Lost in Tumultuous Despair-Intro

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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Welcome aboard to my asylum challenge! This is BigLenny, who will be your host. After purchasing and installing The Sims 2 Double Deluxe when my life has relaxed a bit, I played a bit in order to get the hang of the gameplay and picture-taking process. Now that I have, I decided to do an asylum challenge for a start. I started this on May, but I waited for finals to end so I can start documenting it. Also, I’ve been waiting too long for someone to do the cover for me, so I eventually decided to make my own. Anyway, bear with me because I’m a total newbie at all this.

Now that I’m done with my short intro, let’s proceed, shall we?

From left to right, we have Coral Oldie, Hal Capp, Darleen Dreamer, my own simself *snicker*, Gvaudoin Tricou, Buck Grunt, Jill Smith, and Benedick Monty. My simself is the playable while the rest are the patients.

One question: Why are all the patients premades? That’s because I was playing around with SimPE one day, and I literally had fun extracting certain premades and seeing them showing up on BodyShop.

Another question: Do they keep their personalities and aspirations intact? No; I randomized them all in accordance to the rules. Not to mention that four of them started out as children in their home neighborhoods. Even my own simself’s aspiration is randomized as well. But his personality is still intact, for sure. The aspirations and personalities of the sims in this asylum are stated in the following: Coral’s a Knowledge Sagittarius, Hal’s a Romance Taurus, Darleen’s a Knowledge Pisces, my simself’s a Romance Aries *snicker*, Gvaudoin’s a Fortune Gemini, Buck’s a Fortune Aries, Jill’s a Knowledge Leo, and Benedick’s a Knowledge Gemini.

This is how the front side of the asylum looks like from the outside. I personally think it looks really weird and plain, as I don’t regard myself as a talented architect. In fact, I was more concerned with what I’m allowed to have inside than the general design.

From the bird’s eye view, you can see that the house is shaped like a square. I have to admit that this was a complete surprise to me after I’m done building.

Now that I’m done with the exterior, let me give you a tour to show you what’s inside.

Our first stop is the living room. From here, we can see a TV hanging above it, a two-person sofa, a fancy sculpture, a rug, some lanterns, and a fancy sculpture. The sofa gives 8 comfort, which is the maximum number of comfort a seating can have in an asylum. The TV, on the other hand, gives 7 fun, which is the maximum number of fun an entertainment item can have in an asylum. Another thing to keep in mind of is the fact that the only entertainment items allowed are either a TV or a radio.

The bookcase in the left allows sims to skill cooking, mechanical, and cleaning. However, the TV also builds up cooking, which might mean that I’m contradicting the rules, since it states that I can have only one item for each skill. The truth is, this is an exception to the rule, so this means that I’m fine.

Right to the left of the bookcase is a piano for creativity. From what I learned from DrSupremeNerd’s hilarious Archie’s Asylum, it’s more convenient to have a piano for a creativity-skilling item compared to an easel, DJ booth, karaoke machine, and other musical instruments.

On the other side of the room, we have a dance sphere for the body skill. However, the TV also builds body, but the exception regarding the TV also applies here, which means that I’m still fine.

Near the dance sphere, we have a dining table, two chairs, and some décor fit for newlyweds. How romantic.

By now, you might have asked why the table has two chairs instead of three or four. Let me tell you why: the rules state that I can have a maximum of six seating, and I have a two-person sofa already, which counts as two seats. The two chairs for the dining table count as one for each, so that means two more.

But wait, what’s over there at the left?

Yup, two more chairs. This time, they’re for the chess set, which builds up the logic skill. I could just stare at the chairs and giggle for seconds.

You’re probably wondering where the item that builds charisma is, but don’t worry. I’ll show you the next room.

Here we are at the main bedroom. There’s a double bed for sleeping and a mirror for building charisma, just like you’ve asked. I later discovered that I forgot to put in a wardrobe, which is a bad habit of mine whenever I furnish Sims houses. I guess changing clothes without a wardrobe isn’t something worth bothering about in asylums.

Through the door next to the mirror, we have a bathroom, but the only thing in here is a single bathtub/shower combo. So, where are the toilet and sink, then?

Ah, there they are!

Hang on, are these two in the same bathroom with the bathtub? If you really think so, you’re wrong. I built two separate bathrooms. Again, I have to thank DrSupremeNerd for the building tips on her asylum. Apparently, this one is through the door between the bookcase and piano in the living room. Does this mean that the bathrooms are far apart? Of course they are. Now let me show you the room in between the bathrooms.

This is another bedroom, with three single beds, a few lamps, a painting, and several posters. I can just bask in the fieriness of the room for minutes.

Lastly, we have a kitchen, but with two of each appliance except for the processor and coffee machine. Again, as DrSupremeNerd stated in the asylum I mentioned earlier, it’s better to have two of the same appliances in case one burns down and I can’t afford to replace it, even though I decided to have one coffee machine and one processor because I felt that it’s enough to have those.

Now that I’m done with the tour of the asylum, let’s move on to the actual story. Please bear with me because it might take a while for me to get the update out.

Also, many thanks go to Dicreasy for the skins, leaths for the eyebrows, kinemortophobia for the eyes, Simgaroop for Jill and Darleen’s hair (the originals are made by Raon) and Darleen’s outfit, and fanseelamb for Hal’s hair.

See you later, and Happy Simming!