Landscaping Requirements – Henley Heights at Secord · Architectural Design Guidelines can be...

Post on 08-Oct-2020

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Architectural Design Guidelines can be found online at

Landscaping Requirements – Henley Heights at Secord

In accordance with the Architectural Guidelines: Landscaping

• A $1000.00 deposit is required from the Homeowner at the time of closing in the event that the Builder has not completed rough grading and the Builder/Homeowner has not yet completed the full yard final landscaping.

• The Homeowner must obtain their Final Grade Certificate and pictures and submit to their builder upon completion of the landscaping. Please note that all landscaping requirements and fencing at the tie back line must be completed at the time of submission.

• The Builder (on behalf of the Homeowner) will submit a request to the Architectural Consultant to perform the Final Inspection. The Architectural Consultant will inspect the property within twenty (20) working days of the notification to ensure the Architectural Design Guidelines and the City of Edmonton’s requirements have been met.

• Any variations from the requirements must be corrected at the Homeowner’s expense, deducted from the $1000.00 deposit. The re-inspection fee will be up to $250.00 per inspection, deducted from the $1000.00 deposit.

• The submission, inspection and approval process can take up to 4-6 weeks and is weather dependent (does not include changes or re-inspections).

• The Homeowner’s deposit will be held in trust by the Builder for a maximum of 24 months. The deposit will be released (less any re-inspection fees incurred or penalties deemed appropriate by the Developer) following the final inspection.

• If after 24 months following occupancy, the current Homeowner has not completed their final landscape as per the Architectural Design Guidelines, the Developer reserves the right to request all of the Homeowner deposit or a portion deemed appropriate by the Developer, to finish the lot landscaping to fulfill the Design Guideline obligations on the Homeowner’s behalf.

o Any extension request to this timeline required by the Homeowner is to be obtained from the Builder as they are the ones who hold the homeowner’s Landscape Deposit.

Detailed Landscaping Requirements: − Front yard sod from the curb to the fence tie-back line is required − A minimum of one (1) tree plus four (4) shrubs (requirements at the time of planting)

o If deciduous (leaf bearing), the tree is to be 1.5” caliper (measured around the trunk, 12’ from the ground cover)

o If coniferous (spruce or pine), the tree is to be 5’ in height from ground cover to tip, not including the root ball. Pyramid cedars and upright junipers will not be accepted as coniferous trees

o Shrubs must be no less than 12” up from ground cover if global variety or 12” in diameter if spreading variety o Alternatively to shrub requirements, two trees can be planted o City/developer trees cannot be used as part of the landscaping requirements

− Alternative landscaping will be considered on an individual lot basis if it can be demonstrated that the alternate plan meets the objective of the standard sod ground cover objective previously noted in these guidelines to achieve greenery in all front yards within the neighborhood;

o The use of hard surface landscaping rather than sod ground cover objective will require the planting of additional trees and extensive shrubbery, to visually soften the hard surface and achieve greenery.

o Gravel or decorative rock on narrow side of the front yard (front garage homes only) will be permissible with the additional of 4 shrubs/bushes to offset the hard landscaping.

o To submit a landscape variance request, the homeowner must provide a detailed plan including ground cover description, tree and shrub variety, and size of proposed plant material (caliper for deciduous trees, height of coniferous trees, spread or height of shrubs) and location of such plant material on a landscape plan or plot plan. This plan must be submitted to the architectural consultant via the builder for review and approval prior to start of landscape.

The Builder/Homeowner is responsible for any encumbrances pertaining to fencing identified on the title of each specific lot. All Builder/Homeowner constructed fencing must be in compliance with the City of Edmonton Codes and Bylaws, and must match the Developer prescribed fencing detail. Based on the meter placement on the home, additional landscaping or screening may be required

Architectural Design Guidelines can be found online at

Required Homeowner Fencing Specifications: *Stain colour to be ‘Taupe’ by Cloverdale

Architectural Design Guidelines can be found online at

Required fence style for lots with side yard next to a road - overlap style as above, with step down:

Architectural Design Guidelines can be found online at

TREE SPECIES RATING IN ALBERTA Edmonton Species Common Name %

Abies balsamea Balsam Fir 100 Acer saccharinum Silver Maple 100 Aesculus glabra Ohio Buckeye 100 Aesculus hippocatanum Horse Chestnut 100 Betula papyrifera 'Chikadee' Chickadee Birch 100 Betula pendula (verrucosa) European Weeping Birch 100 Betula pendula 'Gracilis' Cutleaf Weeping Birch 100 Elaeagnus angustifolia Russian Olive 100 Fraxinus mandschurica Manchurian Ash 100 Fraxinus nigra and cultivars Black Ash 100 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Patmore' Patmore Green Ash 100 Larix laricina Tamarack 100 Larix lyallii Alpine Larch 100 Larix sibirica ( russica ) Siberian Larch 100 Picea abies Norway Spruce 100 Picea engelmannii Engelmann Spruce 100 Picea glauca White Spruce 100 Picea glauca `Densata' Black Hills Spruce 100 Picea mariana Black Spruce 100 Pcea omorika Serbian Spruce 100 Picea pungens Colorado Spruce 100 Picea pungens cvs Colorado Spruce cvs. 100 Pinus albicaulis Whitebark Pine 100 Pinus aristata Bristlecone Pine 100 Pinus banksiana Jack Pine 100 Pinus cembra Swiss Stone Pine 100 Pinus contorta latifolia Lodgepole Pine 100 Pinus flexilis Limber Pine 100 Pinus uncinata ( mugo rostrata) Swiss Mountain Pine 100 Pinus nigra Austrian Pine 100 Pinus ponderosa Ponderosa Pine 100 Pinus strobus Eastern White Pine 100 Pinus sylvestris Scots Pine 100 Populus tremula `Erecta' Swedish Columnar Aspen 100 Pseudotsuga menziesii glauca Blue Douglas Fir 100 Quercus alba White Oak 100 Quercus ellipsoidalis Northern Pin Oak 100 Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak 100 Syringa reticulata Japanese Tree Lilac 100 Thuja occidentalis Arborvitae selections 100 Tilia americana cultivars American Linden 100 Tilia cordata cultivars Littleleaf Linden 100 Tilia flavescens 'Dropmore' Dropmore Linden 100 Ulmus americana and cultivars American Elm 100