Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only · Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile...

Post on 31-May-2020

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Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only


- Dashboard screen: its Reflects overall your business Financial condition.

- In Bottom you will get 5 Tab-bar. Dashboard, Party, Item, Reports, Settings.

Next Financial Year Previous Financial Year

Change Company

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

- Company Info: it Describes information of the company.

- Also, it will describe date when company is created and sync status of the company.

Company Info

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

- From Dashboard you can click any particular screen like Sales, Purchase, Cash, Bank, Payment, Receipt, Outstanding

Payables, Outstanding Receivables. Above screen is for Outstanding Receivables.

Share Search

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

- From dashboard when you click on sales you will get this screen.

- Here you will get many options to view your sales data and to share your data.

Group By


Share reports

Select time Search Ledger

Graphical view

of Sales

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

- Party: Here user will get full list of Parties added.

- From + Button user can create ledger.

- If very big data of party, there is a Search option is also available.

Create Ledger/Party Search Party

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

- From Party once user click on particular party, there will be + button at bottom to Create Voucher.

- This is the most important features of Live keeping that create Sales invoice, Purchase invoice, Sales order,

Purchase order, Payment, Receipt, Journal, Contra, Credit Note, Debit Note.

- This Entry will be automatically reflecting to your tally data within few minutes.

- User can check status of this Voucher creation from Reports >Back Entry.

Share Ledger Reports View & share party details

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

- So this will be the screen when you are going to add back entry from your mobile to Tally.

- This is for Creating Invoice, with button of add item and add more ledger.

- In add item you will get drop down List in Item Name and Select Godowns.

Select Ledger Name Select Party Name

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

- Item Screen: here user will get full details for Items. Item view available by Groups and category.

- From + button user can Create item as well.

- User can check status of this Item Creation from Reports >Back Entry.

Search Item Create Item

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

- Reports Screen: This Screen will Give you overall view of your Financial reports.

- It includes Trial balance, Daybooks, Expenses with graphs, ledger reports, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Back Entry.

- Expenses will be shown separately Direct Expenses, indirect Expenses.

- User can share this report from app directly.

Share Day Book

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

- Report Screen:

- Back Entry: here user get all the Entry done from mobile to Tally. Here user can view,

- Status of ledger created from App

- Status of Voucher created from App

- Status of Item created from App

Share Trial balance Report Next and Previous Year

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

- Setting Screen: Users

In Setting there is most important feature available that, user can give specific permission to other user to view

and manage data according to their roles and responsibility.

Delete User

Add users Search User

Your Licenses Expire Date

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

- Setting Screen: user can Able to View Profile, Licenses Expire date, list of companies.

- User can add pass code for Security purpose. Also, can change password.

- From support user can contact direct live keeping Support.

Search Company

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

- Setting Screen: You can select currency and you can also search for your region’s currency.

Search Currency

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only

Live Keeping: Manage Tally From Your Mobile Only