Manifesto for Grace Goon

Post on 14-Nov-2014

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I am Grace Goon, currently studying Engineering in Jesus College and will be running for the Welfare Officer in CUMSA.


I am running for the CUMSA Committee because I hope to contribute to CUMSA in general especially in terms of welfare.

I want to ensure that everyone’s welfare is well taken care of and settle into their lives comfortably in Cambridge like their second home, knowing that CUMSA is always there to support them, just as what the current committee had achieved.

Last but not least, I hope all CUMSA members will be happy and enjoy the rest of their time in Cambridge


Larger CUMSA family

The most important people in life are family members. Having a larger CUMSA family (have grandparents as well?) would offer more sources of support to not only freshers, but also seniors. In that way, all members of CUMSA would be able to know more people and expand their social circle.

Taking care of freshers

Provide a comprehensive guide for the freshers. Hopefully come up with a booklet with the photos of the freshers, so that they can recognize each other as fellow Singaporean/Malaysian freshers.


An online channel for all CUMSA members to discuss various issues. Members can also anonymously post to look for support when they encounter different kind of problems.


Liaise with the London Singapore/Malaysian Society so that

CUMSA can join them for their activities in

London, such as having a good meal in restaurants et cetera.

Other ideas would be organizing major cookout events during festivals.

Punting trips

Scared of the river? Don’t dare to try punting? Organizing a punting trip would be a great way of socializing and relaxing from the hectic university life.


A good way for CUMSA members to showcase their talents, and of course, good food :D