Leadership, management & motivationl skills

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Faheem Ali Solangi 0

Faheem Ali Solangi 1

By: Faheem Ali Solangi

Faheem Ali Solangi 2

First thing first

• Session Norms

– Thank you for switching off your mobiles

– Punctuality will be strictly observed

– Assignments will be done with interest

– Participation in discussion is must

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Reasons for this assembly:To enable participants to:

To understand the concept of Leadership & Management.

Why is leadership & Management is important – why do we need leaders & Managers.

To get familiar what is happening in the global world to attain satisfaction of community and attain internationally accepted standards of achievement.

To create an ability amongst the leaders for self realization and self improvement through self assessment tools.

To understand the criteria of Leadership & Management and how it can be attained

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Management: The process of setting objectives andmaking the most efficient use of financial, human andphysical resources to achieve these objectives. Keytasks include planning, control and co-ordination.

Leadership: "Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential."

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Leadership and ManagementLeadership without management Sets a direction or vision that others follow, without considering too much how the new direction is going to be achieved.Management without leadershipControls resources to maintain the status quo or ensure things happen according to already-established plans. Leadership combined with management Does both - sets a new direction and manages the resources to achieve it.

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As a Leader & Manager(Self Assessment)

Group ExerciseWhen have you experienced an issue as a

leader or manager that you did not have

the authority to resolve?

How did you know you did not have the authority?

Who did you refer to for help?

Use examples from your own current experience – work, volunteer, club /society etc

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Distinctions of Leadership & Management

• Managers are concerned with the present.

• Leaders look to the future.

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Leaders are…

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• Managers make sure details are taken care of.

• Leaders set broad purposes and directions.

Managers exercise control to make sure that things work well.

Leaders create commitment that things may work together.

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• Managers solve today’s problems by addressing difficulties caused by changing events.

• Leaders creates a better future by seizing opportunities stimulated by changing events.

Managers focus on the process. Leaders focus on the product.

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• Managers focus on problem behavior and try to improve it through counseling, coaching and nurturing.

• Leaders focus on what is right and praise it.

• Managers make sure people put in an honest day’s work for their pay.

• Leaders inspire people to do their best.

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• Managers organize and plan to meet this year’s objectives.

• Leaders create a vision of the years down the road.

Managers create efficient policies and standard operating procedures.

Leaders go beyond the need for standard procedures and create a more efficient system.

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• Managers focus on efficiency.

• Leaders focus on effectiveness.

“Managers do things right.

Leaders do the right things.”

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According to Bennis…Managers administer- Leaders innovate

Managers maintain- Leaders develop

Managers control- Leaders inspire

Managers have a short-term view

Leaders, a long-term view

Managers ask how and when

Leaders ask what and why

Managers imitate- Leaders originate

Managers accept status quo Leaders challenge it

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Craig Hickman• Mind of a Manager; Soul of a Leader

– Importance of a balance between a leader and a manager qualities on a leadership team.

– Calls for the full development of both managers and leaders.

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Traits• Adaptable to situations • Alert to social environment • Ambitious and achievement

orientated • Assertive • Cooperative • Decisive • Dependable • Dominant (desire to influence

others) • Energetic (high activity level) • Persistent • Self-confident • Tolerant of stress • Willing to assume responsibility

Skills• Clever (intelligent) • Conceptually skilled • Creative • Diplomatic and tactful • Fluent in speaking • Knowledgeable about group

task • Organised

(administrative ability) • Persuasive • Socially skilled

Leaders will also use: Integrity, Honesty, Compassion, Humility

Leadership & Management SkillsLeadership Traits and Skills

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The Basic Managerial Skills

Planning, Organizing

Setting goals (Prioritize)

Self assessment (Contribution, Productivity)

Team building (Participation, Interpersonal)

Managing time and stress

Problem solving and decision-making


Communication & listening (Multi culture)

Emotional Intelligence

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John Maxwell:

The first step to leadership is servant hood

Jesse Jackson:

leadership has a harder job to do than justchoose sides , It must bring sides together

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What do Leaders do?

Decide upon objectives for the organisation

Provide expertise and set standards for the organisation

Decide upon company structure and shape the culture of the business

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What makes a good leader?

A good leader will be informed and knowledgeable about matters relating to the business

A good leader should be self-motivated and desire to achieve great things

A good leader should possess an air for authority

A good leader would have the ability to think creatively and to solve problems

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Styles of Leadership…

Three basic categories of leadership style…

Autocratic or authoritarian leadership

Paternalistic leadership

Democratic leadership

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Authoritarian or Autocratic LeadershipSuch leaders…

Take decisions with little involvement of junior employees

Allocate tasks,

Set objectives

Will contain total control throughout

Such leaders, use a one-way communication system, downwards from leader to subordinate.

This style of leadership may be

appropriate when quick decisions are required,

or when large numbers of un-skilled employees

are involved.

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Paternalistic LeadershipThis is a leadership style which is quite DICTATORIAL, yet

decisions are taken in the best interests of the employees.

This style’s key features include…

This form of leadership explains decisions

It also ensures employees’ social and leisure needs are met.

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Democratic Leadership

This form of leadership involves running a business on the basis on the majority of decisions.

This methods main features include…

This form of leadership encourages employees to take part in decision-making

This method also uses delegation

There is a two-way communication between senior and junior employees.

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MANAGEMENTThe “word manages “came from the word “hand”.

Managing means handling things.

DEFINITION:Management is defined as the process by which a co operative group directs action towards common goals.-Joseph Massie

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. –George S. Patton

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Have an assigned position within formal organizationAre expected to carry out specific actions.Direct willing and unwilling subordinatesTeam builderDecision makerCommunicatorNegotiatorDelegatorMentorManipulate individuals, the environment, money, time and

other source to achieve goals.Have a greater formal responsibility, accountability and control

than leaders.

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1. Division of work

2. Authority & Responsibility

3. Discipline

4. Unity of command

5. Unity of direction

6. Subordination of Individual interest to General interest

7. Remuneration of Personnel

8. Centralization

9. Scalar Chain

10. Order

11. Equity

12. Stability

13. Initiative

14. Espirit De Corps (Team Spirit)

General Principles of Management

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Planning is the management function that involves:

setting goals

formulating missions

making plans

achieving goals

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ORGANIZING• An organization is a group of people working

together to achieve a common goal.

• Definition: To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful for its functioning such as raw materials, tools, capital and personnel.

–Henry Fayol

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LEADINGLeading is the management function that involves

influencing others to engage in the work behaviors

necessary to reach organizational goals.

It includes communicating with others, providing

direction and motivating people.

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CONTROLLINGControlling is the management function aimed at

regulating organizational activities so that actual

performance meets the expected objectives and

standards of company.

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M a n a g e m e n t P r o c e s s

T h i n k b e y o n d I m a g i n a t i o n … .

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Concept of Management:

• 1.Management is a Process:

Role of a Manager as follows-Plan the activities

Organize the resources

Direct the subordinates

Control the activities

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2.Management is an art as well as a Science:

By using proper knowledge & available resources a manager can make an activity work better. Hence it is a science.

3.Management follows professional approach:

A professional manager is who:

Delegates Authority

Encourages initiative attitude

Invites suggestions of subordinates

Provides training to employees

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4.Management is Intangible:

Management can be seen in form of results. Results

such as high productivity & efficiency, disciplines

Workforce, cordial relations in organization gives

the presence of Management.

5.Management is Group activity:

The combines & collective efforts of the team brings

Success to the organization.

A single manager however efficient & capable can’t attain organizational goals without support of other Managers or his subordinates.

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6.Management is result oriented:

Management stresses on result orientation not on

activities. Results may lead to ultimate goals like:

Reduction in wastages

Optimum utilization of


Motivated workforce

Higher efficiency

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7.Management follows established principles:

Division of WorkAuthority-

Responsibility Balance

Discipline Unity of command

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• 8.Management is Dynamic in Nature:

To manage means to be creative & innovative. How successful an organization would be largely depends upon innovation.

• Managers need to have:

New & creative ideas.

New & better products.

Cost effective process.

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Top Level of Management• It consists of board of directors, chief executive

or managing director etc. The top management is the ultimate source of authority and it manages goals and policies for an enterprise.

• It devotes more time on planning and coordinating functions.

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Middle Level of Management

• The branch/unit managers and departmental managers constitute middle level. They are responsible to the top management for the functioning of their department. They devote more time to organizational and directional functions.

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Lower Level of Management• Lower level is also known as supervisory /

operative level of management. It consists of

supervisors, foreman, section officers, superintendent

etc. They are concerned with direction and controlling

function of management.

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Relative Amount of Time That Managers Spend on the Four Managerial Functions

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Management Skills PyramidTo be successful, there are

many skills a manager needs to



Improve self

Developp staff

Get it done

organize direct control


motivationTraining coaching involvment

Self management

Time management

Leader ship

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Top Level

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Individual Exercise:

Assess yourself as a Leader 1. Conduct a SWOT analysis –

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

2. Develop an Action Plan to improve as a leader• list 2 actions you will undertake to address

Weaknesses or capitalise on Opportunities identified

• Apply SMART targets to your actions – Specific,Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound

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Driving Employee Motivation

Why do some peopleclimb mountains?

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And others just sit?While others run?

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And why do millions of people go to work each day?

And with the right


What can’t we do?

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What is motivation?MOTIVATION = Value of outcome x Expectation of achieving it

Motivation is a desire to achieve a goal, combined with the energy to work towards that goal.


Motivation is everything. You can do the work of two people,but you can't be two people. Instead, you have to inspire thenext guy down the line and get him to inspire his people.

Motivation is the art of getting people to do what youwant them to do because they want to do it.

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Achievement Responsibility Recognition Feedback Learning and growth In addition to the external and internal awards, have: Employee engagement Challenging job profiles Keep them self-motivated Good projects Job rotation Job security / stability Good team, co-workers, bosses

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Motivation is the force that drives our actions

And with the right


What can’t we do?

Motivation is the force that drives our actions

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The EndMay You

All Be





Faheem Ali


ThanksFaheem Ali Solangi 79