LCP Twente Information package 2015

Post on 08-Apr-2016

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Are you up for a challenge and be the next leader of AIESEC Twente?





LCP application package ’15-’16

’12-’13 ‘13-’14 ’14-’15 ’15-‘16

AIESEC and Make a Move Twente – University of Twente – Office: Drienerlolaan 5 Bastille room 319 - mail – Phone 053 – 489 3959 1


You took the first step in becoming

the next Local Committee president

of AIESEC & Make a Move Twente.

Being LCP is going to give you many

opportunities that make you gain

new skills, contacts, memories,

friends, knowledge about yourself

and other people. It will push you

outside your comfort zone (no do not

be scared, it is still AIESEC so there is

the safety net to catch you). You

might have experience in AIESEC

already or another organisation, but

there is another challenge ahead of

you, and that is leading this great

team of 20 people through 2015-

2016. See the members grow and

develop, see AIESEC Twente grow.

See yourself grow and develop more

than you can imagine at this point of


One of our local advisory board

members (CEO of Kienhuis & Hoving)

named it as “you have the chance to

run your own company of 20 people

for a year, this is such meaningful


I cannot agree with him more. You

have responsibilities you probably

will not even have in your first job.

You learn about your leadership

style, how do you get unpaid people

moving and how do you get them to

be better at what they do.

What would you do if AIESEC & Make

a Move Twente is in your hands?

What would you do different? What

would your strengths and challenges

be on this journey? What will AIESEC

be to you?

The past time you have maybe seen

me as your LCP, and my way of doing

it. Of course this is just one way.

Every LCP is different, has a different

focus, leadership style, vision, is a

different person. Feel free to also

talk to previous LCP’s or LCP’s from

other cities to find out what their

experiences are. For any contact

details just let me know, I am happy

to get them for you!

In this booklet will be more

information on the responsibilities as

LCP and what to do to apply!

And remember,

For any questions, comments,

wishes, talks, sharing…

…find me!

I am Looking forward to your


Remco Wittendorp

LCP ’14-‘15

AIESEC and Make a Move Twente – University of Twente – Office: Drienerlolaan 5 Bastille room 319 - mail – Phone 053 – 489 3959 2


LCP As LCP you are part of the head office.

This also means your individual tasks

are not as clearly identified as a VP OGX

for example. However specific

responsibilities of the LCP are/could be

for example the recruitment and

agenda of the LCweekend. It pretty

much comes to the fact you are

responsible for the whole wellbeing and

facilitator of AIESEC & Make a Move


Executive board

As LCP you are of course not on your

own leading the LC. I first thought the

LC would be my team: I was going to be

president of 20 people, but soon I

realised my team mostly was the EB.

You work together on daily bases, the

LCP is supposed to know what they are

doing, and by coaching them you

empower them to coach their own

team. Together you decide on strategy:

where are you heading with AIESEC, of

which you are the final responsible. You

deal with sudden problems together

and your attitude will be the example to

the rest of the members that they will

follow. Other days you are attending

Raad van Advies or Lokale Advies Raad,

together or travelling the country for

convent and Reception Weekend.

Local Committee

When I became LCP and we went to

NTOS it was at first a little strange.

Because people where following me

automatically as if I knew where to go (I

had no clue!). Soon however it became

more natural to me to have people trust

me and having the LC letting me be their

leader. You will definitely discover how

you deal with this and what position

you take in the group. As LCP you are

responsible for the well-being and

development of the members, as well

as organizing the LCmeetings. And of

course: work hard play harder

sometimes all together!

AIESEC and Make a Move Twente – University of Twente – Office: Drienerlolaan 5 Bastille room 319 - mail – Phone 053 – 489 3959 3

Externally As LCP you are the face of the

organisation. You are the one being

approached for everything first,

receiving the e-mails when something

needs to be done, and also the one

being spoken to when things go wrong.

This is a great responsibility sometimes,

but also pretty cool, and great for your

personal branding! You will build a

reputation and network quickly which

you can use well for your future.

National LCP’s network AIESEC is an international organisation

which means your responsibilities will

not stop at Twente. You closely work

together with the other LCP’s of the

Netherlands. You share experiences,

tools, ideas, emotions and more. You

will probably be taking part in a national

taskforce as well, as getting the

opportunity to attend at least one

conference together (and maybe even

the largest of the world: IC!)

Internationally The cool thing about being LCP and

going to conference is that you also

build a huge international network. This

gives you the chance to even travel

more, get invited to more conferences,

chair, faci, or attend. You will be able to

learn a great deal as well from them on

how they approach things, and how

they run AIESEC differently, because the

cultural difference can also clearly seen

back in this organisation as well.

AIESEC and Make a Move Twente – University of Twente – Office: Drienerlolaan 5 Bastille room 319 - mail – Phone 053 – 489 3959 4

Application procedure

In this section will be explained what the steps are to really become LCP of AIESEC & Make a Move Twente! This procedure is in itself already a great learning experience. It helps you to

think about your vision of AIESEC Twente, as well as, thinking about your strengths and developmental points in this position. The first step in this procedure is gathering your information and writing a manifest. Then, you will get the chance to present this manifest at the Vote of Confidence. As a LCP candidate you need to get more than 50% of the votes of the LC, to proceed to the interview round. This round will consist of two CORE and motivation interviews.

Preparation As it might be difficult to develop your ideas yourself about AIESEC & Make a Move Twente you can always approach LCP’s, alumni and your fellow LC and EBers to get more insights. Just ask me for their contact details, find them on the p-drive or on facebook.


Writing your manifest you can elaborate on what you would like for

AIESEC as an LCP candidate. Think of areas you want to focus on and why you are the person to do this. The manifest should be between 5 and 7 pages, A4. You can decide yourself on what you would like to include or not. To help you out a little: - Why would you like to be LCP? What

does AIESEC mean to you?

- What are your main goals for your


- What are the things you can contribute to the organisation and what can you learn?

- How will you be leading the team?

- What is your vision for AIESEC & Make a Move in Twente? Where is Twente next year, or in the coming five years?

- What will you do the same as your predecessor and what would you differently?

- What do you want to achieve and how will you do that?

Keep in mind to be specific and descriptive in all the answers. Besides that, those are just guidelines; you are free in how you would like to structure your manifest. Deadline for the manifest is Sunday the 12th of March 23:59. Attach your CV as well in English and send it to

Vote of Confidence

The vote of confidence will take place on the 13th of April during the time of the LC meeting (20.00h-22.00h). You

will get the chance to give a speech in about 15-20 minutes. After this, all the attendants will have a chance to ask a question. After this, every LC member will be asked to vote anonymously if they have confidence in the ability of the LCP candidate. It is possible that a member votes for all candidates or for none. This is a voting for the individual Only the people that are present are able to vote. You will not be present

AIESEC and Make a Move Twente – University of Twente – Office: Drienerlolaan 5 Bastille room 319 - mail – Phone 053 – 489 3959 5

during the voting and the presentations of the other candidates. If you have more that 50% votes than you will be going through to the next round.

Final interviews

The final round will consist out of two CORE and motivation interviews. You

can prepare those interviews with competences that will be provided to you beforehand.

The announcement After the interviews the EB and other

interviewers gather for the decision

making. We will announce the new LCP,

the date still has to be announced.

Take over From the announcement on a planning

will be made together with you for the

take-over. This takes at least one

month before you will start at 1 July,

one day a week or equally divided over

the week. After that the floor is yours!

Agenda Date What 25th March Information lunch

2nd April Information drinks

12th April Application deadline

13th April Vote of Confidence

14th April – 14th May Interview

T.B.A. Announcement LCP

I know it is a dive in deep water, you

might get a funny feeling in your

stomach of excitement and anxiety, it

is okay. You do not need to be 100%

sure that you will be capable of doing

this. You just need to be 100% sure you

want to take on the challenge of trying!

I am looking forward to your


Remco Wittendorp

Local Committee President 2014-2015

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