Lorne Opler, M.Ed., CSCS · Boost Your Brain-Best Exercises and Best Foods for Mood, Memory,...

Post on 21-Aug-2020

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Boost Your Brain-Best Exercises and Best Foods for Mood, Memory, Learning

Lorne Opler, M.Ed., CSCSOfficial Music Sponsor

• What are Endorphins?

• Endorphins are among the brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which transmit electrical signals from one brain cell to the next

• Endorphins reduce our perception of pain and act similarly to drugs such as morphine and codeine

• Serotonin is another neurotransmitter.

• This one is responsible for mood, sexual desire, sleep, appetite and digestion, memory and more

• The rest is synthesized in neurons of the brain; it's here that serotonin influences mood. High levels are associated with an elevated mood while low levels are associated with depression.

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• Specifically HIIT exercise has shown to benefit mood and cognitive health

• A 2014 study published in the journal Perceptual and Motor Skills, showed that a group of middle-aged volunteers ran through a battery of mental tests before and after a high-intensity exercise session — and these subjects, too, saw their cognitive function (and mood) improve.

• There was no such improvement after a session of low-intensity active stretching.

• Foods High in Omega 3 Fatty Acids

• Studies have shown the omega 3 fatty acid DHA found in fish appears to help maintain healthy levels of serotonin.

• For plant based sources of omega-3’s, walnuts are good choice for reducing the symptoms of depression

• Almonds are high in the neurotransmitter “acetylcholine.”

• Aceytlcholine aids in memory

• They have been shown to delay the progression of Alzheimer’s disease because levels of brain acetylcholine are reduced in people living with Alzheimer’s

• Blueberries are high in a plant chemical known as flavonoids which give blueberries their deep blue colour

• Specifically blueberries are high in a flavonoid called antho-cyanidins

• Antho-cyandins make their way to the brain’s hippocampus – centre of memory and learning – to improve overall cognitive health

• Avocados are high in healthy mono-saturated fats

• Research has found that monounsaturated fats help protect structures in the brain known as astrocytes, which provide support to information-carrying neurons.

• Astrocytes contain glycogen (the stored form of glucose). Glucose is a source of fuel for cells

• The astrocytes next to neurons in the hippocampus store and release glycogen.

• So, astrocytes can fuel neurons with glucose during periods of high rate of glucose consumption and glucose shortage. (i.e. exercise)

• Green Leafy vegetables (kale, collards, spinach, Swiss chard) are high in Vitamin K which research has shown boosts cognitive health

• Research Journal, “Nutrients” (2015) showed that Vitamin K intake is associated with better cognition and behaviour among geriatric patients

• Green leafy vegetables are also high in folate (Vit B-9)

• Folate is necessary to clear the amino acid, homocysteine, from the blood

• High homocysteine levels are thought to increase the risk of cognitive conditions such as vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

• Dark chocolate (85% or higher) is high in flavanols and flavonols– two types of flavonoids a plant chemical that improves connections between cells and protects brain cells from toxins or the negative effects of inflammation.

• Dark chocolate also helps to release serotonin

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