Lucidata Titan geo-server data container and services

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Introducing Titan geoserver data container and services

Geoffrey Clark | 2016-04-01 | US-WA-SEAcopyright Lucidata 2016

What is Titan geo-server?

• A server that you deploy in your data environment to implement or enrich analytics, and automate data integration.– loaded with open source software, the core of which is

PostgreSQL, PostGIS and pgRouting.– loaded with open datasets for strategic intelligence

geospatial analytics, and process automation.– optionally loaded with analytics modules built with popular

licensed or open-source tools.– optionally loaded with industry data models to help

organize your data and deliver insights rapidly.

Why should we consider?“McLean’s shipping container revolution cut the cost of seabourne trade by a factor of 50 versus loose-cargo stevedoring.” -- Fred Smith, CEO of Fedex Corp. via WSJ.

We aim to do the same for supply chain, logistics and transportation data, analytics and data science.

How? Standardization, automation and technology focused on Freight, not Passengers.

How much time does your company spend cleaning up data? What if we could cut that cost by 98% ?Using detailed geospatial and temporal data in freight flow prediction regression has been shown* to improve R2 values by 10-25%

What answers can Titan provide?It depends upon your perspective ... business, technical or both?

Lucidata Titan geoserver

Pricing or Marketing Analyst Data Scientist or Technical person

• What is my market share by lane?• What are my most profitable lanes?• How do we best share revenue with

our new partner?

• What are the odds of a new competitor entering this lane or market? If they do, what is the impact to our profit?

• What is the impact of new regulation (e.g. HOS, SOLAS Verified-Gross-Mass)?

MicroStrategy PostgreSQLPostGIS, pgRoutingQGIS, WorldWindR, PL/R, Rstudio+Shinypython, PL/pythonNeo4J, Greenplumaccess via FDW, JDBC/ODBC, API ... what do you use?

Who can use Titan geo-server?• Do you have data integration challenges with supply chain,

logistics or transportation data?• Are you ready to take advantage of big open datasets to

enrich and improve your predictive analytics?• Are you tired of overpaying for spatial analytics and routing

solutions built for people rather than purpose-built for freight (e.g. Google or Bing) ?

• Are you a ...– Pricing, Sales, Marketing or Industry Analyst?– Analytics or GIS Solution Architect or Developer?– Data Scientist, Developer, or have coding ambitions?

Example drayage carrier, current state


Current Application

Green-screen access


500-600 loads per day, from seaports to DC’s, retailers in LA basin

Manifest, BOL

En-route, ETD

En-route, Arrival

Manifest, POD

Customer Systems

Too much Data Entry!

Sprint, GPS Pings


Sprint Tablets, DriversAPI access?


copyright Lucidata Informatics 2015



Pricing or Marketing Analyst


Example drayage carrier, happier with Titan and analytics


500-600 loads per day, from seaports to DC’s, retailers in LA basin

Geo-Fence around B

Geo-Fence around A

Manifest, BOL

En-route, ETD

En-route, Arrival

Manifest, POD


Current Application

DispatchCustomer Systems

VisibilityReduced Data Entry!more Analytics

Sprint, GPS Pings Operations

Driver TabletsPostgreSQLPostGISPG-StrompgRoutingPython


Email, APINotification

API access?

Existing EDI


copyright Lucidata Informatics 2015

Global All-Modes Freight Routing

Titan as Analytics Kickstarter




Lucidata TitanStandard BIFormal, Trusted, Shared, PublicData Exploration Ad-hoc, AgileExperimental

individualsPower Users

Clean, Load & Join Data

Form New BI Questions


Find New Data

Analytics User Segments


Your Data


Ad-Hoc Data Playground

Standard, Industry DataIndustry


Executives, Managers

Analysts, KnowledgeWorkers

Technical Challenge, Data Integration Cultural Challenge, User Integration

How Unique is your data?*

* is that a source of advantage, or confusion?

Examples – intelligence projects from Lucidata, using Titan geoserver

Flights that traverse volcanic ash clouds risk damaging their engines, and risking the safety of passengers

and crew. Are ATC and airline procedures adequate to avoid this

risk? Let’s run a “what-if” simujlation with the new procedure proposal ...

Competitive Intelligence for LTL trucking on Network Terminal Capacity, as defined by “door

pressure” average loaded or unloaded pounds per door per shift. This was done with “mechanical turk” labor as

business process outsourcing.

Examples - military projects from Lucidata, using Titan geoserver

Where were US Navy assets when China declared the East China Sea ADIZ?

Example - Sales Performance Management, market share by ZIP

copyright Lucidata 2015

Don’t do manual data mining and manual data integration!

What data is available?

Let’s automate adding NOAA weather data into your analytics environment

copyright Lucidata 2015

Standard NOAA data model, by Lucidata available in Titan

Example - data enrichment for a Trucking cloud software provider

copyright Lucidata 2015

Where does the data come from?Our Data Factory

Pricing, Sales and Market AnalystsUse Titan to ... Interface with Titan

using ...And start with ...

Benchmark your network or supply chain, measure your market share by commodity, lane, mode, shipper industry class ...

Drag and drop objects from the analytics environment of your choice.

Titan, plus our pre-built analytics in several tooling options, both open-source and licensed.

Deploy an accurate, automated quoting engine to your potential customers, based upon your network, tariffs and costs.

Partner with your IT and GIS staff, and/or Lucidata.

Identify opportunities to expand your profitable lanes, shrink your loss-making lanes, re-balance to reduce empty miles, and send your target lanes by commodity and industrial class to freight bill service providers to get actionable sales leads.

Load your data into Titan, and use the analytics environment of your choice. Or, partner with your IT staff and/or Lucidata to bolt on Titan to your systems.

Upload your aggregate lane data to our cloud data marketplace to get detailed market inteligence.

Our cloud data marketplace website (see terms and conditions).

GIS Analysts and DevelopersUse Titan to ... Interface with

Titan using ...And start with ...

Make beautiful maps by loading your data into Titan, and using our templates in QGIS, or extract and enrich your spatial data environment with our library of curated, standards-based spatial and relational attribute data.

QGIS, python (PL/python, or linux cli), SQL via JDBC/ODBC or Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW).

Titan, built-in pgRouting, and Tiger geo-coding

Accelerate your spatial and temporal analytics by customizing an omni-mode routing network based upon the structure of your operations, integrated with your tariffs and costs.

pgRouting using SQL via JDBC/ODBC or Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW).

Titan, built-in pgRouting, and Tiger geo-coding

Data Scientists, DevelopersUse Titan to ... Interface with

Titan using ...And start with ...

Conduct your data mining and predictive experiments, boosted by up to a 25 basis point on your R^2 values.*

SQL via JDBC/ODBC or Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW).

Titan, plus Rstudio and Shiny.

Spend more time doing analysis and producing results, less on prepatory data work, flip the pareto into your favor.

R (PL/R or Rstudio), python (PL/python, or linux cli).

Titan, plus Rstudio and Shiny.

Schedule your best models to run, and deploy with a variety of tools to keep your stakeholders engaged and happy.

Drag and drop objects from the analytics environment of your choice.

Titan, plus our pre-built analytics options

Analytics Solution ArchitectUse Titan to ... Interface with Titan

using ...And start with ...

Deploy our pre-built analytics to deliver immediate market intelligence analytics to your customers.

SQL via JDBC/ODBC Titan, plus our pre-built analytics options

Accelerate your DW project by using one of our industry logical data model templates.

Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler, ERwin, or ER/Studio

Titan, and industry logical data models

Bolt-on Titan to your existing data warehouse to enable geo-spatial analytics, deploy an omni-mode routing network and "what-if" trip planning and simulation engine.

Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW), or bundle with Talend, or Pentaho Data Integration (PDI)

Titan, built-in pgRouting, and Tiger geo-coding

Automate your geocoding, and geoprofile your customers, suppliers, carrier terminals, DCs, sea and airports ...

Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW), or SQL via JDBC/ODBC

Titan, and built-in Tiger geo-coding

further automate your data integration challenges, using the licensed, bundled products --->

bundle with Tamr, Talend, or Pentaho Data Integration (PDI)

Titan, and industry logical data models

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