Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Manuel Fco. Quesada Quirs PP & PS Regional Service Manager - ABB CA&C

    Substation Analysis

    o a mros, ower ystems, u stat ons, u y unta ana, om n can ep.

    s ssessmen o u s a ons

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 1

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsA enda

    Introduction and a bit of tr ivia

    ABB's assessment model

    Current situation / Risk Identification / Action Priority Method Importance

    NEPLAN in brief

    Presentation of assessment Example


    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 2

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsABB Substation Services The er etual c cle

    Assessment services Retrofit services Support services


    AnalysisDiagnostics Consulting Upgrading Modernization Service contracts Spare parts Training

    Substation Services Lifetime extension measures for strengthening

    the operational reliability

    Status assessment with respect to condition

    and importance

    Increased efficiency on equipment/system level

    Support Services

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 3

    rgan za ona e c ency ncrease

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsFull Substation covera e

    current status and suggests

    improvement actions.

    Diagnostics applicable whenfurther investigation is required

    in order defining current status.

    Upgrading and Modernization

    in order improving the

    operational efficiency

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 4

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsWhat lifetime can ou ex ect for substation e ui ment?

    Typical economical li fespan of major HV electrical equipment

    Substation establishment 50-60 years

    Power transformers 45-50 years

    Capacitors 40 yearsrcu rea ers years

    Instrument transformers 45 years

    Control & Protection systems 15-30 years

    Telecommunication 10-12,5 years

    Transmission lines 45-60 years


    Source: Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM)

    Economical lifespan: Period over which an asset (machine, property, computer system etc.) is expected to

    be usable, with normal repairs and maintenance, for the purpose it was acquired, rented or leased for

    usuall less than the assets h sical lifetime.

    Lifetime extension is possible provided well maintained and if proper actions

    are performed in time!

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 5

    Would you consider lifetime extension instead of replacement?

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsDeferred maintenance is a lobal henomenon

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 6

    Life goes on, but expected lifetime is not likely to be reached...

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsSeen and heard in substations throu h the ears ...

    Open terminal blocks in a since many years energized substation

    "The sound of the alarm system was so annoying that we opened some

    terminal blocks

    Being the battery charger alerting for charging failure, perhaps nota mpor an ... r g ere an en

    Exterior padlock on emergency exit from the 380kV GIS hall


    Yes, but what happens the day someone really needs to get out


    Heaters in operating mechanisms disconnected

    "We have a tropical climate so it never gets really cold here , ..

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 7

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsA substation needed directional earth fault rotection on the 69kV lines

    So what to do? Of course, you fix a.s.a.p an "open delta...

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 8

    It is all a matter of Risk Management!

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsRisk mana ement is nothin new but its im ortance is stron l rowin

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 9

    Systems perspective would be needed to get it together!

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsRisk mana ement with s stems ers ective..?

    Very well maintained circuit breakers, but yet in conjunction to those:

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 10

    Current transformers quite likely to soon explode (gaskets above oil level) Disconnect switches with heavily corroded clamps and dry contacts

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsAddressin the Substation owner

    Are you aware of the condition of your substation?

    What components are most likely to fail, and when?

    o you now w a equ pmen a w g ve e severes

    consequences in your network at failure and why?

    How would a potential failure affect grid stability?

    Are you performing maintenance adapted to specific operationalconditions in your substation?

    Is our or anization re ared to resolve an ex ected or unex ected

    situation that may occur in your substation?

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 11

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsA enda

    Introduction and a bit of tr ivia

    ABB's Assessment Model

    Current situation / Risk Identification / Action

    Priority Method Importance

    NEPLAN in brief

    Presentation of assessment



    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 12

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsSummar of the Assessment Model

    Condition & Importance Risk Matrix

    NEPLAN Maintenance

    knowledge bank


    Production Supply


    feedback from

    end user)

    Products and systems

    Civil works

    From customer questionnaire:

    Operating experience

    Current status

    Risk identification

    Recommended actions

    List of Priority

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 13


    Importance information

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsSubstation owner rovides the im ortance factor

    =WLE1 =WLE2






    -Q11(I = 75%) (I = 60%)





    I = 75%

    -Q10 -Q10

    - - - - -


    -=T1 =T2

    - - - - - -





    (I = 80%) (I = 50%)

    132/10kV -Q11

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 14

    All equipment within the same bay has the same Importance factor (0-100%)

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsAll e ui ment lotted in a risk matrix

    Condition is assessed by ABB and

    is based on:

    A lication & desi n

    Equipment with high ri sk is plott ed in the red field.

    Recommendations: Retrofi t, replacement or deeper



    Number of operations and short


    Operational experienceEquipment with medium risk is plotted in the yellow field.

    Recommendations: Increased maintenance and

    Availability of spare parts andexpertise

    Personal safety


    agnos cs, n some cases re ro or rep acemen

    depending on the impor tance.

    Equipment with low risk is plot ted in the green field.

    Recommendations: visual inspection or normal

    maintenance depending of the impor tance.

    Importance is given by the substation owner

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 15

    Environmental impact Economical factors for the user e.g loss of production and

    Liquidated damages.


  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsA enda

    Introduction and a bit of tr ivia

    ABB's assessment model

    Current situation / Risk Identification / Action

    Priority Method Importance

    NEPLAN in brief

    Presentation of assessment



    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 16

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsSubstation Anal sis

    SubstationVisual inspection of Feedback from

    assessment ant owner

    Diagnostic and / or


    Recommended actions

    OHS Civil works

    Transformer &

    Tap Changer HV MV & LV Relay & Control

    in specific areas

    Recommended actions



    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 17

    Current situation, hazards and actions are identified. Only priority is missing ...

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsA enda

    Introduction and a bit of tr ivia

    ABB's assessment model

    Current situation / Risk Identification / Action

    Priority Method Importance

    NEPLAN in brief

    Presentation of assessment



    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 18

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of Substations"Find five errors" in a Substation from 1980 ...

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 19

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of Substations"Find five errors" in a Substation from 2001

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 20

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsWhich lant should be rioritized?

    If the focus is condition: No doubt the station from 1980 But will condition based assessment give a completely accurate picture ..?

    Its importance in the network, or the consequences of a failure, must be

    identified ABB assessment model is based on Reliability Centered Maintenance principles

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 21

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsMaintenance strate ies TBM CBM or RCM


    The Condition depends on.: Age of equipment Spare parts availability

    Time Based Maintenance (TBM): Based on expected life time



    Service experience of sametype of equipment

    Experience feed back fromservice personnel

    Yearly service and

    recommended time intervals

    Replacement according to age.

    All equipment which has reached expected


    maintenance cost New rules and legislations Etc.


    Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) Based on the condition

    Maintenance and re lacement de end on the

    assessed condition

    Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Based on both condition and importance.

    consequences of a failure

    Liquidated damages

    Type of client Cost of replacement

    Maintenance and replacement depend on

    assessment of both condition and importance

    n ury o ersonne r par y Environmental impact Image of Company Etc.

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 22

    ImportanceLow High

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsMaintenance strate ies From CBM to RCM





    Reliability Centered Maintenance

    Is a method to determine the most

    cost effective maintenance strategyfor a specific equipment. Based ontheir service environment


    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 23

    ImportanceLow High

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsPrioritized actions based on RCM

    Condition Based Maintenance Considers condition only

    100 (poor)





    1 5

    the sequence of actions: Replacement of 3

    Replacement of 2


    c2 c3





    4 5

    ep acemen o

    Maintenance on 4

    Maintenance on 5

    0 (good)


    Reliability Centered Maintenance Considers the risk i.e. both Condition



    2 3

    Random equipment

    1Re lacement


    Risk levels r1.r5 determine the

    sequence of actions: Maintenance on 5C


    4 5



    r2 r3

    r5 Maintenance

    Replacement of 3

    Maintenance on 4

    Replacement of 2

    Fault correction of 1Faultcorr


    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 24

    Importance 100%(High)


  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsA enda

    Introduction and a bit of tr ivia

    ABB's assessment model

    Current situation / Risk Identification / Action

    Priority Method Importance

    NEPLAN in brief

    Presentation of assessment



    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 25

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsBasic information about the e ui ment

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 26

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsThe condition is defined at individual level

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 27

    Ri k A t f S b t ti

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsThe im ortance is set as defined b substation owner

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 28

    Ri k A t f S b t ti

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsA enda

    Introduction and a bit of tr ivia

    ABB's assessment model

    Current situation / Risk Identification / Action

    Priority Method Importance

    NEPLAN in brief

    Presentation of assessment



    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 29

    Ri k A t f S b t ti

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsThe assessment is resented in er t e of e ui ment

    General information Briefly about situation in actual equipment


    for actual type of equipment

    Result of risk assessment All involved equipment plotted in a diagram

    according to its condition and importance

    Equipment with risk factor 65 is high-

    lighted in a separate table

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 30

    Risk Assessment of Substations

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsThe assessment is resented in er t e of e ui ment

    Recommendations Information about each t e of

    equipment; history, access to spares and

    expertise etc.

    Highlighting respective types risk

    Recommended actions

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 31

    Risk Assessment of Substations

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsA enda

    Introduction and a bit of tr ivia

    ABB's assessment model

    Current situation / Risk Identification / Action

    Priority Method Importance

    NEPLAN in brief

    Presentation of assessment



    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 32

    Risk Assessment of Substations

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsThe stor of how an EDF-breaker com letel undeservedl ended u as red.

    Healthy EDF52 from 1995

    Not exceptionally important

    Why, does it appear in red zone?

    Let's examine the facts:

    Two hand operated NRB-DS are

    mounted directl above the breaker.

    The operational rod for the NRB is notvertical due to land subsidence and

    warped pilings rea orce mus e app e a

    operation, which may cause parts of the

    NRB to crack and fall down.

    EDF-breaker is pressurized: It will explode if hit by falling objects!


    Find alternative place for the NRB

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 33

    Fix warped pilings

    Risk Assessment of Substations

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of SubstationsA enda

    Introduction and a bit of tr ivia

    ABB's assessment model

    Current situation / Risk Identification / Action

    Priority Method Importance

    NEPLAN in brief

    Presentation of assessment



    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 34

    Risk Assessment of Substations

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    Risk Assessment of Substations

    ABB assessment model provides :

    Knowledge of what equipment that will give the severest

    An objective risk assessment which enables effective planning of

    maintenance investment both by condition and importance,

    . .. .

    Mapping of the substations all objects in a risk matrix that suggests achronological order for future maintenance and action.

    ssessment mo e ase on t e co ect ve exper ence rom more

    than 100 years of development, production and delivery of electrical

    infrastructure and experience feedback from users.

    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 35

  • 8/11/2019 Manuel Quesada Risk Assessment of Substations


    ABB GroupJuly 16, 2012 | Slide 36