Looking @ MBTI through the Leadership lens

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Looking at MBTI through the leadership lens

Julia Atkinson Senior Executive Coach and

Trainer MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens

is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


MBTI can show differences in how leaders…

•  get energized •  take information in •  process information •  make decisions •  plan and schedule •  communicate •  relate to people

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


Basics: 16 MBTI Types


So, what do the letters mean?

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


Extravert and Introvert

active outward sociable

open many

expressive breadth

reflective inward

reserved private

few quiet depth

Energy from the outer world

of people and things.

Energy inner world

of thoughts and reflections

Extravert Introvert

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


Sensing and INtuition

Take in information by way of the

five senses—sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell

Take in information by way of insight and

relating to the big picture

details present

practical facts

sequential directions repetition enjoyment

perspiration conserve


patterns future

imaginative innovations

random hunches variety

anticipation inspiration

change figurative

Sensing INtuition

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


Thinking and Feeling

Make decisions on the basis

of evaluating relative worth

Make decisions on the basis of logical analysis


objective justice

cool impersonal

critique analyze precise



subjective harmony caring

personal appreciate empathize persuasive


Thinking Feeling

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


Judging and Perceiving

Lifestyle is flexible, adaptable and spontaneous.

Lifestyle is decisive,

planned and orderly.

Judging Perceiving

organized structure control decisive

deliberate closure

plan deadline



flow experience

curious spontaneous

openness wait

discoveries receptive

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


The synergy challenge

•  Use type differences in your team to your advantage

•  Understand each others’ different strengths and pit falls •  Understand conflict potential

•  Derive synergies

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


Sensing Leaders

•  Great with details

•  Prefer solid routine

•  Emphasize targets and plans

•  Trust experience and authority

•  Organize in silos (by function)

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


INtuition Leaders

•  Great with the big picture

•  Less careful of routines

•  Emphasize purposes and vision

•  Often trust insight and creativity

•  Use cross-functional teams

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


Thinking Leaders

•  Think in terms of rules and getting it right

•  Emphasize objectives/tasks

•  Believe criticism leads to efficiency

•  Employees should produce set targets

•  Company is a social machine

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


Feeling Leaders

•  Think in terms of particular human situations

•  Emphasize people

•  Believe support leads to effectiveness

•  Employees should do their best

•  Company is a social community

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


The combination of these letters lead to unique types with specific characteristics

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


Practical, realistic, efficient, quiet,

thorough, orderly

ISFJ Conscientious, friendly, loyal,

accurate, considerate

INFJ Sensitive, organized, decisive, insightful, empathetic, creative

INTJ Original, skeptical,

independent, rational, detached

ISTP Tolerant, flexible,

analytical, objective, logical, pragmatic

ISFP Kind, trusting,

observant, concrete, factual, gentle

INFP Curious, caring,

idealistic, flexible, adaptable, accepting

INTP Objective, ingenious, curious, detached,


ESTP Spontaneous, active,

assertive, tolerant, straightforward

ESFP Friendly, flexible,

specific, persuasive, realistic, optimistic

ENFP Enthusiastic, warm,

imaginative, creative, cooperative, curious

ENTP Clever, conceptual, questioning, alert, outspoken, quick

ESTJ Decisive, matter-of-

fact, systematic, clear, forceful

ESFJ Sympathetic, helpful, personable, tactful, consistent, warm

ENFJ Compassionate, loyal,

responsible, trustworthy, sociable

ENTJ Frank, logical,

conceptual, assertive, innovative, direct


Learn about your type, differences in your team and and how to derive synergies

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


Look at Leadership through the Keirsey Temperament Lens

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


NT: Rationals speak mostly of what new problems intrigue them and what new solutions they envision, and always pragmatic, they act as efficiently as possible to achieve their objectives, ignoring arbitrary rules and conventions if need be.

Keirsey Leadership Styles

SJ: Guardians speak mostly of their duties and responsibilities, of what they can keep an eye on and take good care of, and they're careful to obey the laws, follow the rules, and respect the rights of others.

NF: Idealists speak mostly of what they hope for and imagine might be possible for people, and they want to act in good conscience, always trying to reach their goals without compromising their personal code of ethics.

SP: Artisans speak mostly about what they see right in front of them, about what they can get their hands on, and they will do whatever works, whatever gives them a quick, effective payoff, even if they have to bend the rules.

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


SJ - Guardian

Temperament: Observant

Role SJ - Guardian: Logistical

Conservator SFJ Supporting

Provider ESFJ


Protector ISFJ


Administrator STJ Regulating

Supervisor ESTJ


Inspector ISTJ


MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


SJ - Guardian

Leader Style Strengths Pitfalls Decisive Precise

directions Too direct

Create & maintain traditions

Preserving values

Slow to change

Monitoring quality

Offer Stability Too many regulations

Clear authority Dependable Tendency to blame

Set deadlines Hard working Intolerant of delays

Truman, Rockefeller, G Washington

Persevere Maintain unneeded procedures

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


SP - Artisan

Temperament: Observant

Role SP - Artisan: Tactical

Entertainer SFP Improvising

Performer ESFP


Composer ISFP


Operator STP Expediting

Promoter ESTP


Crafter ISTP


MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


SP - Artisan Leader Style Strengths Pitfalls Encourage risk taking

Reward out of the box

Bored by routine

Foster independence

Encouraging Ignore hierarchy

Create flexible environment

Deal well w. change

Appear unpredictable

Encourage action

Stimulating Avoid routine tasks

Appreciate Giving praise Not invented here syndrome

Presley, Bill Clinton, Houdini, Madonna

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


NF - Idealist

Temperament: Introspective (N)

Role NF - Idealist: Diplomatic

Entertainer NFP Mediating

Champion ENFP


Healer INFP


Mentor NFJ Developing

Teacher ENFJ


Counselor INFJ


MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


NF - Idealist Leader Style Strengths Pitfalls Inspire people Good listeners Avoid conflict Act as catalyst Interested in

understanding people

Reserved in expressing emotion

Create a vision High standards controlling Harmonious work environment

Cooperative & flexible

Take other’s priorities over own

Appreciate others Thoughtful & considerate

Too involved in others problems

Like new ideas & information

Impatient w. routine & details

Warhol, Diana, Homer, van Gogh, Lennon

Looking for harmony

Create dependency relationships

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


NT - Rational

Temperament: Introspective (N)

Role NT - Rational: Strategic

Engineer NTP Constructing

Inventor ENTP


Architect INTP


Coordinator NTJ Arranging

Fieldmarshall ENTJ


Mastermind INTJ


MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


NT - Rational

Leader Style Strengths Pitfalls Give structure Situational

organizing Impatient w. inefficiency

Set demanding goals

High standards Too demanding

Convincing communicators

Energizes people

Not enough praise

Goal oriented Well though out planning

Focus on plan might delay execution

Architect of change

See long and short term impact

Ignore impact on people

Napoleon, Thatcher, Jobs MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens

is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


Want to find out your type?

Contact me for a fun and interactive session to generate synergies for your leadership team.

I have worked with many fortune 500 leadership teams:

Adidas, AstraZeneca, Bayer, BMW, Daimler, Diesel, Ericsson, Ford, Golin, Intel, L’Oreal, Swarovski, Ubisoft, Volkswagen and many more

… across different cultures in different languages

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens

is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.


Who am I?

Julia Atkinson

Certified Executive Coach and

MBTI Step 1 and 2 Facilitator

Atkinson Coaching LLC


Email: julia@atkinson-coaching.com



My MBTI type:

MBTI and Meyers Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks of the Meyers Briggs Foundation. The Keirsey Temperament Lens is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s book “Please Understand Me”. All LEGO minifigures are registered trademarks of LEGO.