bailarinas Parabólicas Cuco Suárez Dj 40 oz

LABoral organised a programme of workshops and round table discussions within the framework of the

XXVIth Encuentros Internacionales de Juventud Cabueñes that took place from the 22nd to the 26th of

September. Within the section entitled “Los discursos contemporáneos del arte” [“Contemporary

discussions about art”], the creative processes in art and emergent visual creation were analysed.

In addition, LABoral organised a nanovideo festival, the One Second Video Festival, that formed part of the

activities complementary to Cabueñes 2008. In this way, the Centro de Arte began its collaboration with this

traditional event for youth that is held annually in Gijón, with a series of discussions reflecting upon

technological media and creative tools in the Information Era.

q. Encuentros de Cabueñes

Collaborating organisations:Organisers:

An open door day with activities for families and youth on the Sundays during the months of July and

August. Sundays at LABoral offered a diverse programme in the spaces of the Centro de Arte, with ludic

workshops on the use and design of items for juggling, kites and other objects of skill, designed and

marketed by Eolo-Sport, Spain‟s leading kite company, that collaborated with LABoral in the organisation

of this initiative.

Entry to the exhibitions was free of charge to all vistors.

1,502 people participated.

Domingos en LABoralr. Sundays at LABoral

LABoral participated in La fiesta de las asociaciones Gijón 2008, a meeting point for organisations and

young people of the region, where a wide variety of the activities usually carried out by these associations

were represented, promoting and encouraging participation and the formation of associative groups, turning

the festival into an open space in which young people and associations gathered together to consider

questions about information, leisure, free time and culture.

IV Fiesta de las Asociacioness. IV Fiesta de las Asociaciones

In celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Astragal gallery, managed by the Conseyu de Mocedá de

Xixón, through which have passed many young Asturian artists, many of whom have continued their

creative careers, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial and the Astragal Gallery commemorated this

event with an exhibition. The public art project occupied the city, using the exhibition gallery as a meeting

point. 16 winners of the Astragal Award and other artists and creators selected by both institutions were

invited to participate. With this collaboration, Astragal and LABoral hoped to give support to the most

experimental kind of art with help from, on the one hand, a veteran institution and, on the other hand, a

much younger one, working together to achieve common objectives in Asturias.

t. Proyecto Cabina

Solos para un espacio blanco is an initiave of Laboral Escena. The four sessions that composed the

series took place in different areas of the art centre.

Mujeres abandonadas en un Centro de Arte. A new collaboration between the Laboral Theatre and the

Centro de Arte with performances in which spectators are encouraged to reflect on certain topics as they

share the scenic space with the performing artists.

u. LABescena

2009 Activity Plan


1THE PAST IN THE PRESENT. April 3/09-June 29/09

Curatorial: Juan Antonio Álvarez Reyes, exhibtion curator , Madrid

2AUTO. DREAM AND MATTER .May 15/09-Sept. 21/09

Curatorial: Alberto Martín, exhibition curator, Salamanca


Curatorial: Christiane Paul & Steve Dietz, New York

4ARCADI. October 2/09

Curatorial:Jose Luis de Vicente


JAVIER LONGOBARDO. April 17/09-June 15/09

FÉLIX LUQUE. June 26/09-Sept. 7/09

DONKIJOTE:ORG. Sept. 25/09-Jan. 15/10

Industrial Creation: Galleries 2A and 2B

Visual Arts: Galleries 1A, 1B and 1C

Projects Office: Platform 1

Visual Art Exhibitions: 2

Industrial Creation Exhibitions: 2

Projects Office: 4


2009 Exhibition Programme

The Past in the Present and the Foreign in the Self

April 3rd – June 29th 2009

The interrelationship between territory and memory – how they mutually

influence one another and how they are resignified in a return journey – is what

this exhibition aims to analyse through the work of a number of artists devoted to

the concept of terrain and its social and historical connotations.

Curatorial: Juan Antonio Álvarez Reyes

Artists (selection): Juan José Pulgar, Maite Centol, Avelino Sala, Fiumfoto, Ángel

de la Rubia, Benjamin Menéndez, Susan Phillips, Jeremy Deller, amongst

others. Venues: Galleries 1A, 1B and 1C

2009 Visual Arts Programme

Auto. Dream and Matter. May 15th 2009 – September 21st 2009

This project analyses the presence of the car in contemporary art, or, more

precisely, the relation between car culture and artistic creation in recent

decades. In fact, car culture is not simply something personal but it is a

complex and global phenomenon. The central role of the automobile as a

fundamental element of the material culture of the 20th century, modern design

and as a symbol of consumer society.

Curatorial: Alberto Martín Expósito, exhibition curator, Salamanca

Venue: Galleries 2A and 2B

ARCADIA. October 02.2009 – 07.December 2009

Games from a Culture of Innovation is posited as an observatory to

explore the main lines of investigation undertaken today in the various

fields of contemporary game culture; from the design of toys and games

to the independent development of videogames, not overlooking game

art and so-called 'serious games'

2009 Programme: Industrial Creation

Feedforward. The Angel of History. July 17. 2009 – January 12. 2010

In his essay “On the Concept of History,” Walter Benjamin interprets Paul

Klee‟s painting, Angelus Novus, as an “angel of history” that has been

brought to a halt by the ruins of the past piled up before him while a

windstorm pushes him backwards toward an uncertain future (progress).

Once more, Benjamin‟s angel of history seems to capture the present

moment, a moment in which the wreckage of political conflict and

economic disparity cumulate ever higher, unresolved, while the economic,

political, technological and cultural forces of globalisation push us

inexorably in a direction that may, or may not, represent progress.


This will be a research, educational and production centre that

will have have at its disposal the latest in digital manufacture

machinery for the creation of physical objects by means of digital

technologies as well as incorporating digital technologies and

communication with said objects.

Platform 2 will have all the equipment proper for a Production

Workshop with work spaces for experimentation and

production with audio, vídeo, light, artificial vision and

videogames, making possible research into a new class of

intelligent objects in intermediated environments.

Platform 2: Resource Centre

LAB_jovenExperimenta January 30th – April 6th

Crisálidas [Chrysalis], 2008

Crisálidas uses the biological metaphor as a point of departure to construct a

universe of events and fragmented emergences in transformation, inviting us to

world that iconographically approaches the subconscious.

An open invitation to all Asturian artists of 35 years of age or less. In

collaboration with the Instituto Asturiano de la Juventud.

Award-winning artist: Fernando Gutiérrez, Gijón

Venue: Platform 1

JAVIER LONGOBARDO April 17th – June 15th

Space Clips consists in high resolution video clips in which the artists‟ interest in

landscapes and their sculptural possibilities is made manifest. Music adds

narrative tension: There will be no engulfing sounds but rather, songs. Further, 3

object-viewers similar in appearance to videogame consoles from the 1980s will

be included. These will permit slides of different scenarios to be visualised and

will function as sculptures.

Venue: Platform 1

2009 Programme: Projects Office

FÉLIX LUQUE June 26th – September 7th

This project consists of an installation composed of an interactive sonic

sculpture and a series of videos. The spectator-listener will encounter a

geometric object that emits a code composed of lights and sounds. Its form

represents an amalgam of the different geometric signs present in the

imaginary world of science fiction and that frequently personify

configurations of artificial intelligence or even poles of mystical energy.

Coproduced with I-mal, Brussels

Venue: Platform 1

Donkijote.orgSeptember 24, 2009, to January 11, 2010

GALLERY: Platform 1 of LABoral and various locations throughout Asturias., by the artist Cristian Bettini a.k.a P.ankh, was selected as the

winning project for DIGITAL_LAB, an opencompetition organised by,

intended for creators from Spain and around the world, whose objective is

the production of a work of art with both an installation and a virtual

dimension. is a combination of the analogue and the digital

that will gather data using innovative techniques during four journeys taken

by the artist with a donkey through different areas of Asturias.

2009 Programme: Projects Office

EducationThe programme will foment the

development of mobile culture and

media literacy in all of their distinct


First Quarter: January, February, March



“Para Niños” [“For Children”] with the Parpalló

Gallery (Valencia)

From December 20th to January 11th.

From 12:00 to 1:00 PM and 5:00 to 6:00 PM


Game and Art Workshop _El Bibio

January 18th to February 15th

Weekend Camps_Jenni Walford

January 18th to March 29th



Familt internet users _ Noelia Sueiro (8-14 yrs)

January 18th to February 15th



Animation video workshop _Rodrigo Calvo

Every Friday from January 18th to March 29th

LABoratory of the Senses_Pintar-Pintar

Every Wed. from January 18th to March 29th

LABescuela in the City: “Hybrid

Playground”_Clara Boj and Diego Díaz (lalalab)

March 23rd to the 27th

Creative Writing_El gaviero


Youth Programming workshop II

David Pello

January 18th to March 29th

Robots (abbreviated format)_ Alfonso


Professional Programme

Free tools for creators: Audio Linux

Lluis Carbonell



“Mathematics and film”

In collaboration with the University of


Fridayt March 27th

Symposium on The Past in the Present

in the framework of the exhibition The

Past in the Present and the Foreign in

the Self.

March 23rd to the 28th

Programme for People with Disabilities:

“Programa Animo” [“Spirit Programme”]

Utani Social Lab January 19th-23rd

2009 Programme: Education I

Second Quarter: April, May, June 2009



Music and Creation Workshop_Sara Múñiz

April 19th to June 7th

Weekend Camps_Jenni Walford

April 18th and June 13th



Light in motion_ José González Macías

April 19th and May 24th



Creation Videogames Workshop

Every Friday from April 17th to June 12th

From 12:00 to 1:30 PM

Transversalia: learning through art_Clara Boj

May 4th- 8th


Youth Progamming Workshop III_David Pello

January18th to March 29th

Robots (abbreviated format)_ Alfonso Flórez

Creative Writing_El gaviero

Professional Programme

Free tools for creators:

Generative Audio Lab- Xavi Manzanares

and Oscar Martín

LEV festival workshops

Light Workshop- Pablo Valbuena, within

Nowhere Now Here


LABcine: Film “Datos”

Friday May 29th

Digital Citizenry Symposium

From May 18th to the 22nd

LEV festival_workjshops and activities

2009 Programme: Education II

Third Quarter: July, August, September 2009


“Learn English while playing” Camp_El Bibio and Jenni Walford

From July 1st to the 31st (Monday to Friday)

LABjovenVinyl Workshop: Dj school

July 6th to the 17th

Vj Workshop

From July 20th to the 31st

Professional ProgrammeFrom August 3rd to the al 9th


FILM: “Al Aire Libre” [“In the open air”]

Every Friday during the summer

FeedForward Symposium

June 2009

Programme for People with Disabilities: Sonic Floor, v2

Programme for elderly people: Animo_Utani Social Lab

2009 Programme: Education III

SummerLAB Camp 2009


LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial has organised the SummerLAB

Camp 2009, the second edition of a gathering of digital creators who work

mainly with free tools (FLOSS). Coordinated by Hangar (Barcelona), the

SummerLAB Camp consists in a meeting of artists, students and professionals

in the field of digital creation with the purpose of promoting interconnectivity on

the Spanish digital scene. From August 3rd to the 8th, work units on free

software and hardware, discussions on creation and debates on projects

related to digital creation will all be on offer.

Third Quarter: July, August, September 2009

2009 Programme: Education III

SummerLAB Camp 2009

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial has organised the SummerLAB Camp 2009, the second edition of a gathering of

digital creators who work mainly with free tools (FLOSS). Coordinated by Hangar (Barcelona), the SummerLAB Camp

consists in a meeting of artists, students and professionals in the field of digital creation with the purpose of promoting

interconnectivity on the Spanish digital scene. From August 3rd to the 8th, work units on free software and hardware,

discussions on creation and debates on projects related to digital creation will all be on offer.

Fourth Quarter:

October, November, December 2009


“Para Niños” [“For Children”]_with the Parpalló Gallery (Valencia)


Game and Art Workshop_El Bibio

Weekend Camps_Jenni Walford

January 18th to March 29th


Family internet users _ Noelia Sueiro


Animation video workshop _Rodrigo Calvo

LABoratory of the Senses_Pintar-Pintar

LABescuela in the City:

“Hybrid Playground”_Clara Boj and Diego

Díaz (lalalab)

Creative Writing_El gaviero

LABjovenYouth Programming workshop_David


Dj school_Iván Lomas

Professional ProgrammeFree tools for creators: Open

Frameworks _Chris Sugrue

Biology and Art workshop _SymbioticA

Research Lab



Process as Paradigm Symposium


2009 Programme: Education IV

A graduate level university course will now be offered in collaboration with :

Innova – University of Oviedo

The Humanities department of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Supinfocom (a centre specialised in teaching computer animation, animated infographics and other cinematographic topics such as concept and production design) Le Fresnoy

These institutions and centres of learning will work together to create a Máster’s Programme in Audiovisual Culture (music, photography, video, animation, film,

publicity, communication, animated infographics)

General Course: Creation of Audiovisual Content on the Web 2.0

Theory(10 h.)

Audiovisual projects:


Audiovisual Language.

Equipment and Audiovisual Production:

Digital Videocamaras.

Digital Camaras.


Domestic and professional production.

Digital Post-Production:

Photographic treatament.

3D Creation 3D: Modelling, Materials and textures, lighting and


Editiing tools: Premiere, Final-Cut Pro, Avid.

Computer Visualisation.

Composition: After Effects, Combustion.

Practice – Digital Production (6 hours): 2 professors.

Digital Video.

Digital Photography

Digital Sound.



Chroma Key Production.

Multi-camera Production .

Photographic treatment.

Practice – Creation with After Effects (12 hours): 1 professor.




Working with layers.

Models, masks and finishes.

3D Space.


3D Lighting effects.

Constructing Heirarchies.



Importing and interpreting.

Practice – Difusión Web 2.0 (2 horas): 1 profesor.


Broadcasting on the Web.

2009 Programme: Graduate level

university course

A day and a half of the Master´s Programme in Social Sciences will be held in LABoral

Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (April 2009).


• From the University of Oviedo, José Antonio López Cerezo and Cipriano Barrio Alonso

• From the University of Salamanca: Ana Cuevas Badallo

• From the Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI): Juan Carlos Toscano Grimaldi

2009 Programme: Colaboration with the

Master’s Programme in the Social Sciences

Conferences and workshops “The past in the present”


Coinciding with the inauguration of the exhibition of the same name, this

conference cycle will investigate the influence of the past in the present and the

relation between territory and memory. Prestigious philosophers and

academics from various formeign and national universities will be in

attendance. They will consider topics directly connected to history and to the

neighbourhood in which the seminar is to take place.

“Feedforward” Symposium (June)Coinciding with the inauguration of Feedforward , theorists and artists will

explore in depth the topic of the exhibition.

Process as Paradigm Symposium (April)

A two-day-long congress of renowned national and international experts.

Artists, designers, researchers and scientists will explore the basic concepts

and diverse aspects of process-based research and creation.

Digital Citizenry Symposium –LABmeipi- (May)A project to create a Tactical Digital Cartography of Asturias. A collaborative

project with digital citizenry directed by Pablo de Soto and the hackitectura


2009 Programme: Symposia

Other activities

LEV FESTIVAL (May)The third edition of the festival dedicated to contemporary digital art and

experimental music.

In collaboration with the Laboral Theatre

Organisers: Fiumfoto (Asturias)

ANIMATED FILM SESSIONS (January)Programme coproduced with the Parpalló Gallery.

The second of LAB‟s animated film cycles. It will take place in the

cineLAB gallery.

LABABIERTO (all year)Every two weeks, LABoral will open up its laboratories in order to

establish a continuous dialogue with and to give support to artists and

professionals. As a novelty, LABabierto will head out to the centre of

Gijón. Participation in LABabierto does not imply free use of its

Resource Centre.


[WOMEN ABANDONED IN AN ART CENTRE]The Laboral Theatre and LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

continue carrying out their joint collaboration programme. It is a monthly

series of three solo performances that share, as a common denominator,

reflection on the body within the interdisciplinarity of new tendencies and

contemporary languages . The new series will be entitles “Women

Adandoned in an Art Centre.”

2009 Programme: Festivals and other


2009 Programme: Festivals and other



Finland-born Mia Makela (SOLU) is focused on the practice and teaching

of real-time audiovisual art, independent research and cultural activism.

She currently lives in Barcelona.

LABafterhoursFor this edition, in collaboration with Sonotone, LABoral is commited to

the fervor of rock and black music, with a selection of bands not

submitted to any of the predominant trends.



LABafterhoursFor this second series of concerts the Club from Gijón is also drawing up the programme. LABoral will be the meeting place for different musical

styles, following the rich and eclectic musical offer from Sonotone.



2009 Programme: Festivals and other




Meipi Asturias is a Tactical Cartography project of Asturias consisting of

a digitalized map that can be edited as a wiki, where the user can link

multimedia files with a precise point in the territory. Therefore, pictures,

personal impressions, sounds, stories and landscapes as perceived by

inhabitants can be shared quickly and easily. MEIPI is a developmental

project of a multimedia, flexible and expandable environment for the

creation of a collective citizen memory promoting citizen‟s involvement in

the social and cultural life of their neighbourhood/town.

Mugatxoan 2009

Mugatxoan 09 is an art project organised by Entrecuerpos-Mugatxoan to

offer various representative examples of the contemporary arts

(performance, visual arts, dance, theatre) and to open up room for

research, reflection and the production of new works.

• Fashion Design Award (call for submissions in May)

• ESAPA Industrial Design Award / DesignLAB (call for

submissions in January)

• LABjoven_experimenta Award (call for submissions in


• 2010 Graphic Designer Award (call for submissions in




LABoral, through its Projects Office, will establish

agreements with other centres and museums in order to

secure support for production by two Asturian artists. Part of

the project will take place abroad.

Ana Nuño. 2009 Graphic Designer of the


GLOGAUair, Berlin, Germany

2009 Programme: Awards and


* February 26th 4:00-8:00 PMWorkshop with SOLU (ESP/FI) - Live Cinema

* February 27th 6:30 PM SOLU Presentation (ESP/FI)

* February 27th 8:00 PMLABconcierto SOLU SOLU (ESP/FI)

* April 23rd 4:00-8:00 PMWorkshop with Marius Watz (US/NO) Data Visualisation

* April 24th 6:30 PM Presentacion Watz/Rishaug (US/NO)

* April 24thLABconcierto Watz/Rishaug (US/NO)

* June 25th 4:00-8:00 PMWorkshop with Mattin (ESP) – Live sound improvisation

* June 26th 6:30 PM Mattin Presentation (ESP)

* June 26th 8:00 PMLABconcierto Mattin (ESP)

* August 27th 4:00-8:00 PMWorkshop with Robin Fox (AUS) Light/Sound/Space

* August 28th 6:30 PM Robin Fox Presentation (AUS)

* August 28thLABconcierto Robin Fox (AUS)

* October 29th 4:00-8:00 PMWorkshop with Phil Niblock (US) Minimalism and drones

* October 30th 6:30 PM Phil Niblock Presentation (US)

* October 30th 8:00 PMLABconcierto Phil Niblock (US)

* December 17th 4:00-8:00 PMWorkshop with Maja Ratke (NO) –Voice as an instrument

* December 18th 6:30 PM Maja Ratke Presentation (NO)

* December 18th 8:00 PMLABconcierto Maja Ratke (NO)

Each concert will be accompanied by a workshop.

As an extension of the workshop and concert programme, we will be in contact with La Casa de

Musica de Oporto (musical creation with the computer, digital television and mobile telephony) in

the hopes of establishing a future collaboration.

2009 Programme: LABconciertos