Lo1 – landscape

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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LO1 – Understanding Photographs – Landscape

The photographic category that I am going to be investigating is that of the Landscape genre. Landscape photography involves the photographic study wide open land images they are also layered images as some will have layers of different foregrounds and backgrounds and such things a buildings or trees placed slightly out of alignment. This could consist of a range of different landscapes and environments the images can also consist of different lighting.

The photographer that I am focusing on Charlie Waite is a landscape photogapher and has made thousands off of selling his pictures he has a range of pictures from different parts of the world as he does a lot of traveling.

As you can see rule of thirds has been used in this image as the building is inline with the rule of thirds line this is very effective as it helps to make the small house the main focus of the image as it makes it stand out more.

The lighting is very effective as it instantly makes the mounting and the sky stand out in the background the most as the foreground such as the grass and the house are dark this making the lighter areas of the image stand out as if the mounting is the main focus this could be used as the house is dark and the mounting light to balance what the viewer takes notice of as they are both supposed to have very different effects on people.

You can see from this image that it has not been cropped to focus on a specific area as the image has every thing still in view such as the mountings. Also being a landscape photographer it is very rare that you will focus on a certain are as you normally use the whole image that was taken as it actually shows the landscape.

The purpose of this image is to show the contrast between the lower area of the image compared to the top this is very effective also using rule of thirds making the house stand out more also the mounting are perfectly in line with the rule of third. This image is also trying to capture the whole of the landscape such as the

mountings the river and the house as he wants a wide-open shot to balance the photo.

The photographer I have chosen is Charlie Waite The photographic category that I am going to be investigating is that of the Landscape genre. Landscape photography involves the photographic study wide open land images they are also layered images as some will have layers of different foregrounds and backgrounds and such things a buildings or trees placed slightly out of alignment. This could consist of a range of different landscapes and environments the images can also consist of different lighting techniques.

Rule of thirds have been used to align the tree this is effective for rule of thirds Charlie Waite has also used leading lines as the main focus is the tree and there is a long bush leading straight to the tree this is very effective as it makes the viewer focus specifically on the tree this is the whole point of this image.

Charlie Waite is a landscape photographer he has made thousands off of selling his landscape photos as he has his own site that he uses to sell his photos. He does a lot of traveling to get a huge range of his photos.

The lighting used is very effective as every thing is lit up apart from the tree this is used, as it is very effective as it basically makes the tree a silhouette compared to how light the background is as the sky is a mix between blue and white. This makes the tree the, most effective thing in the photo.

The purpose of this is to make the image very effective by adding the different effects such as rule of thirds and leading lines to focus on certain areas of the image e.g. the tree.

Looking at this image you can see that it has not been cropped as it is a landscape photo and it is rare that landscape photographers will be cropped as they are supposed to show the whole image as this is how they make it very effective.