Legislatureasked helpCUC - University of Hawaiʻi

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Legislature asked to help CUC


By Rafael H. Arroyo

ACTINGGovernorBenjaminT.Manglona yesterday said hewouldurgebothhousesofLegis­lature to pass a measurethat willhelp Commonwealth UtilitiesCorporation pay its $4.8 milliondebt to Shell Marianas.

He madethestatement after anall-morning meetingwith top of­ficials of the government.

"It appears everybodyis look­ing at onedirection, that is, to tryto avoida crisis.So byallmeans,let's do something and supporteachother," Manglona said in aninterview.

Manglonaisproposingpassageof a bill to authorize the directoroffmancetocommit$4.8millioninbehalfof CUCwhichwill thenbeoffsetagainstgovemmentfuelconsumption.

"I encourage theHouseand theSenate to meet before Wednes­day so we can have this legisla­tion in time for the Thursday

deadline. All we need here is apositive attitudeas timing is ex­tremelycritical," Manglonasaid.

AccordingtoManglona,assoonas the measurecan be approved,Shell officialscan be advised tocall their refmeries to includeCUC's fuel supply in the nextshipment that leaves Singaporeon Thursday.

The proposal is similar to thepreviousbailoutmeasuresenactedduring the Sixth and SeventhLegislatures, Public Laws 6-14and 7-28, which provided CUCmoneyfor itsfuelpurchases. Theadvances were charged againstthe government's usage of utili­ties.

Present during yesterday'smeeting were House SpeakerThomas P. Villagomez, SenatePresidentJuanS.Demapan, CUCExecutive Director Ramon S.Guerrero, CUC Chairman JoseM. Taitano, acting Finance Di­rectorDavidIgitol, actingspecial

continued on page 3

,.MEMBERS of the Afro-American communityin Saipan led by (fromleft) attorneyJoe Hill,public infonnationofficerJohnJoynerandbusinessmanKhalidIslamasktheLegislature todesignate thethirdMondayofJanuaryas Dr. Martin LutherKing Day in the Commonwealth.


~ I

Martin Luther KingDay in CNMI urged


Retirement Fundapproves CPA loan

By Nick Legaspi

THE RETIREMENT Fund hasapproveda$15 millionloantotheCommonwealth Ports Authority(CPA)tohelpfinance theSaipanharbor improvement project,Tomas Aldan, fund administra­tor, said yesterday.

On the other hand, the fund'sboard of directors rejected agovernment request to help bailout Commonwealth UtilitiesCorp. (CUC) through a repro­gramming of $2.3 millionappro­priationfor the fund.

In an interview, Aldan said Tomas AldanCPA's loanrequestwasapproved The CPA loan will carry anby the fund's board of directors annual interestof7.5 percentandon Jan. 7. The board also asked a maturity of 15 years, with athe attorneygeneralandthefund 's provisionfor balloonpaymentbylegal counsel for an opinion on thefifth year.TIiis means that inwhether thefund is authorized to the fifth year CPA may pay theextend such loan under existing balance of the loan with thepro-laws. ceedsof a CPA bondfloat.

Aldansaid the fund wouldnot CPA needs to establish a five-beabletograntthe loanif it isnot yearrevenuehistoryfortheSaipanauthorized underexistinglaws.If seaport upon completion of thethat is the case, he said the fund improvement and expansionwould request the Legislature to projectto supporttheflotationofamendlawsto enablethe fund to bonds, which tan provide low-go on with the loan. interestmoney to the authority.

Atpresent, Aldansaidthefund Aldan said the proposed loanlends only to its members. He would be securedby CPA's realsaid the loan to CPA would be estateproperty in the seaport.signedassoonasthefund received During the same interviewafavorable opinionfromits legal Aldansaidthefund 'sboardturnedcounselandthe attorney general. downa requestby actingGover-

"I hope we can sign it before .nor Benjamin T. Manglona toJan. 29," he said. continued on page 7

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Touristchokesto death

A JAPANESE tourist choked todeath while diningwith his wifein a restaurant at Dai-ichi HotelSunday,policesaid yesterday.

KoichiIguchi,63,washavingadinnerof tenderloin steak,sirloinsteakandsquid. Hewasrushedatabout7:30 p.m. to the Common­wealth Health Center but effortsto save his life failed.

He diedfrom acuteairway ob­struction, policesaid.Achunkoffood was found blocking an airpassage.

Meanwhile, awomangavebirthto a stillbornbabyinsidea housenearTenCommandmentsChapelin Dandanat 8:34a.m.Saturday.

In anotherdevelopment, PoliceChief Antonio A. Reyes said thepolice ambulance responded to28 calls for medical evacuation,transportation of injuredpersons,transportation of sick persons toor from the hospital and otherneedsbetweenFridayandyester­day morning.

Also the previous week, 20people received three-yeardriver's licenses. Thirteenotherpeopleappliedforperrnits tocarryguns. (GLD)

A GROUP of concerned Citizensyesterday urgedtheLegislature toreinstate the third Monday ofJanuary as Martin Luther KingDay,in theNorthern Marianas, inhonor of the famed civil rightsactivist.

Members of Saipan's Afro­American community led by At­torneyJoe Hill,andpublic infor­mation officer John Joynertrooped to the House of Repre­sentatives to lobbyfor a pendinglegislation that would makeMartin Luther King Day a legal

Commonwealth holiday again.Theday usedtobea legalholi­

day here as in other USjurisdic­tions until the Sixth Legislatureenacted a law thatprovided oth­erwise.

Thebid to reinstate thedayasaholiday was revived by Rep.Francisco A. Flores throughHouse Bill 8-50, a measure stillpendingbefore thelowerhouse.

"Wefeel thesignificanceofDr.King's principles andhow appli­cable they are to the CNMI, es­

continued on page 7

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C\)ntlnued from page1

at the Nauru Building will be onJan. 29.

Theofficemaybe contacted atthe' old telephone numbers andadditional numbers will be an­nounced for yourconvenience.

Baker is the author of severalaward-winning children'sbooks:"TheDove'sLetter,""TheMagicFan," "Who is the Beast?" and"Hide and Snake," all publishedby Harcourt Brace Jovanovichwhichwillbeavailable for saleattheevents.

Parentsareinvitedto bringtheirchildren to the free storytellingsessions at tl1e college thisThursday.

For more intormation contactthe Adult and Continuing Edu­cationUnit at 234-3690.

Manglonathatwhatever planbe referredtohis office. "I cannot promiseanything, but the leadership willseriously consider any logicalproposal," he said.

Villagomez on Friday de­manded the immediate removalofRayGuerreroasaconditionfortheHouse'shelpin identificationandappropriationoffundstopayoffCUC'sobligations.

Hesaidin a letterto ManglonathatCUC'sfinancial problemliesin the"inability of the executivedirector toexercise prudentfiscalmanagement of financial re­sources."

During yesterday's meeting,Manglona said the decision toremove was basically one thatonly theCUC boardcouldmake.

According to Manglona, CUCis an autonomous corporationestablished by law, which isgoverned by a board on policymatters, regulations and fiscalcontrol.

"It is theboardwhoappoints itsofficers and it is also the boardwho can get rid of anyone," hesaid.

"The governor does not havefullcontroloverboarddecisions.1 only came in because of oneinterest, that is, we need to avertany crisis that may result out ofthe issue,"Manglona added.

• •

IMMIGRAnON service willmove to its new office at thebuilding adjacent to the SaipanInternational' Airport and willconduct official business begin­ningFeb.1 at7:30arn, Lastday

NOTED children'sauthor KeithBaker will present slide showsand tell stories for children thisThursday at the NorthernMarianasCollegestudentlounge.

Bakerwill holdahalfhourslideshow andstorytelling sessionforchildreninkindergartentosecondgrade at 9 am. and a longerses­sion for children in third gradeandup at 1:30 pm. A special 4p.m.sessionwillbeheldforNMCstudents and at 7 pm. therewillbeanopensessionforthegeneralpublic.

Immigration moves

assistant forplanning andbudgetFrankRosario,Marianas VisitorsBureau Managing DirectorBennet Seman and other CUCofficials.

CUCfaces thepossibility of itsfuel-supply being shut off by itssupplier,ShellMarianas" aftertheutilities firm failed to live up tothe terms of anearliermemoran­dumof agreement with Shell.

The agreement outlines a pay­mentschedule thatwassupposedto enable CllC to wipeout some$3.1 million in fuel purchase ar­rearsandpayoff currentfuelde-liveries. ..

Shellissueda noticeof defaultandwarnedofterminatingitsfuelsupply contract withCUCunlesssomething concrete isdoneaboutthe collectibles, which now hasrun up to $4.8million.

Whenthathappens, leadersfeara majordisruption of utility ser­vicesasthelossof powerservicewilllikewisehaltwaterandsewerservices.

Meanwhile, Villagomez waslukewarmtotheproposedbailoutscheme for CUC,saying"what­ever helpis just giving themthechance to misuse funds."

.He said he and the Houseleadership isstanding patontheirearlier position that the Housewill help CUC's bailout effortson condition that Guerrero is re­moved fromcue.

"Theproposedschemewill helpsolve theproblemmomentarily,but in the long run the problemstill remains because the moralobligation of wisely managingfinances isnotthere,"Villagomezsaidinatelephoneinterview."Wearejust trying to protecttaxpay­ers' money."

The speaker, however, did notcompletely shut the door onManglona's proposed bailoutlegislation for CUC as he asked

NMC sponsorsstory-telling

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I,~ !,I







that the government will not al­low any upheavals within PALthatwillresult in the downgrad­ingoftheflagcarrierandcreatingsuch a negative response on thepartof local andforeign observ­ers that would negate or reducethe attractiveness of the Philip­pines."

The government retained a 33percent interest Upgrading Phil­ippine Airlines is thecornerstone

Contln,uoo on page5

the Senate not to honorTorres'request for drafting of bills andresolutions.

"Senator Manglona, you alsopleadedsoeloquently tosetasidedifferences andstartworking to­gether," Torres said. "Afterwhat'youjust did to me, do you hon­estly know what you were say­ing?"

"SenatorManglona, does giv­ing yourself a $400,000 budgetversus $69.000 for Senator JuanTorres ring abellofgross dispar­ity?You'equatedmewithaHouseof Representatives minoritymember whoonlyrepresents onefourthofSaipanwithmorepeoplethan Rota put together with yourightfully represent." (NL)

But theholding company keptsecret tqe fact that LucioTan, aformer lilly of the late PresidentFerdinand Marcos, wasinvolvedwith it. Tan owns 27 percent ofthe airline's total stock and hasreportedly launched a bid to oustCojuangco because of businessdifferences.

"The internal tug of war isstrictly their internal corporatebusiness," Ramos told reporters."I made it clear to both sides ...

build thecastle?" Torresasked.Torres, in his memorandum,

alsomadethe following claims:* Manglona negotiated with

representatives of NICO Corp. toleasepubliclandinRotaadjacentto Manglona's property. Torresalso accused Manglona of con­spiring with the legal drafter oftheenablingresolution toincludephrases to allow the mayor to bethe custodian of millions of dol­lars in cash contribution by thedeveloper.

*Manglona worked for Torresousterandreplacement from thechairmanship of the Committeeon Resources andDevelopment.

* There is a standing instruc­tion by the "ruling majority" in


Ram.os neutral on battle over PALMANILA (AP). PresidentFidelRamos declared his neutralityMonday in a' takeover battlewithin Philippine Airlines butwarned bothsidesagainst moveswhich would threaten the flagcarrier'sviability.

Lastyear,thegovernment solda67 percent interest in theairlineto a holding company headed byAntonio Coiuangco, a cousin offormer President CorazonAquino.

his two terms at the SenateManglona "squandered the poortaxpayers' cars on a totalof fourexpensivecars"foryourpersonalandpartofficial use togotonudegirlie bars."

In contrast, Torressaidduringhis nine years in the Legislaturehe usedhis owncar, whether forofficial business or not.

"According to the records atfinance, SenatorManglona,wouldyou tell the poor taxpayers howyouconvincingly manipulated todivert publicfunds fromtheRotahospitalandschoolbudgettobuilda castlefor the mayor who hap­pened to be your father and hisfamily? DidI hearyousay,sena-,tor, about$700,000 wasspent to

contractors, hotels, garment fac­tories, other manufacturers andindustrial companies, etc. andgovernment agencies which in­terested in learning aboutOSHArequirements regarding safety andhealthof workers and the work­ingenvironment.

Bothseminars will be held onJan. 28at theConvention Center,Capitol Hill,Saipan. Thereisnofee for eitherseminar.

Registration form may bepickedup at the Department ofCommerce andLaboron Saipanor its counterpart officesonRotaandTinian.


Manglona, perhaps you can tellthe public about the R & R tripyouofficially took withtheSen­ate legalcounselPamelaBrownto Singapore, Taiwan andHongKong," he said. "Tell the publichow you were wined and dinedbyOCK andforwhatreasonwerethey entertaining you... could itbe for your official influence insecuring a public works projecton Rotafor them?"

La:ll yCl1or, Torree. caidManglonatraveledtotheUSWestCoast last year to attend a one­day Chamorro Fiesta with two­weeks ofperdiempayandmadea short diversion to visit a sickrelative.

Torres alsoclaimedthatduring


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THE DEPARTMENT of Com­merce and Labor and theOCcupational Safety and HealthAdministrationoftheUSDepart­mentofLaborareco-sponsoringtwo seminars on "OccupationalSafety andHealthAct".

The first seminar is scheduledfrom 8 a.m. to noon for all em­ployees or their respectivedepartment supervisors or repre­sentatives.

The second seminar is sched­uledforthesamedayfrom1p.m.to 5 p.m. for all employers ofbusiness establishments, espe­cially construction companies,

Torres dares Manglona on trips2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWSAND VIEWS-TUESDAY-JANUARY 19.1993

Sem.inar on OSHA set

SENATOR Juan S. Torres yes­terdaydumpedabundleofchargesagainst Sen. Paul A. Manglona,calling thelattera"schizophrenicliar" and a "true carboncopy ofpapaFidel Castro."

The dispute started early thismonth whenTorres,asa memberof theCommitteeonPublicUtili­ties, Transportation andCommu­nication, told Manglona, com­mittee chairman, that he could

. notgoto Rotaforthepublichear­ing on the suspension of Conti­nentalflights to the island.

InamemorandumtoManglona,Torres revealed that he turneddown an offerby Manglona andthe other senators from TinianandRota to be the next Senatepresident after the ousterof Sen.Joseph S. Inos because of "yourvindictive andoftentimes viciousattitude whichmy callous'stom­achcannot take."

Torres said he was requestingthe committees of both houseshaving jurisdiction on govern­mental operations and investiga­tions to investigate the allegedwrongdoings he cited in hismemorandum.

Manglona earlier criticizedTorres for refusing to go to Rotafor the public hearing. "I fmd itdisturbing that you would haveenough money to travel to thePhilippines on official businessand golf but not even $100 totravel to Rota to address its le­gitimate needs."

In yestp:rnay's memorandum,Torres challenged Manglona tobaretheirrespectiveofficial travelrecords. "My publicrecords canspeakfor itselfand1amproudtosay that never have 1 used tax­payers' funds to places like thePhilippines," Torres said.

" As a matterof fact, Senator





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Thevictimmanaged latertoruntowards hercarbutDunlop alleg­edlydragged herbackand threat­ened to cause further harm if thewoman did anything against thewishes ofDunlop. ..

Dunlop remained in jail yester­daymorning becauseofhis failureto posttheSlO,exx> bail.

The suspect was brought tocourtyesterdaymomingbutJudgeMiguel Demapan movedthebailhearing to 4 p.m. yesterday be­cause, according to Dunlop, hewas locked up in jail the entireweekend andhad beenunable tofmdaprivate lawyerto representhim.

The public defender couldnotrepresentDunlop becauseofcon­flictof interest. Oneof theattor­neys in the Public Defender'sOffice is representing a son ofStaffler inanotherunrelatedcase.

Dunlop was arrested at 6:15p.m, Friday in an apartment atMiller's Estates in Capitol Hill.

VanDyne asked the court torestrainDunlopfromgettingnearStafflerand order the suspect tosurrender his passportafterpost­ingbail. (GLD)

• •Ramos.continued from page 2ofthegovernment'splantobuildup the tourism industry and im­prove the country'seconomy.

Business sources saytheman­agement battle between Tan, abeerandcigarette magnate,andCojuangco haspromptedmajorcreditor banks into holding offon disbursing loans for thecarrier'sexpansion program.

The sources, speaking onconditionofanonymity,saidT~

objectedtosomeofCojuangco'sexpansion plans and launchedthetakeover battleto protecthissubstantial interest.

In a related development,BusinessWorld newspaperMondayquotedAirbusIndustrieas saying the delivery of sixAirbus A340-200 aircraftwouldproceed on schedule despite thetakeover bid

"As far as Airbus Industrieisconcemed, firmordershavebeenmade by PAL," the newspaperquoted Airbus spokesman SeanLeeas saying.

LastSeptember,PALorderedsix A340-200s and took an op­tiononfour others at a cost of $1.06 billion.

Licensingboard setsmeetingTHE BOARD of ProfessionalLicensing will hold its boardmeeting onJan.26,Tuesday,at9a.m. The meeting will be held attheBoardofProfessional Licens­ing office located at the IslandCommercialCenterbuilding,2ndfloor, GualoRai.

Restaurant ownerarrested for assaultONEOFtheowners ofLa PergolaRestaurant in lower Capitol Hillspent his timelastweekend injailafterhewasarrested foran aggra­vatedassaultandbatterycomplaint

A bailhearing wasset at4 p.m.yesterdayforthetemporaryrelease.ofDavidDunlopwhowasaccusedofpunchingMonicaStafflerseveraltimes Wednesday night

AssistantAttomeyGeneralJulieVanDyne filed the complaintagainst Dunlop Friday.

The victim,according to thein­formation filed with the court byVan Dyne, suffered bruises andcontusions on her face, neck andhead.

Stafflerwasevacuated toGuamFriday afternoon forfurther medi­cal tests,including a CAT-scan.

Pictures oftheinjuries were alsoshown to the government pros-ecutor. .

VanDynegatheredfromStafilerthatonWednesday night, Dunlophad an argument with the victimwhile the two were mabaging LaPergola.

Staff1ertriedtoleavebutDunlopallegedlygrabbedandpunched thewoman several times.

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JANUARY 20, 1993




THEPUBUC SclioolSystemhasinvited heads of six governmentagencies to attend or send a rep­resentative during pre-biddingconferencesof PSS constructionprojects.

PSSCommissioner WilliamS.Torressaidinalettertotheagencyheads that they would serve asconferees durin~ pre-bid discus­sions about classroomand otherrelated constructionprojects.

"Your participation in the pre­bid conference will enable thePSS to more explicitly informpotential bidders of the historicpreservation, coastal resourcemanagement, environmental

6 agencies invitedto conferencesfor school projects

quality, storm drainage, utilityrequirements, fish and wild lifepreservation requirements, andotherpre-constructionclearancesthat are requiredfor theproject,"Torres said.

Torres said the agency headswillbe informedat leastaweekinadvanceof any pre-biddingcon­ference so the schedule can beaccommodated.

Invitations to attend the pre­bidding conferenceswere sent toCoastal Resources ManagementAdministrator Joaquin P.Villagomez,HistoricPreservatiooOfficer Michael A. Fleming,Zoning Board Administrator.

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Earthquake...Continuedfrom page1forewarn aboutupcoming earth­quakes.

"Earthquakescanneverbe pre­dicted.Eventhosecountrieswiththe most modern earth sciencetechnologycould not accuratelytell when an earthquake is to beexpected," Chongsaid.

Tremors on any of the islandsof the Commonwealth are re­corded by the United StatesGeologicalSurveyseismicfacil­ity located in Dededo, Guam.Preliminary data on quakes arebeing sent to the NationalEarth­quake Centerin Colorado,whichissues out an official confirma­tionof theearthquakeparticulars.

Tsunamis, giant waves result­ing from strong earthquakes, aremonitoredby theTsunamiWam­ing Center in Oahu, Hawaii,whose alert warning is sent in­stantaneously to the EOC, in

, Saipan. (RHA)

Retirement.•.Continuedfrom page1

authorize him to requesting theLegislature to reappropriate the$2.3 milliondue the fund for fis­cal year 1992under PublicLaw8-2.

The moneywillbe used topaypart of the $4.8 millien owed byCUC to Shell Marianas for fuelpurchases.

Manglona, according to Aldan,promised to pay back the fund in60 to 90 days.

Aldancitedtworeasonsfor theboard's decision,as follows:

... The board was not sure onwhethertheproposedloanwouldbe to CUC or the government;and

* The board felt that the fundwas not a bank and that the re­quest couldstart a bad precedent(NL)

Continuedfrom page6

Clinton has the benefit of all thedetails,"Fitzwatersaid.

Clintonhas beenfully support­ive of the Bush administration'shandlingof thelatestIraqiprovo­cations, including last week'sstrikeonIraqi anti-aircraft instal­lations.

And,hetoldreporterslastweekinLittleRock,Ark. thathe wouldnot rule out using force againstSaddam, nor would he considernormalizing relations with IraqwhileSaddamremains as ruler.


Marlin...Continuedfrom page1peciallyduringthesetimeswhenthe Commonwealth's commit­mentto civilrightsandequalityisbeingquestioned,"saidHill whenasked by reporters.

MartinLuther KingJr. becamefamous for his quest to right theinjustices imposed upon racialminorities of the United Statesduring the 19608.

His emphasis on non-violentprotest and civil disobedience inthe cause of equal justice andopportunity eventually led to thepassageof theCivilRightsActof1964 and the Voting Rights Actof 1965.

He continued to fight racialdiscrimination and pushed forequal economic opportunities tothe rich and thepoor until he wasassassinated in 1968at the age of41.

"We feel that rededication ofthe holiday is very timely andappropriate to alsohonor the lateDr. Michael Kenney, a knownadvocateofcivilandhumanrightsfor all people," Hill said.

Kenney,whowasthe lieutenantgovernor's chiefsocio-economicplanner passed away last weekafterwhatisbelievedtobe aheartattack. He was also viewed as a

. strong supporter to the idea ofreinstitutingMartinLuther KingDayasaCommonwealthholiday.

"We are here to ask the Legis­lature to considerre-establishingthe holiday, as we recognize ourlawmakers have already beensettingitssightsforahumanrightscommission," Hill said.

Joyner concurred with Hill'sstatements, saying the CNMILegislature has been showinginterest with the issue of humanrig h t s"Ibeinterestisthere,"saidJoyner,referring to House Bill 8-193,whichwasrecentlymtroducedbythe House upon the request ofGovernor Lorenzo I. Guerrero.The governor, in a recent letter,urged an end to any form of dis­criminationand the promotionofequalopportunityforeveryoneintheCommonwealtb,regardlessofrace,color,creed,nationality,ageorreIigionlt was in thisspirit thatthe groupcalledfor the retentionof the holiday in the roster ofCommonwealth holidays.

ReflexologistEarlWarren.whowasalsopart of thegroup, said itis only appropriate to set aside aday to recognizeacommitmenttohumanrightsinorder to preservehuman dignity. (RHA)





inspectors in June 1991 and sub­sequently. He said it was "abso­lutely out of action."

However, a senior Pentagonofficial insisted that the site was"key" to the Iraqi nuclear weap­onsprogram.Notallthebuildingsat the siteweretargeted,he added.Hedescribeditasa"multi-bil1i&dollar facility," that used high­tech computers to manufacturecomponentsused in the uraniumenrichment process for nuclearweapons.

"Our intent here was to do se­rious damage to the facility.... Itis of high value to the Iraqi mili­tary," he said.

Queried about damage to theAlRasheed hotelin Baghdad,theofficialsaidUSmilitary planners"absolutely"had not targetedthehotel. Although the official saidthedamageappearedtohavecomefrom missilesin theIraqiarsenal,he said he could not totally ruleout that some damage may havebeen causedby US weaponry.

Fitzwater said the US attackswere intendedto deliver"the po­litical and diplomaticpoint" thatIraq must comply with UN reso-

Continuedon page12

rtionand theUnitedNationscoati­tionthatdefeatedIraq in the 1991GulfWar.

The attackput.Saddamon no­tice that the United States waswillingto hit him close to home.LikelastWednesday'shostilities,it wasa limitedactionunlikely toexposeUS forces to much risk.

Baghdadwaslitby brightblastsof anti-aircraft fire from Iraqigunners. It was not immediatelyknown whether the attack wassuccessful. "We don't have adamageassessmentat thispoint,"said White Houses spokesmanMarlinFitzwater.

The operationdid not involveany allied warplanes, and lastedabouttwo hours.

Thenuclear-weaponssiteinthesuburb of Zaafraniyeh, a scanteightmiles(13laos) from down­townBaghdad, wasattackedwithmissilesfired from US warshipsin thePersianGulf and Red Sea.Each missile was armed with a984-pound (447-ldlogram) non­nuclearwarhead.

The planthas been dormant,according toIntemationalAtomicEnergyAgencyspokesmanDavidKyd, who said it was visited by


US attacks Iraqinuclear facility

By Susanne M.Schafer

WASIDNGTON (AP) • TheUnited States on Sunday un­leashed a punishing shower ofTomahawk cruise missilesagainstanuclearfabricatingplantjust eight miles (13 kilometers)from downtown Baghdad.

The attackforcefully delivered"the political and diplomaticpoint"thatIraqmustcomplywithUnitedNations resolutions.

In a remarkable crescendoforPresident Bush's final weekendin office, USforcesshot down aMiG-23 warplane and struck anIraqi air defense installationbe­forewarships launchedmorethan30 Tomahawks into the nightskiesnear Iraq's capital.

Defense Secretary DickGheneysaidIraqileaderSaddamHussein"is determined to createaconfrontationintheclosingdaysof the Bushadministration," andemphasizedthatBushwouldnotflinch.

President Bush was at CampDavidfor theweekend and madeno statement. CheneyreferredtoSaddamasa"patheticfigure"fortestingtheUSpresidential transi-


BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) • IraqiPresident Saddam Hussein'pre­dicted Sunday that his forceswoulddefeattheUS-ledWesternalliance and railed againstKuwait's rulingfamily.

His remarks came in a nation­allytelevisedaddressmarkingtheanniversaryof theJan. 17, 1991,start of theGulfWar.

The six-week warendedIraq'sseven-month occupation ofneighboring Kuwait, an oil-richemirate it invaded in a disputeover oil, moneyand territory.

Saddam has proclaimed a"moral victory" in the 1991con­flict, andhe forecast a victory inthe currentconfrontation.

"The faithful Iraqi army willnot bedefeated, andBagdadandits sister Iraqi cities from Zakhoto the south will all be castles offreedom," Saddampromised.

He added: "This is the newchapter in the 'mother of allbattles.' ...Iftheenemycontinuesitsmilitary aggression, or evenifit stops,itis the[malanddecisivechapter which willbe the end ofall chapters."

His remarksappeared aimedatshowing strength to an increas­ingly restivepopulation.

Iraq's economy has been shat­tered by the UN embargoon oilsales imposed after the Iraqi in-

Continued on page12


Federal Funds:

Saipan Multipurpose Community CenterConsnuction ofa Multipurpose Public FacilitySusupe, Saipan, District No.5, Commonwealthof theNorthern Mariana IslandsFederal Community Development BlockGrantwill finance approximately $866,000 or 88per-centof the estimated total project cost

Ithas beendeterminedthatsuchrequestforthereleaseoffundswillnotconstitute anactionsignificantlyaffectingthequantityofthehumanenvironment and, accordingly, the above-named jurisdiction has de­cided not to prepare ail Environmental Impact Statement. under theNational Environmental PolicyAct of 1969 (PL 91-190).

DateofPublication: January 19,1993



vn or aboutFebruary 4, 1993,theGovernment of theCommon­wealth of theNorthern Mariana Islands will request theU.S.Depart­mentof Housing andUrban Development (BUD) to release Federalfunds under Title1 of theHousing andCommunity Development Actof 1974(pL93-383) forthe following project:

1/19 (3140) .

Objections to the release of funds on any basis otherthan thosesta1edabovewillnotbeconsideredbyHUD.NoobjectionreceivedafterFebruary 23,1993, will beconsidered by HUD

Governmentof the Commonwealthof the Northern MarianaIslandsOffice of the GovernorSaipan. MP 96950 Tel:(670) 322-5091


Thereasons forsuch decision nottoprepare suchStatementare asfollows: (a)thescaleoftheproposedprojectisnotconsidered a majorFederal action that would require an assessment in accordance withNEPA.and(b)theactivity isconsistentwithallapplicable Federal andlocalenvironmental regulations.

An Environmental Review Record respecting the within projecthas beenmadeby theabove-named jurisdiction which documents theenvironmentalreviewoftheprojectandmorefully setsforth thereasonswhy such Statements is not required. This Environmental ReviewRecord is on file at the Mariana Islands Housing Authority CentralOffice inGarapan,Saipan, andisavailableforexaminationandcopyinguponrequestbetween thehours of7:30am. and4:30p.m. onweekdays.

Nofurther environmental review of suchprojectisproposed tobe_conducted priorto therequest forrelease of Federal funds.

All interested agencies, groups andpersons disagreeing withthisdecisionareinvitedtosubmitwrittencommentsforconsiderationbythegovernment of theCommonwealth of theNorthern Mariana Islands tothe Mariana Islands Housing Authority, P.O. Box 514, Saipan, MP96950. Such written comments should be received at the addressspecified in thepreceding sentence on orbefore February 3, 1993. Allsuchcomments so received will beconsidered andtheGovernment oftheCommonwealthoftheNorthernMarianaIslands willnotrequesttherelease ofFederal fundsortakeanyadministrative action onthewithinprojectpriorto thedate specified in thepreceding sentence.


lsiBENJAMIN T. MANGLONAActing Governor

TheGovernment of theCommonwealth of theNorthern MarianaIslands will undertake the projectdescribed above withBlock Grantfunds from HUD under Title1of theHousing andCommunity Devel­opment Act of 1974. The government of the Commonwealth of theNorthern Mariana Islands is certifying toHUDthatthegovernment ofthe Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the ActingGovernor, Benjamin T. Manglona, in his official capacity as ActingGovernor of the commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islandsconsent to accept thejurisdiction of theFederal Courts if an action isbrought toenforceresponsibilities inrelation to environmentalreviews,decision making andaction; and that these responsibilities have beensatisfied. Thelegaleffect of the certification is that upon itsapproval,the GovernmentoftheCommonwealth oftheNorthern MarianaIslandsmay use the Block Grant funds and HOD will have satisfied its .responsibilities under theNational Environmental Policy Actof 1969.BUD will accept an objection to its approval of the release andacceptance ofthecertification onlyifit isononeof thefollowing bases:(a)thatthecertification wasnotinfactexecuted bythecertifyingofficerorotherofficeroftheappIicantapprovedbyHUD,or(b)thatapplicant'sEnvironmental Review Record for the project indicates omission of arequired decision, finding or step applicable to the project in theenvironmental review process. Objections mustbe prepared andsub­mitted in accordance with therequiredprocedure (24CFRPart58)andmay be addressed to HUD at the Department of Housing andUrbanDevelopment, Honolulu AreaOffice, Seven WaterfrontPlaza, 500AlaMoana Boulevard, Honolulu, HI%813-4918.

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Gov't, sultansagree to endmonarchs'- -tyrmmumKUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia(AP) • Prime MinisterMahathirMohamad and the hereditarymonarchs of sixMalaysian slatesagreed Sunday on a modifiedgovernment proposal to end themonarchs' immunity from pros­ecution,

Aftertalkswiththesixsultans,Prime Minister MahathirMohamadtoldreporters thatbothsides agreed to somechanges tothe original government bill,whichwastobedebatedinParlia­ment startingMonday.

Mahathirgavenodetailsof thecompromises. Lastweek,he saidthe bill wouldamend the consti­tution to revoke the immunityfrom prosecution currently en­joyed by the monarchs.

Mahathirsaidtherulersof threeother states - Kelantan, Johoreand Kedah - did not attend themeeting. A formal decision onthecompromise agreementwouldhave to awaita fullconference ofall nine sultans on Monday, hesaid.

He said he was confident thethree otherswouldagree.

To revoketheirimmunity fromprosecution andmakesomeotherchanges, the sultans' consent isneededbeforeParliament'sdeci­sionon theissuecanbecomelaw.Mahathir'spartyhasamajorityinParliament,and someoppositionparties have pledged support tothe revocation of immunity.Mahathirsaid last weekthe gov­ernment could not have the sul­tans ortheirfamilies goingaroundbeating up people or not payingdebts.

The amendments also wouldallow police to go into the sul­tans' palaces to arrestroyal fam­ily members. They now do nothave this power, Mahathir hassaid.

The government for sometimehad beenunhappywithsome ac­tions by sultans, including as­saults, involvement. in business,obtaining timber land from thegovernmentat almostnocostandnot paying debts.

ThemattercametoaheadwhenSultan IskandarIsmail of JohoreState allegedly assaulted fieldhockeycoachDouglas GomezonNov.30 at theJohorepalaceafterGomez had criticized the with­drawal of his Sultan Abu BakarCollege hockey team from a na­tional meet a few days earlier bythe Johore State Education De­partment.

Last July, Iskandar's secondson, Tunku Majid, 22, allegedlyassaulteda hockeygoalkeeperina dressing room in Johore. Hesince has been suspended fromplaying hockeyfor five years.

In 1977,Iskandarwassentencedto six months in jail and fined6,000 ringgit ($2,400) for cul­pable homicide. His father, whowasthenthesultan,pardonedhim,andhedidnotpaythefirie orgotojail.

~a::I.:.~"''''';'lIIlIIll~~:~i_Clinton chastised for wardrobeWEST PALM BEACH,Fla. (AP) • Firstbrother-electRogerClintonwaschastisedforhiscasualwardrobeby afashion-conscious audiencemember at a localappearance.

"I'd like to knowwhyyou didn't dressproperly,"Betty Yaeger, 50o(PalmBeachsaidduring a question-and-answer session.

:Inresponse, Clinton, in townFridayto open thePalmBeachRoundTable speakers Series, stepped from behind the lectern to offer thecrowdof about300 'a chanceto critiquehis outfit.

He.wore a baggynavy bluejacket, white shirt,brown dress HushPuppiesshoes,a festiveUncleSam tie and bluejeans.

"I'm sorry,ma'am," Clintonsaid "lf I'd had time I'd have sewed.~ttle.rainbows onmy pockets like you've got on yours,but I thoughtjudgingpeopleby theirclotheswent out in the 1950sor '60s."

Ms. Yaegerdefendedher commentslater."Everything waswrinkledandhis hair wasunkempt He wasdirty,"

she said."He shouldn't embarrass his brotherthat way."

'SisterAct' wins 2 awardsPASADENA, Calif. (AP). WhoopiGoldberg's movie "Sister Act"tooktwoprizes at the25thNAACPImageAwards, whiletheTV soapopera, "The Young and the Restless," and the TV drama, "I'll FlyAway," each won three. The awards were given Saturday to thosepresenting positive imagesof blacks.Thisyear's submissions coveredmaterial releasedfrom the fall of 1991 throughthefall of 1992.• Michael Jackson performed and received the Silver AnniversaryEntertainer of theYearAward Theshowwillbe broadcastonJan.23.

Goldberg wasnamedbestmovieactressfor"SisterAct,"whichalsowoo as outstanding motion picture. Denzel Washington was namedbestmovieactorfor "MississippiMasala."

"Martin" was honored as outstandingcomedyTV series. CharlesDuttonof"Roc" wasnamedbest actorin a comedyTV series.JasmineGuyof "A Different World" won as best comedyTV actress.

'1'11 Fly Away"won as best TV drama series."I'll Fly Away"castmembers DorianHarewood and ReginaTaylor won actinghonors.

"The Youngand the Restless" was voted best daytime dramaandcaptured acting awards for KristoffSt, John andVictoriaRowell.

Jaleel White, who plays the lovelorn nerd Steve Urkel in the TVsitcom"FamilyMatters,"wasvotedbest actoror actress underage 18.

Learning about show business~NOR,Pa, (AP) • WillSmith,who went fromrap musicfame toTV stardomon NBC's "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," says he's stilllearningaboutshowbusiness.

His teachersincludeWhoopiGoldberg and BillCosby,Smith toldTV Guidemagazine for its Jan. 23 issue,

"Whoopitaughtmehowtobehavebetweenscenes,"saidSmith,whostars with Goldberg in an upcomingmovie, "Madein America."

Smith, 24, from Philadelphia, said heblew all themoneyfrom hisinitial successas rapperFreshPpince. He said he's wisernow.

"He learned a lot from havmgsurvivedhis first success in music,"Goldbergsaid.

Smith said he was complaining recently to Cosby aboutthe writingon "Fresh Prince."

"He toldme to writeascript,"Smithsaid."I said, 'I don't knowhowto write a script' He said: 'It doesn't matter - writea script anddon'tgo to sleepuntil it's finished,"

Smithsaid theexperience madehim a lot moreunderstanding of thewritingprocessand thechallenges his scriptwriters face.

Burns celebrates 97th birthdayLAS VEGAS (A-P> •GeorgeBums celebratedhis 97thbirthdaya bitearlywithaperformance atCaesar's Palace,wherehevowedtostayinshowbusiness''until I'm the last one left."

Burns,whoturns97onWednesday,has promised toplaytheLondonPalladium on his l00th birthday.. IfSaturdaynight's showbeforeabout800 peoplewasan indication,be'll have a warmreception.

The crowdroseto itsfeet,cheeringandapplauding, as apuffof cigarsmoke wafted from behind a stage curtain, followed by a grinning,bespectacled, cigar-puffing Burns.

He was introduced by his opening act, singer Florence Henderson."He represents everythingI wanttobe athis age:sexy,smart,rich- andalive," she told the audience.

Burns,who beganperforming in Las Vegasin 1941, walkedslowlytocenterstage,settledintoalargechairandbegantoimpartthewisdomgainedfrom 90 yearsin showbusiness.

"I've writtenninebooks,"he said.''That's notbadforaguywhoonlyread two."

Burns' formal education ended in 1903 when the NewYorknativeformed the Peewee Quartetat age7 and began singing in saloons andon the StatenIslandferry.

Burnssaidagehasn'tkepthim fromsinging,crackingjokesordatingyoungerwomen.

"Why shouldn't I be a country singer?" he askedin a prelude to asong."I'm older thanmostcountries."

I, •

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Continental announcessecond flight to Guam

CONTINENTAL AirMicronesia announced Friday asecond morning jet service to.Guam.

Flight 989 is scheduled to de­partdailyat7:15 a.m.,arriving inGuamat 7:50 a.m., convenientlyclose to the start of the businessday. Flight989 will continue toManila, Philippines five daysperweek.

MaxKrefzers, ContinentalAir

OPEC nations feelpinch of low prices


By sally Jacobsen newsletter, tallied earnings of In its issue scheduled for re-$145.3 billion dollars last year, leaseMonday,Petrostrategieses-

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP)· including crude, natural gas liq- timatedrevenues wereoffl3 per-Feeling the pinchof plungingoil uids and related products. That cent for Venezuela, 11.5percentprices,OPECnationswerebarely was $5 billion above the 1991 for Indonesia and 6.4 percentforable to squeezeout more money totalfor similargoods. Algeria.froin crude sales lastyear thanin The calculations were for 13 Asaresult,it founda"growingthe yearbefore,analysts estimate. producers, including Ecuador, disparity inthefortunes"ofOPEC

OnlySaudiArabia,Kuwaitand, whichjust dropped its member- members.to a lesser extent, Iran made shipbecause of economicwoes. Thosein the Gulf region, suchmemorable gains in oil earnings Thecartel's owntallywon't be asSaudiArabia, Iran,Kuwaitandlast year. Many saw revenues readyuntil the end of the year. Qatar,faredfairlywell.But thoseshrink by millionsof dollars. OPEC scoredits best year was outside - whether in Latin

"It was a mediocre year," said in1980whenearningshitarecord America, Asia or Africa - didPeter-Bogin,associatedirectorfor $284.5billion. poorly.oilmarkets atCambridge Energy Surging prices during the Gulf Analysts estimated the UnitedResearchAssociatesiJiParis. '1t's crisispushedrevenues to $146.4 Arab Emirates toted up sales ofstrikingbow littlegaintherewas." billionin 1990,the highest since $13.5 billion to $16 billion, and

Theproducers of the Organiza- 1983. Nigeria, $12 billion.tion of, Petroleum Exporting Asusual, the champion in last Venezuela made $11.4 billionCountrieshadroly themselves to year's earnings race was Saudi to 12.8 billion; Indonesia, $6.5blame for' sickly earnings, ana- Arabia, the world's largestcrude billion, and Libya, about $10lysts say. exporter. billion.

For much of the year, the na- Boginestimatedthekingdom's Othercalculations were:tionspumpedmoreoil than their revenues climbedby several bil- Algeria, $8.2 billion to $8.8customers needed. drivingprices lions of dollarsfor a total of $46 billion; Ecuador, $13 billion;well below the cartel's target of billion last year. Petrostrategies Gabon, $1.7 billion, and Qatar,$21a42-gallon(l60 liter)bartel. countednearly$53 billion. $2.1billionto 3.2 billion.Many Western nations, particu- Iran,thecartel'sNo.2producer, Bogin chalkedup virtually nolarly the United States, were in registered revenuesof about$16 salesfor Iraq.International sane-recession,whichmade themless billionin 1992, up less than a $1 tions imposed after Baghdad'sthirsty for oil. billionfrom the year before. army overranKuwaitin 1990re-

Theaverageprice of an OPEC Another winnerwas Kuwait. maininplace.Theonce-powerfulmarker was $18.41 last year, off The tiny nation bounced back producer made $14.5 billion in25 cents from 1991. from the devastation of the Gulf 1989.

"There was_simply too much Wartoearnmorethand$5 billion OPEC nations, despite theiroil on the market for demand." last year.It made virtually noth- popularimageasfat cats, dependsaid Bogin. ing the year before. In 1989, it heavily onoilrevenues. Manyare

In all, he figured the value of raked in more than $9 billion. heavily indebted and have largeOPEC's oil exportsat$136.5bil- Biglosersappearedto be Ven- impoverished populations. SoIionin1992,about$8billionmore ezuela, Algeria and Indonesia, theyneed the moneytofuel theirthan in the previous year. which suffered heavily from economies and buy needed im-

Petrostrategies, theParis-based tumbling oil prices. portsof food andother goods.

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1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ­College grad., 2yrs.experience. Salary$800per month.Contact: CARMEL/NO P. DAVID dbaGOLDEN EAGLE CORPORATION,CallerBoxPPP326,Saipan, MP96950(2I2)TI10187.






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DEADUNE: 12;00 noon the day prior to publication

NOn:: IfforsQme reason youradvertlsement IsIncorrect, callus Immediately to make thenecessary corrections. The Marianas Variety NElINS and Views Isresponsible only for oneIncorrect Insertion. We reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject or oanceI any ad at al'"fo/

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Interested applicants may apply In person at the PersonnelOffice,Ground Floor, SalpanDiamond Hotel, or catkls at Telephone No. 234~5900 Ext. 278 for more·lnfonnatl,on.

4 AlCMECHANIC -College grad. 2yrs.experience.Salary:$2.50-3.00 perhour.Contact: BERT'S REFRIGERATION &AIRCONDITIONING APPLIANCE RE­PAIR SHOP, INC., P.O. Box 1278saipan, MP96950.(2I2)T/10175.









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If you have questions con­cerning the Litter ControlLaw, please contact MiriamK. Seman, coordinater orRoger Yates at the Divisionof Environmental Quality(DEQ) at 234-1011/1012.

1CARPENTER, MAINTENANCE-Highschool grad., 2yrs.experience. Salary$2.15perhour.Contact: EMPRESS ENTERPRISES,INC. dba WORLD FURNITURES &GEN. MDSE. Caller Box PPP 326,Saipan MP96950 (2I2)T/10186.

3 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR ­High school grad., 2 yrs. experience.salary $2.15 perhour.Contact: KIMHYUNG HAN dbaKIM'SCORPORATION, Caller Box PPP545,saipan,MP96950 (2I2)T/10.185.

35 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR­High school equivalent. 2 yrs. experi­ence. Sarary: $2.15-2.150 perhour.Contact: MARIANA FASHIONS, INC.P.O. Box1417Saipan, MP96950. Tel.No.234-8607108109 (2I2)T/10191.

1 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER (Build­Ing)2 BEAUTICIAN -High school grad. 2yrs.experience. Salary:$2.15 perhour.Contact: EDUARDO P. PANGILINANdba EMPRESS ENTERPRISES, P.O.Box63Saipan, MP96950. Tel.No.234­8518(2I2)T/10193.

1GENERALMANAGER-Collegegrad.,2 yrs. experience. Salary $3.65 perhour.1 ASSISTANT MANAGER - Collegegrad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $5.80perhour.2TRAVELCOUNSELOR-High schoolgrad., 2yrs.experience. Salary $2.15­$3.00 perhour.Contact: WORLD TOURS MASTERCORP., P.O. Box 2939, saipan, MP96950, Tel.No.234-1886(2I2)T/10189.

1MANAGER, OPERATIONS -.Collegegrad., 2 yrs.experience. Salary $5.80perhour.Contact: KUM KANG ENT., INC. CallerBoxPPP 677,Saipan, MP96950, Tel.No. 234-2300 (2I2)T/10190.

20 FINISHER (Finisher Worker) -Highschool equivalent 2 yrs. experience.Salary: $2.15 - 7.50perhour.3 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC -Highschool equivalent 2 yrs. experience.Salary: $2.15 - 7.00perhour.60 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR20 PRESSER20 CUTIER20 QUALITY CONTROL CHECKER ­High school equivalent. 2 yrs. experi­ence. Salary: $2.15 - 4.50perhour.1 GENERAL MANAGER -High schoolequivalent 2 yrs. experience. Salary:$17.00 perhour.Contact: KYUNG SUH(SAIPAN) CO.,LTD.P.O. Box 2029Saipan, MP96950.Tel.No. 234-1501/2 (1/26)T/3710.


1 OPERATION MANAGER - Collegegrad., 2yrs.experience. Salary $1.200- $1,800 permonth. .Contact: WORLD TRADING CORP.dbaORIENTAL HOTEL, P.O. Box809,Salpan, MP96950 (2I2)T/10184.

2 ELECTRICIAN -Highschool grad. 2yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 perhour.Contact: KIMCO ENTERPRISES, P.O.Box1190 Saipan, MP96950. Tel.234­3201 (2I2)T/10192.



1 SUPERVISOR -High school grad.2yrs. experience. Salary: $4.05 perhour.Contact:CEROI':! HEAVYEQUIPMENT&PARTS, LTD., P.O. Box1095Saipan,MP96950. Tel. No.234-8128 (1I26)T/10116.

1 OFFICE SUPERVISOR -High schoolgrad. 2 yrs. experience. salary: $800permonth.Contaet:YAONGCORPORATION, P.O.Box 1579 Saipan, MP96950. Tel. No.235-872618727 (1126)T/3709.

1ALUMINUM INSTALLER-High schoolequivalent 2 yrs. experience, Salary:$2.15 perhour.Contact:TAE WOO CORPORATION,Caller BoxPPP 102Saipan MP96950.Tel.No.234-3423 (1/26)T/10115.

2 BEAUTICIAN -High school grad. 2yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15perhour.Contact: LYDIA DUENAS LACAT dbaDINGSON CORPORATION, P.O. Box5433 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel.No.234-1588 (1/19)T/10056.

2 DISC JOCKEY2 BARTENDER -High school grad. 2yrs. experience. Salary:$2.50-2.75 perhour.15 DANCER -High school grad. 2 yrs.experience.Salary: $2.50-3.75perhour.4 WAITER (Night Club) -High schoolgrad. 2 yrs. experience. SalarY: $2.35­2.50 perhour.7 WAITRESS (NightClub) -High schoolgrad. 2 yrs.experience. Salary: $2.15­2.45perhour.Contact: STAR FOUR CORP. dbaSTARLITE DISCO CLUB & STAR­GAZER CLUB, P.O.Box1778 Salpan, .MP 96950. Tel. No. 234-5520 (2I2)T/

. 10194.•

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1 HEOPERATOR1 MECHANIC HELPER1 BLOCK MAKER1CRUSHER OPERATOR-High schoolgrad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.30perhour.1 CONSTRUCTION WORKER - Highschool grad., 2yrs.experience. Salary$2.50 perhour.3 CARPENTER - High school grad., 2yrs. experience. salary $2.45- $4.65perhour.4 PLUMBER - Highschool grad., 2 yrs.experience. Salary $2.30 - $4.45 perhour.4 MASON - High school grad., 2 yrs.experience. Salary $2.30 - $3.75 perhour.2 ELECTRICIAN - High school grad., 2yrs. experience. Salary $2.30- $5.00perhour.1AUTO MECHANIC-High school grad.,2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.35 perhour.1 DISPATCHER - High school grad., 2yrs. experience. Salary $2.40 perhour.1 (LATHE) MACHINIST - High schoolgrad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.70perhour.'contact; CONSTRUCTION & MATE­RIAL SUPPLY, INC. dba CMS, P.O.Box609, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No.234-1267/1268 (1/19)T/3648.


-5 MASON5 CARPENTER -High school grad. 2yrs,experience. Salary: $2.15-2.30perhour. ,Contact: EDUARDO P. PANGIUNANdba EMPRESS ENTERPRISES, P.O.Box63Sa!Pan,.a.iP 96950. Tel.No.234­8518(1126) T/10117,.

1 CLUB SUPERVISOR - High schoolgrad., 2yrs.experience. Salary $1,800permonth.Contact: VICENTE M. SABLAN dbaHOT SPOT NIGHT CLUB, P.O. Box616,Saipan, MP96950, Tel. No.235­0592 (1/19)T/1oo42.




ACCOUNTANT ;, _.1ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2yrs.experience. salary $900 permonth.Contact: TAESAN CO. (SAIPAN) LTO.dbaTAE~N TOURS, CallerBox PPP423,Saipan, MP96950, Tel. No. 234­8853154 (1/19)TI3646.

2 AUTO MECHANIC4 AUTO BODY REPAIRER2 AUTO ELECTRICIAN4 AUTO PAINTER - Highschool grad.,2 yrs. experience. SaJary $2.50 perhour.1 ASSISTANT MANAGER - College.grad., 2 yrs.experience. Salary $5.00perhour. .Contact: ROMAN B. MATSUMOTOdba GARAPAN SAFEWAY MOTORS,P.O. Box 694,Garapan, Saipan, 96950,Tel. No. 234-5765 (1/19)T/10040.

14MASONS19CARP_~!JTERS5PAINTERS - High school equiv., 2yrs.experience. Salary $2.15 per hour.3 CIVIL ENGINEER - College grad., 2y-,s. experience. Salary $1,500 permonth.Contact: E.C. GOZUM &CO., INC. dbaTSK-ECG/EMILIO GOZUM MAN­POWERSERV.•P.O.Box 2310, Saipan,MP96950, Tel. No.322-075410517 (1/19)T/10053.

1'ASSISTANTMANAGER- High schoolgrad., 2yrs.experience. Salary $3.00­

.$6.00perhour.Contact: ROMAN B. MATSUMOTOdba GARAPAN SAFEWAY MAN­POWER AGENCY,. P.O. Box 1459,Saipan, MP96950, Tel. No.234-5765(1119)TI10041.












PUBLIC NOnCEIn the Superior Court 01 the

Commonwealth of the NorthernMariana Islands



In Re the Matter 01 the Estate 01ANTONIA NAUGUMAN,



seph P. Omar has filed with the Clerk Iof Court,apetition lor Letters 01Admin~istration for the Estate 01 AntoniaNauguman, deceased. The hearing onthe Petition is set for 1:30 p.m. onFebruary16,1993 in the SuperiorCourtat CivicCenter, Susupe, Saipan, Com­monwealth of the Norhtern MarianaIslands.

For furtfier particuliil'~, please re­fer to the Petition on file or contactcounsel lor the.Petitioner, Kenneth LGovendo, P.O. Box 2377, Saipan, MP96950, Tel: (670) 234-6057.

Creditors 01 the decedent or 01 herestate are hereby notified thattheymustfile their claims with the Clerk 01 Court01 the Commonwealth of the NorthernMariana Islands within sixty (60) days01 the first publication 01 this Notice, orthe claim will be lorever barred.Dated this 13th day 01 January, 1993

Margarita M. PalaciosClerk of Court

By: lsi Bernadita A. SablanDeputy Clerk of Court



GIVENthatonJanuary21, 1993at1:30P.M. inthecourthouseofthe Superior Court in Susupe,Saipan, thepetitioners will peti­tion the court for a change ofname of their child, AndrewRoque Babauta.

Dated this 15th day ofJanuary, 1993.

REYNALOO O. YANAAttorney forPetitioners


In theMatterof thePetition forChange of Nameof:ANDREW ROQUEBABAUTA,



Continued from page6

He reservedhis harshestcom­ments for Kuwait's ruling AI­Sabahfamily. "The new co­lonialismwants to turn Kuwaittoa mere oil well to be exploited.and to raise popular suspicionagainst Baghdad, Cairo and thePalestinians," he charged He ac­cused the Sabahs of callousnessinforcingthousandsof"bidouns,"or nomads, to leaveKuwaitafterthe war.

"TheinterestsofKuwaitirulerstodayconvergewiththe interestsof imperialism. They are turningthe Kuwaiti people into an oilcompanyfor theAI-Sabahfamilyanderadicating thepeople's sta­tus as a nation:' Saddamsaid.

PUBLIC NOTICEIn theSuperior Courtof the

Commonwealth of theNorth­ernMarianaIslands

vasion and continued to forcecompliance withGulfWarcease­fireagreements. Repeatedactsofdefiance over the"no-fly" zonesprotectingKurdsand ShiiteMus­lims have brought Saddam intoincreasing conflict with the,Western allies.

On Sunday, a US F-16 fighterjet shot down an Iraqi MiG overthenorthernairexclusionzone.Itwas the first jet downed sinceDec. 27, when an Iraqi MiG wastaken out by a US jet over thesouthernzone.

''The aggressors willfailintheirevil purposes this time again:'Saddamsaid in his speech.

Saddamalsoaccusedthe UnitedNations ofa"doublestandard"byenforcingUN resolutions againstIraqwhileignoringIsrael'srefusalto abideby UN rulings.

Saddam..._--~-Iraq's nuclear enrichment pro­gram.

Sunday's-initial incident wasthe shootdown of an Iraqi MiG­23 warplane and anattackon anairdefense installation. That wasfoIlowed hours later by theTomahawk missilestrike.

Fitzwater said the attack wasintendedto deliver"the politicaland diplomatic point" that Iraqmust comply with UN resolu­tions. "This was an appropriatetarget:' he said, emphasizing,"We're not targeting civilianpopulations."

Pentagon officials said themissileswerefired fromtheUSSCowpens, anAegis-classcruiser,and two destroyers: the USSHewit and the USS Stump. Athird destroyer, the USS Caron,fired its missiles from the RedSea.

propriate andforcefulresponse. Ifully support President Bush'saction. Saddam Hussein shouldbe very clear in understandingthat the current and the next ad­ministration are in completeagreement on the necessityofbisfully complyingwith all relevantUnited NationsSecurityCouncilresolutions." In Baghdad,Saddamtoldhis people that "theaggressors will fail in their evilpurposes." His nationally tele­visedaddressmarkedthe secondanniversary of the Jan. 17, 1991,stan of the Gulf War, in whichUS-led multinational forcesendedIraq's seven-month occu­pationof Kuwait.

Fitzwater said the nuclear fa­cility was part of Iraq's "weap­onsofmassdestructionprogram."He said it made components for

Continuedfrom page 6

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us...--.....,....-------~---=---==------ -----------lutions. He leftopen thepossibil­ity of further military action ifIraq chooses to defy United Na­tions resolutions, including UNinspection missions. The presssecretary for President-electClinton reenforced the message,declaring that Clinton was "pre­pared to continue taking appro­priate actionuntil Iraqcomplies."

Fitzwater said the targetingsupported the UN goal that "Iraqnever againacquiresweaponsofmass destruction." It was thesecondattackonIraq infivedays,following abombingraid on anti­aiIctaftsites.

Clinton-literally onhis way toWashington - said he was "fullybriefed"andsupportedtheattacks.In a statement, he said:

"SaddamHussein'scontinuingprovocation has been met by ap-


-az -



Masaji NakamotoPresidentNakamoto Enterprises, Ltd.

4. We have fully respected and shared the opinion of the public and the legislator's recommendation that the elderly center isrequired for pe_ople of CNMIdescent. Since we have entered into the lease agreement with MPLC, we have agreedto construct

the Man Amko Center in the Garapan Central Parkat our cost. This is because such area has plentyof greenery and a calm environment and thus such areawould be a safe and comfortable place for the elderly people. We trustthat these reasons are supportedby the public.

5. Whenthe resorthoteltogetherwiththebeach-side park is opened, which isscheduled for 1996,the CNMI government w!1I gaintax revenues of some US$3,000,000 each year, which will amount to some US over the 25 year contract period on a simplecalculation basis, and will givethe CNMI government an opportunity to appropriate thosetax revenues for its infrastructure and itseducational, medical, andotheressential facilities to befurtherstrengthened inthe interest of people ofthe CNMIdescentat presentand in the future.

Wewillcreate awell-balanced andsound resort hoteltogetherwith a beachside park inaccordance withtheCRM'sregulations.

6. We have agreed to provide, among others, the following for the benefitof the general publicand residents of CNMI in our leaseagreement.

A. We shall voluntarily donateUS$1 ,500,000 for the improvement of the water and sewer system in the Garapan and GualoRai Area.

Dear Readers:

Please allowusto givethis message tothe people of the Commonwealth. Weareafraidthataccurate information hasnot beenprovidedto the people in connection with our project andwe havefoundthatwesharethe opinion of the public that the pub4ic parkand elderlycenterare required for the benefit of people's lives in Saipan.

1. OnAugust2, 1991, MPLCentered into a lease agreement with Nakamoto Enterprises, Ltd. covering an areacommonly knownasthe Samoan Housing AreainGarapan, Saipan. TheCongressman Stanley T.Torresfileda lawsuitinthe Superior Courtallegingthe invalidity ofthe leaseagreement mainly dueto a breachof the fiduciary dutiesbyMPLC. TheSuperior Courtdismissed the casein February 1992. The courtfound no breach of MPLC's fiduciary duties. This case was appealed to the Supreme Court and theoral argument was conducted and concluded on November20, 1992.

2. On October 1, 1992, Nakamoto Enterprises, Ltd. reluctantly filed suit in the Superior Court to enforce the lease agreementbetween usandMPLC. MPLConSeptember3,1992senta letterto uscancelling the lease. InthatletterMr.William R. Concepcion,Executive Director of MPLCstatedthat the reason forthe cancellation wasthe failure of Nakamoto Enterprises, Ltd.to acquire andtransfer two privately owned lots in the Samoan Housing Areato the Commonwealth Department of Natural Resources (DNR) fora public park. The two lots are ownedby a corporation calledCommonwealth Investment Company, Inc. (CIG). We agreed to allthe conditions required by CICandwas able, ready andwillingto payfor the two lots to secure their transferto DNA. Unfortunatelyclewasunable, duetodefectsin itsownership ofthe,lots, tomakeatransferofcleartitla to DNA. Thuswewereplacedinthepositionof closingthattransaction withCICwhileCICrefused to providea fullwarranty deedto DNR sothat the department couldestablishthe park which we furtheragreed in the lease documents to develop.

Whilethe leaseagreement provides forextensions of timeto be givento eitherpartyunderthe leasewhere situations arise thatare beyond the partiescontrol, as this situation was, the MPLCboard of directorschose to ignorethis provision and attemptedtocancel the lease.

3. We havefully respected andshared the opinion of the public andthe legislators' recommendation that a publicpark is requiredfor people of the CNMI descent. Thus, sincewe have entered intothe lease agreementwith MPLC, we haveagreed to constructabeachside parkin the Samoan Housing Areaforthe children andpeople ofCNMI,aswell asanaccessroad,parkinglotandplaying

facilitiesfor children on the island. The areaof the beachside park incorporated into our offer is approximately 7,600 sq. m.



B. The hotel shall includea CCiIOlJ'GU1(;on 11811 capable of handling at least 1,000 persons. Upon request, the hall shall be madeavailable to any government agency without charge.

C. The hotel shall provideJapanase Language classes, free of charge, to up to 50 CNMI descents.

D. The hotel shall train and employ localpersons in hotel management.

"",-7. We ourselves are clean and sound developers. We are not brokers or middlemen. The Nakamoto group consists of majorJapanese enterprises anda governmental bank, etc. Oneofthe reasons whythe Samoan Housing Areaisthemostsuitable locationfor our project is that such area has historically been the center of the island and remains so today.

8. We, the Nakamoto group, intend to cooperate with the relevant governmental agencies in order to support CNMI in itsdevelopment of educational, medical and otheressential facilities. We are confident that, together with the people in Saipanwhowish prosperity and growth of CNMIfor people of the CNMIdescent, we can assistCNMI by paving the way for co-prosperity andco-existence with the conservation of the natural environment, the fundamentals of human life andthe actsof development whlohare necessary to social and economic prosperity.

"F,i},i \~


9 10 11.


Answer to Previous Puzzle

5 Everyone6 Roman 517 Split - soup8 Performed9 "-,- Don't

Eat the

Whether·You'reBuying Or Se1lini.

36 Halls38 Large tub39 Winglike41 Roof edge43 Choir voice451nltlai48 Most ancient50 Wood-


51 Employs52 Conceit541taiian

currency55 Cincinnati ­56 "HI & Lois"

character57 Easy task:



1 Expense2 Declare3 Sea nymph4 Group of



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option20 Peruses21 Mental

Image23 Helps24 Unusual26 Actor

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PEA~~!~@? by Charl.es M. Schulz'I'vE BEEN








EEK & :MEEK® by Howie Schneider

-By Stella Wilder WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18) -

Born today, you are one of those You're understanding more .aboutstrong, confident, and often quiet indi- your own personal situation todayviduals who are content to fill their than you have in the past. Progress isplace in the world with a minimum of -inevitable.fuss and trouble. Youwill surely enjoy PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - Youa remarkable career - perhaps in a may be feeling aggressive, confronta­line of work which is, in some way, tional today - but it is important thatuniquely your own - but even in your . you avoid conflict.success you will much prefer the com- ARIES (March tl-April 19) - Thispany of your friends and family over is f1 good day to assess your progressthat of the myriad of admirers who for<theweek, and to refine your meth­are certain to be hovering about you at odsand motives as necessary.all times. :You have a healthy and-last- . TAURUS (April ZO·May 20) -ing seU-esteem. Yourpursuit of something worth more

You do have your more bizarre In- than everything else put together mayterests, but these you usually keep to be misguided. Today,. limit youryourself, and you rarely if ever allow search. ._them to get in the way of your more GEMINI (May 21·June 20) - It's aofficial pursuits. You have numerous good day to finalize tricky financialcreative talents as well asa good deal deals, contracts, negotiations, etc. Getof business sense. You should never expert advice if necessary.find yourself.short of money. CANCER (June 21-July 22) - The

Also born on this date are: Rob- past is 'nothing to be afraid of today;ert E. LN, Confederate command· rather, it can point you in the right di­e,dUrl~g the Civil War; Edgar Allan rection if you look at it correctly.Poe, authOr' and poet; Dolly Parton, LEO (July 23-Aog. 22) - You'llsinger. find yourself more closely tied to

To see what is in store for you to- someone who, in the recent past, hasmorrow, find your birthday and read been a formidable rival.the corresponding paragraph. Let VIRGO (Ang. 23-Sept: 22) - Youyour birthday star be your daily guide. cannot accomplish your major goals

TODAY'SSPORTS: On this day in 1972, TODAY'S BARBSandy Koufax, Yogi Berra and Early BY PHIL PASTORETWynn were elected to the Baseball Hall Why do they make straws you stickinof Fame. pop cans the exact length to poke you

Today is the 19t1:t: };; in the eye?day of 1993 and the>' >.,' , TODAY'S QUOTE: "The education of a 01993 NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN30th day of winter. man is never completed until he dies."-' .

Robert E-. Lee Un May 7, 1915, the Lusitania, a·'TODAYS HISTORY: On this day In 1966, . '.. British steamer, was torpedoed andIndira Gandhi, daughter 'of Jawaharlal TODAY'S WEATHER: On this day In sunk by a German submarine off the

Nehru, was elected India's third prime 1892,achinookatFortAssinaboine,Mont. coast of Ireland; an estimated 1,198~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~minister. (near present day Havre), warmed the people died. .

TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS: James Watt temperature by 43 degrees in about 15

~ ~~RLD0736-1819), inventor; RobertE. Le.e (1807- minutes (from minu.S5 degrees to 38 de­1870), Confederate Army general; Edgar greesi.Allen Poe 0809-1849), poet, short-story SOURCE: THE WEATHER CHANNEL", ..

AL A~TAC writer; Paul Cezanne 0839-1906),painter; L~~2 Weather GUIde Calendar; Accord Publishing,

II _ Jean Stapleton 0923-),actress, is 70; Fritz . Ie,DATE·BO'OK Weaver 0926-), actor, is 67; DollyParton TODAY'S MOON:Between last

.. (1946-), country s~ger, is 47; Desi Arnaz quarter (Jan. 14)and new moon..............-----.......--........;.,;;;".-- Jr. 0953-), actor, IS 40. (Jan. 22).

Jan. 19, 1993




* Marianas Cable Vision LongShotWillie,SaipanCableTV,RamyofSaipanTribune, Marinas Variety,Pacific Daily News.

* Bill Sakovich for all the helpbefore, dwing andafter the touma­ment, Lawrence Camacho foc re­serving the Kilili Pavillioo, JI'OVid­mgfire.-wood, serving tables andforbeIpingoutatthe official table, Rose19itol,DcrisRangamar,DcrisUmes,Thelma Kapileo, Benilyn Remarii,JackieLimes,Ariere,LoIita.Beverly,Evan. MelTaitano, AlexRangamar,Eli Rangamar, Manny Ogarto ­GhillisowforheIpingoutattheofficialtable;NickCastroandPeteCamachofoc getting us water, EliRangamarfoc belping Troy withtheschedule.

"Last but notleast,I personallywanttogive thehighestcommen­dation to Joe Mettao and TonyRogolifoi for ajob welldoneco­ordinating the tournament."Taitano said. "UncleTon,I hopeyou'll always help us with .themakingof theschedule. Yourtheexpert. Joe, GhilIisow for con­tacting the governor and theSpeakertohostus. Becauseofallthe people mentionedabove, thesponsorsandtheplayersourJam­Fest Tournament went very

I ~y and successfully."

~a.."",,,,.a..a. ...~lfersi ;;~I

dream performance;.HPUSTQN'(Ap)-Fortheman thepressuretin.leofthe gime;"tIl:~Y~all"HakeemtheDream". '- R.qckets coach RU~:V;'SatUrday night's' game was a 'I'omjanovich.applaude~~am performance. . Olajuwon, .·the29-year-~~~.~1fikeemOlajuwonhadasea- Nigel'ianw1lO'Will tum 30 <in ,~;})igh4tP9intS, tiedfor the ,.....• ThurSdJl),;' "..... Y .···)0::

.' (e:8gt'leadWithsiiassists.~"" ..... '. ~'AndwbatCanyousayabOOt>~b¥JI2're1X)uDdS:·.Ari<lte> :..••• Hatreem??TOO1jllnOvichsai~>, " )J1e a~eSt>lIlepeiforDl8Dce.,/ / '1tvias a faniasti~. gutsy pet,;,

~l~·.tAAfinarShOt,·pre·~i' •.··formal1ce"~tQ'~l~Jt.9f.f"·.iIl~ •••·.~~ustoD·.s>J.04tl02c··.··,·.·.·wit1la~1()Ck~~HI~~!?V:lctoryov~theNew'Y~' •.'': , •• knowWltat e1sehe,c8lldo:;';~0'

...~.>i<y,:·:/;"i'·.··· ....·:·' . . ...·..Thev,inwas,the fo1li11i.'·••••;~~~:~rG~~X .•.·.···,i"6tght,f()f•.;:>:~ets •.(~~~~•

'llftei'itbeiWiIt. "Hak¢eril'~';" "W~rieededevetY point~worldo,ssbestcenter"'I've' •. rmglad.We g?t thenl,r':r;~~:an~bbdYbetter.'· •. ·.·••····;· ·•.. "'Olajuwonsaid?"lbegameW#

·.t:,leastn6tSaturday.night. ..... '•... s<>imPortant~tif:rbadto do.··.,~'V~·l(nickscenterPatrick.: '. thati:nliCh,I'mgIadldid."i·.'g,\\'l1cjledNewYorltwith 'i OlajuwonscoredJ6 point;s

iritsandlS rebounds. in the Jourth quartet an~

.... ......I!ljlIstg()t~'~E~g,: .. BuJ.1ar<i CllJD<t(>ff.the·. bencl1>1.~,,··,t~.\J.t~b!ttingeverythin~,· ··.:.!Vitb.l~wm~\·iI!tllfU.~od.li~,'~\'v·up;~·>' ' '. '. ....••. . . ID<:l\idlDg t\VO''3-p()lDters:~,!?!lljUW?n.·SpOint total was niidwaymihe;·fiilitl;quarter~,.

. .·glieStin~seasbnsimd' . .W'ith,t8.secoJ1ds.le~t':'. ()St\~Y;R()Cke~playei . -, OlajllW()n·.s"1>as~et gllve.

~AAagaitJ~~~;l(picks;···illollSt9(l'a,J~~~1Cl!4- ••·.·'.::';:!"·'~ ~p ,there as .QIly.J>!.~ '.Nt4..Vt'll¢r(~~.Ait~;

~ OlajuwoiLsaid' .,·dioVe' the:lan ',' ·tI1e:f.U1ll.. .. •.' '.• "".'- •.'....'" " "'-p.: , .. ·.:·.u··.. ";·Ii;':sw.:;··"';;;"··

SAVAcites Jam-Festsupporters, sponsors

SAIPAN AmateurVolleyball As­sociatioo. throughTarle R.Taitano,president, wanisto say"DangkuIoNa Si Yu'us Ma'ase" to:

* The following individualslbusinessesforsponsoringateamtoentertheSAVA NewYear'sJam­Fest Volleyball Tournament.MarianasPacificDis.(MARPAC),Power99FM - Saipan, Power 98FM - Guam,Island Apparel, DFSSaipan, Limited, Crystal Palace ­Commonwealth Pacific Int'l.,SorensenPaci.ficBroadcasting.RexW. & Kathleen Sorensen, BlaineAfaisen - InarajanHawks, PacificIslanders V-BallandPhyliss LeonGuerrero - Guam.

* GovernorLorenwI. GuerreroandSpeakerTOOmasP. Villagomezfor hostingall thevolleyball play­ers right after the championshipgame. Governor Guerrero andSpeakerVillagomezwerelnformedthat the presentation of trophieswasat4 p.m.but theywaited until6p.m.

"Off-island Teams: Rota­women's team"Manelus", Tinian- women's "Arnigas", Guam'steams,PIVAI'NapuWinstoorren's&women'steams,Inarajan'sHawksmen'sInarjan's Coolers' Labamba,OJtabounzeand{]t,,,", 'r1=lI-l'rh('J. •

wasn't thinking much aboutwin­ning.

"To tell you the truth, withmyswing andmy confidence so ten­der,Iwasgladthere wassuchabiggapbehindus," hesaid.

"I figuredI couldhavemyworstnightmare andsttJ.I finishin thetop10."

PaulAzingerdidn'texactlyhaveanightmare,buthisfrustration withthiseventcontinued.

Aftermoving to withinonestrokeof the lead, he fell back in thestretchrun,shot70andwasthirdat274. Azinger, whohas yet to winthis title, has been second threetimes and third twice in the Ha­waiianOpensince 1986.

Itwasaootfiert!neestrokesbacktoBretOgle, Jeff Maggert and KeithClearwater, tiedforfourth atm.

Ogle, an AustraliannewcomertotheAmericantour,shot70whileMaggertand Clearwaterhad 71son a course strengthened andtoughened by the additionof newbunkersonseveralholes andnewmounding along fairways andaround greens.

with a 3-yardrun for a TO as theSan Francisco defense brokeoffside, then stood around asJohnston bulledup the middle.

Mike Cofer's 42-yardfieldgoalcutitto 17-10but,typicallyforthisday, it came after coach GeorgeSeifertelectedto kick rather thango for it on fourth-and-2 from·the24.

Tben came the seconddrive, 9minutes ofperfection in which theCowboys converted four thirddowns in four attempts includingtheTD,a16-yardtossfromAikmanto Smith, who alsoscoredon a 4­yardrun in thesecondquarter andrushedfor 114yards in 24 caries.

The Ninerseutitto24-20witha5­yardpass fromSteveYoungtoJerry .Ricewith4:22left Itcameatlheendofa93-yarddriveaftertheNmershadSUWOO the Cowboys 00 a fourth­and-ooeattheirsix.

ButAikman,whocompleted24of34attemptsfoc322yards,andHarperCOOlbined 00 a 70-yard COO1pletionon the .first play after the kickoff.Threeplays later, AikmanhitKelvinMartinfocthe6-yardTDthatmade it30-20 andput the game away.

Itwas a suprisingendto a surpris­ing day. For the first time since thefirst SuperBowlin1966, thevisitingteams won both conference titlegames,

Early on, it didn't look like thatwouldhappen.

hiscareer,hereceivedajoyoushugfrom 12-year-olddaughterJocelyn,born theyearofhislastvictory, aswell as entry into such exclusiveeventsastheMastersandtheWorldSeries ofGolf.

"This is very, very special,"Twitty said. "There are a lot ofemotions, an awful, awful lot ofemotions. Withmydaughterbeingheretoseeit, it's oneofthespecialdays of my life."

It was special for his fellowplayers, too.

"We're all delighted forHoward," saidJoeySindelar, whocameon to take second alone. "Ithink everybody on the tour isthrilled for him. He's one of thenice,nice guys.And to win aftergoing 13years, wow, that'ssome-thin "g.

Sindelar, whoholeda ISS-yard,8-iron shot for an eagle-Z on thesixth hole,had a closing 68 and a'l73 total, by far the bestfinish ofhiscareeronthewestemswingthatopens the tourschedule.

Althoughheonceshared the leadwithTwitty, Sindelarsaidhereally

Buffalo'sdefense-virtually im­penetrable since the third quarterofthefirstplayoffgame -flusteredDanMarinoallday.TheBills,whohave allowed just 16 points sincefalling behind 35-3intheirplayoffopeneragainst Houston, had foursacks as defensive stars BroceSmith,DanylTalleyandCorneliusBennett weredominant.

The Dolphins, winners of theAFC East on the fmal day of theseason as Buffalolost,hurt them­selves withfiveturnovers. SeekingtheirfirstAFCtitlesince 1984, theDolphins couldnot comeclose tostopping their archrivals fromequaling theirfeatof three succes­sive Super Bowl appearances(1971-73).

In San Francisco, the Cowboysqualified fortheirfirstSuperBowlin14years SundayasTroyAikmanandEmmittSmithledtwoperfectsecond-half drivesafterthe teamswere tied 10-10 at halftime.

Itwasthemoreexperieoced4gerswho made the mistakes - twofumbles that led to all 10 Dallaspoints in thefirsthalf.

The first drive came after thesecond-haIfkickoff-78 yardsIn8playsfeaturing a38-yardpassfromAikman to Alvin Harper. The 6­foot-4 Harperbeat5-11 SanFran­ciscocornerbackEricDavison theplay.

DarylJohnston capped thatone

tMarianas%rie~~Mlcronesfa'sLeading Newspaper Since 1972 Q0

P.O.Box231 Solpan. MP969!!JJ • Tel. (670)234-6341 • 7578 • 9797Fax: (670) 234-9271

By Bob Green

HONOLULU, Hawaii (AP) ­Howard Twitty reallydidn't wantthe record. It was the victory thatwasprecious.

''There areno words to describewhat this means to me," the 44­year-oldveteransaidaftera4-strolcetriumph Sunday in the HawaiianOpen.

It washis firstvictorysince theGreaterHartford Openof1980,12yearsand7monthsago,thelongesttime between wins in PGA Tourhistory. 'The oldrecordof 12years-was setby Leonard 'Thompson in-the 1989BuickOpen.

Twitty, who led all the way inthis event, scoredthe thirdvictoryof his 19-year tour career with aclosingroondof68anda269total,19 under par on the revampedWaialae Country Clubcourse:

For the record, it was worth$216,000 from a purse of $1.2millioo. In reality, however, itsvaluewas without measure to theoldprofromParadiseValley,Ariz.

In additiontothe largestcheckof


Twitty takes Hawaiian Open

SPORTS........,Kelly, Christie giveBuffalo 29-10 winNEW YORK (AP) - TlID Kellyretumedfroma21-2-weekinjury­imposed absence Sundayto throwone touchdown pass and SteveOnistie kicked a playoff-recordtying five field goals to giveBuf­falo a 29-10. victory over Miamiand send the Bills to the SuperBowlfor the thirdstraightyear.

1bethirdtimemigbtbethecharmfor Buffalo, whichhas lost in the .National Footballl..eague champi-

. ooship game"- last year 37-24 toWashington and two years agowhena last-secondfieldgoalwentjust wide.

The Billsopponentfor the Jan.301 title clash in Pasadena, Calif.will be the DallasCowboys, whodefeated hostSanFrancisco 30-20in the National Football Confer­encechampionship game.

On Sunday, Thurman Thomasranfor96yardsandhad70moreonfivereceptions, includinga17-yardcatchfromKelly for a touchdown.

Kelly, who injured his knee inthe final gameof the regularsea­son, wasn't sharp, but his'perfor­mance blunted any criticism ofcoach MarvLevyfor startinghimover backup quarterback FrankReich, who led the Bills to theirfirst twopostseason victories.

KenDavishad a 2-yard1D runandOnistie kickedhisfieldgoalsfromdistancesof21 ,33,21,31 and38 yards.

