Learning to Dive: A Social Story

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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A Social Story

I love to go Swimming with my friends.

My favorite part of swimming is diving into the pool like a rocket.

I always make sure my toes are at the edge of the pool before I dive.

We always practice our diving in the deep end of the pool.

I never dive into the shallow end because it’s dangerous.

When I dive, I put my hands together and raise them high above my head like an arrow.

I always check to see if my friends aren't in the way before I dive into the pool.

When I Dive, I lean forward, bend my knees, and push off the edge of the pool.

I never EVER dive into the pool, unless the lifeguard is watching me.

Everyone is happy when the lifeguard is there because we can all practice our diving.

Learning to dive made me a much better swimmer.

Swimming makes me happy !

I am always tired after swimming practice.