m. · [VJARIEN'S COUGH ELIXIR, a mild, pleasant, soothing^ and invigorating oxpectorant for Coughs,...

Post on 02-Mar-2019

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- - , ' • •



Beat equipped Marble, Granite and Bluestone yard in the" State.

Cemetery Work of every description. , Best material and workmanshipPrices Jtojsuit everyone. Get ray designs and prices before ordering your

memorials. New sidewalks laid, from 9c. per ft. up.: Blue stone for all purposes.fJE-Whipple, 88t-9OiE. Grand St , Elizabeth,.N.j. Telephone t BRADLEY, ^gt

Gxms&Cord. v woat f lo ic i . WILLIAM #.< ORA Y,

.... °^^^-^^^B l e o t r l o C o m p a n y KOLDIXU CMAIUS TO UKNT.

For »afjr rwaanaablo rate* they give eloctriclty for beat and power. Come and are , .their station. It will cost you nothiiig. Talk matter* •• . Crmtiwl. S . ) ^ ^

ovor and you niay aave money. — ' _ . ;

Telephone: ' Station audOtUvc*: QIDEON JS. LUDLOW,Distance, »* B. ' 77 Murray Street, <«»M.«

Elizabeth. Xew Jersey, ll-u.!,)!^ l!nlnn J,Af[j|j^j«

m* KLmmim


„•• • . <:

!^J« from Imitm BQJ nitliiial milter nut

-t,r U*a. Huil»Ll»fi»r lano<lr»n tir firm.

F l o t c ? 1 I e t ^ c v 1 ) \ \ '<> <•.)•<. 1IS AN IDEAL

Incorporated 1870. Organized I891. .JOHN MARIEN, and-of Fanwood,

u « iub.biut.u or u - ^ cand Kosella with wat«r for Jooiettio u»o.,.

"The Purest and Sweetest that Nature cap Yield."

ft^fl(J 1ST Located in the midst of the finest riding and cTriving section— ; QJ tllO StfltG«llatli ljuiltliritf, t-'uiou Avenuo.

>>. T

l a Jao*,l&&3 tbf «ftUr»applJ«(l by tb« Cutupany *WftsaJjx«d by Allan H E M S , itoj., • , J\ll Jlppointments ape -Strictly Pipst Class'apply. UMI yoa o«sd htni no wuUty wb«t«T«r tu t

uUtm% of UwCoapujr ttldutifiwl with t U f UlttifM in which fu pUiDt (a iMcsttHj, u J itManufacturer of

; . v i

A rtprf—ntftUT* of ihmCompany will b» plaaaxl to call 00 pttrticiwboilu not atvdttr. from i u malnt. and aiplain rmU*. tonnj, m*thoJ of Mrvtc*, «tc •

Union Water Company,At 68 Broad Street, Elizabeth.

Icio li w^^^^^^^^^ r ^ descriptive Booklet Free.:Special facilities for accommodation of driving parties.

, N J John A. Hicks, J'ropiietor Summit, N. J.



* * . • s,

ALWAYS[VJARIEN'S COUGH ELIXIR, a mild, pleasant, soothing^ and invigorating oxpectorant for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness

! Bronchitis, Catarrh, Whooping-cough, Croup, etc. PRICE 26c. per bottle.

PtiARIEL'S EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL with hypophosphites of lime and soda, containing all the nutritive and tonic properties of Uiescl"e!?l?di«s. P J e a ^

" CHE^AP I«: I»KtICJ^ I^U^r NOT IK yUALITY. 15«o. l|>c?i' {Iu»t i lo



c M i P l B f l $ J 1 8 1 P - i oni6SreB8i"rt^>a'rsre.ndcrli*",itli9Jt>v » » w * *%^»* N^ ** *^*i«* a. v^* « » >*color to the luiir. It is not a d -e.


. . . . . . , . . . . . . : /- h a i r . T h e g r e a t l i n e q i i i i k ' f l p r c | i ; i r i i l i ( » n ' (i>r ri-Mnfmij;, i H - i i i i t i f y i i i ^ ; I I K 1

s i l k v a n d ^ I O H B V . A r i e s t i n ^ t h e f . i l l a n d i i i |> : i r t i i>^' , I l i c i i l t l i y . I IHI n f i l n n d

a dye. Price 50c* a bottle.

m. ^ ^ ^ i ' . i i i« . ilJizzine«H, C<MiM!i|rtitioii, <•((•.

As good as any 25c. or 50c pill on the market. Price 10c.




i *" '


THE BEST EQUIPPED PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT IN THE COUNTY.Soaps, Tooth brusbes, Hair brushes, Consbs, Nail flies, Stationery,

- ••• • " ' ' - • - " ™ " T E L E P H O N E C A L L N ( j . 2 . •':" _ ••.

(3@©©g ©ELIVERE© IN ANY P t i

None but the best drugs dispciiHed atreabonublo prices by competent pharma-<:istH, day or ufght.



''• ;,">

€f;r Oiranfofti1'Wi1uWisliuJ rvw; Sjitlmhiy b>

lie Cracferd ('too (l«f«rj»r»m.Union Avenue, Oranfcrf, H. J.

.llrtf «i Y«

Kttttrni at thrt'lati Slallrr.

t unit

.S.lTUi£l>.4¥r?rt->VKMllKl; 10. JbVJL

Vi.0%1 tlii> fuot* l.ruiiRlit out at tin-ll r h

(Vouniisslc'in Thuiwluy nielli It wouldK.-i'iii to I... pitil.nM.Mh.-it lh«'.Townshipwill IIIIV.-u. puj- ili.. c-.i-t. i.r the tum-rliitcriib In 'Union. Hprinilejd mid CBii-tfiinlal avenues.' Thin menus just thatiniirh t.j be uddiil f/> the. lux |,.yy next,yiiir. for the edit nt tliH-e ien.-r liit/r-als hui liven | , iid ( l l | | ,,r fuilili Jn-ld totnd.'i'in »i>rt.r lii.tnh. Tile loin'mlt-

me 11.m iviiitimr opinion3 (.1

wood. They l to have some

(Jniinii'l M.'.iinvliillljruiv clll I timid vanHi<-iM_htai|i|piliit' ..rfoiiii" inliiiiiiiMiwitli

tiixpaycri4 limyIf,"!' IH.Ill II I.U»>

CHI/ell "i...

Ii fortho'iiust'

I I ,

"f - -

'AM*~ 1 1

» vear.

:i K-|M.II >.II (.'•iit.'iiiiliilui.-liile, Htuti'dl'i it h u e .InMIIIH-M win xlTU rflitlfT UNdel lliedinieullyiif "no Hinds." Howt'l.'J lllU.' -i-tlu^l'-ll, (I,,, (.'..limillteei>:il> I.II'.UH, |M.||III|M the (rival hoi

III til- nuduaj-iir Hi,, nvoliue me IIII.'-nil of their I'lijinie MU-UKKIlie-oul'.lili observer the only "xti'iiu;.Kle" ninde l..v .Mi. Cromwell In tl,• IKIiiel ,wn lust Spring., f'"' y»UMII. n he I'lomifii'ifillreeHv ihiit jr,.|,.|»• I he u,,lllll »,e 1,'ilV thi l l (''ellUMIIll

help from \Vr«f flahj In the line of howAI*p Fire plug* were net?ded'>ii theCiwiford eldf of th* lino two perhapsthree. Tha rnott-r vita .rerorre'd' totho FlroiJoxninlttix* and Chief of theFire Department to miiko report.

Now Orango via* next hoard. Mr. C.A. Moimhan representing the NewOratiRe Industrial A/i'wclntloti unitedthat, there wero now about eightyiciumm hullt on tlio Crnlitufd »ido or

tlitr line and. mqro b>r ccmiu. They.Breatiy needed llghtu on th«nr gtrcetoami wl-ihed tliu 'lownshlp Committeeto supply tho>ome. Ht. thought iiboutOftet'ti lights would doatpnveiit. Thewire* of the Hul.url.an Elee'trfc Light}>>. now ratno within about i,GM feet»r tin. lino. sir. Momihan piomuted «map of Nuw Orangt. nlioivlng propawdlocution of tho llKhtH. TliU matterwas referred to Chairman Cromwell of

rtiidColiimlU<.<omuirMc'iiitlr.> to lookIlllohlid

Chairman Cromwell reported for thecommittee on th* alleged ovcrvliurptwof the; AwwiMir anil Collator tliat tin/Township Attorney liiulglrcn !il« «.|il«.Ion that tht-ir c-tiorj H on aeeouut ofxpprlal Hchw/I and .-pedal row! to«*c-ro Illegal: Tho amounts alleged to.Iw wrongly elmrgid In Ig'j7 and ISU8fere As«ow.f..$131,W, nnd Collectorf!2'J0,e.'. M C ' l l d

onorateMr. C'rotnwell

th«; aud

Freeholder mid Chief feleetj ,,J Ihe

rhe r«et .that nt thu two lire* oHa-,!oeelc Ihe apparatus had boon iieodle.-Wrly di'ihiyed ut tho railroad rr<w»l

Collectorfroih ujiv mi»pielon — .-, ~~«doing or liCRllgencp nnd In fact hadacted oii;ndvluo of previous TownshipCyiiim-I. Chairman Cromwell wdsap-polnte.l u commute-., or one U, conferwith tlio AHv.-xtorufid'Ci'illfutoraii thoniiiiier.

Crane, who was indent

Mr. niljeon. .„A1«uut ouc/iuuilraJ'vari-tij* an

played in ihi» ruuoi, sr.io«

\ BuJpOEUSuchea from tip tu tip.y bfauUful is ifi* - PhiJ. |

Th» prtnW. are. bioad andcurvingoirrtuth r,th»-r«• ckwely as toreasuible a hutfelwllof pal».yellowduwn.hu>,oh»!lof pal*, yellow duwn.A baodsnme whito one in the - Queen,"»ery hjrjjo f l ia in ^



are much larger than the ordinarym •

» ^h!fcr tLi ,av,n-h(,r«e^ver,,de,lue,e,l, Thef b k ibanking

andf.ni<U ear


Aa odd species is a pale yellow fringedKith large petals of broDzo.' There are

'tiooBtrieh pluuie, goose quill,of

ASKJr to suithas been

Opera Hoiicse Blook

Fr-celj goods in Sealed Packages

At-Jill Timea.


Cranford, N. J.ff


uld rJci, ipot in "then" in lilir, LUII upon

vWim «iifi p u l i i i l i . j i i i i | M r

ill I'mee, t h e i e h y M<eli | ' | | |gi | l l l l l l til

« u t e t i.r Ihe i lNl l l i ' l . T h e r e \WfHhi'

.i |iiili .>u liiilmn-r In the | ,mil mei . i i i i l i

t l i i ; T h l n l l ) U t r i , t i i i ida»' | i i i 'gi>ral | i . i

Illi lit Illllll llnllnl Wll-t-||ia<li>" flilHI .'till o m l i i n m e j , yet iml n i n i . v e H u s i imd

• i.ii Centennial avenue, mid HID moneywin all fl|,ent hy (.'iiiiiiiilttceninn l.^olinlilHiiwii rond. Tile Trolley Company w.iiild hnyo l.i'en (,-lad to properly(trade Ceiileiiiilnr^nemie for eiiith forIllllng on Htiiith avenue. Yet not ahint HUH gi\i'ii thenioMhe need,-niii|tneeoiidlili.u <>T tlu< iivi'init! IIUHHU'IIIII1v Ixvonie MoiHe. Niiw, Onini'K tin

mmittee toVuiiimunle/ili-with the It. It. Co.. in order that theliouhle' might be remedied. ' <:lerk

l wan iimlrucU'd lo vvrln- Ihi;It. It. Co. with regard lolhe waiter.

In •'"imniiiileuHoiis Attorney Olivergnvn filH opinion Unit the Commltleehad imuiilhorliy toeoinpel tlntfViitriilII l

liy toeoinpel tlntfViitriilII. li. loenrry i.rriilonglheir right orway ilie.wuter now draining from therallijMid (hrough Cnloi, and Wnlmanv flfVie)* lindSoiith avenue to the- river.Me linil ehnuged II|H m|jid wlllj n-gunjl

1 hu.right of Committee'' u, tiaiVorIxilnneeH fn.tu viiiiouH neiiount^ nud•itiited that any unexpended, bnluneculil. 111.) end of.llHealye.are6u|<l b» um-ilr,.r.iiiiyj,uip,,»efoi whleh a |.nivlniiaappropriation had .lM>eii.niad(><, Attorn-ey Oliver iiinde no rujiort of riwult oftrial of the Cook suit and tho Commit.lee made no inquiry.

A eoiiiiniinh'Otloii from thi> "I. M

Inind left llttl.; or I. . wf>rlc porf

Mr.'Croinwdl would only »/iy tlmt Inthought the <.'..||,-,'t/.r nnd Aswiaorl A gruiid rally will I*, held ,„ #:

[|««.rlypald. • ; ' | f;. Chun*, j ^ r ihurBdayl.-• ~, ...^ . ----• Kpworth I esgutw of

time by Air. Thompson on the Elizabeth and Hoselle will.»of the .^.(.ool «, jar,| f,,ra light An intere«tlng program in b»lng , ,„„„ .

in rroiit or r.,,,1,, ..ntrmifo. GrantM underIho dirwtion of M.'i• TownleV•ii'hool. „ like report being mnde oii of Westrlvld. 'fien- light, Oninge m-einie. - . _ _

Superintendent SteveiiH c.rtheHub- ' n ' e Crauford Library-Opera Houseiirh/in Kleetrle Conipuny pn.-sciffeil o 1{o"'" *• MP«n Tuesday, ThuraJay and"/lve yeuw eolilinct for Btreet ilghu ror I Hoturday afternonnii from 3 to S oclock./leeepianeeiind Blgiintiire. Chairman.!°"" >pnr'B "uhwriptlou fi.W; weeklv(YtllntVJ'II Imtrtrlixl f,..... !...!# I ' . i Mlltinf>rst>tiftn Ifl.. • • - - *




Avenue, -All work done-strictly by hand and can be seen

in course of operation.


FRED B8.EITEpUC.HER* Prop. ^Ouoranteedt-


p n n d Blgiintiire. ChaiCromwell Imggled Torn half hour overn cl inic of no real Importance but.protecting the"Company I n i w Town»hlp Oi/inmltteo h l d ip g C»hlp Oi/inmltteo


HiibHvription 10c.Evoryono la cordially welcome to come

and Inspect the booka

flood Coffee, per 1b 15c.1'ail Coffee, ]>erlb25c.

. llrat Coffee, |ierlb32c.Condensed tnilk. can 7c.

iUuioi). itt <«nFrmh ixAmter, ranM a Slukrrrl



^rnSkln^vlnTttnliIm ;e7mvnts Ciunfonl would oltpr tu loento ufu^Uiry here, V/HH reeelved with nmiiKe-ihcut and no ti k

^ y , HH reeelved wihcut and no action taken.

W. F. Nel|ip iwked for tin*removal

p i i dt theCitlzeiiH |.riiiiiiry lastHprlni,' he hlnled thai the CillzenCI.III-mlttei' had »i'leeted Tor the olllecs themint suitable nnd brat t

"'In Criinford. Wlmt n |<>t o ri Ihe lent of im must iie.


i|!ftVJuMvItoi=;iuJuxi»Supt.rlnU'iid«nt / HtoveiwI J l t l «

or tho0 |,av

bnek Ut the expiration .or the. oldan Tor Kom.. tlmo past tho Suburban • - - i - w ,Conipnny has been fiirnlalilnir -lluht I tl-00.P- - m

without eontrnet. . ' "Tiic oleefioii or Etnmor K. Adams as

Chlur or thu.Flro Department wnaeun--nPfneir; AfrrAifttliiM w.un ek'<#u»d bnekIn Heptemlii'r Home tlni(>. Thu inf election of nfficvm of Union „„„.,Company wiw ivi-elvod and net-opted,niidCollecto?Cranoniitlionzed to dt'


Sunday school 12 in. • " ' - • " . -

BO1'™0'1'' t * l l g u ? ^fvice each Sunday

Frnyerni^eting,'Fridays,7.45p. m.

TOWNSHIP pOMMlfTEErThu regular November meeting of

the Towmlilp "(Vini'tnlttKu wim^heliTni-Mdiiynight ('oiumlineinim llnnliin, who tulles tlio phiee of Cr<w.mauLyon in hpieaihtullvu of Urn ThirdUlotrli't, iiiulilnghlsllrMt AldiM'mnulcbow to the pulille. (NrmiiiltteolimnHi'\eianee, «ho Ih'i-eeoveied from his

- i

lalo-H'ioro Miles*, expeeted (

••ut hut lneliMiiim.1. ivcuthoi: renih>iv«riiInmh liable foi liljri ti.gooiil." ' "•

A liumbel nr neiv liuillt'lH were |.renented for the eonHldeiiitlon of tin

-Committee but outside tlm nlgnlng orn live j e n c ' eomniei wild the Siibuih.III! llleellle l.l^ht (•,,., for utivet light-ing, little Inmlne-is \\i\t |niimiiited.VIIIIOIIH miitters <,r reni iinplirtaiiri. tothe town wen- not even nentloued,Mli'h nt the failure orthetrolleyeoiiip.mi) lo iMinplelr III.' iimendnui'lzlngofNixith nvoiirtr lieei.nllng'to'.f,h'i. t.-llllH

in Ihe mill j.fC.iok ngntiiHl Ihe Town'"•••l1. ""' •••lephoiie rnuiviiUe. matter;"hethei m nut ihe Tele|.h,.ne Co. u• .pcialliig uiihoul n fraiielilNi>.' asehilmed hv the (Vimmittee nt pitivioiwmeetings nml the poliiition ofthe riverl.y refiiM. fi.uii the inllh mid ili..p< ofINsex t'oillllv

The lint matter piv-enled arierthelending <.r the mlmiles Has Ihe serious"late of ulTnlr- «lih.ii;gurd..|u.. kultei-

" Tuid~eni\ i'UV"irnTiT-"T;WFtTrT>lslTirlT- Ir I1 I) YimSnuii Hp'oke of |.II<I<MII.dilion ,,r Ihe-e at I7nh.li and Southjnoim.M and nt Miii-olii nnd Soiilh nv-••ililef pnrlii-ularly. lie «(inte.l toKnow nhn MIIS in eliarpM.r nfTalrs Inthis dlMtlet Mr. Si'venmei' Iiil.l IH-I'Hill for ii long tluii. nii,| the disliirl \vu->^Hireling for lack <.r soun- ofllflal tol..nU nft.-r it- liiteiv«m. This was••om.-nhulhiiidoii Cliiiinnaii Civniwillwho ll\es In Ihe JV.iirth nUU'iot Afters..iiiiMliseii<-.|.lni>ver the table C.un-lintieeman li.'iiil.iii iva« a|>|..>intt'il tol.i >L Inio the m.itters eomplnined ufWllh' Ml Se\e|iilliv.

Ml A. J. 11, eUe.v i>riiiii'n.i,.d.'iisked

|>oh> leimiveil on i-ei|iiest or tho Com-nilttw. • •'•'•

K 11. Ham asked for Uix doeda tothnwplceeBorproporty liohnd boughtat. the u-oent tnx Hale, which tho Chair-man and Clurk m-n> authorizedTouxe.Clltn.

Mr. F. W. Huntor and Edw. Ucadl^'Hr., asked [Hjrinlsslotrui rcgrado WH-l..w stivet, from \V(.9i Knd plaeo toHampton Htroot. under dlrvctton oftho Township Engineer, without ooatto tin- TowtiN|i||>. •

Mr. liunter, with Dr. Hf K. MaoComivll, nlso'askod to liavi* tiwgrad<

. l(l|'"«'<>n....„..,„„,„>.„„Lxomplleu O>rtlflcatcs to Issuo to thollrcnifn whoBo time explm this Fall•i*nl next Spring. * .• • Tho bills ordered paid wero •

C. 0. Wlnklo, Rondi, .J. HniiUessy, Police no,1*. J. Btndonborgcr ' '•

.J. Kuhn, • ! '• ..J. Hchlndler,F. Dltiel, Poor ne


Eiutlnnn Btreet between tho two brldge» and Ceutrnt. avenue from Spilngn<>ld avenue to Eastman Htrect ostnb.

il at tho grndo laid out on ma]nuuje from snrvoyn by Englnt'er.Vre

No grade hnd over boon vitnlDti-tlin street. Mr. Hunter ah

linked pel'mlHslontognidethewsth'et'j<> ooiiform to tlm now grade IUHmacadamize sumo without oxpenso i<tho town. He was owner or all abutHug propei ty. Tho now grndo woulnils.. Kiistmaii Htreof about ono'nu,.".'.".'.•linlf ./W»v find ,..CetttruL»voimiv.t<

eorrespoiid.fur about ISO r«><>|. • TIIOHOlintiMUiiUy utlvnntJigeoiis propositionswen. uivoptod by the TownCoinimitl'


, Collector-Crane presented a full ,-,.porl of sale <>r property r,»rdellnnuenttaxes or ISH7, showing ninount.'j paidami M whom Bold. He also paid overt» the Township Committee $1.3.-;, be-ing the legal fee, bnnuw, or perquisite

thi.se members pnvsent when the

..vonls roieach name' returned delir,•meiil. Thu..._who will divide tho $1 a,-,lire Messrs. Melntlro, Thompson l m i |I.v.'ii. Chiilinmn Cromwell ami Com.mittoouinn ICiinkin seemed somewhatdisappointed that thev shV.nld hi. l,.r,out. ., ' . .

Sew.ir'permim woio granted tu LuevOldlmm, Cmnrord avenue; Mai-I.ll«'p-inim. CVi.n-al aven..,-. i.-n.,.

$1 00M 00cooo-S 10:' 60

33 M. 14 <K)

T. A,Crnnc, aundrlon & poa'tgia 20A. 0 . Hopkins, Sower no. i' as 'J. Malonoy, ••A. H.'Mlltor, Fire no.C. Soward, "Suburban Eli^trlc C6^Union Water Co.G7-Vix^elantl, ao^ iialnrv'M, It. Thompson, rent,'Paul Q. Oliver, i

Cook suit,Hills or W. N. Gray and D. Kreh-

wore held up for aetlnn l.y Hoard i.rHealth ami Hond Hulit1|

a Ml13 7fi

7 CO24(i 25

. 5U0O0.37 50

22 40

ice taOret Thursday

Missionary 8ocioty tneeUThursday each mohth.'. - -

•,Vft>:ijj1.#;s*.!S'>»i i W W w M ( ) ' «

"Eofiateil'on OTiiTK»on"ueTPublio worship each. Snmraynt 11 a.

m.(nnd 8p.'in, ;. • •

Sunday School at'ii.30 a. hi. •"V. l>. 8. C. E. Chapel, 8unday 7 p . _Jhinior'EndoaVor, chnpe), Monday at

j p. nf. ••'.. • - . .

Gospel service, cliapej; Friday 8 p. in?

10.30 a. m, 8 p. m. UD * B e r v i c C 8 a t

Prayer Mooting Thursday 8 p. ro.



' UiixiluimCor

" Kcliable FlourKllabury FloQr0 1 i 0 i ' 1


55o «70c. i

•25o.i18c. 5

• '••. .' • Danhaai coroanu 11-2 15o -.- '•••• ' " . ' . ' Dnnluuncoroanut 1-4 08o

CONCENTRATED SOUPS. os>orted, pa, can 1©o.


The Elizabethtbwn "Light Company^

;'J> l - <

Sower I m<.iul«.l,,ncr. M.tl Aa»ln.Thutmlay iiiBiit Win. T. Woat,. K.'.\|,

1'o.ul iViid.iuiii.|(). Clur|<, mininlmio'n.-- ^ay.th© (iHeeeHiuontH'ror

coHt iif sowor latoraia. in Union, SnriiitiloldiiiiilCoirtonimiriivmiruurm^tVii Theoffice or*'. II Han,, Township Attorney

Oliver iitici 'ch.rk 'Mnrahnll ulm.worn in nttiMid.ini'o.

Tho Coiiiini«siouors ivimtisl lo w>» the)titinus oii whieh tho liittiralii wero or-

Christian Scieneo-3ervices held atrooms occupied by tho Royal Arcanumin the Opera IIouso Block.

S»rv'«)» overy Sunday morninjf at

t8undayBcliool after tho sorvieeBKeadinu Room on Miln street.openweek

ilayafrom 10 a. m. to 5 p. mVwhereChristian acicneo litqrature.. muv. bo

o b t a i n e d . - - . ' • • - ' '•-••-.-.,.. , r - • "

Tentimoniid me*tin(t at the RcadinuRoom each Wednesday oveninB at eight

Kpiaeopal—Located North' avenua, eastof river, ... .

Sunday wrViceB dt 11 a. m., and 7.30p . i n . •." ' • ' • ' •

Sunday school «J_TO n. m.I'Vidny, Pmyere 5 p. m.

!"iortflor iigiit ind fupl'^ If yOu haye .',

never used gas for CQpking purposes

try it and you will be pleased. The

'••* Company will furnish and set all .

ntensils necessary to use gaa for fuel.

A gas range is economical and con-


Address the Company at v y~---.--

124 Broad street,



D. -A.EVERETT.'---

(forraeriy ETervtti: ritirson.)

t^ason and Builder;.



1 ^ w

• t v


St. Amonth.

«irflo,-l!r«t-Wetl0PSduy-|u ~euSK... . ._. ^

' Guild, first Tuesday in each

Piret JlnptiHt Chiin-ln ioCatod on IIiRh

peithor or lh

hml m m b«.n.pr,6M,u.d forlateriiln. H also train.pir.il

l. H also train.

at, , < M l r c r (,oi,14r all th,, work ,,rUnion avonuo lateral. * „ , „ „ „ B tt i T l i i .

w. Thur^lay *4nint" Chri™tinn}'6"1 Society meeting, 8 P.M. The

. Livery and Boarding StaUt*.



4wi'tlT]iiiiaiuuiuirs wero Koinowhnt ul.

regard to rinl.t to n n m r.irwhorn th« work had fiever hp,

iin.l iuljoiirno<l iu"order to got the[•inioii from Township Counsel on th(.Hitter Commissioner Wont expressed

Hurpriwt on tedrniug thaiKnjiinoor, under "whom tho thr«> laternl'a

built, WHH thot'iiiuo enginwr who.ffl in hit* suit

M.^tt.Ui«.toS£jU^Srf^!l« «p"«*rrtl Church nicotins,-8


II homing rm ,<.r that s.etiMiiHi'llted lllt'il \n

«r hi'lp in the<-.niipan\ tinspihc-maii r..i.-Itlentloli t i 111

!.'.- of IV-iltrllls

omiiilti."' \\w-


Charles II; Sugar/' WoodlawnI'ndorrvporisof Coiui'ni

man Cromwell .stated t'Jmtnlal avenue Coiijinittoe wa, -under the dluloiilty or »n.Would lv|M.rt Unit i-'iveholil

-^ClnUr;f /.,,t..|'.


f form of pliotography,.door work and iuterioYs. i^jnwai

•reniie, between Springfield s.venueund Knstaian street.


veil nt the \V|nans ,, | , l o > . \u,

IT John' Winslow. ||,the .'...1111111110", cull

• meil ,.r liiva;i | ianitui«»'d. A iiiiinlii-rcr Iliv-

tln<|i|v|N>ny.rU and We

I ' . C e i t l i » . f i l l

nt (l.ir.i.j...! y p i i r i i i 1 ) i z

iiu- a H..-. Cinpuny. Mr. lleokley.|n^ Mi Wu.^li.w, said he under.tli.it Cr.mf.Jid Imd.-i IHK.- e.ir-iii! in u v , ir ... . In- thought ii

U4-I t . uiv.vitaw In Ox:

et.inplt-tely ni the Ciiin-ih-M a|.|iu.it{;> neie l...

i'li-y pn,inpuny.

i'ole-i la midi'lle or oni> n»\,islit.iheiiL'dungerous nndHi.''! II eurb line I.,"- |,|o«-|»"les, •.oaslosh.iwwherel

d at

Hie holes lii th,


I not Lop.t f.>r.'thi»-.p,ni"l' """*', nnw eilH. uu,j ^nft.,. i i . . , . , . ,.-s.,,1,1 t,e seeun-U liv "ut-Mnt ftT"stivot oiuhe Thomas iir.,j,t.lt • vln,Td«vid,Ht to iH-d.'.ne mni t L a w r dHa- Commitu,. has l m v u , t o r ^

On., need not journ..y to Jnpim to IwilnoBjilhBboaiilvor iwrf.«ti<.n of the• hosanthemum rJr nt tho horns ut Mr IItobert Hilison may bo seen this blof uutuiun in all its Kk,rj. ir,K,n outer'|>B tho parlor vt Mr. Hibsoi.-s i-hanninK fDKi.wvm.uuai u-aik, Awil- tinaKinn -IT Jap.

tot kMinlon, with bright liinterim IiHIve lloworit

lllul tlli.Bi.h-sorihp tlH.111 «ro ,lr.il tin. tnllrat »p«'iiiioii», manyboinu nearly w>vt-n fi*t high. In

..* p.vrumiil is formed nfhu«l

Hueoiiw of .fancy begoniaa and ferns. The

.l'l.*nM"ra1B"'.'iO:,«.?0to.tprui..a:.fan.,..ih'a r» «»oloso tojfother the

effect l « n K « hiiRo white ran, «itha touch of KIWI, hera>Mid Uioro. The.



11 i\ RDW

A new doparlment hu ivcently been

JOSEPH CATTANO,M r a t C i n u •"'"

Boot a n d ^ y Miaker.

cusfSwlusPEciALfyCigars, Confectionery and


NORTH AVE.Near Fire House.



FIRST CUSS WORKbj Kvting . petal to EDWIN TOTTEJJ.""" WlHTntLD, N. J.

; . J O H N I S E N M A N N .Wwdungton JIarkoti«Bntcher •

All Kinds or Meats and ProviaionV

City Dressed Beet:(No Embalmed Beef)

Daily free deliveries in Cranford. Ordersmay be left at residonco, SpringHeld avo.or etand 192 Washington Markot N Y

WANTED.in this vicinity d farm of

25 acres or more with good

buildings ubout a mile from

i l a ^ S r 1 Send fullp

particulars to

LOUIS L. COUDERT,97-IO3Ced9r street,

• •— New York City, orCranfard, N. J-


Lake Hopatcong IceDor UCraufonh

GO TO THE ^ORTH SIDE Established 1851

Miss M. Edith Blake,

Teacber of Singing.mtruAion siren u tha Miawa Glanbrook and

Bomford School, Mondaji au/l Thuradaj..


(liro me ii call »nd inspoct my large



DIEDRICHCsrptnlersnd Bulldtr,



212 BROAD ST.Two Minutes From Dennf ELI^BETH,


House formerly occupied

[bx?TiV Van O r d V r , ^Commossl9* sPringfield and Central

TEACHER OF j avenues. All improve-

@r aa [nients and perfectI i

. .bowing the artistic toucb'of fii-«.p -WHWAY, M. J .

FBESHthe Farm!


CHICKENS?*oo,ter», BroUers

Faesii Vegetables in Season.ion. Rent $30 per month.Applv to _

• - . i

R«r. Mii* viiitinstor two wi

ThaueiCasino wilNovember

Mr. Chityphoid teconstant al

Mr.. P.tovrurolk-


" Mrs. E. IentoruinodWenda at Ii

A new tic(foea into <"inijportant

at' Vreelandweek and at

Misa O.Place. re• pleasant

Tbe organE. R. JonesChurph, Eliining.-. •.

Charge I fthe pomiuuUlciarniog histropolia, •'.-


g r o ,Haute, N. J.

| The regulanppoiatod foipoDed on nccion Thureday.

The contnUnion Watei•inco and hasbusiness polic

Th» Preabyreceived ita piand ezpeoUmiislo totnorr

Maple treeswood BouloviIn the Springavenues ID tin

Mr.B. c . Ifrom a busino:has benn con!but ia DOW fllo

Mrs. Chnrltformotly rosk).returned to Crthe Uigelow lu

Mr. and Mrebeen residingHart, on I'rooj.day. for Biookl,

- t h e Winter.—

Thoonnuol iRelief AasociaThursday eveiwhen olll COM wsuing year. '

, The Weatfictheir meeting ifranchise of tlTrolley Co. forSept 1 next.

Mr. and Mra."enue," entertaii

~ friends last ni;their weddingarranging to mi

RcpresentatiiWeatBeldClubfield, 111 meet iday to form a 1<be adopted amearly in Deceml

Tbo meetingPresbyterian Sstudy of tho lesinesday eveningeinstead of Thiusual place, Dr.

In response tomorning, for theettstown, who 1

'• money In the dis-lara-Kaa tout tcollege from Gra

.^_Ol»f Uesicg, Hfor tbe past yearvero attack of tybut Is now over I•tarted for Cliicaof his illness and

yUst Tuesday Iwhich containedwith railroad ticoill be Tery gratimay be left at tb

Tho ladies ptTritity Courch 1* Bigelow House,


«••• r , , l , lf-^i.;J^Cj-. \ '


3U( spr^TTTtiF^v''1* r v - - , - < . ^ - . , -U.

i - W >r.-»^*ij£5iSitti-»^


hicon'o Pharmacy

H o u s e IS1CHDSK\ ;

in Sealed Packages

Jit Jill Timea.




m 8 8 t T u



Cranford, K. J.jland and can be seen!peration... ..


C.HER* Prop, vlorantoodc

OlivoOil i-t. bot10c

it JI> 30atl-2]5otl-JOSo

- • < • • • •


If you haye.ring purposespleased. The

and set all»e gas for fuel,ical and con-

myat ~'-~~'~~street,Elizabeth

&••"* <

ThtfBoirdof ttnlih wm<fc»J eight.

Slisi Mary Hummer in gjxmdinif tweeks with, frieodVin Koboken, X. J.

Mrs. Elmer Moore is on ih» eick Ih,•uffering with a severely sprained aufcle.

Dr. K. L. Robinson, Jr., who haa beeill for four week*, is nor «towl, «mv<esciog. • •

• Mr. \y. JX. Irting ipent stfTetal-Ualast week attending the Exposition

..Philadelphia.: , : J ; . ; : : : ^ - . : ;

Her. Mr. Erakine, of Pittabur8_J!a,i* viiitina hU. unola Dr. J . K. McConnell,for Wo weeks

Tho ueit dance of the season at thiCasino will be held Thanksgiving E-November 89.

Mr. Charles Baker is very low withtjrphoid fover, three physicians are inconstant attendance.

Mrs. P. S. Randall was one of outownsfolk-BOQ attended tho expositionbeing held at Philadelphia.

Golden Rule Circle of the King'sDaughters are arranging for an enter-tainment to be given Nor. 27.

Mrs. E. E. Richards of Hampton atreetentertained JsoFeral of her Brooklynfriends at luncheon a few day» ago,

A new time table on the- Central R. B.Buea into effect tomorrow.. The usual" important changes" are announced:

TBree large; waste* fa* the new bridgeat'VreelandyMill^arrlvod early in thoweek and are now being pu$ In pluoo.

Miss O. Creichton. of WashingtonPlace, returned this week, aftor-a pleasant visit| in BlooniOeld, N. J

The organiit of Trinity Church, Mrs.E. R. Jonea will give a recital in TrinityChurch, Elizabeth, rieit Wednesday eve-ning.-. •. • .. • ,i ••'•• ' ' '


Cfi5rtfe"Marsh baa joined the ranks ofthe pomruutere, and now spends liia dayaloarnlng his way around the great me-tropolis, •'•-•• . ...

Misa Edith Everett returned Tuesday,

HANGING AND DECORATING.lure »omo new design" I will cull wltli

HanipJo book uf overrHOUSANDOIFFERENT PATTERNSand cheorfullj Mtidmte for


D, .N. J.


|fton JlarkotsIJutcuer • •••Kinds of Meats and Provisions

(No Embalmed Beef)e deli verica in Cranford. Orderseft at residonco, SpringHeld ave.192 Washington Markot. N. Y.

WANTED.vicinity iiarm of

es or more with goodngs about a mile from

Send full

House, N . J .| The regular Epwnrth League meetingnppointod for next Tuesday will be post-poned on account of tho rally .to be heldon Thursday.

The contract of the Town with theUnion Water Co. expired same timesinco and has not boon renewed. Poorbusiness policy.

The Presbyterian Sunday School Dasreceived its printed Christmas exorcises,and expeots to twgin the practice ofmusio tomorrow.

Maple trees sro beiog plaLted on Hoy-wood Boulevard and Fairview Manor.In the Spring this will beoneof the tloestnVenues in the town.

. Mr.B.,C..Howell,Sr., who returnodfrom a business trip to Moilcolast week,has benn cunQned to tho bod ever sinco,but is DUW «low)y improving.

Mra. Charlies Crnnel nnJ fumily,- ulioformerly rosiilod on South avenue Imvcjreturned ta Cranford, oq:u^ying one ul|h I i i l h I l lthe Iiigelow houses on Ilully street.

Mr. and Mrs. C.. S. Darton, who havebeen residing with Mr. nnd Mrs. A. V.Hart, on Prospect street, left town Mon-day, for Brooklyn, where they will spend

-theWinter.- -- -Tho annual meeting of tho Firemen's

Relief Association will be held nextThursday evening, at tho Fire House,when officers will be elooted for the en-suing year. ' •;• . ,

The Westflolil Town Committee attheir meeting lost night extended thefranchise of the Westfleld A ElizabethTrolley Co. for tho Springflehl lino toSept. 1 next.

^ Mr. and Mra. G. U. Doty, Bouth av-

ulars to

3L. COUDERT,-lOSCed^r street,New York City, or

Cranferd, N. J-

s M. Edith Blake,

her.of Singing.ci'sn at tlio ilimca Glatebrook andI SchooJ. Mondan au/i Thondajs.

shed 1851:



ESH EGQSt. From The Farm.


enue, entertained a large number offriend! lost night the occasion beingtheir wedding anniversary. They aroarranging to move to Plainti jld Monday.

Representatives'of Roselle Casino;Westdeld Club and Park Club or Plaio-field, will meet at the Casino next Tues-day to form a league. A schedule willbe adopted and'games will commenceearly in December.

Tbo meeting of the .teachers of thePresbyterian .Sundsy School for thestudy of tho lesson, will be held on Wed-nesday evenings for tbo noxt two weeks,instead of Thursday evening, at theusual place, Dr. MacConntll's.

In response to an appeal made Sundsymorning, for the needy student* of Hack-ettstown, who lost their clothing and

the disastrous - f i r e ; d ^

Jcollege from Grace Methodist Church,

^^.Olaf Uesicg, who has been io Chicago,"Tor the past year, was taken with s se-

vere attack of typhoid fever last week,but is now over the worst. His motherstarted for Chicago at once on hearingof his illness and is there with him now.

. Myers me£"witfa, bad" luckh k t b k

*""« Broiler*

bgetablesiri Season.


• . 1 ' . - • ' • • ' •

Srr»7.VW. Mye ,last Tuesday losing her pocketbookwhich contained s small sum of moneywith railroad tickets and papers. Shewill be very gratefol for it* return or itmay be left at tbo Citizen office for her.

Ths ladies 0 ' the Parish Circls ofTritity Church will give a dinner in the"Bigelow House," corner of Union sve-


3 ma da forcourw of thwe illustrated lwtuns

Oa# this UKicth.-uoe iuthe l*r*sbvt«ri»n Oiorth.

nu» *a<l Attea street, Thursday t*eninj;,NOT. 23J, from 8:30 to 'SSO. A saSu uttusey irtieUa wiU be a feature of the.•rening.

Tb« first Baptist C&uroh has krraog*e j boldics « B a m t t Home Feast tocootinuo ten days at the Church, Highatreet. A tint c t o sapper »ill be•srted each nigfet Admi»«jon rill b»ten cents. All ore invited to help along} 1«<ilhy Rev. i!r. (irwrxyf witU,t!«cW»>u"gooJcauioV"'"' •"'•" " v / . ' j Thursday eteuinjt,. I h e i i l iu'su'and'tli*

Former GJlActor Marih.ot-WestfielJ. j f,^*'. .*'" U < " S " u « h e r n California,'has hail an opinion from competent au-thority that his disputed bilk ner* cor'reel arid presented a hill for part of hi«Tew Bfcich haj bwn held up at tot j "* o u r lanv>- Admission will tw fr«-,

W n CommitU*.! t h v ' " s U " i l v e r oS"ias w i " l * • " "

C'«>llUi7Nkl Ci*i Established

\ andOne «tll |

by the ll*v. Mr. Urwos; «>« jby iiev, (!et>r£9 Hubbard Payeon, aiuljth» oth*r by Sire. E." li. Hnrton. The I

in all its

illustrate l>y CZ U>aulifullyvii»wa fruiu imKativirt taken by tfL. Klmendorf iu that wonderful coring

This ia the sarus matter m>w in dis-Datehere.,

On Monday evening, whru Iler. II. CThompson returned, from attendingPreachers' meeting in New fork, crealsa» his surprise to tew llio |<ar«oa&£ebrilliantly lighted. Several friends fromBloomtleld tvolcomed him aa ho enteredand informed b in that the ; had come tohelp him celebrate his birthday. Sever-al hours were spent moat pleasantly.

Mr. «nd Mrs. Frank W. Piermn olOrchard atreet, entertained twentyfriends at dinner Tuesday eveningyibeing the third hirthtfay of their dau«hter Margaret FrieuiLr were prescuifrom Pittaburg and Brooklyn. ;Amonttho*e> present from town were Mr. andAirs. D. D. Irving, Mr. and Mr.. WalterM. Irving, Mr. and Mrs, Lutton, andMiss Florence Mars);

Ths Voung Peoplo's Societies ofChristian Eml»avor. of Union county,ield their annual nieetinK Tueaduy in r, at Westf ejO. N. J. Mr. Ju»>pb

Philp, of Cranford, aa IVtttideut for tinCounty, had ths meeting in cliargvRepreaeutativva were present from theWestHeld. iJnion, Ua&Uo "nnd (.'rmifordsocietiea.' The weather being stormytho attendance was not large. Six .» proirescnt from Crnnford.

The biggest joke <T the seaiou, nest totho- Town Committee iltolf, wna when

!ngine«> Vreing Tuesday night to Ket uurlh to Mil inoles on'Centeunlal avenue from a strootn the Thomaa propnrty. The Troildy

Company graded tbe street furThomns.nd-Cbairmau Cromwell felt "atultitled'

le never turned a hair when tho Engi-leer mado thu suggestion to -follow inbe same line.Craaford Council, R. A. will give a

'atog" entertainment and smoker afterho regular Council mooting Tuc«faylight. A llrat rato program has t>oonrranged, musical, comical, and cduca-ional. If you uro not an Arcanum ninaiunt up a friend who in, und ai>lcforaiinvitntion no that you mny loam BOIIII>'-ibing about tho good work the II A, car-ies on. In any caso you will have hadin evening .full of pleasure.. CranfordCouncil U nuted for the quality uf itsntortaiumentH.

Itev. Frodorick Cliauncoy Moonoyformerly pastor of Oraco.jr.Kr.'Church,thin town, Wai married Wednesday af-ternoon to his footer u.otlier, Mrs. Whit

>y. widow of the late Professor Whit-ley, who was president of. CentenaryCollege, Ilucki'ttatowa, N. J . TIKJ brijo

twonty youra his senior. Upon tholrturu from tlmir wedding trip aboutfoe. IU, they will reside in Hallwayhere Mr, Miximiy is now pastor of the'irot M^K. Church of that pluco. Curi-us relationshipi) may ho llgured ou'.

- Clfttlnu' l^wllng TournAuieut.Tho. result-^ tho-ganirs- la»t "night In"le Haudinip Hoivlin^ was as follonu: .

\Von. - Lost,'lurno i Uriihnm. Dohrman Si llodgere.lillycr le Niiylor. l)olirnmr> & Ilodgers.lillyer i Xuylqr. Hill i Wil l ing,'luaioi Graham. HillyeriNaylor.'lume It Cimbam. Hill <fc Woodliiig: /

W. V. T. I'. Mecllng.Despite the stormy weatlif'r on TilaF"

lay tlrera was a largo .attendance of the

as discuued, but no decision wanusde os lo the date, on occount of thelear approaching holidnjH, A vote ofhonks was sent to Dr. O. F. Oreene foris kindly interest in this organizationhown by inviting Miss Belle Kearny toleliver her address from his pulpitfov. Oth.

to c o w Mponiw*. Tho tvtiilenU ifft Cranforxl «ti> cordialtj iaviled. To uc-f>;uinotlatu thuea who aro to he ut th»Supper of Trinity Churcu IUI tho 'Zkth» lpctu.ro on-that evening wiatS:I5.

issued while you wait.Fire. Insurance.


(BUSINESS COLLEGE; OU Building, Elijcjbcth.; Wo Ivivc pl.icco all of our ^

GRADUATES IN POSITIONS,.uici i-oulcl havo placed many

i more Any ohorKotiO youhfrtn who rtnntifloH with ua

j for ,i position o.in fiut ono.: HODflBT WEDST£H. Prop'r\ P.1 S. Cranford stuiionts snvo: inoiioy ami tiino in car farn,

K'atc.-* t\vo-thir»ls.lower than 'They c.\i\ got no bottor intitrue-tion anywhoro.

Ferguson and -Van-Name.

Insurance and Real Estate,!; m

OWIco Oj)eni Ilotteso I51«»oli;» C

. ; CircuJ«ri-N«!\v V»»rk Oll icc :t-> I *int-^

Uull Nulu.As aunounnxl liu>t uivk, there will In1

a Handicap Tournament ThanKiday. Tlir«o prized nro offeml.entitlinl to^nter will lw th«tttccly-lowGAI &*orea made bolwoen thiis duto untNov. '_'T, Scores muet bo msJo in rum[vtitiuti tthh OIUIIIHT member.

Nine holi-s are now uppn for play nilthe grounds have br«n much. iuipn>veilttio pu t work. The grass put iu mmiew«X'kd aj^i is i#ho\%iiig nicely anil if heavy

•I'/intf wi'othcr luililaullu bit longer iiia likoly U> winter well

It ia netonishing how i|uii;kly tho lielnniTH pick lip ulj th» golf terimt. They

may liurdly kmnv the dil!er*nct< lxa "f'W«Ie-'aiid a "louit drivn" but they

nuijft* tu. ring in.ull the terms peculiarto (,'iilf. Now tho"oKler golfem uro jiint

•Mithuniuatic but yull' ilo lint tiotii'ntlim IIMI uf gulf trniitj I*I lunch. lVrliuii!tiiiii istluo to theeoHier manner iu whiclttu'V work them o!T.

CRANFOROPUaUC SCHOOLS.Honor Koll" Snconil month :

li^'li rk.'luMil dojiartuiHiit, Giant Hi'lit'ol•.Swiuntw—Minn Sii ' lcKf'T 1 ' '•—i

i'liird d u a -Mint KUu>l I>%«Tii}lor.Uiainniur IVpar'iiu-iit

l''ir«t (iratlt*: Tillta WitNiinan, Jt'iiniC'liiiinlicrlniii, FniiH'iH I'Vrrin, l^jiim

Anna Irving, Kiln IIIIIK, Murunrot (Jreeno,J i L' V I k b lJeu»io L'vori'tt, 'IV rkbuali,Uruiidiigo, Atneliu llockor.

Third Uru<k>: Margaret Hart, MarionWrny, .Auguuta Orohe, Kdna Kreii,l-'rclz D'urby, JiMoph McfJroth.

Fuurtli Uradti: ChnrKm tU>:JU! Ciruw, DoiiuM Wilbur, (lrm»

Doty, Iniiio Hurt, Ktliol It-win, LucyJi)ni'H. Klaa Morrison, Mary Miller, Iluzul

'riniary Departmuiit -I'irat drudi': Kiitliunno (irtxine,

lolrii I'liiuinier, lOrnrstiiio Cluiiipnt,Kruint Culllghn, JiWph Bra, Win. llnrrin

I1K» l'liiiiiK, I'llnu IVt«rikiii, AIU>rtJoamboy, Mubel Jahn, Klwiu I'urrin,Ilcrmiui 'Ueckor.

&'r..eond ,(Jradt»:.v ...Agnes ..llrumhig**,2fliitl Mi">rf, Uoriithy Duy, Annu Dona,uii', Myrtlo Kiiupp, Miitirii'l. Knight,:Iol<>n Forrin, Ethel IVrmaiue, fidwunlU'ailli", Alli'n John, Allx-rl Hoe. Ciirltur;Jiorco, Thomuo Pi<>ri'<<.

'I'liinl Onide: ; l/<iuirill Unyer,' Katliiir-'n« Ifnrt, KatoTruui, I»uiKa Traylur,[lurold Irving, Frnnk l'liniii', ItmhrtvCoudi'rt, Alfreil Cliiimb<>rlain, llol^nKlnsi*, IiUciIln Woodling, KdjUiJitllier,Mulx'l Ktiglahd, Hli/i'l fieveroifcl luwurjMe Kinney, (Jwrgi* Tcllur^;., ...__ ,._; __ -" ' ucill» AliiVn, Amhyw liuriey,. Walter.'iioinlwrluin, Ii<jrtfif» Tm**r- Victor

rd.ert(:. ,II»p<M'' Teller, ft-rcy Allen,Clinor Clement.

i''ourAh (irudu: Anna Duinont, (iraco:h IIcli'ii Shenvood, Helen Hon;rim,

FJMJUHJII,)iH't Smith, Kenneth Join*,Ht>rii;iicl Traylor, Ccirnwull HopkiiiH..

nnan Primary School -

<lrude Ada Jlary/

, _ _, ,- • . ,' . • «# «j Third Orniln:__ \nJijlia- ICrei<*r—•Ttitu nI C_T—u»-at-the-Jioni8-of-Mni.-M.- 77 ^rrr-—ZZ ,.,. ,, •, « , , . , , . • . , .. Kfau.'W lino Moore, KlIaKeim.ox. The holding of n jmrlor meeting „• ,, , , , ,' . , , «, ..1 th Orodi': -Menu Jahn, Mnrtha

No . of Road Hoard.At the regular November incotiog ufis Road Board only l«o members,esara. Iligbia ami Chamberlain were

reaont, and aa a coewquonco of "nouoruiu" coDaideroble iruporlant buai-

• u put over. A special meetingu called for Thiiioday ni«tit but with

the same result, no quorum, only the.«-o members nioied abore beic

actually "Buffer* «ouJ,'sskic2_for_hel|)/'*u J«reae.nt«l.to.!.-.: — §f\(\n{isi\l^uiiitoltanBi6iliiie'Cnatoyd'r<j«nVomaiiUi'i,oDTuni I I I U H U B J ,

There' - are a few propertyoera, «ho will never repair their walkstjl -ordered by tb« Board to do so. A

articular inatance of ouch indifferencethe righU ot the public 037 be seen

ong the Ktt% side of Union avenuo be.-wecn (he railroad and Bouth orenuo.

lere foC"t«r'd'~mbn'l|Bi""tfi"e"iI3e«r.bTk liaa>een In s dangerous cbnditioo.

Those meraberaof ths Hosd Board whoLOnot find time at least once n monthalt-end to their datie* Bbcald resigo

that some one willing to act may be puttheir place.

' i+Tl-id. C.I'. LmU.livi SZL.

lenrj", ^larnio Mnloney, iivlen JV>lun',DaviU Itankin, Willio I'oUirnon, KdnaRico, Arthur Kulitaril, Clnr/Ms Oillinan,ohn I'blon, Albert liul.tard, Cluirha

Lou^utreet.arlifld SclioolSecond Grade: Katie H«ttlnin«}«r,Third Orade: Floren(:e_ilelliitri»m,

Mflrjfucritn Ilnnn. • • . - • •Fourth (irod#f: Krank 8»tlU'im'ypr.

Fur a N«n Jjv»« Company.A rncetin1; of lh<» r**«i(Jentn*»f Gnrwood

woa lield in tho village hall last Thurs-day week, to take step* for the formationof a 'Horn Company, looking i" titlt«rflm jirtiUv'tion tit that plai.'n. A' petition

NEW YORK BARGAIN SHDE STOREJittifi*ea HUtolc, Criint'otil. -X.J.

Boots Shoes & Rubbers


House. Sfgn, and

Fresco Paintine,PI Jin and Decorative

Paper Hanging

• ' • • • • • y - t

( 1 ',

v v n T ' t . i i . i . H I

O i lA Rrat Class »»«»^litiiKl. An MMpeCtion t>lk Money refunded if Kiiiii

tnv i

s ;ire

v. ISJ., amil.n t t IN jvlv _ , ,. .. .; V]T : Cranfoid,t* •'IIn-.t -





Window Shades?


'..U)|KS.IniV('.\|>' Hknlllii H.».t- M /I/Oili.l :H.>i.> fcK»-tit r<>r •- «H'ITHIJ tTi^HNttwVr-'aJiTiiiTHwi^i »vi*t AI.18MN. 1'ATfcM1 ( ' .»!>. KNAMKL. t i l SSKI"

I I . I ] |»>ir » , n , n t ,K . . | . .A t> in f,.r i l l i i . - . l l . Mar,I , \ i " . ' I n n - l . < k l i . - . "

1, fl :*-. /( *•'...t I j . . .M l

l - . 1 - . , , - . . .

II \ 4V - , . "

1. nni ;

-S. BLOCK, Prop'r.


f *

| -»

! ' .

\ ' "»


; • • * -




. i

<a.h tL1. t'.s i> s'airasa-SP.'i tji. a>;

UPJiOLSTERIjMS-Carpetseleaned ;ind made i tvr . (nrnitiiri- repaired j

W. N. CRAY. Union A«c, Cranford

Ppospeet • • / •

and pu'lvsiied. inattressi'MV"

UeepTvarpets free froth moths une year-. -";\Vi»rK <loiu-

at your luiini1 if |>ro|>i>.siil.CHAIRS CANIO. . .


Poultry Medicines and Supplies.;s tiiifl Kce|> YtuN o w io tlie Tiine to liny for

•Il^altJiy.Feed mir UANNlvK Hftn I'nod ;iml"Ymij.?'Jiiv | i f f vim. I> fiiiiH• :Kl.CM.*. - iUy/.'. a

Clivo it ii triiil , it w i l l \>uy y o u ;iml t(V](f»'' I"'UtT"* <lui'

.the W i n t e r . • O u r ( i n i i u t L'utuh^itv <A

M a i l e d K K E l - > - : • . y ^ •

N e w l*«»talt.i*>' V5-8 of i Cent per Sq. Foot for 2 in. Mesh No. 19 Wire

:>lncli MI-.KII Ni>. IHWltP^13 in. Me: Kil l . |l.'."i i 21 in. »l*>; «< \\><tl.U. a",n. %l'A; t ! li>. tl Wj 41 In. | J . J i , tn4lC t t .'-'; I.'.

/IAMIOA avenue

• I'nioii iivcniii1.

Sylvani:i phuv.llll|.|i.>r.iM,.|||». lililcwrilk,. I..,,,

•J Iml i SIOHII. NIJVTSI »vlr«>.12 In. Uln IrtlQ. | l .«l; £• In. »!>•>; 3"! In. %: •>:. :•.'>u . j ' ^ . h l l i , »J.-J,,Hil.."41.iS; Mliu. }t.l;K, ;.'

Brandts the

I IIII-II .11.-.li No. -ZO ttlri-.

F. E. C.- Winckier, owner.Willow utroet.

PAUL JIITTNER,Shaving and Hair

Cutting Parlor.I I I,.Mi

HI..M'H. Iliiit'l nlliti« unit

rt.'j* *if/;lzUi.. t^••'.-' 1

alii.a , , ! , - • ,n I ,,l )•IW«. .

iiiiiimiiitii - i . . . »!••.:.-1



; ..;.• A. <). HOPKINS,

UPHOLSTERY;I ifulr MitttKisxii.-; fleiiinilc.

Kmi.. •! lM-.il.ll. .> J - , I | - 1 " -

» - . I I . - , | . M i l ; , t.

It in l;nonn tu

OON'T ronotT oon o*Nncn MOULT.ING POWOCR.

Now lath* Time l«r««d«ndOtr«nglhenYour fo»l»OUR idoo CATALOGUE rncc.

• Excolnlor Wiro and PoultrySi1 >ply Co.

W. \r.

in ('runforit ilmt tho

. t (,.-•„• <~.'' '• J O H N W A TEHSON.




Lchigh Coal, LumberI ilv '.VI \ I ' l l 'I-:.


Clothing, Dry Goods. Shoes & Hats

*./. DliAVIS,*:

Pliinilierandiiasi'itlflr- in At -

f<I nnU-t • 'mil"

Cor. «CJi;TH rwitl IVAl.M.'T A V'KjSt .l.-r-.

1 Prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed —

Wittnabert & Doremus.We Give Trading Stamps.

Chairs Recaned!•'»••'"•'«•• yiiir i i r i l c r :it tJ

Union Avenue & Cherry St.

r;-Ii.-O. \,i,s :i!>i Cnuifonj'.

W .

day night, John Window, acting «jCanB..-.i IVM, r>flr .anfor the committoe, connifltin,

of Frank Hettlemeyer, chairman. Wm.lialz, Wallace Kojlor, J. J. MiKer andJohn "WjciIoV. It was freely concededthat Garwood eroded and should havebetter protection (lthougl). just ,iioar..-laZTTavgQ it--»R3hard tod<^cid«. Tb^fSi^Qcommittee met the Westliekl Town

Canoed lor:li, \n:i pi-goVinigar, pet 1per qt ' .

Committee last and while a di*-poaition to help along WM manifested, itwaa gtated that the new organizationwould hare to be under the jurisdictfi/Bof

Ii»«t Familv



10 Cttk<» Soap for

New 3fartrcl, {ttt IkCc-tfec, per Jb

JV ' l'"-'-"i''iK:fi Walnutnvrnux, C'ranforiJ.

".•c-.-y" 'V"'"

VsnuillaEitLemon "(lentOat S/»a!rt»r

' '<• I£'- K. All A MS

Arjtnl for

German American Insurance Co.?.[.

Oa.U, Fcod. II«j aa,l Straw, at lUzscn-1' A ' y-°^'f- •""'"» >'•'• ''- / ' ' ' ""/aU.o jiric<f

Oingor Ale, I'.vji llccr, Karaaparilla »ad Soik. Sc. per ixAtle.',

i;KE CIDEf! VINWJAB U>m> tU tumn.* c«i#^ ita i%tli/z. (lti.Tfr*'.!. Koi ss. t^l feed, Oats, Grain, Hay and Straw. ( Telephone, 12

I J. C: W. RANfilN.

jLehigh Valley Coal,

| Kindling Wopd.


>> • • - O , l , a j » - ' - 5-"" I •'-"- i


« &"m^


?>3,.w.»« v V « w J * ^ * .


•, i

Experiences of an American In

South Africa.


' f ilventtirea of K-Hronl '(Scnptoyrdtbe {Irllfab <^'iv«-rntui*al — Meanluf IUr Word *'<ioni"—.The Zulu Cmav-l>nii;n M-I'ruvprellntf In th* Elf'otititri—lluiv lh» lluera' Haul.

I.il.e u chapter from ' 'Ihe Arabian* ij;Sii»" read the udvtutures of J. \V.k'u»iti(, » lulllci:, of .UluiicapMilii, who.

V.-.Ui u few years Ufco. WJIN u w:uijl furthe llrltlMl* "(joVeHiliJrill «li<I a pro*

. puctor on his oivii accuuut lu Iheiiauavaal country und lu the b o d ofthe Zulu*. Mr. Yuutig during his life-time has hud more than bin pltarc ofidtvulilivn, 1-.-.1 >••< l;tllv lu Afrh-a, wherehe went from Maine, bin nutlt>> mute.In 1S75, .wiy* u *|>i'clnl correspoudeut

.nf tlie Kt. l.ouln Cluhf-DciuM-rat."If It couictt lo mi.actual conlllcl be-

tween the I'.oera mid Ihelr ullles nudll:i- llrltoiii. the KIIIIMM will »In, pro

V . -T - lery ut Ions runce- If they nttempl towhip the lluera with troop* armed with"lilies, they way. posslhly win In tin;loiii; run, hut they \ylll hisit HO manyiiiiii llint the J,:Itin- will h'trdly lieworth the eniidle." .Such In the opinionnf Mr. Young:. w!io IH in familiar withthe Afrli-itn country mid the peopleiheii' «» lie" U wllh Hie elth-K of New

'. Vtiil,. rhleji^it ilml St. I<OII1H. where liejlvid.fijf nimiy yearn. Xltn-e hi* returnfrom Afiicli n few yearii n(co, he h.iftki'pt hi totlcli wllh the llfTalrn of thecountry mnl U In <<ni»tiitit t-uri'e»|toud-cuco wlllr,/ilctidn there. -

"If KiiKl.ind Ki"'» I'1 witr .with l'resl-- dent -Unifier." "i-onlliniril .Mr. Youlic,"

"ithe- will Ilml Nlie hint undertaken ainllfhty hl^ t'liiitrail* and while nhe will

* uiMlouhii''ll.v win In tin- cud the (loweroT tier finny will have fallen before theKUIH or tin- Hocr*, who will IlKlit untilthe laMt man. drup-i. The linera tireIhw lltieHl niailisiiii'ii In the world, and

—anj nreil luturuxcil IHTIOUJ. too— hareto lilt a tttat (lir woi't 'uwo,' a* HIIJI1II>1to l'rvsldcui Hrus'f or the Tiauavl i . a m uL'ilr. 1 bin U uu error. • »M . B J l i t Zulu ttoril. mraulug v'jlet.or riilrr. 'itvut' I'util elmfyty iueuu.1r l l . f I'aul' nuil buttilujt rlM. 'i l itn-

an' IH.I:.II>.I« •{ 'U-JOIV BUIKUI; Ibu '/.\t-lu t, n liL-i,' Ul'.-ua^-e Has t-uieif.J l3t£t-If' Into tlie daily lire of thV Uoxr».'i'iit- uia'u rulir. v.nru'Lr uUL. j tucua-frr a favor UJKIU anu!i j«: l . iitaic* tiltur.n 'OOIII' of a M-rtoiH territory, o i e r•> lilt'li tbe in Mr ruler ban absoluti*

>»ay, «ubj»1. uf course, lu tb> tv->:r.ttUjun I»IJI r.l UIMIU biui tif tii«malii

tu.' -

'Tli*it the m!zior J Kiui* uuiy wUli tuicuffr a favor upou one or more ofbiouulijif is. ll<- I I V M hlui a sutxll

f thr irrrllory over which tieunil (uufvnt upon Mm the

of 'OOUJ,' or clilef. Bu, you a«c.tin re are hunJr<-d» of 'ooiua' lu Zulu-uitQ, Bin! an I'retideut Krugtr 1« tlieiili-r of thv Soutli Afrkaa Ili-iiubllc

lit- It naturally 'Uuui litul'—lhat la.U'f I'aiil. Uo aoelr ai»out It.i:iu<-rMia. I jni f aud I xtvrv aiuong

f tltiit white liwu to du an-y |iro9jM*<-t'IIn lu thr Zulu muutrr . 5Ial-y white

had ItfU killed hy tbf l iat i l ts ,mii| our frlfndu never rxpect •<! to mvi i ) ; - r m n p " o a t " B l t v i " — n r b p ^ dutt> thf* forbtddea laud. For ^

Li we trekked turougb I lie Zuluouutry. iirusjMttliig litre a u j there.

Dm- ilny. a* we were, travellun alotlg,>ve m re durrounded by a hand of the

atlvra. outl lu a abort tltur Que«uVlarjorh* upJM-an-tJ. iM-'ate<J UJJVQ the


eeoscuflH. UF.HEBSH, • _ „pnmsoznr. VICSPRSST.




B Geoeral.BanKss Basioes» oqJ SelU £ett*tt of Credit ATsllabla in AUB I f tbs World.

VOL. II. NBoxes in Safe Deposit Vaults for Rent

CAPITAL ©100,000 ' SUftPLUSrenttlPROFITS $19,000

W.i can {'lit tlio stock uf tlie no i t Urgent store in tlio State JJ

in .our I'H-cliient;. ami tlio xturkii of tli* third and fourth flj

turnout on cur 'main ^HIMT. W.I will then 1 have room (more jr

thau enough) for the rontrutn of tlio.JHtU- largest. (~

hie dlMount the >i" riilled eriii-l; rllli-' Shots of Ihe I'lilled Miales nnd line-

land nnd Hun IIIIII uroiitn) and ilo Itnil over npilii, II- eoineii.im naturalfor I hem to •.limit IIM It IIIICH for a ducklo take to the water."


•IntiKliBKe toiii'ireclliin niid lellj humilleiU of luteiexUli): Htork'H ic^anlllli,'(lit1 peojile nf thai Illll.' l.llowu, cuu.utry. "In company with Clmrlca Killer-nun,' II Maliielle, like Vliiiwlf. null'IAIUK'•Tliuin|jsoii of Hati Kranclsi-o, nforty-niner, by the wiiy. I went t» Afri-ca In 1875 to immpect In the Traunvunl and In /iiluland," BU.VN Mr. Yout"LnierMUi luul l>ei'u Iheie Ixfori- mVttH rw initial ill hnnie In thai Hirji»iiycountry IIK I"' was In hi* native town:We -Irnvcli'il all. over tlie Tmiuviinlmid Zululanil until lSTU,.,tvheu Hie /,u-lux became fuwtlle. ami then we had to

. i|ult und i:o tn l!url Nntal. I.aler IWiiH In the employ uf the llllIKh u.iv-eiinneiit nn a stout, und for n IOIIBtime I wan with the IIv 1 im coliiiuu>comuiauded hy Celimcl Wood Hint lift*erwnrd liy t'olnuil I:II«M'II, imw l.nrtlItaln-r ftussill, wlih HIIOIII I reinalu-cd, In eotniiaiiy with liinerHon andLone, until the euil of the war.

"Uiirlijc the |iro(tres» ofMTie^svur 1was voiiKCaully at Ihe (rout, xoiuetluie*HCi-otupaiiled liy the correH)ioiideut ofthe .Lolul'oti Times, hut m o r e Dftentiloue or with,l'lnei.Ki'irand L(iiit:Htt tuycoiiiimnloii-i. Mmfy and inan>"n timedid we rlsli our llvoi und tuirrowlyettt'iipe helUK captured hy the /.'ulm luKeitln;; lilix of uewH for the London

-'1'liuex 111:111 or ln(uriiiatiou- whlih we

fnueB would want. ."On onc_oucnsl<m. nfier we had heen

-out on n seimilm; expedition for sev-eral dny». we learned of n move con-templated h.v the,Zulus which It washighly Imjioriiint t'oloncl Itunsellshould know. There was n strongforce of Ihe h.'itlvon between the Iirlt-hh force* nud •Mir little parly, amilimy to renih thi' colonel we were at a

1 loss to know. We tinally s tmtnl forheH'Iiitiaitei-K.tiuit hud proceeded but n

lu.. I. i.f u l.ullock anil Btteudi-d by ahiip- uiimlx-r of her .women.

•Well, I ihuuuht our time bad come,eijM-4'iiilly on ihe Zulu* begau cloningIn on. ii.i. shaking their broad bladedspear* lii ii decidedly threatening uiauin r. l.'incrs'iu i t n the coolest man Inuiif -parly.- In-leud of loslutf Ids beat!In- took tin- bull by tbe horns, a s Itwire, mnl that In Ine miaou j I am obi

»to !«• here today. Advauclkij; lo tbei|ui'en, w h w Mole garnicMJ <-<>uslslof II dirty con(i lde-apron, •intannedand Ili-il around' her walat. Kmersouassisted her to nllgbt from the bullockand then dropped on bis kuecj at herf.'.i. ||i> »ang bit) little sung, i r spoke

7urohe Hud IH-^'DU i-vuveralni; la tti«must riimllliir luauut-r liuaelualde with.tin' old KIIL who nru* uyt a prize wlu-tier lu u tienuty sbow.liy a loui; vvay. -J

"The Untlery Kuienua poured III up-on the unsophisticated 'Marjprle w a r

id nml made prlhotiers. To this day 1caunut understimd why we were notkilled nt once, but for>iouie"rr«wiir wewin 1 not. That ul^ht, while we wereunder a licnvy guard and tin- leading'ooms' of the '/lulus wi-re ilUctiKBlnetmr CI1M-. Knurs.HI aruKc' from iila-i We p.'iielratti

-plarp lieslde the <:lmpllre nud Kald afew words whieh. I did not then un-demtnud. nut at that, time havingharned the Zulu IniiKuaite. ,

••nuieiMiu ha.l liiuilly Uulshed speak-Ing when we were set at liberty. . T h egreatest lioma^e "as paid to us. nndon the following day we were escortedwith honor* to wlllun a few mllea ofColonel ittntsellV hi'tnhiuarter-i. TheZulus were at that time far more Is-UUMUit uu.l HUiHTsiltlouH tliail they :in>at the presi'Ut day. and It wni to tblafoci that iv» owed our livesson bad

displeased ulii- mulled very broadly andcrcii' went M> far a s to pat Einersuniijiou tbe vhei'k. LiiuT-rou rvallied h»hud tiiu.h- au Impix-saluu.. aud beforethe (illteli depMrli-d on her ro»al bul-lock in) .Malurlle friend- and partnerli.'i'l [iiircliaitetl " l i b a striui; of beadsthat cost lt/'ct-utjt the rl|{ht to |-rospcctIn the couutry without uioleatatlon byIhe uatlveH. We remained lu Ihe vi-cinity, of tlie fpi'-cn'* hcadiiunrlera for. leut; time, nntl cue uiember of ourmrty heranie HU friendly with ouc of

Ihe .VOIIII^ women of the band that sheled him lu a rkh depoiit of gold ore.

"We talked Ihe matter u v e ' at con-siderable hliutli aud finally d-t-lded to

i opefatfous ou me gold deposit^hut In this we had reckoned withoutthe imili- niiiiiliers of the Zu'u band.'l iny.entered i..erU)ua ot.jecllot.il to ourreiiioilus any of the gold, and It wasthe friendly utllci-s of the queen, thatenaltUil us to gt - tout of l ae countryHllVC; • . J

"To leave (Jut-en Marjorle'a country,which U on Ihe far side of tbei Ele-phant river from the coast, we hfd topaiis through tbe 'thlpchy belt,' whichat that time was oat* of the moat dan-Ki urns places In the whole of Africa.anil nil ou account of a small Oy. Tbesetiles are Insignificant looktav little

a. but tu all.domestic anltuala ex-trpr-thr-rto i ikpy rtnir^ brfe^'s^liiorw"

y.A!i«ll.nny-jll8ca»Ktriu5vn lu thetroph'nl eoutitrlCK Is to human bellies.

"The uioment an animal la l.itteu orstuni; by on? of tbese tiles'It begins tosl.tiw alKtis of distress, a huge blacklillster In the ithap* of a circle appcaraaround the Idle, and In a few Lours Inmost cases Ihe lirute Is a i-orpv. swol-len beyond m-oKUltlon almoat. Oucein awhile the animal' aurvlvcu. but uucifteti. ThU'thlpcliy.tN'ir la really twolulls, nliotil 40 u:lli-« apart. We wen-ra .tJiRilly. Jo. nJi.urry.-toKft out. of. .the•ountry and to deteruilued lo pass!hroui;h them, as It w a s but lot) mllealo the coast that wnv. whi!.» to gouoimd Iheni tueantayrlp uf more than

Thanksgiving Supplies.Kverttliiug froul tlio |nui in wliluli t» roast tlie turkey, to tbe dish, on

vhicli it it Hiirveil,'tlm table, the'tablo t-luth, etc., in tbe greatestvariety and at lowest prices. •

Free Deliverti-B at >Ne\v Jersey



S1w.&.Armur.Wis.A. I'Jazk.O. lie™

B.T. Polls, Hlc!-McCuusu.HN. Ogrgtur,

L.>uli l>. tlertk.Al»x. Kan.

Discount tfsy, Thursday. Accounts Solleltod.


Cemetery Win. Prices 1

, memorials, £

Pbr rery rosamabl* nthaircti




ArathamoatdreaJoJ things for overy lady of tlie houno. Yet, it is their ovafaolt, when thej come bark epoiltd frotua laundries wliich pretend to beUrst-cloas, but are oalj a littla better tbat Chinese laundries. •Every lady should retne.mber,- Lace Curtains Can BeCleanetl Properly Qujy 'iu a First-Class Laundry.C ^ l t i i i i d

Incorporated 1870

The Union Weii

of Faawood, Wentfield


MOIIEV 4 I^KCE, rrojirUtore. Telephone, 140 Mutual


We do not annoy people who have recently lostriond.s, hy |Jt;<jdlinc»' nionrunt'iits but fcndeavon to get

our trade by judicious advertising and by dealing withcustomer* iu a square business way giving an honest>iece ol' • work aud

fvotiuT lu?material for an honest dollar we

to have your order on these

Verv •tr'uh*


"When we started, we had 4U oxeu.the first •tldiH'by belt'

for a mile or MI aud then caine uponhiipfjieds. of'ile.id uultuals. the herd ofa venturesome hcnNmau who had at-ti iiipted to < ro«s the IK'U. Ueton' utorn-Ini: nil hc.t fish* of our o»«-n l.sid beenkilled by the riles. »,i we turned aroundatid trekked luck nicain. arrlvlug at ourst.irtluc iHiint with but live animals.I'lociirlnsvitcn- oven, w e t o d k the 40Huiiie trip nud In time reached cur des-tUiatlmi. , - ....

"While in l'nti>rhi I often

Vhey'HJt "disi'iissitij: our c a s e - a n d he To'f iln- U.-.T-.laltv»d-lo-4hc-jii~Ui Juplr « w o la'iguage— j uia

went hunt-witii tl.e yi.u i f -Ooai l"aul' Kruger.

Kini>r--jnnil It was <.si these irlpa I Itemed toas

Uasl Knmt Street, - Plainfield.-N. J.

Railway Hand Laundry,Ili L e w i s JSt.. Krtslx^v"^* J" .J.

Highest Grade work.Hand work a speciality. Family work, all Hat pieces

iroued per 1!>. Oo. All pieces starched and ironed,special rates. Shirtst irone«l byrniud 10c. Lace curtainsper pair 50c. Drop us a pustal aud wagou will call forvour laundrv. . . . . * •

toBlfMessage Sent by Dewey t o Von


tdmlral Briifj. Aeesrdiaii to « Cor-

' resxraaiScsit. CIT««' Kha> Carrecl Vcp>

•IOB of Ula Tf.aU* Wilt Uie U«r-

B U Vln AdBlral—911sbl to Pml<

drat at Prtu> llrarr'a Daaqarl Be-


'"j •TiijTte'tierfix-fore tho'commandlng."ofil-• i cers of "other nquadrohii In the bay. Ho"

i got HUIUH comfort from any of them.I ! "Captain ehlehenter, the 'senior pffl-J ecr present' of the British navy," told

him that I was not only acting within' uiy righto, but that I was entitled to sj great deal more than I had requiredj from the foreign- cruisers.. '; "Admiral,Vou-DJedrlcha sent his flag; lieutenant to me with a list of com-plaints that he wished to make against

j the-way 1 treated the ships under bl»comiiuind. They had exhausted my

I patience. 1 bad been forbearing In tbe: extreme, nud this protest or complaint; was too much. The German officer; who brought tbe ineHnngo was on tbo

The Chliai-u Ueeofd priaU the fol- [ BT t ir d e c k ' a u d "•>•» ^ »""> "»<> >t Xlow lug »i«ry froci lu ourrcspondeut, 'i 8tt'PPl?<3 to the door of my cabin. Heunder dit* «," X!w. Aug. 2»: ! i 'a m t" Part wuy to meet me and stood

Probably t>u oilier Incident connected I l u t u e doorway. As nearly as I can re-wltb Adnural lArwey-a can>uab> I n ! member m » < . m r t « - o r , l . i » » ~ . : -the Philippines tuu > greater aoiountof interest for Americans - than tbemanner ta which Le dealt with ViceAdmiral 'Von Dlnlriebs uf tbe tiermaanary: lUarsay talea bave been pul>-lished without Dumber, but tbey haveall lacked some of the Important facts,while many of tbem have been con-cocted wltb little reference to tbetrutb. , .

In order tbaF'tbe so called "Uermanepisode" ciaybe bandedoonrn correct-.ty' to the historian" of tbT'ifuture, Ipresent tbe rullowing sketch thereofa* It was given to me on tbe deck ofthe Olyuipla by Admiral Dewey him-self. , . . • .' •

.-aklns uf his experience wltb ViceAdmiral Ton DEedrfcha in Manila bay,

•• - - " * " c i

b> JBZW, Igta th* watar •tudr»alio aioact ot Dorton. iIfttar to o u of tba.Casipaa]aupplr. aad »oo aaad ban a

The CornpA nprm&Uiiitm of th* C

rom it* maiaa, uut ex



member my <; " 'What U It you want? Do you want| war? You know what that means. If> you do, you can have It In five minutes.

:: We are a peaceable people, but we bar*I got Into a light now and we are ready•to RO ou. If necessary, we are readyi to light the world,; You may tell Ad-| tulral Von Dledrlchs that I am block-j ailing this bay, and tbat I shall take! such steps as are the right and the| duty of the blockading officer.'" 'i Admiral Dewey. referring to the. bflp- _fqTJ«rg1VeUl>TrrrureTrenryTii('Kussii" '

at Shanghai, said the first toast, nat-j urally enough, was In honor of Em-

peror William of Germany. Then thehealth of the czar of ltussla was pro-ixised. ' '.

"Now," said Adiiilral Dewey, "theKusslau navy was represented by twocaptains only. Aa I was a commodore,I outranked them, and the chief magis-trate of my country should havo beentoasted before their emperor. The pres-ident or the United States was toasjedlater."

The admiral said he and his officers ~thereafter abstained from attendingentertainments nt which Prince Henrywas present, and the latter, observingit. cauie aboard tbe Olympla and form-



Doea a General liankit

Boxes rnCAPITAL S100.0QC

•Tobix 0ttTitijuii(

Wm/AlcistL '"a. n . HorniiiK.Giort.il . Humb.

n.' A!


Olccount day,


TICS ADUIBAI. TOS DIES22C88.shortly after tbe destruction of Ad-miral MonUJo's fiCKt. Admiral Dewefsaid to me in conversation:

"I wai myintfi'n'ng a strict blockadeof Manila and had to know, of course,tbe character and Identity of every T e s "

Ihat he was nally a Zulu whom thelircal-SpIi l t had made with si white• kill lu tntler that lie uiichl uiltii;te withIhe ulilli' men nml learn tlit-lr sivretaaud their phus :V;»!hst the Zulus.

"Superstitions to a tuarkel degrveau.i tblnklugvtheiv were na white meufu the co-jtiiry who knew their Lm-gxiagi»;-tbe~H«ltrs -readily^ believed' Em-ers«n. aud when he also told themthat lamp, who stood over T feet In hisBtocUups nud was a tuognlnccut speci-men of manhood, nas a sample of thewhite men that would he sent to cruslithem if cny vloleocc was dou* to ourUttk- party the Zulus were terrorstricken and decided to release u£

"Many persons In the Unite.) States«• y ', '

They hunt on horsebackutt.il., nud " t e a uie i,ame u

sSi-in.M ilasli arter It a t full speed,i When within, say. IK) yard-t of th.-i <ji:arry. they •li.i,; rmiu tbelr hii-tes by, throwing the left les over the horse'sI head aud Junijiiui to tbe ground a few

feet lii advaucc of the anlmaL whlehimmediately circle* off to the lefL

la Ship flew tfte German ^»y Traajno_'J proof tbat she Vos really German- II Consequently when any craft fame In-I to tbe bay or moved about la It It was jnot only my right but tay duty to learn jbeyond qitestloa whether she really |

Ula Life Barer.A commercial traveler who Is putting

up at one of the hotels exhibited acurious contrivance to. some frlenjialast evening. It consisted of a metalreel almost eight Inches long bolted se-curely to one of the Inside comers ofhis trunk On the reel was 'woundabout 100 feet of steel wire, tenalns>ing in a sort of stirrup. Tbe entire de-vice occupied considerably leu than a,square foot of room, and the drummirtiplalned that It was a fire escape ofhis own Uivcntioo. "All I have to do,"he said. "Is to put my foot In tha6Urrup,anii,let myself-out oi,-tt&.-gi?-'t'?T' T1"* t™™* ••"•f ««ii" BWtf?rat this end and a ratchet at the sideof the reel prevents tbe wire from pay-ins out too rnpldlj\" • -- • • " i

"Did you ever bave occasion to put'It to use?* asked one of the spectators.

"Only once," replied tbe drummer. ,


a J . #

Are tbs moat il reacted tbintfault, when they corns tBnt-clasa, btt ore only, a liEvery lj^dy shouldCleaned PropefljCome to us and yo


TOKEriTCmirE fipri

vros what ahe appeared to be.| "In canyuig out my orders my com- j "I was in a hotel that caught flre at

H o s t ' . K e e l w i t h . Handing oSlcers acted discreetly and | dght about eight months ago, and th*' ~ " . . . . 1-Junjped-ont-

excitement I



lot ccx-s true to the mark, ami tbe gamefalls. Hy this time the horse has com- |pleted a email circle and ba* returned jto hi* ranter, who re-enter* the tad- jill- with '.he same easy srace that be i

•bootcr 1

i s h o t q u a l i t y a d v e r t i s e d b y d e p a r t m e n t s t o r e s . ' . _ . . . . . . . .W« also carry a full llntofHoac, MM «lie», and tacchanlcal ; l» borne out by, not only tbe elrcuia-.jand i subsequently discovered tbe key

Rubber Goads; Watcr'Saga, Hacklntoshcs, ttc. - ' j stance* of the case, bui by his note to t under the bureau., Now I have theC'^lflR •RIlflRPR HUfillCAmilOmC ffiUDHLV ' o n u ' i « • m e - "CTtttea after baring recelTed' the 11 thing' on a .cliatn sod am. loaded id—OlUn nlJDDCn mAlJUrAblUntfib LUFarAfiT, 29 V8S8! StfflSti letter la wtleb 1 Penned my attlnide | confiagratlons of aU braada."-Ni

' .^—- NEW YORK C3TY. ' . • to-sv.ard tljc warsii^s .ejcftier taeJoBS. I Orleans Times-Democrat.

This is hotqCfe also carry a fulRubber Coos




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