March 2014 - The Hydrology of WQ fluctuation in...

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GUJARAT ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE Race Course, Vadodara-390 007 0265 – 2313413, 14, 15


Shri P C Vyas Chief Engineer and Director GERI, Race Course, Vadodara-390 007



Shri. R.H.Fefar Joint Director (I) GERI, Race Course, Vadodara-390 007 Fax No. (0265) 2324067 e-mail :

4. CO-INVESTIGATOR 1. Smt. P.S.Chari Research Officer Material Testing Division GERI, Vadodara.

2. Smt. T.N.Vaidya,

Assistant Research Officer Chemistry Unit, GERI, Vadodara



1. Ku. Bhavisha D. Akbari Assistant Engineer Chemistry Unit, GERI, Vadodara

2. Shri. A.N.Luhana Senior Scientific Assistant Chemistry Unit, GERI, Vadodara

6. PROJECT TITLE Study of Water quality fluctuation in River



3 Years


APS Auxiliary Pumping Station

ASP Activated Sludge Process

BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand

CETP Common Effluent Treatment Plant

CGWB Central Ground Water Board

COD Chemical Oxygen Demand

CPCB Central Pollution Control Board

CWC Central Water Commission

DO Dissolved Oxygen

FC Fecal Coliform

GOI Government of India

GERI Gujarat Engineering Research Institute

GIDC Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation

GPCB Gujarat Pollution Control Board

GSWSSB Gujarat State Water Supply and Sewerage Board

HIS Hydrology Information System

HP-II Hydrology Project Phase-II

IMA Indian Medical Association

IMD Indian Meteorological Department

IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature

JNNURM Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission

KM Kilometer

LPCD Liter per Capita per Day

MCM Million Cubic Meter

MGD Million Gallons per day

MLD Million Liters per day

MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forest

PDS Purpose Driven Study

SS Suspended Solids

SSI Small Scale Industries

STP Sewerage Treatment Plant

SWM Solid Waste Management

TPD Tonnes per Day

VMC Vadodara Municipal Corporation

WTP Water Treatment Plant


The Vishwamitri river is a seasonal river which flows east to west between

the Mahi and Narmada rivers in Gujarat. The Vishwamitri flows west through the

city of Vadodara and joins with the Dhadhar and Khanpur River and empties into

the Gulf of Khambat. This river system includes the Sayaji Sarovar on the

Vishwamitri River near Ajwa, and the Dev Dam on the Dhadhar Branch. As it

flows through Vadodara, the Vishwamitri River is subjected to the drainage of the

city's sewage and effluents from nearby industries. The river is a home for

crocodiles. The water quality degradation has seriously affected the survival and

habitat of crocodiles in various ways.

In order to address this problem several efforts have been initiated by the

Government of Gujarat. For rational planning of water quality restoration program

for Vishwamitri River, complete knowledge of nature and magnitude of water

quality problems of the river is pre-requisite. In order to acquire this knowledge an

intensive water quality surveillance of the river is essential. Hence it was thought

appropriate to take up a water quality study under Hydrology Project as a Purpose

Driven Study (PDS). The Study was carried out by GERI during the period of


GERI expresses sincere thanks to (1) Dr.R.C.Trivedi and (2)Director, NIH,

Roorkee, Head of the Environmental Hydrology Division, NIH Roorkee and Dr.

M.K.Sharma, Scientist and Water Quality Lab In charge, NIH, Roorkee for

extending their support and giving us the necessary technical guidance in

preparation of this report.


Sr.No. Description Page No. Institution and Investigators Abbreviations Preface Executive Summary

1. Chapter - 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Vishwamitri river Study 1.3 Dhadhar River Basin 1.4 Tributaries 1.5 Climate 1.6 Rainfall 1.7 Demography of Vadodara City 1.8 Water Use 1.9 Ground Water

1.10 Key Stresses due to Human Interventions 1.11 Sources of Pollution 1.12 Ecological Issues 1.13 Initiatives for Vishwamitri River Restoration 2. Chapter - 2 Methodology 2.1 Monitoring Programme 2.2 Sampling Location 2.3 Selection of Sampling locations 2.4 Preparation for sampling 2.5 Sampling Procedure 2.6 Preservation and transport of sample to the lab

3. Chapter - 3 Results and Discussions 3.1 Observations and Findings 3.2 General Characteristics of Surface water 3.3 General Characteristics of Ground water

4. Chapter – 4 Conclusions and Recommendations 4.1 Water Quality of river Vishwamitri 4.2 Water Quality Segments 4.3 Important Water Quality issues of Vishwamitri river 4.4 Water Quality of Ground Water 4.5 Recommendations and Remedial Measures

5. References

Executive Summary

The Vishwamitri basin is a part of Dhadhar basin, which extends over an

area of 3423 sq km. located in Eastern Part of Gujarat. It raises in the Pavagadh

hills. The total length of the river from the head to its outfall into the Dhadhar is

about 80 km. The principal tributaries of the river are the Surya and Jambua. The

river Vishwamitri and its tributaries are all rain-fed. The rainfall being fairly low and

restricted to only 3 monsoon months. Vadodara being the largest urban centre in

the basin and is the main polluter of the river. The total domestic sewage

generation from Vadodara city is about 215 MLD out of which the treatment is

being given to only 180 MLD of the sewage. The treated and untreated

wastewater is let out into the river. Vadodara Municipal Corporation has

established the sewage treatment capacity of about 215 MLD out of which 180

MLD is being used as a sewage collection facility. Contribution of industrial

sources is estimated at about 20-25 MLD, out of which two industrial areas are

treating their wastewater through CETPs (capacity 7.75 MLD). The other

industries are treating their wastewater through their own treatment plants.

However, there is large number of small scale industries located in residential

areas generating significant amount of wastewater and not having any treatment

plant. The wastewater from such industries is let out into the VMC sewerage

system, which is being treated at STPs. Some large industries are having their

own effluent channel. The treated effluent from these industries is directly

transported to the Gulf of Khambhat.

Vadodara Municipal Corporation plans to implement the Vishwamitri River

Front Development in the line of Sabarmati River and intends to establish a body

to implement such plan. They have taken several initiatives to reduce sewage and

municipal solid wastes flow into the river.

The River Vishwamitri has a unique ecological importance in Gujarat as it

inhabits a unique crocodile species called mugger (Crocodylus palustris). The

mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) has been listed by IUCN as one of the

threatened species under “Red” list. Inspite of heavy pollution load and large

human disturbances the presence of the crocodile in large number indicate the

unique ecological significance of this river.

Looking to the ecological significance of the river and to assess the impacts

of all the initiatives to restore the river, the present study was implemented under

Hydrology Project and a Purpose Driven Study (PDS). Samples were collected

from 11 locations all along the river right from Paldi Village to Surwara, for seven

locations ground water Bore from Paldi to Virpur. Bi-monthly samples were

collected and analysed in GERI’s Vadodara Laboratory.

The river Vishwamitri u/s of Vadodara city at Akota to Khalipur has been

identified as heavily polluted stretches. The major water quality issues are high

organic, nutrient and dissolved solid load. The detailed survey of these stretches

have been carried out and they have indicated that immense urban and industrial

growth combined with growing demand of drinking and irrigation water have taken

their toll as observed by the deteriorating water quality recorded particularly from

Akota to Khalipur.

Due to several urban, industrial, agricultural activities carried out in the

vicinity have contaminated the groundwater. The artificial landfills of various

wastes, subsurface injection of chemicals, hazardous wastes, are also affecting

groundwater pollution.

Chapter 1

Introduction �

1.1 Background

Water resources management is on top priority on government’s agenda in

India. For rational planning and implementation of water resources management,

water related information is pre-requisite. Hydrology Project-I (HP-I) was taken up

to develop Hydrological Information System (HIS) by creating facilities and

standardized procedures for data collection, data compilation, processing and

data storage for data use in 9 peninsular states of the country including Gujarat.

HP-I was implemented during the period 1995 to 2003. Under Gujarat State

Narmada, Water Resources, Water supply & Kalpsar Department 4 groundwater

and 3 surface water labs were established. A network of water quality monitoring

was established comprising of 2042 groundwater sampling sites and 154 surface

water sampling sites. Activities accomplished during HP-I were the establishment

and improvement of Data Collection Network; Data entry, validation and storage

system; Computerized data banks.

As an extension to the HP-I, HP-II was conceived to include more agencies in

the Project to establish facilities for hydrology information system (HIS) and further

strengthen the HP activities by adding 23 new locations are added in HP-I.

Gujarat has been monitoring water quality for about 8-10 years now and has

developed a good competence, skill and expertise in sampling, analysis, data

handling and storage. In order to optimally utilize the facilities and competence

developed, it was thought appropriate to carry out studies on some water quality

problems in the HP States as “Purpose Driven Study” (PDS). In Gujarat three

PDS were conceived on water quality as follows:

1. Sabarmati River Study

2. Vishwamitri River Study

3. Hot spots study

1.2 Vishwamitri River Study

The Vishwamitri River is a seasonal river which flows east to west between

the Mahi and Narmada rivers in Gujarat, India. It originates in the hills of

Pavagadh. The Vishwamitri flows west through the city of Vadodara and joins with

the Dhadhar River and Khanpur River and empties into the Gulf of Khambat, near

Khanpur village. This river system includes the Sayaji Sarovar on the Vishwamitri

River near Ajwa, and the Dev Dam on the Dhadhar Branch. As it flows through

Vadodara, the Vishwamitri River is subjected to the drainage of the city's sewage

and effluents from nearby industries. In order to restore the river, Vadodara

Municipal Corporation (VMC) plans to establish a body for the development of

Vishwamitri River on the lines of the Sabarmati River Front Development. The

river is a home for crocodiles. The water quality degradation has seriously

affected the crocodiles in various ways. The most important effect was observed

in terms of loss of food of crocodiles. As the river becomes anaerobic, the fish,

which is main food for crocodiles, disappeared. Due to this the crocodiles are

attacking the cattle and sometimes human beings also. This is causing serious

loss to the Vadodara people and the rural population in the downstream. In order

to address this problem several efforts have been initiated by the Government of

Gujarat. For rational planning of water quality restoration programme for

Vishwamitri River, complete knowledge of nature and magnitude of water quality

problems of the river is pre-requisite. In order to acquire this knowledge an

intensive water quality surveillance of the river is essential. Hence it was thought

appropriate to take up a water quality study under Hydrology Project as a Purpose

Driven Study (PDS). The Study was carried out by GERI during the period of



1. To update the water quality data.

2. To study the effect of wastewater discharges through various drains on

water quality of River Vishwamitri.

3. To study the influence of Vishwamitri River on groundwater in terms of

concentration of pollutants.

1.3 Dhadhar River Basin

The basin characteristics of Dhadhar are described below.

Figure 1.1: Dhadhar River Basin

The Dhadhar River is one of the west flowing rivers in Gujarat state. It

originates from the Pavagadh Hills of Gujarat state and flows through Vadodara

and Bharuch districts. The river Dhadar after flowing 87 Km. receives Vishwamitri

tributary from right bank at Pingalwada village 500 m. up stream of Gauge and

Discharge site. After flowing another 55 km. it falls in to the Gulf of Khambhat. The

total length of the river from its source to outfall in the Gulf of Khambhat is about

142 km. The important tributaries of the Dhadar River are Vishwamitri, Jambua

river, Dev and Surya River. The catchment area of the Dhadar basin is 3423 and catchment area up to the site is 2400 It lies between east

longitude 72° 30’ and 73° 45’ and North latitude 21° 45’ and 22° 45’. The

Vishwamitri River, which falls in the semi-arid region of the Gujarat alluvial plain, is

a major tributary of the Dhadhar river (Figure 1.1) The Pavagadh hill is made up of

trappean rocks that rise abruptly 830 m above M.S.L. The hill is 5 km long and

around 5 km wide and consists of several scarps separated by extensive

plateaus. It shows terraced appearance on account of the differential weathering

of the horizontally disposed constituent rocks. A number of subsurface anticlines

and geomorphic highs control the drainage of the Vishwamitri river. These highs

have caused anomalous bends in the channel of Vishwamitri River and such

areas are poorly drained. The Vishwamitri river flows for most of its length in the

Gujarat Alluvial Plain made up of loose sediments of gravel, sand, silt and clay.

The channel of the Vishwamitri river is highly sinuous and slope deviatory and is

controlled by subsurface heights, lineaments and faults in the area. The drainage

of the Vishwamitri river shows asymmetry as tributaries like Surya and Jambua

join Vishwamitri at its left bank and there is no trace of any drainage on its right


1.4 Tributaries

Vishwamitri river originates from the Pavagadh Hill passes nearby

Pratappura tank and passes through Vadodara City. 13 km stretch of the river

divides Vadodara city in to two parts like Northern and Southern Part. There are

two main tributaries to the river Vishwamitri i.e. Surya river joins Vishwamitri at

Dena Village and Jambua River joins at Jaas village near Khalipur village. In the

course of about 21 Km in the vicinity of Vadodara the River Vishwamitri receives a

large number of sewage drains, industrial discharges and discharges from

sewage treatment plants. All these inputs deteriorate the water quality to a large

extent. The river ultimately meets river Dhadhar at Pingalwada. The water from

Pratappura Sarovar, Haripura Tank, Dhanora Tank and Asoj feeder flows in the

river Vishwamitri. The river Dhadhar finally joins the Gulf of Khambat.

1.5 Climate

Vadodara features a tropical savanna climate under Koppen's Climate

classification. There are three main seasons: Summer, Monsoon and Winter. The

climate is dry. The weather is hot through the months of March to July — the

average maximum summer is 36 °C, and the average minimum is 23 °C. From

November to February, the average maximum temperature is 30 °C, the average

minimum is 15 °C, and the climate is extremely dry. Cold northerly winds are

responsible for a mild chill in January. The southwest monsoon brings a humid

climate from mid-June to mid-September. The highest temperature recorded is

47 °C and the lowest is 15 °C.

In recent years, Vadodara has suffered from increasing air, water and soil

pollution from neighbouring industrial areas. This has also amounted into a

constant and uncomfortable increase in average temperatures across all three

seasons. Uncontrolled chemical dump from nearby industries has arguably turned

the local river Vishwamitri into one big sewer.

1.6 Rainfall: The basin receives most of the rainfall from the south west

monsoon from June to September. The average annual rainfall in Vadodara is 930

mm. The climate of Vishwamitri River Basin is tropical monsoon climate. The

rainfall occurs almost entirely during the monsoon months. The rate of

evaporation is at its maximum during April to June due to a rise in temperature

and increase in wind speed. There is large variation in the average annual rainfall

in the basin. The rainfall variation in last 7 years at IMD stations in Vadodara

district in the basin is shown in Figure 1.2. As clear from the figure there is steep

decreasing trend of rainfall in the district. The river is seasonal in nature with three

smaller sub-basins namely: Surya, Jambua and Vishwamitri. The average annual

run-off at Pingalwada as measured by CWC is 489.5 MCM (MoWR, 2005).

Fig 1.2 : Rainfall trend in Vadodara District

1.7 Demography of Vadodara City

Since Vadodara is an important city in the basin, a detailed analysis of the

city was considered important in this study. Vadodara is the third most populated

city in Gujarat. As per provisional reports of Census India, population of Vadodara

in 2011 is 1,666,703; of which male and female are 866,701 and 800,002

respectively. Vadodara city is governed by Municipal Corporation which comes

under Vadodara Urban Agglomeration. Although Vadodara city has population of

1,666,703; its urban / metropolitan population is 1,817,191 of which 946,280 are

males and 870,911 are females.

1.8 Water Use

1.8.1 Irrigation

Major/Medium projects: Ajwa tank, Pratappura, Dhanora, Haripura, Deo

Dam are the medium existing/ongoing projects in the basin. Major part of water is

used for irrigation and drinking. Industries also use significant part of water in the

basin. Industrial development, agricultural activities and urban sprawl along the

river causes significant effect on water quality of the river Vishwamitri. The river

receives sewage and industrial effluents from the metro-city of Vadodara. The

farmers in the downstream use its water for irrigation.

1.8.2 Domestic Use

The drinking water source for the city of Vadodara is mainly from Ajwa

dam, which is part of Vishwamitri Basin.

1.9 Groundwater

With a groundwater development of 85 to 100% Vadodara district falls in

the “dark” category as per the Central Groundwater Board (CGWB). Water quality

is highly deteriorated. The groundwater drawn for domestic water supply to the

urban residential area has high Chlorides, TDS, Fluoride and Nitrate level

exceeding the permissible limits of drinking water.

1.10 Key Stresses due to Human Interventions

As the human demand for water is steeply increasing in the city of

Vadodara leading to over-exploitation of groundwater and discharge of untreated

and partially treated wastewater from domestic and industrial sources are leading

to serious ecological impacts on the River Vishwamitri. Urban influence and

accessibility to technology further add on to the stress on the water resource in

the area. Technologies like bore wells and pumps are making, even the otherwise

inaccessible water resource accessible to people resulting in water mining in the

region. This water resource use scenario in the area of interest, clearly presents

the enormous pressure that exists over the resource. As water becomes scarce

and technology is growing the access to the resource has become a function of

capital power, resulting in inequitable use of water. This has an important

implication on the social system and is a potential source of conflicts between

various resource users.

As the existing water resources have to support agricultural needs along

with industrial and domestic, the water resources of the basin have to be shared

with newly developed residential areas and industrial estates as the area is fast

urbanizing and industrializing. On the other hand, these urban areas and

industries are also contributing to large scale deterioration of the water quality in

the area as they usually dispose their waste water in existing surface or ground

water. Deterioration in water quality inflicts a chain of events adversely impacting

the health of the entire ecosystem of the river. The worst effect was observed on

the crocodiles. The shrinking of river and deterioration of its water quality led to

vanishing of fish fauna from a large portion of the river. This has led to starvation

of the crocodiles. The starved crocodiles attack the cattle and human population

living along the river. This has become a serious social concern over the last few


Besides these, another aspect which remains mostly untouched is the

requirement of water by nature, the natural flow of water required for the

sustenance of the ecosystem is often compromised for meeting human water

requirements. This practice has serious long term implications which might lead to

total lapse of the ecosystem.

1.11 Sources of Pollution

Vishwamitri River is seriously affected by discharge of untreated and

partially treated wastewater from domestic and industrial sources located all along

its bank in the city of Vadodara. Before entering in the vicinity of Vadodara city the

river maintains reasonably good quality. As we know Vadodara city is growing

very fast, the waste generation is steeply increasing. Due to lack of adequate

transport and treatment system for the waste, a large part of it is getting into the

River Vishwamitri through various storm water drains. In order to understand the

water pollution problem better a detailed analysis of water supply, wastewater

generation and treatment is presented in the following sections.

1.11.1 Water Supply System

The main sources of water for the Vadodara city are the Sayaji Sarovar

(Ajwa) on the northeast and Mahi River on the northwest of the city. On an

average, VMC draws 45-50 MLD from Sayaji Sarovar. The present raw water

delivery system is capable of transmitting 45-50 MLD of discharge by gravity to

the Nimeta water treatment plant (WTP). The average per capita water supply is

around 183 lpcd with a daily supply for 45 minutes twice a day. However, this is

not a regular phenomenon and not covering the entire city. Tube wells are an

alternate source of water supply in VMC. The water from these tube wells is

directly injected into the distribution system. Depending upon the area served, the

tube wells work from 1 to 18 hours every day. Based on the capacity of pumps

and working hours, the water supplied is believed to be 10 MLD from about 46

tube wells. These well operate in the areas where the water could not be supplied

due to pressure problems. The average water table in the city is around 20 metres

and gets recharged regularly due to the presence of perennial rivers in the north.

Besides these tube wells, a series of 56 tube wells in the riverbed and around the

banks of Mahi have been under development. In all, about 56 tube wells have

been sunk. Of these, about 40 wells located on the bank are in working condition

with submersible/turbine pumps already installed and commissioned. These tube

wells are used in case of shortage of surface water. With the help of these wells,

VMC has been tiding over the current water crisis in the last couple of years

especially during drought situations. Two water treatment plants are located at

Nimeta. The capacities of each of the plants are 45 MLD and 50 MLD

respectively. The capacity utilisation of the treatment plants is 73%. Water from

underground sources such as intake wells and tube wells is not treated, but the

supplies are chlorinated. Households have to use pumps to lift water up to storage

tanks since there is weak pressure in the system. In addition submersible pumps

are used to lift groundwater to supplement supply from municipality. Several

hundreds of boreholes in the city further add to draw down of the aquifer.

Considering the gross supply of 180 lpcd (both domestic and non-domestic), the

requirement of water for the future would increase and is estimated by VMC as

355-375 MLD (gap of 105-115 MLD) by 2013 as against the present demand of

248 MLD (gap of 8 MLD).

Areas with inadequate water supply are generally influenced by a combination

of the following factors

• High population density

• Higher supply rate

• Inadequate pressure

• Inadequate supply timing

• Discrepancy in service connections and poor operations

1.11.2 Sewage Management

Sewage Generation

Vadodara city generates about 215 MLD of sewage of which about 180

MLD is getting treatment. Taking population and per capita water supply

information from municipal authority may not be adequate to estimate sewage

generation as a large population in Vadodara has its own bores and those who

can afford them have deeper ones. A major cause of concern for such condition is

the receding groundwater levels of the aquifers (shallow and deep) beneath the

city. This is an outcome of the overdrawing of groundwater for irrigation and to a

lesser degree increased municipal abstraction with rapid urbanization.

Sewage Collection

Vadodara City has had an underground drainage system since the year

1894. The sewage, which is collected through a system composed of an

underground drainage network, auxiliary pumping stations (APS) and pressure

mains, disposes into the natural drains and rivers after treatment. It is reported by

VMC that only about 40% of the city is covered by the sewerage network. The

sewerage in the city is inadequate and thus the existing system is overloaded.

Many areas remain un-served and wastewater in several locations flow

uncontrolled to depressions, open drains and nallahs. Apart from allowing direct

exposure of human to sewerage, there is also long term contamination of shallow

groundwater. This has particular implications for the poor in the newer settlements

not yet served by municipal water supply, who are dependent on hand pumps that

access shallow groundwater for their every day needs. Wastewater stagnates

around the houses, causing inconvenience in the streets, unhygienic conditions

and reduces the volume of wastewater actually coming out of the town resulting in

low estimate of sewage. Large number of ponds around the settlement or nearby

villages would collect water from homes, but only effluent from bathing and

washing. These ponds were handy for buffaloes to sit in but that is not possible

any more since toilets are also being drained into these ponds, which are now

only breeding ground for mosquitoes. The people defecated in the field in the past

but now increasingly getting difficult especially for the women. Another important

consideration is distribution losses, which adds to the wastewater volume. There

are large number of areas, where the sewage overflows onto streets, which

causes foul smell unhygienic conditions. Moreover the open storm water drains,

which transport sewage in the city also remain clogged with solid wastes,

restricting the flow of sewage and creating further hygiene problems. In many

areas, the sewage flows in poorly developed unpaved open drains that are

clogged with solid wastes. As a result the sewage flows onto the streets and the

lanes in front of houses, creating cess-pools in open plots of low lying land.

The VMC has been planning to establish complete sewerage network in the

city. The topography of the city is relatively flat, with the ground mildly sloping from

northeast to southwest. Laying sewers in such a flat topography is difficult as the

depth of excavation substantially increases, thus requiring frequent lifting of

sewage from lower depths. Therefore, on the whole, Vadodara has a greater

number of Auxiliary Pumping Stations (APS). Presently, Vadodara has 29 APS

and three main pumping stations covering all the three drainage zones. The

sewerage master plan prepared by VMC in 1999 has not been fully implemented.

It has extended the sewerage system in some of the areas as per the priorities

and availability of funds from time to time. The master plan had the following main


• Strengthening of sewerage network

• Providing new network

• Providing new sewage pumping stations and pumping mains

• Providing new sewage treatment plant

VMC has initiated and completed projects on improving sewerage network in

the city. It is expected that the serious problems of untreated sewage getting

released in the river and that of manhole overflowing could be solved after the

projects envisaged under JNNURM get completed.

Sewage Treatment

Although the STPs have the capacity to treat entire 215 MLD, however, the sewage is not reaching to the STPs due to inadequate sewerage. In spite of having more capacity, the system is not functioning to its fullest extent. This is also quite evident form that fact that 40% of the VMC area is not covered by the sewerage network. Based on the topography, the city is divided into three drainage zones; each of these zones has separate Sewerage Treatment Plants (STP). At present, there are two STPs each at Wadi and Atladara and one at Tarsali. The old plants at Wadi and Atladara have a capacity of 27 MLD each. From 2000 to 2003, three new plants were constructed at Wadi, Atladara and Tarsali based on the latest treatment technology. The total capacity of treatment plants is 215 MLD. The details are given in the Table 1.1.

Table 1.1. Capacity of STPs in Vadodara

Drainage Zone Capacity, MLD Technology Zone-I at Tarsali 52 ASP Zone-II at Gujrawadi 66 + 27 (old) ASP Zone-III at Atladara 43 +27 (old) UASB + ASP (old) Total 215

1.11.3 Issues Related to Sewage Management

Sewage is diverted through the natural drains, as the network does not

exist or is inadequate. To avoid sewage overflowing in the streets and lanes, the

lines are connected to these nallahs as a temporary measure. Hence, as a priority

measure, the network needs to be separated and diverted to STP. The pollution

resulting in Vishwamitri is largely due to the untreated sewage, which enters at

various points across the 21-km odd meandering stretch of the river in the city.

Also, the river being non-perennial, the water flowing in the river for most part of

the year is nothing but sewage let out. The water in the downstream is used for

irrigation purpose by the adjoining farms. Lack of storm water drains also results

in the overflowing of sewers and frequent cleaning and maintenance. The

overflowing sewage, many a times, finds its way to the river / nallah / water

bodies. Consequently, rain water is also let out in the sewers. Hence, one of the

prime objectives of the department is to separate sewage from storm water.

The sewerage system has not reached the newly developed areas of the

city. The sewage from this area needs to be collected and conveyed to the

treatment plant location and treated before it is discharged in the river. The entire

area is not covered with the sewerage system, the sizes of the pipelines are

inadequate and the old trunk mains are caving in or collapsing.

The master plan identified the following problems with the sewerage collection

and disposal system:

• Main lines are overloaded;

• Many APS are old and have fewer capacities;

• Old pumping machinery operates at as low as 20 to 25% efficiency;

• Pumping stations have non-operative screens;

• Pressure lines as well as receiving gravity lines are of inadequate size;

• Untreated sewage is discharged into the river;

• 40 % of the VMC area does not have sewerage facility and the STP facility

is inadequate.

1.11.4 Municipal Solid Wastes Management

As solid wastes dumping is one of the important factors for Vishwamitri

River water quality degradation, a brief description on solid wastes management

and main issues emerged out of that are presented here. The municipal

corporation is responsible for proper handling and scientific disposal of the

wastes. Poor handling and management may result in the contamination of

ground water due to leaching, obnoxious smell due to burning of wastes, and

spreading of epidemic diseases due to mixing of biomedical waste with municipal

waste. During the monsoon period the wastes are washed away to nearby water

body, which degrade the water quality adding to pollutants present in the waste.

Around 390 grams per capita per day of waste totalling to roughly 510

tonnes per day (TPD) of waste is generated in the city. VMC has restricted itself to

handle domestic waste, trade waste, construction debris, street sweeping waste

and other non-hazardous waste. The total waste collected is 440 TPD. The

primary collection involves waste disposal by households and conservancy work.

The sweepers in the conservancy department in the respective wards collect the

waste. The street sweeping work is being handled and monitored by the ward’s

office and is carried out twice a day i.e. in two shifts (7 am to 11 am and 2 pm to 6

pm). The uncollected waste is thus, getting into the drains chocking them and

creating unhygienic conditions. Waste transportation is being carried out with the

help of dumper trucks, container lifting and transportation vehicles, and private

tractors. The same is carried in closed containers. A dumper truck is fully covered

with plastic/tarpaulin sheets. The dumping site is located at Vadsar, about 10 kms

away from the city with a total area in use of 12145 m2. The roadside boundary of

the site is fenced. Provision for gas venting and leachate collection is not


VMC has one incineration plant located at Gajrawadi in Ward no. 3; it was

set up in 1999. This facility is meant for the disposal of small animals. The Indian

Medical Association (IMA) is dealing with bio-medical waste in Vadodara.

Approximately, two per cent of the total waste generated is biomedical waste

which is handled by an incinerator, auto claving and waste shredding facility.

About 800 hospitals and private clinics have been registered under this facility.

The Gujarat Pollution Control Board monitors the disposal of the biomedical


The waste process facility (compost plant) is located at Atladara STP

premises. The capacity of this plant for treating un-segregated solid waste is 250

TPD. The biodegradable waste is segregated and composted in the plant and the

reject is transported to the dumping site. This has been successfully functioning at

80% of its capacity since the last six months; this is one step taken towards waste

minimisation at the dumping site.

1.11.5 Issues pertaining to SWM

As brought out by the VMC, the main issues related to solid wastes

management in Vadodara are as follows:

• Mixing of bio-medical waste with municipal solid waste;

• Disposal of waste with municipal solid waste by a large number of private

clinics and hospitals;

• Burning of waste at storage places and dumping site;

• Odour nuisance surrounding compost plant and dumping site, during the

monsoon season;

• Presence of waste on the streets, lanes and by-lanes in the absence of a

proper disposal facility;

• System of door-to-door collection which has commenced, but needs 100%


• Lack of organised rag-pickers;

• Poor participation from NGO.

1.11.6 Industrial Pollution

Vadodara enjoys a special place in the state of Gujarat. Until the early

1960s Vadodara was considered to be a cultural and educational centre. The first

modern factory (Alembic Pharmaceuticals) was established in Vadodara in 1907

and subsequently companies such as Sarabhai Chemicals, and Jyoti came up in

the 1940s. By 1962 there were 288 factories employing 27,510 workers. At that

time, the dominant industrial groups were chemicals and pharmaceuticals, cotton

textiles and machine tools. The establishment of Bank of Baroda by Sayajirao III

in 1908 also help industrial growth.

In 1962, Vadodara witnessed a sudden spurt in industrial activity with the

establishment of Gujarat Refinery and Indian Oil Corporation Limited at the nearby

village of Koyali. Several factors like raw material availability, product demand,

skillful mobilisation of human, financial and material resources by the government

and private entrepreneurs have contributed to Baroda becoming one of India’s

foremost industrial centres.

The discovery of oil and gas in Ankleshwar led to the industrial

development of Gujarat in a big way. The Vadodara region is the largest

beneficiary in the process of this industrialisation. Gujarat Refinery went into the

first phase of production in 1965. The refinery being a basic industry made vital

contributions on several fronts at the regional and national levels.

Vadodara is a major industrial city of Gujarart State situated on the broad

gauge track on the Mumbai - Delhi and Mumbai - Ahemedabad routes. The

present municipal area of Vadodara is 108.26 sq. km. The city has a typical mixed

land use structure with residential, industrial and commercial areas. There are

number of industries located in and around the residential areas of the city which

are having significant environmental impact. There are 3263 industries situated in

Vadodara City out of these, 117 are chemical industries and others are mainly

engineering, plastic and non polluting units. All 117 chemical industries are

including large, medium and small scale. All industries discharge their domestic &

industrial treated effluent in to Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) drainage

line. Three sewage treatment plants (STP) are treating the effluent coming

through VMC drains. Atladara STP is receiving effluent from 267 no. of industries

out of which 36 are chemical. Gajrawadi STP is receiving effluent from 1193 no. of

industries out of which 28 are chemical. However, Tarsali STP is receiving effluent

of highest no. of industries i.e. 1798 out of which 65 are chemical. Entire treated

sewage of the city finally goes to Vishwamitri river. Such a large number of

chemical units inside the municipal limit definitely have some significant impact on

the water environment. Although precise estimation of volume of industrial

effluents is not available, but it is estimated that about 20% of the total volume of

effluents reaching to the sewage treatment plants is coming from industrial

sources. Thus, it can be presumed that about 20 to 25 MLD of industrial effluents

is generated in Vadodara.

There are following large industries in Vadodara:

1. Reliance Industries Ltd. (Formerly IPCL), Vadodara

2. Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd, Vadodara

3. Gujarat Alkalis and Chemicals Ltds, Vadodara

4. Heavy Water Project

5. Gujarat Industries Power Company Limited (GIPCL)

6. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)

7. Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL)

8. AdmarcPolycoat Company Padra Vadodara

9. EI DupontSavli Vadodara

10. Transpek Ind. Ltd (Ekalbara), Ekalbara Ta. Padra Vadodara.

11. Ineous ABS Ltd. Vadodara

12. Bombardier Transportation, a Canadian company manufacturing the Delhi

Metro from its site in Savli

13. General Motors,


15. ABB,

16. Philips,

17. Panasonic,

18. FAG,

19. Sterling Biotech,

20. Sun Pharmaceuticals and Areva T&D,

21. GAGL (Gujarat Automotive Gears Limited).

22. Haldyn Glass,

23. HNG Float Glass and

24. Piramal Glass.

Most of these large industries discharge their effluents after treatment into a

effluent channel specially created for transporting the effluent to the sea.

The establishment of large industrial units in a region automatically brings into

existence a number of smaller enterprises. Vadodara is no exception and the city

and the surrounding areas are today humming with industrial activity. The

industrialisation of Vadodara has attracted entrepreneurs not only from Vadodara

but also from all over Gujarat and the rest of India. In line with the 'Knowledge City

vision of the Confederation of Indian Industry, Vadodara is gradually becoming a

hub in Gujarat for IT and other development projects. A large number of small

scale industries operated in the residential area are not having satisfactory control

measures and let out their effluents into the sewage making it unsuitable for

biological treatment. Thus, the treatability of the effluent is greatly affected by the

industries in the residential; areas.

Apart from the mighty industrial giants there are few industrial estates also,

which generate significant quantity of the effluents. The industrial estates are

listed in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2: Industrial Estates in Vadodara

Industrial Estate Area, ha

Sankheda 0.81

JetpurPavi 0.95

Dabhoi 10.91

Ranoli (Autonagar) 41.21

Limda 53.1

PorRamangamdi 134.44

Nandesari 271.67

Waghodia 315.94

Makarpur 355.07

PCC 666.38

Savli 814.11

Savli Biotech Park 40.00

Sehra 4

Total 2708.59

1.11.7 Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Gujarat Pollution Control Board, which is responsible for regulating

pollution in the State, took several measures to contain pollution of Vishwamitri.

All the large and medium industries were asked to put up effluent treatment plants

and comply with the national standards. The small scale industries located in the

13 industrial estates were asked to install common effluent treatment plant

(CETP). Under these initiatives 2 CETPs were installed in the Vishwamitri Basin,

with a capacity of 7.75 MLD contributed by 221 industrial units. The detail of these

CETPs is provided in table1.3.

Table 1.3: Common Effluent Treatment Plants in Vishwamitri Basin

S. No.

Name of Common Effluent Treatment Plant

Number of Members

Capacity, MLD

1 Pollution Advisory Committee,

Nandesari Industrial Association (NIA),

GIDC, Nandesari, Vadodara

170 5.5

2 Environment Infrastructure Co. Pvt Ltd,

Padra, Vadodara

51 2.25

Total 221 7.75

1.11.8 Diffuse Pollution

The nature and magnitude of diffuse pollution in the Vishwamitri basin is

diverse. Due to the prevailing situation in the basin, quantification of the diffuse

pollution is extremely difficult. For the sake of understanding the nature and

magnitude of diffuse pollution, a brief description on various sources and their

nature is explained below. For a proper understanding of the nature and the

magnitude of diffuse water-pollution under different circumstances, it would be

necessary to consider some source-related characteristics, briefly discussed

below for diffuse pollution from some more common sources.

a) Pollution From Small Rural Villages

Almost as a rule these would not have running water supply not sewered

sanitation. In many areas in the basin most people would use open field for

defecation, with a few using pit-latrines or septic-tanks. Much of the bathing and

washing (clothes, utensils etc.) shall be in or near the water-body reducing

abstraction and transport of water but causing in-situ diffuse pollution. Generation

of liquid effluents would be minimal and all wastewater generated shall soak into

the nearby land. One would be tempted to say that such habitats would cause no

water pollution. And yet a careful materials-balance as also field experience

would show significant quantities of various types of pollutants including salts,

nutrients, organics and micro-organisms from such hamlets and rural areas

reaching ground or surface water bodies through leachate and as washings in the

storm run-offs.

b) Wastewaters and Pollutants from Unsewered Towns

For improving standards of life, running water- supply has been established

in most of the towns and even in some villages over the past three decades in the

Vishwamitri Basin. This has, in turn, led to flush- latrines and much large use of

water in homes for bathing, washing of clothes utensils etc, generating significant

amounts of wastewaters. Use of soaps and detergents and amounts of various

food materials going to the sink have also grown with improved life standards.

Unfortunately, sewerage or improved sanitation is not adequately addressed.

Hence sewerage has lagged far behind water supply. A large part of the

population in the basin either does not have any sewerage system or the

sewerage system is inadequate, overloaded or defunct. All this resulted in large

amount of wastewater uncollected leading to storm water drains and ultimately to

the river. The bulk of pollution shall get retained on land to percolate, leach or get


c) Industrial Pollutants from Cottage/ Small Scale Industries:

Encouragement of cottage and small-scale industries through subsidies,

market-preferences or other benefits has been an important component of

economic development programmes of India particularly Gujarat in the past.

These units, in general, neither have nor can afford appropriate sanitation and/ or

pollutant disposal systems, and yet have not been hesitant in adopting highly

polluting production technologies such as chrome-tanning of leather, use of azo-

dyes in fabrics, use of cadmium in ornaments and silver-ware, electroplating with

cyanide baths, production of dye-intermediates and other refractory and toxic

chemicals etc. Their solid wastes and sludge’s get scattered-around or dumped in

unlined pits and effluents flow to streams through storm-drains or stagnate in

depressions to percolate, leach or get washed-off during next rainy season. This

is the story of many industrial areas & urban centres in the Vishwamitri Basin

resulting in generation of large quantity of diffuse pollution.

d) Industrial Pollutants from Large Industries

While they might claim to have installed costly treatment and disposal,

these are also often causing leachates and wash-over from storage yards, waste

dumping, ash-ponds, sludge-pits etc. And treated effluents, having at least some

pollutants, are get leached or washed to streams as diffuse pollution.

e) Pollutants due to Leakages and Escaping due to Accidents during

Transportation, Storage or Handling

With increasing storage, handling and transport of various chemicals,

including those highly toxic and/ or hazardous, the contribution of these has been

growing. Accidents involving mineral oils, acids, chlorine, ammonia etc are too

well known in the industrial areas around Vadodara.

f) Effluents, Leachates and Wash-over from Cattle-farms and Animal


Cattle-farms in the Vishwamitri basin rarely have adequate arrangements

for collection, treatment and proper disposal of their solid and liquid wastes. Such

wastes are properly collected and used in rural areas, but in most of the urban

areas this kind of wastes are flushed into the drains leading to increased pollution


g) Pollutants in Agricultural Drainage Waters

Drainage waters from irrigated agricultural land are always high in salts,

since they also have to carry the salts originally contained in the trans-evaporated

fraction of the irrigation water. Intensive and ever increasing usage of chemical

fertilizers, pesticides, weedicides and other chemicals is adding a new facet to

such pollution, though the problem in this respect may yet be at a lower stage

than in developed countries.

h) Deposition of Air- Pollutants

Atmospheric pollutants may deposit directly on surface waters. Also the

pollutants depositing on vegetation and soils may get leached or washed- over to

water bodies.

1.12 Ecological Issues

The River Vishwamitri has a unique ecological importance in Gujarat as it

inhabits a unique crocodile species called mugger (Crocodyluspalustris). The

mugger crocodile (Crocodyluspalustris) (literally "crocodile of the marsh"), also

called the Indian, Indus, Persian, or marsh crocodile, is found throughout the

Indian subcontinent and the surrounding countries. It is one of the three

crocodilians found in India, the others being the Gharial and the Saltwater

crocodile. The mugger has been listed by IUCN as one of the threatened species

under “Red” list. Monitoring of over a two decade period (1987–2007) of mugger

(Crocodyluspalustris) population of River Vishwamitri (Gujarat State, India) by

Raju Vyas (Vyas 2010) indicates the present status of the species in and around

Vadodara City to be the most noticeable and unique (Vyas 2010). The population

found in Vishwamitri-Dhadhar River System as per Dr Raju Vyas represents a

unique case study of relationship between a crocodilian species and humans. The

population of muggers is growing with at the rate of 7.77 animals per year and has

reached over 100. Also, mugger conflict is increasing; a total of 292 muggers were

rescued from human settlements and translocated, including 38% small (under 1

m), 48% large (1 – 2 m) and 14% huge sized (over 2 m) muggers. But few of them

returned to the same location in the Vishwamitri River. A total of 14 crocodile

attacks were recorded, including six that were fatal. The present study provides

recommendations and an action plan for the long-term mugger conservation in the

area. Although passing through densely populated areas of Vadodara city, river

Vishwamitri supports a healthy breeding population of Crocodyluspalustris. In

spite of many unfavourable factors like water pollution, distressing anthropogenic

activities and urbanization along the river banks, a significant population of C.

palustriswas observed in the midstream of this river. Records of occurrence of C.

palustrisin River Vishwamitri dates back to the pre-independence era as

documented in Gazette of Baroda State (Vyas 2010). A study conducted in 2002

by the Crocodile Specialist Group has shown that in spite of heavy pollution in the

river, the 25 kilometre stretch of the river which passes through Vadodara is the

home to 100 mugger crocodiles.

1.13 Initiatives for Vishwamitri River Restoration

Looking to the poor conditions of the Vishwamitri River, Govt of Gujarat

took several initiatives to restore this river. Some of the important initiatives are as


a) Sewage Treatment

There are three sewage treatment Plants established in Vadodara. The

details of these treatment plants are provided in the earlier sections of this report.

b) Solid Waste Management

The VMC has taken several measures to improve the solid waste

management in the city including establishment of waste treatment and disposal

system, compost plant, segregation of waste and door-to-door collection in some

of the areas of the city. With such initiatives the situation is expected to improve a

lot in future.

c) River Front Development

The VMC has proposed an ambitious plan in the line of Sabarmati River

Restoration Plan for Vishwamitri River called Vishwamitri Riverfront Development

Project. It has also proposed to establish a body for the restoration of Vishwamitri

River in the line of Sabarmati. The Vishwamitri Riverfront Development Project is

an environmental improvement, social uplift and urban rejuvenation project to

restore Vishwamitri River. The project is proposed to be implemented by VMC in

collaboration with different authorities in Vadodara. The important activities under

Vishwamitri River Front Development include innovative solutions to the

challenges of managing a river in a rapidly growing urban metropolis. Solutions

include laying interceptor sewer lines along the length of the river and building

pumping stations to capture previously untreated sewage and preventing waste

water disposal in the Vishwamitri. The Riverfront Development reclaims the banks

of the Vishwamitri, making the entire stretch of river publicly accessible.

d) Industrial Pollution Control

The GPCB has taken several initiatives to contain industrial pollution in

Vadodara. All the large and medium industries have established the effluent

treatment plants. These plants are being regularly monitored by the GPCB to

ensure compliance of the consent conditions. For all the small scale industries

common effluent treatment plants (CETPs) are being promoted by the board.

Chapter 2�


In order to fulfil the preset objective as mentioned in the previous chapter,

the study was carefully designed to achieve the objectives. An inventory was

carried out on the basin activities, including population, water use, urbanization,

industrialization, wastewater generation, treatment and disposal, information on

basin activities, industrialization, pollution load generation, treatment and disposal,

solid waste generation, collection, treatment and disposal. Information was also

collected on different initiatives taken by the Govt of Gujarat to restore the

Vishwamitri River. All important activities initiated are summarized in this report.

The monitoring programme was designed as explained below.

2.1 The Monitoring Programme


1. To update the water quality data;

2. To study the effect of wastewater discharges through various drains on

water quality of River Vishwamitri;

3. To study the influence of Vishwamitri River on groundwater in terms of

concentration of pollutants.

2.2 Sampling Locations

The sampling locations of the Vishwamitri along with major outfalls of drains

are depicted in Figure 2.1. The details of locations are presented below:

1. Paladi

2. Pilol

3. Dena (where Surya meets)

4. Sama

5. Akota

6. Kalali

7. Khalipur

8. Junikarali(Where Jambua meets)

9. Virpur

10. Pingalwada (Where Dhadar meets)

11. Surwara

12. 12 to 18 locations of tubewells situated on river bank of river Vishwamitri

Figure 2.1 Map of Vishwamitri Basin showing sampling locations

2.3 Selection of Sampling Locations

The sampling locations on the River Vishwamitri were selected on the basis of

the need to fulfill the set objectives of the study based on potential of water quality

impacts due to pollution load contributed by the drains and impact of garbage

dumps. Easily accessible sites with road connectivity were the main consideration

for site selection. There are many disturbing influences in the river, especially

cattle wading, encroachments by several urban activities, fishing, sand recovery,

etc. These disturbances can drastically influence chemical processes and the

water quality. It was tried to avoid such influences in the samples.

1. Vishwamitri at Paladi Village

The water quality of the river at Paladi is very important as it is least influenced

by human activities and thus represent the baseline quality of the river. Large rural

population use the river water for domestic purpose including bathing, washing of

cloths utensils and watering the cattle. The river is also used for irrigation through

pumping the water from the river.


Figure 2.2: River Vishwamitri at Paladi

2. Vishwamitri River at Pilol Village

The monitoring location is situated about 3-4 km downstream of Paladi village

near village Pilol. A small tributary is joining the river at this point and hence the

quality of water reflects the contribution by the tributary. Hence this location was

selected for water quality assessment. Sampling at this location reflects the water

quality before receiving the wastewater discharges from Vadodara. During

monsoon period the river receives several tributaries and land wash through run-

off. The impact of such contribution can be studied at this location.

Figure 2.3: River Vishwamitri at Pilol Village

3. Vishwamitri River at Dena

This station is located on Vishwamitri river at About 2-3 km downstream of

Pilol near Dena village at National Highway. This location helps in assessing the

impact of a large tributary Surya River. The water quality at this location reflects

the impact of agricultural and rural activities including cattle wading and run-off.

Figure 2.4: River Vishwamitri at Dena

4. Vishwamitri at Sama

This station is located on Vishwamitri at about 3 Km downstream of Dena

village near Sama village. The water quality at this location reflects the impact of

the sewage outfalls from the surrounding urban population and a small tributary

joining the river. There is large number of slum population living along the river

generating lot of pollution, which is getting into the river.

Figure 2.5: River Vishwamitri at Sama Village

5. Vishwamitri at Akota

This station is located just in the middle of Vadodara city. The water quality of

this location reflects the impact of sewage outfalls in the upstream and garbage

dumps along the river. There is large number of slum population living along the

river generating lots of pollution, which is getting into the river. The water quality of

this location reflects the combined impact of all these activities.

Figure 2.6: River Vishwamitri at Akota

6. Vishwamitri at Kalali

This station is located at about 1 Km downstream of Akota near Kalali area in

Vadodara. This station is important to understand the assimilation of pollution

joining upstream of Kalali and impact of the drains joining at Kalali.

Figure 2.7: River Vishwamitri at Kalali

7. Vishwamitri at Khalipur

This station is located about 4 Km downstream of Kalali area of Vadodara

on Vishwamitri river near Khalipur Village. This station helps in evaluating the

impact of all the sewage outfalls of Vadodara city as it is located downstream of


8. Vishwamitri at JuniKarali

This station is located on Vishwamitri river about 3 Km downstream of

Khalipur Village near JuniKarali. The water quality of this station will help in

assessing the impact of tributary Jambua, wastewater discharges from Vadodara

city and their self-purification in the river. The water quality data of this location

also helps in explaining the suitability of water quality for the wild life in the river

and for villagers living around and using its water.

Figure 2.8: River Vishwamitri at JuniKarali

9. Vishwamitri at Virpur

This station is located on Vishwamitri river at about 3 Km downstream of

Junikarali. The water quality of this station helped in assessing the self-purification

capacity of the river and suitability of water for the use rural population is putting


Figure 2.9: River Vishwamitri at Virpur

10. Vishwamitri at Pingalwada

This Station is located on Vishwamitri River at about 2 Km downstream of

Junikarali near village Pingalwada. The water quality of this station helped in

assessing the quality of Vishwamitri before it joins the Dhadhar River.

11. Dhadhar at Surwara

This station is located on Dhadhar River at about 5 Km downstream of

Pingalwada Village. The water quality of this station helps in assessing the impact

of Vishwamitri on Dhadhar River.

Figure 2.10: River Vishwamitri at Surwara

Groundwater Quality Sampling Locations

In order to assess the impact of river water quality on the groundwater of the

surrounding locations, few groundwater locations were selected for sampling. The

groundwater locations are generally bore wells in the villages. Following villages

were considered for groundwater quality assessment.

1. Paldi

2. Pilol

3. Dena

4. Akota

5. Kalali

6. Khalipur

7. Virpur

Figure 2.11: Bore at KalaliTalsat Road

Figure 2.12: Bore at Khalipur Village


Planned & actual position of collection of the samples

Sr. No.

Particulars No. of Samples Planned

No. of Samples collected

Parameters tested

1. Surface Water (River Water Samples)

132 128 Temperature, Odour, EC, pH,

TDS, Sodium, Potassium,

Calcium, Magnesium,

Carbonate, Bi-Carbonate,

Chloride, Sulphate, Turbidity,

DO, COD, BOD, Phosphate,

Nitrates, Fluoride, Ammo.

Nitrogen, Total Alkalinity ,Total


2. Ground Water (Bore-Well Water Samples)

84 84


Analytical Techniques

Analytical techniques generally used for the monitoring purposes are as per the SAP guidelines given below:

Sr. No. Parameter Analytical Method 1. Conductivity Conductometric method 2. pH Potentiometric/Electrometric method 3. TDS Gravimetric calculation method 4. Sodium & Potassium Flame photometric method 5. Calcium & Magnesium EDTA Titrimetric method 6. Carbonate & Bi-carbonates Volumetric Titration method 7. Chlorine Volumetric Titration (AgNO3) method 8. Sulphates& Nitrates U.V/Vis Spectro-photometric method 9. Turbidity Nephelometric method 10. DO Winkler Azide Titrimetric method 11. COD Open Reflux method 12. BOD Bottle Incubation method 13. Phosphate Molybdate Colorimetric method 14. Fluoride Ion Meter method 15. Boron Curcumine Colorimetric method 16. Total Coliform Multiple Tube Dilution Method

2.4 Preparation for Sampling

At least one day before sampling, it was made sure that all the

arrangements are made as per the check list. It was also made sure to know how

to reach sampling sites. Help of maps, google images and landmarks was

extensively taken before ensuring proper location. For each sampling location

depending on the pre-decided sampling procedure the sampling check-list was

prepared and accordingly the preparation was done. It was always safer to carry a

few numbers in excess.

2.5 Sampling Procedure

The objective of sampling is to collect a portion of water from the water

body small enough in volume to be conveniently transported and handled in the

laboratory, while still accurately retaining its representativity. This implies that the

relative proportions or concentrations of the components of interest should be the

same in the samples when they are being analyzed, as they were originally in the

river or drain. This requires that the sample will be handled and, if necessary,

treated in such a way that no significant changes in composition occur that may

hamper proper analysis. In other words, no addition (e.g. contamination), loss

(e.g. adsorption to the wall of the sample bottle) or deterioration (e.g. physico-

chemical or biological degradation or transformation) can be allowed.

2.6 Preservation and Transport of Samples to the Labs

With respect to preservation, samples are taken to perform analysis on two

types of parameters: for some parameters, such as BOD, COD and Sulphate, the

samples have to be cooled without adding any preservative. Thus ice preservation

is ideal. The samples for these parameters were immediately preserved in ice

box. The sample for DO was preserved by fixing it with manganous sulphate and

sodium azide. The samples for ammonical Nitrogen, Nitrate and Phosphate were

preserved by adding sulphuric acid as preservative.

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Chapter 3�

Results & Discussions

The Vishwamitri basin including Dhadhar basin extends over an area of 3423sq

km. The total length of the river from the head to its outfall into the Dhadhar is

about 80 km. The river Vishwamitri and its tributaries are all rain-fed. The rainfall

being highly fluctuating in the basin, its water wealth potential is very low.

Intensive agricultural practices, fast urbanization and industrialization in the basin

have put intense pressure on its water resources both in terms of its quality and

quantity. The river is in a very serious state and deserves urgent attention.

The study revealed that the temperature has direct effect on certain parameters

due to chemical activities. Since the Gujarat state is a hot and semi-arid region the

temperature of study sites ranged between 10 �c in January to 42+ °c in May. The

temperature gradually increases from the month of March till the onset of

monsoon season in July and gradually decreases from the rainy season to the

post monsoon months. The rise in temperature could be due to shorter winter

period less intense than summer.

3.1 Observation and Findings

The parameters are tested as per standard analytical procedures described in

under methodology and are enlisted from Statement No. 1 to 11 for 11 surface

locations, Statement No. 12 for Abstract of surface water locations. And

Statement No. 13 to 19 for 7 ground locations, Statement No. 20 for Abstract of

ground water locations.

3.2 General Characteristics of Surface water

a) pH

The pH is the scale of intensity of acidity and alkalinity of water and

measures the concentration of hydrogen ions. In the present study the mean

values of pH at all the eleven sites of river ranged between 6.9- 8.9. This is nearly

in accordance with the prescribed limit of 6.5-8.5. pH is not directly affects with

human health but it correlated with other parameters which used in unit processes

in water treatment that contribute to the removal of viruses, bacteria and other


b) DO

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DO values can be treated as the basic criteria required for water quality

assessment. Dissolved oxygen (DO) is very crucial for the survival of aquatic

organisms. It is also used to evaluate the degree of freshness of a river. As per

the limits of designated best use, the minimum value of DO should be 4mg/L. In

the present study, the value of DO is within limit up to SamaSavli location, which

is indicator of good quality of water up to SamaSavli location. The DO values

steeply decreases and observed nil from Akota onwards which may be attributed

to the mixing of effluents from different kind of industries and domestic waste from

the surrounding areas. From Junikarali DO starts increasing from junikarali to

Surwara locations which may be attributed due to self-purification capacity of river

system. At Pingalwada locations the value of DO gets further improved due to

dilution of fresh water from Dhadhar river meeting the Vishwamitri river.

c) BOD and COD

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COD is a measure of oxygen equivalent to the organic matter content of the water

susceptible to oxidation. While BOD is a measure of the amount of oxygen that is

require for the bacteria to degrade the organic compounds present in water. In this

particular study, COD values are very low in the fresh water region and hence the

BOD values are not required to be monitored. BOD values are required only when

the water is highly polluted or COD values are high due to any reason which may

affect the aquatic life. The maximum value of COD observed 30mg/L from paladi

locations to Samasavali locations which indicates good quality of water. As the

river passes from Akota location, due to industrialization and urbanization the









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COD and BOD values are goes on increasing. The maximum value of COD and

BOD at Kalali are observed 100mg/L and 30mg/L during the month march-09.

From Junikarali onwards river enters again in rural area, the value of COD and

BOD decreases further as pollution load decreases and due to self purification

capacity of river.

d) TDS

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TDS value is low before Akota location and then onwards the TDS value

increases due to industrialization and urbanization. High TDS level in river water

may be due to pollution i.e. discharge from industries and sewage. The average

value of TDS varies between 354.0mg/L to 861.0mg/L in the entire stretch with

1199.0 mg/L being the highest value at Kalali location and minimum being

122.0mg/L at Dena bypass location

e) Calcium, Magnesium and Hardness

Total hardness is mainly imparted by the calcium and magnesium ions in most of

fresh waters, which apart from sulphate, chloride and nitrate are found in

combination with carbonates and bicarbonates.

In the present study Ca+Mg showed higher values in pre-monsoon season due to

reduced inflow and evaporation followed by monsoon and post monsoon.








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The average value of Calcium and in river water varies from 25.0 mg/L at Kalali to

56.0 mg/L at Virpur. The average value of Magnesium varies from 6.0mg/L at

Kalali to 30.37mg/L at Junikarali. The hardness of water depends upon the

dissolved salts present in the water. The present values in fresh water stretch

could be attributed to no discharge of industrial effluent or no industrial activities in

this zone containing high values of dissolved cations and anions. Magnesium form

salt with chlorides and mainly remains present as MgCl2. It may also remain

present with phosphates, sulphates and nitrates. When the Magnesium quantity is

high the Calcium remains in the lower range.

f) Chloride

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Chloride occurs naturally in all types of water. High concentration of chloride is

considered to be the indicator of pollution due to organic wastes of animal or







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industrial activities. A high value of chloride is troublesome in irrigation water and

also harmful to aquatic life.

The mean value of chloride varies between 64 to 187 mg/L in river water with

maximum value of 268 mg/L. being at Kalali village location. Overall chloride value

does not show any drastic rise or fall, which one may find worth paying attention.

g) Sulphate, Phosphate and Nitrates

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The mean concentration of sulphate was observed in the range of 17.0 to 186.0

mg/L. in the entire river stretch with minimum of 0.0 mg/L at starting of river

location and 608.0 mg/L at khalipur location. The variation in the fresh water

stretch depends on the rainfall, evaporation process, monsoon, and discharge of

polluted water by the industries.

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The concentration of nitrate varied from 2.3mg/L to 11.5 mg/L in the entire stretch

of the river.







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Phosphate is present in natural water as soluble phosphates and organic

phosphates. In river water the phosphate values ranges from 0.17 mg/L to

7.85mg/L. with maximum value of 35.3 mg/L. The high concentration of phosphate

attributed due to detergent contents in the water from urban areas and the over

use of fertilizers in agriculture.

h) Ammonical Nitrogen

Ammonical nitrogen gives an indication of industrial effluent discharge. During the

study concentration of Ammonical Nitrogen is found highest i.e. 10.9mg/Lat Kalali

village location in January 2010. This may be due to mere coincidence of

untreated discharge from the industry and collection of sample, during this period.

There is reason to believe this because there are no other location which had

given such high value of ammonical nitrogen during entire scheme. The

concentration of ammonical nitrogen at Kalali is around 2 to 3mg/L. In the entire

stretch of the river average value of ammonical nitrogen varies from 0 to 1.98


i) Fluoride

Fluoride is one of the important parameters for the monitoring. It was observed

that fluoride is not a cause of worry so far as the surface water is concern. The

maximum value observed was 1.1 mg/L at Pilol location. However this value is

within the permissible limit of drinking water standards (BIS, 2012).�









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3.3 General Characteristics of Surface water

a) pH & DO

In the present study the mean values of pH at all 7 locations ranges between

nearly 7 to 8.This is in accordance with the prescribed limit of 6.5-8.5(BIS,2012).

The average value of DO at all 7 locations ranges between 2mg/L to 9mg/L

except at the value of 1mg/L at Kalali and 11mg/L at Virpur locations.

b) COD and BOD

The value of COD at all 7 locations ranges nearly 6mg/L to 14mg/L.

The value of BOD at all 7 locations ranges between 0mg/L to 12mg/L most of time

the value of BOD is almost nil, which represents ground water gets less affected

due to domestic waste and industrial waste compare to surface water.

c) TDS

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The minimum value of TDS is 443mg/L at Akota location with mean value of

639mg/L. The maximum value of TDS is 2041mg/L at Virpur location with mean

value of 1507mg/L. The acceptable limit of TDS is 500mg/L and Permissible limit

is 2000mg/L prescribed by BIS(2012). Mean values of TDS at all 7 locations

ranges between 639mg/L to 1507mg/L which are almost within the permissible

limit of Drinking water. The rise in TDS values is due to seepage of water in soil,

which carries soluble salts which are present in soil.







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d) Calcium, Magnesium and Hardness

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The mean value of calcium ranges between 37mg/L to 54mg/L. The maximum

values of Calcium are observed at Kalali (152mg/L) and Virpur (88mg/L) locations.







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For all the locations, Calcium concentration lies within the permissible limit of

200mg/L prescribed by BIS (2012).

The mean value of Magnesium at all 7 locations are ranges between 20.28mg/L to

53.03mg/L. The minimum concentration of magnesium is 4.64mg/L at Pilol and

Dena, while maximum concentration is 121mg/L at Kalali location which exceeds

the permissible limits of 100mg/L prescribed by BIS(2012).

The lowest value of Total Hardness is at Pilol and highest at Kalali locations. The

maximum and minimum values of Total Hardness at Pilol Location are 99.75mg/L

and 259.46mg/L with mean value is 175.06mg/L, which lies within the desirable

limit of 300mg/L prescribed by BIS(2012). The maximum and minimum values at

Kalali location are 129.78mg/L and 568.19mg/L with mean value is 344.05mg/L

which exceeds the acceptable limits of 200mg/L but lies within the maximum

permissible limit of 600mg/L prescribed by BIS(2012).

e) Chloride

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The mean value of Chloride for all 7 locations ranges between 115mg/L at Dena

to 404.62mg/L at Virpur locations. As per BIS(2012), the acceptable limit of

Chloride is 250mg/L and permissible limit of Chloride is 1000mg/L. Chloride are

maximum at Virpur location(585mg/L), followed by Kalali(450mg/L),

Khalipur(398mg/L), Paladi(398mg/L) and Pilol(284mg/L), Which exceeds the

acceptable limit of 250mg/L.





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f) Sulphate, Phosphate and Nitrates

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As water moves through soil and rock formations that contain sulfate minerals,

some of the sulfate dissolves into the groundwater. Minerals that contain sulfate

include magnesium sulfate, sodium sulfate, and calcium sulfate. The mean value

of Sulphate for all locations varies between 17.08mg/L at Paladi to 120.63mg/L at

Virpur location. The maximum concentration of sulphate is observed 466mg/L at

Pilol, Kalali and Virpur locations, which exceeds the permissible limits of 400mg/L

prescribed by BIS.�

Phosphate concentration, which is generally negligible in ground water, has been

observed maximum of 1.49mg/L at Kalali location with mean value of 0.36mg/L.






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Nitrate content have been observed probably due to pollution from anthropogenic

activities and excessive use of fertilizer in the crops. The maximum value of nitrate

varies from 9.51mg/L at Pilol location to 25.30mg/L at Virpur location which lies

within the acceptable limit of 45mg/L prescribed by BIS(2012).

g) Fluoride

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The average Fluoride concentrations for all 7 locations are lies between 0.37mg/L

at Paladi to 0.91mg/L at Khalipur location. The acceptable and permissible limits

for drinking water are 1.0mg/L and 1.5mg/L as prescribed by BIS (2012). The

maximum concentration of fluoride is 1.62mg/L at Khalipur location which exceeds

the limit of drinking water standards.






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Chapter – 4

Conclusions and Recommendations

4.1 Water Quality of river Vishwamitri

The Vishwamitri river carries only dry weather flow without any assimilative

capacity and starts stinking right at the beginning of the city as large number of

hutments and slums all along the river dump their wastes into the river including

some major sewage outfalls.

It hardly gets either return flows or groundwater accruals and remains in trickling

flow condition for about 8-9 months in a year. The water quality of the river is

highly dependent on the availability of freshwater in the river, which greatly varies

with time and locations. Precipitation is confined to only three months in a year

and varies greatly. Most of the water flows in the Vishwamitri (nearly 90% to 95%)

in monsoon period (July, August and September). Whatever water flows in non-

monsoon period (October to June) is extensively used for irrigation and drinking

leaving very little or no water in the river to flow.

Table 4.1: water quality of Vishwamitri River as measured by GPCB during 2008-09

Monitoring Station pH TDS mg/l

DO mg/l

BOD mg/l

COD mg/l

NH3N mg/l

NO2N mg/l

NO3N mg/l

Kamatibaug-Sayajibaug, Vadodara

7.80 620 2.0 20 53 3.92 0.04 0.04

Convent School, Fatehgunj, Vadodara

7.95 624 2.2 21 50 0.56 0.46 0.68

Near Kalali Railway Crossing,

Vadsar Bridge Road, Vadodara

7.99 780 nil 8 56 19.6 0.13 0.13

Dhadhar at Kothwada, Ta.

Padra,Dist. Vadodara

8.19 638 nil 8 36 1.68 0.53 1.21

Table 4.2: water quality of Vishwamitri River as measured by GPCB during 2009-10

(Once in a Year)

Monitoring Station pH TDS mg/l

DO mg/l

BOD mg/l

COD mg/l

NH3N mg/l

NO2N mg/l

NO3N mg/l

Kamatibaug-Sayajibaug, Vadodara

7.39 442 4.30 4 16 6.16 0.018 0.52

Convent School, Fatehgunj, Vadodara

7.56 464 3.58 6 24 3.92 0.020 0.50

Near Kalali Railway Crossing, Vadsar

Bridge Road, Vadodara

7.41 802 NIL 56 70 6.16 0.036 0.86

Dhadhar at Kothwada, Ta.Padra, Dist


7.30 542 2.28 10 40 1.12 0.020 0.64

Gujarat Tractor Lt. Mujmuhada

7.42 536 3.28 12 28 5.04 0.026 0.72

The water quality data obtained in the present study and the studies carried out in

the past by various agencies like GPCB shown in Table 4.1 and 4.2, revealed that

the river is heavily polluted by domestic and industrial wastewater. It is observed

that about 50 km long stretch of the river is in bad shape, having water quality,

most of the time, below desired level for "designated best use".

4.2 Water Quality Segments

Based on flow conditions, water quality and ecological considerations, the

Vishwamitririver can be classified into 5 independent Segments. These are:

a) Segment I:

This segment (length 15 km) is identified from Origin to Dena Village. The major

source of water in this segment is only run-off water. Due to excessive

groundwater abstraction in the catchment, this segment remainsunder trickling

flow condition for about 8-9 months and thus, the river ecosystem is adversely

affected. However, the water quality is reasonably good and generally fit for its

designated best use.

b) Segment II:

This segment (about 12 km) lies between Dena Village and Sama Village. This

segment is characterized by more flow due to contribution of tributary Surya River,

diffuse pollution, intensive in-stream uses like washing of automobiles, bathing,

washing of cloths, utensils, dumping of solid wastes, open defecation, cattle

wading and large number of other in-stream activities causing water quality

degradation. The main source of water in this segment is ground water accrual

and contribution from Surya River.

c) Segment III:

This 17 km segment of Vishwamitri River is located in between Sama Village to

Khalipur Village. This segment is most critical as it receives wastewater from large

number of sewage drains of Vadodara city. Due to massive input of untreated and

partially treated sewage and industrial wastes, garbage and other instream

activities leading to severe degradation of water quality in this stretch. The input of

sewage garbage and other wastes has sets off a progressive series of chemical

and biological events in the downstream water. This stretch is characterized by

high bacterial population, cloudy appearance high BOD and strong disagreeable

odour - all indicating general depletion of oxygen. Masses of gaseous sludge

rising from the bottom are often noticed floating near the surface of the water.

During monsoon due to flood the sludge deposited in this stretch is flushed and

stay in suspension causing rise in oxygen uptake in the downstream.

d) Segment IV:

This Segment of Vishwamitri River is about 25 km long immediately downstream

of Khalipur to Pingalwada. This stretch is a zone of recovery. The important

tributary Jambua joins the Vishwamitri IN this segment. The river support large

number of crocodiles, which can be easily seen along the banks of the river.

There are large numbers of crocodile attacks being reported by the villagers in this


e) Segment V:

This Segment of Dhadhar River is about 55 km long immediately downstream of

its confluence with Vishwamitri River. This segment is a zone of recovery, which

supports large number of aquatic life including number of crocodiles and other


4.3 Important Water Quality Issues of Vishwamitri River

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and Gujarat Pollution Control Board

(GPCB) has also been monitoring water quality of the river. They have also

carried out some surveys of water quality on different occasions to assess the

water quality problems of the river. The results of all these studies and the present

study revealed that Organic and pathogenic pollution originated from discharge of

domestic sewage is the major water quality issue for the Vishwamitri. The major

water quality issues are as follows:

a) Organic Pollution

River Vishwamitri receives significantly high amount of organic matter, which is

generally, originates from domestic sources. For biodegradation, this organic

waste requires oxygen, causing significant depletion of dissolved oxygen in river

water. The oxygen depletion not only affects biotic community of the river but also

affects its self-purification capacity. This problem is critical in the river stretch

between Sama and Kalali Villages. In the vicinity of Vadodara city, the load of

organic matter is so high that it consumes the entire dissolved oxygen available in

river water leading to vanishing of all important aquatic life in the river.

b) High Nutrients Load

The organic matter after biodegradation release nutrients in the water. High

nutrients concentration leads to Eutrophication, a condition characterized by

significant diurnal variation in dissolved oxygen concentration and excessive algal

growth. This condition can be observed in the river downstream of the Kalali, but

also within the city vicinity all along the banks and nooks of the river.

c) High Pathogens

Continuous flow of sewage waste, dumping of garbage, industrial wastes,

religious offerings etc. and instream uses of water like bathing, cattle wading etc.

contribute significant load of pathogens in the river water making it unsuitable for

drinking and bathing purposes.

4.4 Water Quality of Ground water

The samples collected were analyzed for groundwater quality to see the suitability

of groundwater for drinking and irrigation as ground water is a source for drinking

in many urban centers. The samples were analyzed for various physico-chemical

and organic parameters. The quality of the groundwater varies from place to

place. As compare to Drinking water standards, groundwater quality have higher

concentration of electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, hardness, calcium,

magnesium, chloride, sulphate.

In our case study, the groundwater quality has deteriorated due to human

activities and Industrialization. Groundwater quality problems near river are

caused by contamination and by overexploitation. Rapid urbanization and

industrialization in the vicinity has resulted in steep increase of generation of

wastes. Due to lack of inadequate infrastructure and resources the waste is not

properly collected, treated and disposed; leading to accumulation and infiltration

causing groundwater contamination.

At various locations large no of industrial activities are taking place in congested,

populated areas. The waste generated by industries gets mixed with domestic

waste and pollute ground water. When the River passes through the urban area

large part of un-collected, un-treated wastewater finds it way to the river and also

gets accumulated in the city itself forming cesspools. These cesspools are good

breeding ground for mosquitoes and also source of groundwater pollution. The

wastewater accumulated in these cesspools gets percolated in the ground and

pollute the groundwater.

Pollutants are being added to the groundwater system through natural processes

also. Solid waste from industrial units is being dumped near the vicinity and is

subjected to reaction with percolating rainwater and reaches the groundwater

level. The percolating water picks up a large amount of dissolved constituents and

reaches the aquifer system and contaminates the groundwater.

4.5 Recommendations and Remedial Measures

1. The state government is also concerned about the water quality of this

river. GPCB has been entrusted regular water quality monitoring. The

locations monitored by them are Fatehgunj, Sayajibaug, Kalali,

MunjMuhada, Kothwada. Several awareness programs in consultation with

forest departments, educational institutions, VMC, GIDC, industries are

conducted. Several action are taken by GPCB against industries.

2. VMC has also in process of upgrading their STP plants . New drainage

network has been laid recently to improve water quality .We can suggest

VMC to increase and upgrade their sewage treatment plant. Untreated

water under any circumstance should not be discharged in the river. Also

new STP proposed should be installed and made fully functional in the

newly developed/ proposed urban areas .This will also be beneficial in their

project on River Vishwamitri Development front.

3. Stringent monitoring of river from Akota to Khalipur as this segment is

highly polluted. GPCB may be requested to regularly collect samples of SW

and GW and bring to the notice of industries. Small scale industries release

their untreated industrial waste in the river. They may serve notice and

action needs to be taken against them. Due to urbanization these industries

may be requested to relocate.

4. Due to contamination of surface water menace of mosquito is severe for

the residents. During summer foul smell is also observed in the vicinity.

Regular spraying of insecticide and improvement in water quality is also

need of hour.

5. River Vishwamitri has a unique ecological importance in Gujarat as it

inhabits a unique crocodile species called mugger (Crocodyluspalustris).

They need to be protected

6. Existing CETP needs to be improved / upgraded. They need to be

impressed about the deterioration of surface water quality.

7. Better handling of municipal and industrial waste is being developed

through a program called TSDF (Treatment Stabilization Disposal Facility).

The activities are being monitored through boards and more efficient ways

are being devised.


1. CPCB (2009) Status of Water Supply, Wastewater Generation And

Treatment In Class-I Cities & Class-II Towns Of India. CONTROL OF


2. Drinking Water –Specification, IS 10500-2012.

3. Infrastructure assessment of Vadodara City, Report published by CRISIL,

on behalf of Vadodara Municipal Corporation

4. Vyas R.J. (2010): Mugger (crocodyluspalustris) population in and around

Vadodara city, Gujarat state, India Russian Journal of herpetology.

17(1): 43-50.

5. Crocodyluspalustris�IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (1996) Listed as

Vulnerable (VU A1a, C2a v2.3). Hiremath, K.G..Recent advances in

environmental science. Discovery Publishing House, 2003.

Temp. Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH NH4-N mg/L

NO3- N


PO4 - P


BOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L











Ca mg/L

Mg mg/L

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan-09 25 OL 540.00 351.00 7.02 Nil 5.39 0.18 NP 20.00 5.50 3.00 0.00 274.50 5.20 50.10 0.16 37.60 0.10 68.00 14.50 225.00 230.002 Mar-09 32 OL 350.00 227.50 7.27 Nil 0.35 0.18 NP 0.00 5.00 3.10 0.00 213.50 4.19 30.00 0.39 22.50 0.10 56.00 2.42 175.00 150.003 May-09 38 OL 474.00 308.10 7.20 1.10 10.74 0.25 NP 20.00 3.80 1.50 0.00 232.00 51.42 58.10 0.59 44.00 0.10 32.00 2.42 190.00 90.004 Jul-09 29 OL 495.00 321.75 7.50 1.17 1.42 0.28 8.00 30.00 6.00 5.50 0.00 122.00 81.97 36.00 0.16 27.00 0.00 20.00 19.40 100.00 130.005 Sept.-09 35 OL 651.00 423.15 7.88 Nil 7.33 0.20 NP 10.00 7.00 10.70 36.00 292.80 11.44 80.00 0.57 51.80 0.10 68.00 41.10 241.00 339.006 Nov.-09 25 OL 325.00 211.25 7.54 Nil 0.27 0.20 8.00 30.00 7.80 4.50 0.00 232.00 3.50 20.00 0.15 13.00 0.10 40.00 16.90 190.00 169.007 Jan.-10 27 OL 1278.00 830.70 7.60 Nil 1.77 0.08 NP 10.00 7.50 12.50 0.00 488.00 0.00 198.80 1.01 128.00 0.10 80.00 19.36 400.00 279.008 Mar.10 35 OL 395.00 256.75 7.40 Nil 2.20 0.32 NP 20.00 7.40 10.20 6.00 213.50 12.60 30.00 0.39 19.40 0.10 40.00 9.68 180.00 140.009 May-10 Blank row shows no sample collection due to dry spot.10 July-10 Blank row shows no sample collection due to dry spot.11 Set.10 27 DS 876.00 569.40 7.08 0.00 5.41 0.03 NP 0.00 4.20 NP 0.00 171.00 20.00 90.00 0.22 58.30 0.10 40.00 12.10 140.00 149.7112 Nov.10 26 DS 408.00 265.20 8.27 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 8.30 12.00 244.00 32.30 45.00 0.41 29.00 0.10 32.00 18.20 220.00 154.85

38 0.00 1278.00 830.70 8.27 1.17 10.74 0.32 8.00 30.00 7.80 12.50 36.00 488.00 81.97 198.80 1.01 128.00 0.10 80.00 41.10 400.00 339.0025 0.00 350.00 227.50 7.02 1.10 0.35 0.18 8.00 0.00 3.80 1.50 0.00 122.00 4.19 30.00 0.16 22.50 0.00 20.00 2.42 100.00 90.0030 0.00 579.20 376.48 7.48 0.57 3.64 0.17 5.33 15.00 5.42 6.59 5.40 248.33 22.26 63.80 0.40 43.06 0.09 47.60 15.61 206.10 183.16

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed



Organic matterNutrient Major Ions


Total Alkalinity mg/L

Total Hardness mg/L

Statement Showing Surface Water data for Location No1: Paladi Near Halol HighwaySTATEMENT-1

Major CationsGeneralOther Inorga


Temp. Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH NH4-N mg/L

NO3- N


PO4 - P


BOD mg/


COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU





mg/LF mg/L Na





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan-09 25 OL 510.00 331.50 7.05 0.00 1.39 0.20 NP 20.00 7.00 1.00 0.00 225.70 4.30 65.10 0.15 48.80 0.10 48.00 12.10 185.00 170.002 Mar-09 32 OL 402.00 261.30 7.50 0.00 0.17 0.21 NP 0.00 7.50 1.00 0.00 232.50 3.54 40.00 0.32 30.00 0.10 60.00 19.40 190.00 230.003 May-09 38 OL 810.00 526.50 8.02 0.75 10.75 0.17 NP 20.00 7.50 2.50 18.00 238.00 9.33 78.10 0.36 50.00 0.10 32.00 2.42 210.00 90.004 Jul-09 29 OL 286.00 185.90 7.40 0.88 1.03 0.28 7.50 30.00 6.00 1.20 0.00 128.00 30.71 28.00 0.14 21.00 0.00 22.00 18.20 105.00 130.005 Sept.-09 35 OL 688.00 447.20 7.60 0.00 0.84 0.00 NP 0.00 7.50 11.50 30.00 286.70 10.13 100.00 0.48 64.80 0.10 40.00 26.60 236.00 209.006 Nov.-09 25 OL 400.00 260.00 7.36 0.00 0.51 0.27 8.50 30.00 7.60 2.50 0.00 238.00 10.98 24.00 0.13 15.50 0.10 56.00 24.20 195.00 239.007 Jan.-10 27 OL 1020.00 663.00 7.75 0.00 3.38 0.09 NP 20.00 7.00 10.20 0.00 244.00 52.38 227.20 1.05 147.00 0.10 60.00 12.10 200.00 200.008 Mar.10 35 OL 665.00 432.25 8.40 0.00 0.76 0.21 NP 20.00 4.00 10.40 30.00 305.00 16.69 60.00 0.36 38.80 0.10 28.00 2.42 275.00 80.009 May-10 Blank row shows no sample collection due to dry spot.

10 Jul.10 35 DS 1034.00 672.00 8.69 0.00 2.78 0.26 NP 0.00 5.40 0.00 48.00 421.00 31.35 116.00 0.25 75.68 0.10 16.00 17.00 385.00 94.7411 Sep.10 27 DS 771.00 501.15 6.81 0.00 4.92 0.20 NP 0.00 4.60 0.00 12.00 253.20 28.00 110.00 0.42 71.28 0.10 32.00 4.84 208.50 99.8412 Nov.10 27 DS 464.00 301.60 7.87 0.00 1.00 0.00 NP 20.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 305.00 25.50 65.00 0.32 42.00 0.10 40.00 12.10 260.00 150.00

38 0.00 1034.00 672.00 8.69 0.88 10.75 0.28 8.50 30.00 7.60 11.50 48.00 421.00 52.38 227.20 1.05 147.00 0.10 60.00 26.60 385.00 239.0025 0.00 286.00 185.90 6.81 0.00 0.17 0.00 7.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 128.00 3.54 24.00 0.13 15.50 0.00 16.00 2.42 105.00 80.0030 0.00 640.91 416.58 7.68 0.15 2.50 0.17 8.00 14.55 5.83 4.57 12.55 261.55 20.26 83.04 0.36 54.99 0.09 39.45 13.76 222.68 153.87

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed


Major Ions Major Cations



Nutrient Organic matterGeneralOther





Statement Showing Surface Water data for Location No 2: Pilol Village

Total Alkalinity


Total Hardne

ss mg/L

Temp. Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH NH4-N


NO3- N


PO4 - P


BOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/


Turbidity NTU





mg/LF mg/L Na





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan.09 25 OL 572.00 371.80 7.55 0.00 0.39 0.21 0.00 10.00 7.00 1.00 0.00 250.00 15.80 50.10 0.18 37.60 0.10 56.00 53.20 205.00 359.002 Mar-09 32 OL 476.00 309.40 7.93 0.00 2.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 7.50 1.00 0.00 268.40 16.79 45.00 0.33 33.80 0.00 48.00 7.30 220.00 150.003 May-09 38 OL 565.00 367.25 7.70 0.00 0.88 0.17 0.00 10.00 4.40 4.00 18.00 244.00 22.98 62.10 0.39 47.00 0.00 24.00 7.26 215.00 89.904 Jul-09 29 OL 187.00 121.55 7.44 0.00 0.90 0.24 0.00 10.00 7.60 5.20 0.00 122.00 22.80 32.00 0.17 24.00 0.00 26.00 20.60 100.00 150.005 Sep-09 34 OL 658.00 427.70 7.55 0.00 10.73 0.18 0.00 0.00 7.60 5.80 0.00 244.00 2.36 105.00 0.45 48.00 0.00 44.00 14.50 200.00 170.006 Nov.-09 25 OL 687.00 446.55 7.44 0.00 2.69 0.24 15.00 50.00 6.00 5.00 0.00 342.00 17.51 80.40 0.17 52.10 0.00 60.00 7.30 280.00 180.007 Jan.-10 27 OL 298.00 193.70 8.30 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.00 10.00 7.40 10.50 0.00 195.00 0.00 28.40 0.60 18.00 0.00 40.00 12.10 160.00 150.008 Mar.10 35 OL 292.00 189.80 8.35 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 10.00 7.80 12.00 12.00 170.80 4.98 25.00 0.47 16.20 0.10 20.00 4.84 150.00 59.909 May-10 Blank row shows no sample collection due to dry spot.

10 Jul.10 36 DS 1042.00 677.00 8.75 0.00 2.64 0.26 0.00 0.00 4.80 0.00 30.00 427.00 28.35 102.00 0.25 66.10 0.10 16.00 14.52 375.00 109.9511 Sep.10 27 DS 747.00 485.55 7.00 0.00 4.21 0.10 0.00 0.00 4.80 0.00 21.00 226.00 25.60 105.00 0.34 68.04 0.10 20.00 18.20 202.50 124.8912 Nov.10 27 DS 470.00 305.50 8.35 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 7.80 12.00 256.00 33.00 75.00 0.18 49.00 0.10 28.00 21.80 230.00 159.69

38 0.00 1042.00 677.00 8.75 0.00 10.73 0.26 15.00 50.00 7.80 12.00 30.00 427.00 33.00 105.00 0.60 68.04 0.10 60.00 53.20 375.00 359.0025 0.00 187.00 121.55 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 122.00 0.00 25.00 0.17 16.20 0.00 16.00 4.84 100.00 59.9030 0.00 544.91 354.16 7.85 0.00 2.28 0.17 1.36 10.91 5.90 4.75 8.45 249.56 17.29 64.55 0.32 41.80 0.05 34.73 16.51 212.50 154.85

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Total Hardness mg/L


Organic matter Major Ions Major CationsTotal



Statement Showing Surface Water data for Location No 3: Dena BypassSTATEMENT-3

Other Inorganic





Temp. Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH NH4-N


NO3- N


PO4 - P


BOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU





mg/LF mg/L Na





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan-09 25 OL 990.00 643.50 7.64 0.00 1.13 0.23 NP 20.00 7.00 3.00 0.00 256.20 50.10 200.20 0.19 150.20 0.20 68.00 58.10 210.00 409.002 Mar-09 32 OL 935.00 607.75 7.42 0.00 1.23 0.23 NP 0.00 7.40 2.80 0.00 286.70 53.59 170.00 0.34 128.00 0.10 72.00 21.80 235.00 270.003 May-09 38 OL 1030.00 669.50 7.80 0.00 0.35 0.18 NP 20.00 7.80 4.50 18.00 232.00 52.24 220.20 0.35 165.00 0.10 36.00 2.42 205.00 100.004 Jul.09 29 OL 260.00 169.00 7.35 0.45 0.81 0.27 NP 20.00 6.20 4.20 0.00 134.00 27.63 24.00 0.19 18.00 0.10 40.00 14.50 110.00 160.005 Sep.09 33 OL 822.00 534.30 7.70 0.00 10.73 0.18 NP 0.00 7.30 1.50 18.00 178.90 6.53 205.00 0.39 132.80 0.00 36.00 24.20 155.00 190.006 Nov.-09 27 OL 320.00 208.00 7.51 0.00 0.39 0.25 NP 0.00 7.40 3.00 0.00 165.00 10.32 34.00 0.18 22.04 0.00 40.00 9.70 135.00 140.007 Jan.-10 35 OL 330.00 214.50 8.20 0.00 0.09 0.08 NP 0.00 7.50 7.80 0.00 165.00 0.00 42.60 0.45 28.00 0.20 48.00 16.94 135.00 190.008 Mar.10 25 OL 284.00 184.60 8.42 0.00 0.00 0.22 NP 20.00 7.20 18.00 6.00 158.60 4.84 25.00 0.24 16.20 0.00 32.00 4.84 135.00 99.809 May-10 34 OL 1463.00 951.00 8.40 0.00 1.73 0.46 NP 0.00 7.00 0.00 12.00 329.00 34.40 170.00 0.25 111.00 0.00 52.00 60.50 280.00 379.0010 Jul.10 35 DS 877.00 570.05 8.08 0.00 2.49 0.37 NP 0.00 4.80 0.00 0.00 244.00 36.13 153.00 0.21 99.15 0.10 16.00 17.00 200.00 109.9511 Sep.10 27 DS 1580.00 1027.00 7.31 0.00 19.61 0.00 NP 0.00 4.20 0.00 48.00 488.00 71.60 140.00 0.51 90.70 0.10 28.00 12.10 440.00 119.7412 Nov.10 26 DS 496.00 322.40 8.14 0.00 15.30 0.00 NP 10.00 0.00 9.30 12.00 250.00 44.10 80.00 0.43 52.00 0.10 36.00 12.10 225.00 139.72

38 0.00 1580.00 1027.00 8.42 0.45 19.61 0.46 NP 20.00 7.80 18.00 48.00 488.00 71.60 220.20 0.51 165.00 0.20 72.00 60.50 440.00 409.0025 0.00 260.00 169.00 7.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 NP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 134.00 0.00 24.00 0.18 16.20 0.00 16.00 2.42 110.00 99.8031 0.00 782.25 508.47 7.83 0.04 4.49 0.21 NP 7.50 6.15 4.51 9.50 240.62 32.62 122.00 0.31 84.42 0.08 42.00 21.18 205.42 192.27

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Total Alkalin

ity mg/L

Total Hardness mg/L

Major Ions

STATEMENT-4Statement Showing Surface Water data for Location No - 4: Sama savli road bridge

Other Inorganic



Major CationsOrganic matterGeneral





Temp. Odour


pH NH4-N mg/L

NO3- N


PO4 - P


BOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan-09 26 DS 1200.00 780.00 7.56 0.00 22.20 0.40 NP 10.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 543.00 52.20 175.20 0.20 131.40 0.10 68.00 36.30 445.00 319.002 Mar-09 32 DS 1315.00 854.75 7.02 3.00 2.28 0.47 5.00 40.00 0.00 9.10 0.00 567.30 51.48 175.00 0.45 130.00 0.10 72.00 19.40 465.00 260.003 May-09 38 DS 1322.00 859.30 7.23 0.42 6.20 0.44 NP 20.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 397.00 42.35 188.20 0.44 142.00 0.10 48.00 9.68 325.00 159.704 Jul.09 29 DS 360.00 234.00 7.14 0.43 2.53 0.34 NP 10.00 3.60 11.80 0.00 183.00 33.98 40.00 0.21 30.00 0.10 32.00 14.50 150.00 140.005 Sep.09 35 OL 1268.00 824.20 7.48 0.55 2.43 0.48 12.00 40.00 7.00 1.40 0.00 445.30 13.30 210.00 0.57 136.10 0.00 48.00 26.60 365.00 229.006 Nov.-09 25 DS 1220.00 793.00 7.46 1.63 3.12 20.40 7.00 30.00 0.00 10.20 0.00 548.00 35.07 166.20 0.20 107.70 0.00 60.00 21.80 450.00 240.007 Jan.-10 27 DS 1045.00 679.25 7.94 0.00 3.20 3.50 8.00 30.00 0.00 9.80 0.00 488.00 10.82 170.40 0.73 110.00 0.10 80.00 24.20 400.00 299.008 Mar.10 36 DS 1330.00 864.50 7.55 0.02 0.92 0.42 8.00 30.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 353.80 34.36 200.00 0.44 129.60 0.00 52.00 4.84 290.00 149.809 May.10 34 DS 1360.00 884.00 8.68 0.09 2.42 4.14 NP 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 555.00 41.33 185.00 0.38 120.00 0.00 48.00 41.14 465.00 289.0010 Jul.10 31 DS 1191.00 774.15 7.43 0.00 17.31 0.28 NP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 442.00 31.78 161.00 0.23 104.00 0.10 40.00 29.00 362.50 219.3011 Sep.10 27 DS 1045.00 679.25 6.91 0.00 17.12 0.32 NP 0.00 1.60 0.00 48.00 298.90 40.02 160.00 0.28 103.68 0.10 36.00 21.80 245.00 179.6612 Nov.10 27 DS 706.00 458.90 7.34 0.00 22.80 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 9.30 12.00 250.00 44.10 80.00 0.31 84.00 0.10 24.00 16.96 265.00 129.69

38 0.00 1360.00 884.00 8.68 3.00 22.80 20.40 12.00 40.00 7.00 15.00 48.00 567.30 52.20 210.00 0.73 142.00 0.10 80.00 41.14 465.00 319.0025 0.00 360.00 234.00 6.91 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.00 10.82 40.00 0.20 30.00 0.00 24.00 4.84 150.00 129.6931 0.00 1113.50 723.78 7.48 0.51 8.54 2.60 6.67 20.00 1.02 6.88 6.00 422.61 35.90 159.25 0.37 110.71 0.07 50.67 22.19 352.29 217.85

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Statement Showing Surface Water data for Location No - 5: Akota road bridgeSTATEMENT-5

Other Inorga






Total Hardness mg/L



Major Ions


Major CationsOrganic matter

Temp. Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH NH4-N mg/L

NO3- N


PO4 - P


BOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/


Turbidity NTU





mg/LF mg/L Na





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan-09 26 DS 1380.00 897.00 7.51 10.90 2.30 0.50 10.50 40.00 0.00 10.8 0.00 518.30 60.20 250.30 0.23 187.70 0.00 44.00 24.20 425.00 210.002 Mar-09 33 DS 1345.00 874.25 7.70 3.00 3.44 0.51 30.00 100.00 0.00 10 0.00 622.20 62.80 190.00 0.42 144.00 0.00 56.00 41.10 510.00 309.003 May-09 35 DS 1465.00 952.25 6.95 0.90 6.80 0.27 7.00 30.00 0.00 10 0.00 478.00 70.30 136.10 0.47 102.00 0.00 52.00 2.42 375.00 139.804 July.09 29 DS 701.00 455.65 6.99 1.92 7.20 0.26 18.00 60.00 0.40 12 0.00 232.00 227.30 81.00 0.24 62.00 0.10 44.00 21.80 190.00 200.005 Sep.09 32 DS 1454.00 945.10 7.68 1.09 10.73 4.23 20.00 70.00 0.00 6.2 0.00 518.50 8.47 195.00 0.61 126.30 0.10 60.00 41.10 425.00 319.006 Nov.-09 24 DS 1520.00 988.00 7.51 2.96 4.00 23.22 12.00 50.00 0.00 11.2 0.00 641.00 83.20 194.20 0.22 125.80 0.10 60.00 36.30 525.00 299.007 Jan.-10 27 DS 1844.00 1198.60 7.90 0.00 1.77 2.32 15.00 50.00 0.00 15.5 0.00 335.50 203.49 298.20 0.30 193.00 0.20 112.00 29.04 275.00 399.008 Mar.10 36 DS 1223.00 794.95 8.29 0.06 12.35 35.00 13.00 40.00 0.00 16.2 12.00 366.00 26.43 150.00 0.48 113.40 0.00 52.00 9.68 360.00 168.709 May.10 37 DS 1245.00 809.25 8.41 0.00 6.70 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 NP 18.00 403.00 30.68 185.00 0.37 120.00 0.00 52.00 43.60 345.00 310.00

10 Jul.10 31 DS 1377.00 895.05 7.89 0.00 14.42 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 NP 0.00 433.00 52.93 168.00 0.44 109.00 0.10 40.00 14.52 355.00 159.6711 Sep.10 27 DS 1428.00 928.20 6.94 0.00 21.33 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 NP 39.00 317.00 91.30 225.00 0.63 145.80 0.10 24.00 14.50 292.50 119.6412 Nov.10 26 DS 917.00 596.05 7.63 0.95 32.30 1.11 0.00 20.00 0.00 6.9 0.00 366.00 94.30 165.00 0.28 107.00 0.10 36.00 18.20 300.00 164.84

37 0.00 1844.00 1198.60 8.41 10.90 32.30 35.00 30.00 100.00 0.40 16.20 39.00 641.00 227.30 298.20 0.63 193.00 0.20 112.00 43.60 525.00 399.0024 0.00 701.00 455.65 6.94 0.00 1.77 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.20 0.00 232.00 8.47 81.00 0.22 62.00 0.00 24.00 2.42 190.00 119.6430 0.00 1324.92 861.20 7.62 1.82 10.28 5.70 10.46 38.33 0.03 10.98 5.75 435.88 84.28 186.48 0.39 128.00 0.07 52.67 24.71 364.79 233.22

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Organic matter Major IonsGeneralOther






Total Hardness mg/L


Statement Showing Surface Water data for Location No - 6 :Kalali village




Major Cations



Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH NH4-N


NO3- N


PO4 - P


BOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L







mg/LF mg/L Na



Ca mg/L

Mg mg/L

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan-09 26 DS 1412.00 917.80 7.40 0.00 13.82 0.60 8.20 30.00 0.00 3.50 0.00 518.50 70.60 200.20 0.25 150.20 0.10 64.00 16.90 420.00 229.002 Mar-09 33 DS 1426.00 926.90 7.72 0.00 5.35 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.30 0.00 579.50 73.60 185.00 0.41 139.00 0.00 68.00 21.80 475.00 260.003 May-09 35 DS 1583.00 1028.95 7.30 0.90 12.20 0.27 7.50 30.00 0.00 11.00 0.00 580.00 100.70 204.20 0.43 153.00 0.10 60.00 7.26 475.00 179.004 Jul-09 29 DS 590.00 383.50 7.40 1.92 6.30 0.29 0.00 10.00 1.20 13.00 0.00 250.00 53.00 74.00 0.26 55.50 0.10 44.00 24.20 205.00 209.005 Sep-09 32 DS 1446.00 939.90 7.72 0.66 1.15 1.08 20.00 70.00 0.00 11.50 0.00 451.40 50.60 210.00 0.61 136.00 0.20 60.00 29.00 370.00 269.006 Nov.-09 24 DS 1265.00 822.25 7.55 0.99 3.40 31.19 13.00 50.00 0.00 11.40 0.00 537.00 50.98 170.00 0.25 110.00 0.20 48.00 48.40 440.00 319.007 Jan.-10 27 DS 1296.00 842.40 7.86 0.00 3.20 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.50 0.00 353.80 608.00 184.60 0.55 120.00 0.10 80.00 38.72 290.00 359.008 Mar.10 36 DS 1223.00 794.95 8.29 0.06 12.35 35.00 13.00 40.00 0.00 17.20 12.00 366.00 26.43 150.00 0.47 97.20 0.20 48.00 12.10 310.00 169.709 May.10 37 DS 1432.00 931.00 8.47 6.33 2.44 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 512.00 46.11 213.00 0.38 139.00 0.00 56.00 45.98 430.00 329.0010 Jul.10 31 DS 1244.00 809.00 7.41 0.00 11.15 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 378.00 26.31 170.00 0.42 110.16 0.10 36.00 39.00 310.00 250.0011 Sep.10 28 DS 1261.00 820.00 6.88 0.00 21.04 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.00 64.70 289.80 200.00 0.18 129.60 0.10 44.00 29.00 272.50 229.2912 Nov.10 27 DS 843.00 548.00 7.30 1.71 30.70 0.71 0.00 10.00 0.00 7.50 0.00 342.00 55.40 145.00 0.55 94.00 0.10 44.00 29.00 280.00 229.29

37 0.00 1583.00 1028.95 8.47 6.33 30.70 35.00 20.00 70.00 1.20 20.50 42.00 580.00 608.00 213.00 0.61 153.00 0.20 80.00 48.40 475.00 359.0024 0.00 590.00 383.50 6.88 0.00 1.15 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.70 26.31 74.00 0.18 55.50 0.00 36.00 7.26 205.00 169.70

Average 30 0.00 1251.75 813.72 7.61 1.05 10.26 6.00 5.14 20.00 0.10 8.24 5.50 411.08 120.96 175.50 0.40 119.47 0.11 54.33 28.45 356.46 252.61

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Total Hardne

ss mg/L


Major CationsSr.No.

Nutrient Total Alkalinity






Organic matter Major Ions

Statement Showing Surface Water data for Location No - 7 : Khalipur village

Temp. Odour


pH NH4-N


NO3- N


PO4 - P


BOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L






mg/LCl mg/L F mg/L Na



Ca mg/L

Mg mg/L

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan-09 26 DS 1320.00 858.00 7.60 0.00 1.92 0.50 8.00 30.00 0.00 5.80 0.00 536.80 130.20 175.00 0.25 131.40 0.10 64.00 38.70 440.00 319.002 Mar-09 33 DS 1670.00 1085.50 7.80 0.00 4.68 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.50 0.00 610.00 136.90 250.00 0.39 190.00 0.10 56.00 33.90 500.00 260.003 May-09 35 DS 1564.00 1016.60 7.37 0.00 10.80 0.25 0.00 20.00 0.00 11.50 0.00 549.00 88.90 268.00 0.47 200.00 0.00 48.00 12.10 450.00 169.004 Jul-09 29 DS 645.00 419.25 7.17 1.92 9.30 0.31 0.00 10.00 1.20 13.50 0.00 262.00 54.30 81.00 0.28 65.00 0.10 44.00 24.20 215.00 209.005 Sep-09 31 DS 1778.00 1155.70 7.70 0.14 2.51 33.75 15.00 50.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 536.80 25.24 255.00 0.59 165.20 0.10 44.00 50.80 440.00 319.006 Nov.-09 24 DS 1250.00 812.50 7.51 0.00 2.30 22.80 10.00 40.00 0.00 11.50 0.00 488.00 51.70 166.00 0.27 107.60 0.10 52.00 48.40 400.00 329.007 Jan.-10 27 DS 1278.00 830.70 7.75 0.00 2.18 9.15 7.00 30.00 0.00 12.50 0.00 396.50 47.96 184.60 0.47 120.00 0.10 76.00 26.62 325.00 299.008 Mar.10 37 DS 1200.00 780.00 8.27 0.02 12.20 30.00 12.00 40.00 0.00 18.20 18.00 366.00 32.09 150.00 0.47 97.20 0.10 48.00 7.26 315.00 149.809 May.10 37 DS 1408.00 915.00 8.58 1.71 3.00 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.00 476.00 54.56 185.00 0.39 120.00 0.00 52.00 48.40 405.00 329.00

10 Jul.10 31 DS 1304.00 847.60 7.25 0.00 12.65 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 467.00 34.15 172.00 0.38 111.46 0.10 52.00 34.00 382.50 269.8411 Sep.10 28 DS 1233.00 801.45 6.84 0.00 20.22 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.00 52.80 298.90 205.00 0.39 132.84 0.10 36.00 21.80 277.50 179.6612 Nov.10 26 DS 828.00 538.20 7.26 1.93 31.20 0.27 0.00 30.00 0.00 10.30 0.00 403.00 51.80 145.00 0.48 94.00 0.10 52.00 18.20 330.00 204.79

37 0 1778.00 1155.70 8.58 1.93 31.20 33.75 15.00 50.00 1.20 18.20 39.00 610.00 298.90 268.00 0.59 200.00 0.10 76.00 50.80 500.00 329.0024 0 645.00 419.25 6.84 0.00 1.92 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.80 25.24 81.00 0.25 65.00 0.00 36.00 7.26 215.00 149.8030 0 1289.83 838.38 7.59 0.48 9.41 8.20 4.33 20.83 0.10 7.53 6.25 428.66 83.89 186.38 0.40 127.89 0.08 52.00 30.37 373.33 253.09

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Total Alkalinity


Total Hardness mg/L


Statement Showing Surface Water data for Location No 8 : Juni karali village


InorganicMajor IonsSr.No.

Nutrient Major Cations




Organic matter

Temp. Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH NH4-N


NO3- N


PO4 - P


BOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU





mg/LF mg/L Na



Ca mg/L

Mg mg/L

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan-09 26.00 DS 1240.00 806.00 7.70 0.00 35.79 0.67 0.00 20.00 0.00 7.00 0.00 469.70 50.60 185.20 0.26 138.90 0.00 60.00 19.40 385.00 230.002 Mar-09 33.00 DS 1315.00 854.75 7.78 0.00 3.17 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.80 0.00 549.00 51.60 160.00 0.35 120.00 0.10 76.00 14.50 450.00 250.003 May-09 35.00 DS 1473.00 957.45 7.37 0.00 8.31 0.33 0.00 20.00 0.00 11.70 0.00 549.00 54.16 222.20 0.49 168.00 0.10 48.00 21.78 450.00 209.604 Jul-09 29.00 DS 610.00 396.50 7.39 0.00 5.91 0.27 0.00 10.00 1.40 10.80 0.00 214.00 53.48 70.00 0.29 56.00 0.00 28.00 36.30 175.00 219.005 Sep-09 31.00 DS 1397.00 908.05 7.80 0.44 1.85 35.33 0.00 20.00 2.80 1.10 0.00 402.60 20.10 210.00 0.56 136.10 0.00 56.00 38.70 330.00 299.006 Nov.-09 24.00 DS 1210.00 786.50 7.51 0.99 2.69 23.81 15.00 50.00 1.20 12.00 0.00 525.00 50.76 168.20 0.27 108.90 0.00 64.00 36.30 430.00 309.007 Jan.-10 27.00 DS 1310.00 851.50 7.51 0.00 1.53 2.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.50 0.00 353.80 60.51 170.40 0.48 110.00 0.10 100.00 21.78 290.00 339.008 Mar.10 37.00 DS 1315.00 855.00 7.74 0.00 10.40 28.00 8.50 30.00 0.00 20.40 0.00 366.00 30.00 150.00 0.49 97.00 0.10 60.00 16.94 300.00 219.609 May.10 37.00 DS 1392.00 904.80 8.90 1.31 1.43 1.66 0.00 0.00 1.40 0.00 18.00 555.00 49.80 170.00 0.38 110.50 0.00 56.00 24.20 470.00 240.00

10 Jul.10 31.00 DS 1454.00 945.00 7.72 0.00 12.74 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 497.00 53.12 188.00 0.36 121.82 0.10 36.00 46.00 407.50 279.0011 Sep.10 27.00 DS 1301.00 846.00 7.03 0.00 20.32 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.00 61.30 277.60 180.00 0.51 116.64 0.10 52.00 16.94 262.50 198.6112 Nov.10 27.00 DS 842.00 547.00 7.24 1.36 33.30 0.82 0.00 20.00 0.00 6.20 0.00 311.00 93.70 170.00 0.54 110.00 0.10 36.00 16.94 255.00 159.65

37 0.00 1473.00 957.45 8.90 1.36 35.79 35.33 15.00 50.00 2.80 20.40 42.00 555.00 277.60 222.20 0.56 168.00 0.10 100.00 46.00 470.00 339.0024 0.00 610.00 396.50 7.03 0.00 1.43 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.30 20.10 70.00 0.26 56.00 0.00 28.00 14.50 175.00 159.6530 0.00 1238.25 804.88 7.64 0.34 11.45 7.90 1.96 14.17 0.57 6.96 5.00 404.45 70.45 170.33 0.41 116.16 0.06 56.00 25.82 350.42 246.04

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed


Major IonsGeneralOther



Total Alkalin

ity mg/L

Total Hardness mg/L


Statement Showing Surface Water data for Location No 9 : Virpur village


Major CationsSr.No.

Nutrient Organic matter

Temp. Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH NH4-N


NO3- N


PO4 - P


BOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU





mg/LF mg/L Na



Ca mg/L

Mg mg/L

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan-09 26 DS 1120.00 728.00 7.55 0.00 1.00 0.73 0.00 20.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 347.70 54.80 105.00 0.31 78.80 0.00 40.00 19.40 285.00 180.002 Mar-09 33 DS 1298.00 843.70 7.70 0.00 3.20 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.10 0.00 549.00 53.80 175.00 0.24 130.10 0.10 52.00 29.00 450.00 249.003 May-09 35 DS 596.00 387.40 7.30 0.00 0.62 0.37 0.00 20.00 4.20 12.00 0.00 238.00 22.30 68.00 0.31 51.00 0.10 36.00 14.50 195.00 149.704 Jul-09 29 DS 616.00 400.40 7.30 0.00 6.02 0.26 0.00 10.00 3.00 12.00 0.00 220.00 54.60 80.00 0.32 61.00 0.00 40.00 31.50 180.00 230.005 Sep-09 32 DS 1150.00 747.50 7.80 0.23 10.70 17.70 28.00 80.00 2.00 10.60 0.00 366.00 49.20 165.00 0.54 107.00 0.10 44.00 46.00 300.00 299.006 Nov.-09 24 DS 1190.00 773.50 7.50 0.90 2.00 17.10 13.00 50.00 2.00 10.50 0.00 488.00 50.20 160.20 0.28 104.00 0.10 60.00 24.20 400.00 249.007 Jan.-10 27 DS 1160.00 754.00 7.70 0.00 2.29 10.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.40 0.00 317.00 50.00 156.00 0.47 101.00 0.10 80.00 29.00 260.00 319.008 Mar.10 37 DS 1295.00 841.75 7.76 0.00 8.60 25.00 8.00 30.00 1.00 18.40 0.00 366.00 27.85 150.00 0.49 97.20 0.10 48.00 7.26 300.00 149.809 May.10 37 DS 1410.00 916.50 8.54 2.31 1.89 6.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.00 482.00 78.64 199.00 0.39 129.00 0.00 32.00 0.00 410.00 80.00

10 Jul.10 31 DS 1084.00 704.60 7.83 0.00 10.22 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 354.00 33.00 146.00 0.34 94.61 0.10 44.00 29.00 290.00 229.3011 Sep.10 27 DS 939.00 610.35 7.07 0.00 23.21 0.02 0.00 0.00 4.60 0.00 42.00 44.50 241.00 150.00 0.44 97.20 0.10 28.00 12.10 232.50 119.7412 Nov.10 27 DS 649.00 421.85 7.39 0.45 17.70 0.41 0.00 10.00 4.00 8.80 0.00 317.00 47.10 115.00 0.31 75.00 0.10 28.00 14.50 260.00 129.63

37 0.00 1410.00 916.50 8.54 2.31 23.21 25.00 28.00 80.00 4.60 18.40 42.00 549.00 241.00 199.00 0.54 130.10 0.10 80.00 46.00 450.00 319.0024 0.00 596.00 387.40 7.07 0.00 0.62 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.50 22.30 68.00 0.24 51.00 0.00 28.00 0.00 180.00 80.0031 0.00 1070.54 695.85 7.69 0.48 8.51 8.05 5.92 23.08 1.95 8.32 7.85 356.78 77.19 143.71 0.38 96.62 0.08 47.08 23.27 308.65 207.94

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Total Alkalinity mg/L

Total Hardness mg/L


Statement Showing Surface Water data for Location No 10 : Pingalwada road bridge


InorganicOrganic matter Major Ions Major Cations








pH NH4-N


NO3- N


PO4 - P


BOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU





mg/LF mg/L Na





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan-09 26 OL 1220.00 793.00 7.80 0.00 0.65 0.50 0.00 20.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 421.00 45.00 170.00 0.25 127.70 0.10 32.00 4.80 345.00 100.002 Mar-09 33 OL 1332.00 865.80 7.50 5.00 2.73 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.10 0.00 521.00 40.10 185.00 0.61 139.00 0.00 60.00 26.60 420.00 259.003 May-09 38 OL 676.00 439.40 7.10 0.00 0.72 0.18 0.00 20.00 2.80 10.00 0.00 244.00 18.40 76.10 0.27 58.00 0.00 28.00 19.40 200.00 149.704 Jul-09 29 OL 525.00 341.25 7.50 0.00 5.85 0.40 7.50 30.00 3.00 11.50 0.00 220.00 57.60 66.00 0.26 50.00 0.10 48.00 22.00 180.00 210.005 Sept.-09 32 DS 1186.00 770.90 7.70 0.03 1.13 5.28 0.00 10.00 5.00 10.90 0.00 366.00 34.30 175.00 0.54 113.40 0.00 68.00 26.60 300.00 279.006 Nov.-09 24 DS 1230.00 799.50 7.90 1.94 2.50 19.23 14.00 50.00 2.00 10.20 0.00 519.00 49.80 160.20 0.30 103.80 0.00 48.00 92.00 425.00 499.007 Jan.-10 27 DS 1360.00 884.00 7.70 0.00 2.23 30.84 0.00 10.00 0.00 11.50 0.00 397.00 81.00 199.00 0.47 129.00 0.20 40.00 24.20 325.00 200.008 Mar.10 36 DS 1246.00 809.90 8.47 0.00 11.35 28.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 15.30 36.00 317.20 35.18 165.00 0.56 107.00 0.00 52.00 16.94 290.00 199.609 May.10 37 DS 1521.00 989.00 7.93 1.98 1.49 1.67 0.00 0.00 1.60 0.00 24.00 531.00 49.50 170.00 0.39 110.50 0.00 44.00 45.98 455.00 299.00

10 Jul.10 35 DS 1053.00 684.45 8.30 0.00 11.11 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 363.00 28.48 144.00 0.31 93.31 0.10 80.00 0.00 297.50 199.7611 Set.10 28 DS 1022.00 664.30 6.90 0.00 23.11 0.65 0.00 0.00 3.20 0.00 45.00 39.00 253.20 145.00 0.19 93.96 0.10 24.00 16.94 245.00 129.6912 Nov.10 27 DS 665.00 432.25 7.06 0.32 14.80 0.16 0.00 10.00 4.20 8.40 0.00 305.00 34.40 110.00 0.33 71.00 0.10 40.00 12.10 250.00 149.71

38 0.00 1521.00 989.00 8.47 5.00 23.11 30.84 14.00 50.00 5.00 15.30 45.00 531.00 253.20 199.00 0.61 139.00 0.20 80.00 92.00 455.00 499.0024 0.00 525.00 341.25 6.90 0.00 0.65 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.00 18.40 66.00 0.19 50.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 180.00 100.0031 0.00 1086.33 706.15 7.66 0.77 6.47 1.79 14.17 1.82 6.74 8.75 353.60 60.58 147.11 0.37 99.72 0.06 47.00 25.63 311.04 222.87

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Total Hardness mg/L

Other InorganicGeneral




Nutrient Organic matter Major Ions


Major Cations

Statement Showing Surface Water data for Location No 11 : Surwara village

Total Alkalin

ity mg/L

Temp. Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH NH4-N


NO3- N


PO4 - P


BOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/


Turbidity NTU









mg/LMg mg/


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25Paladi Max. 38 0.00 1278.00 830.70 8.27 1.17 10.74 0.32 8.00 30.00 7.80 12.50 36.00 488.00 81.97 198.80 1.01 128.00 0.10 80.00 41.10 400.00 339.00

Min. 25 0.00 350.00 227.50 7.02 1.10 0.35 0.18 8.00 0.00 3.80 1.50 0.00 122.00 4.19 30.00 0.16 22.50 0.00 20.00 2.42 100.00 90.00Avg. 30 0.00 579.20 376.48 7.48 0.57 3.64 0.17 5.33 15.00 5.42 6.59 5.40 248.33 22.26 63.80 0.40 43.06 0.09 47.60 15.61 206.10 183.16

Pilol Max. 38 0.00 1034.00 672.00 8.69 0.88 10.75 0.28 8.50 30.00 7.60 11.50 48.00 421.00 52.38 227.20 1.05 147.00 0.10 60.00 26.60 385.00 239.00Min. 25 0.00 286.00 185.90 6.81 0.00 0.17 0.00 7.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 128.00 3.54 24.00 0.13 15.50 0.00 16.00 2.42 105.00 80.00Avg. 30 0.00 640.91 416.58 7.68 0.15 2.50 0.17 8.00 14.55 5.83 4.57 12.55 261.55 20.26 83.04 0.36 54.99 0.09 39.45 13.76 222.68 153.87

Dena Max. 38 0.00 1042.00 677.00 8.75 0.00 10.73 0.26 15.00 50.00 7.80 12.00 30.00 427.00 33.00 105.00 0.60 68.04 0.10 60.00 53.20 375.00 0.00Min. 25 0.00 187.00 121.55 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 122.00 0.00 25.00 0.17 16.20 0.00 16.00 4.84 100.00 0.00Avg. 30 0.00 544.91 354.16 7.85 0.00 2.28 0.17 1.36 10.91 5.90 4.75 8.45 249.56 17.29 64.55 0.32 41.80 0.05 34.73 16.51 212.50 0.00

Sama Savli Max. 38 0.00 1580.00 1027.00 8.42 0.45 19.61 0.46 NP 20.00 7.80 18.00 48.00 488.00 71.60 220.20 0.51 165.00 0.20 72.00 60.50 440.00 409.00Min. 25 0.00 260.00 169.00 7.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 NP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 134.00 0.00 24.00 0.18 16.20 0.00 16.00 2.42 110.00 99.80Avg. 31 0.00 782.25 508.47 7.83 0.04 4.49 0.21 NP 7.50 6.15 4.51 9.50 240.62 32.62 122.00 0.31 84.42 0.08 42.00 21.18 205.42 192.27

Akota Max. 38 0.00 1360.00 884.00 8.68 3.00 22.80 20.40 12.00 40.00 7.00 15.00 48.00 567.30 52.20 210.00 0.73 142.00 0.10 80.00 41.14 465.00 319.00Min. 25 0.00 360.00 234.00 6.91 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.00 10.82 40.00 0.20 30.00 0.00 24.00 4.84 150.00 129.69Avg. 31 0.00 1113.50 723.78 7.48 0.51 8.54 2.60 6.67 20.00 1.02 6.88 6.00 422.61 35.90 159.25 0.37 110.71 0.07 50.67 22.19 352.29 217.85

Kalali Max. 37 0.00 1844.00 1198.60 8.41 10.90 32.30 35.00 30.00 100.00 0.40 16.20 39.00 641.00 227.30 298.20 0.63 193.00 0.20 112.00 43.60 525.00 399.00Min. 24 0.00 701.00 455.65 6.94 0.00 1.77 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.20 0.00 232.00 8.47 81.00 0.22 62.00 0.00 24.00 2.42 190.00 119.64Avg. 30 0.00 1324.92 861.20 7.62 1.82 10.28 5.70 10.46 38.33 0.03 10.98 5.75 435.88 84.28 186.48 0.39 128.00 0.07 52.67 24.71 364.79 233.22

Khalipur Max. 37 0.00 1583.00 1028.95 8.47 6.33 30.70 35.00 20.00 70.00 1.20 20.50 42.00 580.00 608.00 213.00 0.61 153.00 0.20 80.00 48.40 475.00 359.00Min. 24 0.00 590.00 383.50 6.88 0.00 1.15 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.70 26.31 74.00 0.18 55.50 0.00 36.00 7.26 205.00 169.70Avg. 30 0.00 1251.75 813.72 7.61 1.05 10.26 6.00 5.14 20.00 0.10 8.24 5.50 411.08 120.96 175.50 0.40 119.47 0.11 54.33 28.45 356.46 252.61

Location Values

Nutrient Major Cations Total Alkalinity



Statement Showing Surface Water data for eleven locations

Total Hardness



r Inor

Organic matter Major Ions

Temp. Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH NH4-N mg/L

NO2-NO3 mg/L

PO4 mg/L

BOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU

CO3 mg/L


SO4 mg/L

Cl mg/L

F mg/L

Na mg/L

K mg/L Ca mg/L

Mg mg/L

Total Alkalin

ity mg/L

Total Hardness


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25Juni Kharali Max. 37 0.00 1778.00 1155.70 8.58 1.93 31.20 33.75 15.00 50.00 1.20 18.20 39.00 610.00 298.90 268.00 0.59 200.00 0.10 76.00 50.80 500.00 329.00

Min. 24 0.00 645.00 419.25 6.84 0.00 1.92 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.80 25.24 81.00 0.25 65.00 0.00 36.00 7.26 215.00 149.80Avg. 30 0.00 1289.83 838.38 7.59 0.48 9.41 8.20 4.33 20.83 0.10 7.53 6.25 428.66 83.89 186.38 0.40 127.89 0.08 52.00 30.37 373.33 253.09

Virpur Max. 37 0.00 1473.00 957.45 8.90 1.36 35.79 35.33 15.00 50.00 2.80 20.40 42.00 555.00 277.60 222.20 0.56 168.00 0.10 100.00 46.00 470.00 339.00Min. 24 0.00 610.00 396.50 7.03 0.00 1.43 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.30 20.10 70.00 0.26 56.00 0.00 28.00 14.50 175.00 159.65Avg. 30 0.00 1238.25 804.88 7.64 0.34 11.45 7.90 1.96 14.17 0.57 6.96 5.00 404.45 70.45 170.33 0.41 116.16 0.06 56.00 25.82 350.42 246.04

Pingalwada Max. 37 0.00 1410.00 916.50 8.54 2.31 23.21 25.00 28.00 80.00 4.60 18.40 42.00 549.00 241.00 199.00 0.54 130.10 0.10 80.00 46.00 450.00 319.00Min. 24 0.00 596.00 387.40 7.07 0.00 0.62 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.50 22.30 68.00 0.24 51.00 0.00 28.00 0.00 180.00 80.00Avg. 31 0.00 1070.54 695.85 7.69 0.48 8.51 8.05 5.92 23.08 1.95 8.32 7.85 356.78 77.19 143.71 0.38 96.62 0.08 47.08 23.27 308.65 207.94

Surwara Max. 38 0.00 1521.00 989.00 8.47 5.00 23.11 30.84 14.00 50.00 5.00 15.30 45.00 531.00 253.20 199.00 0.61 139.00 0.20 80.00 92.00 455.00 499.00Min. 24 0.00 525.00 341.25 6.90 0.00 0.65 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.00 18.40 66.00 0.19 50.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 180.00 100.00Avg. 31 0.00 1086.33 706.15 7.66 0.77 6.47 1.79 14.17 1.82 6.74 8.75 353.60 60.58 147.11 0.37 99.72 0.06 47.00 25.63 311.04 222.87

Major CationsGeneral Organic matter Major Ions

Location Values


Temp. Odour


pH Nh4-N mg/L

NO3 - N mg/L


mg/LBOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU




mg/LCl mg/L F mg/L Na mg/L K




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan.09 28 OL 1518.00 987.00 7.50 2.84 14.50 0.20 NP 20.00 3.00 0.00 6.00 536.80 2.00 335.20 0.40 251.40 0.10 76.00 46.00 440.00 379.202 Mar.09 32 OL 1896.00 1232.00 7.09 0.00 3.59 0.19 Nil 50.00 2.60 0.00 6.00 640.50 0.56 390.20 0.44 295.00 0.20 64.00 26.60 530.00 269.353 May.09 38 OL 1755.00 1141.00 7.71 0.00 9.29 0.10 Nil 10.00 7.80 0.80 18.00 549.00 20.25 397.60 0.39 285.00 0.10 36.00 7.26 455.00 119.794 July.09 29 OL 1815.00 1180.00 7.70 0.00 3.09 0.40 12.00 40.00 3.00 0.80 Nil 634.00 26.90 320.00 0.48 239.00 0.10 52.00 55.70 520.00 359.225 Sept.09 35 OL 1737.00 1129.00 8.13 0.00 1.05 0.25 NP 0.00 11.00 0.40 42.00 500.20 4.94 370.00 0.55 239.70 0.10 24.00 33.90 445.00 199.536 Nov.09 25 OL 1600.00 1040.00 8.02 0.00 1.71 0.47 NP 20.00 9.00 4.00 Nil 610.00 18.89 276.30 0.24 179.00 0.10 36.00 36.30 500.00 239.387 Jan.10 27 OL 1455.00 946.00 8.10 0.00 2.25 0.10 NP 10.00 3.00 0.50 0.00 500.00 60.40 184.60 0.46 119.00 0.10 48.00 24.20 410.00 219.518 Mar.10 36 OL 1408.00 915.00 8.55 0.00 3.02 0.32 NP 20.00 4.60 3.00 42.00 488.00 17.50 190.00 0.33 123.00 0.10 40.00 12.10 435.00 149.719 May.10 35 OL 1406.00 914.00 7.89 0.00 0.99 0.58 NP 0.00 7.60 NP 12.00 561.00 12.80 199.00 0.44 129.00 0.10 20.00 31.46 470.00 179.49

10 Jul.10 36 OL 1555.00 1011.00 8.14 0.00 1.21 0.20 NP 0.00 7.00 NP Nil 491.00 10.83 325.00 0.28 210.60 0.10 20.00 27.00 402.50 161.13

11 Sept.10 27 OL 1797.00 1168.00 6.94 0.00 16.11 0.00 NP 0.00 6.20 NP 42.00 344.70 12.00 325.00 0.34 211.00 0.10 40.00 18.20 317.50 174.8312 Nov.10 26 OL 1248.00 811.00 8.12 0.00 8.30 0.00 NP 0.00 3.00 42.00 512.00 17.90 300.00 0.12 194.00 0.10 28.00 12.10 490.00 119.74

Max 38 OL 1896.00 1232.00 8.55 2.84 16.11 0.58 12.00 50.00 11.00 4.00 42.00 640.50 60.40 397.60 0.55 295.00 0.20 76.00 55.70 530.00 379.20Min 25 OL 1248.00 811.00 6.94 0.00 0.99 0.00 12.00 0.00 2.60 0.00 0.00 344.70 0.56 184.60 0.12 119.00 0.10 20.00 7.26 317.50 119.74Avg. 31 OL 1599.17 1039.50 7.82 0.24 5.43 0.23 12.00 14.17 5.65 1.19 23.33 530.60 17.08 301.08 0.37 206.31 0.11 40.33 27.57 451.25 214.24

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Statement Showing Ground Water data for Location Paladi BoreSTATEMENT - 13


Month General Nutrient Organic matter Major Ions Other Inorganic

Major Cations Total Alkalinity


Total Hardness mg/L

Temp. Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH Nh4-N mg/L

NO3 - N



mg/LBOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU





mg/LF mg/L Na





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan.09 28 OL 1663 1081 7.76 0.00 4.70 0.19 NP 10 7 0.00 Nil 683.2 40.7 200.20 0.38 150 0.1 40 31.50 560 229.62 Mar.09 32 OL 1685 1095 7.4 0.00 4.64 0.18 3.1 50 7.4 0.00 Nil 780.8 44.7 215.00 0.36 161 0.1 64 12.10 640 209.63 May.09 38 OL 1672 1087 7.5 0.00 9.51 0.11 NP 10 2.2 0.90 30 695 73.3 284.00 0.28 214 0.1 32 7.26 595 109.84 July.09 29 OL 1735 1128 8.0 0.00 3.73 0.59 11 40 3 0.80 18 720 466 256.00 0.37 190 0 36 31.50 605 219.65 Sept.09 34 OL 1740 1131 8.0 0.00 4.00 0.16 NP 0 3 0.50 42 640 19.4 250.00 0.40 162 0 36 21.80 560 179.76 Nov.09 25 OL 1720 1118 8.0 0.00 4.50 0.27 NP 0 1.6 3.20 24 763 67.9 252.20 0.38 163 0 48 33.90 645 259.57 Jan.10 27 OL 1311 852 8.1 0.00 2.15 0.09 NP 20 2.8 0.80 0 384 50.3 170.40 0.47 110 0 48 19.36 315 199.68 Mar.10 36 OL 1575 1025 8.9 0.00 4.15 0.25 NP 20 2.2 5.00 60 567.3 32.2 185.00 0.74 120 0.1 36 4.84 515 109.89 May.10 35 OL 1495 972 7.5 0.00 4.19 0.34 NP 0 4.2 NP 18 604 58 170.00 0.27 111 0.1 16 19.36 510 119.710 Jul.10 35 OL 1616 1050 8.3 0.00 4.29 0.15 NP 0 4.2 NP 45 473 34.5 197.00 0.23 128 0.1 16 14.52 388 99.7511 Sept.10 27 OL 1712 1113 6.9 0.00 7.90 Nil NP 0 4.2 NP 39 427 21.3 240.00 0.54 156 0.1 36 29.00 383 209.312 Nov.10 26 OL 1235 803 8.1 0.00 1.30 0 NP Nil 4.2 NP 36 580 17.8 200.00 0.28 130 0.1 32 18.20 535 154.9

Max 38 OL 1740 1131 8.88 0.00 9.51 0.59 11 50 7.4 5 60 780.8 466 284 0.735 214 0.1 64 33.9 645 259.5Min 25 OL 1235 803 6.9 0.00 1.3 0 3.1 0 1.6 0 0 384 17.8 170 0.234 110 0 16 4.84 315 99.75Avg. 31 OL 1597 1038 7.871 0.00 4.59 0.21 7.05 13.6 3.83 1.4 31.2 609.8 77.2 218.32 0.39108333 150 0.07 36.7 20.28 520.83 175.1

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Other Inorganic



Month General Nutrient Organic matter Major Ions Major Cations

Statement Showing Ground Water data for Location Pilol Bore

Total Alkalini

ty mg/L

Total Hardn

ess mg/L




pH Nh4-N


NO3 - N





COD mg/L

DO mg/L







mg/LF mg/L Na





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan.09 28 OL 1240 806 8.2 0.00 10.06 0.29 NP 10 5.5 0.00 0 542.6 20.2 85.1 0.80 63.8 0 24 31.5 430 189.65

2 Mar.09 32 OL 1153 750 7.6 0.00 3.24 0.23 NP 40 5.4 0.00 18 658.8 23.2 70.0 0.85 52 0.1 60 14.5 555 209.53

3 May.09 38 OL 1364 887 7.5 0.00 16.50 0.04 NP 20 6 0.80 12 738 72.7 85.0 0.63 64 0.1 40 4.8 615 119.81

4 July.09 29 OL 1290 839 8.3 0.00 4.80 0.76 NP 10 6.2 0.80 42 665 177 99.0 0.92 76 0.1 28 36.5 580 220.22

5 Sept.09 35 OL 1500 975 8.2 0.00 6.74 0.18 NP 0 7.8 0.60 48 647 19.6 135.0 0.73 87.5 0 16 31.5 570 169.67

6 Nov.09 25 OL 1360 884 7.9 0.00 4.43 0.57 NP 0 5.4 2.50 30 732 51.6 116.2 0.36 75.3 0 56 29.0 625 259.25

7 Jan.10 27 OL 1320 858 8.2 0.00 2.98 0.10 NP 10 6.4 0.60 0 549 37.2 184.6 0.43 120 0 80 19.4 450 279.48

8 Mar.10 36 OL 1360 885 8.8 0.00 3.58 0.35 NP 10 6 2.00 60 640.5 25.5 100.0 0.74 64.8 0 44 7.26 575 139.76

9 May.10 35 OL 1636 1063 8.1 0.00 4.53 0.37 NP 0 6.4 NP 18 683 52.2 185.0 0.55 120 0 28 29.04 385 189.50

10 Jul.10 35 OL 1365 887 8.7 0.00 4.10 0.17 NP 0 5.8 NP 33 515 30.4 98.0 0.32 63.5 0.1 32 27.00 423 191.09

11 Sept.10 27 OL 788 512 6.9 0.00 7.80 Nil NP 0 5.8 NP 30 186.1 37.8 125.0 0.64 81 0.1 28 12.10 178 119.74

12 Nov.10 26 OL 1040 676 8.6 0.00 1.20 Nil NP Nil 5.8 0.80 72 531 13.9 105.0 0.44 68 0.1 40 16.94 555 169.64

Max 38 OL 1636 1063 8.75 0 16.5 0.76 NP 40 7.8 2.5 72 738 177 185 0.922 120 0.1 80 36.5 625 279.484

Min 25 OL 788 512 6.93 0 1.2 0.04 NP 0 5.4 0 0 186.1 13.9 70 0.317 52 0 16 4.84 177.5 119.744

Avg. 31 OL 1285 835.2 8.06 0 5.8301 0.3 NP 9.09 6.04 0.9 30.3 590.67 46.8 115.7 0.61625 78 0.05 39.7 21.628 495 188.113

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Total Hardne




Month General Nutrient Organic matter Major Ions Other Inorganic

Major Cations

Statement Showing Ground Water data for Location Dena Bore

Total Alkalinity





pH Nh4-N


NO3 - N



mg/LBOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU




mg/LCl mg/L F mg/L Na





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan.09 28 OL 980 637 7.9 0.00 0.17 0.18 NP 10 3.5 1.00 24 475.8 25.5 100.00 0.58 75.1 0.1 48 38.70 390 279.22 Mar.09 32 OL 989 643 7.5 0.00 2.64 0.18 12 50 3.4 0.80 0 488 25.3 100.00 0.55 75 0 72 14.50 400 239.53 May.09 38 OL 975 634 7,46 0.00 0.01 0.41 NP 20 3.2 2.00 24 397 59.3 156.00 0.41 118 0 44 4.84 345 129.84 July.09 29 OL 980 637 8.0 0.00 0.00 1.02 NP 10 5 2.90 12 458 122 128.00 0.64 96 0.1 52 46.00 385 319.35 Sept.09 35 OL 1009 656 7.9 0.00 0.05 0.2 NP 0 5.4 0.50 12 403 25 115.00 0.56 74.5 0 20 48.40 340 249.36 Nov.09 25 OL 980 637 7.8 0.00 0.00 0.1 NP 0 4.2 3.00 0 476 47.3 120.20 0.88 77.9 0 40 87.10 390 458.67 Jan.10 27 OL 955 620 8.4 0.00 0.00 0.1 NP 20 3 0.70 0 396.5 27 113.60 0.25 74 0 44 14.50 325 169.68 Mar.10 36 OL 925 602 8.5 0.00 0.00 0.42 NP 10 4 4.00 18 427 26.6 90.00 0.46 58.3 0 40 7.26 365 129.89 May.10 35 OL 1445 939 8.2 0.00 0.09 0.27 NP 0 5.4 NP 18 451 46.3 170.00 0.41 111 0 56 41.14 360 309.210 July.10 30 OL 948 616 7.9 0.00 0.00 0.16 NP 0 5.6 NP 18 610 27.2 92.00 0.24 44.2 0.1 64 24.20 500.00 259.511 Sept.10 27 OL 923 600 6.9 0.00 16.40 0 NP 0 6.4 NP 18 253.2 30.8 105.00 0.72 68 0.1 32 12.10 233 129.712 Nov.10 27 OL 681 443 8.2 0.00 2.90 0 Nil 0 6.2 NP 18 415 40.3 90.00 0.60 58 0.1 32 18.10 360 154.4

Max 38 OL 1445 939 8.48 0 16.4 1.02 12 50 6.4 4 24 610 122 170 0.88 118 0.1 72 87.1 500 458.6Min 25 OL 681 443 6.94 0 0 0 12 0 3 0.5 0 253.2 25 90 0.242 44.2 0 20 4.84 232.5 129.7Avg. 30.8 OL 983 639 7.92 0 1.855 0.25 12 20 4.61 1.86 13.5 437.5 41.9 114.983 0.525 77.5 0.04 45.3 29.74 366.04 235.7

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed



Month General Nutrient Organic matter Major Ions Other Inorganic

Major Cations

Statement Showing Ground Water data for Location Akota Bore

Total Alkalini

ty mg/L

Total Hardness

Temp. Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH Nh4-N mg/L

NO3 - N



mg/LBOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU





mg/LF mg/L Na





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan.09 28 OL 2000 1300 7.5 Nil 5.60 0.19 Nil 20 6 0.00 Nil 689.3 48.2 330.30 0.75 248 0.2 48 87.10 565.00 478.52 Mar.09 33 OL 2130 1385 7.1 Nil 4.73 0.19 Nil 0 5.8 0.00 Nil 878 51.57 450 0.59 338 0.1 52 65.30 720.00 398.73 May.09 38 OL 2170 1411 7.2 Nil 12.20 0.20 Nil 20 6.4 0.90 30 732 81.75 411.80 0.47 310 0.2 36 14.52 625.00 149.74 July.09 29 OL 2130 1385 7.7 Nil 3.30 1.49 Nil 20 5.6 0.90 6 872 465.9 398.00 0.77 300 0.1 44 99.20 720.00 518.45 Sept.09 31 OL 1965 1277 8.0 Nil 3.09 0.18 Nil 0 6.8 0.50 36 671 26.45 315.00 0.67 204 0.1 24 82.30 580.00 398.86 Nov.09 24 OL 2050 1333 7.6 Nil 3.63 0.26 Nil 0 5.6 2.80 Nil 830 61.01 390.40 0.63 253 0 32 48.40 680.00 279.27 Jan.10 27 OL 2040 1326 8.1 Nil 4.35 0.22 Nil 0 4.6 0.90 42 671 60.2 340.80 0.48 220 0 152 29.04 585.00 499.18 Mar.10 36 OL 2000 1300 8.7 Nil 4.45 0.25 Nil 20 5.4 3.00 72 622.2 36.3 300.00 0.62 194 0 40 7.26 570.00 129.89 May.10 37 OL 2180 1417 8.0 Nil 4.11 0.65 Nil 0 8 NP 48 762 64.01 341.00 0.51 222 0.1 28 121.00 665.00 568.210 July.10 30 OL 2100 1365 7.6 Nil 3.66 0.13 Nil 0 8.8 NP 0 775 31.62 332.00 0.26 215 0 48 24.20 635.00 219.511 Sept.10 27 OL 1743 1133 6.9 Nil 7.00 Nil Nil 0 6.8 NP 60 366 41.3 285.00 0.57 185 0.1 40 29.00 350.00 219.312 Nov.10 27 OL 1301 846 8.4 Nil 7.90 0.18 Nil 0 5.4 NP 48 549 41.8 260.00 0.53 168 0.1 60 29.00 530.00 269.2

Max 38 OL 2180 1417 8.67 Nil 12.2 1.49 Nil 20 8.8 3 72 878 465.9 450 0.768 338 0.2 152 121 720 568.2Min 24 OL 1301 846 6.9 Nil 3.09 0.13 Nil 0 4.6 0 0 366 26.45 260 0.259 168 0 24 7.26 350 129.8Avg. 31 OL 1984 1290 7.73 Nil 5.335 0.36 Nil 6.67 6.27 1.13 38 701.5 84.18 346.19 0.569166667 238.08 0.08 50.3 53.027 602.08 344

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed



Month General Nutrient Organic matter Major Ions Other Inorganic

Major Cations

Statement Showing Ground Water data for Location Kalali Bore

Total Alkalini

ty mg/L

Total Hardne


Temp. Odour


pH Nh4-N


NO3 - N



mg/LBOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU





mg/LF mg/L Na





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan.09 28 OL 2170 1410 7.7 Nil 0.18 0.25 NIl 20 7.5 0.00 18 886.2 23.2 200.20 0.90 150 0.00 44 26.6 710.00 219.412 Mar.09 33 OL 2210 1436 7.7 Nil 0.52 0.2 NIl 10 7.4 0.00 18 744 22.4 200.00 1.38 150 0.00 60 38.70 625.00 309.193 May.09 38 OL 2200 1430 7.7 Nil 0.85 Nil NIl 20 4.8 0.80 40 1159 59.7 256.60 1.12 192 0.00 48 14.52 990.00 179.654 July.09 29 OL 2160 1404 8.2 Nil 0.12 1.11 NIl 10 5.8 0.80 40 1090 99.9 227.00 1.62 170 0.00 52 33.90 930.00 269.445 Sept.09 31 OL 2080 1352 8.1 Nil 0.01 0.208 NIl 0 5.6 0.80 60 1025 18.6 200.00 0.99 130 0.00 36 46.00 890.00 279.326 Nov.09 24 OL 2440 1586 7.7 Nil 12.58 0.284 NIl 0 1 2.50 Nil 1007 81.8 397.60 0.95 258 0 52 65.30 825.00 398.757 Jan.10 27 OL 2160 1404 8.2 Nil 0.15 0.206 NIl 0 6.8 0.80 102 1067 25.8 227.00 0.35 147 0 72 31.46 960.00 309.348 Mar. 10 36 OL 2130 1385 8.9 Nil 0.15 0.33 NIl 20 7.8 5.00 120 1033 26.7 190.00 1.15 123 0 52 9.68 950.00 169.719 May.10 37 OL 2160 1404 8.0 Nil 10.75 0.574 NIl 0 6.6 NP 84 994 46 213.00 0.28 138 0.1 56 75.00 885.00 448.6810 July.10 30 OL 2070 1346 8.0 Nil 0.11 0 NIl 0 6.6 NP 60 1007 18 190.00 0.41 123 0.1 48 19.36 825.00 199.5811 Sept.10 27 OL 1781 1158 7.3 Nil 12.00 0 NIl 0 5.4 NP 66 542.9 31.8 205.00 0.94 133 0.1 60 36.30 500.00 299.3012 Nov.10 26 OL 1616 1050 8.6 Nil 11.90 0.41 Nil 0 9.6 NP 90 872 39.4 215.00 0.85 139 0.1 52 41.14 865.00 299.26

Max 38 OL 2440 1586 8.94 Nil 12.58 1.11 Nil 20 9.6 5 120 1159 99.9 397.6 1.62 258 0.1 72 75 990 448.68Min 24 OL 1616 1050 7.27 Nil 0.008 0 Nil 0 1 0 18 542.9 18 190 0.283 123 0 36 9.68 500 169.71Avg. 31 OL 2098 1364 8.01 Nil 4.109 0.325 Nil 6.67 6.24 1.34 63.5 952.3 41.1 226.78 0.91125 154 0.03 52.7 36.5 829.58 281.80

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Statement Showing Ground Water data for Location Khalipuri BoreSTATEMENT - 18


Month General Nutrient Organic matter Major Ions Other Inorganic

Major Cations Total Alkalini

ty mg/L

Total Hardness


Temp. Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH Nh4-N mg/L

NO3 - N



mg/LBOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU





mg/LF mg/L Na





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 Jan.09 28 OL 2430 1580 7.7 Nil 23.00 0.33 NP 10 4 0.80 Nil 640.2 111 425.40 1.00 319 0.2 80 58.10 525.0 439.022 Mar.09 33 OL 3140 2041 7.1 Nil 10.73 0.32 NP 10 3.6 0.60 Nil 805.2 130 585.00 1.39 440 0.2 88 38.70 660.0 379.13 May.09 38 OL 2660 1729 7.6 Nil 20.00 0.57 NP 20 2.8 3.00 24 622 221 525.00 0.76 395 0.1 60 12.10 530.0 199.654 July.09 29 OL 1990 1294 7.9 Nil 16.50 1.14 NP 40 3 4.80 12 653 466 341.00 1.09 258 0.1 44 19.40 545.0 189.765 Sept.09 31 OL 2300 1495 7.3 Nil 10.73 0.15 NP 0 11 0.90 Nil 610 36.4 400.00 0.78 259 0.1 24 82.30 500.0 398.846 Nov.09 24 OL 1920 1248 8.1 Nil 1.44 0.28 NP 0 9 2.90 60 610 54.6 355.00 1.00 230 0.1 52 60.50 550.0 378.987 Jan.10 27 OL 2230 1450 8.6 Nil 1.35 0.18 NP 0 10 1.00 102 744 74.7 369.00 0.37 240 0.1 72 24.20 695.0 279.448 Mar.10 36 OL 2300 1500 8.3 Nil 10.35 0.35 NP 20 5.6 6.00 18 610 64.3 335.00 1.00 217 0.1 60 36.30 515.0 299.39 May.10 37 OL 2730 1775 8.1 Nil 2.10 0.15 NP 0 11.4 NP 48 439 133 497.00 0.68 323 0.1 36 84.0 400.0 435.810 July.10 30 OL 2030 1320 7.8 Nil 7.70 0.11 NP 0 3.2 NP 12 610 63.1 338.00 0.25 219 0.1 32 14.50 500.0 139.6211 Sept.10 27 OL 2180 1417 7.2 Nil 3.43 Nil NP 0 3.2 NP 66 567 44.4 305.00 0.84 198 0.1 52 41.14 519.8 299.2612 Nov.10 27 OL 1896 1232 7.6 Nil 25.30 0.33 Nil 0 4 NP 6 689 49.7 380.00 0.91 246 0.1 52 29.00 575.00 249.27

Max 38 OL 3140 2041 8.55 Nil 25.3 1.14 0 40 11.4 6 102 805.2 466 585 1.39 440 0.2 88 84 695 439.02Min 24 OL 1896 1232 7.14 Nil 1.35 0.11 0 0 2.8 0.6 6 439 36.4 305 0.245 198 0.1 24 12.1 400 139.62Avg. 31 OL 2317 1507 8 Nil 11 0 0 8 6 3 39 633 121 405 0.8 279 0 54 42 543 307

Note: OL = Odour Less, DS = Dirty Smell, NP = Not Performed

Statement Showing Ground Water data for Location Virpur BoreSTATEMENT - 19


Month General Nutrient Organic matter Major Ions Other Inorganic

Major Cations Total Alkalini

ty mg/L

Total Hardnes



Odour EC TDS mg/L

pH Nh4-N


NO3 - N



mg/LBOD mg/L

COD mg/L

DO mg/L

Turbidity NTU











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25Max 38 OL 1896 1232 8.55 2.84 16.11 0.58 12.00 50.00 11.00 4.00 42.00 640.50 60.40 397.60 0.55 295.00 0.20 76.00 55.70 530.00 379.20Min 25 OL 1248 811 6.94 0.00 0.99 0.00 12.00 0.00 2.60 0.00 0.00 344.70 0.56 184.60 0.12 119.00 0.10 20.00 7.26 317.50 119.74Avg. 31 OL 1599 1040 7.82 0.24 5.43 0.23 12.00 14.17 5.65 1.19 23.33 530.60 17.08 301.08 0.37 206.31 0.11 40.33 27.57 451.25 214.24

Max 38 OL 1740 1131 8.88 0.00 9.51 0.59 11.00 50.00 7.40 5.00 60.00 780.80 465.90 284.00 0.74 214.00 0.10 64.00 33.90 645.00 259.46Min 25 OL 1235 803 6.90 0.00 1.30 0.00 3.10 0.00 1.60 0.00 0.00 384.00 17.80 170.00 0.23 110.00 0.00 16.00 4.84 315.00 99.75Avg. 31 OL 1597 1038 7.87 0.00 4.59 0.21 7.05 13.64 3.83 1.40 31.20 609.78 77.16 218.32 0.39 149.56 0.07 36.67 20.28 520.83 175.06

Max 38 OL 1636 1063 8.75 0.00 16.50 0.76 NP 40.00 7.80 2.50 72.00 738.00 176.80 185.00 0.92 120.00 0.10 80.00 36.50 625.00 279.48Min 25 OL 788 512 6.93 0.00 1.20 0.04 NP 0.00 5.40 0.00 0.00 186.10 13.90 70.00 0.32 52.00 0.00 16.00 4.84 177.50 119.74Avg. 31 OL 1285 835 8.06 0.00 5.83 0.30 NP 9.09 6.04 0.90 30.25 590.67 46.76 115.66 0.62 77.99 0.05 39.67 21.63 495.00 188.11

Max 38 OL 1445 939 8.48 0.00 16.40 1.02 12.00 50.00 6.40 4.00 24.00 610.00 121.84 170.00 0.88 118.00 0.10 72.00 87.10 500.00 458.56Min 25 OL 681 443 6.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.00 3.00 0.50 0.00 253.20 25.03 90.00 0.24 44.16 0.00 20.00 4.84 232.50 129.73Avg. 31 OL 983 639 7.92 0.00 1.85 0.25 12.00 20.00 4.61 1.86 13.50 437.54 41.87 114.98 0.52 77.46 0.04 45.33 29.74 366.04 235.65

Max 38 OL 2180 1417 8.67 Nil 12.20 1.49 Nil 20.00 8.80 3.00 72.00 878.00 465.90 450.00 0.77 338.00 0.20 152.00 121.00 720.00 568.19Min 24 OL 1301 846 6.90 Nil 3.09 0.13 Nil 0.00 4.60 0.00 0.00 366.00 26.45 260.00 0.26 168.00 0.00 24.00 7.26 350.00 129.78Avg. 31 OL 1984 1290 7.73 Nil 5.34 0.36 Nil 6.67 6.27 1.13 38.00 701.46 84.18 346.19 0.57 238.08 0.08 50.33 53.03 602.08 344.05

Max 38 OL 2440 1586 8.94 Nil 12.58 1.11 Nil 20.00 9.60 5.00 120.00 1159.00 99.92 397.60 1.62 257.60 0.10 72.00 75.00 990.00 448.68Min 24 OL 1616 1050 7.27 Nil 0.01 0.00 Nil 0.00 1.00 0.00 18.00 542.90 17.95 190.00 0.28 123.00 0.00 36.00 9.68 500.00 169.71Avg. 31 OL 2098 1364 8.01 Nil 4.11 0.32 Nil 6.67 6.24 1.34 63.45 952.26 41.10 226.78 0.91 154.36 0.03 52.67 36.50 829.58 281.80

Max 38 OL 3140 2041 8.55 Nil 25.30 1.14 0.00 40.00 11.40 6.00 102.00 805.20 466.00 585.00 1.39 440.00 0.20 88.00 84.00 695.00 439.02Min 24 OL 1896 1232 7.14 Nil 1.35 0.11 0.00 0.00 2.80 0.60 6.00 439.00 36.35 305.00 0.25 198.00 0.10 24.00 12.10 400.00 139.62Avg. 31 OL 2317 1507 7.77 Nil 11.05 0.36 0.00 8.33 5.90 2.50 38.67 633.28 120.63 404.62 0.84 278.70 0.12 54.33 41.69 542.90 307.34



Major Cations






Other Inorga



Statement Showing Ground Water data for seven locations



General Nutrient Organic matter Major Ions Total Alkalinity mg/L

Total Hardnes
