Left wing ideologies in the 19th century

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Working-class political movementsCauses, first political movements and scientific ideologies

1. Causes1. Big differences between the bourgeoisie and the

proletariat.2. Terrible working conditions:● Accidents with machinery● Exhausting working days (14-16 hours)● Employers could dismiss workers freely● No right to strike● No social insurance or benefits in case of illness or


2. The Factory ActsWere laws passed in Great Britain to regulate child labour.

1. No children under 9 could work in a factory2. Between 9-13 years could only work up to 9

hours a day.3. 2 hours of schooling a day 4. Not work at night

3. The origins of the working-class politics1. The Luddites emerged in 1811. They used to destroy the machinery.

They thought that their horrible situation was provoked by that machinery.

2. Trade Unions, appeared in the 1830’s. They were organized by labour: miner trade union, textile trade union, etc. They support their members.

3. Chartist movement. 1838. Demanded political changes (universal manhood suffrage). They ask for changes to the bourgeois parties.

They all failed

The Luddites

View of the Great Chartist Meeting on Kennington Common, 1848

4. Left-wing ideologiesMarxism

Developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.Ideology based on:

1. Class struggle: the oppressed proletariat must organise itself and fight the capitalist oppressor.

2. The dictatorship of the proletariat: a temporary period in which the proletariat redistribute wealth in an equally way.

3. Communism: the perfect society where everyone is equal.


Developed by Mikhail BakuninBased on:

1. Individual freedom: fight against any authority (state, Church)

2. Communes: Small groups where people share everything together

3. Direct action: the revolution must be individual, with direct actions and not controlled by any political party. This led to terrorism.

6. The First International● 1864-1876

● This meeting brought together workers’ organisations from various countries.

● Objective: promote collective action by workers all over the world.

● It failed because of the differences between Marxists and Anarchists.