Loaves and fishes

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Loaves and Fishes“Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.”

A single loaf of bread

can feed one person with a big stomach or . . .

A single loaf of breadrolled into 20 bread balls

can feed 20 people with little stomachs or . . .

A single loaf of bread rolled into 20 bread balls attached to hooks

can catch 20 fish or . . .

A single loaf of bread rolled into 20 bread balls attached to hookscatch 20 fish

can be used as a decorative stamp or . . .

A single loaf of bread rolled into 20 bread balls attached to hooks to catch 20 fishto make decorative stamps

can be stamped on 500 t-shirts or . . .

A single loaf of bread rolled into 20 bread balls attached to hooks to catch 20 fishto make decorative stamps for 500 t-shirts

can be sold to raise $5,000 or . . .

A single loaf of bread rolled into 20 bread balls attached to hooks to catch 20 fishto make decorative stamps for 500 t-shirts to raise $5,000

can be donated to a food bank or . . .

A single loaf of bread rolled into 20 bread balls attached to hooks to catch 20 fishto make decorative stamps for 500 t-shirts to raise $5,000 to donate to a food bank

can feed 1,000 people . . .

All from one simple loaf of bread