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Arti S

As per a recent news report pharmacy

jobs have got a boost during the current

pandemic. The report on behalf of a job

website says that job postings under

pharmacy head in February-September 2020

period saw a 56 percent increase. The report

further said that between 10000 to 14000 jobs

have been added during past six months.

There are about 1.5-1.6 million employees in

the sector spread across distribution,

manufacturing, retailing and logistics. Out of

these about 800000-900000 are in the

organized sector.

Pandemic or no pandemic, pharmaceutical

sector is always vibrant and pharmacy jobs

are always in demand. People fall ill and take

medicines to recover from their illness. Even

healthy people take nutritional and immunity

building supplements. From this analogy, we

can understand importance of pharmaceutical

sciences and pharmacy jobs in this

contemporary world.

As you can see everybody is waiting for a

vaccine which can protect them from catching

Corona virus. It is taking long as developing a

medicine or vaccine requires long

experimentation and trials. Any of these has

to be tried and tested to become sure that it

produces the desired result and doesn't harm

the users. The process of developing a

formulation for medicine and vaccine inter alia

is a pharmaceutical process and by studying

pharmaceutical science, you too can be a

contributor in this.

Pharmaceutical science and pharmacy,

though inter related, can't be a replacement

for each other. Pharmaceutical scientists with

their knowledge of subjects like chemistry,

biology and biotechnology; come out with

formulations for medicines in solid, liquid and

gaseous forms. They play a prominent role in



Continued on page 2

K R Sudhaman

The 12th BRICS Summit, hosted by

Russia this year was held for the first

time in virtual format in the face of the

Covid-19 pandemic on 17th November,

2020. The virtual summit provided the

much needed platform to discuss several

issues including terrorism that confront the

World community.

The BRICS grouping comprising Brazil-

Russia-India-China-South Africa, which

together account for 41 per cent of the

world population, focused mainly on

economic recovery, in the face of the

global recession triggered by the

pandemic. The five nations account for 50

per cent of the world economic growth, 30

per cent of the world land area and 13.24

per cent of the voting power in the UN.

The Summit's agenda included intra-

BRICS cooperation, key global issues

such as reforming the multilateral system,

measures to mitigate the impact of the

pandemic, counter-terrorism cooperation,

trade, health and energy. The five

emerging economies, accounting for 24 %

of the World GDP, have suffered greatly

due to lockdown. Speedy economic

recovery therefore is critical for bringing

about global as well as their economic


Addressing the virtual BRICS Summit,

Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed

that countries that give protection and

support to terrorists must be held

accountable. He expressed happiness

that under Russia's leadership, BRICS'

counter-terrorism strategy has been given

final touch. The Prime Minister's assertion

assumes significance as the theme of this

year's summit is "Global stability, Shared

Security and Innovative Growth". He said

India will take it forward during its


India will take over the chair and host

the 13th BRICS Summit in 2021.

Emphasizing on 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat',

PM Modi said India will promote digital

health and traditional medicine among

BRICS countries during its leadership of


BRICS completes 15 years of existence

next year. The Summit was held in the

backdrop of the 75th anniversary of the

United Nations and in the midst of the

Covid-19 pandemic. Prime Minister Modi

stated that India has been a core

supporter of multi-laterism and the entire

world is considered a family in Indian

tradition. He said India's commitment

towards UN's values has been paramount.

He said the world is witnessing major

geostrategic changes which will have an

impact on stability, security and growth.

He also made a strong pitch for reforms of

UN Security Council and global

organisations like IMF and WTO.

Reflecting on Prime Minister Modi's

assertion on dealing with global terrorism

and reform of multilateral institutions, the

summit approved the BRICS anti-

terrorism strategy besides an updated

strategy for the economic partnership until

Continued on page 29

Login to www.e-employmentnews.co.in to subscribe e-version @ ` 400 per annumVOL. XLV NO. 29 PAGES 32 NEW DELHI 28 NOVEMBER - 4 DECEMBER 2020 `12.00

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State Bank of India requires2000 Probationary Officers.Last Date : 4.12.2020

Page : 20

IOCIndian Oil Corporation Ltd.requires 493 ApprenticesLast Date: 12.12.2020

Page : 9

ASSAM UNIVERSITYAssam University Silcharinvites applications for theposts of Professors,Associate Professors andAssistant ProfessorsLast Date : 8.12.2020

Page : 15

DAEDepartment of AtomicEnergy invites applicationsfor 74 Group B and C postsLast Date : 27.12.2020

Page : 6-8


www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 28 November - 4 December 20202

improving and maintaininghuman health by researchingand developing reliable,accessible and effective medicaltreatments. Pharmaceuticalscientists carry theunderstanding of medicines onbody, mind and their health.Pharmaceutical scientists createnew drugs, therapies, andapproaches to maximize benefitof established therapies.

Pharmacists are directlyinvolved in patient care and workwith existing drugs. Ashealthcare professionals theyprovide valuable advice on safeand effective use of medicinesand monitor effects of drugs asprescribed by a doctor. They areinvolved in patient care byperforming their duties atpharma manufacturingunits,hospitals, medicine storesand as support staff to doctorsand medicinal experts.Pharmacists are also known aschemists or druggists.

Important institutes inpharmaceutical sciences: Itwill be good to know aboutdifferent organizations whichhave a role to play in our country.

Department ofPharmaceuticals, Governmentof India: Department ofPharmaceuticals was created onthe 1st of July in the year 2008under Ministry of Chemicals andFertilizers. The objective of thedepartment is to give greaterfocus and thrust on thedevelopment of pharmaceuticalsector in the country and toregulate various complex issuesrelated to pricing and availabilityof medicines at affordableprices, research & development,protection of intellectual property

rights and internationalcommitments related topharmaceutical sector. It hasagencies named Indian Drugsand Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Rajasthan Drugs and Phar-maceuticals Ltd., KarnatakaAntibiotics andPharmaceuticals Ltd and BengalChemicals andPharmaceuticals Ltd. working aspublic sector undertakings.National PharmaceuticalsPricing Authority also comesunder this department.

Pharmacy Council of India:Our parliament had passedPharmacy Act in 1948. As perprovisions of this act PharmacyCouncil of India was establishedas statutory body for regulatingPharmacy Education in theCountry for the purpose ofregistration as a pharmacist andregulating the profession andpractice of Pharmacy. It alsomaintains a Central Register ofPharmacists. Its websites carriesa list of approved colleges forconducting Diploma andBachelors courses in pharmacy.

National Institute ofPharmaceutical Educationand Research (NIPER): NIPERhas been established as perNIPER Act 1998. The vision ofNIPER is to serve as a leadingglobal institution in the field ofhigher learning and research inPharmaceutical Sciences andManagement. It has centres atAhmedabad, Guwahati, SASNagar (Near Mohali, Punjab),Hajipur, Kolkata and Raebareili.NIPER has collaborations withwell-known institutes likeHarvard Medical School andJohn Hopkins University inUnited States. Liverpool John

Moores University in UnitedKingdom among others.

Courses and Educationalrequirements:

As a specialised disciplinestudy of pharmacy and relatedsubjects can be made after youcomplete your SSC or 10+2.Many of the students go forDiploma in Pharmacy, commonlyknown as D.Pharma.

Diploma in Pharmacy is a twoyears course to which studentshaving passed 10+2 withscience subjects are eligible.This diploma is designed tofamiliarize candidates with thebasic concepts ofpharmaceutical science. Thecourse provides the minimumessential qualification to getregistered as a Pharmacist inIndia & operate Retail/Wholesale & CommunityPharmacy and employment asHospital Pharmacist.

The area of PharmaceuticalScience or Pharmacy is open toonly science students i.e.students who have completedtheir 10+2 with Physics, Biologyand Chemistry. On the basis ofthis qualification one may applyfor D.Pharma. or anundergraduate degree inPharmaceutical science orPharmacy. An undergraduatequalification in Pharmacy maycome in the form of Bachelor ofPharmacy (B.Pharma) whileusually a B.Sc. degree is offeredin Pharmaceutical science.Postgraduate courses may havenomenclatures as M.Pharma.M.Sc., M.S. or M.Tech. Thesecourses are mostly on academicor research side. M.B.A. withspecialization in pharmaceuticalmanagement is also available.There are enough researchopportunities in Pharmaceuticalscience and interestedcandidates may enroll for a Ph.Din the subject.

Admission processDifferent states conduct joint

entrance examinations forvarious undergraduate coursesat recognized universities andinstitutes within their state.Admission to B.Pharma mayalso be covered under this.Many universities such as DeviAhilya Vishvavidyalaya, Indoreconduct their own entranceprocedure by way of CommonEntrance Test (CET) or CommonAdmission Process (CAP) etc.Questions are asked fromphysics, chemistry, biology andmathematics subjects.

Graduate Pharmacy AptitudeTest (GPAT) is conducted by

National Testing Agency foradmission to M.Pharma coursesat various recognized institutes.Candidates having completed 4years B.Pharma course areconsidered eligible to apply. It isan online test of 3 hours with 125questions from physicalchemistry, physical Pharmacy,organic chemistry,pharmaceutical chemistry,medicinal chemistry,pharmaceutics, phar-macology,pharmacognosy, pharmaceuticalanalysis, biochemistry,biotechnology, microbiology,pathophysiology, biopharmaceutics, pharmacoki-netics, clinical pharmacy and therapeutics, human anatomy andphysiology, pharmaceuticalengineering, pharmaceuticalmanagement, pharmaceuticaljurisprudence, dispensing andhospital pharmacy.

Council of Scientific andIndustrial Research- Univer-sity Grants Commission-National Eligibility Test (CSIR-UGC NET)- Qualifying this testenable candidates to pursueresearch programmes and isheld twice a year by NationalTesting Agency. It is also aprerequisite for being awardedJunior Research Fellowships(JRF).

NIPER whose name has beenmentioned above conducts twoseparate tests for admission topostgraduate and doctoralcourses available at its centres.These tests are known asNIPER JEE and NIPER JEEPh.D. NIPER JEE has acommon paper for all MastersPrograms including M.B.A.(Pharm.). The question paperconsists of 200 objectivesmultiple type choice questions.The level of questions is ofB.Pharma. and M. Sc. (relevantfield). A few questions are fromgeneral aptitude. Duration of theexamination is 2 hours and it iscomputer based. For MBA(Pharma.). shortlistedcandidates on the basis ofwritten test are called for groupdiscussion and interview.

For NIPER JEE Ph.D alsohere is only one objective typequestion paper. Howevernumber of questions here is 170,from are as such as ChemicalSciences; Biological Sciencesand; Pharmaceutical Sciencesand total marks allotted are 85.The question paper in this caseis of the level of M.S. (Pharm.);M.Pharm.; M.Tech. (Pharm.);M.V.Sc.; M.D. and M.Sc. (inrelevant discipline) level. Each

discipline will also havequestions from generalpharmaceutical sciences andgeneral aptitude. Duration of thisonline examination is 2 hours.

Candidates successful inwritten test under NIPER JEEPh.D are required to appear forinterview and final score isprepared by joining the marksobtained both in written test andinterview.

Subjects of study: As persyllabus prescribed by thePharmacy Council in India atundergraduate level followingsubjects are covered- humananatomy and physiology,pharmaceutical analysis,remedial biology, pharmaceutics,pharmaceutical organic andinorganic chemistry,biochemistry, pathophysiology,computer applications inpharmacy, biotechnology,biochemistry, environmentalscience, physicalpharmaceutics, pharmaceuticalmicrobiology, pharmaceuticalengineering, medicinalchemistry. At postgraduate levelyou go deeper into the abovesubjects with particular focus onpharmacognosy andphytochemistry, industrialpharmacy, pharmaceutics andpharmacokinetics, herbal drugtechnology, quality assurance,pharmacy practice, novel drugdelivery system, biostatistics,research methodology, socialand preventive pharmacy,pharma-marketing managementpharmaceutical regulatoryscience pharmacovigilance,computer aided drug design, celland molecular biology, cosmeticscience, experimentalpharmacology, advancedinstrumentation techniques,dietary supplements andnutraceuticals.

Where to study Given below is an indicative

list (in no particular order) ofuniversities which have diploma,undergraduate and post-graduate courses in pharmacy orPharmaceutical sciences-Institute of Chemical Technology,MumbaiPoona College of Pharmacy Maharaja Sayaji Rao University,BarodaDelhi School of PharmaceuticalSciences and ResearchGovernment College ofPharmacy, Amravati Jadavpur University, KolkataGovernment College ofPharmacy, Aurangabad


Continued on page 29EN 29/11


www.employmentnews.gov.in 3Employment News 28 November - 4 December 2020

Union Public Service CommissionPRESS NOTE


Subject:- Combined Medical Services Examination, 2020.

The written result of Combined Medical Services Examination,2020 has been declared by the Commission and the same isavailable on the Commission's Website (http://www.upsc.gov.in).


EN 29/20

File No. 345/RC/SSB/AC-Comn./2019-5063÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U/Government of lndia

ªÎ„U ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ/Ministry of Home Affairs

◊„UÊÁŸŒ‡ÊÊ‹ÿ, ‚‡ÊSòÊ ‚Ë◊Ê ’‹Directorate General, SSB

¬Ífl˸ 𥥫U-5, •Ê⁄U.∑§. ¬È⁄U◊/East Block-V, R.K. PuramŸß¸U ÁŒÀ‹Ë/ New Delhi - 110066


Reference to SSB advertisement for the post of Assistant Commandant(Communication) published in Employment News vide No. 345/RC/SSB/AC-Comn./2019/834 dated 22.02.2020, date of receipt of online application was closedon 22.03.2020 for normal areas and 29.03.2020 for remote areas. As per the initialadvertisement dated 22.02.2020, there were 10 vacancies which have now beenincreased to 12. The details of these 12 vacancies are as under :-Name of Posts UR EWS OBC ST SC Total VacancyAssistant 07 01 03 Nil 01 12 (One vacancy reserved forCommandant Ex-servicemen quota)(Communication)

Consequent upon increase of vacancies for the post from earlier published 10 to 12,online applications are invited from Male and Female citizens for filling up 12 posts(which may increase or decrease as per requirement) of Assistant Commandant(Communication) in Group-'A' Gazetted (Combatised) & Non-Ministerial inSashastra Seema Bal, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India in the payscale of Rs. 56,100-1,77,500/- (Level-10) and other allowances as applicable in theForce. The posts are temporary, but likely to continue. Selected candidates are liableto serve anywhere in India or outside the territory of India and will be governed by SSBAct & Rules and other Rules amended from time to time.2. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS FOR THE POST ARE AS UNDER :Name of Post Age Essential Educational &

Professional QualificationAssistant Not exceeding 35 years of (I) Essential:- Degree in Telecommuni-Commandant age. (Relaxation will be cation Engineering or Electrical(Communi- given in accordance with Communication Engineering orcation) the orders issued by Electronics from a recognized University

the Central Govt from or Institute or Associate Member of thetime to time, mentioned Institution of Electronics and Tele-at Para-6 of detailed communication Engineer or Associateadvertisement) member of the Institution of Engineers

or equivalent or M.Sc in Electronics or Telecommunication or InformationTechnology or Computer Science orequivalent from a recognized University or All India Council for Technical Education approvedInstitution.

(II) Desirable:- Possession of NCC-"B"or "C" Certificate.

3. LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATION :- The closing date for receipt ofapplications will be 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication of thisadvertisement in the Employment News. However, the closing date for the RemoteAreas (i.e. State of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur,Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of ChambaDistrict of Himachal Pradesh and Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh,Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep) will be 37 days from the date ofpublication of advertisement in Employment News, but it will not affect the crucial datefor determining the eligibility criteria.Note :-i) The crucial date for determining age/eligibility criteria for the post is

22.03.2020(i.e. last day of receipt of application as per earlier circular dated22.02.2020)

ii) Candidates who have already applied for the post with reference to earlierNotification published in Employment News on 22.02.2020 need not applyagain.

4. EXAMINATION FEE AND MODE OF PAYMENT:- UR/EWS and OBC categorycandidates will be required to pay examination fee of Rs. 400/- (Rupees fourhundred) only through net-banking/ credit card/ debit card which will be non-refundable. However, SC, ST, Ex-Servicemen and female candidates are exemptedfrom payment of examination fees.

Union Public Service CommissionDholpur House, Shahjahan Road

New Delhi-110069Indicative Advertisement No.15/2020

Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) are invited for directrecruitment by selection through website http://www.upsconline.nic.in to the following posts by 17th December, 2020.1. (Vacancy No. 20111501428) One vacancy for the post ofSuperintendent (Printing), Legislative Department, Ministry of Lawand Justice (UR-01). Age: 30 years. Pay Scale: Level-7 in the PayMatrix as per 7th CPC.2. (Vacancy No. 20111502428) Thirty five Statistical Officer(Planning/Statistics), Planning Department, Government of NationalCapital Territory of Delhi. (SC-05,ST-02,OBC-09,EWS-03,UR-16)(PH*-02). *Of the thirty five vacancies two vacancies are reserved forPhysically Challenged persons. Out of these two vacancies onevacancy is reserved for Physically Challenged persons with disability ofLow Vision (LV), one vacancy is reserved for Physically Challengedpersons with disability of Deaf and Hard of Hearing i.e. Deaf (D) or Hardof Hearing (HH). Age: 30 years. Pay Scale: Level-07 in the Pay Matrixas per 7th CPC.The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing datefor submission of online application.The candidates willing to apply for the above posts are advised to visitCommission's ORA Website http:// www.upsconline.nic.in. Thedetailed advertisement along-with 'Instructions and AdditionalInformation to candidates for Recruitment by Selection' has beendisplayed on Commission's Website http://www.upsc.gov.in as wellas on the Online Recruitment Application (ORA) websitehttp://www.upsconline.nic.in.

EN 29/39

Shri Vishwakarma Skill University(State University enacted under the Government

of Haryana Act 25, 2016)Advertisement No.SVSU/2020/Estt./NT C&D/010

Recruitment NotificationOnline applications are invited from eligible applicants for appointment for variousnon-teaching posts on regular basis up to 21.12 .2020 (12.00 midnight). For detail ofposts along with prescribed qualifications, eligibility criteria and selection criteria,please visit the University website www.svsu.ac.in.Sr. Name of Posts No. of Posts Sr. Name of Posts No. of Posts No. No.01. Assistant 04 (UR) 11. EPBAX Assistant 01 (UR)

01 (Gen-ESM)01 (SC) 02 (BCA)01 (BCB) 02 (EWS)

02. Personal Secretary 02 (UR) 12. Law Assistant 01 (UR)03. Accountant 01 (UR) 13. Hostel Supervisor 02 (UR)

(01 Man &01 Woman)

04 Pharmacist 01 (UR) 14. Translator 01 (UR)05. Lab Technician 01 (UR) 15. Senior Scale 03 (UR)

(Psychology) Stenographer06. Lab Technician 01 (UR) 16. Draftsman (Civil) 01 (UR)

(Chemistry)07. Lab Technician (MLT) 01 (UR) 17. Staff Nurse 01 (UR)08. J.E. (Horticulture) 01 (UR) 18. Electrician 01 (UR)09. Sanitary Inspector/ 01 (UR) 19. Driver 02 (UR)

Officer10. Game Organizer 01 (UR)

Total-34Applicants willing to apply for the advertised post are advised to apply online throughthe link available on the University website www.svsu.ac.in between the openingdate 13.11.2020 and closing date 21.12 .2020 (12:00 midnight).After successful submission of application form in online mode, the filled applicationform must be printed and signed on each page by the applicant. Such signed copy ofapplication form along-with all supporting self-attested documents should be sent atthe following address by 30/12/2020: "The Deputy Registrar (Estb.), ShriVishwakarma Skill University, Plot No. 147, Sector 44, Gurugram, Haryana-122003"EN 29/54 REGISTRAR

5. The candidates may download detailed advertisement for the post of AssistantCommandant (Communication) from website www.ssbrectt.gov.in. Interested andeligible candidates, eligible as on 22.03.2020 may apply online through websitewww.ssbrectt.gov.in after going through all provisions contained in the advertisementavailable on website to ensure that he/she is eligible for the post for which he/she isapplying. (Suverna Sajwan)

Commandant (Rectt)davp 19114/11/0007/2021 EN 29/63


www.employmentnews.gov.in4 Employment News 28 November - 4 December 2020

EN 29/25

No. A-12023/01/2019-Estt.I

Government of IndiaMinistry of Rural


Departmentof Rural

DevelopmentExtension of last date for

submission of applications for

one post of Deputy Director

(Budget and Accounts) in the

Department of Rural Deve-

lopment, Ministry of Rural

Development on deputation


Kind attention is invited to

Department of Rural Deve-

lopment, Ministry of Rural

Development's vacancy

circular for filling up one post of

Deputy Director (Budget and

Accounts) on deputation

basis, published in Emp-

loyment News (4th July - 10th

July, 2020). In this regard it is

informed that last date for

submission of applications for

the aforesaid post has been

extended up to 30.12.2020. For

details, please see Ministry of

Rural Development's Website


EN 29/28

F. No. A.12026/23/2020-ESGovernment of India

Ministry of Finance

Department of RevenueFilling up of post of Registrar (Group 'A') in the Adjudicating Authority under thePrevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, New Delhi.One post of Registrar in the Adjudicating Authority under the Prevention of MoneyLaundering Act, 2002, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue at New Delhi isdecided to be filled up on deputation basis. The description of the post and theeligibility criteria is given below:Name of Post : RegistrarPay Scale : Level-10, (Rs. 56100- Rs. 177500/- [ 6thCPC Scale; PB-3 (Rs. 15600-39100) + Grade Pay Rs. 5400]Eligibility criteria : Deputation (Including Short Term Contract) Officers under the Central or State Governments or Union Territories or Public SectorUndertakings or Recognised Research Institutions or Universities or Statutory bodiesor Autonomous bodies or Semi Government Organisations.-(a)(i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or(ii) with two years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on aregular basis in the level 8 (Rs. 47600- Rs. 151100/-) [6th CPC Scale Pay Band-2,Rs.9300 - 34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/- ] or equivalent in the parent cadre ordepartment: or(iii) with three years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto onregular basis in the level 7 (Rs. 44900- Rs. 142400/-) [6th CPC Scale Pay Band-2, Rs.9300 - 34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- ] or equivalent in the parent cadre ordepartment; or(iv) with eight years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto onregular basis in the level 6 (Rs. 35400 - Rs. 112400/-) [6th CPC Scale Pay Band-2,Rs. 9300 - 34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- ] or equivalent in the parent cadre ordepartment; and(b) possessing the following educational qualification and experience:(i) bachelor's degree in Law from a recognized university or Institute; and(ii) (a) possessing one year's experience in judicial service or in legal department ofCentre or State Government or Union Territory Administration or Public SectorUndertaking or University or in analogous post in Registry; or(b) One year’s experience in teaching of law or in administration of law; or(1) Five years integrated degree in law from recognized university or institute; and

(2) possessing two years experience in judicial service or in legal department ofCentre or State Government or Union Territory Administration or Public SectorUndertaking or University or in analogous post in Registry; or two years' experience inteaching of law or in administration of law.2. Period of deputation (Including Short Term Contract) including period of deputation(Including Short Term Contract) in another ex-cadre post held immediately precedingthis appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the CentralGovernment shall ordinarily not to exceed three years. The maximum age limit forappointment by deputation (Including Short Term Contract) shall be not exceeding 56years as on the closing date of the receipt of applications.3. For the purpose of appointment on deputation (including Short Term Contract)basis, the service rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to 1.1.2006 or thedate from which the revised pay structure based on the 6th Central Pay Commissionrecommendations has been extended, shall be deemed to be service rendered in thecorresponding grade pay or pay scale extended based on the recommendations of thePay Commission except where there has been merger of more than one pre-revisedscale of pay into one grade with a common grade pay or pay scale, and where thisbenefit will extend only for the posts for which that grade pay or pay scale is the normalreplacement grade without any upgradation.4. The willing and eligible officers should send their applications for the post in theenclosed format (proforma-J) through the cadre controlling authority, addressed to theUnder Secretary, Economic Security Cell, Room No. 55, North Block, New Delhi-110001, within 60 days from the date of publication of this circular in theEmployment News. The vacancy circular and Proforma-J can also be downloadedfrom Department of Revenue's website dor.gov.in/vacancies-circulars.5. The Cadre Controlling Authority, while forwarding the application must enclosevigilance clearance including whether disciplinary case is pending or beingcontemplated against the officer, Major/Minor Penalty statement for the last 10 years,Integrity Certificate & photocopies of Annual Confidential Reports (ACRs)/AnnualPerformance Appraisal Reports (APARs) for the last five years duly attested on eachpage by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India.Cadre Controlling Authority may ensure that the applicant fulfills all the eligibilityconditions specified above and also verify the particulars furnished by the applicants,before granting cadre clearance. Once cadre clearance is given it will be presumedthat the eligibility conditions are fulfilled and particulars are correct.

(Anil Kumar Gharai)Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

EN 29/34 Tel. No. 23095371


www.employmentnews.gov.in 5Employment News 28 November - 4 December 2020

No. 43011 (14)/3/2020-SEZ(Admin.)Government of India

Ministry of Commerce & Industry

Department of Commerce{SEZ (Admin) Section}

Udyog Bhawan, New DelhiSubject :- Filling up of one post of Joint Development Commissioner (JDC) inAPIIC, VSEZ and one post of Deputy Development Commissioner (DDC) inCochin, Cochin SEZ under the Department of Commerce on deputation basis -regarding.It is proposed to fill up the one post of Joint Development Commissioner (JDC) inAPIIC, VSEZ and one post of Deputy Development Commissioner (DDC) inCochin, Cochin SEZ under the Department of Commerce on deputation basis, thedetails of which are as follows:-SI. Name of the post Name of zonal SEZ Location of No. of No. the Post Posts1. Joint Development Visakhapatnam SEZ APIIC, 1

Commissioner (JDC) Atchutapuram2. Deputy Development Cochin SEZ Cochin 1

Commissioner (DDC)2. Job requirements, experience, and qualifications required for the post are indicatedin Annexure-l.3. It is requested that duly completed applications of eligible and willing officers, whocould be relieved in the event of selection, may be forwarded in the prescribed format(Annexure-ll) alongwith following documents to The Under Secretary (SEZ), RoomNo. 477-B, Department of Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-110107, within aperiod of 45 days from date of publication of this advertisement in theEmployment News :-I. Complete and up-to-date Confidential Reports for the last five years in original or

photocopy thereof duly attested by an officer not below the rank of an UnderSecretary to the Government of India;

II. Vigilance Clearance; andIII. Cadre Clearance.4. Applications not received in the prescribed format or received after the last date orwithout confidential reports and other relevant documents or found incomplete will notbe considered.5. The appointment will be on transfer on deputation basis. The period of deputationshall ordinarily not exceed 4 years in case of JDC and 3 years in case of DDC. Theterms and conditions of the deputation will be governed as per the instructions issuedby Department of Personal & Training's vide O.M.No.6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-II) dated17th June, 2010, as amended from time to time. Any further information, includingextension in the last date of receipt of application etc, will be notified through thewebpage “http://sezindia.nic.in/cms/ministry-of-commerce-and-industry.php”.

(Sumit Kumar Sachan) Under Secretary to the Government of India

Tel: 011-2306496 e-mail: sumit.sachan@nic.in

Annexure-IEssential and desirable qualifications, experience etc in respect of the post

Name of the Post Joint Development Commissioner (JDC)Essential Qualifications :Officers from Central Government Services including All India Services (AIS) andorganized Group 'A' Services, State Government Officers/Officers of Union Territories/PSUs/Autonomous bodies/Statutory bodies.(i) Holding analogous post on regular basis; or(ii) with 5 years regular service in the post having Pay in Band-3 and Grade Pay ofRs. 6600/- (Pre-revised) or in the corresponding level of Level 11 pay in the 7th CPCPay matrix.Desirable Condition :Possessing experience in industrial development, foreign trade, estate developmentand administration.i. Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held

immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organisation/Department of the Central Government shall not exceed (04) four years.

ii. The maximum age limit for appointment by transfer on deputation shall be notexceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of application.

iii. For purposes of appointment on deputation basis, the service rendered on aregular basis by an officer prior to 01.01.2006, the date from which the revised paystructure based on the 6th CPC recommendations has been extended, shall bedeemed to be service rendered in the corresponding grade pay/pay scaleextended based on the recommendations of the Commission except where therehas been merger of more than one pre-revised scale of pay into one grade with acommon grade pay/pay scale, and where this benefit will extend only for theposts(s) for which that grade pay/pay scale is the normal replacement gradewithout any up-gradation.

Name of Post Deputy Development CommissionerEssential Conditions : Officers from Central Government Services including All India Services (AIB) and)organized Group 'A' Services, State Government Officers/Officers of Union Territories/PSUs/Autonomous bodies/Statutory bodies:(i) holding analogous post on regular, basis; or(ii) with 5 years regular service in the post having Pay in Band-3 and Grade Payof Rs. 5,400/- (pre-revised) or in the corresponding Level of pay in the 7th CPCPay matrix.

Desirable :Possessing experience in industrial development, foreign trade, estate developmentand administration.Note :I. Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held

immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organisation/Department of the Central Government shall not exceed (03) three years.

ii. The maximum age limit for appointment by transfer on deputation shall be notexceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of application.

iii. For purposes of appointment on deputation basis, the service rendered on aregular basis by an officer prior to 01.01.2016, the date from which the revised paystructure based on the 7th CPC recommendations has been extended, shall bedeemed to be service rendered in the corresponding grade pay/pay scaleextended based on the recommendations of the Commission except where therehas been merger of more than one pre-revised scale of pay into one grade with acommon grade pay/pay scale, and where this benefit will extend only for theposts(s) for which that grade pay/pay scale is the normal replacement gradewithout any up-gradation.


1. Dost Applied for (Order of preference may be indicatedif applying for both the posts)

2. Name (in BLOCK LETTERS)3. Name of Office & address4. Date of Birth5. Date of superannuation under

Central/State Govt. Rules6. Name of Post held on regular basis and Level

of pay of the regular post in the Pay Matrix7. Date from which the post is held on regular basis.8. Whether the present post is held on deputation/ Deputation/Ad-hoc

ad-hoc basis (strike out the one which is not applicable)Date of appointment to the present post

9. Date of return from last appointment on deputation(Completion of Cooling off period of 3 years isessential)

10. Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied, (if any qualifica-tion has been treated as equivalent to the ne pres- cribed in the Rules, state the details of he same)

Qualifications/Experience possessed by the officer

11. Educational qualifications12. Essential13. Desirable14. Details of Employment in chronological order (enclose a separate sheet, duly

authenticated by your signature, if the space below is not sufficient)S. Name of the Office/ Post held From To Scale of pay Nature of No. Organization and basic pay duties 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

15. Additional details about present EmploymentPlease state whether working under CentralGovernment/State Government/AutunomousOrganization/Government Undertaking/University

16. Details of experience in industrial development, Foreign trade, estate development and administration

17. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for posts, (enclose a separate sheet, if the space is not sufficient).

18. Whether belongs to SC/STSignature of the Candidate

Place : Address for CommunicationDate : Phone No. (office)

Mobile No.E-mail address

Certificate (To be given by the Head of the Department)1. Certified that the particulars furnished above have been verified and found to be

correct.2. It is also certified that no disciplinary/vigilance proceedings are either pending or

contemplated against the officers. Integrity of the officer is also certified.Signature of the Head of the Department

(With rubber stamp)II. Filling up of the post of Assistant Development Commissioner in Cochin

SEZ and Mangalore SEZ.The last date of submission of application for the post of Assistant DevelopmentCommissioner, Cochin SEZ and Mangalore SEZ, whick was published in theEmploymemt News dated 1-7 August 2020 is extended till 30-11-2020.

EN 29/13



www.employmentnews.gov.in6 Employment News 28 November - 4 December 2020


Continued on page 8

www.employmentnews.gov.in 7Employment News 28 November - 4 December 2020


www.employmentnews.gov.in8 Employment News 28 November - 4 December 2020

Continued from page 7

EN 29/6

No. 12-10/2018-M&T (Admn.)Government of India

Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare(Advt. No.: CFMTTI/02/2020)

Applications are invited from eligible candidates belonging toCentral Government or State Government or Union Territoryadministrations or public sector undertakings or agriculturaluniversities or recognised research institutes or councils or semi-government or autonomous or statutory organisations for filling upof six posts of SENIOR AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER [GeneralCentral Service, Group 'A' Gazetted] in Level-11 (Rs. 67700-208700) in pay matrix, at Central Farm Machinery Training andTesting Institute (4 posts) and Northern Region Farm MachineryTraining and Testing Institute (02 posts), subordinate office underMinistry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Department ofAgriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare on deputation(including short term contract) basis urgently. Complete detailsabout eligibility conditions including format of application, etc. areavailable on the website of Department of Agriculture, Cooperationand Farmers Welfare website www.agricoop.nic.in, and thewebsite of Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institutesfmttibudni.gov.in/nrfmtti.gov.in/srfmtti.dacnet.nic.in/nerfmtti.nic.in.Application (in triplicate) in prescribed proforma with completedetails should be forwarded through proper channel to the JointDirector (M&T), Room No. 109, B-Wing, Ministry of Agricultureand Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Cooperationand Farmers Welfare, Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra PrasadRoad, New Delhi-110001, within 60 days from the date ofpublication of this advertisement in the Employment News.

EN 29/5

Applications are invited from retired or to be retiredofficers in near future i.e. before 01.03.2021preferably at the level of LieutenantColonel/Colonel and equivalent officer of theArmed Force (Naval, Military and Air Force) andPara-Military Forces to work on contract basis at aconsolidated salary of Rs. 75,000/- with DTIDC, anenterprise of Govt. of NCT of Delhi, having itsoffice at 2nd Floor, Maharana Pratap ISBT,Kashmere Gate, Delhi for the following posts.

1. Estate Manager - 03 PostThe officers shall be Incharges of 3 ISBT's i.e.Kashmiri Gate, Anand Vihar, Sarai Kale Khan inDelhi. Appointment will be made initially for oneyear and may continue upon satisfactory servicesupto 65 years of age.The last date of receipt of application is15.12.2020. The same is also available on websiteof DTIDC i.e. dtidc.co.in.EN 29/15 Dy. General Manager, DTIDC

Shri Vishwakarma Skill University(State University enacted under the Government of Haryana Act 25, 2016)

Date: 11/11/2020Advt. No. SVSU/2020/Estt./T/008

Online applications are invited from eligible applicants for filling up the various Teaching Posts throughDirect Recruitment up to 18.12.2020. For details of posts along with prescribed qualifications, eligibilitycriteria and selection criteria, please visit the University website www.svsu.ac.in

Post: Skill Assistant Professor (Academic Pay Level 10)Sr. Subject Posts Sr. Subject Posts1 Mechanical 06 (3-Gen, 1-EWS, 13 Psychology 1 (SC)

Engineering 1-BC-A, 1-BC-B)2 Civil Engineering 1 (SC) 14 Physical Education 1 (UR)3 Computer Science 05 (3-UR, 1-EWS, 15. Political Science 1 (UR)

Engineering 1-BC-A)4 Electronics Engineering 03 (UR) 16. Music 1 (SC)5 Electrical Engineering 03 (2-SC,1 SC-ESP) 17. Medical Laboratory 1 (UR)

Technology6 Physics 1 (PWD-Gen) 18. Management 06 (4-UR, 1 SC

1-SC-PWD)7 Mathematics 02 (1-EWS,1-BC-B) 19. Commerce 1 (BC-A)8 English 02 (1-UR,1-BC-A) 20. Statistics 1 (ESM-Gen)9 Environmental Studies 01 (BC-B) 21 Economics 1 (UR)10 Chemistry 01 (SC) 22 Hotel Management 1 (UR)11 Remote Sensing/ 01 (EWS) 23 Agriculture Science 02 (1-BC-A,

Geographic Information 1- EWS)System (GIS)

12 Public Health 01 (UR) 25 Food Technology 1 (SC)Applicants willing to apply for the advertised post are advised to apply online through the link availableon the University website www.svsu.ac.in between the opening date 13.11.2020 and closing date 18.12.2020 (12:00 midnight).After successful submission of application form in online mode, the filled application form must be printedand signed on each page by the applicant. Such signed copy of application form along-with all supportingself-attested documents should be sent at the following address by 28/12/2020: "The Deputy Registrar(Estb.), Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, Plot No. 147, Sector 44, Gurugram, Haryana- 122003".EN 29/23 REGISTRAR

Delhi Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited[An Enterprise of Govt. of NCT of Delhi]

NoticeAttention : Retired/Retiring Officers of Armed Forces/Para-Military Forces

EN 29/12


www.employmentnews.gov.in 9Employment News 28 November - 4 December 2020

EN 29/31


www.employmentnews.gov.in10 Employment News 28 November - 4 December 2020 Centre for Development of AdvancedComputing (C-DAC) is a premier R&Dorganization of the Ministry ofElectronics & Information Technology(MeitY), carrying out R&D in IT,Electronics and associated areas.

Applications are invited for various technical posts (middle tosenior level) on contract & on a consolidated salary. Thedetails regarding the post & how to apply are available at ourwebsite: www.cdac.in. Interested candidates may visit"careers" page of www.cdac.in for detailed notification andto apply online on or before December 8, 2020. Note: Addendum/further communication in this regard, ifany, will be notified in C-DAC's website only.Address: C-DAC, Gulmohar Cross Rd. No. 9, Juhu,Mumbai- 400049 (Advt. No. : CDACM/Consal/2/2020)

One Vision One Goal... Advanced Computing forHuman Advancement

davp 06138/11/0003/2021 EN 29/66

No. A-12011/03/2020-Estt.Government of India

Ministry of Science & Technology

Department of Biotechnology(Establishment Section)

Block-2 (6-8th Floors), CGO Complex, Lodi RoadNew Delhi - 110003

VacancyThe Department of Biotechnology requires the services of suitableofficers for filling up four (04) unreserved posts of Scientist 'H',a Senior Group 'A' Gazetted post in the Pay level-15 of Rs.182200-224100/- on Direct Recruitment basis. The Departmentof Biotechnology's website http://www.dbtindia.nic.in may beseen for details about duties attached to the post, educationalqualifications & experience, age limit, general conditions.Application Pro forma can also be downloaded from the website.The application in the prescribed proforma (in case of applicantalready in the Government Service should be sent along withattested copies of last five years APARs, vigilance clearance,integrity certificate, statement of minor and major penaltiesimposed, if any, and service particulars of the officer who could bespared in the event of his selection), may be sent to the UnderSecretary (Estt.), Department of Biotechnology, Room No. 807,8th Floor, Block 2, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi -110003 within 45 days from the date of publication of theadvertisement in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar.The applicants residing abroad and from Andaman & NicoburIslands, Lakshadweep Islands, States in the North Eastern region,Ladakh region of J&K, Sikkim, Sub-division Chamba and LahaulSpiti districts of Himachal Pradesh are eligible for an additionalperiod of seven (07) days for receipt of applications.

(Bharat Bhushan)Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Tel: 011-24360940Email: bbhushan.dhfw.nic.in

davp 36301/11/0006/2021 EN 29/64

Insolvency andBankruptcy

Board of India(A Statutory Body of Government of India)

NOTICEApplications are invited for filling up 04

(four) posts of Chief General Manager

(CGM)/General Manager (GM) on

deputation basis. The detailed vacancy

may be seen at www.ibbi.gov.in.

davp 07121/11/0006/2021 EN 29/3

National Pension System Trust (NPS Trust)(Regulated by Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority)

B-14/A, Third Floor, Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan, Qutab Institutional AreaKatwaria Sarai, New Delhi -110 016

Date : 20 November 2020RECRUITMENT NOTICE

National Pension System Trust (NPS Trust) is established by Pension Fund Regulatory andDevelopment Authority (PFRDA) as per the provisions of the Indian Trusts Act of 1882 for taking care ofthe assets and funds under the National Pension System (NPS) and other schemes as authorized byPFRDA in the best interest of the subscribers.NPS Trust invites applications from eligible Indian Citizens for filling up the posts of Officer Grade E(General Manager) and Officer Grade D (Deputy General Manager) in general stream on directrecruitment basis as per below mentioned details:GRADE STREAM NUMBER OF POSTS OUT OF

UR OBC SC ST EWS TOTAL WHICH PwBDGrade E (General Manager) General 2 - - - - 2 -Grade D (Deputy General Manager) General 3 1 - - - 4 -

TOTAL NUMBER OF VACANCIES 6The detailed advertisement containing the other details regarding eligibility criteria, mode of selection,submission of application, payment of fees and other instructions including the terms and conditions forappointment to the posts are available on the website of NPS Trust at: www.npstrust.org.in and alsoon the website of National Career Service at www.ncs.gov.in.NPS Trust reserves the right to modify/cancel/terminate the exercise at any stage as may be consideredappropriate by the Competent Authority without assigning any reasons therefor. Notices/ Corrigendums/Addendums etc., if any, issued in relation to this vacancy notice, shall be available only on the websiteof NPS Trust. The last date of receipt of applications is 21 December, 2020 (Monday)

Deputy General Manager, HRdavp 15112/11/0005/2021 EN 29/62

Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare

Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001F. No. A-58011/66/2020-E.II

Vacancy CircularThe Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare invites application for various technicalposts as per details below:

S. Name of the post and Scale No. of Method of RecruitmentNo. Vacancies1. Horticulture Commissioner 01 Composite Method [Promotion/Depu-

Level-14 of pay matrix tation (Including Short Term Contract)2. Assistant Director (Cooperation/ 01 Deputation (Including Short Term

Credit) Level-10 of pay matrix Contract)2. For complete advertisement, application format, eligibility criteria, i.e. educational qualification,experience, bio-data proforma etc. the applicant are advised to visit to the official website of thisdepartment www.agricoop.nic.in (Link Recruitment).3. The application complete in all respects should be forwarded through proper channel to Smt. RenuMehra, Under Secretary (Pers.-ll), Room No. 17, Ground Floor, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001,within 60 days of the publication of the circular in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar.Applications not forwarded through proper channel or received after due date or those receivedwithout the requisite certificates and necessary documents will not be entertained.4. The name of the post applied for should be super-scribed in bold letters on the envelope containing theapplication. (Renu Mehra)

Under Secretary (Pers.-ll)Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare

EN 29/68 Tel. No. 011-23382013

EN 29/67