Lynn violence against women1

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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  • 1. VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Group Members Vandana Hina Samina Piya Saliha Anjana

2. Video- Violence Against Women 3. OUR RATIONALE FOR THIS TOPIC The issue is important to us Personally as well as Professionally As an ECE we come across - many children who have witnessed domestic violence Cause- Distress, emotional and behavioral problems in children Our responsibility as educators to identify those signs, ensure safety and provide children with support and intervention We also need to help mothers who may be victims of domestic violence by sharing resources such as shelters, legal advocacy programs and counseling services in the community. Personally many of us have witnessed it actually happening with our near and dear ones, disrupting their lives and causing mental trauma Beliefs of people Back home- most of the people think it is all right for husband, brother or father to abuse verbally or nonverbally to their wives, daughters or sisters. Through this assignment we have got this opportunity to research more on this topic and also implement some action plans to help other women undergoing violence in the world 4. INTERNET RESEARCH Up to 70 percent of women experience some type of violence from men once in their lifetime (Battered Women's Support Services 2013) As you can see Zambia has the most cases of physical violence 59% and China least-12% United Nation Statistics Division-Physical Violence 12%-59% Young women are more exposed to intimate partner physical violence United Nation Statistics Division Across Canada; over 3,000 women along with their dependent 2,900 children are living in an emergency shelter to escape abuse (Battered Women's Support Services 2013). 5. RESEARCH FROM BOOKS Changing the Landscape Ending Violence ~ Achieving Equality How violence against women is affecting people and society HUMAN COST 1. EMOTIONAL-fear, stress 2. PHYSICAL- scar, bruises, death FINANCIAL COST 1. HEALTH COST-Drug Doctor, hospital 2. WORK RELATED COST- sick leave 3. COST RELATED TO JUSTICE SYSTEM- lawyer, police SOCIAL COST 1. Cost of social services and supports Violence against women-Douglas A Brownridge Violence against aboriginal women They are less educated than Non-Aboriginal Canadians Higher Unemployment rates Most of them live in rural areas Large family size Violence against women with disabilities Lower education Higher unemployment rate Belief that they are less able to resist or report Societal hatred and fear for person with disabilities where deformities of body symbolize deformities of soul 6. Our Survey Results Another important thing that we came across from our survey findings were that most people thought domestic abuse is just physical and that drug, alcohol and poverty were the causal factors for violence. We therefore think that community programs such as workshops must be held to make people aware about substance abuse programs and to educate people about various types of violences that exist beside Physical. 7. Our Survey Results We also found that most people agreed unequal treatment of women in society as one of the causal factor of violence. Hence in order to achieve equality for women in society we must ask for equal wages for women as compared to their male co-worker in all professions. This will boost their confidence and make them more independent. 8. Our Survey Results From our survey we found out some people agreed that it was solely womens responsibility to do house chores and look after children. People also strongly agreed that parents must teach children to learn to respect. Thus we think we must educate youth and children about being respectful in relationships by introducing this as a mandatory part of curriculum. Also at home parents should model that housework is shared equally by all members of the house and not just women. 9. Our Survey Results One of the important things we discovered from our survey was that around 23% people thought women stayed in abusive relationship for the sake of their children. We think we must educate women about its negative impact on children who witness domestic violence Most people also agreed that women with disabilities are more prone to undergo violence. Hence we think in order to empower women with disabilities we must make finances available for them to purchase equipment needed by them to become more independent. We must also increase the hours and frequency of wheel Trans services so that they can feel more secure even at late night hours. 10. STAKEHOLDERS Dr. Rozs Healing Place Scarborough womens Center provides emergency crisis and care to women & children emergency housing, support services and referrals job training, , life skills development Counseling services Mentor Program -trained volunteer mentors are provided on a one to one basis with women in transition Interest-free loans are provided to women fleeing abusive Healthy Relationship Program- They teach young people in school how to stop cycle of violence by creating safe and healthy relationship Canadian Womens Foundation YWCA Canada 11. International Womens Day Rally 8th March 2014 Our First Action Plan Amazing Experience. Lots of People advocating for their Issues. There was Police on Bicycles patrolling the place. People from News Channel were taking interviews. We got our photos clicked by some News Channel persons. 12. Rally Experience People we met This is Christine. She witnessed Physical Violence when young. She had to leave her house along with her mother. They had to go and live in Shelter where they took help of Counseling. Services They were put on waiting list for housing. Until they can get house , they lived in basement at their grandfathers house for sometime. Christine told us they had to move from house to house for a long time. Today she is a graduate from York University and volunteers for Fight Back Program. Our Group Interviewing Christine 13. SLOGANS AT WOMENS RALLY CONFERENCE / OTHER ISSUES DISCUSSED Women taking power forward together Human need over corporate greed Other Issues that Spokesperson shed light on were Workplace Rights Public Services Equal Wages Making minimum wages $14/hr 14. Our Participation with Rallys other groups One of the group there were getting there petition signed from everyone regarding their concerns about the changes proposed to Ontarios child care Regulation regarding reduction in adult child ratio & increase in group sizes They demanded program quality must be priority. We all actively participated and signed their petitions. Letter to Ontario Education Minister the Honourable Liz Sandals 15. Our group raised awareness in rally about Equal Pay If women can earn equal to men, it will help to make them financially independent. As around 16% people in our survey said finances were one of the reasons for women to stay in abusive relationship Educate Youth- To respect each other in relationships. As in our survey majority people agreed parents must educate their children to learn to respect Educate youth about different types of violence existing in society. As Most of the people in our survey reported violence is only Physical. . 16. Some other Issues that were being discussed at Rally 17. Our Interview at Dr. Rozs Healing Place We interviewed Preetha who is a coordinator there. Some of the significant findings from our interview were Most women coming for help are in their 20s and 30s Can accommodate 34 Single women / 14 Families Enough shelters are not available in Toronto to help women in abusive situation Housing is a big issue since long waiting lists and barriers such as lot of paper work required which women don't have Personal Need allowance per week is too low $30/Week for single women Want more funding and free bus tokens for women from Government Need for Household items such as pots& Pans School supplies for children, microwave, kettle etc. 18. Our Second Action Plan for Dr Rozs Healing Place We wrote Emails to Honorable Teresa Piruzza and Honorable Ted McMeekin Honorable Teresa Piruzza- Minister Responsible for Women's Issues and Minister of Children and Youth Services Honorable Ted McMeekin -Ministry of Community and Social Services We requested to increase the number of shelters in Toronto Requested to increase their weekly personal need allowance. Provision of free bus tokens for women with children in shelters to be able to commute easily. We also brought to their attention problems faced by women for obtaining Housing facility Letter to Honorable Ministers 19. Our Second Action Plan for Women with disabilities From our Survey Results and our research from Book Violence against women-Douglas A Brownridge, we found out women with disabilities are more prone to undergo violence. As a result we requested Honorable Ministers Honorable Teresa Piruzza and Honorable Ted McMeekin to increase financial support for such women to purchase equipment as per their need to make them more independent and mobile. We also wrote email to TTC- Wheel Trans Services to increase frequency and hours of services for women with disabilities to make them feel secure at late night hours 20. Our Third Action Plan - Pamphlet to advocate for violence against women The Pamphlet had important information about Stakeholders Steps such as What to do, How to report, Where to go for help Prevention Strategies How can Community help women in abusive situation 21. 13th March 2014 Our Fourth Action Plan- Bake Sale and Distributing Pamphlets Our Bake Sale took place at Student Center We made Flyers few days before our Bake Sale to Advertise through out College Pamphlet Our Group at Bake Sale We placed a list of ingredients on our Table We sold cookies and Cupcakes We made a collage of Resources gathered by us at Rally and displayed it at Bake Sale 22. Fourth Action Plan- Bake Sale and Distributing Pamphlets Selling Cookies and Cupcakes People writing Comments Vandanas son helped us too in our Bake sale We raised around $84 in our Bake sale Raising awareness via showing Pamphlets Selling Cookies to Professors People Donating Money for the cause 23. Donation For Dr Rozs Healing Place From the money we collected through our Bake sale we bought some school supplies, pots and pans and children clothing and donated it to Dr Rozs Healing Place Our group at Dr Rozs Healing place with Caretaker Jammie Meldrum Materials to Donate Our group getting ready to go 24. Our 5th and 6th Action Plan Facebook & Twitter Community Workshops and Peoples opinion about this issue Equal Wages and Introducing educational programs in schools about respect in relationships Making people aware about effects of violence on children who witness it. Prevalence Rates of Violence 25. Animoto Video 26. Bibliography women-and-girls-matters.jpg 5705192859f1b0_big.jpg http://ecx.images-,204,203,200_.jpg http://ecx.images-,204,203,200_PIsitb- sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU15_.jpg content/uploads/2014/03/drhp_front.jpg content/uploads/2013/05/profile_1014644_avatar-180x136.jpg 6ouTuN9cW38/TkelNCj3UNI/AAAAAAAAAqM/3qXbJivqt0Y/s1600/V iolence-against-women_2332.jpg 27. THANK YOU