Loewe Connect. - ACappella · it was perhaps a taste of things to come. When the world’s first...

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Loewe Connect. Always on.

Loewe Ultra HD

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Contents. Loewe Connect.

01. Cover story: Always on. Page 06

02. What we offer: Your best design. Page 14

Your best picture. Page 18

Your best sound. Page 22

Your best operation. Page 28

03.Who we are: Made in Germany. Page 34

Loewe’s history. Page 36

04. A closer look: Product details TV. Page 38

Technical information TV. Page 40

Product details and Page 42

technical information sound systems.

Editorial.Never Stop Beginning.

There has been a lot of talk about new beginnings at Loewe recently. But in actual fact, the thrill of new beginnings has been a constant theme for our company – starting with its creation in 1923, founded by the brothers Dr. Siegmund and David Loewe as a radio engineering business in Berlin, and continuing to drive our development today. The best example of this is the completely redesigned Loewe Connect, featured in this magazine. A new incarnation but still distinctively Loewe.

Did you know that, back in 1931, Loewe played an instrumental role in the world’s first public television broadcast? Made possible thanks to the research work of Manfred von Ardenne, Loewe’s Chief Engineer, who later went on to become a world-famous physicist. After inventing television, the natural next step is to enhance and improve your creation: for example, by introducing even more flexible recording and playback options (pages 6–13). Not forgetting amazing sound quality, with a 5.1 audio decoder fully integrated in the TV rather than offered as an optional extra (page 25). As well as a unique Internet radio search feature to help you track down music from your favourite singers and bands from around the world (page 32). And finally, by remaining true to our roots in

Germany: unusual in our sector ... but a commitment backed by some strong arguments (pages 34–35). We are therefore embracing this next new beginning – in perpetuation of a tradition. I hope

you will continue to accompany us on our journey!

Mark HüsgesManaging Director

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02. 0 1.




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Always on. A campfire for the modern age.

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In ancient times our ancestors gathered together around a fire. More recently, our generation too regularly gathered around a flickering focal point – this time the television. Always at specific times, to watch old favourites like “Star Trek”, “Columbo” or “The Avengers” … But today we are no longer bound by the TV schedule. We can still enjoy our favourite programmes, but at a time and place of our choosing. Generally on our comfortable sofa, with the television transformed into a smart entertainment hub.

Join us for a moment, on a journey back in time: to 1970s Germany. When a typical Saturday evening went something like this: worn down by repeated requests, parents would finally give in and let the kids stay up to watch “Am Laufenden Band” (“All right, we can have a long lie in tomorrow”). While the adults made themselves comfortable on the sofa with a glass of wine, the younger generation would set up camp on the floor, complete with pillows and blankets. After patiently sitting through the news, the eagerly anticipated moment arrived, as the popular Dutch entertainer Rudi Carrell stepped into our living rooms. He sang and joked with

contestants, even allowed them to snip off the odd lock of hair from time to time. Anything to make Saturday evening go with a swing! “Am Laufenden Band” was a live game show for all the family that attracted record ratings from 1974 until 1979. It was firm favourite with TV critics and viewers alike, and a sure-fire winner at all the TV award ceremonies. Rudi Carrell’s inspiration for the concept was the Dutch show entitled “Eén van de Acht”, first aired in 1969. Four couples – two generations of two different families – a grandmother and grandson, or father and son – competed to win an eclectic collection of prizes. From an umbrella stand to a knitting

Pick and choose, up to three times: That’s the beauty of Loewe Multi Recording.

Pause live television ... and then pick up where you left off in a different room. This is just one of the new horizons opened up some time ago by the smart Loewe DR+ technology.

The new Loewe Connect is now ushering in even more flexible recording options. “Loewe Multi Recording allows you to record two television programmes simultaneously on the integrated Loewe DR+ 1-TB hard disk. In many cases, you can even watch a third channel in parallel”, explains Loewe software developer Stefan Schedel. “To achieve this, we make clever use of our two tuners. These tuners are designed to work independently on fully digitised signal processing,” continues Schedel. “The only possible restrictions are the type of connection or legal provisions.” Say farewell to the days of impossible choices between your favourite crime series and a sports broadcast – and frustrating scheduling clashes!


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From campfire to Internet. An infographic showing our changing media habits and the history of television.

790,000 BC

1940s France was the only country in Europe to broadcast without interruption during the Second World War. In the United Kingdom, there was a seven-year break in transmissions following the outbreak of the war. While in Germany, screens were switched off for eight years after 1944.

1967 The official launch of colour television in Britain and Germany.

1934It wasn’t quite the cinema experience we know today, but it was perhaps a taste of things to come. When the world’s first regular high-resolution quality (180 lines per picture) broadcast started in Berlin back in 1934, practically no-one had a television. So people used to assemble in public “television rooms”. Three times a week for two hours each time – that was the extent of the scheduling. In 1929, the BBC began broadcasting a regular low-resolution test programme (between 30 and 60 lines per picture).

Commercial television was invented – of course – by the Americans. The first broadcasting licences were sold at the start of July 1941, and the first television ad was aired the very same day: running for one hour. The UK licensed commercial television in 1954, with France and Italy also running private broadcasting trials by then. It took a little longer for the first commercial TV channels to arrive in Germany, 1984 to be precise. The number of television broadcasters has increased exponentially since the 1980s, now standing at over 8,000 around the world.


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It is not quite clear when exactly people first began to use fire. The oldest find to date, in today’s Israel, dates back to 790,000 years BC. Discovered in Spain and Indonesia, the oldest cave paintings were created around 40,000 BC. People used to gather around the fire, enjoy the warmth and tell stories. And wonder at the way the paintings on the walls seemed to come to life in the flickering light of the fire.

1930 The physicist Manfred von Ardenne, at the time Loewe’s Chief Engineer, transmitted the first electronic images, with a raster of 100 lines for 20 picture changes per second. Using the innovative “Braun” cathode ray tube.

1953 The first live TV broadcast of a major event: On 2 June 1953, 27 million people, out of the then total British population of 36 million, watched the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

Economies recovered and people became more affluent. Everyone who could afford one, purchased a television. By 1952, there were 1.45 million TV sets in Britain and around 11,000 in France. Germany lagged a long way behind, with 300 sets, but quickly caught up. By 1965, almost half of all German households had a television.


2014Nothing has changed our media habits quite so dramatically as the arrival of the Internet. While we still tend to prefer watching our favourite shows from the comfort of our sofa, the Internet, smartphones and tablet computers have made us mobile. We watch what we want, at a time and place of our choosing. The television entered the Internet age some time ago: allowing us to look at digital photos, listen to music, stream films and TV series and even surf for video clips. In its new incarnation as a control centre, it remains a focal point: like the campfire in days gone by. 

1997 Loewe introduces the first Internet television set: Loewe Xelos @media – to play, surf and work.

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machine, or even envelopes of cash – all passing before their eyes along a conveyor belt.

This big Saturday evening show was essential viewing, a weekly ritual in homes all over the country. And not just in Germany. In the UK and France too, families gathered around the television, with viewing figures of over 60 percent by no means unusual. And back at work on Monday morning, it was the only topic of conversation – unheard of today, unless of course it’s the World Cup final. Back then, the television was not simply a mass medium. It was also a social focal point. In ancient times our ancestors gathered together around a fire. We used to gather around the flickering television screen.

What happens today? We still have these big hit shows. Take, for instance, “Pop Idol” or “I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!”. Successful concepts exported to numerous countries. However, the semi-religious Saturday evening gathering is becoming a thing of the past – replaced by an incredible variety of individual preferences. How did this abundance of choice come to exist? That’s easy: commercial television channels, cable and satellite broadcasters – and not least the Internet! Over

the last three decades, technical progress has driven major changes in our viewing habits: each and every one of us can choose what we want to see, and when we want to see it – and we are bombarded with choice. Over the last few decades, the number of television channels has risen exponentially. With more than 8,000 channels now broadcasting around the world. Not forgetting options through DVD, BluRay, Web and video streaming. We don’t simply watch whatever happens to be on. We pick and choose very carefully, depending on our individual interests.

Our changing lifestyles have also affected our viewing habits: traditional roles and career paths are no longer the norm. Today’s working patterns are far more flexible, and not always compatible with scheduling constraints. 87 per cent of people in the UK, 84 per cent in Germany and 83 per cent in France have an Internet connection. Meaning that they are no longer compelled – at least in theory – to watch programmes at scheduled transmission times. In today’s changing world, integrated hard disk recorders and online media libraries allow you to catch up on missed programmes the next day, or even the next month, if you happen to miss a favourite

show because you’re out with friends.

Of course, we still need compatible devices to record and watch these programmes on. And once again, we have a multitude of options. When we’re out and about, we use our smartphones, tablet computers and laptops. Back in the comfort of our own home, we still tend to prefer the big screen experience, complete with enhanced picture and sound quality. Most of us simply couldn’t imagine life without television! Which means we still want a central point: a hub for all our diverse sources of entertainment and information, and flexible access to this content. In response, the television is transforming into a new intelligent and multi-connected control centre, coordinating your personal entertainment network.

Another recent trend is using our smartphones or tablet computers while watching TV, to tweet about news items or talk about our favourites on talent shows with Facebook friends. These hand-held devices may enhance the television viewing


60 per cent

With more than 8,000 channels

87 per cent

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“It might sound a bit exaggerated ...but nevertheless the recording options opened up by the new Loewe Connect have improved our family life. Dinner starts on time, because the kids are eager to get back to the children’s news show. We just press Pause, live TV stops ... and they can carry on where they left off once the table has been cleared. At the weekend, there are no excuses for missing family outings: Loewe Mobile Recording means we can even record Disney classics we’ve forgot-ten to schedule while we’re out and about.

Situations where we can use Loewe Mobile Recording.

In a restaurant.

Stuck in a traffic jam.

Playing sport.

In a café.

At a concert.

On the beach.

In a meeting.

Before a party.

Alfred Hassaoui, Loewe Audio Development.

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Loewe employees tell us which programmes they record using Loewe Mobile Recording.

Heiko Erhard, Product Management“My favourite sports show. That’s all I need.”

Melanie Hartmann, Production“It’s got to be a crime thriller. My absolute favourite.”

Philipp Schumann, Product Design“Blockbusters and interesting sports shows.”

Jan Bollow, Product Marketing“Football. I would hate to miss any of Bayern Munich’s matches.”

Horst Beil, Production Manager“The Terra X channel, I enjoy its interesting documentaries.”

experience, but by no means do they replace it. To quote the German media scientist Prof. Dr. Beate Schneider: “Just a few years ago, everyone was predicting a fall in TV viewing because the younger generation was turning away from both printed media and television. However, viewing times are actually increasing. This is thanks in no small part to the opportunities for communicating on social networks opened up by the television.” Experts such as Professor Schneider are now talking about a “second screen phenomenon”. By implication: the first screen still plays an important role. The main campfire is still burning – and warming our hearts.

And what happens now on Saturday evenings? They still have special significance, but we do things very differently these days. We might watch the episode of “Downton Abbey” we missed last Sunday, tucked up comfortably in bed. Or we might end up watching a documentary we stumbled on by chance while channel hopping. Or even sit through dozens of trailers with our 13-year old daughter, discussing whether a film with a ’15’ rating is “ok”. Or then again, we might just sit on the patio reminiscing... and searching the Web for an old episode of “Columbo”.

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Any time, any place:That’s the beauty of Loewe Mobile Recording.

You’re stuck in traffic or can’t get away from a meeting ... you won’t make it home in time for your favourite programme. You’re out with friends ... and you suddenly realise the football match is about to start. Thanks to Loewe Mobile Recording, it’s easy to record programmes on the integrated Loewe DR+ hard disk with its 1 TB of storage space, even if you don’t happen to be at home. Leaving you free to enjoy your favourite programmes at a more convenient time! Stefan Schedel, a Loewe software developer, explains: “All you need is a smartphone and an Internet connection. Simply open the new free Loewe Smart Assist app, select the name of the programme on the overview page ...”

What happens then? “Your Loewe Connect will take care of the rest”, says Stefan Schedel with a smile. “That’s what I’ve taught it to do. You can even use it if you’re on holiday in New York!” When you get back home, you can choose to watch your recorded programmes on your patio, or tucked up in bed using a tablet computer – thanks to the Loewe Smart tv2move app.

“The app accesses your Loewe Connect”, explains Stefan Schedel. “And retrieves a live TV programme or a recording from your DR+ archive.”

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“ To tell you the truth: my television often stays switched off – it’s an object of beauty which I enjoy even without an image on the screen.

Edmund Englich, Loewe Design.

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The Loewe Connect is by no means one size fits all. It comes in a wide range of variations: two sizes, four colour schemes and numerous stand options. Together with the Colour Kits, the Loewe Connect makes a statement even when switched off. A true original!

“Of course, we have no idea of what our customers’ homes actually look like”, says Edmund Englich, Loewe designer, with a smile: “And I can categorically state that we have no intention of installing hidden cameras in our TVs!” In fact, there’s a central guiding principle that has been inspiring Loewe’s designers for decades. “We deliberately set out to create home entertainment systems which are less technical in appearance compared to many other manufacturers,” explains Mr Englich. Loewe’s products are intended to integrate seamlessly into customers’ living environments, to play a central role in their lives. Loewe’s designers regularly visit interior design fairs, exploring the latest trends and new materials which leads to the development of concepts such as the Colour Kits for the new Loewe Connect. Available in Black, Silver, Cappuccino, as well as Petrol Blue for those seeking to make a real statement. Just a few simple steps is all it takes to transform the appearance of the premium acoustic fabric speaker cover and surrounding side trim. You can mix and match these details with the housing colour to create different looks: tailored to the

decor. “I must admit,” continues Edmund Englich: “I’ve had more fun experimenting with the Colour Kits than actually watching what’s on TV.”

It might come as a surprise to hear that Loewe considers the design of the back of a television set just as important as the front. But not if you stop to think about the reasons why; it opens up a multitude of options for positioning the new Loewe Connect in your room – and also ensures that the cable routing and management do not detract from the overall aesthetic effect. Edmund Englich explains: “Loewe places great importance on the design of both the sides and the rear of its sets.”

Colour transformations ...

... to integrate seamlessly in your living space: 4x Colour Kits can create tailored effects.

360ºdesign ...

... for perfect aesthetics from every angle.

Edmund Englich, Loewe Design.

Mix and match ...

... to meet precisely one need: yours!

4Highlight colours

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I can’t resist a little smile when I hear proud boasts about TV sets and their Hertz figures. It reminds me of one of those kids’ card games where the person who collects the highest numbers wins. That’s not how you achieve the best picture quality.

Jan Bollow, Loewe Product Marketing.

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There are many competing claims and different measures used as indicators of picture quality. But it’s not the numbers that count, it’s the pictures you see and this is where Loewe really shines. “We don’t develop our innovations to look good in a data table in a magazine or buyers guide,” explains Loewe product manager Jan Bollow. “Our screen technology focuses on delivering the most realistic viewing experience possible.” Seeing is believing? Precisely. For example, the new Loewe Connect’s 4K Ultra High Definition display offers a resolution four times higher than a Full HD television. But innovations are only truly meaningful if you can actually use them!

On Ultra HD TV’s you can display photos and videos via HDMI, a USB stick or from your home network in the crystal clear quality they deserve. However, most current TV broadcast signals do not meet the new Ultra HD standard, an up-scaling process is needed to enjoy the benefits of 4K Ultra HD. An algorithm is required for this. And Loewe’s is particularly sophisticated.

Loewe’s proprietary 4K Ultra HD scaling algorithm delivers beautifully up-scaled Full HD content from 1,920 x 1,080 pixels to 3,840 x 2,160 pixels, for visibly enhanced details and clarity. “At Loewe, it’s not just the numbers that count”, Loewe’s picture engineers always say, “it’s what this actually means for the viewer.”

A smartphone allows you to edit photos with a touch of your finger. Creating striking exaggerated effects, over-saturated colours and extreme contrasts. That’s what you’re trying to achieve in this case ... but what about a TV picture? You can use special eye-catching effects to make your product stand out on a wall of TV sets in an electrical store. Loewe avoids these kinds of gimmicks. Each and every Loewe Connect leaves the factory perfectly calibrated. And each time

you switch the television set on, Loewe Image+ Active picture control guarantees natural sharp outlines, balanced contrast, intensive rendering of black and attractive colour values.

Including one feature most of us are familiar with from laptops: the display automatically adjusts to changes in the surrounding light conditions. The aim is to avoid strain on the user’s eyes and preserve battery life. While it may not run on batteries, this automatic adjustment of the display brightness makes the Loewe Connect more energy efficient. And your eyes will be happy about it too! Another automatic feature further enhances viewing pleasure: VBD+ (Video-Compensated Backlight Dimming) ensures perfect illumination for every scene. For example, for a night-time scene in a crime thriller: the LED backlight dims to create a realistic black effect.

Ultra High Definition …

... for the best picture.

Four times the resolution in comparison to Full HD, multiplying the level of detail within the same area: that’s the promise of Ultra HD, with 3,840 x 2,160 pixels! The Loewe Connect fully explores these new horizons.

Loewe Image+ Active …

... for a perfect finish.

Display adapts ...

... to provide perfect brightness at all times.

Jan Bollow,Loewe Product Marketing.


than simply


Ultra HD

Full HD


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“ The thinner the screen the flatter the sound? We didn’t agree with this unwritten rule of television. So we simply ignored it.

Alfred Hassaoui, Loewe Audio Development.

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Loewe has always regarded great sound as an essential complement to great picture quality. Back in 1933, Loewe’s very first mass production television featured a dynamic speaker. Fast forward to the present day and the Loewe Connect has a sound quality to rival many home cinema systems. Its speakers deliver 80 watts of music output, generating a sound pressure of up to 90dB and specially designed bass reflex ports deliver a genuine perception of deep but clean bass. “We are the first manufacturer in the world to have integrated a 5.1 audio decoder with Dolby Digital and DTS, eliminating the need for an external A/V receiver in the living room” explains Loewe audio engineer Alfred Hassaoui.

You are free to add combinations of speakers without the complexity and clutter you might think. Not only is there no additional A/V receiver required, but with Loewe Digital Audio Link, just one cable is all you need to connect the sound system to the TV. The integrated TV soundbar can also be used as the centre speaker in a home cinema system – for even closer synchronisation of dialogue and images. “A perfectly coordinated ensemble,” says Alfred Hassaoui. “Coming together to create a genuine cinema

experience!” Perfect sound, fewer cables, maximum efficiency: the Loewe Connect has it all built in. Operation too is made more simple through this Integration, all you need is the Loewe TV remote control. Switch on the TV and both sound system and TV power on together – the entire system working in perfect harmony.

“You can position your Loewe Connect in your room wherever you like” explains Alfred Hassaoui, “and you’ll enjoy breathtaking depth of sound and distortion-free dialogue.” Other TV sets emit the sound from the rear and underneath, which explains the resulting rather diffuse perception of sound. “The Loewe Connect’s integrated loudspeakers fire the sound in a single direction”, clarifies Hassaoui. “The front.” It might sound simple. It’s actually unique.

From the broadcaster … over cable net-works and satellite systems … to your TV set: today’s signal path is digital at every stage. However, after reaching your TV, the chain is often altered by conversions occurring before amplification – in some cases, for cost reasons. Loewe bucks this trend. From the front end – the television receiver – to the back end – the loudspeaker: end-to-end digital sound processing and reproduction. Is this really necessary, Alfred Hassaoui?

“You can hear the difference.” In the Loewe Connect, there are no losses in dynamics and precision – and no interference from signal noise. “Analogue conversion takes place at the very last possible point,” explains Hassaoui. “When the sound is projected from the loudspeaker.” And with no distortion whatsoever, thanks to the special acoustic fabric cover: a treat for both your ears and your eyes!

From high-clarity dialogue through to immersive cinema sound ...

... thanks up to 80 watts of stereo sound, bass reflex and a 5.1 audio decoder: all fully integrated. Front-firing

speakers ...

... to project high-clarity, distortion-free dialogue.

Alfred Hassaoui, Loewe Audio Development.

A complete digital chain ...

... more dynamics, greater precision, less signal noise.

Nosignal noise.

Loewe TVs.

Other TVs.


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Or 3.1: Now you can experience the precision and sensitivity with which Loewe speakers work as an ensemble – when two Stand Speakers are combined with the Subwoofer 200, for example. Thanks to Loewe’s unique integrated audio decoder, in this setup, the TV’s soundbar is programmed to act as the Center Speaker.

Or 5.1: Experience sound from all sides – or a high speed chase that goes straight through the room. And there are countless variants when it comes to putting together your 5.1 system.

For a genuinely immersive experience, we recommend two Stand Speakers in combination with two Satellite Speakers and the Loewe Subwoofer 525. The Loewe Stand Speakers combine impressive power output with a beautiful, minimalist design. The speakers’ 4 mm thick aluminium housing is milled from a single solid profile without any visible screw fixings to ensure the purest lines are retained. With the high-quality fabric tweeter and the four speaker D’Appolito configuration, the Stand Speakers produce very pure, precise and transparent sound across all frequency ranges. Perfect for playback of movies and TV sound as well as music.

Whichever Loewe speakers you choose, your home cinema system will provide crystal clear and powerful sound. Configure your system according to your spatial requirements and your individual taste. Different setup solutions for the floor, the wall or the rack allow the speakers to be positioned anywhere in the room. And the subwoofers lay the necessary foundation for your sound experience.

Example 2.0: The integrated soundbar on the Loewe Connect TVs is designed in such a way that it produces an outstanding and authentic performance on its own.

Slim design …

… and sound that fills the room combined in a scalable sound concept:

A truly immersive sound experience …

… like no other television.

For a livelier more powerful base sound, the Loewe Subwoofer 200 unites modest dimensions with impressive performance.

good feeling

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Yourbestoperati on.

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Yourbestoperati on.

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If what you’re actually watching on TV ever gets boring ... ... at least Loewe’s operating system is always a pleasure to use!

Stefan Schedel, Loewe Software Development.

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It is a fact: the arrival of the remote control has made channel zapping part and parcel of our television experience. Some people switch channels during ad breaks, while others flick through programmes in search of surprises – or to find out more about our complex, fragmented world. Every press of the button immerses you in a completely different experience! However, on most television sets, changing channel seems to take an unbearably long time. Our solution: Loewe Instant Channel Zapping 1 – for a genuine ’film editing’ like effect. Loewe software developer Stefan Schedel explains: “We use our Dual Tuner technology to achieve this. While you are watching one channel, the second channel is already automatically being loaded. You then simply switch to this image when you change channels.”

Loewe’s uncompromising approach encompasses both perfect aesthetics and ultimate functionality. This involves setting standards in user-friendly operation, as well as in the design of the TV housing and loudspeakers. Stefan Schedel, a Loewe software developer, explains: “To bring lasting satisfaction, an electronic device must be as easy as possible – and fun – to use.” In other words, you should be able to switch on, get started and understand how it works without having to decipher small print in instruction manuals. And enjoy the thrill of discovery again and again as you explore all the options at your fingertips!

“Our Loewe Assist Media 2015 operating system in the new Loewe Connect paves the way for even more intuitive navigation, helping you to easily find your way around the different features”, continues Stefan Schedel. “For example, a redesigned user interface, meaningful icons – and more elegant details”.

You can still store all your favourites on the home screen at the touch of a button – selected channels, specific programmes, archive recordings, photos and more. A useful new filter has now also been added to help you navigate to the content you want much more quickly – for example, all your favourite videos. Stefan Schedel smiles: “I just wish there was a feature like this for my desk in the office too!”

Clear, uncluttered and informative features – the new Loewe Assist Media operating system offers all this and more: 1 All video content at a glance. 2 Rapid

overview of channels. 3 Visibility of recorded programmes stored in the DR+ archive. 4 The new Loewe Internet Radio Artist Search: searches all Web radio stations for “Coldplay” or other favourites. 5 List of Internet radio stations.

Loewe Instant Channel Zapping …

… a new kind of speed.

Loewe Assist Media 2015 …

… a new kind of user friendliness.

Stefan Schedel,Loewe Software Development.






1 Compatible with free-to-view channels.


1 sek

Channel 4 Channel 5ITVARD Pro7


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From Karajan to Abba or the Beastie Boys: somewhere on the World Wide Web, somewhere between Bangladesh and Idaho... someone is playing the artist you want to hear right now. But how can you track the station down? Ask your Loewe Connect! At the touch of a button, the Loewe Artist Search finds all the Internet radio stations currently playing your chosen artist. “This clever feature also tells you which of the 30,000 stations feature this artist most frequently on their playlists,” adds Loewe software developer Stefan Schedel.

From your kitchen to your terrace: The Loewe Smart tv2move app 1 turns your

tablet computer into a second television. In Loewe quality naturally! Watch a programme from your archived recordings, or use the electronic programme guide to schedule a new recording ... all without leaving your deckchair on the terrace.

Smartphones have become our faithful companions in everyday life. They make sure we don’t forget important dates (birthday reminders), help us stay on track (or not) with diet resolutions (calorie counter) and even guide us to different destinations. “The free Loewe Smart Assist app is now making your hard-working smartphone even smarter,” comments Loewe software developer Stefan Schedel: “It transforms it into an intuitive remote control for the Loewe Connect – bringing you lots of useful features, including a user-friendly and continuously updated 7-day deluxe programme guide.” But that’s not all: You can also use the app to manage your Loewe DR+ recording archive – for instance, to play a stored recording or schedule a new one.

“Thanks to Loewe Mobile Recording, you can even manage your recordings on holiday, for example, on a beach in Crete. Just tell your Loewe Connect back home that you’d like it to record “Avatar” and then relax in your lounger and get back to the serious business of sunbathing”. How does the technical side of it work? “It doesn’t really matter”, grins Stefan Schedel. “What’s important to the user is the fact that it’s child’s play to operate.”

Expanding your horizons can never be a bad thing. And expanding the Loewe Smart Entertainment System is a sheer pleasure when it comes to operation! Thanks to the inconspicuous Loewe IR Link add-on module, you can even use your Loewe remote control to operate devices by other manufacturers (with RC5 code) in locations concealed from view – with the assistance of a clever extra infrared transmitter.

Loewe Artist Search …

… a new kind of discovery.

Loewe Smart tv2move app …

… a new kind of comfort zone.

Loewe Smart Assist app …

… a new kind of freedom. Loewe

IR Link …

… a new kind of connectivity.

1 Compatible with free-to-view channels.

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What is the easiest way to explain the possibilities opened up by Loewe DR+ with its integrated 1-TB hard drive? Loewe software developer Stefan Schedel doesn’t need to think for long: “I would say, it’s a whole new freedom! Loewe DR+ frees you from the constraints of time and location. After all, your entertainment schedule should adapt to your needs. Not the other way round.” It is actually surprising to find that hardly any other television manufacturer has integrated this level of recording convenience in a TV set.

Loewe DR+ …… a new kind of location-time dimension.


You’re engrossed in a nail-biting scene in a crime thriller and suddenly your child starts to cry or your neighbour knocks on the door. What do you do? Just press the red Pause button. The live programme will then stop – allowing you to pick where you left off as soon as your child has settled or your neighbour has left. All you need to do is press Play.


Scroll through the electronic programme guide on the TV screen, your smartphone or a tablet computer – and get an idea of what you might like to watch. Select the programmes you want the Loewe Connect to record for you. Save your recordings in your own customised folder structure and then dip in and out of your personal film and TV archive as often as you please!


The Loewe DR+ archive on the Loewe Connect is always at your fingertips! You can play your stored content on any other current Loewe television in your home network – or even on a tablet computer, thanks to the Loewe Smart tv2move app...


What happens if you’re enjoying a political talk show, but you’re finding it hard to stay awake? Thanks to the Loewe DR+ Follow-me feature, there is now a comfortable solution to this dilemma. Pause your Loewe Connect in the living room, go and brush your teeth and get tucked up in bed. Then press “Play” on your second current Loewe television set in the bedroom. Without missing any of the action. The television in your living room automatically switches to standby mode. “After that, when you actually stop fighting those heavy eyelids is of course up to you”, smiles Stefan Schedel, a Loewe software developer.

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For more than 90 years, Loewe has remained true to its promise of “Made in Germany”. The company’s development, production and service departments are based in Kronach, in Upper Franconia. Who better to explain the benefits of these strong roots than Thomas Günther? He has spent three decades with the company – and has 25 years of experience at the helm of its quality assurance.

a sense of pride in your work are important factors. If our people, with all their experience, are fully committed to the product they are developing and building, this shines through in the finished television.

Thomas Günther, Loewe Quality, Customer Service & Production Department, with the company for 30 years.

What does quality mean for you?A Loewe set needs to have that ’wow’ factor. Meeting expectations is not enough, we need to exceed them – we aim to be the best. As demonstrated by our “zero defects” policy: we don’t wait until a set arrives in a customer’s living room to check the quality, we pull out all the stops to deliver a perfect product.

How does Loewe do this? There’s no secret to it: it’s all about quality. Many manufacturers source their components based on cost considerations. Loewe seeks out the suppliers offering the best materials. We build long-term partnerships with our suppliers and we check processes and inspect components ourselves. Loewe TV’s are engineered and designed

in Germany and manufactured at the company’s state of the art, purpose built television production facility in Kronach. So from inception right through to final product testing, we are proud that all Loewe TV’s conform to the very high quality standards of a product that is ‘Made in Germany’.

Does location actually affect quality? Absolutely! Every employee has the potential to affect quality. Identifying with a company and

Made in Germany.Because identification promotes quality.





34 35






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36 37

36 37

Loewe invented television as we know it. This innovation has continued unabated over the years culminating in today’s versatile, fully integrated smart entertainment systems.

At the 8th Berlin Radio Exhibition in 1931, “Radio AG D. S. Loewe” presented the world’s first electronic film transmission. Manfred von Ardenne, Loewe’s first Chief Engineer, had found the perfect replacement for inefficient mechanical picture transmission methods – the “Braun” cathode ray tube. Just eight years after its creation, in 1923, the Loewe brothers’ company embarked upon a path that was to set the course for the brand’s future.

Over the years, Loewe has produced truly meaningful “Made in Germany” innovations, focusing exclusively on technologies bringing genuine user benefits. This helps to explain the enduring appeal of Loewe’s classically minimalist designs, standing the test of time and maintaining their premium value. Updates keep the software continuously at the cutting edge too. All coming together to create the smartest possible entertainment systems: designed to integrate seamlessly in your life.

Perfect Home Entertainment. Since 1923.

1931 Loewe plays an instrumental role in the world’s first electronic film transmission at the Berlin Radio Exhibition.

1933 Loewe equips its first production television with a dynamic speaker.

1967 Loewe livens things up. with the first colour television.

1963 Loewe gives a whole new meaning to the idea of moving pictures – with the first portable television.

1981 Loewe introduces Europe’s first television with stereo sound.

1985 The Loewe Art 1 takes its place as a design icon in the museum of Modern Art in New York.

1998 Loewe unveils its first flat-screen television: designed to integrate perfectly in customers’ living environments.

2005 Loewe invents customised television design: with the Loewe Individual.

2014 The new Loewe Connect – much more than just a television: once again, Loewe sets new standards with a complete home entertainment solution.

1951 Loewe builds its first high volume mass produced television – just in time to screen Germany’s World Cup victory in 1954.


38 39

Dimensions in cm: W = width, H = height, PD = product depth, TD = total depth, D = depth, BP = diameter/dimensions of base plateContents: Assist 1 system remote control, aluminium, incl. batteries.Some products are depicted with optional accessories.

1 Only in conjunction with VESA Size 200, 300 or 400 adapter (depends on the model in question).

2 Only in conjunction with a corresponding adapter, to be o rdered separately.

3 Only in conjunction with VESA Size 200 adapter.

Wall Stand Flex 32 – 46 3

Brushed AluminiumHeight adjustable,intelligent cable management40: W 90.9 / H 180.4 / PD 5.5 / TD 30.0

Loewe Rack TS

Different versions, sizes and two colours available to match Loewe TV, sound system and equipment:Rack 110.30 TS: W 109 x H 36 x D 43Rack 165.30 TS: W 162 x H 36 x D 43

Wall Mount Isoflex 32–55 1

Aluminium Flexible solution, folds flat,can be pulled out, rotated and pivoted,intelligent cable management55: W 122.9 / H 75.1 / PD 5.5 / TD 10.648: W 107.8 / H 66.8 / PD 5.5 / TD 11.540: W 90.9 / H 57.4 / PD 5.5 / TD 11.0

Screen Lift Plus 1

Brushed AluminiumManually rotatable (+ / – 90°), concealed cable routing55: W 122.9 / H 300.0 / PD 5.5 / TD 19.548: W 107.8 / H 300.0 / PD 5.5 / TD 20.440: W 90.9 / H 300.0 / PD 5.5 / TD 19.9

Floor Stand Universal 32 – 55 2

Aluminium SilverManually rotatable (+ / – 45°), concealed cable routing55: W 122.9 / H 118.9 / PD 5.5 / BP 50.248: W 107.8 / H 103.7 / PD 5.5 / BP 50.240: W 90.9 / H 101.1 / PD 5.5 / BP 50.2

Floor Stand Connect with Equipment Board

Aluminium, GlassCan accommodate two equipment products, concealed cable routing55: W 122.9 / H 118.5 / PD 5.5 / BP 53.048: W 107.8 / H 110.3 / PD 5.5 / BP 53.040: W 90.9 / H 100.8 / PD 5.5 / BP 53.0

Wall Mount 67

Supplied on delivery for Connect 55 Black Easy installation 55: W 122.9 / H 75.1 / PD 5.5 / TD 10.648: W 107.8 / H 66.8 / PD 5.5 / TD 10.240: W 90.9 / H 57.4 / PD 5.5 / TD 9.6

Wall Mount Slim/ Vesa Size 400/300/200

Chrome SilverFlat mounting55: W 122.9 / H 75.1 / PD 5.5 / TD 6.848: W 107.8 / H 66.8 / PD 5.5 / TD 7.740: W 90.9 / H 57.4 / PD 5.5 / TD 7.2

Floor Stand Connect 40 – 55

AluminiumManually rotatable (+ / – 45°), concealed cable routing55: W 122.9 / H 118.5 / PD 5.5 / BP 53.048: W 107.8 / H 110.3 / PD 5.5 / BP 53.040: W 90.9 / H 100.8 / PD 5.5 / BP 53.0

Loewe Connect.Product details.

38 39

Black /Black

Black /Silver

Black /Cappuccino

Black Silver

Cappuccino Petrol Blue

TV housing Colours

Colour Kits


TV housing Screen diagonals

Table Stand Art 55; Table Stand Art 40/48

AluminiumManually rotatable (+ / –20°)55: W 122.9 / H 78.1 / PD 5.5 / TD 32.048: W 107.8 / H 69.8 / PD 5.5 / TD 25.040: W 90.9 / H 60.4 / PD 5.5 / TD 25.0

Table Stand Connect 55; Table Stand Connect 40/48

Supplied on delivery for Connect 40, 48Chrome Manually rotatable (+ / – 20°) 55: W 122.9 / H 78.9 / PD 5.5 / TD 33.848: W 107.8 / H 69.9 / PD 5.5 / TD 25.740: W 90.9 / H 60.4 / PD 5.5 / TD 25.7

Technical features 4

4 Technical features for Connect 55. For other models see pages 40 and 41.

Loewe Rack TS.

Fully integrated: Discreet integration or a striking accent – no other manufacturer offers more variation in its setup options.

With a range of Racks Loewe also offers the possibility of housing your complete home entertainment system. Organise the interior according to your needs:

Blu-ray player, subwoofer, set top box– everything fits perfectly in place.

Front Firing


Connect 55 (55 inch)

Connect 48 (48 inch)

Connect 40 (40 inch)

140 cm 102 cm122 cm

40 41

i = included/installed y = upgradeable/optional 1 Reception of digital channels may be limited by individual regulations from

the respective broadcaster/provider. UK models are Freeview HD compliant.2 D-GB-F-I-E-NL-CZ-GR-PL-H-FIN-SLO-SK-TR-S-DK-P-RUS-N

3 AV-PIP is only available in combination with DVB-T/C/S.4 CI Plus is backwards compatible with CI.

Functionality is dependent on module availability from the supplier.5 Only in conjunction with a corresponding adapter, to be ordered separately.6 Loewe System 5.1 Out, Stereo Out, Subwoofer Out, Center In.

Loewe Connect.Technical information. 55 48 40

Image+ (Image)Resolution (in pixels)Display technologyScreen diagonal (in cm/inch) / Response time (in ms) / Frame Rate (in Hz)Brightness (in cd/m²) / Viewing angle (horizontal/vertical)Contrast filter glassUltra HD Super Resolution Scaling / Image+ Active / 24 p motion picture display3D technology / Active Glasses 3DVideo auto-dimming (VBD+) / Interior auto-dimming (OPC) / Home Mode

Ultra HD (3840 x 2160)LCD with E-LED-Backlight140 / 55 / 6 / 200450 / 178 °hi/i/ii/yi/i/i

Ultra HD (3840 x 2160)LCD with E-LED-Backlight122 / 48 / 8 / 100385 / 178 °hi/i/ih / h i/i/i

Ultra HD (3840 x 2160)LCD with E-LED-Backlight102 / 40 / 8 / 100350 / 178 °hi/i/ih / h i/i/i

Digital+ (Television Standards)DVB-T2 / DVB-C2 / DVB-C / DVB-S2 / Multistandard (analogue) / Dual ChannelMPEG / MPEG2 / MPEG4 (H.264) / HEVC (H.265) / integrated HDTV reception 1

DVB radio / Unicable (acc. EN 50494)




Sound+ (Audio)Output in W (sine / music)Acoustic speaker conceptIntegrated 5.1 AV-Receiver / Digital Audio LinkDolby Digital / DTSIndividual bass and treble control / LoudnessAutomatic Volume Control (AVC)Audio out available: variable / fixed / Subwoofer

2 x 20 / 2 x 40Speaker Boxi/ii/i i/iii/i/i

2 x 20 / 2 x 40Speaker Boxi/ii/i i/iii/i/i

2 x 20 / 2 x 40Speaker Boxi/ii/i i/iii/i/i

Assist+ (Operation)Assist Media user Interface / Home Screen (incl. favorites)Smart Assist app (Android/iOS) / Smart tv2move app (Android/iOS)Electronic Program Guide (SI-data)MediaText (HbbTV) / Video text (Level 2.5)Menu languages2 / Context Related Help Parental Lock / Automatic turn-off / TimerInstant Channel Zapping / Quick Start ModeProgramme positions including AV and radioDigital Link HD (CEC)PIP (AV) 3 / Full PIP / Split screen TV : Video textMediaUpdate (via USB / Internet)




Media+ (Multimedia functions)DR+ / storage capacity in GB / USB recording (with DR+: USB-Archive)DR+ Streaming server / client / Follow-MeMulti Recording / Mobile RecordingFoto player / Music player / Video player (via Home network and USB incl. Ultra HD)Digital Media Renderer (incl. Ultra HD) / Bluetooth Music Player Internet apps (MediaNet) / Internet Browser / Internet Radio (incl. search function)

i/ 1,000 /ii/i/ii/ii/i/ii/ 6i/i/i

i/ 1,000 /ii/i/ii/ii/i/ii/ 6i/i/i

i/ 1,000 /ii/i/ii/ii/i/ii/ 6i/i/i

Connectivity+ (Connectors)HDMI with HDCPLAN network connection / integrated WLANCommon Interface / CI Plus 1.3 certified 4

Home Control Interface (RS232) / IR Link 5 / Motor controlDigital Audio Link (DAL)6 / Digital Audio-Out (cinch) Analogue Audio-Out (L/R) / Headphone (jack 3.5 mm) / Center-In 5 (3.5 mm)Micro-AV 5 (Component / Scart / VGA) USB

4 (1x UHD, 1x ARC)i/i2 /ii/ 6 / hi/ii/i/ 6i/i/i3 (1x 3.0)

4 (1x UHD, 1x ARC)i/i2 /ii/ 6 / hi/ii/i/ 6i/i/i3 (1x 3.0)

4 (1x UHD, 1x ARC)i/i2 /ii/ 6 / hi/ii/i/ 6i/i/i3 (1x 3.0)


EU energy efficiency class / Annual energy consumption (kWh) 7

Power consumption in stand-by mode / off (in W)Power consumption “ON” 8 (in W) / Peak luminance ratio in %Mercury content in mg / contains lead 9

B / 2340.5 / 0169 / 650,0 / traces

B / 1470.5 / 0106 / 650,0 / traces

B / 1120.5 / 081 / 650,0 / traces

MiscellaneousWeight in kgPower switch / Mains voltagesVDE-safety standard (inspection seal)

27.8i / 220–240 V, 50 / 60 Hzi

19.5i / 220–240 V, 50 / 60 Hzi

17.9i / 220–240 V, 50 / 60 Hzi

40 41

7 On the basis of four hours of operation per day, 365 days a year. Actual energy consumption depends on the purpose for which the TV is used.

8 To EN 62087 : 2009.9 Traces may occasionally be found in electronic components

(in compliance with the recast European RoHS directive).

Loewe Connect.Technical information. 55 48 40

Image+ (Image)Resolution (in pixels)Display technologyScreen diagonal (in cm/inch) / Response time (in ms) / Frame Rate (in Hz)Brightness (in cd/m²) / Viewing angle (horizontal/vertical)Contrast filter glassUltra HD Super Resolution Scaling / Image+ Active / 24 p motion picture display3D technology / Active Glasses 3DVideo auto-dimming (VBD+) / Interior auto-dimming (OPC) / Home Mode

Ultra HD (3840 x 2160)LCD with E-LED-Backlight140 / 55 / 6 / 200450 / 178 °hi/i/ii/yi/i/i

Ultra HD (3840 x 2160)LCD with E-LED-Backlight122 / 48 / 8 / 100385 / 178 °hi/i/ih / h i/i/i

Ultra HD (3840 x 2160)LCD with E-LED-Backlight102 / 40 / 8 / 100350 / 178 °hi/i/ih / h i/i/i

Digital+ (Television Standards)DVB-T2 / DVB-C2 / DVB-C / DVB-S2 / Multistandard (analogue) / Dual ChannelMPEG / MPEG2 / MPEG4 (H.264) / HEVC (H.265) / integrated HDTV reception 1

DVB radio / Unicable (acc. EN 50494)




Sound+ (Audio)Output in W (sine / music)Acoustic speaker conceptIntegrated 5.1 AV-Receiver / Digital Audio LinkDolby Digital / DTSIndividual bass and treble control / LoudnessAutomatic Volume Control (AVC)Audio out available: variable / fixed / Subwoofer

2 x 20 / 2 x 40Speaker Boxi/ii/i i/iii/i/i

2 x 20 / 2 x 40Speaker Boxi/ii/i i/iii/i/i

2 x 20 / 2 x 40Speaker Boxi/ii/i i/iii/i/i

Assist+ (Operation)Assist Media user Interface / Home Screen (incl. favorites)Smart Assist app (Android/iOS) / Smart tv2move app (Android/iOS)Electronic Program Guide (SI-data)MediaText (HbbTV) / Video text (Level 2.5)Menu languages2 / Context Related Help Parental Lock / Automatic turn-off / TimerInstant Channel Zapping / Quick Start ModeProgramme positions including AV and radioDigital Link HD (CEC)PIP (AV) 3 / Full PIP / Split screen TV : Video textMediaUpdate (via USB / Internet)




Media+ (Multimedia functions)DR+ / storage capacity in GB / USB recording (with DR+: USB-Archive)DR+ Streaming server / client / Follow-MeMulti Recording / Mobile RecordingFoto player / Music player / Video player (via Home network and USB incl. Ultra HD)Digital Media Renderer (incl. Ultra HD) / Bluetooth Music Player Internet apps (MediaNet) / Internet Browser / Internet Radio (incl. search function)

i/ 1,000 /ii/i/ii/ii/i/ii/ 6i/i/i

i/ 1,000 /ii/i/ii/ii/i/ii/ 6i/i/i

i/ 1,000 /ii/i/ii/ii/i/ii/ 6i/i/i

Connectivity+ (Connectors)HDMI with HDCPLAN network connection / integrated WLANCommon Interface / CI Plus 1.3 certified 4

Home Control Interface (RS232) / IR Link 5 / Motor controlDigital Audio Link (DAL)6 / Digital Audio-Out (cinch) Analogue Audio-Out (L/R) / Headphone (jack 3.5 mm) / Center-In 5 (3.5 mm)Micro-AV 5 (Component / Scart / VGA) USB

4 (1x UHD, 1x ARC)i/i2 /ii/ 6 / hi/ii/i/ 6i/i/i3 (1x 3.0)

4 (1x UHD, 1x ARC)i/i2 /ii/ 6 / hi/ii/i/ 6i/i/i3 (1x 3.0)

4 (1x UHD, 1x ARC)i/i2 /ii/ 6 / hi/ii/i/ 6i/i/i3 (1x 3.0)


EU energy efficiency class / Annual energy consumption (kWh) 7

Power consumption in stand-by mode / off (in W)Power consumption “ON” 8 (in W) / Peak luminance ratio in %Mercury content in mg / contains lead 9

B / 2340.5 / 0169 / 650,0 / traces

B / 1470.5 / 0106 / 650,0 / traces

B / 1120.5 / 081 / 650,0 / traces

MiscellaneousWeight in kgPower switch / Mains voltagesVDE-safety standard (inspection seal)

27.8i / 220–240 V, 50 / 60 Hzi

19.5i / 220–240 V, 50 / 60 Hzi

17.9i / 220–240 V, 50 / 60 Hzi

42 43

Loewe sound systems.Technical information.


Technical features

Alu Black

Alu Silver

Stand Speaker i i

Satellite Speaker i i


Chrome Silver

Subwoofer 200 i h

Subwoofer 525 i i

Stand Speaker

W 9.0 / H 112.5 / PD 9.0 / BP 26.0

Satellite Speaker on S-Stand

W 6.2 / H 101,5 / PD 6,2 / BP 20,1

Satellite Speaker with Wall Mount

W 6.2 / H 15.0 / PD 7.2

Satellite Speaker with Ceiling Mount

W 9.0 / H 20.4 / PD 9.0

Subwoofer 200

W 24.0 / H 24.5 / PD 26.1

Subwoofer 525

W 43.0 / H 24.4 / PD 34.0

Loewe Satellite Speaker.

A compact height of just 15 cm makes the Satellite Speakers particularly versatile. Whether wall or

ceiling mounted, floor standing or positioned unobtrusively on a shelf, the Satellite Speakers

provide a surprisingly powerful sound in any location.

Satellite Speaker as shelf or rack solution

W 6.2 / H 15.0 / PD 6.2Delivery Content

Dimensions in cm: W = width, H = height, PD = product depth, TD = total depth, BP = diameter/dimensions of base plate

42 43

Loewe sound systems.Technical information.

Speaker Stand Speaker Satellite Speaker

GeneralPrincipleNominal/music power handling (sine/max.)Recommended amplifier powerFrequency rangeAcoustic pressure at 1 WImpedanceVolume

3-way bass reflex (D´Appolito configuration)75 W / 120 W10 – 150 W65 Hz – 22 kHz (- 6 dB)85 dB (at a distance of 1 metre)4 – 8 ohms5 litres

1-way closed50 W / 50 W10 – 75 W160 Hz – 20 kHz (- 6 dB)85 dB (at a distance of 1 metre)8 ohms0.3 litres

FeaturesSpeaker complement

Speaker connections

2 woofers2 full-range speakers1 tweeterGold-plated terminal screws

2 full-range speakers

Speaker terminals

AccessoriesWall MountSpeaker cableLoudspeaker grille



MiscellaneousWeight (approx.) in kg 11.5 0.7

i = included/installed y = upgradeable/optional

Subwoofer Subwoofer 525 Subwoofer 200

GeneralPrincipleNominal/music power (sine/max.)Frequency range

1-way bass reflex, active150 W / 270 W (subwoofer channel)34 Hz – 250 Hz (– 6 dB)

1-way bass reflex, active100 W / 200 W (subwoofer channel)39 Hz – 300 Hz (– 6 dB)

FeaturesPower amps

Bass controlLow pass filterBass equaliserPower switchStand-by switchSignal recognitionAudio LinkSpeaker complementConnectionsCinch-Connections

Total output: 525 W 5 digital amplifiers (Class D) for connection with front and surround speakers: 75 W, 4 ohms each; 1 digital amplifier (Class D) for subwoofer channel: 150 W (sinus)i – 12 dB / + 12 dB50 Hz – 250 Hziiiii1 woofer, 8"gold-plated terminal screwsgold-plated

Total output: 200 W 2 digital amplifiers (Class D) for connection with front speakers: 50 W, 4 ohms each; 1 digital amplifier (Class D) for subwoofer channel: 100 W (sinus)i – 12 dB / + 12 dB50 Hz – 250 Hziiiii1 woofer, 6"gold-plated terminal screwsgold-plated

AccessoriesDigital Audio Link cableDigital Audiolink / Audiolink converterCable management cover



MiscellaneousWeight (approx.) in kg 12.6 5.2

Item no. 99 005 916 · Printed in Germany Editorial deadline 21 May 2015

Due to different printing processes, the colours depicted in device illustrations may be subject to variation. All Loewe products featured in the catalogue are intended for private use.

Loewe makes no guarantee for the extent and content of the Internet services that can be received. This also applies to the Loewe MediaNet portal. By supplying its appliances, Loewe provides the technical platform that creates a basic capability to receive these offers. Loewe cannot therefore provide any guarantee in relation to changes in scope and content, in particular with respect to the future and after printing. The availability of Internet services is not included in the scope of delivery and may vary depending on the applicable product and country.

iPad, iPhone, iPod are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Loewe Technologies GmbH Industriestrasse 11 96317 Kronach Germany www.loewe.tv

Loewe UK LtdPO Box 220EastbourneBN24 9GQUnited Kingdomwww.loewe.tv

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