Lubuntu-ltsp-pnp (in English)

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Basic installation in VirtualBox (i386). Lubuntu and ltsp-pnp. Fat client is 'real' - Intel Atom and Acer x203w. Mouse and keyboard are Logitech wireless (K340 ja M505).


Lubuntu Alternate 12.10 (Daily i386)LTSP ”Plug 'n' Play”


Setup for VirtualBox: Network adapter, bridged

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Language

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Start

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Language

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Location

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Locales

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Keyboard (here for Finnish)

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Keyboard (here for Finnish)

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Keyboard (here for Finnish)

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Keyboard (here for Finnish)

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Keyboard (here for Finnish, ”se” is good enough, actually it is ”fi”)

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Hostname (here it is ”lubuntu-ltsp-pnp”).

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Admin user (first user is sudo (root) user).

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Admin user (first user is sudo (root) user).

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Admin user (first user is sudo (root) user).

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Admin user (first user is sudo (root) user).

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Encrypted home? You choose

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Time Zone

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: In VirtualBox you can use defaults all the way

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: In VirtualBox you can use defaults all the way

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: In VirtualBox you can use defaults all the way

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: First round for packages

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: If you have one, use It

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Second round for packages

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Second round for packages

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Almost there for installation

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Almost there for installation

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Almost there for installation

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Almost there for installation

Lubuntu Alternate Installation: Almost there for installation

Lubuntu Alternate: First boot after installation

Lubuntu Alternate: First boot after installation

Lubuntu Alternate: We use here NetworkManager for LTSP server (there is adsl/dhcp/router somewhere in network)

Lubuntu Alternate: You can add nameservers in file /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail (# nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail)

Lubuntu Alternate: You have to restart service resolvconf (# service resolvconf restart)

Lubuntu Alternate: Do one full upgrade round (# apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y)

Lubuntu Alternate: Do one full upgrade round (# apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y)

Lubuntu Alternate: Do one full upgrade round (# apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y)

Lubuntu Alternate: Do optional addons and extras installation (# apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-addons lubuntu-restricted-extras)

Lubuntu Alternate: Do optional addons and extras installation (# apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-addons lubuntu-restricted-extras)

LTSP PnP: Read howto – you skip these steps:“add-apt-repository --yes” and “apt-get update” – because 12.10 do have these packages

LTSP PnP: Install all the needed packages (# apt-get --yes dnsmasq ltsp-server-standalone ltsp-client ldm-lubuntu-theme)

LTSP PnP: You can just enter here

LTSP PnP: All packages are in

LTSP PnP: Do these (# ltsp-config dnsmasq) (# echo 'IPAPPEND=3' >> /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf) (# /usr/share/ltsp/update-kernels) Now you build image for fat clients first time (# ltsp-update-image --cleanup /)

LTSP PnP: Your first image for fat clients is ready (# ltsp-update-image --cleanup /)

LTSP PnP: Create lts.conf file first time

LTSP PnP: Here is modified lts.conf file for Lubuntu in this case

LTSP PnP: Create a user, here ltsp001

LTSP PnP: Restart dnsmasq once and verify that ip range match with your network (adsl/dhcp/router ( We have here just one nic, so ”dhcp-range=,proxy” matters

LTSP PnP: You can follow fat client's boot process (# tail -f /var/log/syslog)

LTSP PnP: You can follow fat client's boot process (# tail -f /var/log/syslog)

LTSP PnP: You can follow fat client's login process (# tail -f /var/log/auth.log)

LTSP PnP: Here we are – Nice and clean fat client – LTSP Rocks! (Intel Atom and Acer x203w. Mouse and keyboard, Logitech wireless (K340 ja M505)