Marketing Mistakes that are Killing your Sales

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Your marketing could be sabotaging your sales funnel. For B2B companies, 2/3 of the research is now being done online without the influence of one of your sales people. Not only that, the online attention span is minimal. Simple branding mistakes cost you leads. Find out what the most common marketing mistakes are and how to remedy them to stop the leak of lost sales opportunities.


The Five

you are making that are killing your sales funnel Marketing Mistakes

Is your sales team getting the volume of meetings and hot leads you need to grow?

You may be making some very common marketing mistakes that are killing your message and appeal.

Is your sales team getting the volume of meetings and hot leads you need to grow?

B2B Mistakes We SeeThe Five Most Common

YOU are only talking about yourself.1

Does your website start by explaining your products and experience?

Your customers don’t care.

They have a problem

They have a problem

and they want to know if you have

the solution.

Anticipate the question and have the answer.

Anticipate the question and have the answer.

This is how they will knowyou are great at what you do.

YOU talk too much.2

You use lots of long paragraphs and long words to explain who you are and what you do.


attention span



attention span


average view lasts



attention span


average view lasts

28%are read



Your words should be minimal and purposeful.

Your words should be minimal and purposeful.

The Really Right Way:You should show instead of tell.

YOU don’t stand out.3

If you are using any of the following words in your marketing, you are invisible…

Integrity Strength Values Character Excellence Experience Quality Reliable Productive Efficient Value Innovative Flexible Prompt Customer Service Support Leading

Savings Superior More Best Simple Easy Improved

Identify how you are different.

Identify how you are different.

This is how they will knowyou are great at what you do.

Your marketing doesn’t support your sales.4

Most companies don’t realize that every marketing tool should have a specific purpose in your sales cycle.

Without assigning a goal to each tool,

Without assigning a goal to each tool,

you fail to provide a path leading to a purchase.

Parallel the psychology of your buyers.

Parallel the psychology of your buyers.

There is a specific order to your messagingthat can serve your audience or scare them off.

You are not being human.5

B2B does not stand for building to building.

Be genuine.

Be genuine.

The B2B sales cycle is typically long,so making the buying journey enjoyable and beneficial is critical.

Be real.Tell the truth.

Seek to serve your target market.

Your humanity will speed up the sales cycle and create a change in your customer relationship that has the power to transform your market position.

Want more specifics? Schedule your free marketing audit:

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