Long Knives

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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“Soul Warmth” from anvilcloud @ http://flickr.com/photos/anvilcoud/176416804/

The Coming of the Long


Open Court Fifth Grade Unit 5 Lesson 4 Ms. Mercer Nicholas Elementary SCUSD

all images are from Microsoft Clipart, or have a Creative Commons license

Spelling Words

1. explosion

2. vision

3. examination

4. measure

5. position

6. discussion

7. edition

8. pleasure

9. version

10. education

1. tradition

2. selection

3. collision

4. restriction

5. illusion

6. nation

7. direction

8. destruction

9. starvation

10. duration

Word Knowledge

What is the pattern?


Word Knowledge

What is the pattern?


The pattern is antonyms or words with the opposite meaning

Word Knowledge

What is the pattern?



Word Knowledge

What is the pattern?



What is the pattern?

Each of these gives more specific, or detailed information

Word Knowledge

What is the pattern?




Word Knowledge

What is the pattern?




What is the pattern?

These words have the “f” and “fe” change to “ves” when they become plurals

Word Knowledge

What is the pattern?





Word Knowledge

What is the pattern?





What is the pattern?

the –tion ending making the –shun sound


• hogan• abandon• deserted• secure• captivity


“We will build new homes,” he said. “When the Long Knives leave we will go into the forest and cut timber. We will build hogans that are better than those the soldiers burned.”

The Navajo family lives in a hogan on the reservation.

http://flickr.com/photos/sublime_dharma/114756304/ Traditional Hogan from Sublimedharma


“We will build new homes,” he said. “When the Long Knives leave we will go into the forest and cut timber. We will build hogans that are better than those the soldiers burned.”

The Navajo family lives in a hogan on the reservation.

• a traditional Navaho house


I would have gone with them if I had thought that in a few days the Long Knives would leave and we would come back to our village. I would never have abandoned them.

When the gold mines dried up, many people abandoned the towns that no longer had a reason to exist in that location.


I would have gone with them if I had thought that in a few days the Long Knives would leave and we would come back to our village. I would never have abandoned them.

When the gold mines dried up, many people abandoned the towns that no longer had a reason to exist in that location.

• to leave something behind forever


Once they got off their horses and two of them climbed up to Rainbow Cave where cliff dwellers had lived long ago. But they found the houses deserted.

The tall weeds in the yard, the broken windows, and the hole in the roof was a sign to us that the building was deserted.


Once they got off their horses and two of them climbed up to Rainbow Cave where cliff dwellers had lived long ago. But they found the houses deserted.

The tall weeds in the yard, the broken windows, and the hole in the roof was a sign to us that the building was deserted.

• not lived in, abandoned


The white soldiers had searched the canyon and found no trace of us. We felt secure.

Our liberty is secure because many brave people have fought to defend our civil rights.


The white soldiers had searched the canyon and found no trace of us. We felt secure.

Our liberty is secure because many brave people have fought to defend our civil rights.

• safe from harm or danger


With the Long Knives at their backs…all the Navahos were marching into captivity.

The accused man was held in captivity at jail until after his trial was over.


With the Long Knives at their backs…all the Navahos were marching into captivity.

The accused man was held in captivity at jail until after his trial was over.

• the state of being held as a prisoner


This story is about the forced migration (or march) of the Navaho (Navajo) from Arizona to New Mexico in 1863.


As white settlers came out west, there were conflicts between the settlers and the Native Americans.


The Navaho were forced to walk 300 miles to Fort Sumner. This called the Long Walk by the Navaho.


The Navaho had to stay as prisioners at Fort Sumner until 1868 when they agreed to stay on a reservation. This is still one of the largest Indian reservations today.