Lec 2- Chapter 11

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  • 8/4/2019 Lec 2- Chapter 11


    Chapter 11

    Cardiovascular Disease,Diabetes, and Cancer:Reducing Your Risks

    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada

  • 8/4/2019 Lec 2- Chapter 11


    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-2

    Cardiovascular Diseases

    Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

    Leading cause of death in Canada

    3rd leading cause of premature death under

    age 75

    Death rates from CVD are declining:

    Medical advances

    Educational programs

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    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-3

    Types of Cardiovascular Diseases


    Narrowing or hardening of arteries


    Fatty substances in lining of artery

    Plaque may block blood flow

    Affected by Fluctuations in blood pressure

    Cholesterol and triglycerides

    Cigarette smoking

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    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-4

    Types of Cardiovascular Diseases

    Coronary Heart Disease Myocardial infarction (MI)

    Coronary thrombosis

    Collateral circulation

    Congenital Heart Disease:1 in 125


    Angina Pectoris


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    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-5


    Figure 12.2: CommonBlood Vessel Disorders.


    supply tobrain is


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    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-6

    Types of Cardiovascular Diseases


    Essential hypertension (most common)

    Secondary hypertension


    Irregularity in heartbeat (fast, slow)

    Can be triggered by caffeine, nicotine

    Congestive Heart Failure

    Heart muscle is damaged or overworked

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    Controlling Your Risks forCardiovascular Diseases

    Risks You Can Control (fig 12-3 in text)

    Cigarette Smoking

    Exercise Dietary Intake and Obesity (Type 2 Diabetes)

    Certain drug therapy (ERT, ASA)

    Risks You Cannot Control

    Heredity, Sex, Age, Race

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    Women and Cardiovascular Disease

    Symptoms in Postmenopausal Women

    First sign is usually uncomplicated anginapectoris (chest discomfort rather than pain)

    Women decline major procedures more oftenthan men (social stigma, gender bias)

    Symptoms more vague than in men

    Pain in neck, jaw, or arms Heaviness in shoulders, back, pit of stomach

    Feeling out of breath, tired, sweating, nausea

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    New Weapons Against Heart Disease

    Angioplasty versus Bypass Surgery Bypass has longer recovery time

    Angioplasty may not last long

    Low-dose aspirin may be beneficial


    Injection that dissolves clot

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    Diabetes: Incidence and Mortality

    Characterized by high levels of blood sugar

    Rates almost doubled between 1996/97 and 2005;estimated that 4.9% of Canadians have diabetes

    Type 1: autoimmune disease that destroys the cells

    that make insulin Type 2: insulin production is deficient or the body isunable to utilize all the available insulin

    90-95% of all diabetes cases

    linked to obesity and physical inactivity

    Gestational: develops during pregnancy but maypredispose to later type 2 diabetes

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    Diabetes: Incidence and Mortality

    Understanding Risk Factors



    Mothers of babies weighing more than 4 kg

    African Canadians, First Nations, and Inuuit

    Controlling Diabetes Insulin drugs

    Lifestyle changes: weight, diet, physical activity

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    12/25Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-12

    Diabetes: Incidence and Mortality

    Complications Associated with Diabetes:


    Eye disease and blindness

    Kidney disease


    Pregnancy complications

    Flu- and pneumonia-related deaths

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    Cancer Incidence and Mortality


    >150,000 new cases in Canada diagnosed

    >70,000 deaths

    Mortality declining for males & women under age 70

    Types of Cancer malignant, benign

    Classifications of Cancer





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    Cancer Incidence and Mortality

    What Causes Cancer? External factors

    Environmental - carcinogens

    Internal Factors

    Spontaneous errors during cell

    reproduction (oncogenes andprotooncogenes)

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    Cancer Incidence and Mortality

    Biological Factors

    Occupational and Environmental Factors

    Asbestos, nickel, arsenic, etc

    Radioactive substances, ionizing radiation

    Social and Psychological Factors

    Stress, negative emotions

    Chemicals in Food

    Nitrates, pesticide & herbicide residues

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    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-16

    Cancer Incidence and Mortality


    Leading cause of preventable death in the


    In Canada - nearly 1 in 5 deaths annually


    More common among people overweight Risk increases as obesity increases

    High BMI and death rates for certain cancers

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  • 8/4/2019 Lec 2- Chapter 11


  • 8/4/2019 Lec 2- Chapter 11


    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-19

    Types of Cancer

    Breast Cancer: risk increases with age


    recognition of early symptoms

    physical activity

    regular self examination & mammography


    many options: lumpectomy, mastectomy,radiation, chemotherapy

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    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-20

    Figure 11.5: Selected Surgical Procedures for Diagnosed Breast Cancer

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    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-21

    Types of Cancer

    Prostate Cancer

    Most common cancer in males today

    Estimated 20,7000 Canadian men werediagnosed in 2006 (~4,200 deaths)

    Colon and Rectum Cancer 40+ with family history are at increased risk

    Warning signals, e.g. blood in the stool, rectalbleeding, etc.

    Testicular Cancer

    Ages 17-34 at greatest risk

    Cause unknown

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    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-22

    Types of Cancer

    Figure 11.6: Testicular Self-Exam

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    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-23

    Types of Cancer

    Skin Cancer

    Common: basal or squamous cell skincancers

    Virulent: malignant melanoma

    ABCD Rule about melanoma

    Oral Cancer

    Lips, cheeks, gums, floor of mouth, tongue,tonsils

    Tobacco - smoking, chewing, or dipping

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    Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Canada 12-24

    Types of Cancer

    Ovarian Cancer

    Enlargement of abdomen, common sign

    Prevention: annual pelvic exams

    Endometrial (Uterine) Cancer Pap test for early detection of cervical


    Warning: abnormal bleeding

    HBV, HCV, and Liver Cancer

    chronic, inflammation of liver

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    C i h 2008 P Ed i C d 12 25

    Cancers Seven Warning Signs

    1. Change in bowel or bladder habits

    2. A sore that does not heal

    3. Unusual bleeding

    4. Thickening or lump (breast or other bodypart)

    5. Indigestion or difficulty swallowing

    6. Distinct change in wart or mole7. Nagging cough (hoarseness)