Little Fish - SQ · Dear...

Post on 22-Jul-2018

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Little Fish

This book belongs to:

Little Fish Pledge

Because Jesus loves

me, I can alwaysDo my best.

Glue a photo here of you saying a prayer to Jesus.


I can pray about

Today I heard a

story about Jesus.

I can pray to Jesus any time. It's just like talking to a special friend.

I told a story to my class about __________. They are my favourite Bible friend.

Glue a photo here of you telling a story to your class about your favourite Bible friend.

We acted out the story about____________.

Glue a photo here of your

class acting out a Bible story.


Here are some things I am going to try to do to show

that I am a friend of Jesus.


Glue a photo of yourself here.

Here are some things I know about myself

My home phone number is

My full name is

My parent's names are

My address is

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16.”I have memorised this text.


You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. You do not own yourselves. 1 Cor 6:19

What I want my face to look like to show others that I am happy that Jesus lives in my heart.

My Body














I want to use my mouth for Jesus

Glue photos of your class playing the body balloon game here.

God in Heaven, made many kids. Many kids made God in Heaven. He made my body, with lots of parts, so here's what I can do: nod my head, stretch my neck, shrug my shoulders, swing my arms, bend my elbows, clap my hands, beat my chest, rub my tummy, scratch my back, slap my bottom, kick my legs, bend my knees, stamp my feet, sit down!


I want to use my hands for Jesus

Draw a picture of some hands here


God promised Abraham as many children as the sand of the sea

shore. That's a lot of children! I am one of God's children too!

God made lots and lots and lots of sand!!

Glue a photo here of your class

measuring sand.

Glue a photo here of your

sand art picture.

Glue a picture her of the sand art in a bottle you created.


In life there are good things and bad things. “Dear Jesus, please help me to sieve through

things and only choose the good things. In Your Name, Amen.”

Glue here a photo of your

class seperating the beans from the


Thank You, Jesus, for making the ________________

My Bean Picture

Glue a photo here of the picture that you made

with beans.

Jesus wants my hands to be helpful hands.

Glue here a photo of your helpful hands fridge


If you have a photo of you

being helpful to Mummy at home,

glue it here.


Honour your father and your mother: that your days may be

long upon the land which the Lord your God gives you. Exodus 20:12.

Here are some ways that I

want to use my hands to help

at home:


Here is one special job that I am going to try to do to help Mummy

during the next week:


My favourite helpful Bible character is ________________. I am pretending to be them.

Glue a photo here of you pretending

to be your favourite helpful Bible character.

Glue a photo here of you pretending to be helpful while singing a helpful song.

I can be a happy helper for Jesus.

The Golden Rule

Treat others as you want to be treated.

Matthew 7:12.




hank ou

Special Words


ou're elcome

xcuse e

Here is what it means to say _______________________.


Special Words

I can use special words to show that I have good manners.

Glue here a photo of you using your

special words.

It's good to say “sorry” when you've done something wrong.

“I did wrong and that's too bad, I'll tell Jesus I

am sad.

He will smile from above and forgive in His

great love.”

My Pet

Jesus made lots of different animals for me to enjoy.

Glue here a photo of the zoo animal

puppets you made.

Glue here a photo of the

three zoo animals that

you mounted.


One of my favourite zoo animals is ____________

Glue here a photo of one of your favourite zoo

animals that you made from playdough.


There are even zoo animals mentioned in the Bible!

Glue here a picture of a


Glue here a picture of a

bearGlue here a picture of a


Glue here a picture of a



I saw some guinea pigs and chickens at the farm

Glue here a picture of

you holding a chicken

Glue here a picture of

you holding a guinea pig


Noah's ark fro



Glue here a photo of the

Noah's ark you stacked from


Glue here a photo of the animal you made from sponges.

Noah's ark jig



Glue here a photo of the Noah's ark

jigsaw puzzle you made


God keeps His


Glue here a photo of your class showing

the most common shape

you found


Something I found on our walk that was...




I spy something

that is... “big”,

“small”, “bigger

than that!” “The

smallest!” “No,

it's smaller than


The most common shape

we found on our nature


I can make all sorts of pictures using shapes.



Crayons are made by mixing colour with melted wax and pouring this hot runny wax

into crayon-shaped moulds to set and go hard.










When cr


get ho


Eight main colours

Glue a photo here of what happens if a crayon gets



Put a tick on the place that you

should use markers, and a

cross where you should not use


Without a cap I will dry out and

not work anymore.

Here are nine colours that I


In the beginning God created the Heaven and the

earth. Genesis 1:1

Today I heard a nature story.

Glue a photo here of your class acting out the creation story.

Glue here a photo of the collage you

made from the items you

collected in nature.



5 of my favourite things God

created for me


Two Nature Items

Relating to a Bible story

Something that is red

My sharing thing

Date: ______________

Dear Parent of a Little Fish Adventurer,

At our next Adventurer meeting your child will be completing part of their course work regarding themselves. Part of this will involve them telling their leader a few important bits of information about themselves.

To assist them with this requirement, please help your child to have memorised the following information prior to our next meeting:

Home phone numberTheir full nameTheir parent's namesTheir full street address

If you will not be in attendance with your child at the next meeting, please send along this information on a piece of paper to assist the teacher in prompting them if necessary.

Also, we will be learning two Bible verses. To give your child a head-start it would be great if you could teach them these texts prior to the next meeting:“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3 verse16“You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. You do not own yourselves.” 1 Corinthians 6 verse 19.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any further questions regarding this requirement please contact your child's adventurer teacher on _____________________.

From the Little Fish Adventurer class :-)

Date: ______________

Dear Parent of a Little Fish Adventurer,

Today at Adventurers we have been learning about being helpful. To be awarded the “Helping Mummy” award your child must help Mummy for one week.

Your child has chosen to help Mummy by ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

If you would rather they help you with something different, that's fine, just let us know. If possible, please take a photo of them on one of the days that they help and send it along to the next meeting to be put in their work books. Please fill in the information at the bottom of this letter and send it with your child to the next meeting.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any further questions regarding this requirement please contact your child's adventurer teacher on _____________________.

From the Little Fish Adventurer class :-)

__________________ helped their mother at home for one week by_________ _______________________________________________________________.

Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sand Art Adventurers 2012

Sand Art Adventurers 2012

Date: ______________

Dear Parent of a Little Fish Adventurer,

At our next Adventurer meeting we will be talking about pets, and earning the “Pets” award. Although this is not a compulsory award we think that your child would benefit from the experience. We will be covering most of the content of this award in our next meeting.

However, part of the requirement stipulates that the child must take care of their pet for one week and help to feed their pet for one week. If you already have a pet, get your child to choose which pet is going to receive their special care for the week. If you do not have a pet, perhaps this would be a good time to “borrow” one for a week so that your child can have this experience and learn about the responsibility that comes with having a pet. They are only required to have the pet for one week to earn the award.

Please encourage your child to take special care of their pet for a week and also to help to feed it every day. Please take a photo of them looking after it and send in this photo with them to our next meeting. At our next meeting they will need to tell their class a story about their pet, so please help them to think of a story prior to the meeting.

Please Note: The next Adventurer meeting will be “Show and Tell” day, where your child can bring their pet along (in a secure cage) so they can answer all of the questions the class asks and tell the story about their pet. Pets will be kept in a quiet room in their cages before and after “show and tell” to avoid any pet being hurt or lost. If you are unable to send along your child's pet, please remember to send a photo to show the class instead.

If you do not have a pet and really do not want to care for one for a week that will not impact on the overall outcome for your child in Adventurers for the year. This award is not compulsory. However, please discuss with them prior to our next meeting the reasons that you do not wish them to take care of a pet so that when we discuss pets in class they will not feel upset.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any further questions regarding this requirement please contact your child's adventurer teacher on _____________________.

From the Little Fish Adventurer class :-)

All pictures taken from a “Pictures of zoo animals” google search on 29th Jan 2012

Zoo animals to cut, colour and mount or copy for drawings for puppets

My Sponge Art Picture

My Sponge Art Animal

My Shapes Picture

My “Different Sizes” picture


And his coat of many colours

Here is a picture I drew with markers

Here is a picture I made

Here is a picture I made

Animals found in the Bible.

Shapes to know, cut out and glue into your scrapbook for the “Shapes and Sizes”

award, to create a pig.


Coloured paper cut-outs