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Chapter 1


The teaching is not merely transmitting the subject matter to the learner; it is equally

important that the essence of the lesson be understood and imbibed by the learner. To

accomplish this purpose the teacher should have a rich background of the lesson and must

have a commitment to accomplish the goal for which the subject matter is taught.

The general objective of Philippines Education is embodied in the Constitution. It

reflects the general ideals and precepts of the culture and embodies provisions for the

education of the people’ schools were made responsible for attaining these goals.

Article IX section 4 of the Constitution provides that, “all educational institutions

shall aim to inculcate love of country, teach the duties of citizenship, and develop moral

character, personal discipline and scientific and technological and vocational efficiency.

Today, the Constitution has placed emphasis also on the inculcation of love of country and

the development of scientific and technological efficiency in line with the objectives of

National development. (Panopio, 1978)

The essence of the above contexts is the basis of making Philippine History a

required subject in the tertiary level. Since the people play a significant role in development,

they should possess the necessary qualities to attain the nation’s objectives. Undoubtedly, it is

the sector of education which is greatly responsible for this undertaking.

Philippine History is concern about the past and present undertaking of Filipinos. It

discusses how the Filipino have lived and improved their ways of living. It enlightens the

people on how to meet the present problems and some ways of meeting them. Philippine

History is very significant in strengthening national consciousness and commitment which is

very essential in nation’s building.

Moreover, the school should teach the students pride of country and culture. It must

develop in the students the desire to serve and contribute to the common welfare. The student

must be taught love and loyalty to the country and its people.

Background of the Study

All agencies are agents of change and channels of improvement. However, education

is specially and specifically changes with the function of teaching what society wants in

terms of building the moral and ethical standards of the group. The lesson and experience

required in the early stages of life are the most important bases of the character and

personality of individual Ethics, morality and values have to be taught to the young. (Bustos

and Espiritu, 1985)

Philippine was influenced by the colonizers and affected by the various aspects

specifically the ways people think.

At the same time, the country focus a lot of crisis which somehow resulted to the

Filipinos distrust and decreasing loyalty to the country.

The school system is doing something to cope-up with the problems. Nowadays,

schools emphasize the teaching of family values with greater concerned on the values that

will develop nationalism.

School Curriculum must begin in civics and culture education by developing in the

Filipino Child his identity as a Filipino. This study will attempt to determine the relationship

of academic performance in Philippine History and National Consciousness of students it

the Laguna State Polytechnic University in Siniloan, Laguna. Specifically, it will aim to

get the responses of Laguna State Polytechnic University students enrolled in Philippine

History subject during the AY 2009-2010.

Theoretical Framework

A significant theoretical framework will be used on this research study. The Higher-

Order Thought Theory according to Rosenthal (1986, 1993, 2005). He asserted a conscious

mental state of mine is a state that actually causing on activated belief (generally a non-

conscious one) that I have M, and causing it non-inferentially. An account to phenomenal

consciousness can be generated by stipulating that the mental state M should be a causal role

and/or content of a certain distinctive sort in order to count as an experience, and that M is an

experience, it will be phenomenally conscious when suitably targeted.

The theory mentioned above will provide the researcher the necessary foundation in

her attempt to relate the academic performance in Philippine History to the National

Consciousness of the student-respondents.

Conceptual Framework

The research paradigm illustrated in Figure 1, shows the relationship between the

academic performance in Philippine History and National Consciousness of student-

respondents. It also shows the relationship of moderating variables which is the student

profile as it connected into the dependent and independent variables, the National

Consciousness and Academic Performance in Philippine History respectively.

Figure 1. The Conceptual Model Showing the Functional Relationship of the Independent Variables to Dependent Variables of the study

National ConsciousnessPolitical AspectsEconomic AspectsSocial Aspects

Academic Performance in

Philippine History

Student ProfileAgeSexFamily IncomeParent’s Occupation



Statement of the Problem

The main concern of this study will be to determine the relationship of the

academic performance in Philippine History and the National Consciousness of students

of the Laguna State Polytechnic University, A.Y. 2009-2010.

More specifically, the objectives are:

1. What is the profile of the student-respondents in terms of

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Religion;

1.4 Family Income; and

1.5 Parents’ Occupation?

2. What is the performance of the student-respondents in Philippine History subject?

3. What is the level of National Consciousness of the student-respondents?

4. Is there significant difference between academic performance in Philippine History

and the Profile of the Student-respondents?

5. Is there significant difference between National Consciousness and the profile of the


6. Is there significant relationship between academic performance in Philippine History

and National Consciousness of the student-respondents?


The following null hypotheses will be tested:

1. There is significant difference between academic performance in Philippine History

and profile of the student-respondents.

2. There is no significant difference between National Consciousness and profile of the


3. There is no significant relationship between academic performance in Philippine

History and National Consciousness of the student-respondents.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will benefit the following:

Students. They will be able to realize the significant role of Philippine History in

the Development of National Consciousness.

Teachers. They will be aware of their great participations in building nationalistic

ideals to student. Insights of the study somehow drive them to apply variations on

motivational approaches to effectively achieve the goals of education.

Parents. They will be aware of the performance of their children and the respect

they give to the country.

Principals. This study will give those insights on what school activities to

undertake to develop the ideals of nationalism among the students.

DepEd. This study may help the department to formulate policies and or

programs to strengthen students’ national consciousness and to enhance teaching

approaches in history.

Researchers. This study will serve as spring board for related researchers.

Community. Determining the extent of national consciousness of the students is

highly important since they are key players in building the nation’s development.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused on determining the level of National Consciousness of the

student-respondents and its relationship to the academic performance in Philippine

History and to their profile in selected tertiary students in Laguna State Polytechnic

University, Siniloan Laguna, AY 2009-2010.

In the second semester of the academic year 2009-2010, this study will be

conducted to further clarify the relationship of academic performance in Philippine

History to the development of national consciousness as affected by their profile

including age, sex, religion, family income and parents’ occupation.

While there are other factors that affect the performance of the student in

Philippine History to the development of national consciousness, the researcher

concentrated on three aspects of national consciousness such as political, economic and


Definition of Terms

The following concepts were operationally defined based on the objectives of the


Philippine History. A required subject in the tertiary level which discuss the past

and present experiences of Filipino.

Academic Performance. It is the summary of accomplishments in Philippine

History earned by the students expressed through grade in the report card.

National Consciousness. Being aware of one’s surroundings especially the

political, economic and socio-cultural affairs of a country.

Instructional Materials. These refer to the audio-visual materials like books,

graphic organizers, maps, globes and the like.

Sensible. Being aware of one’s act.

Student Profile. The student’s personal background such as age, sex, religion,

family income and parents’ occupation.

Political. Concerns about how the student-respondents react on the undertakings

of Philippine Government.

Economic. This relates on how man’s make a living.

Social. The societal conditions and the activities undertaken by the people.

Chapter 2


This chapter will presents the related literature and studies about the area f

research. It also attempts to relate theories, concepts, principles and some parameters and

domain that may be relevant and helpful to clarify and understand this study.

Related Literature

Phan (2006) asserted that cultural diversity connotes the co-existence of many

and different cultures in a particular location, whereas religious pluralism refers not only

to religions diversity – that is , the simultaneous presence of several, at times mutually

exclusive and even mutually hostile, religions is one and the some location – but also,

and more importantly, to the heightened consciousness, ever more widespread sense

modernity, of the necessarily relational and historical embedded character of all exclusive

and absolute claims including religious one, a feature that seems to render such exclusive

and absolute claims problematic if not impossible.

Constantino (1998) a noted nationalist, suggests that “The education of the

Filipino must be a Filipino education. It must be based on the needs of the nation, and the

goals of the nation. The primary object is to produce a citizenry that appreciates and is

conscious of its nationhood and has national goals for the betterment of the community,

and not an anarchic mass of people who know how to take care of themselves only.”

The Education Forum (1999) suggests some steps in aiming a Globalize

Philippine Education as follows:

1. The essence of global thinking and of nationalism must be consciously integrated in

both formal and informal learning situations.

2. The teachers themselves must consciously be aware of the workings of globalization.

3. The utilization of existing subjects, especially in the social sciences and humanities

that will lend themselves to global values education and nationalist orientation.

4. To present a balanced view of globalization, showing both its advantages and


5. To unmask facts about the Filipinos history and culture and place them in the right


6. To guide the people to advance alternatives to solve the harmful effects of

colonialism and globalization.

7. For the Philippine educational system to undergo a re-orientation toward a nationalist

and mass-based education with the over-all aspirations of the Filipino people as the

guiding light.

In the inculcation of the true spirit of nationalism among the Filipinos and to

balance the encompassing reach of globalization, the teaching of Philippine history, by

virtue of its subject-matter, must take the crucial lead. However, it can only be effective if

history teachers themselves are substantially and critically knowledgeable of Philippine

history and of the nature and impact of globalization.

Claro M. Recto (1999) describe the true essence of nationalism as “a banner of

freedom proclaiming the national interest of the people, to be promoted and safeguarded

by themselves so that the fruits of their efforts and the wealth derived from their God

given resources shall accrue to them and thus enable all people to rise above poverty and

march on prosperity, contentment and dignity.”

Santos (2003) explained that the late nineteenth century in the Philippines history

marks the most dramatic, if not the most dynamic; phase in the long process of

constructing a national consciousness. This perception is a result of political and social

events of the period, and it is equally reinforced by the expressive cultures of an

emerging Filipino society. The arts -- literature, theater, music, dance, architecture, and

painting -- provided effective channels for the expression of the Filipino psyche, taste and

social behavior. They serve as concrete indicators of the transformation and evolution of

the values and self-awareness, as well as tools to effect change for the construction of a

national identity and a distinct cultural heritage.

Today, a national Filipino identity embodies the concept of convergence and the

intersection of diverse cultural elements and tradition from both Europe and the

Philippine geographic borders.

Smith, Kuhs and Ryans (1993) as cited by San Agustin (2007) stressed the need

for an alignment of curriculum, goals, instructional experiences and assessment. Such is a

proof of foreign situation where by curriculum goals are translated into instructional

experiences which have to occur in both university and elementary classrooms.

Stones (1994) as cited by San Agustin (2007) cited the call for improving teachers

who need to see teaching as an activity of great complexity. The mentors need to see

teaching as an open ended exploration where they express their pedagogical knowledge

in action.

Reyes (2004) cited that a man in his quest for meaning construct a perception of

his world and an image himself. How the individual vices himself in this case, differ from

individual as he grows in age and experience.

Related Studies

A study conducted by Dr. Ma. Luisa C. Doronila as cited by Orly Mercado April

26, 1985 a member of Batasan. (Cited also by Bustos and Espiritu, 1985)

One of the findings of that study is “Respondents regularly placed the “Filipino”

option in second or third position when these options include other countries, notably the

United States. Instead of a national identity, it is the colonial mentality which remains

firmly imbedded in the respondents’ consciousness.”

San Agustin (2007) found in her study that there exist significant low and

substantial relationship between Academic Rank of the respondents and their perceived

level of grip on cultural values of Filipinos, love of country, awareness on the history of

the nation and current issues and national concerns.

The variable sex has bearing on the nationalistic Advocacy of the faculty

members in selected State Colleges and Universities in CALABARZON in terms of the

variables level of grip of mentors on Filipino Cultural Vales, integration of nationalistic

task in classroom/ institutional activity and awareness on the history of the nation and

current issues and national concerns.

Chapter 3


This chapter will presents the research design, subjects of the study, and

determination of sample, research procedures, research instruments and statistical

treatment of data.

Research Design

This study will investigate the relationship between student performance in

Philippine history and National Consciousness of Selected students at Laguna State

Polytechnic University, AY 2009-2010. The researcher will use the descriptive survey

method to arrive at her conclusions.

The descriptive method of research involves collection of data in order to test the

hypothesis and to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of the

study (Calalo, 2003). In this particular study, it is the level of national consciousness as

related to the performance of the students in Philippine history and their profile will be


Subject of the Study

The subjects of this study will be the students who are taking Philippine History

as their subject at Laguna State Polytechnic University, AY 2009-2010. Specifically, the

respondents will be divided into four (4) colleges, namely: COEd, CAS, CAST and

CHMT. With ___, ___, ___ and ___ number of students respectively.

Research Instrument

The researcher will use a questionnaire checklist in gathering data needed to

determine the relationship of Academic Performance in Philippine History and their

National Consciousness.

The questionnaire checklist will be divided into two parts. The first part includes

the profile of the students such as age, sex, religion, family income and parents’

occupation. It will also include the student’s performance rating in Philippine History.

The second part includes the level of consciousness which is divided into three (3)

aspects such as political, economic and social.

Research Procedure

The researcher will undertake the study to reveal if the instructors successfully

attained the objectives of teaching Philippine history.

The researcher will ask the consent of the Campus Director of the Laguna State

Polytechnic University for the administering of the research instrument that the

researcher validated. Upon its approval, the researcher will start distributing

questionnaire to the respondents to gather the needed information.

Through the data that will be gathered the researcher will summarize and discuss

the result of the study. After the discussion the researcher will formulate the conclusions

and recommendations that will be based on the summary of the findings.

Frequency, Percentage, Rank

Mean, Median, Mode, Standard


Weighted Mean, Rank

ANOVA, Unpaired T-test,

Regression, Chi-Square

ANOVA, Unpaired T-test,

Regression, Chi-Square

Pearson’s r, Spearman Rho,


Statistical Treatment of Data

The list below presents the variables to be tested and the corresponding statistical

treatment they were subjected to in order to arrive at the answers in this study.

`Analysis Statistical Treatment

1. Profile of the students in terms of

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Religion;

1.4 Family Income; and

1.5 Parents’ Occupation.

2. Performance off the student-respondents in

Philippine History.

3. The level of National Consciousness of the


4. Significant difference between academic

performance in Philippine History and Profile

of the Student-Respondents.

5. Significant difference between National

Consciousness and Profile of the Student-


6. Relationship between Academic Performance

in Philippine History and National

Consciousness of Student-Respondents.

The computed value that will be obtained in the following statistical tools will be

derived at the threshold value of 0.05.