Madhuri presentation

Post on 10-May-2015

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National Seminar on eLearning and eLearning Technologies(ELELTECH INDIA-2005), Hyderabad.

Madhuri Dubey, Ph.D

Is there a successful ID model? A practitioner's perspective on working with models in designing eLearning environments

Models Experiential Models

Instructional Design


eLearning Environment

Models Experiential Models

Instructional Design


eLearning Environment

The Instructional Design perspective

An instructional designer designs learnscapes by formulating and implementing appropriate learning strategies.

This involves making design decisions under different circumstances to facilitate successful learning.

Some examples


Learning Objects

Blended Learning

What guides our decisions

Formal training Theories Experience Models Case studies Informal knowledge


Models Experiential Models

Instructional Design


eLearning Environment

ID Models

ADDIE Dick and Carey Gagne and Briggs ModelThese models are built on theories like:

Behaviorist theories Cognitive theories Constructivist theories

Why Models

Simplify a process Gain from generic and universal

knowledge Based on certain principles Exemplary, theoretical constructs Models can be customized …


Content, context and learner, prepare the course structure, develop instructional strategy

Content, context and learner, prepare the course structure, develop instructional strategy

Design (instructional and visual) is validated by the SMEDesign (instructional and visual) is validated by the SME

Storyboarding, graphics, authoring, Storyboarding, graphics, authoring,

Review of authored lessons, learning objectsReview of authored lessons, learning objects

Deployment of the course, user testing, beta release and review

Deployment of the course, user testing, beta release and review

Course evaluation by the learners, strategies for feedback

Course evaluation by the learners, strategies for feedback

Practicing a discipline is different fromemulating a model.

Peter M SengeThe Fifth Discipline

Models Experiential Models

Instructional Design


eLearning Environment

Elearning environment



Learning experiences

The Context

Where is the learning taking place? Home, office, informal situation

When is the learner accessing the content?

Time, occasion

How is the learner learning the content? Self-learning, community, with colleagues

Infrastructure Internet, CD, LMS, kiosk, other delivery media

The Content

What is the content? How is it taught, learnt? What are the course goals?

The Learners

What is the detailed learner profile? What is the purpose of learning? What are the preferred learning styles?

Applying theory to practice

Adult learning theory (Andragogy)




Design Principles•Information design•Interaction design

Questions for Instructional Designers

What is the type of content? Why are we designing the course? Who are the learners? When would they learn? Where would they learn? How would they access the course?

Models Experiential Models

Instructional Design


eLearning Environment

Experiential models

Practical and eclectic knowledge Getting the big picture Making sense of information Qualitative evaluation Emphasis on team synergies

Practical and eclectic knowledge

Action and reflection Asking questions - What, When, Why,

Where, Who, How Documenting learning experiences from

each project Any other systematic efforts at

capturing processes

Getting the BIG picture

Evolve holistic approaches to Instructional Design

Understand the interdependencies Look for patterns and relationships

Making sense of information

Inundated with information on elearning design and technology

Meaningful application of knowledge Strategic value from information

Important points

new ideas

what I know

where can I apply it

example of an application

Sample grid for information capture

Qualitative evaluation

Blend quantitative and qualitative techniques of learner / course evaluation

Build an on-going feedback mechanism Seek opportunities for informal

interactions and inputs

Emphasis on team synergies

Working towards synergies with other team members

Instructional Design Visual Design Technology Subject Expertise

Thank You
