Lithuania in Europe Tricolor flag Yellow: the fertile fields of Lithuania, green: the symbol of the...

Post on 08-Jan-2018

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Telsiai has grown on seven hills near Lake Mastis. Lake Mastis is mentioned in various legends and myths. The city was named after a small rivulet, Telšė which flows into the Lake Mastis. A legend has it that a Knight named Džiugas founded the city. Telšiai was first mentioned in written sources around 1450.Telšė


Lithuania in Europe

Tricolor flag

Yellow: the fertile fields of Lithuania, green: the symbol of the nation’s vitality, red: the blood shed in defending the homeland’s freedom.

My Town


Telsiai is in the north west of Lithuania

Telsiai has grown on seven hills near Lake Mastis.

Lake Mastis is mentioned in various legends and myths. The city was named after a small rivulet, Telšė which flows into the Lake Mastis. A legend has it that a Knight named Džiugas founded the city. Telšiai was first mentioned in written sources around 1450.

Lake Mastis in our town. It’s a good place for a walk and rest.

In this place sometimes go town fiestas.


Region facilities2 post offices, a bus station, a railway station, hotels, motels, 6 preschools, 4 basic schools, 3 gymnasiums, a youth school, 2 special schools, a college, Telsiai Clergy Seminary, an Atr institution, 2 catholic churches, 1 Rusian cherce, 3 museums, libraries , a theatre, a sports center, health care facilities.

Telšiai (pop. 30.5 thousand), the capital of the Žemaitija (Samogitia) ethnographic region, has grown on seven hills near Lake Mastis.

Open ear museum

Ethnographic Museum ,,Alka’’

1. Near the museum ,,Alka”. It's ethnography museum.

Our factories Cheese factory, which production goes to Russia,

Italy , Germany , Greece, Ireland , Israel. Famous furniture corporation, which production

goes to Europe, Scandinavia. Other smaller corporations.

The Regional park near Telsiai

Our people like to live in niceplaces, they are created beauty


Fiestas in our town…

Welcome to Telsiai

See You soon!!!