Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Penile Canceralbuginea. MR imaging appearances of normal penis are...

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Magnetic Resonance Imagingof Penile Cancer

Sumit Gupta, PhD, MRCPa,b,*, Arumugam Rajesh, MBBS, FRCRa


� Penile cancer � MR imaging � Penile imaging � Staging


� Penile cancer, although rare in the developed world, has devastating physical and psychologicalconsequences for the patient.

� MR imaging accurately delineates the penile anatomy and is the imaging modality of choice of ac-curate local staging of primary penile cancer.

� Novel MR imaging techniques such as lymphotropic nanoparticle-enhanced MR imaging may helpidentify metastatic lymph node disease.


Penile cancer is a rare neoplasm with devastatingphysical and psychological consequences for pa-tients. There is a wide regional variation in the inci-dence of penile cancer throughout the worldranging from less than 1 case per 100,000 menin Europe and the United States, to 8.3 cases per100,000 in Brazil, to even higher in Uganda.1 Inthe United States, it is estimated that there willbe 1640 new cases of penile cancer and 320cancer-related deaths in 2014.2 Penile cancertends to be a disease of older men. There is anabrupt increase in incidence in men aged approx-imately 60 years and the incidence peaks in menaged 80 years.

This article reviews the normal penile anatomy,MR imaging techniques for evaluation of the penis,and MR imaging features of primary and metasta-tic penile cancer. Recent advances in penile can-cer imaging are discussed.

Disclosure: This review article presents independent reResearch (NIHR). The views expressed are those of theNIHR, or the Department of Health (S. Gupta).a Department of Radiology, University Hospitals of LeicesRoad, Leicester LE5 4PW, UK; b University of Leicester, G* Corresponding author. University of Leicester, GlenfielE-mail address:

Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 22 (2014) 191–199$ – see front matter � 2014 Elsevier Inc. All


The anatomy of the penis has important implica-tions for the diagnosis and treatment of penile can-cer. The penis can be divided into root and body.The root of the penis is located in the superficialperineal pouch and is the primary fixation point.The body of the penis is composed of three tubularendothelium-lined cavernous structures: pairedcorpora cavernosa, located on the dorsolateralaspect of the penis, and a single corpora spongio-sum located in the midline ventrally (Fig. 1). Thecorpus spongiosum contains the urethra and ex-tends anteriorly to form the glans penis. The threecorpora of the penis are covered by three connec-tive tissue layers. The innermost layer is fibroustunica albuginea. The middle layer is the Buckfascia, a fibrous layer that surrounds the corporacavernosa and separates them from corporaspongiosum. External to this is a layer of looseconnective tissue that is covered by dartos fascia.

search funded by the National Institute for Healthauthors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the

ter NHS Trust, Leicester General Hospital, Gwendolenlenfield Hospital, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QP, UKd Hospital, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QP, UK.

rights reserved.

Box 1MR imaging protocol for penile cancer

Adequate patient positioning.

Artificial erection: injection of 10 mg of prosta-glandin E1 into the corpus cavernosum.

MR imaging AcquisitionParametersa TR TE FOV

T1 Axial Pelvis 679 12 400b

T2 Axial Penis 5720 97 350T2 Sagittal Penis 3750 100 250T2 Coronal Penis 3750 100 250

Abbreviations: FOV, field of view; TE, echo time; TR,repetition time.

a MR imaging acquisition parameters at the authors’institute.

b Variable based on patient body habitus.

Table 1MR appearance of the normal penis

T1-WeightedMR Imaging

T2-WeightedMR Imaging

Dartos fascia Hypointense Hypointense

Tunica albugineaand Buck fascia

Hypointense Hypointense

Muscular wallof the urethra

Hypointensea Hypointensea

Corporacavernosaand corpusspongiosum

Intermediate High signal

a Hypointense relative to corpus spongiosum.

Fig. 1. Normal penile anatomy (axial view). 1, corporacavernosa; 2, corpus spongiosum; 3, tunica albuginea;4, cavernosal arteries; 5, deep dorsal vein; 6, superfi-cial dorsal vein; 7, Buck fascia; 8, dartos fascia.

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Patient positioning is paramount in MR imaging ofthe penis. Patient is imaged in a supine position.To elevate the scrotum and penis, a folded towelis placed between the patient’s legs. The penis istaped to the abdomen in a dorsiflexed position toprevent movement and pulsation artifacts. A sur-face coil is placed on the penis to improvesignal-to-noise ratio.Scardino and colleagues3 suggested that MR

imaging with artificial erection, achieved by inject-ing 10 mg of prostaglandin E1 into the corpus cav-ernosum, provides a more robust local staging ofthe penile cancer. Artificial erection is routinelyused at the authors’ institute for MR imaging ofthe penis. However, this is avoided if there is largeand painful penile tumor because of the increasedrisk of priapism. The MR imaging sequences usedare (1) T1-axial images of the pelvis, which providean overview of the pelvis and lymph nodes and (2)T2-axial, sagittal, and coronal images of the penis(Box 1). Gadolinium-enhanced sequences are notroutinely used at the authors’ institute. The threecorpora of the penis demonstrate intermediateT1 and high T2 signal on MR imaging. Relativeto the corpus spongiosum, the muscular wallof the urethra appears hypointense on bothT1-weighted and T2-weighted sequences. Tunicaalbuginea, Buck fascia, and dartos fascia showlow signal intensity on all MR imaging sequences.Tunica albuginea and Buck fascia cannot reliablybe differentiated on MR imaging and appear as ahypointense rim of tissue around the corpora.T2-weighted imaging demonstrates a greater

degree of contrast between the corpora and tunicaalbuginea. MR imaging appearances of normalpenis are summarized in Table 1 and illustratedin Fig. 2.


Most penile cancers are squamous cell carci-nomas (SCCs). Other reported histologic types ofpenile malignancies consist of basal cell carci-noma, melanoma, sarcoma, and metastatic le-sions. Moreover, several histologic subtypes ofSCC have been described, each with unique clin-icopathologic characteristics and outcome fea-tures.4,5 The most common histologic subtype ofpenile carcinoma is the usual-type SCC.6 Mostpenile tumors originate from the mucosal surfaceextending from the preputial orifice to the meatusurethralis.6 Tumors arising from the glans penis

Fig. 2. Axial T2-weighted MR image (A) and sagittal T2-weighted MR image (B) show corpora cavernosa, corpusspongiosum, and tunica albuginea.

Fig. 3. Local staging of penile cancer. Tis, carcinoma insitu; T1, tumor invades subepithelial connective tissue;T2, tumor invades corpus spongiosum or corpora cav-ernosa; T3, tumor invades urethra; T4, tumor invadesother adjacent structures.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Penile Cancer 193

are more common than are those involving theforeskin or the sulcus.6,7 A recent study of about5000 cases of invasive penile carcinoma showedthat the primary site of disease was the glans penisin 34.5% of cases, prepuce in 13.2%, shaft in5.3%, and overlapping in 4.5%, with primary siteunspecified in 42.5% of cases.8 MR imaging isthe most sensitive imaging modality for local stag-ing of penile cancer because of its exceptionalsoft-tissue resolution, multiplanar capability, andexcellent spatial resolution in the assessment ofsuperficial structures. On MR imaging, primarypenile cancers usually appear as solitary, ill-defined, and infiltrating mass lesions that arehypointense relative to the adjacent corpora onboth T1-weighted and T2-weighted images.9 MRimaging enables accurate assessment of the localextent of the penile lesion, depth of tumor invasion,and involvement of tunica albuginea and otheradjacent structures, including corpora, urethra,or scrotal skin. The international tumor nodemetastasis (TNM) staging system for penile cancerwas last updated in 200910 and is used for stagingthe primary tumor (Fig. 3, Table 2). MR imagingand histology appearances of various T stages ofpenile cancer are illustrated in Figs. 4–7.

Penile metastatic lesions are rare and mostfrequently occur from primary tumors in thegenitourinary tract or the recto-sigmoid region.

Table 2TNM classification of penile cancer (2009)

T—Primary Tumor

TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed

T0 No evidence of primary tumor

Tis Carcinoma in situ

Ta Noninvasive verrucous carcinoma,not associated with destructiveinvasion

T1 T1a Tumor invades subepithelialconnective tissue without lymphvascular invasion and is notpoorly differentiated

T1b Tumor invades subepithelialconnective tissue with lymphvascular invasion or is poorlydifferentiated

T2 Tumor invades corpus spongiosumor corpora cavernosa

T3 Tumor invades urethra

T4 Tumor invades other adjacentstructures

N—Regional Lymph Nodes (Clinical)a

cNX Regional lymph nodes cannot beassessed

cN0 No palpable or visibly enlargedinguinal lymph nodes

cN1 Palpable mobile unilateralinguinal lymph nodes

cN2 Palpable mobile multiple orbilateral inguinal lymph nodes

cN3 Fixed inguinal nodal mass or pelviclymphadenopathy, unilateral orbilateral

N—Regional Lymph Nodes (Pathologic)b

pNX Regional lymph nodes cannot beassessed

pN0 No regional lymph metastasis

pN1 Metastasis in a single inguinallymph node

pN2 Metastasis in multiple or bilateralinguinal lymph nodes

pN3 Extranodal extension of lymphnode metastasis or pelvic lymphnodes, unilateral or bilateral

M—Distant Metastasis

M0 No distant metastasis

M1 Distant metastasis (includes lymphnode metastasis outside the truepelvis)

a Clinical stage definition based on palpation and imaging.b Pathologic stage definition based on biopsy of surgicalexcision.

From Edge S, Byrd DR, Compton CC, et al. AJCC cancerstaging manual. New York: Springer; 2010.

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However, penile metastases from stomach, lung,and thyroid cancers have been described.11,12

The most common lesions to metastasize to thepenis are prostate and bladder cancers.9,13 Penilemetastatic lesions can be difficult to differentiatefrom primary penile lesions on MR imaging. Typi-cally, they are seen as multiple masses in thecorpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum wherelesions demonstrate low signal intensity comparedwith to normal corporal tissue on both T1-weightedand T2-weighted images (see Fig. 6B).13

Lymph Node Imaging

The most important prognostic factor for survivalin patients with penile cancer is the presenceand extent of inguinal lymph node involvement.14

Determining the extent of lymph node involvementinfluences treatment strategy.15 Based on thelocation of the primary tumor, the site of lymphnode metastasis can be predicted. Skin and pre-puce lymphatics drain into the superficial inguinallymph nodes, the glans drains into the deepinguinal and external iliac nodes, and corporaand penile urethra drains into the internal iliac no-des. Clinical examination and conventional imag-ing methods, including ultrasound, CT, and MRimaging, are unreliable in detecting lymph nodemetastasis. At the time of initial diagnosis up to30% to 60% of patients with SCC have palpableinguinal lymph nodes,16 approximately half ofwhich are reactive.17 Sensitivity of clinical stagingof the lymph nodes have been shown to be 40%to 60% with a false-negative rate between 10%and 20%.18,19 Abnormal lymph nodes on CT andMR imaging are determined based of lymphnode size, which results in underdetection ofoccult metastasis in normal-sized lymph nodesand increase in false-positive rates in patientswith enlarged lymph nodes secondary to infectionor inflammation. However, cross-section imagingcan detect enlarged retroperitoneal and pelviclymph nodes not identified by clinical examination.Prophylactic lymphadenopathy has been shown

to improve long-term survival.19–21 Recently,Ornellas and colleagues14 have shown a disease-free survival rate of 71% for subjects who under-went immediate lymphadenectomy comparedwith those who had a delayed lymphadenectomywith a disease-free survival rate of 30%. However,universal use of this procedure would result inovertreatment in 60% to 75% of patients.22 More-over, it has been reported that inguinal lymphade-nectomy is associated with major morbidity,including lymphedema, skin flap necrosis, anda 1% to 3% mortality rate.22–25 However, refine-ment of surgical techniques has reduced the

Fig. 4. T1 primary tumor of the penis. T2-weighted axial MR image (A) showing the primary tumor and an unin-terrupted tunica albuginea. Histologic specimen (B) from the same patient showing well-differentiated SCCinvading the lamina propria. Another patient with sagittal T2-weighted MR image of the penis (C) and axialT1-weighted MR image of the pelvis (D) showing small irregular mass involving the glans penis with intact tunicaalbuginea and an enlarged left inguinal lymph node (radiological classification: T1, N1).

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Penile Cancer 195

complication rateby50%.15,26Reduction inpostop-erative morbidity has also been achieved by usingvideo endoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy.27

Novel techniques such as dynamic sentinel lymph

node biopsy result in 70% reduction in the needfor radical lymph node dissection,28,29 which re-mains the current gold standard for diagnosis oflymph node metastasis.

Fig. 5. T2 primary tumor of the penis. Sagittal (A) and axial (B) T2-weighted MR images of the penis showing massoriginating from the glans penis. This mass is disrupting the tunica albuginea and invading the corpora cavernosaon both sides. Axial T1-weighted MR image of the pelvis (C) demonstrates bilateral enlarged inguinal lymphnodes (radiological classification: T2, N2). Histologic specimen (D) from the same patient showing moderatelydifferentiated SCC with invasion into corpora cavernosa.

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Distant Metastasis Imaging

Less than 3% of patients presenting with penilecancer have metastasis.30 The lungs, liver, andretroperitoneum are the most common sites ofmetastasis. Distant metastasis generally occurslate in the course of the disease and is associatedwith a poor prognosis. The histologic subtypes of

Fig. 6. T3 primary tumor of the penis. Sagittal (A) and corsoft tissue mass arising in the region of the glans penis anda 6 mm nodule in the right corpora cavernosa. No enlargeical classification: T3, N0, M1). Histologic specimen (C) fromthe penile SCC.

penile SCC that are aggressive with high me-tastatic rates are basaloid, sarcomatoid, andpseudoglandular carcinomas.6 Adenosquamouscarcinomas frequently metastasize to the inguinallymph nodes but have a good prognosis. CT isthe modality of choice for evaluation of distantmetastases.

onal (B) T2-weighted MR images of the penis showinginvolving the corpus spongiosum and urethra. There isd inguinal or pelvic lymph nodes were seen (radiolog-the same patient showing invasion of the urethra by

Fig. 7. T4 primary tumor of the penis. Sagittal (A) and coronal (B–D) T2-weighted MR images of the penisshowing penile tumor extending into the scrotum (A) and prostate gland (C, D). Histologic specimen (E) fromthe same patient showing sarcomatoid SCC invading testicular skin.

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Novel MR Imaging Techniques

Lymphotropic nanoparticle-enhancedMR imaginghas emerged as a promising technique for regionallymph node staging of penile31 and various othercancers.32–35 This technique uses an infusion ofcoated ultrasmall iron oxide particles, which aretaken up homogeneously by functioning macro-phages in normal lymph nodes and demonstratelow signal on gradient echo T2*-weighted images,with only the center being spared in lymph nodeswith hilar fat. Metastatic lymph nodes lack thenormal phagocytes needed to take up the nano-particles36 and hence have high signal intensityon gradient echo T2*-weighted images. Usingthis technique, Tabatabaei and colleagues31

demonstrated a sensitivity and specificity of100% and 97%, respectively, for detection ofinguinal lymph node involvement in subjects withpenile cancer after assessment of 113 lymph no-des in seven subjects.


MR imaging is the modality of choice for accuratelocal staging of penile cancer. Moreover, penile

MR imaging helps detect lymph node involvementand metastatic disease of the penis. Familiaritywith optimal imaging protocols, normal penileanatomy, and MR imaging appearances is essen-tial for the radiologist. Emerging techniques mayfurther enhance the abilities of MR imaging todetect lymph node metastasis.


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