Learn To Teach Online

Post on 06-May-2015

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Online Teaching Certificate Program at Merritt College in Oakland, CA


Learn to Teach OnlineFrom Pedagogy to Practice

By Alexis Alexander

Merritt College in Oakland Ca.

All of these courses are at http://eperalta.org/merritt

These are the 6 classes that comprise the certificate

Moodle Self Help is a course anyone can access with lots of how to videos

Course #1 EDT 01

This course focuses on Online Teaching Pedagogy

The first week is about Universal design, learning styles and discovering your own teaching style

Accessibility is very important element of course design

This week is about building your course outline

What kind of a facilitator are you and how can you transfer your teaching style and skills to an online environment?

Are you up to date on finding resources online? What about Multimedia?

Your students need effective assessment, and so do you!

In this first course you have an opportunity to begin to dabble in building an online shell

Course #2 EDT 2

This course focuses on how to use a CMS, in this case we are using Moodle

The first week you get your Moodle shell

The second week is all about Content, content, content.

You will be introduced to all the basic tools for adding content in Moodle

Moodle has some great tools for interaction for students

This week we will be adding live chat, forums and assignments

This week is about eBooks and Google Docs

At the end of this course, you will have a well developed Moodle Shell

Course #3 EDT 3

This course focuses on blending learning

One of the valuable opportunities that faculty who take these classes have is a chance to talk online with other instructors who are also exploring new ideas and trying out new technologies

Student motivation is a big topic for online instructors

There are many resources online for creating or getting content. In may ways you can make a much richer experience for students because of the variety of modalities for content delivery

Assessment changes in the online setting.

You need to assess students, but also provide a way for students to give you feedback on the effectiveness of your course

At the end of this course, you should have a well developed hybrid course model

Course #4 EDT 4

By this point in theses courses, you should already have a grasp of how to use these online tools, so in this course you have a chance to make some effective course materials

This is assessment as in the instructional design aspect of online course building

Course #5 EDT 5

Course #6 EDT 6


Accessibility is a constant issue and theme in all of these courses

Want to Learn More?

Check out http://eperalta.org/emerritt

Or email me at aalexander@peralta.edu