Little Company of Mary Annual Report

Post on 15-Mar-2016

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Annual Report for hospital in suburban Chicago.



A N N U A L R E P O R T O N P H I L A N T H R O P Y 2 0 0 6

The Lives We Touch

veryone who passes through the doors of Little Company

of Mary Hospital and Health Care Centers is touched in some

way by the compassion, love, commitment and capability of our

employees and volunteers.

We are dedicated to a very special mission—life. We help to

bring it into the world . . . we help to maintain it . . . we help

to make it better . . . and we help to prolong it when possible.

We believe it is a sacred calling and we are proud to serve.

Thank you to all the people who have helped us throughout the

year. You have helped us grow and excel as we continue to care

for our community . . . now more than 77 years.

The stories told within these pages highlight just a few of the

people who journey with us and who have enhanced our ministry

through their generous support in fiscal year 2006.

We hope you see yourself in these pages . . . helping, serving,

giving. None of this would be possible without your continued

support and friendship.Thank you for the lives you have touched.

In His Peace,

Chairperson, Board of Directors

Dennis A. Reilly

President and CEO



The Lives We TouchThrough Faith & Charity


here is perhaps no clearer, more direct way to “love thy neighbor”than to help someone who is weakened by illness.

Our donors and volunteers represent diverse cultures, age groups, abilities and life experiences, but they all represent the best of our community.

Many individuals volunteer their time because they feel stronglyabout doing something for those in need. Our senior volunteersshare their own rich life experiences while our youth volunteersdonate their energy and enthusiasm as they look ahead to futuresfilled with promise.We even have animal volunteers, pets that comewith their owners to share their unbridled passion for a scratchbehind the ears and a pat on the head.

Our “walkers for breast cancer” are people who take matters into their own hands. Instead of just saying,“Isn’t that terrible,people are dying of breast cancer”, they call on friends and neighbors for sponsorships, get out their walking shoes and joinhundreds of others to make a statement and make a difference onthat special day.

Our financial donors—including many of our own employees—arepeople who have themselves been rewarded by life. But in return,they choose to share those rewards with others through their giftsof life-saving equipment, facilities and funds.

Whether they give their time, their treasure or their love, our volunteers and donors are working to enhance the quality of care atLittle Company of Mary and the quality of life in our community.




Comprehensive Breast Health CenterA HOLISTIC ATTITUDE

“Most of the time, I have the privilege of giving my patients a very positive scenario. Today, breast cancer is a

highly curable disease, and in the big picture, their lives should not be affected by it.”—Dr. Olga Ivanov

Dr. Olga Ivanov pictured left with Breast Cancer Survivor, Mary O’Connell

Dr. Olga Ivanov is an internationally respected breast surgeon. She holds the distinction

of being the only fellowship-trained female breast surgeon in the southwest Chicago area.

Her patient responsibilities at Little Company of Mary would easily fill anyone’s calendar,

yet the doctor still manages to schedule working trips to her native Ukraine, where she

teaches surgeons the minimally invasive techniques used in the U.S.

Despite all these accomplishments and commitments, Dr. Ivanov insists she chose the

easy path.“Most of the time, I have the privilege of giving my patients a very positive

scenario.Today, breast cancer is a highly curable disease, and in the big picture, their lives

should not be affected by it.This isn’t true for most cancers. So, I usually get to be the

bearer of good news and delivering good news is easy!”

As a breast surgeon and a woman, Dr. Ivanov also finds it easy to empathize with her

patients’ needs and fears. She understands that the breast is intimately tied to a woman’s

sense of femininity.Although her first goal in surgery is to remove the cancer, she also

strives for maximum breast conservation, with tiny, aesthetically pleasing scars and breast

symmetry.As Dr. Ivanov explains,“Many years after I treat a patient—when she can say

she’s a breast cancer survivor—I want her to look in the mirror without seeing any

physical scars. I don’t want my patient to see anything that makes her look back—

only forward.”

Dr. Ivanov’s patients see her as a skilled, respected breast surgeon, and often it isn’t until

years later that they recognize her other great talent, which is her gentle way of nudging

patients toward a positive outlook.Although the doctor admits that attitude is something

intangible, immeasurable, and not yet quantified by scientists, she truly believes in its

power. “The trick in beating cancer of any sort is attitude! If a patient understands what

I’m saying—that it will be okay and we can take care of this problem together—

most of the time the patient does pretty darn good. If, however, a patient gives up at the

beginning, it’s going to be a great challenge to beat that cancer.”

To instill in every patient a positive mindset, Dr. Ivanov spends hours coaching and

educating and encouraging her patients.“Once we achieve a positive outlook, my

expertise, the drugs, the surgical techniques, the therapies, they all have a clear path

to do their jobs.”

In the final analysis, it’s a pretty safe bet that breast cancer patients do not agree with

Dr. Ivanov’s assessment that her job is easy. Eventually though, patients come around.

After making their journey through surgery with Dr. Ivanov, and after the doctor’s

administered her encouraging prescription for a positive mindset, things do get easier—

especially as they cross over from breast cancer patient to breast cancer survivor!

Dr. Ivanov


Tears and laughter, joy and sorrow …

it’s a celebration of life and a day of

remembrance! Each year the Annual

Beverly Breast Cancer Walk attracts

more women, men, families, and friends

to come out on Mother’s Day to raise

funds for the Integrated Therapy

Department (ITD) at Little Company

of Mary’s Cancer Center. The walk

supports ITD’s mission is to provide

free educational programs, support

groups and services to the community’s

cancer patients and survivors.

What started with only 30 people seven

years ago has grown into an event that

draws the entire community together,

creates vital awareness, and involves over

5,000 walkers who raised more than

$150,000 this year.

Through their tireless efforts the

walk leadership team, Carol Moriarty,

Lisa O’Brien, Nancy Mulcahy,

Margie Sweeney, Maureen Mulryan and

Colleen Carol have influenced thousands

of others to follow their lead including

the event’s generous sponsor,

Beverly Bank and Trust.


Vicky Weis (left) and Rosemary Morris

Rosemary Morris is a supporter of Little Company’sComprehensive Breast Health Center through

the Edmond and Alice Opler Foundation


Why would a cancer patient be goingto a hospital for a massage,a facial and a pedicure?

It’s the brainchild of Vicky Weis a former spa owner who

lost her own mother, Faye, to cancer in 1995.Vicky realized

while caring for her, that the healing touch was an important

part of her mother’s care that wasn’t available in most

hospital settings.

Through pampering spa and holistic treatments that may

include massage, pedicures, Reiki, facials, aromatherapy and

others—cancer patients can feel reinvigorated, cared for, and

loved during the challenge of living with

illness and chemotherapy.

Faye’s Light is a service offered four days a

month as an adjunct to the Integrative

Therapy Department. It is free to anyone in

the community who is dealing with cancer

and entirely funded by donations.

According to Vicky,“When this started, I was

simply donating my own time because I

wanted to give something back. But as I

realized how great the need was, I began

organizing volunteers and raising money.”

Faye’s Light benefits the patient in mind, body,

and spirit and creates a wonderful sense of

community. As patients wait for their next spa service, they

share their journeys, allowing therapists and fellow patients the

opportunity to better understand what they are going

through. It allows patients to escape from the fear and anxiety

of their disease—if only for an hour or two every week.



On September 8th, the Foundation sponsored its annual Golf Outing chairedby Dan McKeown and Pat Cahill. Theouting was held at Green Garden CountryClub to raise funds for Little Company ofMary’s Maternity Services.

IN GOODCOMPANYWe hope you can join us to see how we

have transformed the LCM Auxiliary

Reflections into an exciting evening filled

with shopping, demonstrations, informal

modeling, food, drinks and friends. Mark

your calendar to attend this upbeat event

on April 26, for the community and help

embrace our effort to raise funds for

LCM’s Maternity Services.


The Auxiliary held its 36th Reflections

dinner and fashion show at Georgios in

Orland Park on April 6th. A “Passion

for Fashion” was a great success thanks

to our chairperson Mari-ellyn Morreale

assisted by co-chair Salli Lizcano and

Elizabeth Morreale. The evening featured

models from local organizations and

parishes as well as entertainment by the

Chicago Ballet. The proceeds went

towards fulfilling the Auxilliary’s pledge

to Maternity Services.

Reflections models left to right:

Paige Pedigo, Saint Xavier University;

Kathryn Jurczak, LCM Emergency Department;

Karen Nichols, LCM Emergency Department;

Dina Regan, Most Holy Redeemer;

Dr. Nichole Butler, Women’s Healthcare of Illinois;

and Amber Krause, Moraine Valley

Community College Nursing Program.


FOUNDATION & AUXILIARY EVENTSThanks to the involvement of countless volunteers and benefactors who are dedicated

to our ministry, Little Company of Mary offers a number of events that bring the

community and our hospital together to benefit various programs and services for the

patients we serve.

Willie Winters, Pat Cahill, Alain Binette,& Sandy Brandon

Rich Gartelmann, Bob Bresnahan, Mary Mesch and Michael Cava


The Crystal HEart BallPassionate dedication

The Field Museum set the scene for Little Company of Mary’s annual Crystal Heart Ball,

where its magnificent copper and fiery red presence reflected the museum’s Pompeii exhibit

as well as our passionate dedication to caring for our community.

Pictured: Fred and Kathy Berglund, John and Nora Hanlon, M.D., Dennis Reilly and Sister Kathleen McIntyre, LCM

More than 800 guests came together at

The Field Museum for our 16th Annual

Crystal Heart Ball, chaired by Nora and

John Hanlon, M.D., and co-chaired by

Fred and Kathy Berglund. In addition

to fine food and music, this memorable

evening gave us a remarkable venue to

celebrate individuals for outstanding

accomplishments and service.

Maureen Shields received The Sister

Nancy Boyle Award for Excellence.

Our Maternal Child Nursing staff,

The 2005 All Stars, received the

Mary Potter Humanitarian Award.

And the Crystal Heart Ball committee

selected the Little Company Maternal

Child Services to receive the generosity

of our guests.

Pictured from left: Maureen Sheilds, Sister KathleenMcIntyre, LCM, Mary Grimm receiving the award on behalf of the Maternal Child Nursing Staff


Maternal Child Nursing Staff

CUDDLERSA Touching Experience for All


The Cuddling Program, now in its 21st year at Little Company of Mary, is part of the

Marist High School Senior Service Program, with the senior year religion class.

Pictured from left: Rob Weinstein, Nikkie White, James Reed, Caitlan Collins, Kevin Reilly, Megan Reilly, Zac Ventress

Clinically speaking, the human skin includes more than four million sensory receptors that

receive information related to touch, pressure, temperature, and pain.This information

moves to the brain for processing and reaction. On an emotional and far more enjoyable

level, we humans love to touch and be touched by other humans. Even the simplest hug can

produce a profoundly nurturing contentment.The Marist High School Cuddling Volunteers,

who visit the Little Company of Mary nursery daily to hold and pamper newborns, know all

about the power of touch.

The Cuddling Program, now in its 21st year at Little Company of Mary, is part of the

Marist High School Senior Service Program, with the senior year religion class. Each day,

students in the Senior Service Program drive to the Hospital, sign in, and head off to

their assigned area, with student assignments rotating each quarter. Student arrival and

departure times are staggered, Monday through Friday, 8AM to 2PM.

“The Cuddling Program is enormously valuable for everyone involved,” says Carol

Martinez, Little Company of Mary Hospital Manager of Volunteer Resources.“The

students are an enormous help to the nursery nursing staff. As for the babies, it’s

impossible to touch and soothe them too much.They are used to being enveloped in

warmth while inside the womb, so cuddling these infants is a comforting and familiar

feeling for them. From the students’ perspective, this is a wonderful way to see first hand

how life begins, and how a simple touch brings such comfort.”

The Cuddling Program, Martinez adds, is an annual favorite.“At the end of the school

year, we ask for student feedback. And every year we get the same response—the

Cuddle Program and the Adult Day Center Program are the two favorites.These areas

seem to really fulfill the students’ need to give and share.”

There’s no denying that the student cuddlers give invaluable comfort to the Hospital’s

youngest patients, but a quick description of the students’ responsibilities explains why

this is an annual favorite—and an enviable job to have.“The students come into the

nursery scrubbed and wearing appropriate sterile garments, then they sit comfortably in

a rocking chair,” Martinez explains.“A nurse hands each student an infant and they quietly

rock the baby. You can see them relax and let go of school pressures.They sit and rock

and give all they have to this little baby.”

So, while cuddling may not be a scientific word found in scholarly medical journals, the

results for cuddler and “cuddlee” are undeniably real. Those four million sensory

receptors in baby and student are busy sending calm, tranquil messages to respective

brains—and life is wonderful.


“The Marist

student volunteers


a range of life


throughout their

senior service year

here at Little

Company, from

cuddling our

tiniest newborns

in the nursery to working with our elderly

seniors in our Adult Day Center.”

— Carol L. Martinez

Manager Volunteer Resources

Little Company of Mary Hospital

and Health Centers

The Lives We TouchThrough SERVICE


uring fiscal year 2006, Little Company of Mary Hospital and Health Care

Centers (Little Company of Mary) continued the tradition of community

service begun by our founders and sponsors, the Sisters of the Little Company

of Mary. The Sisters believe that men and women are created with human

needs, which include the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of health.

Little Company of Mary continually strives to be an extension of Christ’s

mission of loving mercy by ministering to those multifaceted health needs.

Over the past year, Little Company of Mary continued to provide health care

access to the community by offering programs for health improvement to

populations at risk, exercising appropriate stewardship over its resources and

supporting community organizations sharing similar goals. Highlights of the

2006 community benefit endeavors include:

• Providing more than $12.9MM of uncompensated care to those covered

by government-sponsored indigent health care.

• Providing nearly $2.5MM of charity care to patients who were unable

to pay all or a portion of their hospital bills.

• Providing pre-natal and obstetrical care to government-sponsored

indigent healthcare recipients in our Obstetrics Clinic.

• Providing primary and specialty care to older adults in our

Washington Heights medical facility, called the Halsted Medical Center.

• Providing health education and promotion to the participants in

our community health programs by reaching 48,394 participants to

our FY 2006 programs.

• Providing a myriad of additional community benefits through programs

such as Meals On Wheels, Cancer Education and Wellness, Physician

Match (physician referral service) and Mission Driven Services.



Building a HealthierCommunity—One Day at a Time

Joan Murphy’s first career at Little

Company of Mary was in critical care

nursing, until one day a light bulb

went on. Many of the patients she saw

coming in and out of ICU might have

prevented their medical crisis had

they made a few lifestyle changes.This

realization grew into a passion, and

eventually the hospital asked Joan to

move in the direction of wellness.

Today Joan remains passionate about

wellness, now serving as Little Company

of Mary’s Director of Community Health.

She works out of the Hospital’s two

Health Education Centers, one within the

Hospital itself and one in the Westfield

Chicago Ridge Mall. At both Centers,

Chicago’s Southwest community members

find educational classes and screening

programs dedicated to preventing disease

through healthy living.

Guiding patients toward healthy physical,

emotional, and spiritual habits is

important to Joan, and making these

habits obtainable is top priority.“When I

hear someone say ‘I can do that!’ I know

this person is headed for a healthier life.

And I know it’s been a good day.”

Joan MurphyDirector ofCommunityHealth

Knowledge is PowerThe Little Company of Mary Diabetes Center is all about education, providing outpatients in the community with valuableinsight into treatments, nutrition, fitness, medications, and glucose monitoring.There’s also ample opportunity for familymembers to receive the support they need. It all comes downto helping diabetics manage this remarkably manageable disease.

One of the Center’s powerful educational tools is their annualDiabetes Fest, directed by Debbie Murray, R.N. Coordinatorof the Diabetes Center. While managing the Fest is in her jobdescription, Murray is also passionately connected to the event.“My mother died at 50 from complications connected to diabetes and thankfully, stories like hers don’t have to happenany more.That’s how far we’ve come! When you combinetoday’s medications with proper nutrition and a good exerciseplan, you can postpone or minimize the disease’s effects.But for this to happen, we have to get the word out. Patientsplay a big part in this disease.When they make informed decisions, diabetes is absolutely manageable.”

And the Diabetes Center does get the word out—especiallyduring the Fest. Held in November, during National DiabetesMonth, entrance is free and fest participants include pertinentLittle Company of Mary Hospital departments as well as outside

vendors, such as insulin makers, glucose meter companies, insulin pump manufacturers,insurance companies, health equipment companies, and even Wal-Mart, a major prescription resource. Outside vendors pay a fee to participate, and the money helps support Center patients without the financial means to cover individualized education.

Is it worth all the effort to pull this annual event together? Murray responds with aresounding absolutely! “When people understand how diabetes affects the body and whatlifestyle changes they should make, the positive results are huge! Knowing how to controlthe disease empowers the patient. It puts the patient in charge instead of the disease.Also, an informed patient learns that this is not the debilitating disease our parents suffered through. Once fear is removed, the door swings open for intelligent action.”

In the United States alone, it is estimated that there are 14 million diagnosed people living with diabetes and 6 million people are undiagnosed. Can the Little Company ofMary Diabetes Center educate all 20 million people? If Murray gets her way, they will!“Education is vital! I participate in as many health fairs as possible—because that’s howyou reach people. Here at the hospital, we’re determined to reach as many people as we can!”


daVINCIThe Picture of HealthLittle Company of Mary acquired thedaVinci® Surgical System in 2005 and aftersuccessfully performing 58 procedures in2006, Hospital staff and patients agree:reality far exceeds expectation.

The system, which unites state-of-the-artrobotic technology with groundbreakingcomputer innovation, allows surgeons toperform complex procedures throughdime-size incisions. Used exclusively in2006 for prostate cancer treatment and inparticular for prostate removal, LittleCompany of Mary expanded daVinci procedures to include gynecological myomectomies, or removal of uterinefibroids, as well as some hysterectomyapplications.

“The daVinci surgicalrobot has revolutionized not only prostatic surgery, but surgicaltechnique ingeneral…Having performed thousands of surgical proceduresover the last fifteenyears, I can confidently

say that I have never seen the anatomy moreclearly than I do when I perform a daVinciprostatectomy. This translates into quicker recovery times, and drastically reduced incontinence and impotence rates. The fact thatLittle Company of Mary has embraced this technology now has allowed me to offer state-of-the-art surgical care right here in the community.”

— Robert A. Bonzani, M.D.

Little Company of Mary Urologist


Debbie Murray, R.N.Coordinator of theDiabetes Center

Ammar Bayrakdar, M.D.Medical Director of theDiabetes Center


The Center stands for real people as much as it does progressive medical treatment.









Pictured: Rogelio Silva, M.D., Talal Sunbulli, M.D., Samir Patel, M.D., Stanley Polit, M.D., Jane Sullivan, RN,Vice President, Patient Care Services

The Little Company of Mary Endoscopy Center officially opened

its doors in summer 2006, following three years of planning,

research, and construction.The result is a state-of-the-art facility

that sets the precedent in cutting edge diagnostic tools and

treatments for conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux

disease, colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, motility problems, as well as routine

colonoscopies.What’s amazing, however, is how the Center manages to maintain a

comfortable, soothing, high-touch environment amidst all this high-tech.

Perhaps this most welcome outcome occurs because the Center stands for real people

as much as it does progressive medical treatment. Center physicians and nurses helped

design the facility. After all, they have the double advantage of understanding innovative

technology as well as how patients feel about endoscopic procedures.

A significant portion of the funding for the new Center came from Little Company

of Mary’s Employee Giving Campaign.Through this program, Hospital employees make

donations to raise funds for valuable medical services. Hospital employees stepped up in

a big way, pledging more than $100,000 for the Center. On an even grander scale, these

generous employees ultimately improved the southwest Chicago community’s access to

innovative procedures.

“Much of the Center is designed to help patients relax,” says Jane Sullivan, RN,Vice

President of Little Company of Mary’s Patient Care Services. Among the many

convenient details is the Center’s location—close to it’s own designated parking area.

This means no more navigating hospital corridors to find the Endoscopy Lab. Increasing

the number of patient procedure rooms from three to six is another significant update

that translates to faster service so that our patients are on their way in a reasonable

time period.

The Endoscopy Center provides plenty of unexpected amenities, such as wireless

Internet access for laptops.As Sullivan explains, the reception area’s little extras are for

patients as well as family members.“Our patients need a ride home after their procedure,

so someone comes with them and we really want to make their experience a pleasant

one as well.”

Although we believe we have the best current medical and technological advances

possible, research into improvements is already underway.“It’s hard to believe, but just

thirty years ago many of the painless outpatient procedures we perform today required

an operation and an extended hospital stay.” Sullivan explains.“We continuously review

the Center’s status, always watching for improvements in technology and equipment.

It’s a very exciting time to be in health care.”


“We continuously review the Center’s

status, always watching for improvements

in technology and equipment. It’s a very

exciting time to be in health care.”

— Jane Sullivan, RN

Vice President Patient Care Services

Little Company of Mary Hospital

and Health Centers

Michael D’Astice, M.D.

The Lives We TouchThrough healing


hen someone’s health is challenged by disease or other circumstances, the

patient wants to know that smart, highly trained individuals are prepared

to help them using state-of-the-art equipment, medicines and technology.

However, it is vital to the healing process that everything possible is done

to protect the patient’s physical and emotional comfort as well.

At Little Company of Mary, healing is our mission. However, healing is

incomplete unless the patient is feeling well!

Concern for every aspect of a patient’s well-being has been one of our

hallmarks for more than 77 years. In our practice of medicine, we understand

that healing is not just about fixing what is wrong with the body, it involves the

experience of the whole person—body, mind, and spirit. In line with this

understanding is our theme and goal for the future—In Pursuit of Pain-Free

Health Care.

While most medical procedures are accompanied by a certain level

of discomfort, new technologies, treatments, and ways of caring for individuals

are helping to minimize pain.What’s more, by simplifying treatments, providing

for more outpatient procedures, increasing access to our facilities, streamlining

billing procedures, and increasing the home-like comforts of all our facilities,

we make access to care easier, more comfortable and more convenient.











Palliative care is an interdisciplinary program that aims to prevent

and relieve suffering as well as to improve the quality of life for

patients with chronic disease and/or life-threatening illness.

The Palliative Care Service at Little Company of Mary Hospital,

one of the first few in the area, has been operational since June

2006 and has already served more than 50 patients and their

families. Palliative care combines a variety of resources and

personnel, including new Medical Director of Palliative Care,

Dr. Kimberly Battle-Miller, Lisa Pendergast, R.N., a nursing

specialist, two dedicated social workers Maureen Murphy and

Nancy Doherty, and a chaplain, Jo Ellen Skrip. Together they form

a coordinated team that functions to serve patients and their

families within a six-bed unit in the 3 North Pavillion and

throughout the hospital as requested by the family or the

Primary Care Physician.

According to Dr. Kimberly Battle-Miller, “Patients with chronic

illnesses who utilize the Palliative Care Service develop a

relationship with the staff that makes them feel more

comfortable during trying circumstances.Their families get to

know and trust our team, making it easier to talk about treat-

ment options and plan for appropriate discharge.”

The rooms are decorated to provide a home-like setting with

music, artwork, a library, a kitchenette and sleeper sofas to help

make family members, who may stay extended hours, as

comfortable as possible.

While Dr. Miller and Nurse Pendergast provide pain

management, medical care, and explain treatment options,

the social workers and chaplain work closely with patients

and their families to provide spiritual and emotional comfort

and guidance. They support the medical team with resources

to help individuals understand and communicate long-term

health care wishes.

“Our team supports the primary

physician’s plan of care by making the

patient as comfortable as possible at all

stages of illness. In addition, we spend a

lot of time helping patients and their

families make very difficult and

complex decisions about what level

of care the patients want and need.”

—Kimberly Battle-Miller, MD

Medical Director of Palliative Care



ANGIOPLASTYGetting to the heart of the matter

A relationship of trust is established. As a cardiologist, Dr. Rowan refers to this as

continuity of care. The patient simply calls it a blessing.

When Little Company of Mary Hospital cardiologist Daniel A. Rowan, D.O., Medical

Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Lab, establishes that a patient has blocked or

narrowed arteries, he typically recommends angioplasty, a medical procedure to open the

arteries and promote heart health. After a battery of preliminary diagnostic tests followed

by one-on-one consultations with the doctor, the patient enters surgery feeling safe in

Dr. Rowan’s care. A relationship of trust is established. As a cardiologist, Dr. Rowan refers

to this as continuity of care.The patient simply calls it a blessing.

Although this scenario makes perfect sense, it wasn’t always so. Seven years ago

Dr. Rowan could diagnose a patient’s need for angioplasty but could not perform the

procedure. Only hospitals with onsite, specialized heart surgery capabilities could perform

angioplasties, which precluded most community hospitals.This meant that Dr. Rowan’s

patients were transferred to another hospital, facing unfamiliar hospital personnel as well as

repeat testing.

Today, Dr. Rowan performs angioplasties because he jumped on the chance to involve and

lead Little Company of Mary in an extraordinary program initiated by Johns Hopkins

University and conducted by Hopkins’ Cardiovascular Patient Outcomes Research Team,

or C-PORT. The program, started in 2000, eventually established that smaller community

hospitals without onsite heart surgery capabilities can effectively perform emergency

angioplasties. In April 2006, C-PORT expanded the study to include elective angioplasty.

Dr. Rowan and his team successfully performed the study’s first elective angioplasty.

That patient was 70-year old Father William Kenneally, Pastor of St. Gertrude’s Parish in

Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood.“Father Kenneally’s condition had progressed to a 70

percent blockage,” Dr. Rowan recalls.“While it had not yet reached an emergency level, it

was still a major concern.”

“Dr. Rowan advised me that this procedure was a good option,” says Father Kenneally.

“And being part of a major project like this appealed to me.”

Because of C-PORT, Dr. Rowan and Father Kenneally ended as they began—together.

Doctor and patient moved from diagnosis, through surgery, and on to Father Kenneally’s


Dr. Rowan also feels that discontinuing the transfer policy will bring decreased patient

expenses.“Whenever anyone is transferred, there are costs—an ambulance, new doctors,

and duplicate testing to get these new doctors onboard.Whether this means an additional

co-payment or out-of-pocket expenses for uncovered costs, it’s money owed.Without

having to transfer patients, there will be a savings.”


“It’s an honor to participate in C-PORT...

I owe a lot to Ann Miller R.N., the study

nurse coordinator, our cardiac cath lab

staff and most importantly, our patients.

Breaking new ground isn’t always easy,

but we did it. And we did it successfully.”

— Daniel A. Rowan, D.O.

Medical Director of the Cardiac

Catheterization Lab

Little Company of Mary Hospital

and Health Centers

THE BARIATRIC SURGERY CenterCelebrating living well

Bariatric surgery is only one part of a life-changing experience at the Bariatric Surgery Center

that includes nutrition, fitness and mental health support programs.


Father Tom McCarthy, O.S.A.

before surgery

Father Tom McCarthy, O.S.A.

after surgery

Delores Crouch

before surgery

Delores Crouch

after surgery

There are few more visual examples of the Lives We Touch than the “before and after”

pictures of our Bariatric Surgery Center patients. Each year in March we celebrate these

transformations at the Living Well Celebration, an event that honors all Little Company

of Mary weight loss patients and their success stories.

Just imagine how our patients’ lives change as they lose an average of 70 to 80 percent

of their excess weight within the first 18 months after surgery.

Since opening in November 2001, when the Little Company of Mary team performed the

first gastric bypass operation in Chicago’s Southwest suburbs, the Center has performed

more than 600 gastric bypass operations. Since that time patients have come to us from

throughout Illinois and Indiana and from as far away as Florida and Arizona.

“There are two things patients want to know,” says Little Company of Mary’s Midwest

Bariatric Institute Medical Director Gerald Cahill, M.D.,“does it work and is it safe?”

While the Center’s weight loss success rate has been impressive, the most important

statistic is its outstanding safety record.

In 2006, the Little Company of Mary program was named a Center of Excellence by the

American Society of Bariatric Surgery (ASBS). To earn this designation, our program

underwent a series of site inspections during which all aspects of the program’s surgical

processes were closely evaluated including data on patient health outcomes. Only programs

that provide top-quality care to ensure the efficacy of the procedure to the best of their

ability for each patient meet ASBS standards.

The bariatric team demonstrates excellence every day by offering one of the most

comprehensive pre-surgical education programs as well as a successful post-operative

support system that includes nutrition counseling under the direction of Dr. Cahill and

Little Company of Mary Program Director,Tony Romeo, R.N.

According to Mr. Romeo,“People who undergo the surgery within a month of each other

tend to have a lot in common because they are going through similar experiences. It really

helps when they can get together and share their thoughts and feelings.”

Bariatric surgery is only one part of a life-changing experience at the Bariatric Surgery

Center that includes nutrition, fitness and mental health support programs.


“There are two things patients want to

know… does it work and is it safe?”

— Gerald Cahill, MD

Medical Director

Little Company of Mary’s

Midwest Bariatric Institute

“We see surgery as a tool in a much

more comprehensive weight loss process.

In addition to the surgery, we teach our

patients how to eat to maintain their

weight loss, and we provide social

support groups.”

— Tony Romeo, R.N.

Bariatric Institute Program Director

Little Company of Mary Hospital

and Health Centers


DONORSFISCAL YEAR 2006 / July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006$100,000+Anonymous

$20,000-99,999Berglund Construction CompanyCatherine Tolliver FoundationEdmond & Alice

Opler FoundationEvergreen Anesthesia & PainManagement

Services, Inc.Fifth Third Bank, Evergreen ParkGale I. Gran TrustEstate of Lillian M. GormanJ.P. Morgan Chase BankLCMH Medical Staff OfficePurdy FoundationStandard Bank & Trust Company

$10,000-19,999Beverly Bank and TrustMr. and Mrs. Stephen HallenbeckDr. and Mrs. John P. HanlonDr. and Mrs.William S. O’ReillyRadiology Imaging Specialists, Ltd.Renaissance Medical Group

$1,000-9,999AnonymousAbraxis OncologyAdlai Stevenson SchoolBasel I.Al-Aswad, M.D.Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.AMS Mechanical Systems, Inc.Anderson, Rasor

and Partners, L.L.P.Dr. Calliope Andricacou

and Dr. Soterios PolychronopoulosDr. and Mrs. Kent

F.W.ArmbrusterSubash C.Arora, M.D.Ms. Mary BaborBarnard SchoolMr. and Mrs. Robert BarrettMr.William T. Barry

Mrs.Anne BartolottaBaxter Healthcare CorporationAmmar Bayrakdar, M.D.Beverly Ridge Lions ClubDr. and Mrs. Kidanu J. BirhanuBlock Electric CompanyDrs. Ronald and Sheila BonaguroRobert M. Bonaminio, D.O.Brentwood Subacute

Healthcare CenterMr. and Mrs.Thomas F. BridgmanState Representative

James D. BrosnahanMr. Joseph L. BurgerNorma V. Cadayona, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. CapronCardinal Health

Consulting & Serv.Cardiovascular ConsultantsDr. and Mrs. Michael E. CarrollMrs. Julie Beall CassidyMrs. Helen CavaMr. Michael T. CavaCernivivo & FascianaDr. and Mrs. Basil G. ChronisMr. and Mrs.Thomas CliffordCommittee to Elect

Ginger A. RugaiCook County Public

Defenders OfficeCourage ProgramMr. and Mrs. Joseph G. CroninMr. and Mrs. George J. CullenCupid CandiesMr. and Mrs. Dennis M. DayMr. and Mrs. James P. DignanMs. Sandie Sleeman DohertyDr. and Mrs. Steven F. DomianoDriehaus Capital

Management, Inc.Ernst & Young LLPEvergreen Emergency ServicesEvergreen Healthcare

Center, L.L.C.Mr. and Mrs. John W. Faber, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs.Thomas FaheyDr. and Mrs. Brian P. FarrellDr. and Mrs. Richard M. FarrellMr. and Mrs. Matthew FilosaKenneth Finkelstein, D.O.Florida Plastics International, Inc.Lourdes D. Floro, M.D.For Julie Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. FreyerFriends of John SomervilleDr. and Mrs. Irving L. FuldJoseph T. Gallagher, M.D.Gas City, Ltd.Robert M. Gasior, M.D.Dr. and Mrs. Darrien L. GastonJohn F. Grady, D.P.M.Great Lakes Trust CompanyDr. and Mrs.Travis K. HaldemanDr. and Mrs. Ronald

K. HamburgerMr. and Mrs. Richard J. HarriganFather Daniel J. Hartigan, OSAMs.Ann M. HaskinsHawkinson Ford CompanyHayward HVACMr. and Mrs. Daniel HeenanR. Glenn Hessel, M.D.Hollister IncorporatedDr. and Mrs. Kuhn HongHuizenga HoldingsICS Collection ServiceIllinois Urogynecology, Ltd.Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin

A. JagodzinskiMr. and Mrs. James F. JenningsDr. and Mrs. Corbin R. JohnsonAjita V. Kasbekar, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. David J. KavanaughKellogg Elementary SchoolA. Haye Khan, M.D.Irene Kuras Checchia, M.D.Dr. and Mrs. James A. LamburErnesto O. Languido, M.D.LCMH Human Resources

LCMH Nurses Alumni Association

LCMH OB/GYN DepartmentLCMH Pediatric DepartmentMr. and Mrs. Sean W. LowryDr. and Mrs. Bennett Y. LumM & J Kennelly FoundationMalcolm S. Gerald & Assoc.Marist High SchoolMarquette BankMarsh USA, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Danilo J. MartinezMr. and Mrs. Raymond J. MayMr. James McDonaldMr. and Mrs.William F. McKeownDrs. Evan and Rima McLeodMesirow FinancialMetro Rehab Services, Inc.Midwest Bariatric InstituteMr.Walter MikaitisDr. and Mrs. James C. MillerDr. and Mrs. George S. MizDr. and Mrs. Phillip F. MorrealeMother McAuley

Liberal Arts High SchoolDr. and Mrs. Joseph W. MularczykMrs. Joan E. MurphyMrs. Margaret M. MurphyMrs.Arlene NearyEstate of L. Nejdl, M.D.Nestle USANorthstar Metal Products, Inc.Oak Lawn Rotary ClubMr. and Mrs. Chess C. ObermeierO’Malley & Assoc.

Charitable FoundationDr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’ReillyO’Reilly Medical

Consultants, S.C.Otis Elevator CompanyEstate of Virginia E. PapeDr. and Mrs. Evans PappasAndrew A. Perez, M.D.PFB Architects LLC ChicagoPlass Appliances and Electronics

To the people whose names appear on the following pages,we offer our sincere thanks for your generous financial support.Little Company or Mary regrets any misspelling or omissions of donors. Any errors are unintentional.


DONORSStanley A. Polit, M.D.Mr. John F. PowerProspect Federal Savings BankTimothy D. Putnam, M.D.Quality Medical Staffing, Inc.Querrey & HarrowDr. and Mrs.Thomas J. QuinnDr. and Mrs. Gene E. QuiriniRadiation Oncology, S.C.Bhagavatula Ramakrishna, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Kevin RehderMr. and Mrs. Dennis A. ReillyWilfredo Rendon, M.D.Retina / Vitreous Associates, P.CMs. Beryl RichardsonEmery D. Robert, M.D.Dr. and Mrs. David J. RothDrs. Daniel and Susan RowanMr. and Mrs. Randy RutherSaint Xavier UniversityDrs.Anne and Keith SchaibleSamir K. Shah, M.D.Sheffner JewelersMs. Joan Shepherd

Mr. and Mrs.Thomas C. ShieldsMs. Patricia Somers CroninSosin Lawler & Arnold, LLCSouthtown Health FoodsSt. Barnabas Women’s ClubSt. Germaine ParishSt. Germaine Women’s ClubMr. and Mrs. Jay B. SternsDr. and Mrs.Tenkasi

V. SubramanianDr. and Mrs. Christopher

J. SullivanMr. and Mrs. Michael SullivanKrishna Sunkara, M.D.Dr. and Mrs. Herme O. SyloraThe Capital Group CompaniesCharitable FoundationDhruva R.Tilwalli, M.D.Trace Ambulance Service, Inc.VOA Associates IncorporatedDr. and Mrs. Earl VondrasekDr. and Mrs. Farhad VossoughiMr. Don E.Wade CFPWal-Mart Foundation

Mrs.Anne WarpinskiDr. and Mrs. Frederick

E.WohlbergMr. and Mrs. Paul WojcickiWomen’s Healthcare AffiliatesNasser Zakieh, M.D.Mrs. Mary Lou Zidek

$100-999Anonymous19th Ward Democratic

OrganizationMs. Mary AbbottMs. Rose AbrianiMr. and Mrs. Jose J.AcostaMrs. Maria A.AdamonisAesthetica Chicago, LLCMs. Linda M.AguileraMs. Rosemary AguirreMr. and Mrs. Donald F.AhmannMs. Kathryn A.AinslieMs. Kristin AlemanMs. Lucille J.AllenAll-Tech Decorating

American Chartered BankAmerican Courier Service, Inc.Mr. John R.AndersonMr. Roland L.AndersonMs. Nancy A.AndrascoMs. Sally AndrascoAndrews PrintingMr. and Mrs.William J.AnicichMr. Michael AnsaniMs.Arlene A.ArethasMr. and Mrs. Robert J.ArnoldAronson Furniture

and AppliancesArtlynn PhotographyMr. and Mrs. Michael H.ArvesenAsklepios Medical Group, Ltd.Assist 2 Sell Real EstateMr. Michael P.AtkinsMs. Margaret AvorioB. Braun Medical, Inc.Suguna Babu, M.D.Ms. Denise P. BaerThe Bag LadyMs. Carol BaileyMs. Denise L. BaileyMr. and Mrs. John BalickiMr. Michael BallBallyea Jewelry DesignsMr. Paul BalniusMrs. Roberta R. BannonMr. Patrick R. BarrettMr. and Mrs. Kevin G. BarronMr. and Mrs. Daniel BarryMs. Erin M. Barry ClairMr. Edward M. BartelMs. Jackie BartoliniMs. Linda BasinskiMr. John BauerMr. and Mrs.Terry W. BaylessMr. and Mrs. Edmund

J. BeauregardMrs. Sandra D. BeckMr. and Mrs. Steven P. BedellBelgravia Group Ltd.Belhaven Health Care &Retirement CenterMrs.Virginia BelisleBellissimo, Inc.Ms.Therese M. Berger

FISCAL YEAR 2006 / July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006



Ms. Patricia BernierMrs. Margaret BertlingBeverly Area Planning AssociationBeverly BodyworksBeverly Country ClubBeverly Hills Car Wash, IncBeverly Ritz CateringMr. and Mrs. Joseph BickhamMs. Rosemary BileckiMr. and Mrs. Patrick K. BlackburnMr. and Mrs. Lawrence

A. Blaeser, Jr.Ms. Peggy BlomenbergMr. and Mrs. Brian P. BonnerMs. Nina BoonstraMs. Mary Jo BorbelyMr. and Mrs. James E. BossBoss FormalwearMs. Joanne M. BowenMs. Maryann K. BowenMrs. Marie M. BoyceMr. and Mrs. Mike Boyce

Mrs.Anne BoyleMr. James BoyleMs. Mary Ann BoyleMr. Ralph BozendaBracken Box, IncMs. Michele Brady KowalskiMr. and Mrs.Vito BrancatoMr. Michael K. BranniganMr. and Mrs.William D. BrejchaMrs.Aurelia BremerMr. John P. BrennanMrs. Helen BrettMs. Nancy BrettmanMr. John BridgesMs. Davelle BrinkerMr. Joseph Broad and

Ms. Heidi ZimmermanMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. BroderickMr. and Mrs. Sean BroderickMs. Karen BroderickBronson & Bratton, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. David E. Brown

Ms. Marianne BrownMrs. Kathy BryantMs. Patricia BuckMs. Eileen T. BuckleyBud’s Ambulance ServiceMs. Patricia C. BugosMrs. Kathryn S. BurkeMrs. Mary C. BurkeMrs. Mary Margaret BurkeMr. and Mrs. Robert BurkeMr. and Mrs. James E. BurnsMr. and Mrs. Kevin G. BurnsMr. James BurtonMs. Marion ButlerMr. and Mrs. James A. ByrneMs. Katharine ByrneMr. and Mrs. John J. ByrneByrne BuildersMs. Lynn CahillMr. and Mrs. Michael P. CahillMs. Mary J. CahillaneMs. Kimberly Calandra

Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. CallaghanMs. Debbi CallahanMs. Emily CallahanMs. Barbara CamerMs. Mary A. CannonMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. CardinalCardinal Building

Maintenance, Inc.Ms. Elizabeth CardonaMr. and Mrs. Michael CareyMr. and Mrs. Paul C. CareyMr. John W. CarrollMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. CarrollMr. and Mrs. Michael P. CarrollMs. Jeannine CarrozzaMs. Betty A. CarstenMs. Ellyn M. CarusoMr. and Mrs. Peter J. CaseyMr. and Mrs.Thomas R. Casey IIICatalyst Consulting Group, IncMs. Sherry CauleyMrs. Kathryn M. Cavanaugh

Basel I. Al-Aswad, M.D.Ammar Bayrakdar, M.D.Kidanu J. Birhanu, M.D.Piyush C. Buch, M.D.Norma V. Cadayona, M.D.Michael E. Carroll,M.D., S.C.Basil G. Chronis, M.D.Steven F. Domiano, M.D.Brian P Farrell, M.D.Richard M. Farrell, M.D.Lourdes D. Floro, M.D.Irving L. Fuld, M.D.Darrien L. Gaston, M.D.John F. Grady, D.P.M.Travis K. Haldeman, D.O.Ronald K. Hamburger, M.D.Kuhn Hong, M.D.John J. Hurley, M.D.Benjamin A. Jagodzinski, M.D.

Corbin R. Johnson, M.D.Chuang S. Kiang, M.D.Irene Kuras Checchia, M.D.James A. Lambur, M.D.Ernesto O. Languido, M.D.Bennett Y. Lum, M.D.Danilo J. Martinez, M.D.Evan G. McLeod, M.D.James C. Miller, M.D.George S. Miz, M.D.Joseph W. Mularczyk, M.D.Daniel J. O’Reilly, M.D.Evans Pappas, M.D.Stanley A. Polit, M.D.Soterios

Polychronopoulos, M.D.Timothy D. Putnam, M.D.Thomas J. Quinn, M.D.Gene E. Quirini, M.D.

Wilfredo Rendon, M.D.Emery D. Robert, M.D.David J. Roth, M.D.Daniel A. Rowan, D.O.Samir K. Shah, M.D.Tenkasi V. Subramanian, M.D.Christopher J. Sullivan, M.D.Krishna Sunkara, M.D.Herme O. Sylora, M.D.Dhruva R.Tilwalli, M.D.Earl Vondrasek, M.D.Farhad Vossoughi, M.D.Frederick E.Wohlberg, M.D.Nasser Zakieh, M.D.

FISCAL YEAR 2006 / July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006


HOW TOLEAVE ALEGACYIf you are considering

making a gift to Little

Company of Mary in

your will, you can use

the following language:

In grateful appreciation

of (e.g. care received),

I give a percentage or

specified amount to Little

Company of Mary

Hospital Foundation,

2800 West 95th Street,

Evergreen Park, Illinois

60805, to be used for

mission-driven services,

charity care,

endowment or its

exempt purposes.

For more information,

please contact Mary Jo

May, Executive Director

of the LCMH Foundation,

at (708) 229-5022 or

DONORSMr. and Mrs. Jack CaveneyMr. and Mrs. Steve CecchiMr. Roman L. CeleskiCentury 21 Driscoll RealtyCentury Business Services, Inc.Century Ear, Nose,Throat,

Head & Neck SurgeryMs. Donna CerfMr. and Mrs.Vincent E. Cesaro Jr.Mrs. Mary Ellen ChambersMr. and Mrs.William ChaveriatChicago Chamber of CommerceChicago Fire Alarm OfficeChicago Fire Department

Engine 50,Truck 18, Amb 1Chicago Fire Department

Engine 64,Truck 31, Amb 27Chicago Fire Department

Engine 92,Truck 45, Amb 17Chicago Fire Department

Local 2 StewardsChicago Lock Box LLCChicago Sports BarMs. Jacquelyn ChirilloMs. Nancy ChristakesMonica M. Christmas, M.D.Robert D. Christopher, D.D.S.Nancy R. Church, M.D.Citizens for MaloneyCitizens for Michael F. SheahanMr. Bernard CitronCity of Chicago Fire DepartmentCiviltech Engineering IncMs. Sally T. ClairMr. and Mrs. George J. ClancyMs. Mary Patt ClancyMs. Betty ClarkMs. Judith ClarkMr. and Mrs. Randall F. ClarkMr. and Mrs. James ClarkeClass MateMr. Randy L. ClementsMrs. Mary Ellen CliffordMr. Brian L. CoffeyMr. and Mrs. John J. Coffey, IIIMr. and Mrs. Michael J. CoffeyMs.Tamra L. CohenCoin Cafe, Inc.Ms. Claudia ColemanMr. and Mrs. Kevin ColemanMs.Theresa Coleman

Mr. Frank Kee ColenMs. Mary Kay CollinsMs. Joan ColonColumbian AgencyMrs. Breda CondonMr. and Mrs. John E. ConnorsMr. Robert ConnorsMrs. Karen ConroyMr. Edward J. ConwayMs.Toni ConwayMr. and Mrs. David ConwillMs. Kathleen A. ConwillMs. Loretto CooganMs. Clare CookeMr.Thomas CookeMr. and Mrs. Philip H. Corboy Jr.Mrs. Elizabeth A. CorcoranMs. Mary G. CorcoranCorrigan’s PubCouncil of Residential SpecialistsMr. and Mrs. John CourtsMs. Glee E. CoxMr. and Mrs. Jack CozzieMr. and Mrs. Kevin W. CozzieCPM CorporationMs. Laura CraneMs. Bernie CreanMs. Kathleen CreedMr. and Mrs. Brian J. CroninMs. Cathy CroninCrossbow Industrial WaterMs. Patricia CullenMs. Mary A. CullinaMr.Wilburn H. CurryCurves of Evergreen ParkMr. and Mrs. Michael P. CusackC-V Custom Counter Tops

and Cabinets, IncMs. Marion CypserMrs. Cynthia CyrankowskiMs. Barbara DalyDance GalleryMr. and Mrs. Kevin DansartMs. Joan DavisMr. John M. DeadyMr. and Mrs. Jim DeBowMs. Nancy DeDonaMs. Elizabeth DeeringMs. Judith A. DelisiMs.Yvonne DelPrincipeMs. Gina T. Demes

Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. DempseyMr. James DenvirMelissa M. DeSantis, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Edward desLauriersDesoto HouseMr. and Mrs.August DeuserMs. Ellen DevoyMr.Terry DiamondMr. and Mrs. Ralph C. DietzMs. Mary Jo DineenMr. and Mrs.Tom DineenMs. JoAngela DismukesMs. Karen DobeshMr.William DodgeMr. James DohertyMr. and Mrs. Kevin DohertyMr. and Mrs. Michael DohertyMs. Susan DomagalskiMr. and Mrs.Thomas S.

Dombro, C.L.U.Ms. Eileen T. DonahueMr. and Mrs.Thomas DonleyDonnellan Funeral HomeMr. and Mrs. Michael DonnellyMs. Maureen DonohoeMs. Jeanne T. DoughertyMs. Marianne P. DouglasMr. and Mrs. M. J. DowdMs. Irene M. DoyleMr. and Mrs. Martin DoyleMr. and Mrs.William M. DoyleMr.William T. DoyleMr. and Mrs. Jeff S. DrenovskyDr. and Mrs. Robert F. DresselMrs. Mary Ann DriscollMrs. Rita DriscollMrs. Margaret DuddlestonMrs. Joan P. DuffyMs. Kathleen DuffyMrs. Patricia A. DuffyMrs. Barbara J. DugganMs. Jacqueline R. DunnMr. and Mrs. James DurkinMs. Susan C. DyerMs. Francis A. EarleyMr. and Mrs. James J. EarleyMrs. Margaret G. EarleyMs. Laura EarnerMs. Louise EckMr. and Mrs. Richard

A. Edgeworth




Ms. Nancy EdwardsMs. Eileen M. EganMrs.Therese EggertMr. Jose V. EguigurenMs. Carol EhlerMs. Mary EhmigMr. and Mrs.Wayne A. Eier

& FamilyMs. Christine ElmoreDrs. John and Denise ElserEngine Company 120Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. EnrightMs. Mary Ann EnrightESB Electrical ContractorsMs.Andrea V. EvansDr.Thelma M. Evans and

Mr.Timothy EvansEvergreen Community BankEvergreen Oak Electric

Crest LightingEvergreen Park Rotary

Club ExclamationsExhibit Enterprises, Inc.Ms.Teresa FaganMs. Hallie FaheyMr. and Mrs.Thomas V. FalloonMs. Brenda FalzoneMs. Lana FenyesMr. and Mrs. Kevin C. FerraraFettes, Love & SiebenMs. Denise K. FilanMr. and Mrs. Martin J. FinanMr. Francis J. FinnMs. Kathleen FisherMr. and Mrs. James FitzgeraldMr. John M. FitzgeraldMs. Bonnie L. Flannery

Mr. and Mrs.Alfred FlemingMr. Michael FlemingFood & Paper Supply Co.Mr. and Mrs. Curt FoodyMs. Karin M. FosterMr. and Mrs. Richard Franco, Sr.Ms. Susan B. FrangellaFrank Ross InsuranceMr. and Mrs. Robert L. FrasorMs. Beverly FrederickMr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. FreebergFriends of Kevin JoyceFujiFilm Medical

Systems USA, Inc.Ms. Kathleen FurlongG & S MechanicalGaelic Fire BrigadeMr. and Mrs.William D. GainerMr. James GalbraithMr. and Mrs. Daniel F. GallagherMs. Jacqueline L. GallagherMr. James J. GallagherMrs. Carolyn GalvinMr. and Mrs. Michael J. GalvinMr. and Mrs. Ronald F. GalvinMs. Claudia GarciaMr.William T. GarmesMs. Dorothy M. GarofaloMs. Helen GartelmannMr. and Mrs. Daniel GarveyMr. and Mrs. Kevin GarveyPablo A. Garzon, M.D.Mrs. Susan Gehrig-CardonaMs. Patricia GelezauskasGem Electric Supply Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Gerald GentlemanMr. John J. George

Georgios Banquets, Comfort Inn & Conference Centre

Ms. Rita GlassMr. and Mrs. Neil GlynnMs. Linda GoddardBishop Raymond E. GoedertMr. and Mrs. Steven GoldenMr. and Mrs.Thomas A. GoldrickMrs. Catherine GormanGorman Construction Co., Inc.Kathleen A. Gorman-Kyler, D.D.S.Ms. Deborah GoryMr. and Mrs. John M. GouldingMs. Sue GradyMr. and Mrs. Patrick GrantMs. Maureen E. Grant-MulryanMrs. Helen D. GrebliunasMr. Cyril J. GreenanMr. Daniel GrimmMr. and Mrs.Tom GrimmMr.Thomas P. GrimmMs. Joan M. GroosMr. and Mrs. Larry GroseMs. Carole GrunauerMs. Jo M. GubernatMrs.Anne Marie GulleyMs. Mary Lou GutrichH & R Johnson Bros., Inc.Mrs. Laurel HabschmidtMr. Joe HaffnerMr. and Mrs. Michael HagerMs. Jennifer A. HahnMr. and Mrs. Michael K. HahnMs. Denise D. HaleMr. and Mrs. Kenneth HalickiMs.Ann T. HalleranMs. Karen J. Hamilton

Mr. and Mrs.Thomas W. Hanrahan

Hansen’s VillaMs. Gloria HarnedyHarrigan Brothers, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Gregory

J. HarshbargerMr. and Mrs. Robert W. HartMrs.Ann HartnettMr. and Mrs. Liam A. HartnettMrs. Margaret HassanMrs. Kathleen HauptMs. Mary Lee HausnerMrs. Katie HayesMr. Richard HazlettHealth Newsletters DirectMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. HealyMr. and Mrs.William HealyHeartland Medical Group S.CMs. Caroline HeckerMs. Kathy HeffernanDr. and Mrs. David L. HeggMr. Steven HeinMs. Hannah M. HeinzMr. and Mrs.William HeiseMs. Dorothy HeislerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey

R. HeistermanMs. Cheri HerambHerman Miller, IncMrs. Judith A. HernandezMr. Ron HerzbergMr. and Mrs. Edward HeywoodMs. Jean M. HickeyMrs. Deborah L. HillMs. Felicia HillHiro Real Estate Co.

AnonymousMr. and Mrs.Thomas F. BridgmanMr. and Mrs. Daniel F. CapronMrs. Julie Beall CassidyMrs. Helen CavaMr. Michael T. CavaMr. and Mrs.Thomas CliffordMr. and Mrs. George J. Cullen

Ms. Sandie Sleeman DohertyMr. and Mrs.Thomas FaheyMr. and Mrs. Matthew FilosaMr. and Mrs. Stephen HallenbeckMr. and Mrs. Richard J. HarriganFather Daniel J. Hartigan, OSAMr. Steven HeinMr. and Mrs. David J. Kavanaugh

Mrs. Carrie A. KelleyMr. Lawrence P. KelleyMr. John F. PowerMs. Patricia Somers CroninMr. and Mrs. Jay B. SternsMrs. Mary Lou Zidek

FISCAL YEAR 2006 / July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006


Mr. Carl H. HoeflerMrs. Eileen T. HofstadMr. and Mrs. George HoglundMs. Kathleen HolstMr. and Mrs. John C. HoltMs. Lillian M. HopkinsMr. and Mrs. Robert C. HorrellMs. Erin HostyMr. and Mrs.Terry HotchkissMr. Mike HoulihanMr. Patrick J. HoulihanMs.Andrea HoveyMs. Linda Howard-LawsonMs. Linda M. HowellMrs. Norine HughesMr. and Mrs. Patrick HughesMs. Jessica HughesdonMrs. Eileen M. HuntMrs. Barbara HurleyDr. and Mrs. John J. HurleyMs. Kathleen HurleyMrs. Laureen A. HurleyMrs. Florence C. HylandMs. Mary Ann HyznyIBM International FoundationSister Patricia IllingInitial Electronics, Inc.Inspired DesignsInternational Home

ImprovementsMr. and Mrs. Glenn InzingaMs. Phylis A. IsaacsJ.P. Morgan Chase FoundationThe J. Spencer Miller

CorporationMs.Tamra JakubowskiMr. and Mrs. Donald J. JanssenMr. and Mrs. James M. JaroszMr. George H. Jenkins Jr.Mr.William G. JenningsMs. Barbara JepsenMs. Helen JeterMr. and Mrs. Robert F. JilekJohn G. Shedd AquariumJohn V. McInerney Obstetrics

and GynecologyMs. Catrina N. JohnsonMs. Dorothy J. JohnsonMs. Susan JohnsonJohnson & JohnsonJohnson Floor Company, Inc.

Ms. Helen R. JonesMs. Melanie JonotaMs. Connie JordanMr. Ronald JordanMr. and Mrs. James E. JoyceMr. and Mrs. James F. JoyceMr. James JoyceMs. Kathryn A. JoyceMs. Marlene JurczakMs. Janet KabernaMs. Debra KacorMs. Claudia KaczmarkMr. and Mrs.Anthony KaliszMr. Robert KartheiserMs. Catherine KatzenbergerLt. Dennis C. KeithMr. and Mrs. Robert J. KelleherMrs. Pamela KellerMr. Mark J. KellermanMr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. KelleyMr. and Mrs. Martin E. BergersonMr. and Mrs. Jack KellyMrs. Janet L. KellyMs. Linda B. KellyMs. Mary Ann KellyMr. and Mrs. Michael KellyKelly Nissan, Inc.Ms. Margaret KelmarKelso-Burnett CompanyMr. and Mrs. John T. KennedyMrs. Lorraine B. KennedyMs. Patricia C. KennedyMr. and Mrs. Patrick KennedyMs. Mary KetteringMs. Marlo KeyserMr.William KeyserDr. and Mrs. Mitch Khan M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Kourosh KhaniDr. and Mrs. Chuang S. KiangMrs. Marion KienzleMr. and Mrs. Charles M. KierschtMrs. Mariellen O’Donnell KillKimberly Bond Boutique, LTDMr. and Mrs.Timothy G. KingKinsella Landscape, Inc.Mr. Ronald J. KintMs. Elisabeth KissMs. Barbara C. KlabachaMr. Rich KlawiterMr. and Mrs. Eric C. KleinMr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Kleist

Dr. and Mrs. Michael KlineKMSEF, LLCMrs. Nancy V. KnausMs. Joan T. KnightMrs. Deborah KnightlyMr. and Mrs. Patrick KnightlyMr. and Mrs. Donald KnightsMs. Joan F. KnoppMr. and Mrs. John KnoxMr. and Mrs. Gene KolendaPhilip D. Kooiker, M.D.Mr.August KorthauerMr. Robert A. KossuthMs.Anne KranzMr. and Mrs. Kevin M. KrasowskiMrs. Carol KrauseMs.Angela KreskeMr. Edward F. KrnakMr. and Mrs. John KronenbergerMr. and Mrs. Rob KrugMs. Mary KubikMs. Rose M. KubushMs. Nancy A. KuhlMr. and Mrs. Kevin G. KunMr. Irving W. LabahnMrs.Adrienne LaBarbaraLagen’s Supermarket, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. James LagoniMr. and Mrs. Martin J. LallyMrs. Mary Jo LambertMs. Barbra LaMorteMr. and Mrs.Thomas M. LangfordMs. Elizabeth LaniganMr.Terrence M. LaniganMs. Christina LapinskaMrs. Susan M. LaskiMs. Karen LaurencellMs. Jill LauricellaLaw Offices of Cullen, Haskins,

Nicholson & Menchetti, P.C.Mrs. Catherine A. LawlerReverend Dale Lawson, Sr.Ms. Lorraine LazzaraMs. Karen LeBeauMs. Barbara LedebuhrMr. Samuel LevinMr. Robert J. LewandowskiMs. Ruth LeydenJames C. Liang, M.D.Lili of TriesteLions Club of Evergreen Park

Lismany Builders, Inc.Ms. Michelle LitakMs. Roberta LombardoMs. Dawn LongmoreMs. Maria G. LopezMs. Rita T. LoPrestiMr. and Mrs. John M. LorenzMrs. Nanci Losacco Skerrett

and Mr. Edward F. SkerrettMrs. Kathleen LoweryLowery Tile CompanyMr. and Mrs. Remo LucciDr. Dolores Lullinski-Dybalski

and Mr. Jack N. DybalskiMr. and Mrs. Richard LuskMr. and Mrs.Thomas LynchMr. Lawrence LynchMr. and Mrs. Kevin LyonsLyons Electric CompanyMr. Michael MacanderMs. Caryl MackMr.William MagnusonMrs. Mary T. MahoneyMr. and Mrs. Richard J. MahoneyMs. Shirley J. MakinneyMs. Mary Kay MalasMrs. Mary Ann MalloMs. Pamela A. MalloMs. Chris MalloyMr. and Mrs. James MaloneSenator and Mrs.

Edward MaloneyMr. and Mrs. Mark D. MaloneyMr. and Mrs. Michael R. MaloneyMs. Susan MaloneyMr. and Mrs.Thomas M. MaloneyMr. and Mrs. James J. MaloolyMs. Diane MalsomMrs. Mary ManganMs.Valerie MannionManor Care Health ServicesMs. Christine Mansell WalshMario’s Catering & Event PlanningMr. Edward MarkelDr. and Mrs. Silvio MarraMr. Donn G. MarshallMarshall Erdman & AssociatesMr. Joseph M. MarthMr. Kirven J. Martin, Jr.Mrs. Rita M. MartinMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Martin




Ms. Erica Masaitis-BrunellMr.William MastersonMr. Mark MathewsonMr. and Mrs. John E. MayMr. and Mrs. Michael MayerMs. Judy MayhewMr. and Mrs. Darryl MazzucaMr. Gerald J. McCallumMs. Patricia A. McCannMr. and Mrs. Francis P. McCarthyMr. John T. McCarthyMs. Maureen McCarthyT.T. McCarthyMr.Thomas E. McCarthyMr. and Mrs. James McCordMrs. Barbara McCroryMr. and Mrs. James F. McEldowneyMr. and Mrs. Patrick McGannMcGarry’s Boxing ClubMs. Kathleen McGeeMr. and Mrs. Patrick McGinnisMr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McGovernMr. and Mrs. John J. McGowanMs. Sarah C. McGrathMr.Thomas McGuireMr. and Mrs. James McHaleMs.Anne T. McIlvainMs. Mary P. McIlvainMs. Sharon McIlvainMr. and Mrs. Robert M. McIntyreMrs. Susan McIntyre HooverMr. and Mrs. James McKeeverMs. Catherine M. McKendryMr. and Mrs. Brian J. McKennaMs.Willie Mae McKnightMr. and Mrs. Martin J. McLaughlinMrs. Mary McLeodMr. and Mrs. Patrick

K. McLoughlinMrs. Marguerite A. McMahonMs. Mary Margaret McMahonMrs. Sharon M. McMahon

Mr. and Mrs.TerrenceG. McMahon

Mr. and Mrs. Brian McNamaraMs. Colleen A. McNamaraMs. Rita McNicholasMs. Eileen McNicholsMs. Cheryl McNultyMr. and Mrs. Girard J. McSwainMr. and Mrs. Dennis MeadeMechanical IncMrs. Lillian MeckMed 3000Ms. Karen MeehanMs. Nikki Meers-BergMeg Oliver DesignsMr. and Mrs. Michael MehalekMs.Therese MelaniphyMr. and Mrs. Roy G. MellerMr. Jonathan MeltzerMrs. Rosemary MemmesheimerMr. and Mrs. Larry B. MeneghiniMr. and Mrs. Charles A. MenkeMerrill Lynch & Co., IncMs. Jocelyn A. MesinaMrs.Theresa M. MesserleMrs. Margaret C. MessinoMs. Connie J. MetzenMr. and Mrs.Arthur B. MeyerMs. Karen M. MeyerMr. and Mrs. Paul G. MeyerMs. Lisa MicetichMs. Cheryl Z. MichalekMr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. MichelMs. Ruthann MichelMidwest Pediatric CardiologyMidwest Primary Care, S.C.Midwest Siding Supply, IncMidwest Urology / AssociatedUrological Specialists, L.L.C.Milano’s Pizza and Specialties, Inc.Mrs.Andrea M. MillerMrs.Ann Miller

Ms. Christine MillerMr. Chuck MillerMrs. Joanne L. MillerMr. and Mrs. Joe MillerMs. Sandra E. MillerMr. and Mrs.Ted MillerMs.Audrey MinervinoMr. Gerald J. MitchellMs. Deborah MiyashiroMr. Roy MizeMs. Bernadette MolloyMr. and Mrs. Jim MolloyMolloy & AssociatesMr. and Mrs. Robert J. MolnarMr. and Mrs. Mark J. MontagMr. and Mrs. Charles

M. MontgomeryMs. Jennifer MoodyMr. and Mrs. John W. MooreMs. Kimberly MooreMs. Marie E. MooreMs. Mary F. MooreMs. Lina B. MoothMs. Laura B. MoraMoraine Valley

Community CollegeMrs. Catherine MoranMr. and Mrs. James MoranMs. Karen R. MoranMs. Kathleen M. MoranMr. and Mrs. Eugene B. MoriartyMorrison’s Ethan AllenMs. Jeanne MortensenMost Holy Redeemer SchoolMost Holy Redeemer

Women’s GuildMr. and Mrs. Dennis M. MosterMother McAuley High SchoolMothers ClubMt. Carmel High SchoolMs.Angelique MuhammadMs. Colleen S. Mulcahy

Mr. and Mrs.Tom MulcahyMs. Donna MulchroneMr. and Mrs. Peter G. MulchroneMs. Shelley MulchroneMs. Rose A. MulhernMs. Susan MulreninMs. Pat MungovanMr. and Mrs. Daniel G. MuntnerMs. Mary MurinoMrs. Eileen L. MurphyMs. Elizabeth J. MurphyMrs. Kristine MurphyMs. Maureen MurphyMs. Rosemarie MurphyThe Honorable Sheila M. Murphy

and Mr. Patrick C. RaceyMrs.Virginia MurphyMr. and Mrs.William J. MurphyMs. Christine M. MurrayMs. Deborah MurrayMr. and Mrs. Edward J. MurrayMr. and Mrs. John P. MurrayMr. and Mrs.Thomas E. MurrayMs.Vida MusielakMy Sister’s KnitsMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. NagyNational City BankNeighbors On FairfieldMs. Patricia A. NelsonMr. and Mrs. Steve NelsonMr.William G. NessMs. Nancy NeumannNewcomb Marketing SolutionsMr. and Mrs.Timothy NewtonMs. Colleen C. NicholsMrs. Laverne NicholsMs. Joanne NicholsonNino’s Pizza, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Bob NobleMr. and Mrs.William M. NolanMr. and Mrs.Thomas D. NoonanMrs. Betty J. Norris


Sister Kathleen McIntyre, L.C.M., Chairperson, Board of Directors

Dennis Reilly, President and CEO

Mary Jo May, Executive Director, LCMH Foundation

Anne Cullen, Special Events and Auxilary Coordinator

Mary Cronin, Records and Stewardship Coordinator

Ann Hartnett, Major Gifts Coordinator

Patricia Morley, Associate Director27

FISCAL YEAR 2006 / July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006


DONORSMr. and Mrs. James E. NorrisNorthgate Management LLCMr. and Mrs. Jeffery Novotny, Sr.Mr. Raymond E. NovyMrs. Mary Kay NowickiNowoc’s White Hen PantryOak Lawn Fire Dept. Club, Inc.Oak Lawn Restaurant, Inc.Ms. Brigid OakesMs. Janice O’BrienOccu-SportMr. and Mrs. Edward J. O’ConnellMs. Geraldine L. O’ConnorMr. and Mrs. John O’ConnorMs. Noreen O’ConnorMs. Patricia O’ConnorMs. Regina O’ConnorODB Enterprises, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’DonnellMr. Francis J. O’DonovanMs. Linda O’KeefeMs. Lisa O’KeefeMs. Nancy A. OlsenOlympic Logistics ServicesOlympic Maintenance, Inc.Mrs. Carole O’MalleyMr. James A. O’MalleyMr. Patrick J. O’MalleyMr. and Mrs.Timothy P. O’MalleyMr.William T. O’NeillMs. Patricia O’Neill-BuscemiMrs. Geraldine S. O’ReillyMs. Mary M. OrelukMs. Christine OrozcoMrs. Elaine OrzechMs. Margaret A. O’SullivanPacor Mortgage CorporationMs. Kim PakulaPalermo Pizza Inc.Papa Joe’s RestaurantPappysPark CleanersMr. and Mrs. Michael ParkerParkview Carpentry IncParkview Orthopaedic GroupMr. Joseph Parra, Jr.Mr.Thomas ParsonsMs. Priscilla ParusDr. and Mrs.Thomas S. PatricoskiMs. Katherine J. Pattison

Mr. and Mrs. Stan J. Pavilonis Jr.Ms.Tammi PavilonisMr. and Ms. Ronald PawlowskiMrs. Jo Anne PehrMs. Corene E. PeloquinMr. and Mrs. Francis PendergastMs. Lisa M. PendergastMs. Dorice PepinMr. Bill PerakisMr. and Mrs. Hugo PerezMs. Beth PergandeMr. and Mrs. Charles F. PetereinMrs. Marie J. PeterlinMr. and Mrs. Dale PetersonMr. and Mrs.Thomas A. PetersonMs. Joanne C. PetkusPetkus Lemont Funeral HomeMr. and Mrs. Frank A. PetrasekMr. Bill PetschinskyMs. Melissa PetschinskyMr. and Mrs. Donald PfingstlerMr. and Mrs. David A. PiechMr. and Mrs.Allen R. PierceMr. John PikarskiMr. and Mrs. Charles A. Piper, Jr.Mrs. Sharon PisoniMr. and Mrs. Robert M. PizzoMr. and Mrs. Patrick D. PlattMr. and Mrs. Eric PlessingerMr. John PlumpeMr. and Mrs. Leo PociusMs. Marcia L. PoczworowskiPollard Brothers

Manufacturing CompanyPop’s Italian Beef and RibsMr. and Mrs.William P. PorcelliMs. Jean PornMr. and Mrs. Jack PowersMr. and Mrs. John J. PowersMr. Richard J. PowersMr.Thomas PowersMr. and Mrs. Joseph PozycinskiMs. Mary Alice PrendergastMrs. Maureen PrendergastMr. Richard F. PrendergastMs. Kristyn ProdoehlPrudential Biros Real EstateMr. and Mrs. James QuickMr. and Mrs. Matthew T. QuinnMr. and Mrs. James A. Rabbitt

Ms. Deanna RabideauxMr. and Mrs. Patrick RaceyMr.Thomas RaddatzHareth M. Raddawi, M.D.Rainbow ConesMs. Katherine E. RaleighMr. Michael O. RamsdenMr. and Mrs. Gary S. MichalekMs. Nancy M. ReardonMs. Sharon M. RecchiaMs. Sue ReedMr. and Mrs.Thomas J. ReidMr. and Mrs. Robert R. ReifMr. and Mrs. James W. ReillyMs. Janice ReitzRespironics Inc.Retina AssociatesMs. Joanne RicchiutoRichard M. Daley Campaign

CommitteeMr. and Mrs. Oliver J. RichardsonMr. Edward A. RichertMrs. Barbara RickertMr. and Mrs. Mark RickertMrs. Sharon M. RiemersmaMrs. Marian T. RiordanRiordan & Scully InsuranceThe Ritz-Carlton ChicagoMs. Janice M. RocheMs. Eileen RohanMr. and Mrs. James E. RohanMr. and Mrs.Thomas S. RohanMs.Anne M. RoherMr. and Mrs. Paul RomanoMs. Jennifer L. RonspiesMr. and Mrs.Thomas A. RosiellloMr. and Mrs. Daniel R. RosinskiRound Town Construction Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rourke

Drs. Susan and Daniel RowanMs. Julia E. RuchalaMr. and Mrs. Frank W. RuffMrs. Marie McFadden RuffMs. Lilian G. RupisanMrs. Marion RuzichMs. Darlene M. RyanMs. Ellie RyanMr. and Mrs. James H. RyanMs. Jane RyanRyan Meat CompanyMs. Mary Ryan-GallikMr. John M. Ryczek,Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Glen RylkoS & T Provisions Co., Inc.Ms. Maura SaasMrs. Julie A. SabatiniMr. and Mrs. Salvador SaludMr. and Mrs. Donald SalzmanMr. and Mrs. John B. SalzmanMr. and Mrs. Patrick SampsonMs. Maureen SanchezSanofi-aventisMr. and Mrs. George V. SapienzaMs. Joan T. SavageMs. Mary Louise ScaliaMrs. Mary ScaliseMrs. Maureen ScanlonMrs. Patricia L. ScannellDr. and Mrs. Louis F. ScaramellaMs. Kim ScarnavackMr. and Mrs.Thomas SchafferMr. Douglas C. ScheelMr. and Mrs.

Kenneth A. SchiemannMs.Ann M. SchmidMs. Bonnie SchmidtMrs. Lynne SchmidtMs. Margaret A. Schneider



Mrs. Loretto M. SchroederMr. and Mrs. John SchrollMrs. Janet SchultzMs. Kathleen M. SchultzMs. Patricia SchultzMrs. Catherine M. SchumacherMs. Maureen SebokMs. Marge SedlakSegal McCambridge Singer

& MahoneyMrs. Colleen J. SeiterReverend Joseph W. SeitzMr.Todd A. SelkeMs. Janet SeperMr. and Mrs.Timothy ShanahanMr. and Mrs. Daniel F. ShannonMr. and Mrs. Dennis R. ShawMr. and Mrs.Timothy SheaMs. Karen ShemanskiMr.Yau L. ShenMr. and Mrs. Neil ShereMs. Dorothy SherryMrs. Kathleen A. ShieldsMr. and Mrs. Mark ShieldsMrs. Nicoline ShieldsMr. Michael J. ShineMr. and Mrs. Roy F. ShobeMs. Mary ShumskyMs. Mary SilderMrs.Anne M. SimsMs. Kim SirokySisters of MercySisters of Mercy of the AmericasMr.Thomas A. SkalitzkyMr. and Mrs. Ronald SkarzynskiSkip’s New Evergreen RestaurantJames F. Skomurski, M.D.Mr. Robert Elston and

Dr. Patricia E. SloanMr. and Mrs. Michael J. SmallMr. James Smat and FamilyDavid J. Smith, M.D.Ms. Joan E. SmithMs. Margaret SmithTrustee and Mrs. Norbert SmithMs. Margaret SmitzinMs. Kathleen E. SnorewiczMs. Rita Soder BriceSolution 3 GraphicsMr. Steven I. Song

Mr. Frank SorichMs. Margaret SosnowskiSouth Side Irish ParadeCommitteeSouthtown Paint and

Wallpaper CompanySouthwest Airlines CompanySouthwest NephrologyAssociates, S.C.Southwest Physicians GroupSouthwest Urology

Associates, S. C.Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. SpagnoliSt. Barnabas Catholic SchoolSt. Bede’s Women’s GuildSt. Bernadette’s ChurchSt. John Fisher ChurchSt. John Fisher Women’s ClubStandard Textile Company, IncMs. Mary A. StapletonMs. Lisa M. StarcevichDr. and Mrs. Charalambos

StavrakosMr. and Mrs. David J. SteinMs. Janice StewartMs. Kathleen StrandMs. Dorothy StraughterMs. Janet StrimelMs. Gwen StrutzenbergMs. Jeanette SublettSuburban Bank & TrustMs.Vanessa F. SucheckiSuds FactoryMr. and Mrs. Clifford J. SullivanMr. Lawrence J. SullivanMrs. Marian Q. SullivanMr. and Mrs. Michael S. SullivanMr. and Mrs. Donald J. SutkusMs. Kathleen SweeneyMr. and Mrs. Martin SweeneyMr. and Mrs. Michael J. SweeneyMr. Patrick SweeneyMr. and Mrs. Patrick SweeneyMs. Paulette SwierkMs. Martha H. SwiftMs. Nancy J. SwistowiczSysco Food ServicesMr. and Mrs. Steven SzalkoMrs. Celine T. Szykowny

T.F. Boland & Sons Decorating, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs.TallonMs. Margaret TanseyMs. Linda J.TempleMs. Janet TerraThomas W Dower FoundationThompson & Kuenster

Funeral HomeMr. and Mrs.Andrew W.ThorsenTibor Machine ProductsTimberwolf Carpentry Inc.Ms. Darlene M.TobinMr. and Mrs. Richard M.ToddMr. James G.TogherMr. and Mrs. James E.

TomaszewskiMr. Michael A.Toolis and

Ms.Theresa MintleMr. and Mrs. Jerome P.ToomeyTotal Computer Supplies, Inc.Ms. Marlene TowersTown Liquors/ Armanetti

Beverage MartTR Communications, Inc.Ms. Jean TraynereMs. Cozette L.TrelaTrinity Gift Shoppe & BoutiqueMs. Susan TrunkMs. Erika V.TurckesMrs. Elizabeth TuscherU.S. Equities Asset

Management, LLC

Ungaretti & HarrisUnited Building Maintenance, IncUnited Home Owners

of Evergreen ParkUnited States Fire Protection, Inc.University of Chicago HospitalMr. and Mrs. Kenneth UrbonMs. Cecil N. UyDr. and Mrs. James P.ValekMrs. Mary Jo ValentiMrs. Margaret M.ValentineVallance Appraisal CoMr. and Mrs. Jeff Van WagnerMr. and Mrs. Peter VandeveldMs. Maria L.VelazquezMr. and Mrs. Howard R.VerduinVillage of Evergreen ParkMr.Alan E.VillaniMr. and Mrs.Alan F.VillaniMs. Marie VitroMs. Majda VladicMr. and Mrs. Bernard A.VlosakMs. Joy E.VogeltanzMr. and Mrs. Daniel VorisMr. John J.VosickyMr. and Mrs. Robert WadeMs. Dorothy J.WagnerWaldo Cooney’s PizzaMr. and Mrs. John WalshMr. and Mrs. Maurice WalshMr. and Mrs. Michael J.WalshMr. and Mrs. Robert F.WalshMr. and Mrs.William J.Walsh



Basel I. Al-Aswad, M.D.

Calliope Andricacou, M.D.

Ms. Marcia Schneider Batsakis

Mrs. Anne Boyle

Mr.Thomas F. Bridgman,Chairperson

Sister M. Joseph Casey L.C.M.

Mr. Michael T. Cava

Mr.Thomas G. Clifford

Ms. Sandie Sleeman Doherty

Mrs. Mary Ellen Fahey

Brian P. Farrell, M.D.

Richard M. Farrell, M.D.

Lourdes D. Floro, M.D.

Irving L. Fuld, M.D.

Mr. Daniel F. Gallagher

Mr. Neil Glynn

Mr. Stephen M. Hallenbeck

Mr. Richard J. Harrigan

Sister Margaret Christina Hoban, L.C.M.

Ms. Nancy Rita Kaz

Mrs. Carrie A. Kelley

James A. K. Lambur, M.D.

Mrs. Martha McNicholas Lowry

Senator Edward Maloney

Sister Kathleen McIntyre, L.C.M.,President

Mr. Martin J. McLaughlin

Mrs. Mari-ellyn Morreale

The Honorable Sheila Murphy

Mr. Michael K. O’Malley

Mr. Steven F. Rosenbaum

David J. Roth, M.D.

Alderman Ginger A. Rugai

Mr.Thomas Schaffer

Mr. Patrick Sheahan

Patricia E. Sloan, EdD, RN, FAAN

Mr. Michael B. Stillman

Mr. Michael A.Toolis

Sister Sharon Ann Walsh, L.C.M.

Mr.William J.Winters

Mrs. Marilyn Wohlberg

Mr. Paul Wojcicki

Mrs. Sheila Lowry Yakutis

Mrs. Mary Lou Zidek

Walt Disney World Co.Ms. Mary F.Ward-MaysterDeacon Rich WarfieldMr. James B.Waters Jr.Ms. Sandra Watson-SmithMr. and Mrs. Edward A.WeaverWebb Ford on 95th StreetMs. Lynelle M.WeberMs. Bonnie WebsterMr. Michael WeiseMr.William J.WelshMs. Loretta H.WendtWestern Oil Enterprises, Ltd.Ms. Bette WestloveMrs. Maureen Weybright-ClaichMrs. Suzanne M.WhalenMs. Darlene WhiteMr. and Mrs. Donald L.WhiteMs. Kathleen WhooleyMrs. Patricia WilczynskiMr. Marc WilkowMrs. Barbara E.WilliamsonMs. Janet WilschkeMr. and Mrs. Dennis WilsonMr. and Mrs. Gaines D.WilsonWindy City Silkscreening IncMr. and Mrs.William J.WintersMs. Irene J.WnekDr. Denise

Wojciechowski-MitchellMs. Jacqueline WojcikWomen’s Auxiliary of the

Beverly Country ClubPauline Wong-Hugh, M.D.Mr.Thomas J.WrenMs. Maureen WrightMr.Thomas R.WynneKevin J.Wysocki, D.D.S.Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence YakutisMs. Barbara YamichMr. and Mrs. Michael S.YurkovicMs. Maureen ZaleskiZapatista RestaurantMr. and Mrs. Francis A. ZawaskiMs. Joan ZielinskiTodd M. Zimmerman, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Robert ZollnerDavid L. Zumerchik, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Zwick

Carrie Kelly


Mr. Thomas Bridgman, Chair


ProfessionalismThis core value expressesour commitment to deliverquality, respectful care withpersonal pride.This givesindividuals the opportunityto demonstrate LittleCompany’s standards ofexcellence through theirappearance, attitude andactions.

COMPASSIONThis core value states ourcommitment to create anenvironment with respectfor all.We show thisthrough listening to ourpatients, assisting their families, encouraging ourco-workers and supportingour physicians and leaders.

QualityThis core value states ourcommitment to meet orexceed our standards ofservice, promoting the highest level of safetythroughout our organization.We demonstrate thisthrough PerformanceImprovement activities andour strong commitment to“Spirited Service.”

RESPONSIBILITYThis core value states our commitment to stewardship.We showthis by wisely caring forand sharing human,environmental and financialresources held in ourtrust.

In solidarity with the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, we are entrusted to serve the community through our ministry of Catholic health care. We are the empowered laity – the Greater Company of Mary. Rooted in a deep heritage of prayerful support of the sick and dying, we strive to enhance the sacredness of life and human dignity.

We continually strive to live our Core Values

2800 West 95th StreetEvergreen Park, IL


PAIDChicago, IL