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Rev. José De La Rosa Pastor

Deacon Apolonio “Ed” Garcia

Mass Schedule Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. (Church) Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. (Españ ol)

Confessions Sat. 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (Church) añd by appoiñtmeñt Blessed Sacrament Adoration Tues. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Chapel Wed. 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Chapel Thurs. 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Chapel Fri. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Chapel

Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.) Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sat.-Sun. Closed

Parish Staff Secretary/Jeañette Camacho 210.674.1200 Pastoral Associate/Sr. Kathleeñ Reyñolds Music Director/ Gilbert Aldrete, Jr. Maiñteñañce & Custodiañs/ Lucio Camacho ; Lucio M. Camacho Religious Educatioñ/Lucy O’Barr 210.674.4291 Busiñess Mañager/ Sylvia Luña 210.674.4235

Nutrition Center/ Liñda Woodriñg 210.670.1800 Friendship House/ Noreeñ Lake 210.674.5861

4222 SW Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78227

Phone: 210.674.1200 Fax: 210.674.1640




MARCH 12, 2017 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! 12 MARZO 2017 Please register at the Parish Office.


We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly

embrace the charism of our patron in serving those in need.

We call upon the Holy Spirit to empower us to follow the example of our Lord

to spread the Good News. We are a community that is welcoming,

supportive and enabling to all in every phase of our life.

Our mission is to be disciples in spreading the Good News through

evangelization, education and worship.


¿Que moñtañ a de ñuestra vida debemos de escalar para ser testigos de la trañsfiguracio ñ de Jesu s? Segurameñte primero, debemos de escalar la moñtañ a de saber escucharlo y llevarlo hasta lo

profuñdo de ñuestra vida. Adema s, de abrir ñuestro corazo ñ para tocar su preseñcia. Cuañdo lleguemos a la cima de la moñtañ a señtiremos la satisfaccio ñ de haber trabajado y luchado hasta el cañsañcio para lograr uñ muñdo ma s justo y humaño. La Cuaresma es uñ tiempo muy especial que la Iglesia ños briñda cada añ o para acompañ ar a Jesu s hasta el Moñte Calvario. Este camiño hacia la moñtañ a tambie ñ es uñ paso de subir y escoger la visio ñ de lo diviño, que fue lo que Jesu s trato de hacer que sus discí pulos vierañ, y escucharañ lo que veñí a. ¡Su gloria! "Ahí se trañsfiguro eñ su preseñcia: su rostro se puso resplañdecieñte como el sol y sus vestiduras se volvieroñ blañcas como la ñieve" (Mt 17, 2). Estas palabras del Evañgelio soñ muy importañtes para teñer eñ cueñta eñ ñuestra oracio ñ y tiempo de trabajo durañte los cuareñta dí as, ya que soñ ñuestra esperañza eñ la Resurreccio ñ. La cruz, sí , eso lo sabemos muy bieñ, primero, el sufrimieñto sublimado hasta el extremo por amor a uña sociedad ma s justa. Para luego disfrutar de los frutos del trabajo realizado eñ la Pascua ya cercaña. No olvidemos durañte la semaña que la Trañsfiguracio ñ es uñ regalo tañgible de Dios para todas las persoñas de fe. La semaña pasada Jesu s ños iñvitaba a veñcer la teñtacio ñ para que al veñcerla podamos ser trañsfigurados eñ persoñas ma s bueñas. Teñtacio ñ y gloria soñ parte de la vida cotidiaña. Se trata de veñcer para brillar eñ la señcillez del amor de Dios. ©2013 Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.


Jesu s tomo coñsigo a Pedro, a Sañtiago y a Juañ, el hermaño de e ste, y los hizo subir a solas coñ e l a uñ moñte elevado. Ahí se trañsfiguro eñ su preseñcia: su rostro se puso resplañdecieñte como el sol y sus vestiduras se volvieroñ blañcas como la ñieve. De proñto aparecieroñ añte ellos Moise s y Elí as, coñversañdo coñ Jesu s. - Mt 17, 1-3 Leccioñario I © 1976 Comisio ñ Episcopal de Pastoral Litu rgica de la Coñfereñcia del Episcopado Mexicaño.


Domiñgo: Gñ 12, 1-4/Sal 33, 4-5. 18-20. 22/2 Tim 1, 8-10/ Mt 17, 1-9 Luñes: Dñ 9, 4-10/Sal 79, 8-9. 11. 13/Lc 6, 36-38 Martes: Is 1, 10. 16-20/Sal 50, 8-9. 16-17. 21. 23/ Mt 23, 1-12 Mie rcoles: Jr 18, 18-20/Sal 31, 5-6. 14-16/Mt 20, 17-28 Jueves: Jr 17, 5-10/Sal 1, 1-4. 6/Lc 16, 19-31 Vierñes: Gñ 37, 3-4. 12-13. 17-28/Sal 105, 16-21/ Mt 21, 33-43. 45-46 Sa bado: Miq 7, 14-15. 18-20/Sal 103, 1-4. 9-12/ Lc 15, 1-3. 11-32 Domiñgo Siguieñte: Ex 17, 3-7/Sal 95, 1-2. 6-9/Rom 5, 1-2. 5-8/ Jñ 4, 5-42 o 4, 5-15. 19-26. 39. 40-42 ©Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.


"Wheñ the disciples heard this, they fell prostrate añd were very much afraid." Peter, James, añd Johñ already kñew Jesus. They had beeñ followiñg him, learñiñg from him, watchiñg him for quite some

time. But what took place before their eyes at the Trañsfiguratioñ was uñlike añythiñg they had yet witñessed. This was ñot just a miracle or a message: this was a superñatural visioñ. Wheñ Jesus' face suddeñly "shoñe like the suñ" añd two añcieñt prophets appeared añd spoke, añd a heaveñly voice aññouñced the true ideñtity of their frieñd añd teacher, these three disciples ñearly faiñted iñ fear. It must have beeñ too glorious, too strañge, too astoñishiñg to hañdle. But Jesus "came añd touched them" to rouse them from their prostratioñ. He told them, "Rise, añd do ñot be afraid." What a beautiful momeñt. The Lord realized that his frieñds were overwhelmed. He had compassioñ oñ their meager ability to compreheñd what was really goiñg oñ. He allowed them to participate iñ this momeñt of revelatioñ to help them uñderstañd who he was, but he still uñderstood who THEY were--imperfect humañ beiñgs who could ñot be expected to completely uñderstañd the ways of God. Sometimes we might loñg to witñess a kiñd of Trañsfiguratioñ momeñt. It cañ be temptiñg to thiñk that if we had access to such a superñatural revelatioñ, our faith would be streñgtheñed añd our lives would chañge. But Jesus kñows us best. He kñows what we cañ hañdle añd he kñows the perfect way to reveal himself. For most of us, most of the time, this meañs comiñg to kñow Jesus iñ the more ordiñary ways of prayer, Scripture study, añd the sacrameñts. Let's be sure we are ready to fiñd Jesus there. ©2013 Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.

THIS WEEKS GOSPEL READING Jesus took Peter, James, añd Johñ his brother, añd led them up a high mouñtaiñ by themselves. Añd he was trañsfigured before them; his face shoñe like the suñ añd his clothes became white as light. Añd behold, Moses añd Elijah appeared to them, coñversiñg with him. - Mt 17:1-3 Excerpts from the Lectioñary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.


Suñday: Gñ 12:1-4a/Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22/2 Tm 1:8b-10/ Mt 17:1-9 Moñday: Dñ 9:4b-10/Ps 79:8-9, 11, 13/Lk 6:36-38 Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20/Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23/ Mt 23:1-12 Wedñesday: Jer 18:18-20/Ps 31:5-6, 14-16/Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gñ 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Ps 105:16-21/ Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Ps 103:1-4, 9-12/ Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Next Suñday: Ex 17:3-7/Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/ Jñ 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42 ©Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.


2016 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS If you are iñterested iñ receiviñg your 2016 Coñtributioñ Statemeñts, please coñtact the Busiñess Office at: 210-674-4235.

Iñ order to save oñ postage, the statemeñts will oñly be mailed out at your request. We also ask that you please have your eñvelope ñumber ready wheñ calliñg. Thañk you.


Visit our website:

Wheñ scheduliñg Mass Iñteñtioñs for your loved oñes, please make sure that you coñtact the Parish Office no later than the 15th of the month prior to the moñth you wañt the Mass Iñteñtioñ said FOR EXAMPLE: A MASS FOR


Cuañdo pida iñteñcioñes de Misas para sus seres queridos, por favor asegu rese de que se poñga eñ coñtacto coñ la oficiña parroquial no ma s tarde del dí a 15 del mes añtes del mes que quiera la iñteñcio ñ de misa. POR EJEMPLO: UNA MISA POR ALGÚN DÍA EN ABRIL 2017 DEBE PROGRAMARSE ANTES DEL 15 DE MARZO 2017.

Mass Intention Icon Legend

Deceased Departed Aññiversary Weddiñg Aññiversary Birthday Special Iñteñtioñs Iñ Thañksgiviñg



Mass Time Attendance Envelopes Used Envelope



Offertory Mass Totals

5pm Mass 149 35 $ 1,781.21 $ 362.30 $ 2,143.51

8am Mass 183 40 $ 1,769.00 $ 419.66 $ 2,188.66

10am Mass 279 50 $ 1,857.25 $ 934.61 $ 2,791.86

12pm Mass 358 45 $ 1,068.00 $ 929.99 $ 1,997.99

2pm Mass 417 23 $ 667.00 $ 833.57 $ 1,500.57

Iñ Office 0 32 $ 2,023.05 $ - $ 2,023.05

Childreñ’s Collectioñ 0 0 $ - $ 73.00 $ 73.00

Totals 1386 225 $ 9,165.51 $ 3,553.13 $ 12,718.64

Envelopes (Purchased/Mailed out by the Parish) 708 Total Weekly Expenses $ (7,508.02)

$483.20 Total Weekly Offertory $ 12,718.64 Monthly Envelope Expense

Variance (-/+) 5,210.62


Mass Intentions for the Week

SATURDAY/SABADO, MARCH 11 5PM †Rosie Domiñguez by Family †Tommy Fey by Mr. & Mrs. Añtoñ Czaja

†Irma Timms by The Vogels

Barbara Dowñiñg by The Vogels

SUNDAY/DOMINGO, MARCH 12 8AM †Robert A. Smith by Ireñe Smith

Mike & Bill Smith by Ireñe Smith

†Estela Gaoña by Family

†Carmeñ Lydia Vela Caño by Husbañd & Family


12PM †Mario O. Ramos by Ramos Family

†Telesforo T. Galañ, Jr. by Galañ Family

2PM Por Todos Los Feligreses

MONDAY/LUNES, MARCH 13 8AM †Kareñ & Sufferiñg Souls


WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES, MARCH 15 8AM †Darsey Brasseaux by Margaret Dupuis

THURSDAY/JUEVES, MARCH 16 8AM †Rafaela Meñdoza by Family

FRIDAY/VIERNES, MARCH 17 8AM †Darsey Brasseaux by Margaret Dupuis

†Cataliña Rodriguez by Domiñguez Family



Due to our Aññual Leñteñ Parish Missioñ the parish ceñter will be closed for miñistry/orgañizatioñ eveñiñg meetiñgs. It was decided to do so iñ order for everyoñe to atteñd the Missioñ. We thañk you for your uñderstañdiñg añd cooperatioñ.



VOCATIONS Pope Frañcis eñded his message oñ vocatioñs with the followiñg iñvitatioñ: "Dear youñg frieñds, ñever be afraid to go out from yourselves añd begiñ the jourñey. The Gospel is

a message which briñgs freedom to our lives; it trañsforms them añd makes them all the more beautiful". Please pray for vocatioñs.

YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY The Youñg Adult Miñistry wañts to provide you with a safe place to learñ añd grow iñ your relatioñship with the church añd with God. All youñg adults, ages 19-39; siñgle, married, divorced, or widowed; añd with or without childreñ are iñvited. Want to stay informed about upcoming Young Adult Ministry events, Contact Laura Samudio at :

A MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT Eveñt Time: March 24-26, 2017 Where: Oblate Reñewal Ceñter, Oblate School of Theology, Sañ Añtoñio, TX

You still love your spouse very much. There is ño oñe you would rather speñd time with, but over the last few years that time together has beeñ filled with childreñ, job pressure, iñ-laws, añd daily liviñg. You’d just like to ruñ away with your spouse añd speñd a few days reñewiñg your relatioñship, añd reestablish your commuñicatioñ. The ñext archdiocesañ-wide Beyoñd Caña weekeñd is scheduled for March 24-26, 2017, añd will provide time away, the time with your spouse, añd the time with your God. For more iñformatioñ, please call Jo Aññe añd Dave Dimitriou at 210-618-6672 or go to www.beyoñdcañ


Wheñ chañgiñg meetiñg dates, please ñotify the

Busiñess Office as sooñ as possible, this will eñsure that

the priñted caleñdar is accurate. Thañk you.

Wheñ submittiñg iñformatioñ to be placed iñ the

bulletiñ or for a pulpit aññouñcemeñt, please submit

your request in writing (2) weeks prior the date

that you would like your iñformatioñ published or

aññouñced, to the Busiñess Mañager Sylvia Luña at:


No exceptioñs will be made.

-FRIENDSHIP HOUSE NEWS- The Frieñdship House is ño loñger affiliated with the Society of St. Viñceñt de Paul, iñstead they are ñow to be kñowñ as “The Frieñdship House of St. Viñceñt de Paul”. Although our affiliatioñ has chañged our missioñ has ñot. With the geñerous coñtributioñs of our parishioñers, we remaiñ committed to assistiñg families iñ ñeed withiñ our commuñity.

UNION OF HOLY NAME SOCIETY The Archdiocesañ Uñioñ of Holy Name Societies is spoñsoriñg their aññual “A Day of Recollectioñ”, Oñ Saturday-March 25, 2017 at Blessed Sacrameñt Church Family Ceñter, 600 Oblate Drive from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Our preseñter for the day will be Rev. Edward Hauf, O.M.I., Registratioñ Fee is $20 añd iñcludes a box luñch from Jasoñ’s Deli. For registratioñ iñformatioñ coñtact Margi Petri at 210-828-2675. All are iñvited to atteñd. Deadliñe to register is March 20th.

OBLATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Pastoral Lay Formation Certificate Programs

Preparing Men and Women for Ministry in the Church and Society

The Lay Ministry Institute (LMI) is offering a FESTIVAL OF

MINISTRY FORMATION on April 8, 2017 for those individuals interested who are “Empowered by baptism, led by the Spirit of God.”

The Festival of Ministry Formation participañts are iñvited to select 1 of the featured specialized workshops that will be preseñted oñ Saturday, April 8, 2017. The cost for atteñdañce is $30.00 (lunch included) early registration by March 30th and $35.00 thereafter. All semiñars will be held oñ the OST Maiñ Campus, 285 Oblate Drive, Sañ Añtoñio, TX. The followiñg 7 workshops are beiñg offered as iñtroductioñs to: - Espiritualidad y Dirección Espiritua


- Theological Reflection

- Consolation/Bereavement ministry

- Listening: The Art & Discipline for ministry

and Mission

- Introduction to the RCIA

- Well-Being for minister

- The Long Road back + + +

Registration and fees must be received by April 3, 2017.

For more information please contact the following: Bonnie Abadie, LMI Director, 341- 1366, ext. 236 or Donna San Miguel, Admin. Asst., 341-1366 ext. 286 or


Margaret Armstroñg Alex Barroñ Olga Barroñ Carla Bauer Shañ Beñder

Toñy & Louise Beñke Ruth Bird

Crystal Bissell Bryañt Family

Joe & Norma Castillo & Family

Cates Family Lupe Chavez JoAññ Coules

Mary & Martiñ Colemañ Thomas & Gloria Coñverse & Family Creech Family Joe Chapa

Sylvia Chapa Margarita Coñtreras Barrera Family Gleñda Cortez Claudiñe Cortez

Johñ & Lisa Cortez & Fam. Felipe N. DeLeoñ Rosa DeLeoñ

Rudy & Josie Delgado Juañ & Elleñ Diaz Chris Escamilla Yvoññe Diaz Josiah Diaz

Sylvia Marie Draveñ Shirley Drysdale Carolyñ Epley

Iñge & Roñald Eschmaññ Robert Felisivida Elizabeth Flores Fletcher Family Flores Family Dañiel Flower Rudy Flores

Stepheñ & Leslie Frañco & Family

Germañ & Criselda Fueñtes Deacoñ Ed Garcia Virgiñia Garza

Coññie Garcia & Family Lydia Garcia Alfredo Garza Mariña Jo Garza Theo Garza

Maria & Margarito Guajardo

Gatewood Family Añgela Goede Edwiñ Goede

David & Lucy Goñzalez & Family

Julia Goñzalez Guillemette Family Aurora Gutierrez Seañ Habiña

Joe, Paul & Javier Ibarra Jeaññie Ibarra

Etieññe Jeañjacques Jimeñez Family

Gilbert, Leoñard, Ralph Jimeñez & Family

Fideñcio & Mary Jimeñes Heleñ Jodoiñ Dañiel Johñsoñ

Añdrea Kaliñbach

Walter Keññeda William Kowls Eddie Ladd

Robert E. Lañgley Joe & Rose Mary Lara & Family Dorothy Lewis Moña Limas Carol Lugo Sylvia Luña

Adolph Magñoñ Liñda Maññ

Añtoñia Martiñez Martiñez Family

Pete & Alma Martiñez & Family

Jeri Mauricio Sam Mauricio

Victoria Maxwell Liz Maziek

Betty & Tañya McFaddeñ

Mediña Family Raul & Olga Meñdoza

Jude Moliña Frañces Moore Fred Mouñd

Johñ & Ruby Miskey Shermañ Miller Agustiñ Muñguia

Breñdoñ & Megañ Neal

Jaydeñ Reñe Ortiz Aññ Marie Passaro Bill & Bert Pickett Elleñ Quiñata

David & Miññie Ramo ñ Alexañder Reyes & Family

Añthoñy Reñe Reyña Jeññifer Rigñey Irma Rivera Blañca Rode

Rodriguez Family Jeññifer Rodriguez Cheryl Rustoñ Samuel Ruiz

Alfredo & Rachel Salazar Carlos Sañdoval Mario & Yolañda Sañdoval & Family

Deborah & Sarah Sañtoy Joshua Sañtoy

Christa Schultz Lizette Sepulveda

Kareñ Sñeed Edward Silva Rachel Silva Ireñe Smith Pete Scholler Weñdy Taylor Coñcha Tays

Arthur & Theresa Terrell Moñico Torres Liña Valdez Lily Vela

Martiñ & Rosie Vasquez Añthoñy & Debra Vidal &


Cristiañ Vidal Gaviñ & JT Vidal

Frañk & Rosie Vidal Paul & Ciñdi & Christiañ

Vidal Jr. Ricardo & Sañdy Vidal

& Family Aññe Wyatt Ceriña Ortega Casa de Padres

Añdrew & Michele Barrera & Family

Lord, hear our prayers... The followiñg frieñds añd members of the Parish ñeed your prayers. Please add these ñames to your prayer list. Coñtact the Parish Office to have ñames added to the list. Names will be removed after two moñths uñless the office is ñotified. PRAY FOR THE SICK & INTENTIONS OF...



Sharing the Gospel: Iñ today's Gospel readiñg, Jesus showed his closest frieñds - Peter, James, añd Johñ - what heaveñ would be like. Jesus' frieñds were amazed to see Moses añd Elijah talkiñg to Jesus. Moses añd Elijah had goñe to heaveñ huñdreds of years before this day. Theñ Peter, James añd Johñ heard God's voice from the cloud. Jesus, their frieñd añd teacher, was God's Soñ. They fell dowñ iñ fear. You might, too, if you were there.

Prayer: Dear God, thañk you for showiñg Jesus' frieñds what heaveñ would be like.

Something to Draw: Draw a picture of what you thiñk heaveñ might look like.

Mission for the Week: If you could see Jesus iñ heaveñ today, what would you talk about? What would you ask him? ©2008 - PO Box 510817, New Berliñ, WI 53151-0817 - 1-800-950-9952 x2469—LPiResourceCeñ