Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 12-07-1881

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Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 12-07-1881J. H. Koogler

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Recommended CitationKoogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 12-07-1881." (1881).


"an aJ- - "J.J.FITZGERPpttKhroudid ia Her Wedding Clothed.

Onoo More to-- TUB-

ZFi? "n.!erriun 5e alio.- - -

Sometí. '.thing conl.cies of Moi.pass. A loco, meathat burns watt TJíburns a gas supition of water.with four conn i

one of these watcby burning naph d is orouj;uinto the others an lth the gas of


Mí. V wNew York Clothing HouseotihWr. ""rwi.Boelort in rtY D"toi

Attempted Murder.Des Moines. Iowa, Dec. 6. At 6

o'clock last night a farmer named Wag-oner, who lives alone not far from Ben-ingto- n,

nearly lost his life. One John-son entered his house, and, after sometalk, asked Waganer for a duplicate re-

ceipt for money he had paid Wagoner.Suddenly Johnson drew a revolver andand tired, tho ball scraping Wagoner'sscull. Johnson pulled the trigger againbut the weapon missed lire when Wag-oner seized a piece of wood and droveJohnson out. Wagoner then ran to aneighbor and gave alarm, but so farJohnson is not arrested.

Long Termn.Nokomis. Illinois, Dec. C John


Mfcirc Chance:Qnr 1IOM.ARU n. .


naph-ite- s

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igrade. This heat,i . . Knnsú it i n : .i

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Bed Rock Prices r-- r-- X L V:i ' non Hold..n V " "'""UN,

mediate contact wtha. its oxygen unof the latter, whenreached 400 degree:ing hydrogen prodof 8,000 degrees centfar more than can be ombiHtion ofby the most perfect c the nameis uisinuiavu vj 'ip acommon boilers, an make

,ycopper ones, and will ?f the

stamgreat rapidity. Some.

( anythingcs of this machine over U bo

.1kf 1 "'liMKN trill h.... ,v-- jJ

as in I OVU 'SSi " " h EES.,Our three houses curry tin immense, stoek

cull especial attention to our lieingwhich c's'''-'-....,.,- ,;.:

1800 WAHS will huv ... .u.


advnntag--now in

freo fromcan be run forcommon loeo--

The Agents forFor suits to order in fifteen day. Satisfaction

use, will be that it wismoke and cinders: thaitwo cents a mile, when a

-- ents atmotive costs fourteen cents atHat lirini? ran


with aiI'RnT.f At Moav'a flft1ariTflt.Qd rTflTid-TYifli-

ifi KflntS flTlil SflOfiS.i " "" under wiremiles Un hour, and twentsixty miles an hour, and t . anube done in a few moments,single match. The new e ngine isto Tiaul a train of Pullma n carsNew York to Chicago. C 'ne

'dcompany has already oflerc n11,000,000its

soonfrom boumt anilrailroad

a chulee ni.l.OOÓ PLMK8 will buylines,w.Peortn

Coinc one !

latest styles

0' new House

onu of i hi.for the use oí the process oand the offer has been refusi un KaiiroadJournal.

The First Fellow iühe'd 1

Ó raAUS w,l, buy a fhr

.X.-- 1 W lots, frontil"Z 'is open,

tbrePaAfad..the lightrectonlyfresh stock unbrokenTli A HARE VH A Sri P

? '?"""Vltil 4 V tWStin "X. ""lia Vil

nh utiuwiiifa tlli.i.w. llilhlnln.

'Twas a dull, heavy eveningof a dozen gas jets along the stserved to niakc the haze aiid JOg

ble. The clock just tingled f 'Hiihour of 0, and with the usual remarkthat "it was time honest foLU J

. ...Ut """ ""'ia millthe nOM. 111,,..!-"- .; . 5npJf'n on toeniin


it'll v.ul ..oliats, Caps, Boots and Shoes livpii.nlwere x i m rzn wm luir .

hou8o in II. ""í r"urroom'Vjedabed." old Me(yiiiTini(r!ior(rle tl th'' Ppr month. " """'r. renting

w.yjr w ....! --.. -- '. uucui on im i.



por monte: " ""no renting ut í.jó

$1900 SLs-of- ih- ..c8tu8,.

In any shape you choose,

None lower than our margin

Go to the New York ClothingHouse to Bargain.

Gardner & Gillies, Propr's

" two Iota ontotfárJi &t.a VjTAMovTur v .


t R2 0 .If tw'í

tlxo Front ! 99


cimillo)) us to defy all competition. We

Devlin & Co.guaranteed or no sale. Also Agent for

come all !

this Fall,


CQ cei



Etc , liotli hem and In thePelts, Eastern Markets.

pared to PltOVE. Permit us to show ourGoods



FLO WS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, $c.Siifieul attention given to Wool, Hides.haying and se'lint;


STOYES and TINWAREPlumbing Goods, Steam Fittings, Gas Fixtures.

House Puraishing Goods.


The entire community has just beensaddened by one of the most terriblemistakes that are constantly occurringin every part of the country, but fromwhich Fargo has until now had a blessedexception.

Thursday aiternoon, wnne an in uielittle city were engaged in the festivi-ties of Thanksgiving day, while dinnerparties were being given, and merrygroups were gathered around many ahospitable board, while preparationswere going on for theater parlies, fes-

tivities and concerts in the evening, aheartrending tragedy was being enact-ed at one of our mostponular hotels. Afair young girl in all the bloom andbeauty of life's golden morning, wasinnocently and carelessly dooming her-self to death.

Miss Ada Price, aged twenty-on- o

years, was a sister of Mrs. Joe Lamont,of the Headquarters Hotel. Thursdayafternoon, having occasion to take alittle magnesia, or powdered chalk, sheby some awful fatality made a mistakeand swallowed arsenic instead. Hersister. Mrs. Lamont. was herself confined to her room by sickness, so thatthe fri.ffhtful error was not discoveredfor four hours. Then the sufferings ofthp hapless ffirl had become so greatthat there could be no longer disguisingthe fact that she was poisoned. DoctorRolph was sneedilv called in and shortlv afterward Doctors Darrow and Gal--J 1 .1 1 I - i.

lowav were summoned, ami an hkhmedical skill could do was done to savethe young life so full of promise, butevery effort was in vain. The deadlypoison had done its work all too surelyAbout 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoonthe unfortunate girl passed into theswat bevond.

Such a case would be sail enough un-

der any circumstances, but many thingsconspired to make this one more thanordinarilv pitiful. She had but recentlv come to Farsro. and had already wonmany friends by her intelligence andattractive qualities. She died amongcomparative strangers, though friends;but another fact adds poignancy to thesorrow which her tate must incite. Shewas to have been married in a shorttime to Charles Scott, long the leadingsurvevor in the Black Hills. Last Saturday he reached here, full of strongman s love and hope, lhey were tohave gone on their wedding tour to vis-

it the nome and family of the youngbride at Perth. Ontario. iNow herbridal robes will be a shroud, and instead of visiting the loved home of herchildhood as a joyous bride, leaningupon the man of her choice, she will goa corpse ami lie win oe hid nrsi mourner. In this hour of terrible bereavement her sister, Mrs. Lamont, and heranguished husband that was to havebeen, will have the heartfelt sympathyof the community.

Her father, who is a mem oer ot theCanadian Parliament, was telegraphedfor yesterday, and left Perth tor thiscity last night, and will arrive Mondaymorning. Fargo A rfits.

Western Journal mm.The journalism of the West differs

from that of the East in this very pro-nounced and strong particular. It ismore intensely active. It docs more inone day than the journalism of the Eastdoes in one month. This will accountfor the fact that while it is stronger andmore powerful, it is at the same timemore rugged and less finished. An edi-

tor in New York, Boston or Philadel-phia writes one or two leaders a week,only, while his compatriot in the Westwrites two or three leaders a day, andparagraph ttvm forty to sixty subjectsat the same time, besides reading hisown proof (when it is read) and writingbusiness notices, personals, book re-

views, local occurrences, attending so-

ciety meetings, making speeches, run-ning political campaigns, attending toa halt dozen mines, looking after theInmily marketing, nursing the babyand attending his bettor lialf on hershopping excursions and charitable ex-

peditions among a positive self-asserti-

poor. Besides this, he is expectedto entertain visitors, talk up the town,expatiate learnedly on the geologicalfeatures of tho mountains, the differ-ence between contact and true fissure,mineral in place, in pockets and iahades.

Indeed a Western, or rather, a moun-tain editor, is a "rara avis"' if he tillsthe bill at all. His brother at the. Easthas at his elbow all the adjuncts, a finelibrary, an encyclopedia, or at least aWebster's Unabridged. Where is tobefound a mountain editor who has any ofthese things, or having them, who hasthe time to profit by them? And thissame Western wight gets more solid"cussiug,' for shortcomings in thisway than anything ever dreamedof. Ho caters for a class of iti

ve and self-assisti- people,who are thoroughly "up" in all the sub-jects interesting to active people, andwoe to the tired and worn out wretchwho, having the headache or any otherof the thousand and one ills humanflesh is heir to, and who attempts topalm off a little bosh on occasion ; t heseaesthetic readers and astute philoso-phers will pounce down on him in ajiffy, and ho is eithor bounced or so be-

deviled as that he is on his knees pray-ing ardently for one of those Hughmountains to fall upon him and hidehis shame or misery from human eyes.

An editor in the mountains who isn'tup to all the isms, who isn't a philoso-pher, a scientist, a sporting man, a reíunionist, a prizo fighter, a lluuj. amining expert, an artist and art critic,a railroad man, a philantropist, a war-rior, a navigator, a machinist, a rk

and no play, is in a poor rowfor stumps all the time, and he is often-e- r

representing tho under than the up-per dog In the fight. Now, if any ofour eastern brethcrn have an idea thata western editor's pathway is one ofthose flower-bedecke- d highways hereads of, he had better disabuse hismind of the foolish hallucination atonce, and take on a little of the actualsituation pointed out above. It willsave him some trouble and possiblymuch future misery and bitter humanedisappointment. Good people every-where should pray for tho westernjournalist, and pray with all theirmight at that,

No fewer than a thousand young wo-men recently congregated around thestage entrance to the Drury Ltne thea-tre in response to an advertisementthat tho management wauled one hund-red girls, "young, well-ma- de andpretty,"' for the forthcoming panto-min- e.

They were admitted in squads,and the rejected applicants, as theyemerged upon the street, were greetedwith derisive cries by tho multitudewithout.

A Leadville man in one week was at-tacked and scratched by a catamount,hurt by an explosion, had a boulder rolldown on him and stave in twn ribs.andwas kicked by a mule; and a local edi-tor remarked that he had "been some-what annoyed by circumstances


The Chili-Per- u Enlargmcnt (trowingMore Mysterious.

One Hundred Swords and Irisb Inaugú-

rate a Riot.

An Attempt to Murder an Iowa Farmerv

near Benington.

Ruben Evans' Fatal Fall from a Church


Aiiirry li?s of a Defendant in a IH- -

vorec Suit.

Orrin t'. Thomas Examined on Grave

Robbing and Murder.

A Ticket-Scalp- er Fined $500 and Im-

prisoned One Year.

The i'hili'Pera EntniiRleineiit.Chicago, December 0. A special to

the Inter-Ocea- n says: The attitude ofthe State Department with reference tothe Chili-Per- u entanglement growsmore anil more mysterious. To-nig- ht

it is reported that Walker Blaine, sonof the Premier, and Mr. Treseott, wholute v renresfinte.u the United States onthe commission to China, are about todepart to Peru to investigate. To m- -voutio-nt- what? Chili and Peru, orHurlburt and KilpatrickP To white-

wash some one? To procrastinate í losettle a question that con in not do au-Í.IP- .1

in VVn shin To inform Mr.Blaine upon matters with which he wassupposed to be familiar? These are0,1. nuiTMii mierips answered bv the,liw iuiivuv 1"iw.hri nf iho. interrogation simply. JNo

far as can be learned,n-i- thi TWnvian business means. Itis presumed that it is no mystery in certain quarters, but these sources aredumb to queries. The veil of mysteryenwraps everything. It is asked: "DidGeneral Hurlburt bully Chili on his ownvouiiniiuiiiilitv. nv hail he instructions?Had he instructions to warn Chili tokeep her hand off the nitrate beds ornot? If he had, why did not GeneralKilpatrick know something about it?How did it happen that General Hurl-

burt was allowed to incite Chili to anact of insolence toward the UnitedStates by way of showing Mr. lítamethat she did not care a tig what he hadto say about territorial aggrandizementor acquisition? AdmiralLynch said toan American official that the UnitedStates was


with a rather slim hand, alluding to ourwooden war ships, and forthwith Chilidemonstrates her contempt for Mr.Blaine's policy by seizing and carryingoil' as a prisoner the president of Peru,whom he had recognized. Such arethe rumors Hying about. It is consid-ered significant that Mr. Blaine shouldsend his own son and his confidentialman Treseott to look into the matter.

Christianey is in Wash-ington, and he knows all about the warand the political situation. Mr. Cilleynnd Mr. Rand, prominent Americanresidents of Peru, are in New York,and they can give ail information nec-

essary. Then Mr. Blaine must remem-ber what was the character of the in-

structions he gave to both Hurlburt andKilpatrick, and not to have to sendclear to South America to learn that.There is a report here that there issomething back of it all that has notyet transpired.

Stories are Hying round about largeclaims for a basis of settlement uponthe retention of the nitrate beds. It isrumored also that another prime objectto be gained is to put oil the whole mat-

ter for the next Secretary of State toclear up as best he may after Mr. Blaineretires. All these and many other re-

ports are going the rounds, and in themidst of it all t ie Department has noth-ingt- o

say, and the mystery grows moreimpenetrable.

An Angry Defendant In a DlvorreNull.

New York, Dec. fi Mrs. Sarah F.Howen of Brooklyn some lime ago be- -

a divorce suit ngainst Richardgau for absolute divorce. She al-

leges in her complaint that she wasmarried in 1870, when she was but 13iyears old, and that she was drugged ata picnic and was then carried to thehouse of a minister, where the cere-mony was performed. After her mar-riage she returned home and livedthere for a year, but as Bowman con-

tinued to claim her as his wife she wentto live with him, and continued so e

until Oct. 11, 175, having in themeantime given birth to three children.Her husband was at length sent to thepenetentiary upon the charge of hav-

ing stolen some chickens. Since hisrelease from prison, she avers, he haspersecuted her. He failed to appearbefore the referee to whom tho casewas sent. After the hearing yesterday,when the plaintiff and her mothercame out ol the lawyer's office, theysaw tho defendant on the opposite sideof tho street. They were afraid of himanil asked Assistant District AttorneyBussing to see them to the car. He didso, anuthe car had moved scarcely tenfeet when the defendant jumped onand began a tirade of abuse upon thewomen. The latter left the car and thedefendant followed them. Mr. Buss-ing, who stepped up, said to the defen-dant that if tic did not move on Mwould be arrested. Bowen turnedsharply around upon Mr. Bussing andsaid that if ho attempted to interferehe would blow his brains out. Mr.Bussing accompanied the ladies to theDistrict Attorney's office, and then senta man home with them.


Philadelphia, Pa., December C Inthe case of Sylvester F.. Wilson, charg-ed with railroad-ticke- t scalping, the ju-ry returned a verdict of guilty, In 1873a law was passed by tho PennsylvaniaAssembly making this practice illegal.The Judge, in sentencing the prisoner,said: "The crime for which you havebeen convicted is an artificial one, as Iremarked before, and under ordina'rycircumstances I would impeso a slightsentence upon you. But after repeatedwarnings you have boldly and defiantlyviolated the law. I therefore find it myduty to punish you to the full extent ofthe law. The sentence is that you paya tine of $500 and undergo imprison-ment for one year in the countyprison."

Brown, alias Dillon, who was arrestedin Chicago a few days ago, chargedwith robbing EzcKiel Perrine, a farmernear Morrisonville, of $7,000, and Henry rawing, colorea, who was arrcwieuin &t. jamiis, were iounu guuiy in mus- -boro to-d- ay and sentenced to the penitentiary at Joliet.the former lor twentyand me lauer mr nineteen yuura. aw-i- nf

Brow awav in the trial.think- -inr that his- - sentence would be muchlisrliter. About fri.000 was recovered.Perrine, his wife and daughters, weregagged and bound.

(jlrare Itobbery itl Murder.Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. C Orrin C,

Thomas was arain examined in the Police court on the charge of murder, anddischarged for the want of evidence.He was immediately rearrested on abench warrant issued by the Court ofSessions, on the charge of grave rob-bery and murder, and will be examinedon that count The casegrows more exciting daily. Intensepopular excitement is manifested intavor of the prisoner.

Terrific Riot.Bradford, Pa., December 6. Que

hundred Swedes and Irish, working onthe grade of the Pittsburg, Bradford &Buftalo railroad, visited Kane last eve-ning to see the foreman regarding thewages. They got drunk and inaugura-ted a terriflie riot, employing clubs andstones. A Swede named Brandt waskilled and three others fatally wound-ed. The officers are hunting for theguilty parties. .

newperate Kiicouiiter. .

Galveston, Texas, December 0. ANews' N a vasata special says a desper-ate encounter tok place at Grahall,Washington county, between Wm. Bassand "Pink" Kay on one side, and Wm.Roe and Young Barber on the other.Roe was mortally wounded by Kay.Barber was shot through the shoulderand lung by Bass, and is lying in ahopeless condition.

Onth Required by a i.ypaj-- Bride.Lafayette, Ind., Dec. fl. Last even-

ing E. M. Weaver and Elizabeth Stan-ley, members of a band of English gyp-sies encamped near this city were mar-ried by Justice Weaver. Before theceremony the bride compelled thegroom to swearon the Bible that hence-tort- h

he would not touch a drop ofliquor unless presented to

him by her.

r.n.l or n Old Feud.St. Louis, Dec. 0. A special to the

Republican says two men named Huntand Ducklin, between whom an oldfeud existed, met on the road, two milesfrom Fillmore, Andrew county, to-da- y,

and, after some hot words, Hunt shotDucklin through the head, killing himinstantly. Hunt surrendered to theauthorities.

Stuck on n fronbnr,Bordentown, December 0. Reuben

Evans, employed inrepairing the stetp'eof the Marllon (Burlington County)Baptist church, a few weeks ago, fellfrom the steeple upon an iron crowbarwhich was sticking in the ground. Thecrowbar penetrated his breast andcame, out at his neck. He died at hishome

Iron Market.Louisville, December 0. The iron

market is firm, but without any changein prices. Sales have not been large inconsequence of tho indifference ofviews between buyers and sellers.

In provisions the demand during thepast week has shown some improve-ment. The tendency of the market isupward.

Likely to Bo I.j nclied.Bloomington, 111., Dec. G. A tramp

painter named Vance thi3 morningcommitted a dreadful outrage upon the

ld daughter of F. Ilecker, atMiuier, in Tazewell county. He wasarrested and identified, and it is not un-likely that he will be lynched

Horxe Thief Recaptured.Monmouth, 111., Dec. 0. The horse

thief, Joseph Jones, who escaped fromWarren county jail some months ago,was recaptured by Sheriff Bond at NewSharon, Iowa, and brought hero on arequisition to-da- y.

Telegraphic Nparks.Thirty-fiv- e manufacturing lirms in

Dubuque are rated in Dunn s commer-cial report at over $3,000,000.

The customs officers at Prescott havemade extensive seizures of Americancoal-o- il smuggled into Canada the pastfew days, The qü was fount in collars,garrets, pig-pen- s, and other hidingplaces;

The Won. James B. Beck last nightreceived the unanimous voto of thoDemocratic caucus at the KentuckyLegislature for United States Senator.

Albert Meek, a citizen of Peru, at-tempted to commit suicide yesterdayby snooting. The ball, however, enter-ed the outer membane of the stomach,inllicti ng a wound which will notprove fatal. '

The Cincinnati Price-Curre- nt esti-mates that tho total amount of porkpacking in the West up to Decemberis 500,000 pounds short of last year, andthat the end of the season will show afalling off of 1,000,000 pounds.

An Orange Court House, Virginia,despatch announces that Montpelier.formerly tho home of President Madi-son and his burial place, was sold atauction yesterday for nineteen thousanddollars.

In the divorce case of tho Rev. Dr. K.L. Rexford, the well-know- n Universal-is- t

minister of Detroit, against his wife,has been withdrawn on the strength ofmedical statements that Mrs. Rexford'Hphysical condition has been such as todevelop an abnormal mental slate, suf-ficiently serious to produce tho violencecomplained of.

Uuiteau has a fair show already. Bar-un-m

has been beatcd. What are wewaiting for?. '

ru. aoneroom h.,.; '.r winio.í ce mtnuy located. EiiTiuiro "PicndiU

Th ' J FlTZ0"RKKt.r,.

AT. Liii(ln Avenues ' " Dour! ami

4,0OO SSajtt - A- --ueur tho city. ranch

150.0 rtiSSiS SET ra

For a shiiifr e ,.i 1 ,of l'io this i "a fortUu"enho uaavm the

Aid residence! effirt .f'i 11 81,U,morons ,2 L i cr 1nmt: --

well sheltered" all un lefé,,.1 "i"1 "'i

S200 a Hi. .

S450 ''b"y?.n'W three roomroadde7otád ".und h, HtS n,w th""-20,00- 0

wTU? sh"cP lo

nijf iu,0o) a year. a " l,"'t Vent-- .falso have tV

in the different portions of the tSA nimilier of (IouIm.i.i,. i. .

the different l...-- ,, "" "usei oiaotliees. lr.TLl' l"restaurant mu. nto rent uronei-t- null '"v"

Komember that, best businessaro uhvov, to be hu.1 by nuiln ont'Jutnees

Tho live mal. estate acnt, (Hhcoavenue m (jw,i 1CIM, of ,)ÜHt lmprowaHrr Pr1" onquiro or JT J. fVizVíFkI

thiUivareal estate agent. i.trWanted-T- or SMeoSIV V JTt- - v ioupio of rm , jorWhite finita l,i.r.. n"""re inursiiav. Inuu reof r. V. Shields in Optic atocle.

"YYAXTED. A go;d cook at tho MichigoiiHouse, opposite depot.

WAXTED-riverybo- dy who llk.u r goot.a,K0;d lled to 8oop I", to the National Hotel, South Side Flaza-lH- Otí

AV7ATÍED,Tí buy and B;" hand2,, K 1 ,nl--v n,vl M'u Ht roosonableMoney advanced on goods at a reason-u.V.0'-''""fcc furniture repairinf a sped-"ii'hlg- c

N(,,lr"1'1,n' m-s- t building cast of the

WANTED A (rentlcman wlshas a slnirlonfeniliiv urin, .. v.

.iiT'n. itiiiin.v, wnere ne eun have hronlr.tiee.IUÍ.I. oust fililí Apply at Mr. Hrowning's of.

j. Oil SAI.R-O- no bed room set, one Qi,ee,,1 Annio parlor set, two carpets and onumirror at a bargain lnmilro at the, Kast 1ms Vegas.

IOIt SALE A lot of good horscsand mules.part iculnrs call at tho Kxchanire oor-ra-l.wPstoJ ;.ttwplnzL u-H-

I OH SAI.K W, J . C'olvin has a lot of goodI hnrsea for sale at the Exchange corral.


17:011 SALE. Native shinglci s can he foundMr. ulanehavd'a store, on the plaza, aiwholesale prices.

VI EI!iT0 IirCKS-1- 0011......

for . salo cheap.-Ap- -

i.m p.j .wj.i.iM jji.Miirrs ol i.o.. men mumltaneh, Walro'us. tf

1.M)H SALE. ('unary hi win, singly or in Mrs. Potter on the street lumlr or

the National Hotel.

IOtt HALE-10- 0U cedar postd. Apply tokoimj Hons, or at Lockhart's store.

I.Olt KENT Furnished rooms. Apply toJmlgo Hubliell otinosito Oazkttr nr.tice

I?OK ItENT.-üa- ea Hall, ior balls, partios,1. entertainments, lectures, etc. For termsapply to Will c Ilurtoir. Agent and Manager.




All Kinds VI ATTBed Springs of all Kinds, Pillows of all Kinds,

Windov Curtains of all Kinds,Wholesale and Retail.

East Las Vegas, 3d Door West of St. Nicholas Hotel

on up stairs, followed by the ag-e- rft.ner of his sorrows nnd se tarcliet i r h

"Don't you young folks sit un tul íhemorning paper comes this ltime,,'' shout -ed she over the banister.

"No-o-o- ," replied a sw eet voice fromthe parlor, "we won't v rill we?"' saidshe in an undertone.

"Not if I know it," w as the reply"If the old folks are goin j to be as souras this, I guess I'll skip i low," and bereached for his hat.

"See here!" and the girls eyes gleamedwith earnestness. "You'i ethehrst tellow I've had, and ywu've get to putdown that hat and sit up r ind court mein good shape. 1 am lion lely, I know.but I can build better bret id, iron abos-- rom handsomer, knit a pai of stockingsquicker, and make one d Har and thir- -

cents go further lhan any girlin the village. Them's nr ty reconiniendations."

"That suits me exactly, and his hatflew into the corner, and that eveningthe details of the weddin g were all arranged. He depended on a girl assmart as that to get the best of the oldfolks.

A millionaire, who has made everydollar of his fortune by advertising, of-fers, on retiring from business, this bitof advice gratis to those he leaves strug-gling behind while he departs for Eu-rope to enjoy life: "The fault of the or-dinary advertiser is this, ha goes in fora spurt, and while the tit is on him, liewill pay money to any journal he mayfall across By-and-- the bills come in ;

the advertiser finds that he has spentthiec times as many dollars as he meantto; and as there are no replies to his ad- -

i uiiii, nú minus me specialty ne liasbeen trying to introduce has fallen Haton the public taste, or business has bo-co-

dull, and he fancies buyers arefew and little likely to pay atrcntion toIns announcements. He stops short ac-cordingly, and loses nearly all the hen-ef- it

of his previous expenditure, Thosuccess reaped by thoso whose adver-tisements appear every year shouldteach men of business first to. ho care-ful in tho selection of the medium theychoose, and next, when satisfied oathispoint, to persevere, disregarding ap-parent failure, and never retrenchin"-expenditur-

when business is dull, asthat is the time when advertising is,most necessary,"

Fence-boar- d advertisements," ob-served an old fanner, "are well enoughas landscape adornment, but if you aredesirous of purchasing an article it iseasier and more convenient to lookthrough the columns of a newspaper tosee who has it for sale, than it is to'hookup' a team and drive around thecountry reading fences." Ex.

"How is your husband this afternoon,Mrs. Qniggs?" "Why, the doctor saysas how if he lives till mornin", he shallhave some hope of him ; but if he don'the must gim up."

"Never milk while'the cow is eating,"is the advice of a bucolic contemora'ry.Judging from the character of much ofthe milk that comes to market, it wouldbe more to the point never to milkwhile the cow is drinking.

A Connecticut woman was appointedConstable the other day, and the firstthing she said was, "Now I shall catcha man,"

The Congregationalisms are doing en-ergetic missionary work in New Mexico,Dakota and other Territories. At San-ta Ve they have opened an institute,which is to be the academical depart-ment of the University.

llev. Chas. E. Stowe, son of Han letBeecher Stowe, is likely to bo installedpastor of the Congregational church inSaco, Maine. Some of the elder mem-bers have expressed doubts as to hisorthodoxy, but the younger part con-sider him sound.

If the nation must devote itself tomocking Mrs. Garfield, why not start asubscription for the purpose of securingfor her a life-siz- e portrait of thatamusing little gentleman, Gui ea i?

Comforting: "Mr. Boatman," said atimid woman to the ferryman who wasrowing her across the river, "ate peo-ple over lost in this river?" "Oh, no,ma'am," ho replied, "we always find'em again within a day or so."

The Countess Maria Teresa Serogo.Alighieri Gozzidini has died at Bologna.She was a lady of superior educationand was a descendant of tho great Ali'.j-hier- i,

Vice Versa: The glove-make- rs saythat deer skins are scarce, and we sup-pose scarce skins are dear. You can al-

ways judge a tailor by the make howears, and a potter the ware ho makes.

"Billy, the Kid," was not tho son ofWilliam the goat. Indeed, no one everknew whose son he was, and now theywill care lem.

He that does good for good's sakeseeks neither praise nor reward, thoughsure of both at last.



CKNTJiK STltKKT, is 'ho Neatest, Nicest and CheapestAssortment of

CLOTHING!P"J)o you comprehend tlint ni M .1). Marcus, Centro (Street, Is a perfect collection ofHEAVY FAT, I, AND WINTER SUITS AND OVEW'OATK.

DO YOU BELIEVETlmt riirlit here ím the nluce where yoin-a- buy Just what you want for lcs nionev tliiin youlitiv for inferior goods elsew here ' We Hre pnmid Prices. He also keep the Largest .stock of (iroeeries, WHOLESALE mid KETAIL. Callón

Centre Street.33at Ijas Vogas, - - - - TXTo-- 3VEo:kJ.oo


Boots Shoes and Gents' Furnishing Goods,Special attention (riven to Mining and Hailroud orders. AllCountry Produce n Specialty.

goods jfiiunuiteefl

EJctst Las Vegas, To--w Mex.



Best Native WineAlways On Hand

.SOUTi I SIDE, Op. 1st XAT'L BANKA fine lot of holiday gifts at Seo

wald's. NojarUele misrepresented.Xollce.

All person knowing themselves Indebted tothe firm of Oraal & .., will please oomo andsettle al once as there will Ik? a change in thofirm by January 1st, 1(WJ. ISMm.

The carpenters are arranging Lockhurt & Co. s store for tho reception oftheir immense display of silver platedware, glass and China good? for Christ-mas presents. 12-3-- tf

The Topeks House is now enjoying agood run, and is open day and night.

F. M. Dt'NLAI',U-Í-2- L Sight clerk.



Commission MerchantLAS VEO AS NEW MEXICO.

Potatoes, Applet), Corn, Flour, nuttir, Eir R

Poultry, and Vcifetubled.

At Lowset Market Prices.

Budweiser beer at Billy's.

Hy. Hysinger,

lommemal AgentTO MY MANY FIIIKNDS :

I nin pleased to inform you that I am now lo-

cated in East Las Vetrns, headquarters ut theCity Shoo Htore, opposite dross. Illaekwell &Co's eimimlSNloii house. X mn selling all classesof (roods und shall he pleased to see you all.


Fresh coeoanuts at Cooper's candyfactory. 20-l-

Buy your clothing at T. Romero &

Son's. 1.


Delmanlr Restaurant, of East Laa F. NEILL,CIDAILY GAZETTE bye he fixe his lustful rye on some

other woman that to him may lookera.

This house has always on hand the


At $4..V) ht wk. Apply to J. A. GlHumannext door to Frank Maicr's meat market.


AND COUNSELOR AT LAW,more fair anil thereby causes the wife

AndlHMriot Attorney for th Twentieth Juof his bosom to resort to the divorceJ. M. KOOCLCR. Editor.


Real Estate and Insurance AgentREPRESENTS

The Oldest, the Largest, the Best Imsuranee Co's.

best the market affords.. Oysters, hsuand wild game a specialty. Orders forballs and parties solicited. Bill of farefrom ten to thirty per cent, less than

dicial District f Texas. All kinds of busim-- w

attended to promptly. -- .3courts, a course he is only too g'ad ofoince: t.l r.ii, 1 c.aae.

as he will be at liberty to He to thearms of another.


BAKERY AND LUNCH COUNTERA full line of baker's goods. A flrst-clat- ts lunch.


the same meals can be nai in cnicagoor St. Louis, and put up in equally asgood style. I all ami be convinced.

ÚÚ WHITE"St. Paul from w horn I havo alreadyAssets.Location.Name of Company.Organ- -.

Iw-d- .


Dally, 1 nr...Daily, monthiDaily,! month 1 .

Delivered by carrier to any part of the city.Wiwkly, I yer J J0- -

Weekly. 0 months v. 1!

For Advertising Htns apply to 4. 11. KoolerKdltorand proprietor.

quoted speaks very plain in regard toM,r.K.7s 03lurj lUudi.l I.Ia New York... ..... V 1 I .....l. ...1 r Ir f U nrTuuil

Kiunv.Kemember that atT. Romero & Son's

you will find an immense stock of goodsfrom which to select, and they areselling at bottom prices.


Zion Hill, Blanchard Street.Smoke Bell of Las Vegas at

the duties of husband and wito an mesacredness of marriage. "But to themthat are married, not I. but the Lord

commandeth that iho wife depart notfrom her husband; and if fhe departthat she remain unmarried, or be re-

conciled to her husband. And let notthe husband lend away his wife."

1S.VI Home Fire Insurance Company. New YorkKao London Assurance Corporation.. 'LondonISM Phoenix Hartford1S58 Quocn I.iverpíxd1S4 (Springfield F. A M t Spjlngneld, Mass. ..ISrtl Commercial Union LondonIT1H Insurance Co. of North America. PhiladelphiaIS79 !Lion LondonISÍ5 Pennsylvania Philadelhnia1S75 Flre Insurance Association 'LondonISO North llritish tc Mercantile London

31,W.11H W

l.Sstt,Ul W3, V4,ti,an (w2,12X,ttM 1

,t,.r71 347.H0f,5K IW

1.0141,141 142.131,0: 17l.:i!l,7S3 019.3K4.W9 SI

WJ7.863 14


Men MiSiilWonH the Canoe of IhrMranrge.

líenla the World.mcr- -Houirhlon. the hardware0. 1. NOTARY PUBLIC,

RINCON, - - - NEW MEXICO.1ST Hamburg-Magdebu- rg j Ha mburg, Germany

chant, proposes to supply New Mexicowith stoves this year. He has a veryheavy stock on hand now besides twohundred and fifty more bought and

$1X8,779,659 84Kditok Gazette: The Las VcrasI. Cor. VII chapter: We here find

the same divine law binding alike in re-

gard to husband and wife. "The


XHTSU IS PKOTECTIOIT.Vjylic of November 30th contained a

well written article by "f inieo" a ladyof this city on what she styles the

of money which the same apostle con-

demns in another place is frequently


in Wesche's building.

Tho Lightest Running Machine in the worldNew and in perfect order.

WM. II. II. ALLISON, East Las or in other words

shipped. He has cook stoves, parlorstoves, heatingstoves, ranges, plain andornamented, and of the best make,which he will sell on the most favorableterms. When "

von want a stove call onHoughton.

Mareellino Bofl'a & Perez have just

tlie cause of many marriages in ourA. C.Stockton.LAS VEGAS. ... NEW MEXICO. A. M. tftuckwcll,Jucob Gross,divorce, and strange to say 'Cinico1 time. Woman as a general thing never MONBclaims that the frequency of the sever looks into a man's character or intellect S PATTY,

Manufacturer of Gross, Blackwell & Co.but will make particular inquiry in remade by going U FLECK'S and getting yourTIN, COPPER

AND SHEET-IRO- N WAKESnud dealer in all kinds of


Clothes Kepiilred and Cleanetl. ionwill and that most of your

old suits can beSuccessors to OTERO, SELLAR A CO.

Wholesale Dealers in

ing of the marriage tic is chiefly duo

to hr own sex, when in fact the per-

nicious law of divorce has been

framed by the opposite sex, I presume

the lady must be one of the many, who

lmiinrn in woman's Hub lection on ac

gard to his wealth, imagining.nodoubt,that his money has given him all the re-

quisites for a good husband and father.Women ought to bear in mind that as BRIDGE STREET, - - - LAS VEGAS

received a 101 oí nne cnicKens, nunurnits and candies. ll-8- tf

Wholesale Liquors.The finest brands of wines, liquors

and cigars can always be found atHeise & Straus's, next door to the Ga-

zette office, at the lowest possibleprices. They have worked up a largennil onv iable wholesale trade through


PHOTOGRAPHER,water and oil will not mix neither will

a cultured and an uncultured mind, and

therefore I say that if men and women

would only try and find their equals inGALLERY, OVER

out, the Territorv and by thus dealing Repairing done at reasonable rates. Shonnext door to Hiownlng's Real Estate Oftice,POSTOFFICE, Bridge Street, LAS VEGAS,

3tanufatturer' Agent and

Forwardin? and Commission MerchantsON LINE OF A. T. 4 S. F. RAILROAD,

East Las "Vegas - New Mexico.

ll-.l--largely can sell at low figures. East Las egas. F. W. FLhClv, rrop'r.&

count of Adam's priority, they say

Adam was made first, then Eve, and as

the woman was of the man her trueposition is one of subjection. As thehistorical fact has been reversed eversince, and the man has been of the

woman, as a logical sequence his trueposition is subjection to woman.Science proves that the male andfemale of the human family, as of all

groceries at T. Romeroll-(J--

Buy yourSons.

a moral and intellectual point of view

we would not so frequently hear of dis-

sension among married people. If 1

contemplated entering into a matrimo-nial alliance I would not marry an un- -,

.... tit . .


Smoke Billy's Choice at Billy's.

Sntfin's addition. KOLLOCK & COOPERcultured woman n sue was uecKeuwiui

COFFINS, CASKETS,And Undertaking Goods of all Kinds Kept

Constantly on Hand.LAS VEGAS, - - - NEW MEXICO.

All Orders Promptly Filled.the most precious jewels. I will takeculture in mine every time. I have f re



U. S. MINERAL SURVEYOR.Civil Engineering and Surveying or all kinds

carefully attended to. Special attentiongiven to topographical maps of

mining districts.




East Las Vegas.

The candy factory is now open, aridic tnrnino- - nut the finest cantlv ever WHOLESALE AND RETAIL

cently heard young ladies discussing shownin this city. Center street, EastLíisVeo-as- . W. COOPER, COAL ! COAL ! COAL !o 28-- tf Proprietor.

in regard to their respective admirers,when one would say to the other: "OhJennie, who is your beaux? Why.Kate

Leave orders atConstantly on hand,hnrt & Co's.

Fine venison at the California meatPKODUOE DEAL EES

Poultry, Eggs, Batter, Etc.,

Tjocntod o,t tlio Old A.dams Express OfflooCORNER GRAND AVENUE AND SIXTH STREETS,


market, East Sitie, Foster & Damesproprietors. -lt. BILLIARD

don't you recollect that nice young manwho took me to the opera, and whowore such a nice twisted moustache and

Fr sit Beer always 08 Draught. Also KinoLunch Counter in ron- -Cigars and Whiskey.Full weia-h-f and fair count, at the

DictionPnrk Grocery. 7-- tf HALL.had his hair parted in the middle?What does he do? Why be is a clerk in

the lower animals were a simultaneouscreation of the different views of thecreation, given in Genesis that one is

preferable thatharmonizeswith science,and represents woman as man's equain origin and authority, and not an

afterthought called into being merelyto cheer man in his hours of ease.

"God created man in his own image,male and female created he them and

gave them dominion over the fish of the

sea, the fowls of the air, and everycreeping thing that ruoveth upon theearth." Genesis I Chapter 27

verse 28. In the abova passagenothing is said of man's dominion

the firstover woman. Heretitle deeds to this green earth, were

(riven alike to man and woman, the sons

Mr. B's store." Jennie then being of jyjRS. J. P. THEOBALD,


Champagne cocktails 25 cents, at Bil-

ly's.Mrs. J. B. Baker & Co. have opened

a variety store and news stand, and willin inquisitive turn of mind, says: Kate, S3EAST LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO,who is your beaux? Kate says herbeaux is a mechanic, when she receives First door north of Herbert's drug store.

Cutting and fitting a specialty. French drystamping done to order. The ladies of Las

keep constantly on nana a iun one uiladies furnishing goods, embroideries,etc. They will also keep stationary,news and periodicals and a fine stocknfiuVnrs not excelled for flavor and

Oegs are invited to call and give me a trial. Successor to Herbert t Co.


a look of scorn from Jennie, who de-

clares that she would not marry a poorgreasy mechanic, although a good me-

chanic requires far more intellect than CENTREquality. J W.HANSON,

Manufacturer of

boots And shoes.a clerk who will use a yard measure be-

hind the counter. As the common say: STREET.and daughters of God This account of Gko. J. Dinkeí., Cashier, J. S. I'istios,Assistant is, "I know how itis myself." Whencreation harmonize with science ana

common sense. Hear what the reShop third door oust of the First National

Rank, Ilridge Street. A full lino of the Purest Imported Wines andWhic kie9 for family and medical purposes.have been engaged as a writer on


Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumery,

Prescriptions Carefully Compounded St All Honrs, Day and Night.



nowned St. Paul says in regard to this Report of theOF THE

F. THEOBALD,newspapers 1 have toiina many wnoseemed to hold me in high esteem who J.mnttnr. "There is neither Jew nor

Greek, there is neither bond nor free, would not countenance mc when neces BOOT AND SHOEthere is neither male nor female, for ye sity obliged me to work at mechanical



arc all one in Christ Jesus." Gala-tian- s

III Chapter 28 verse 28.

First National Bank of Las Vegas


Made to tho Comptroller of the Currency, nt

the close of business, October 1, 1?S1 :

business; as if I did not possess thesame amount of intellect in one capa-city as in the other.

Maker. Repairing promptly and neatly dono.Col. Steele's former office. Grand avenue, sec-ond door north of Herberts Drug Store.The famous declaration of Indepen Successors to Herbert C Co.

DEALERS INdence is but the re-ec- of this grand Solomon spoke wise words when henrincinle. making all free and equal, rjMIOS GIBBS,

Manufacturcrofsaid, "Vanity of vanities and all iskesouw.'es:irrespective, of sex or position in life.

The feminine gender, is never recog nans and discounts.I affirm without fear of contradiction S. Bonds

Runs to Mineral City, Mondays, Wednesdays,and Fridays. Returns alternate days. Plentyof time at either city for prospecting or busi-

ness.Fare, $2.00 each way; Round trip, $3.50

ST. O. IXill & Co.

. l,SB5 77

. r.0,000 00

. 3(18,601 394,805 11

. 18,000 00

ni....! in our criminal code. We find Cash and exchange.. .,

Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles and Perfumery.

PrescriptionsXarefully Compounded.

Northwest Corner of tfre Plaza, Las Vegas.

urrent expenses....onlv the pronouns, He, His, Him Hanking House

that where a genuine affection exists inthe beginning between a man and hiswife, that it will exist until death sepa-

rates them.It may be that the ancient Jurists hadso hieh an idea of woman that they

BOOTS AND SHOES.Mending done on short notice and in good

style. All work guaranteed to give satisfac-tion. North Side Plaza.



liabilities:made no provision for her as a criminal

$078,113 27

.$ 50.000 00. .5,277 40. 45,000 00. 557,834 87

Capital Stock Prices to Suit the Times.surplus lunu aim promsnevertheless women are tried by those

IT IS NO USE TO SEND EAST .FOR FINEt' statues which thev were not

allowed to have a voice in the forma GOODS, AS078,112 27lirowne, Geo.Dikuci'ous: J. liaynolds, L. V

. Dinkel, C. Blanehard, F. A. Manzanares.jg B. BORDEN,

CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER,On line of Street Railroad, east of Optic Block.

tion of. Several years ago, I spoke to a

woman in one of our large cities in re-ca- rd

to a certain course of life she was TT "ROM RT?0J. O. BLAKE

Manufacturer uul Dealer In

SADDLES? HARNESSown Lots to Sale io Bernalillo

pursuing, when she retorted by saying

"My soul, I bid thee answer,How arc love's triumphs wrought?

Two hearts with but one feeling--,

Two spirits with one thought.And tell me how love cometh.

It comes unsought, unsent.And tell me how love go"th.

It wns not love that went.The prudent woman of our day

may be likened to the wise vir-

gins recorded in the XAV Chap-

ter of St. Matthew's Gospel who

keep their own lamps burning and oil

in their vessels for their own use; who

have improved every advantage foreducation, secured a healthy, happy,complete development and entered all

1'i.reii familv. of Bernalillo, have. U'd"what rijrht sir have you to lectuie me, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A VERY FINE STOCK OFout a large tract of land in tiuit beautiful town,extending north on either sMe of the railroad.These lots a; e verv desirable for business and

DENTIST.Office over Herbert's Drug Store.

LAS VEGAS,if there were no bad men, there would

be no bad women." I have often

'thought the answer a very forcible


riuzu,residence property, and are rlgut among uic LADIES' DRESS GOODSSouth Side ofineyams ami miu-gro- ig mima, i.uuua imaniens, orchards and vincyarda can be easily

Carriage Trimming Done to Order.SHAVED AT THEQETbtained. The property will be sold at reasonone because if a poor feeble woman

isjdrawn from the paths of recitude by. .wotfli himself a man, the

able rates. For further information apply toINCLUDING- -J. M. 1'Hlli.A,


BATHS ATTACHED.u, i. n-it-i. - nworld and particularly her own sex

EAST LAS VEGASCENTER STREET,frowns on her and too often prevents Roberts & Wheelock

Brocade Silks, Velvets, Satins, Tassels, Cassimeres(Of All Colors)

Fine Washington Cloth, Momie cloth, Silk Buntingher from again entering into good soci

the profitable fields of labor for self-suppo- rt,

that when the opportunitiesand responsibilities of life come theyare fitted fully to enjoy the one andably discharge the other. These are

ety. Whereas, the wretch who occa PRACTICALREIDLINGEilj

Proprietor of the


Next dor to Wright's Keno Parlor.

sioned her downfal gains admission to

the best families in the land. We

should bear in mind that what is sin

mi Khnnin in woman is also sin andlo wers, Plumber

F. I. HOOPER, Prop'r(Successor to H. E. Fraley.)

Will keep constantly on htind Beef, Mutton,Pork, Sausage and Bologna, also Fresh Butterand Eggs. Railroad trade solicited. Meat de-livered to any part of the city.

(Of all colors.) Also a full line of

Ladies' French Kid Shoesthe women who to-d- with telescopicvision explore the starry firmament andbring back the history of the starry


tr.TBn ntv msz bs as.shame in man. RS. ROBIUXS SUMMERFIELD, M. I).M AND

HP With chart and compass theyWith regard to divorce it may b Bonnets..10 WORK A SPECIALTY.pilot ships across the mighty deep and First House North of Sumner House.traced to an improper early training I'or Sale or Ken).Restaurant fixtures, complete, for KK), tlieEacCo.with skillful lingers send electric mes in 11 eitneIf parents and pastors of churches Office Houus : From 10 to 11 A. H. ; 3 to 5 p.m.o)ioslte Lockliart

Las Virnwmil.l onlv imorcss upon the minds of CARPET DEPARTMENT!East Las Vegas, New Mexico.sages around the world. In galleries of

art the grandeur of Nature and great

building for rent at f 50 per month, or both forrent at $75 per month. This is the best loca-

tion for a restaurant in tho city and is nowdoing a fine business. Inquire of Calvin Fisk,real estate agent, Optic Block, East Las Vegas.

the youth committed to their charge

the sacredness of the marriage tie, and TANNERYness of humanity are immortalized by II. S. PEEBLES.JQR. Our Carpet Department is complete in the latest and most bcaatiful designs. We invitetr

them on cativa and by their inspiredthat nothing but death should seperate inspection of our stock.PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,touch dull blocks of marble are trans ANDhusband and wife, we would not hav

the irreat evil staring us in the face. forred into ancrels of light. In music Makes a specialty of Dermatology, or skin

they speak again the language of Men Puií Office: Two doors west of St Nicholas.delssohn, Beethoven, Chapín and all HALF-WA- Y SAW MILL,

J. II. OVERHULLS, Proprietors,werlhy interpreters of their thought ilLLSSawEMPIREthe key-not- e of reform in politics andCHAS. FLEGAL, Prop.

Ten miles from Las Veas, on the Gallinas-- OF-



Ollico two doors west of Post Oftice.Special attention given to diseases of thecye,

social life. They fill the editor's andprofessor's chair, plead at the bar ofjustice, walk the wards of the hospital

Will tan all kinds of hides. On tho fiver opposite tho round house. R. W. WOOTTENS)' CO.

and speak from the platform.LAS VEGAS, - - NEW MEXICO. ear and rectum.Such Í3 a picture of the educated

Send all Orders to

A SPLENDID ROADPlaned aud Unplaned Lumber of all Kinds Kept Constantly on Hand and

Made to Order.

Stock Taken in Exchange for Lumber.w omen of our day who are educating H. PAGE, M. D.,

'yy-M-. J. PETTI JOHN, M. D.,


thousands of our people and who justlyLouve orders witu Lorenzo Lopez or nt thePHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,

LAS VEAS AND HOT SPRINGS.Mill.deserve all the praise that can be be

stowed upon them. TO LAS VEGAS HOT SPRINGS CO,

Chronic Diseases and Diseases of remales

Many may say "well, is it not betterto get a bill of divorce than live in mis-

ery." I answer that if such a law did

not exist people would act with more

caution in entering the marriage state,

and would cause them to live more ly

after having entered it. Mar-

riage is a divine institution, as we find

it recorded in Genesis, II chapter, 24

Terse, "For this cause shall a man leave

father and mother, and shall cleave to

his wife, and they two shall be in one

flesh." Our Savior after reciting thispassage to the Jews continues, "There-

fore now they are not two but one flesh,

what therefore Godjiath joined togeth-

er, let no man put asunder." Matt-

hew, XIX, 0 v.They say to him why did Moses

command to give a bill of divorce and

to put away?" 7 v.

"He sayeth to them, Because Moses

by reason of the hardness of your heartpermitted you to put away your wives,

but from the beginning it was not so."S v.

OrncB: No. 23 Bath House.We need not go outside Las Vegas tofind such women as we have many in

SpecialtyHOT SPRING9 - - - 8 to 13 A.M.Gradúate of Harvard TJnivcrsitj : member of Eagle Saw MillsLAS VEGAS-Cen- tral DrHg Store, i to P. M.tho Suffolk District Med. Society; of the Mass.

Med. Society and of tho American Med. Assoour midst who have left comfortablciation. . . . -- AND-A nract c nir nhvsician anu surgeon in uontonhomes and are here engaged in the no-

ble pursuit of training youth and fitting


Geo. STJLxxxnor Prop'rThis house Is bran-ne- w and has been elegantly furnished throughout. The Sumner is a llrj

class house in every respect, and guests will be entertained In the beat possible maimer and 11

reasonable rates.

for the past twenty-eig- ht years, with the excep-tion of about two yours spent in Europe forthe advancement of professional knowledge,and nearly the same time In tho army during

them to face the battles of life in order



FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING.BYthat they may become worthy members

of society and fit subjects for that abodethe late war.


T. Romero & the Massachusetts General Hospital! SOLEwhere divorce is not known and where PHYSICIAN TO NICKEKSOiN'S HOMK 1'OH

CHILDREN tho past twenty-eve- n years. Thotrials and tribulations diall not existCity Physician 01 uoston, etc., etc.

but where joy and gladness shall reign Also memuer 01 tne noc. 01 avih or insti fj-Lea- ve your orders at tho store ol-t-

T. Romero & Son.tute of Technology; of tho Massachusetts His- -al Society, etc", etc.


FISKE & WARREN,nnd Counselors at Law, Santa Fe.Attorneyswill practico in tho supremo and all

district courts in tho Territory. Special atten-tion given to corporal Ion cases ; also to Span-ish and Mexican giants and United States min-ing nnd other land litigation liefore the courtsami United States executive ollleers.

forever and ever. That such may beyour lot dear reader is a blessing which New Mexico.Las Veias.Lato V. S. Pension Surgeon and frequently

selected by the Commissioner to pass upon thethe writer wishes you. M."And I savto vou that whosoever more Uitlteuit eases occurring in new Eng

shall put away his wife, except it be for NEW HACK LINEland.Often employed as a medical expert In lin

nortunt cases bv individuals; Lll'o lus. Co.'s


JDtt. J. HI. SUTFUnT, PEOP'RJ&srThe Best Accommodations tliat can be Found in the Territory.. .s

UATES Per day, 2.00 per week, $7.00 to fit.OO

& RLOOMAK SyyENKBARBER SHOP Railroad Co.'s; tho City; tho Commonwealth to

aud the united states.TITB HOT SXXUCXvTG-- S



ATTORNEYS AT LAW,Onice In First Nat'l Bank Building,

LAS VEGAS. - - NEW MEXICO.A. 0. BOBBINSEverything New and First (Mass. I hereby announco to the public that I have

established a now hack lino to tho Springs.Moderóte charges and careful drivers. OrdersSATISFACTION GUARANTEED,loft at Talbot' livery stublo will bo promptlyattended to. WILL FERING'I ON.DEALER LSWonderful IWonderful I

sold at IsidorHow TO ISTD PROM ALL TR-AINB- .eheap goods pre's, WcstXas VegasStern

yyM. M.


fornication, and shall marry another,eommitteth adultry, and ho that shallmarry her that is put away eommittethadultry." 9 v.

If those who pretend to venerate thebible to such a high degreo would only

study the above passages we would notbe treated to so many divorce suits. Itis nowadays a common thing for theyoung blood of the period who adornshis upper lip with mourning for the loss

of his brains to make love or a "mash"as he calls it, to a blushing maiden who

"fixes up" as "Cinico" calls it, ami

after he secures her will spend his eve-

nings in dens of iniquity instead of inin the company of his young wife towhom he vowed fidelity, and by and

vJ. O". ICBLLT,(Successor to Blake ft Kelly)

A choice lot of tho justly celebrated"Setli Thonias" Office and House siLVBB Citt. - New MexicoClocks just received at V. II. Seewald's

Healed ProponalMWill be received nt the office of Charles

Wheelock, architect, up to Tuesday evening,November 2Mb, for plastering tho Las Vegasacadomv. The right is reserved to reject anyor nil bids. U--t-d

Business of every kind attended to iu GrantCounty.

Till Nhop.

O. L. Houghton has opened a newtin shop completo m all particulars athis old stand on tho plaza where allclasses oí tinwaro and sheetironwarcwill be manufactured promptly to or-

der. The best of workmen are em-

ployed and they have everything athand with which to work. -tt




Near the Bridge, Wett Lai Vegat.

MAiinrnclurer nnd Dealer la

SADDLES & HARNESSCarriage Trimming to Order.

On Front Street,


The Topeks House is now enjoyingcood run, and is open day and night.

F. M. DUNLAl,12-4-- t Night clerk.

Telephones for Residence.Telephones will bo placed in private house

at the rate of S50 per annum. Application canbe made at the San Miguel National Bank.

tf A. O. HOOD, Manag-cr- .


ATTORNEYS AT LAW(Ofllce at Residence)

EAIT LAS VEGAS - - - N. M(Jo to Lockhart & Co.'s for your pat

ent rockers, sofast, lounges aud easychairs. liHKi

S: MORE COMPLETE NOW THAN EVER ! gHardware, Provisions, keep Everything for Sale which

.1 177 to inij Ext entire Stock of Dry Good, Iloinp aui Rubber Packing, Saddlery,Ladders, Woodware, Groceries, enablet me to charge uniform pricet

Everything fill convince the closett Notion,(.'loth'tug, .

LubricatingMineral paints,

Uil,Scmpers and Plows, Agricultural Implement, G'ocers


Materials, for all kinds of goods.

buyer oj the advantages that 1 m Hats and ('np, Sole Leather, Wagon Covers and Tents, Crockery,Miners, Supplies, . Builders' Material, Selling an article under cost and

able to offer. Hoots anil Shoes, Harness Leather, DuckStationery.

Clothing,Wheelbarrows, Canucd Goods, making up on another is not prac

The Public are cordially incited Tobaccos, Lace Leather. Pumps. Dried Fruits. ticed in my and gee my ttock.

Come Come All. Prices Uniform en Everything for Everybody.One,mu Wtoe. and Imported Uvon. Stoves, Tinware and Stove Ooods. Everrtliinsl

Charles Blanchard, on the Plaza, Las Vegas, New Mexico.FELIX MARTINEZ.SIMON A CLEMENTS.


Tbe PrU Urorrry. ,The proprietor, S. Harris, and the

manager, Samuel Wells, assisted by 11.

(. McDonald, have remodeled the ParkGrocery, and are determined to keep afull supply of everything pertaining toa lirst-ela- ss grocery and will be pleasedto meet their old friends and customersand will treat them well. They willimn their Lest, endeavors to olease all



GENERAL MERCHANDISEFlour, Grain and Country Prodnoe.

Lumber in Large Quantities a Specialty !

Cash paid for Wool, Hides and Pelts,



X-l-tS VOgftBl ., TV.11- -. Atl.i Paint

lyrhe most careful attention 1 ritbd w um u..r..w HARDWAREHEAVY

Marcellino, Bofia & Perez,

Mrs. J. H. Baker & Co.HAVE OPENED

A Variety Store and News Stand

Their Stock Consists of Ladies' FurnlsnlnifGoods, Embroideries, Zephyr, Gcrroan-tow- n

Yarns and Fancy Supplies,Stationery, News, Peri-

odicals & CurrentLiterature.

A new line of Novelties for offleft family auduse. A stock of Cliiars unequal-er- t

for flavor and quality. Visitors are receiv-ed cordially.

Sixth St., opposite the St. Nicholas


G MILGF. C. OGDEN, Proprietor.

Dressed Lumber ior Sale. Lumber Surfaced toOrder. All Styles of

Moulding, Sash, Doors & Blinds.

Turning of all Descriptions, Kewell PosU,

Proprietors ot tlio






and will sell as low as the lowest and guarantee full weight and fair count. Theyhave made arrangements with .theBooth Oyster Company, to keep con-stantly on hand the is ew York SaddleRock oysters, the linest ever broughtto this market. All we ask ia a trial.Come and see us, and don't forget us.

Christmua Present.Beautiful Sherwood wire card bas-

kets, fruit dishes, cake stands, castors,etc., most suitable for Christmas pres-ents, at Marwede, Brumley & Co's.

Attention.Messrs. Knlm and Bolton would re-

spectfully call attention of the citizensof Las egas that they are now pre-pared to do all kinds of plain and orna-mental painting. Sign painting a spe-cialty. 12-3-- St

Thomas Gibbs, tho popular boot andshoemaker, has built up a good trade.The secret of his success lies in thequality of his goods and the excellenceof his work.

Iron, English Cast Steel, Plow Steel, PipeBoxes, Thimble Skeins, Iron Axles,

Springs, Chains, Vulcan An-

vils, 20 lbs. and upward,Blacksmiths's

Tools,Oak, Aeh and Hickory Plank, Poplar Lumber,Spokes, Felloes, Patent Wheels, Oak and AshTongues, Coupling Poles, Hubs, Carriage,Wagon and Plow Woodwork and CarriageForgiHgs. Keep on hand a full stock of

Carriages, Wagons, Buckboards.

Send In your orders, and have your vehiclesnude at home, and keep the money In the Ter-

ritory.Also Agent for A. A. Cooper's Celebrated

Steel Skein Wagons.

sneet Muslo cfc StationeryAL.&U

ghoobixies, fiiuits 5 OOISIFEOTIONS"Headquarters for cnoico xoDacco ana Figaro,


Jfalustraues, scroll-sawin- g,

OontraotiiiBiWork and Estimates from a distance will

receive prompt attention.LAS VEGAS, - - NEW MEXICO.Wholesale nnd Retail Denier in OO CI UENTAXj bB ILLIARD HALL.General Merchandise Fines in the city of East. Las Vegas. Oyster - Bay Restaurant!


Gen'l MercliandiseCattle, Hay, Grain, Flour and Town Lots,

WATROUS, - - NEW MEXICOConsi nments of Freight nnd Catite Trom, aud ior the River Country, received at Watruusliail Itoad Depot. Oood Roads from lied River via OlRiiin Hill. Distaance from tort Uascom

to Watrons, Eighty-nin- e miles.

For a line line of ladies' dress goods,gents' clothing, boys' clothing, drygoods, hats and caps, boots and shoes,groceries, queensware, glassware, etc.,go to T. Koniero & Son's.

Wood and 4'onl.

Ladies' Dresses Made to Order, .

vLadies' Hats Trimmed to Order. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT.

Wocd and coal for sale in any quanti W 3XT O liT GOODS !ties desired, and delivered to all partsTHE MONARCH

SKUVED AT ALL HOURS.ON TSXOXTt.T?XX SIDE O 3?" PLAZA. First-c- i ass bar where g mtlcmen will find theilnest liquors, wines and cigars In the Territory.

Drop in and see ns. Open rtny and night.A. F. JILSON, Proprietor.

ot the city. Leave orders at U. Li. llougnton's hardware house. G. ('. Smith.


Las Vegas, N. M.


Hoard by the Week $ tiist-d.-i'(- s style.I am pleased to announce that I have

obtained a situation in the store of C. --DEALERS IN--W. II. SMITH. riton:n.Toi.K. Weschc, where 1 will be pleased to

meet 1113' many friends in Las Vegasand vicinity, and assure them that they


SHOE STOREto wiin,win Courteous treat- -Billwill receive the best 01 attention 11 tiiey Best of table accommodations, and nice, clean beds to sleep in.ment and first-clas- s style guaranteed to dl.Will call. 1'ILAK ABEITA.

jk.. Gr. ST.A.:R,"rCLAS VEGAS, N. M..

Commission MerchantFinel sualitv of Custom Work done in the MYER FRIEDMAN & BRO.,If you want to buy IN MAUWEDE'S BLOCK, BRIDGE STREET.

Htoves, Tinware House Furnishing Goods a specialty. They havo a large and well selectedlock and invite the patronage of the public. Agents for the iEtua Powder Company.


Y Full Line of M. I). Wells iCo.'s Chicagoline Christmas proscuts go to

Jaffa Bros.


Grain & Produce of all Kinds.

Made Roots & Shoes Constantly on Hand.

EAST LAS VEGAS, N. M. d Hide ioaler100 an HavFRANK LE DUG.VALLEY SALOONOysters, iish, game, turkey, chicken,

LAS VEGAS, - NEW MEXICO.CHAS. MELENDY, l'rop'r.Merchant Tailor.etc., tor t inner at tne ueimomeo res-

taurant, Thanksgiving. tf.

Attention is called to the fact that A I would respectfully cull the attention of thepublic to my ehoice uranus otI). Itobbins. the leading furniture man

Lnrgost find best stock of piece good ncd trimmings in (he Territory. Satisfaction guaranteed.of New Mexico, is now offering impar-

CIGARSailed inducements to ins customersllis stock was never so full and com- LIQUORS


The Best Liquors, Wines and Cigars in TownBllilil-IiX- ) TABLES

Ijas Vegas 3XT. 3VT.INTortli icio Pinza,plete as now and his pnces are tho verylowest. It will miv vou to look through

Opposite tho depot.his immense stock before making youChristmas nurehases. l'M-t- f T. ROMERO & SON, Elegantly Furnished. Good Club Rooms, and Lunch at all HoursNntfln'M Addition.


SANTA FE, N. M.Conduetel hy the

Brotheis of the Christian School?

Thkms nard and Tuition for r.-j!-- tetMonths, 9200; Washing and IteiMinij. 2:.

The session begins tho first wock !' Nov--

r and closes tho last wcvk of Aiixit.For furtker particulars apply to

BKO. nOTUf.l'H, l'refi

New Store I NewGoois!

William GillermauHAS OPENED A STOCK Oí



The SiiUin addition, immediately cK . I 1 . I I 1 1 . .! Open day and night. Club room In connection.ast

off01 tne depot grounds, nas ueeu kuubyinto lots, which are offered for sab The Saint Nicholas Hotel,lowthe undersigned at extraordinary

Drices. The location of these lots forresidence purnoses. is as choice as any

Wholesale nnd Retail ftenler In

General MerchandiseWOOL. HIDES, SHEEP,


in the city, while their close proximity



ORNAMENTAL the business center 01 town, renderthem still more desirable. For termand prices call on Calvin Fisk,

Las Vegas, New Mexico.T. F. CIUl111 1Y. PROPRIETOR

Will be Kept as a First-clas- s Hotel.Providing a good table, good attention, fine Wine?, etc.

Real Estate Agent and Notary PublicOut e Block. East Las Vegas, jNew

The Traveling Public are cordiady invited.Frescoing, Graining, Glazing,MAUBLINO, CALSOMIKLVrj, ETC.


-- AT-Tlio 9t. Nloliolas EEotol, Uas Vogas,New Mex.o5 Las Vegas,New Mexico.


HOT.Hot Scotch,Hot Irish,Hot Garriowen,Hot Lemonade,Hot Milk Punch,Hot Tom and Jerry,Everything lied Hot at

Billy's.Nuerlul Announcement.


A Full Assortment in every Line, which winoe sold at Las Vegas prices. Freight added .CHEMICALS

Hopper Bros, have stocked up heav & Fancy Goods LAS VECAS51 v. more complete now than ever,

Dealer In General


Also Dealer In

Tiiev have ihree ware rooms full of

Restaurant 8 City Bakeryiu KINDS OF



Ijas Vceas, - - - - Slow 3VZo3cioo

2 s. Prompt and Careful Attentionfoods besides their sale room. They

EN TOare now prepared to sell any quantityof goods in lots to suit purchasers at themost reasonable ligures. They would Cattle, Sheep, Wool, Hides, Grainresneetl'ul vask purchasers to visit the w Tlie Prescr And all Kinds of Produce.iption Tradestore, get their prices and examine theirgoods. Tlieywiii not go away ui.stippointed or dissatisfied, i hey nave tli Kreitcht mams always ready and frelehtlnu PAYNE &, BARTLETT

Dealers Ingoods and arc bound to sell tnein.u-.i- o done to all parts of the Territory.

Just Ilert'iveiJ.

Assay Office,OF

John Robertson,F.S.A.Assayer,

yVllNING NGINEEOCB go, GtXauc1. Avo

Opposite Optio Block.BAST LAB VXOAB, NEW MEXICO.

Assays of Ores made with accuracy nnd dls-pat-

. Prompt attention will be paid to or-ders sent from tho various mining camps of theTerritory.Examining and Beporting on Mines ami


Diamonds. Watches, Clocks & JeweWhite Oaks Singe Hue.Tno White Oaks Htasro Lino Is runiilnir dailyA fine lot of Booth's celebrated Sad

die Hock oysters at the Park Grocer coaches from Socorro to White Oaks. AfterOct. 15th a buekbourd will run daily to Ft. SOLE AGENTS FOR THEand will receive them daily.Htanton. Eighteen hours from Socorro toWhite Oaks. Good accommodations. IlcHt 1Ss ff

Celebrated Rockford Watch Co.


sm annd quickest wny to the WhlteOnks.


Goods Sold Strictly for Cash and at Small Troflts.


T O IP III IK --A. HOUSE,Railroad Ave., Opposite Bromia & Manzanares, Las Vegas:

This house has boon nowly opened and thoroughly renovated. Everything flint class. Cour-

teous attention guaranteed to all.

il. JK. MULiNtJL.

1 tin uuniNoun uriiLAL uivitain i .

A full lint of Mexican MUgree .letreírfc Silver riatfd War

Chapman Hall Billiafd Parlor and

For Stoves, Furniture, Hardware andQueensware, go to Lockliart & Co.'s.

Tho traveling public will find everything lirst-clas- s at tho Grand View Ho-


A new boarder gazed fixedly at hisplate the other morning, and then said:

"Is there a reliable physician stop-ping at this house:'''

"Yessir,'' said the waiter.

SAMPLE ROOM. Opposite Otero, Sellar d) Co. East XToi&if,


The Finest Ilcsort lu Wost Las Vegas wkere WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER,DEALER lN- -r


the Very IteBt Urands of Liquors and Cigarsare constantly kept on hnnd. Prlvute

Club Ro'm In Connection. Call ouP. J. MARTIN, Proprietor.

Theodore Wntrnor has opened up his hnnd-som- e

residence as a HOTEL, Mrhero tho palillo '

and trttnsk-n-t frexts will tlnd tho very best aivcoiimioilntlniiM. A rjnli't nnd eoinfortnble homnfortiuesl i. ,

A s SaloonIn eoiiiifetlon, provided with the best brands ofWines. Liquors and Cigars. Call at Waipicr's.

"eTevans.OIIAS. TOFT, Propiiotor.

CENTE'.t STREET. EAST LAS VEUAS. Dally (Slnjce nnd Exprea Elite.Between Clniniron and Sprinirer. Leaves

"Good surgeon, too, ehr"Hclieve so, .sir.'1"Then just see if he is in his room be-

fore I start on this breakfast. 1 had abrother choked la death on a steak likethat neo, and Fni bound to take thenecessary precautions. San Francixcol'ost.

Wrrka Makes n Proposion.Boston, December 3. Weeks has

made a proposition to the examiner oftho l'acilic bank which was referred totho comptroller, aud upon his reply de-

pends tho future action of the bank.

Frt'Nli OyatcruEverv ditv direct from Baltimore,

Sr WATCHES REPAIRED AND EXiJRAViXd A SPECIALTY.Cinmrron nt 7 a. in. and arrives 41 1 Sprlnircr atOpen Hty ctncl HXTigrlit 11 a. in. Leaves springer at 1 p. m. and ar-rives nt Cimarron at 5 p. m. Will carry pas

J'rlvate Club torn In connection. All kinds of legitimate Gaines always In full bust. sengers cheaper inun any otner line. AXjIj W OREUi'St brands of Liquors and Cigars constantly on nanii.Proprietor

II ics a t . rb ivr Public School. PHOTOGRAPHER,BILLY'S" AND Notice Is hereby (riven that tho public schoolfor precincts Nos. 88 and 2, (East and WostLos Voinis) is now open for the reception ofLUNCH ROOM pupils ut the public school house, West Las

SOUTH SIDE OF PLAZA,Completo Asoi tnienl of Neir Mexico Scenery.


FEED AND SALE STABLE23n.0t ftndl Wost Xias Vogas.

Dealers iu or.H(8 aud MuIp, hIho Fiuc Uugiea aud Carriagns lor Sa!Rigs for the Hot Springs aud other Point of Interest. . Tho Fiucat Livoi 5

Outfits in the Territory.


Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars constantly on hand. Klegaut parlors and Wine Rooms In

wholesale and retail, at Philips & Milli-gan- s"

on Centre street. Also fresh fishtwice each week.

Go to A. O. Itobbins" for furniture.Ho has the largest nnd most completestock in tho Territory. 12-1- -tf

A fino lot of holiday gifts atScowald's. No article misrepresented.


vejrns. All persons navintr ennuren are re-quested to send them to school and aro invitedt avail themselves of this opportunity. Theschool will bo under tbe management of Mes-srs. E. N. Ronquillo and John O. D. Tlorney..both nblo nnd experienced teachers, who willinstruct children both in tho English and Span-ish luwrunires.

Ily authority of School Board, County of SunMiguel, N M. D. Pbrke, Chairman.

La. Vegas, N. M., Nor, XI, lWl.-Il-J- -2w


Open Dav and Night. Lunch at all Hours.Bros. for first classGo to Rogers

horsa leippnone 10 uiu mm jew xunu uuu me not opnii)$B.JiEastern and Western Dally Pavers. WILL C. BURTON, Proprietor.

PERSON A I . Vo ! Kslloek A Ooper'a,DAILY GAZETTE The Largest Clothing HouseHolvMs!IN THE TERRITORY,


Vegetable.It is said that there are now thous-

ands of pounds of cabbage and othervegetables in the Rio Grande valley andalso in the Spring River's country atRoswell. The cabbage, it is said, canbe purchased at a cent and a half ortwo cents per pound. This cabbagecan be sold on the streets of Las Vegasat from four to tivo cents per pound.Thus any one bringing their cabbage tothis market would triple their mon-

ey. The vegetable is not injured byfreezing at all so there would be no lossfrom that source. Kansas City.Wichi-t- a

and other eastern cities are drawingheavily upon the supply and in a fewweeks will have exhausted the greater


ioston MhingWE KECOUXIZE



Gohn & BlochT ATT.TiOAn jA.'VXSKJ'TTXS.

OCKHART c? COLas Vegas, New Mexico.

Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in


STOVES &Keep the largest stock of Lumber, Sash, Doors,

.. Has Opened the Largest and Hest Assorted Stock of


X. Howison, ManagerThe Attention of Dealers is Called to this Slock. Work Done to Order.


for your fancy and staple groceries.New Store. New woods, Bottom


Go to Kollock & Cooper's for jourteas.

Go to Kollock & Coopers for yourcoffees.

Go to Kollock & Cooper's for youisyrups.

Kollock & Cooper keep constantly onhand a full stock of fresh eggs, butter,etc.

tío to Kollock ft: ijooner s yourhams, Bacon, dried beef, etc.

Go to Kollwck & Cooper's for yourcanned goods.

(io to Kollock & Cooper's for yourtobacco.

Don't foreret the place Kollock &Cooper, formerly Adams Express office, corner tirana avenue anu Mxtnstreet, East Las Vegas, New Mexico.


Bell & Co., the Plaza Grocers

aud Bakers, Most Make Room for

New Goods.

We Will 811 for the Xext Thirty ay

0 lbs. Choice Rio Coffee - --


I 1 00

" (iranulated Sugar -. 1 00

Best Gunpowder Tea. per lb. - 75c

-- AVE HAVE A- -

Lane. Sloci of Christmas Candies,

-- AND


-- FOR-

Weddings and Parties


c.n. unowNiNO, f.dward hbnht, cf.aij.en






Old and Reliable !

Established in 1870.

Office Lincoln Street, near Grand Avenue

Unimproved lots and property for saloin all parts of the citr, at prices from$50 to $1,000.

Improved Business and Residenceproperty at prices from $450 to $20,000.

Property in Las Vegas Town Cora-paty- 's

Lands.Property in Rosen wald's Addition.Property in Rosenwald & Cos Addi-

tion.Property in Blanehard & Co.'s Addi-

tion.Property in San Miguel Town Site

Co.'s Addition.Property in Raynold's Addition.Property in Las Vegas Hill Site Co.'s

in Buena Vista Addition.Embracing Property in the following

Blocks:"A" 1, 2, 3, 7, S, , 10, 11, 12,

14, lfi, 17, 1, 22, 24, 2, 29, '10,31, 40, and elsewhere..

Property in both East and West LasVegas.

Ranch Property in San Mignei andother counties.

Stores and Houses to Rent.Also a good, well established' and

paying Business in Las Vegas for sale.Call and examine for particulars and

prices.Office open from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m.



Tobacco and Cigars.FRESHEST VEGETABLESOf all kinds constantly nn hund. Everything

New and Fresh .

2d Dooi South of Adams Express

Blankets and wool-

en goods in great va--riety at

Chas. Ilfcld's.

J. W. Barney Is fast recovering.Mrs. B. B. Borden is seriously ill.

Dr. J. Sampson, Paso del Norte, U Inthe city.

O. G. Handy, Puerto de Luna, is inthe city.

Sig. Blath, from San Francisco is atthe St. Nicholas.

A Flcrsheim went up to Springeryesterday on business.

C. Davies and Rupe Daniels go downto White Oaks to-dh- -.

Gol. W. G. Prichard returned from atrip to Santa Fe yesterday.

J. T. Leer, of the White Ohks stampmill, went up to Denver yesterday.

Miss Cora McCoy has reached herdestination in Murphreesboro, Tenn.

Henry R. Rhone, a newspaper manof Kokomo, Colorado, is stopping atthe Hot Springs.

A. D. Parr, from Areola, Ills., has ar-

rived in the city and taken a positionwith Loekhart & Co.

Thomas Atchison, Denver ; A. J.Thorp, Cincinnati, and J. Wells, Pu-

eblo, are at the Depot Hotel.L. C. Roberts, of the firm of Roberts

& Wheeloek, is expected back fromLawrence, Kansas, in a few days.

H. Friedman, of the well-know- n firmof Meyer Friedman & Bro., left yester-day for a business trip to Kansas City.

We are glad to see that Mr. Dantzi-ge- r,

who has charge of the clothing de-

partment for M. D. Marcus, is up againafter an illness of several days.

Mr. Higgins, of the First NationalBank is happy. His wife and twochildren arrived yesterday from Spring-field, 111. They will go to housekeep-ing immediately.

O. K. Swayze, a son of Clark Swayze,who wasjcilled in Topeka three yearsago while editor of the Blade, is stop-

ping at the Depot Hotel.R. H. Logan, traveling for N E.

Tenney, Son & Co., a Boston boot andshoe house, arrived yesterday and isstopping at the St. Nicholas.

Mr. J. W. Undcrcuffer left for Corsicayesterday. He has been, spending sev-

eral months in th3 vicinity and willlikely return here again after a fewmonths visit at home.

Edwin Gregory, of the firm of Greg-

ory Bros., wholesale and retail grainand hay dealers, Winfield, Kansas, ar-

rived on yesterday's train. He is look-ing after the interests of the linn inthis vicinity.

The Albququerque and Socorro pa-

pers find each other's towm investedwith hoodlums and bad characters. Thovigilantes at Socorro are constantly onthe watch to catch an Albuquerque manout, and the sume is the case with thetown up the river, according to thepapers.

Prof. Robertson returned from Cerri-llos yesterday morning. He has beenexamining the camp quite thoroughlyand reports very favorably thereon. Hesays there is no question as to the futureof those mines or of the towns springingup in the vicinity.

Kollock & Cooper, the produce deal-ers, located in the building formerly oc-

cupied by the Adams' express com-pany, yesterday received by freight thestock of goods which have been delay-ed for several weeks. They are readyfor business this morning, and spreadout an advertisement in another columnwhich all should read.

A private letter received yesterday byone of our citizens from Page Oterostates that Mrs. Otero daughter Ma-

mie, and Gillie will in a few days startby steamer for, New Orleans. The tripdown the riyer and change of climatewill undoubtedly be a good thing forGillie. Don Miguel Otero and Page B.will return to Las Vegas in a few days.

A sneak-thie- f got away with about$11 worth of gootls, consisting of pants,bed covers, dry goods, etc., from theback yard of N. A. Bennett's house tinSeventh street sometime before day-light yesterday morning. The goodshad been placed just outside tho backdoor, as there was not room for them inthe house, and ia the morning theywere found missing.


Millinery ami Fnnoy íooils.

Mrs. S. R. Saulsbury, from Trinidad,will be ready to displayher line line of millinery goodsThursday morning, corner f Main andSeventh Streets, opposite M. A. Otero'sresidence. She has a very fine line ofgood's and the ladies of Las Vegas andvicinity are respectfully invited to bepresent. 2t

Ladies' read madedresses, cloalós and ul-

sters of all yyinds atJana Bros.

Xotieo lo the Public.WWrens n eortuln lcuo, dated on oral), m t

Jul lKth, 1881, leaving my butcher shop,slaughter house, and tools to C. W. Kreiter,tun obtained from me fraudently. 1 hefby

warn all persons from purchasing said lease,ns Í chilli not be bound by paid louse.

. H. E.

Clothing arid Gent'sfurnishing vioods ofall kinds

iffa Bros.Ye who deligln in your griddlo cakes

call at .Roberts & Wheclock's. tf

Try "Billy's Ponies" Cigars, pureHavana.

furniture.Loekhart & Co. keep a fino lincof fur-

niture of all grades; very superior par-lor sets, chairs, cte. 10-5--tf

Glorieta Shocshup aud Barbershop.Opposite the depot. Glorieta, N. M.

w J. A. FiNcn, Prop.



Socorro want brick.Madame Da Five is in Tucson, Ari-

zona.The walla of the academy are com

pleted.Quite a number of arrivals at the Hot

Springs yeaterday.We enjoy a fine weather a can lie

found in the world.

I. Stern is fencing in hi handsomeresidence east of the river. . j

. Carruth & Layton received an Acmepaper cutter from Topeka yesterday, j

The Good Templar held their regu-- !

lar meeting at the Baptist chapel lastnight.

J. W. 'fllars yesterday sold his Silver(uven mining claim in the Sweepstakescamp.

There will be a Christmas tree enter-tainment at the Presbyterian churchChristmas eve.

A large train loaded with goods forWhitcman & Cohen, pulled out forWhite Oaks yesterday.

Officer Franklin is somewhere in thelower country ami A. F. Jilson is tem-

porarily filling his place.Kollock tSs Cooper yesterday received

their delayed car of produce and arenow ready for business.

A first-cla- ss lunch counter on theWest Side would certainly be a payinginvestment. Who will start one?

The roof is being put upon thebuilding. This is a solid stone

building and will be a credit to the city.The Albuquerque Journal will proba-

bly soon have associated press dispatch-es, as Tom Hughes' trip to Topeka is forthe purpose of obtaining them.

The carpenters and builders of LasVegas are the busiest men in tow n, andfind it hard to get sufficient help. Newbuildings are starting eoery day.

Extensive preparations are beingmade at Paso del Norte to render theFeast of our Lady of Guadalupe a suc-

cess. The town is already crowded.The Socorro Illuminating Com pan',

with a capital stock of $100,000, hasbeen organized at Socorro for the pur-pose of supplying the town with gas.

The Las Vegas Holiday (Irceling, ajournal devoted to industrial, commer-cial, and intellectual progress, will bepublished on or before the 24th. Next.

The advance agent of the WallaeeSisters troupe is in Trinidad. Thecompany will commence their engage-ment in Las Vegas on next Wednesday,the 14th.

A photograph was brought to this of-

fice yesterdayiipposed to be the oneadvertised in The Gazette. It mightbe well for the loser to call and identifythe picture.

The brick work on the new academybuilding is abcut completed. All themen that money will hire will now beput t0 work and the building crowdedtp completion,.

There were niuety-fiv- e pupils in at-

tendance at the Academy yesterday.TJivJ'o are one hundred and twenty pu-

pils on the roll with nn average attend-ance of ninety.

It is said that J. j. Webb and DaveKudabaugh have been seen at DodgeCity. It is supposed that they workedtheir way on a freight or passed forhonest emigrants.

The Congregationalists give a quietsociable ht at the parlors of theDepot Hotel. The matter of building achurch will be talked over, andall are cordially invited.

The choice lots of the Eldorado TownCompany, lying north of Bridge Streetbetween the river and Isidor Stern'snew brick house, will bo placed on themarket within a week or so.

Lewis M. Switzler, of the Columbia,Mo., Statesman, wrote a very good description of New Mexico and Las Vegasto his paper while in the Territory. Wcprint it morning.

J. II. Wise is suffering from a severeboil. There is only one place, he says,where these bothersome boils can lo-

cate so that, they will not be painful,and that is on some other fellow.

Frank Manzanares and Chas. Blanch-ar- d,

of the water-work- s company, wereout over the field yesterday lookingover the ground to ascertain the bestdirection for the water conduit to run.

Bell & Co., the plaza, grocers and bakers, have secured ojie of the storerooms in fcugene Heilly's house andwill open a branch store there as soonas the building is completed.

The ladies of the Presbyterian otni--gregation are making diligent prepara-tion to give a grand fair and supper onThursday evening, the 15th inst. Thiswill be made a very superior entertain-ment.

Bell & Co., the plaza grocer? andbakers, sold large" quantities of theirCalifornia apples yesterday. The storewas crowded with people evidently ap-ple hungry.

Mrs. S. 11. Saulsbury, of Triuidad,has opened her millinery goods in ahouse opposite Don Miguel Romero'sresidence. The grand opening will takeplace Thursday morning, to which allladies nro invited.

Col. L. C. Fort yesterday moved thehousehold goods which he saved fromthe fire into a portion of his house onZiori hill, and will occupy it until hecanmake other arrangements.

If a stranger would take a walkaround Las Vegas and peep in at theseveral butcher shops he would nat-urally suppose that this was a greatcorn country. Tho beef is just as fat asif corn fed. Such fine beef cannot befound anywhere else and' yet the cattleeat nothing but tho nutritions grasses.





--13 AT

am BitsRailroad Avenue,

Opposite Gross, Blackwell & Co.

$50 WORTH $50Every five dollars

worth of oods purchased at Jaffa Bros,

from December ,3rd

entitles the purchaser

to a t i c k e t for a

chance in a nice ladies'

fur set, mink, worth

$50. To be drawn

December 24th.

Jaffa Bros.



J. W. FOSTER & CO.Choice incuts of all kinda, sausage, pudding;

etc., always, on bund. Pe rutins winning any-thing in the meat market lino should not failticnllnt

2d Door South of Adams Express

6,000 Pounds


Received By Express


We Will Retail

10 Cents Peí Pounc


They Are All



TTT 11 4vy e ar 'VSA mo our

holiday 1WU V crylow pr

J --r I m f' Jana Bros.

Ladies'7P linedsilk circum at

(Táffa Bros.

Lost The photocranh of a ladyThe photograph was a largo one, aboutten inches long by six inches wide. Areward of ten dollars will bo paid thefinder by leaving the photograph atthis officu.

The ladies say those potato-fryer- s atRoberts & Wheelock's aro just too lovely, la-u-- u




FURNITUREBlinds, Paints, Oils and Glass in the Territory.

Notice to Delinquents.Those parties who have failed to pay

their taxes are hereby warned that, un-less the same are paid by the first dayof January, 1882 their names as delin-quents will be handed to the attorneygeneral of the Territory, who will thenat once proceed according to law. Thisis the last notice that will be givenfrom this office, and should be heeded.

Hilario Homero,Sheriff San Miguel County. N. M.

Las Vegas, Nov. 15th.

JONES & CO.Have jnt npnnnd n T.nrtre and Complete

Stock of Staple and Fancy



Everything New and Fresh and sold at

Bed Rock PricesSecond Door East of Hunk Uuildintf, on


Go to a T.Bros. 11


vou wafflrto see a finedisp o f holidaygoOTIS.

Still they come. Another carload ofstoves and furniture just received byLoekhart & Co. 12-8-- tf

Booth's selected oys-ters at the Park gro-cery at 70 cts.per can.teceivea aany.

establishment nnd aro prepared to put uprcpalrinir a Bpeciaity. woncuone

Oppogito Lockhart'i Block,

portion of it. Therefore it would notbe bad policy for the Lincoln countygardeners to bring up a fresh supply.They run no risks from frost or coldweather and the market is certain.There is no danger of, overstocking themarket as the outlet is too great. Sucha course at the preseut time would be agood thing for our city, for the garden-ers, and a splendid advertisement forLincoln county. Let some one try it.

A Xew Hotel.Mr. George McKay is building a new

two-stor- y hotel on the east side of Sixthstreet, just north and back of the St.Nicholas. The carpenters, Lockh.".rt &

Co., intend to have the hotel tiuishedbythe first of the year. It will containover twenty rooms, with a bar and of-lic- e,

ami will cost nearly 4,000. Assoon as finished, Mr. McKay will com:menee to furnish it, and probably beready for the reception of guests by themiddle of January. He has not decided upon a name, but will select an ap-

propriate one in a few days. Hotelsare badly needed in the city, and weexpect Mr. McKay's investment will bea paying one.


Trains on time.J. W. Appleby was yesterday pro-mole- d

from brakemau to conductor.

Albert Tabor has arrived from Erie,Pennsylvania, and taken a position as

brakeman.Half rate tickets from El Paso to the

Feast of Guadalupe were put on saleyesterday. Quite a number were sold.

A tramp was captured yesterdaymorning in a box car of merchandisewhich came in from the north. He wasstealing a ride, having entered fromthe end door.

A conference of the head oilieiala of

the A. T. & S. F., the Texas & Pacificand the Southern Pacific railroads was

held at Deming a few days ago. Theobject of the meeting seems to havebeen to settle upon terms for the pro-

gress of. their respective roads in South-

ern New Mg-xie- this winter. The con-

ference proved to be a good thing forDeming as the several roads will maketheir headquarters there at least for thepresent.

The wedding reception of Judge L.

Bradford Prince and bride at the resi,deuce of Attorney General Gilchrist in

Jersey City on the 29th' of Novemberwas ;i brilliant affair. The New YorkEvening Mail publishes a full accountgiving a list of the guests preseut who

comprised a large number of distin-

guished people. Among the letters ofcongratulation and regret receivedfrom those not present were those frommembers of the Cabinet in Washington,Solicitor General Phillips, Senator andMrs. Miller, Senator and Mrs. Hawley,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Evarts, Mr. andMrs. C. M. Depew, Senator and Mrs.

Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Cortland Park-

er, Senator and Mrs. Stockton, BishopLittlejohn, Bishop Kip, Mr. JusticeBradley, Gen. and Mrs. Í. P. Hatch-M- r.

and Mrs. Algernon S. Sullivan, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry E. Pierrepont, Col. andMrs. Spencer, etc. A continuous colla-

tion was served by Pinard.

At Lamy Junction, Monday evening,a colored man named Foster Gray wasshot and killed by Pearl Sweeny, alsocolored. Both men were employes of,

Lantry & Burr. It seems that Gray hadthreatened for over a week to takeSweeny's life for some cause or other,and the latter purchased a revolverhere and went down on Monday's trainprepared for an assault. They met atLamy, and, Gray fired at Sweeny, miss-

ing him and then took to his heels.Sweeny ran after him and fired sixshots in all, the last ouc proving fatal.It is thoughtt that Sweeny was justifiedin the act.

The race, $500 a side, between thehorses owned by Wm. Gordon, of thiscity, and E. Deweese, of Watrous,comes oft", at the Hot Springs racetrack on' next Saturday, the 10th. A

very interesting race is expected.

s shown by a special from Santa Feeslerday morning Governor Sheldon

oilers $500 reward each for the recap-ture of John J. Webb and Dave Ruda-baug- h.

The time of the appeal for thelatter will be up in January and hethought it best to make tracks whentho nights were long and the moon wasfull.

The Grand Central Hotel at SantaFe has changed hands. Mrs. SarahCae is now the genial proprietress.The change of management has great-ly benefited tho hotel as a stoppingplace. The accommodations are first-cla- ss

and those going thero will surelyagain go as they will be well treated.

Prof. Robertson, who has just return-ed from the Los Cerrillos cam), reportseverything favorable, there, They arctrying to make the iHacers of the campof somo use, and are experimentingwith the dry placer machines. It is ex-

pected that a run f ore will bo madethis' week through the new Carpentersmelter, which has just been put up.If this smelter proves successful, it willbe a most excellent thing for tho camp.Mr. Robertson considers it the mostprominent camp in the Territory. Tholack of machinery has heretofore beena great drawback.



HAT81GAPSEver brought to this Territory at

Chas. W. Danver'sSIXTH STREET,

Opposite Sun Miiruel National Bunk,

East Las VegasRemoval.

J. C. Blake has removed his harnessshop from the plaza to Shupp's build-ing, east of the bank. Ho now hasmore room to accommodate his largelyincreased stock and growing business.Ho employs the best workmen and cantill orders for harness, saddles, etc.,promptly and satisfactorily. tf,

Novelties in cloaks, dolmans, jack- -

ets ami ulsters at Stern's.

Ktove! fttoven! MovratThree hundred in stock and 800 on

the road of tho celebrated Wm. ltesor& Co., cook and heating stoves. Comeand give us a call. Makwede, Brcm-LEY&C- o.

Six varieties new figs at Cooperscandy factory. 20-l-

Sutlin's addition.

Attention is called to the fact that A.O. Robbins, the leading furnitue manof New Mexico, is now offering unpar-alle- d

inducements to his customers.His stock was never so full and com-plete as now and his prices are the verylowest. It will pay you to look throughhis immense stock before making yourChristmas purchases. 12-1-- tf


MERCHANT TAILORSWo havo juat opened a Morehant Tailoring

Biiltfl in the latent slylo. Cleaning andat short notice, call ana seo u.