Learning 2.0 workshop 2009

Post on 25-May-2015

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5000 Web Apps in 333 Seconds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs_xnyJtWEc


Learning 2.0 websitehttp://23things.info

“The future exists today. It’s just unevenly distributed” William Gibson

1. Introduction2. Information changes in the world3. What is Web 2.0, and why bother?

4. “Learning 2.0” Blogsite to learn with at http://23things.info – where to start?5. Start creating yourself… Blogging6. Conclusion – just the start!

Currently over 1.4 billion Internet users worldwide

World usage growth 2000-2008


Middle East usage growth 2000-2008


A recent Zayed University (UAE) study concluded that 94% of students have home internet.

Future changes to information will speed upOver the next 13 years an ipod size device will hold:

• A year’s worth of video by 2012

• All commercial music ever created by 2015

All content ever created (in all media) by 2020!

Pocket-sized devices will dominate

In 2006

it was estimated that the world creates as much information each year

as the Library of Congress print collection

37,000 times over!

So what is “Web 2.0” all about?

Wikis and wiki web sitesWikipedia has 2.5m articles growing at 25% p.a.

Blogs and Blog sitesWordPress growing by 444% in late 2007

Video , music and image sharingYouTube adding 150,000 videos … … daily!

Social Networking sites – huge growth! MySpace had over 114m visitors/month in mid-2007 Facebook had over 52m visitors in the same

period, but increasing at 270% p.a.

Social TaggingRSS

More than 50% of U.S. 21-year-olds

have created content

on the web.

More than 70% of U.S. 4-year-olds

have used a computer.

How do these figures translate into the UAE setting?

What’s happening in Education?

… from how to make timelines

.. to primary math wikis

…or 4th Grade studentsusing a wiki to better learn about animal adaptations and habitats

Recent research has found that...

“young learners are prolific users of Web 2.0 technologies”

Schools and teachers using Web 2.0 in the classroom have found benefits such as…

• Web 2.0 helps to encourage student engagement and increase participation

• social networking technology can encourage online discussion

• encourages some individuals to extend their learning

• pupils feel a sense of ownership and engagement when they publish their work online

However …

Recent research has ALSO found that …

… the majority of teachers questioned had never used Web 2.0 applications in lessons


Their main concerns involved ..• a lack of time to familiarize themselves with the technology, and

• worries about managing the use of the internet in class.

Anything surprising there?

Start Monday!


Credits•Images from Daphne Selbert, Stephen Abram, and Google Images•Internet Usage statistics (slides 6,7) http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm•Information r/evolution from Youtube (slide 9) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4CV05HyAbM •Statistics (slides 10,11,12) from Stephen Abram Powerpoint presentations available http://stephenslighthouse.sirsidynix.com/ •Did you know 2.0 from Youtube (slides 23,24) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMcfrLYDm2U •6 & 7 Year olds and BLOGS! From TeacherTube (slide 27) http://www.teachertube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=601b9f31bf04019c8593 •Statistics re Library of Congress (Slide 14) from Godwin, P. (2008) Information Literacy meets Library 2.0•Quote from Abrams (slide 40) Abrams, S. (2006) 43 Things I might want to do this year. Retrieved February, 2008 from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FWE/is_2_10/ai_n16133338•BECTA statistics from the UK 2007/08 studies (slide 23) http://news.becta.org.uk/display.cfm?resID=38417 •BECTA statistics from the UK 2007/08 studies (slides 30, 31, 32) from http://schools.becta.org.uk/index.php?section=tl&catcode=ss_tl_dig_02&rid=15903