
Post on 14-Nov-2014

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a assignment on how to characterize leadership and the model of leadership


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I am Putu Suciani taking course in foundation of finance. I am currently taking KOR uniten

subject. I would like to thank my family, especially my mother, Saidah and my father, Inengah

Sudana. I also would like to thank my good friend Nureftika Isniza who had helped me searching

the information for this assignments’.

Not to forget my lecturer for this subject Sir Azri who had been dedicated to teach me and the

rest of the class about the noble value and disciplines.

This assignment is produce using some materials from the internet and some books that has been

borrowed from the library. These points are elaborate from the information that are trusted and

supported with evidence.

Hopefully, this assignment can be used in the future.

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A leader is someone who control and take full responsible for the action of the community or a

group of people. This person will lead and make decision for the group. He will be the person

who ensure whatever had planned went smoothly without any difficulties. A leader will reflect a

group or community performance whether they in good condition or vice versa. Not to mention,

as a leader, the person hold a very important task and heavy responsibility. For someone who

wants to become a leader he or she must be certainly have good qualities. A leader should have

high self-esteem and good communication skills. He or she must be able to persuade and at the

same time willing to listen to other’s opinions and respecting theirs. He or she also must be

physically fit, in good health condition and emotionally prepared. Therefore, people should not

choose the wrong person and not suitable for this job as just because he or she was a popular and

have good reputation. I believe to be an excellent leader it takes more than that.

If the person failed to be a leader it categorize as bad leadership. In addition of that, bad

leadership doesn’t mean that the leader their self are bad. The failure indicates that there are

certain characteristics are not suitable and not good enough. Thus, this characteristics cause the

leader to fail.

Moreover, there are a few factors that reflect the leader performance. There are the leader as a

person, his or her leadership and the followers.

a) The leader as a person:

According to Bob Gordon and David Fardouly many people fail in leadership because

they didn’t receive divine call for leadership. One of the bad characteristic that has been

identify to make the leadership fail is they do not recognize their adequate and try to do

everything using their own strengths


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b) His or her leadership:

The factors that influence the leadership are the vision and leadership styles. Refer to

article from website www.ezinearticles.com, John Haggai stated that “A vision has a

direct bearing on his leadership style. At a starting point, one could ask what the visions

of this leader are. When we observe the king position as the top of the hierarchy we might

assume that the king as the great leader. In fact the king only gives an order, but the kings

got assistance from the parliament or assemble of people that make country’s Law.

I insist that, every each leader have a unique way or leadership skills. It’s not only

depends on their selves but also the environment.

c) The followers:

A leader which has a big follower is said to be a greater influential. A great leader

definitely had a power to exert influence on their followers. Define from Anthony

D’souza’s statement state that leadership involves on inter-relationship between three


a. The quality skills and needs of the leader

b. The needs and expectations of the group

c. The demands or requirements of the group

In other words, those are factors that influence how a leader perform and attract their


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From my experience, I have identified a few characteristics of a leader from five different fields.

These fields are identifying based on:

• Ethical

• Credible

• Politically Astute

• Competent

• Concern for Organization vs. Concern for self

A great leader would have a good foundation of ethic. These ethics actually provide a leader with

quality base that help him or her to make a decision and differentiate between the great leader

and toxic leader. Toxic leader is defines as bad leader that failed in leadership. A great leader

would have a very good ethics in terms of his or her individual personality nor how he or she try

to adopt their environment and blend in. A great leader should be honor. They obey the rules and

regulations because they are high disciplines. This person also can be dependable, credible and

trust. A great leader do not stiff for a competition. He nor she do not scared instated they take it

as a challenge that means to improve their qualities. This person also knows when to put their

needs at aside when it is down to business. The priority is what his or her task will be. This

characteristics show that a leader has to be wise and mature to make a decisions. This is not only

for their self but also for their followers.

These are some of examples of good characteristics of a leader.

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Integrity means alignment of words and actions with inner values. It means sticking to these

values even when an alternative path may be easier or more advantageous.

A leader with integrity can be trusted and will be admired for sticking to strong values. They also

act as a powerful model for people to copy, thus building an entire organization with powerful

and effective cultural values.


Dedication means spending whatever time and energy on a task is required to get the job done,

rather than giving it whatever time you have available.

The work of most leadership positions is not something to do 'if time'. It means giving your

whole self to the task, dedicating yourself to success and to leading others with you.


A magnanimous person gives credit where it is due. It also means being gracious in defeat and

allowing others who are defeated to retain their dignity.

Magnanimity in leadership includes crediting the people with success and accepting personal

responsibility for failures.


Humility is the opposite of arrogance and narcissism. It means recognizing that you are not inherently

superior to others and consequently that they are not inferior to you. It does not mean diminishing

yourself, nor does it mean exalting yourself.

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Humble leaders do not debase themselves, neither falsely nor due to low self-esteem. They simply

recognize all people as equal in value and know that their position does not make them a god.


Openness means being able to listen to ideas that are outside one's current mental models, being

able to suspend judgment until after one has heard someone else's ideas.

An open leader listens to their people without trying to shut them down early, which at least

demonstrates care and builds trust. Openness also treats other ideas as potentially better than

one's own ideas. In the uncertain world of new territory, being able to openly consider

alternatives is an important skill.


Creativity means thinking differently, being able to get outside the box and take a new and

different viewpoint on things.

For a leader to be able to see a new future towards which they will lead their followers, creativity

provides the ability to think differently and see things that others have not seen, and thus giving

reason for followers to follow.


Responsibility is the acceptance of full responsibility for personal success and for the success of

the project, team and organization. Becoming responsible requires developing and refining the

following core qualities:

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1. Accountability

People who are truly accountable expand their view of organizational responsibility. At all

levels, accountable people do what they can to get done what needs to get done, no matter where

in the organization they have to go. They NEVER say, "It's not my job." They also hold

themselves accountable for making relationships work - they don't say, "Well, I'll go halfway if

they will." They take 100% responsibility for making any relationship work. A person with the

core quality of accountability:

Takes the initiative to get things done

Is not afraid to hold others accountable

Is willing to cross departmental boundaries to help with a meaningful project

Takes personal responsibility for organizational success

2. Self-Confidence

People who are self-confident feel that they are the equal of others, even when those others are in

positions of much greater formal power. People who are self-confident also recognize the value of

building the self-confidence of others and won't be threatened by doing so. Self-confidence in everyone

builds a sense of partnership and helps the organization get maximum effort and ideas from everyone. A

person with the core quality of self-confidence:

Has a self assured bearing

Is flexible and willing to change

Easily gives others credit

Isn't afraid to tell the truth

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3. Courage

People with courage are assertive and willing to take risks. They ask forgiveness rather than

permission, and are willing to try even though they might fail. They are willing to risk conflict to

have their ideas heard, balancing that with the respect that makes constructive conflict possible.

A person with the core quality of courage:

Champions new or unpopular ideas

Talks to others, not about others, when there is a problem

Accepts feedback and really hears what others say

Takes the ball and runs with it, even when there are obstacles

4. Focus on the whole

People who focus on the whole think in terms of the good for the entire organization, not in

terms of what's good for them, their team or their department. They can see interdependencies

and can see beyond what is immediately observable. They have an understanding of and

enthusiasm for the business and an understanding of their industry. For example, if working on a

software project, they consider the implications of the whole project and commit to an outcome

that works for the customer rather than focusing on just their piece of the project. A person who

demonstrates the core quality of focusing on the whole:

Realizes that they represent their company to customers

Sees how the work in their area affects the entire project and the entire organization

Gathers information from all stakeholders when making decisions

Shares information throughout the company and understands the value of a knowledgeable


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It goes without saying that not all leaders are successful, and some fail miserably. Why do

leaders fail? Failure can occur for a variety of reasons, some of which are beyond the leader’s or

anyone else’s control. Sometimes, however leaders fail for personal, rather than situation, the

reason is they were lack the abilities or experience needed to be successful.

At one times, they may possess these assets but still fail. When this happen, it is often because

the leaders have been promoted to position where they can no longer rely on themselves to do all

the work but must instead succeed through others.

Dark-side personality is irritating or counterproductive behavior tendencies that interfere with a

leader’s ability to form cohesive teams and that cause followers to exert less effort toward goal


Several aspects of dark-side traits are worth noting. First, typical measures of personality are

designed to detect bright-side traits, and dark-side traits are usually not assessed or detected with

interview, personality inventories, or assessment center techniquese.

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a) Argumentative

This trait identifies leaders who are suspicious, are overly sensitive to criticism and

expect to be mistreated. Leaders possessing this trait do not take personal criticism well

and are apt to start arguments and have a hard time ending it.

b) Narcissism

Leaders with this trait tend to be self over confident, self-centered, and extremely

ambitious. They grossly overestimate their abilities have a strong sense of entitlement

and often hold others in contempt. Extremely arrogant, they are always right and not

afraid to tell you so. Such individuals often exploit followers for their own self-


c) Fear of Failure

These individuals make poor leaders because they dread being criticized. As a result, they

tend to be overly cautious and reluctant decision-making. When forced to make

decisions, they often impose old solutions to problems even when it is obvious that they

will not work.

d) Perfectionism

This dark-side traits identifies leaders who are conscientious and methodical but also

attend so closely to details that they have trouble setting and maintaining priorities. They

maintain extremely high standards for themselves and their followers, and their

inflexibility, nitpicking and micromanaging tendencies can be extremely irritating.

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e) Impulsivity

As a leader, these individuals are hedonistic and often ignored the feelings of followers

when in pursuit of their own pleasure. They enjoy testing limits, may fail to keep

promises and commitments and often neglect to consider the consequences of their


f) Interpersonal Insensitivity

Leaders possessing this trait tend to be aloof and unaware of how they come across

others. To have difficulties putting themselves in “ other people’ shoes”

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There is a difference in ways leaders approach their group members. Positive leaders use

rewards, such as education, independence, etc. to group members.

While negative leader emphasize penalties. While the negative approach has a place in a leader's

repertoire of tools, it must be used carefully due to its high cost on the human spirit.

Negative leaders act domineering and superior with people. They believe the only way to get

things done is through penalties, such as loss of job, days off without pay, reprimand employees

in front of others, etc. They believe their authority is increased by frightening everyone into

higher level of productivity.

Yet what always happens when this approach is used wrongly is that morale falls; which of

course leads to lower productivity.

Also note that most leaders do not strictly use one or another, but are somewhere on a continuum

ranging from extremely positive to extremely negative. People who continuously work out of the

negative are bosses while those who primarily work out of the positive are considered real


Therefore, these are a few style of leadership that leader nowadays seldom to approach. The

main categories are Laissez-Faire leadership style, autocratic leadership style and democratic

leadership style. These leadership styles are used in different situation and depend on some


The factors of the leadership style

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Laissez-Faire leadership style is also known as delegative leadership. This style of leadership is

applied when the group members know or have more knowledge than the leader does.

Laissez-Faire leader allow their group members to make a decisions. This is based on the point

that the leader has less knowledge about the task compared to the group members whom they

practically know what they suppose to do.

This style is best used in situations where the leader cannot be an expert in all situations. Thus, it

is important that the leader understand and delegate certain tasks out to knowledgeable and gain

trust worthy of the group members or the employees.

This leadership style is not an effective way to conduct a task or any activities. This style of

leadership shows that the person in charge is lack of good characteristics of a great leader. They

important key to be stress on here is important to be educated and knowledgeable.

Do read more and maybe alert on the situations that happen around you. Only by reading u can

gain more knowledge.

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Autocratic leadership style or can also be called as authoritarian leadership style. This style

usually applied when members of the group lacks of knowledge about certain procedure or tasks.

Authoritarian leaders provide the group members with clear expectations on what should be

done, when it should be complete, and how it should be accomplished. These leaders make

decisions without input of their group members.

Authoritarian leadership is best used in situation when there is a little time for the group to make

a decision-making discussion. Not to mention it is also best to use when the leader himself is the

one which is the best equipped to solve the problems and the given tasks.

There certainly a few disadvantages when this style of leadership is overused. Overused of an

authoritarian style can be construed as bossy and controlling. Worst case example of this style

can be seen as a leader utilized bullying techniques such as yelling, abusing power, and

demeaning group members.

Another disadvantage of this style of leadership is the group members were not given their

opportunity to voice out their opinions and suggestions. This is not fair to the group members as

they all also a part of the team.

This style of leadership is suitable to use whenever it is necessary.

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Democratic leadership is also known as participative leadership style. This leadership style is

suitable to be used when the group leader and the members of the group understand and exactly

know the objectives of their roles in the tasks.

Democratic leadership accept input (can be in terms of opinions or suggestions) from one or

more group members when making decisions and problem solving. As the brain-storming

involving all the group members and the leader, the final decision will be make by the leader.

The leader retains the final say when choice is made.

Group members tend to be encouraged and motivated by this style of leadership. This style of

leadership often leads to more effective and accurate decisions, since no leader can be an expert

in all areas. Inputs from the group members with specialized knowledge and expertise create a

more complete basic for decision making.

This style of leadership has many advantages. One of it is the group members and the leader is

treated fairly. No one either group member or the leader dominates the decision making and

problem solving. This style of leadership actually encourages two-way communication between

the leader and the group members.

This style of leadership is actually is suitable in any condition of problems or tasks. This is the

best technique should be apply on daily basis.

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Why do people seek to be leaders?

Their basic motivation will have a significant effect.

a. Achieving goals

The basic benefit of leading is that it allows you to set the direction and recruit others to your

cause, thus achieving far more than you could alone.

b. Vision

Leaders may well have grand visions of very different futures in which the world is changed in

some way (presumably for the better). If they can communicate that vision to others, effectively

'infecting' them with the idea, then this will create a sustaining motivational force in others

towards a common goal.

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Leadership is multifaceted in that it takes a path a long many dimensions and perspectives. Leadership decisions often take paths that define our nation’s humanity and characters. These are the basic needs to be a leader:


A basic need is for a sense of control, which may be gained either by ceding control to trusted others or by taking control and acting yourself. Leaders use both sides of this, seeking to be in charge and also being the person to which others cede control of their actions.


A common motivation is seeking after power, which McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory identifies as a basic need. Power is the ability to achieve your goals. Gaining power thus allows the leader to achieve a wide range of other things.

Power can have the effect of a drug, and even leaders who did not originally seek it can find its effects intoxicating and end up seeking it for its own sake. Thus 'Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Self vs. others

We all have some balance of concern for ourselves vs. others, where we seek both to achieve personal goals and also seek to altruistically help others. Leaders also may be motivated some combination of the desire to serve themselves and to serve others, which may range from extreme positions to some intermediate balance.

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People looked at charismatic leaders and identified that they not only seek to connect people with idealistic goals, but that they often also seek to instill devotion of themselves by their followers. This, as other preferences, is a spectrum on which people have preferred positions.

Thus it is possible to have charismatic leaders who are highly altruistic. They may also be very narcissistic, seeking leadership primarily for the admiration and worship that they may gain.

Narcissistic leaders tend to surround themselves with sycophantic and loyal subordinates whose main role is to stroke the ego of their leader. Truth, particularly when it is critical of the leader, thus tends to be hidden, leading to failure, cover-ups and an eventual descent into collapse. This is exacerbated by the leader's belief in the superiority of their own capabilities which results in them in making autonomous and risky grand decisions with limited information.


In an altruistic leader, the primary purpose is to help others and make a difference in the world. They may be charismatic or quiet, dominating or reticent in style, but their goal is still to act for a purpose outside of themselves.

The altruistic leader may well have a close alignment of identity with the target group or purpose, and hence may be accused still of being self-centered. The difference, however, is in what they achieve for others.

There some styles of leadership that used to approached the group members depends on some factors. They are Laissez-Faire leadership style, autocratic leadership style and democratic leadership style.

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