Master Bibliography

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Compiled by Thomas A. KlugAssociate Professor of History

Marygrove CollegeDetroit, Michigan 48221

December 2003


Publications (Books, Articles).....................................................................2

Publications (Novels)................................................................................54

Unpublished Works (M.A. Theses and Essays, Doctoral Dissertations).....57




Aberbach, Joel D. and Jack L Walker. Race in the City: Political Trust and Public Policyin the New Urban System. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973.

Abonyi, Malvina Hauk and James A. Anderson. The Hungarians of Detroit. Detroit:Center for Urban Studies, Wayne State University, 1977.

Abonyi, Malvina Hauk and M. Horvath-Monrreal. Touring Ethnic Delray. Detroit:Southeast Michigan Regional Ethnic Heritage Studies Center, 1975.

Abraham, Sameer Y. and Nabeel Abraham, eds. Arabs in the New World: Studies onArab-American Communities. Detroit: Wayne State University, 1983.

Abraham, Nabeel and Andrew Shryock. Arab Detroit: From Margin to Mainsteam. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2000.

Abrams, Charles. Forbidden Neighbors: A Study of Prejudice in Housing. New York:Harper and Brothers, 1955. (Re: Dearborn)

Adamic, Louis. "The Hill-Billies Come to Detroit." The Nation (February 13, 1935):177-78; reply, Matthew Smith and Samuel Romer, "Mr. Adamic's Detroit,"(March 13, 1935): 305.

Adde, Leo. Nine Cities: The Anatomy of Downtown Renewal. Washington, D.C., 1970.(chapter 10, Detroit)

Akers, Elmer. and Vernon Fox. "Detroit Rioters and Looters Committed to Prison:Summary of Prison Data on Their Background." Journal of Criminal Law andCriminology 35 (1944): 105-10.

Akers, Elmer. Southern Whites in Detroit. 1936; reprint Ann Arbor: UniversityMicrofilms, 1977.

Almy, Timothy and Harlan Hahn. "Perceptions of Education Conflict: The Teachers'Strike Controversy in Detroit." Education and Urban Society 3 (August 1971):440-52.

Amann, Peter. "Vigilante Fascism: The Black Legion as an American Hybrid." Comparative Studies in Society and History 25 (1983): 490-524.

Amberg, Stephen. “The Triumph of Industrial Orthodoxy: The Collapse of Studebaker-



Packard.” In On the Line: Essays in the History of Auto Work, eds. NelsonLichtenstein and Stephen Meyer, 190-218. Urbana, IL: University of IllinoisPress,1989

Amidon, Beulah. "Battle of Detroit." Survey Graphic 31 (April 1942): 198.

Anderson, Carlotta R. All-American Anarchist: Joseph A. Labadie and the LaborMovement. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1998.

Anderson, John W. "How I Became Part of the Labor Movement." In Rank and File:Personal Histories by Working-Class Organizers, ed. Alice and Staughton Lynd,35-66. Boston: Beacon Press, 1973.

Anderson, Karen Tucker. "Last Hired, First Fired: Black Women Workers During WorldWar II." Journal of American History 69 (June 1982): 82-97.

Andrew, William. "Factionalism and Anti-Communism: Ford Local 600." Labor History20 (Spring 1979): 227-55.

Angus, David L. and Jeffrey E. Miral. "Equality, Curriculum, and the Decline of theAcademic Ideal: Detroit, 1930-1968." History of Education Quarterly 33 (Summer 1993): 177-208.

Angus, David L., Jeffrey E. Miral, and Maris A. Vinovskis. "The Historical Developmentof Age Stratification in Schooling." Teachers College Record (Winter 1988):211-36.

Anton, Thomas Julius. Federal Aid to Detroit. Brookings Institution, 1983.

Applebaum, Philip. A Tour of Jewish Detroit. Detroit: Southeast Michigan RegionalEthnic Heritage Studies Center, 1975.

Archer, Melanie. "Self-Employment and Occupational Structure in an IndustrializingCity: Detroit, 1880." Social Forces 69 (March 1991): 785-809.

Archer, Melanie. "Family Enterprise in an Industrial City: Strategies for the FamilyOrganization of Business in Detroit, 1880." Social Science History 15 (Spring1991): 67-95.

Archer, Melanie. "Small Capitalism and Middle-Class Formation in IndustrializingDetroit, 1880-1900." Journal of Urban History 21 (January 1995): 218-55.

Ariouat, Jacqueline Fellague. "The Dearborn Independent: A Mirror of the 1920s."



Michigan History 80 (Sept./Oct. 1996): 41-49.

Arnold, Horace L. and Fay L. Faurote. Ford Methods and Ford Shops. New York: TheEngineering Magazine Co., 1915.

Asher, Cash. Sacred Cows: A Study of the Recall of Mayor Bowles. Detroit: CashAsher, 1931.

Asher, Robert. “The 1949 Ford Speedup Strike and the Post War Social Companct,1946-1961.” In Autowork,eds. Robert Asher and Ronald Edsforth, 127-54. Albany,NY: State University of New York Press, 1995.

Asher, Robert and Ronald Edsforth. “A Half Century of Struggle: Auto WorkersFighting for Justice.” In Auto Work, eds. Robert Asher and Ronald Edsforth, 1-38. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995.

Ashworth, William. The Late, Great Lakes: An Environmental History. New York:Alfred A. Knopf, 1986.

Austin, Steve, et al. Down Home up North: Appalachian Images of Migration and Placein the Hills and in Detroit. Student Faculty Research Community Report No. 12.

Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1985.

Avery, Donald H. "Canadian Workers and American Immigration Restriction: A Case ofthe Windsor Commuters, 1924-1931." Mid-America 80 (Fall 1998): 235-263.

Awalt, Francis G. "Recollections of the Banking Crisis of 1933." Business HistoryReview 43 (Autumn 1969):

Baba, Marietta Lynn and Malvina Hauk Abonyi. Mexicans of Detroit. Detroit: Centerfor Urban Studies, Wayne State University, 1979.

Babson, Steve and Huberto Juarez Nunez, eds. Confronting Change: Auto Labor andLean Production in North America. Puebla, Mexico: Benemerita UniversidadAutonoma de Puebla, 1998.

Babson, Steve, ed. Lean Work: Empowerment and Exploitation in the Global AutoIndustry. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1995.

Babson, Steve. Working Detroit: The Making of a Union Town. Detroit: Wayne StateUniversity Press, 1986.



Babson, Steve. Building the Union: Skilled Workers and Anglo-Gaelic Immigrants in theRise of the UAW. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1991.

Babson, Steve. “Restructuring the Workplace: Post-Fordism or the Return of theForeman?” In Autowork, eds. Robert Asher and Ronald Edsforth, 227-56. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995.

Babson, Steve. "Pointing the Way: The Role of British and Irish Skilled Tradesmen inthe Rise of the UAW." Detroit In Perspective 7 (Spring 1983): 75-96.

Bachelor, Lynn. “Stadiums as Solution Sets: Baseball, Football and DowntownDevelopment.” In The Economics and Politics of Sports Facilities, ed. Wilbur C.Rich, 125-141. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 2000.

Bachelor, Lynn. "Reindustrialization of Detroit: Capital Mobility and CorporateInfluence." Journal of Urban Affairs 4 (1982): 35-50.

Bachelor, Lynn W. "Regime Maintenance, Solution Sets, and Urban EconomicDevelopment." Urban Affairs Quarterly 29 (June 1994): 596-617.

Bachelor, Lynn and Bryan Jones. “Managed Participation: Detroit’s NeighborhoodOpportunity Fund.” The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 17 (1981): 518-36.

Bailer, Lloyd H. "The Negro Automobile Worker." Journal of Political Economy 51(October 1943): 415-28.

Bailer, Lloyd H. "The Automobile Unions and Negro Labor." Political ScienceQuarterly 59 (December 1944): 548-77.

Bak, Richard. A Place for Summer: A Narrative History of Tiger Stadium. Detroit:Wayne State University Press, 1998.

Bak, Richard. Turkey Stearnes and the Detroit Stars: the Negro Leagues in Detroit,1919-1933. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1994.

Bak, Richard. Cobb Would Have Caught It: The Golden Age of Baseball in Detroit. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1991.

Balbus, Isaac. "The Administration of Justice in the Wake of the Detroit Civil Disorderof July 1967." Michigan Law Review 66 (May 1968): 1544-1630.

Bald, Frederick. Detroit's First American Decade. Ann Arbor, MI, 1948.



Baldwin, Neil. Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate. New York:Public Affairs, 2002.

Ballantine, Arthur A. "When All the Banks Closed." Harvard Business Review 26(March 1948):

Banner, Warren N. Observations on Conditions among Negroes in the Fields ofEducation, Recreation, and Employment in Selected Areas of Detroit, Michigan. Washington, D.C.: National Urban League, 1941.

Barclay, Harley. Ford Production Methods. New York: Harper Bros., 1936.

Barnard, Henry. Independent Man: The Life of Senator James Couzens. New York:Scribner, 1958.

Barnard, John. Walter Reuther and the Rise of the Auto Workers. Boston: Little, Brown,& Co., 1983.

Barnard, John. “Rebirth of the United Automobile Workers: The General Motors Tooland Diemakers Strike of 1939.” Labor History 27 (Spring 1986): 165-87.

Baskin, Alex. "The Ford Hunger March--1932." Labor History 13 (Summer 1972): 331-60.

Beasley, Norman and George W. Stark. Made in Detroit. New York, 1957.

Behee, John. Hail to the Victors: Black Athletes at the University of Michigan. AnnArbor: John Behee, 1973.

Belknap, Michael R., ed. Civil Rights, the White House, and the Justice Department,1945-1968: Urban Race Riots. New York: Garland Publications, 1991.

Bennett, Harry. We Never Called Him Henry. New York, 1951.

Bergesen, Albert. "Race Riots of 1967: An Analysis of Police Violence in Detroit andNewark." Journal of Black Studies 12 (March 1982): 261-74.

Bernstein, Barton. "Walter Reuther and the General Motors Strike of 1945-1946." Michigan History 49 (September 1965): 260-77.

Bernstein, Irving. Turbulent Yeas: A History of the American Worker, 1933-1941. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970.



Berthelot, Helen Washburn. Win Some, Lose Some: G. Mennen Williams and the NewDemocrats. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1996.

Betzold, Michael and Ethan Casey. Queen of Diamonds: The Tiger Stadium Story. WestBloomfield, MI: A & M, 1992.

Beynon, Erdmann Doane. "The Southern White Laborer Migrates to Michigan." American Sociological Review 3 (June 1938): 338-48.

Beynon, Erdmann Doane. "The Hungarians of Michigan." Michigan History 21 (Winter1937): 89-102.

Beynon, Erdmann Doane. "Occupational Succession of Hungarians in Detroit." American Journal of Sociology 8 (March 1934): 179-82.

Beynon, Erdmann Doane. "The Voodoo Cult Among Negro Migrants in Detroit." American Journal of Sociology 15 (July 1934-May 1935): 894-907. (re: Nation ofIslam)

Biggs, Lindy. The Rational Factory: Architecture, Technology and Work in America’sAge of Mass Production. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 199. (Chap. 5-6, Ford Highland Park plant; chap. 7, Ford River Rouge plant)

Biggs, Lindy. “Building for Mass Production: Factory Design and Work Process at theFord Motor Company.” In Autowork, eds. Robert Asher and Ronald Edsforth,39-64. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995.

Bingay, Malcolm. Detroit Is My Hometown. Indianapolis, IN: 1946.

Birdwell, Michael E. Celluloid Soldiers: The Warner Bros. Campaign Against Nazism. New York: New York University Press, 1999.

Bjorn, Lars and Jim Gallert. Before Motown: A History of Jazz in Detroit. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press, 2001.

Bjorn, Lars. “From Hastings Street to the Bluebird: The Blues and Jazz Traditions inDetroit.” Michigan Quarterly Review 25 (Spring 1986): 257-67.

Bjorn, Lars. “Black Men in a White World: The Development of the Black JazzCommunity in Detroit, 1917-1940.” Detroit in Perspectives: A Journal ofRegional History 5 (Fall 1980):



Blackett, O.W. "Factory Labor Turnover in Michigan." Michigan Business Studies 2(November 1928):

Bloomfield, G.T. "Shaping the Character of a City: The Automobile Industry andDetroit, 1900-1920." Michigan Quarterly Review 25 (Spring 1986): 168-78.

Blum, Peter H. Brewed in Detroit: Breweries and Beer since 1830. Detroit: Wayne StateUniversity Press, 1999.

Boas, Charles W. "Locational Patterns of the Michigan Automobile Industry." In Papersof the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 303-14. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1959.

Bober, Joseph F. and Cary Glasser. "Work and Wage Experience of Willow RunWorkers." Monthly Labor Review 61 (1945): 1074-90.

Boggs, Grace Lee. Living for Change: An Autobiography. Minneapolis: University ofMinnesota Press, 1998.

Boggs, James. American Revolution: Pages from a Negro Worker’s Notebook. NewYork: Montly Review Press, 1963.

Bolkosky, Sidney. Harmony and Dissonance: Voices of Jewish Identity in Detroit, 1914-1967. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1991.

Bonosky, Phillip. Brother Bill McKie: Building the Union at Ford. New York:International Publishers, 1953.

Boryczka, Ray. "Militancy and Factionalism in the United Auto Workers Union, 1937-1941." Maryland Historian 8 (Fall 1977): 13-25.

Boryczka, Ray. "Seasons of Discontent: Auto Union Factionalism and the MotorProducts Strike of 1935-1936." Michigan History 61 (Spring 1977): 3-32.

Boyd, Melba Joyce. Wrestling with the Muse: Dudley Randall and the Broadside Press. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003.

Boykin, Ulysses W. A Handbook on the Detroit Negro. Detroit: Minority StudyAssociates, 1943.

Boyle, Kevin and Victoria Getis. Muddy Boots and Ragged Aprons: Images of Working-Class Detroit, 1900-1930. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1997.



Boyle, Kevin. The UAW and the Heyday of American Liberalism, 1945-1968. Ithaca,NY: Cornell University Press, 1995.

Boyle, Kevin. “The Kiss: Racial and Gender Conflict in a 1950s Automobile Factory.” Journal of American History 84 (September1997): 496-523.

Boyle, Kevin. “’There Are No Union Sorrows That the Union Can’t Heal’: The Strugglefor Racial Equality in the United Automobile Workers, 1940-1960.” LaborHistory 36 (Winter1995): 5-23.

Boyle, Kevin. “Auto Workers at War: Patriotism and Protest in the AmericanAutomobile Industry, 1939-1945.” In Autowork, ed. Robert Asher and RonaldEdsforth, 99-126. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995.

Boyle, Kevin. “Rite of Passage: The 1939 General Motors Tool and Die Strike.” LaborHistory 27 (Spring 1986): 188-203.

Brinkley, Alan. Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Charles Coughlin, and the GreatDepression. New York: Vintage, 1983.

Brinkley, Douglas. Wheels for the World: Henry Ford, His Company, and a Century ofProgress, 1903-2003. New York: Viking Press, 2003.

Brown, Earl. "Detroit's Armed Camps." Harper's 191 (July 1945): 1-9.

Brown, Earl. "The Truth About the Detroit Riot." Harper's 187 (November 1943):488-90.

Bryan, Ford R. Henry's Lieutenants. Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1993.

Bryan, Ford R. Beyond the Model T: The Other Ventures of Henry Ford. Detroit:Wayne

State University Press, 1990.

Bucci, Federico. Albert Kahn: Architect of Ford. Princeton Architectural Press, 1993.

Building Sisterhood: A Feminist History of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heartof Mary. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1997.

Bukowczyk, John J., et al., ed. Detroit Images: Photographs of the Renaissance City. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1989.



Bukowczyk, John J. "The Decline and Fall of a Detroit Neighborhood: Poletown vs.G.M. and the City of Detroit." Washington and Lee Law Review 41 (Winter1984): 49-76.

Burton, Clarence M., ed. The City of Detroit, Michigan, 1701-1922. 5 vols. Detroit:S.J.

Clarke Publishing Co., 1922.

Burton, Clarence M. and M. Agnes Burton, ed. History of Wayne County and the Cityof

Detroit, Michigan. 5 vols. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1930.

Cagan, Joanna and Neil DeMause. Field of Schemes: How the Great Stadium SwindleTurns Public Money into Private Profit. Monroe, MI: Common Courage,1998.

Calkins, Fay. The CIO and the Democratic Party. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1952. (Ch. 6, Detroit)

Capeci, Dominic J., Jr., ed. Detroit and the "Good War": The World War II Letters ofMayor Edward Jeffries and Friends. Lexington, KT: University Press ofKentucky, 1996.

Capeci, Dominic J., Jr., and Martha Wilkerson. Layered Violence: The Detroit Rioters of1943. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1991.

Capeci, Dominic J., Jr. "Black-Jewish Relations in Wartime Detroit: The Marsh, Loving,Wolf Surveys and the Race Riot of 1943." Jewish Social Studies 47(Summer/Fall 1985): 221-42.

Capeci, Dominic J., Jr. and Martha Wilkerson. "The Detroit Rioters of 1943: AReinterpretation." Michigan Historical Review 16 (Spring 1990): 49-72.

Capeci, Dominic J., Jr. Race Relations in Wartime Detroit: The Sojourner TruthHousing Controversy of 1942. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1984.

Carnegie, William R. The Scotch Presbyterian Church of Detroit: Its History from 1842to 1939. Detroit, 1938.

Carpenter, Ronald H. Father Charles E. Coughlin: Surrogate Spokesman for theDisaffected. Greenwood Press, 1998.

Carr, Lowell Juilliard and James Edson Stermer. Willow Run: A Study ofIndustrialization and Cultural Inadequacy. New York: Harper & Bros., 1952.



Casey, Genevieve. Father Clement Kern, Conscience of Detroit. Detroit: MarygroveCollege, 1989.

Catlin, George B. The Story of Detroit. Detroit: The Detroit News, 1923

Chafets, Ze'ev. Devil's Night: And Other True Tales of Detroit. New York: RandomHouse, 1990.

Chandler, Mittie Olion. Urban Homesteading: Programs and Policies. New York:Greenwood Press, 1988.

Chinoy, Ely. Automobile Workers and the American Dream. Garden City, NY:Doubleday, 1955.

Chrysler, Walter P. Life of an American Workman. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1937.

Clinansmith, Michael S. "The Black Legion: Hooded Americanism in Michigan." Michigan History 55 (Fall 1971): 243-62.

Clive, Alan. State of War: Michigan in World War II. Ann Arbor: University ofMichigan Press, 1979.

Clive, Alan. "Women Workers in World War II: Michigan as a Test Case." LaborHistory 20 (Winter 1979): 44-72.

Clotfelter, Charles T. "The Detroit Decision and `White Flight.’" Journal of LegalStudies 5 (January 1976): 99-112.

Cobb, James. “From Rocky Top to Detroit City.” In You Wrote My Life: LyricalThemes in Country Music, ed. Melton McLaurin and Richard Peterson. Philadelphia: Gordon and Breach, 1992, 63-79.

Cole, Robert E. Work, Mobility, and Participation: A Comparative Study of Americanand Japanese Industry. University of California Press, 1979. (Detroit &Yokohama)

Conot, Robert. American Odyssey. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1974.

Cooper, Patricia A. Once a Cigar Maker: Men, Women, and Work Culture in AmericanCigar Factories, 1900-1919. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1987. (Detroit, pp. 189-98)



Cooper, Frank and John P. Dawson. The Office of the Friend of the Court in WayneCounty, Michigan (Detroit): A Study in Judicial Administration. Appendix to theFifth Annual Report of the Judicial Council of Michigan. Ann Arbor: Ann ArborPress, 1935.

Cort, John. "The Association of Catholic Trade Unionists and the Auto Workers." U.S.Catholic Historian 9 (Fall 1990): 335-51.

Cosseboom, Kathy. Grosse Pointe, Michigan: Race against Race. East Lansing, MI:Michigan State University Press, 1972.

Cox, Norman. Detroit’s New Front Porch: A Riverfront Greenway in Southwest Detroit. Washington, D.C.: Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, 1999.

Cruden, Robert. "The Great Ford Myth." The New Republic 70 (March 16 1932):116-19.

Current, Gloster. "Paradise Valley: A Famous and Colorful Part of Detroit as SeenThrough the Eyes of an Insider." Detroit (June 1946): 32-34.

Current, Gloster. “The Detroit Elections: Problem in Reconversion.” The Crisis 52(November 1945): 319-25.

Dancy, John C. Sand Against the Wind: The Memoirs of John C. Dancy. Detroit:Wayne State University Press, 1966.

Danziger, Edmund J. Jr. Survival and Regeneration: Detroit's American IndianCommunity. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1991.

Darden, Joe T., Richard C. Hill, June Thomas, Richard Thomas. Detroit, Race, andUrban Development. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1987.

Dardin, Joe T. "The Residential Segregation of Blacks in Detroit, 1960-1970." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 17 (March-June 1976):

Darrow, Clarence S; Arthur Weinberg, ed. Attorney for the Damned. New York: Simonand Schuster, 1957. (Darrow's closing statement in the trial of Henry Sweet, May18, 1926, pp. 229-63)

Davis, Donald F. "The Price of Conspicuous Production: The Detroit Elite and theAutomobile Industry, 1900-1933." Journal of Social History 16 (Fall 1982): 21-46.



Davis, Donald F. "The City Remodelled: The Limits of Automotive Industry Leadershipin Detroit, 1910-1929." Histoire Sociale-Social History 26 (November 1980):451-80.

Davis, Donald F. Conspicuous Production: Automobiles and Elites in Detroit, 1899-1933. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988.

David, Forrest. “Labor Spies and the Black Legion.” New Republic (June 17, 1936):169-71.

Dean, Dayton. “Secrets of the Black Legion: The Black Legion Triggerman in theKilling of Charles Poole Tells All.” Official Detective Stories 2 (October 1936): 3-7, 36- 37.

Delray United Citizens Action Council Land Use and Development Potentials Study. East Lansing, MI: Urban Planning, Michigan State University, 1996.

De Matteo, Arthur E. "Organized Labor versus the Mayor: The Detroit Federation ofLabor and the Revised City Charter of 1914." Michigan Historical Review 21(Fall 1995): 63-92.

Denby, Charles. Indignant Heart: A Black Worker's Journal. 1952; repr., Boston: SouthEnd Press, 1978.

Deskins, Donald R., Jr. Residential Mobility of Negroes in Detroit, 1837-1965. AnnArbor: University of Michigan, Department of Geography, 1972.

Deskins, Donald R., Jr. “Race, Residence, and Workplace in Detroit, 1880 to 1965.” Economic Geography 48 (January 1972): 79-94.

Detroit and the Great Migration, 1916-1929. University of Michigan, Bentley HistoricalLibary Bulletin No. 40. Ann Arbor: January 1993.

The Detroit Delray Community Plan: Current Housing Condition Survey and RelocationStudy. East Lansing, MI: Urban and Regional Planning Program, 1999.

Detroit, Mayor's Inter-Racial Committee. The Negro in Detroit. Detroit Bureau ofGovernmental Research, 1926.

Detroit, Mayor's Unemployment Committee. The Effect of Upon Detroit of ThreeYears

of the Depression. 1932.



Detroit, Mayor’s Waterfront Development Committee. Mayor’s WaterfrontDevelopment Committee: Second Report. Detroit: Mayor’s WaterfrontDevelopment Committee, 1961.

Detroit, Planning Department. Policies and Possible Futures for the Riverfront. Detroit:Planning Department, 1977.

Detroit Public Schools, Frank Cody: A Realist in Education. New York: Macmillan,1943.

Detroit Urban League. The People Beyond 12th Street: A Survey of Attitudes ofDetroit

Negroes After the Riot of 1967. Detroit: Detroit Urban League, 1967.

Dobson, Jeff, et al. A Comprehensive Study of the Issues Affecting the DelrayCommunity with Design Proposals. East Lansing, MI: Urban and RegionalPlanning, Michigan State University, 1998.

Dolan, Jay P. and Gilberto M. Hinojosa, eds. Mexican Americans and the CatholicChurch, 1900-1965. South Bend, IN: Nortre Dame University Press, 1994.

Dollinger, Sol and Genora Johnson Dollinger. Not Automatic: Women and the Left inthe Forging of the Auto Workers’ Union. New York: Monthly Review Press,2000.

Dow, Leslie M. “High Weeds in Detroit.” Urban Anthropology 6 (1987): 111-28.

Dunbar, Willis F. Michigan: A History of the Wolverine State. Grand Rapids, MI:Eerdmans, 1965.

Duncan, Otis Dudley, Beverly Duncan and Howard Schuman. Social Change in aMetropolitan Community. Russell Sage Foundation, 1973.

Dunham, Walter L. Banking and Industry in Michigan. Detroit, 1929.

Dunn, Robert W. Labor and Automobiles. New York: International Publishers, 1929.

Edsforth, Ronald. Class Conflict and Cultural Consensus: The Making of a MassConsumer in Flint, Michigan. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press,1987.

Edsforth, Ronald. “Why Automation Didn’t Shorten the Work Week: The Politics ofWork Time in the Automobile Industry.” In Autowork, eds. Robert Asher and



Ronald Edsforth, 155-80. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press,1995.

Edsforth, Ronald and Robert Asher, with the collaboration of Raymond Boryczka. “TheSpeedup: The Focal Point of Workers’ Grievances,1919-1941.” In Autowork,eds. Robert Asher and Ronald Edsforth, 65-98. Albany, NY: State University ofNew York Press, 1995.

Edwards, George. Pioneer-at-Law: A Legacy in the Pursue of Justice. New York:Norton, 1974.

Edwards, George C., Jr. “Order and Civil Liberties: A Complex Role for the Police.” Michigan Law Review 64 (November 1965): 48-61.

Edwards, George C., Jr. “Detroit: A Lesson in Law Enforcement.” The Annals of theAmerican Academy of Political and Social Science 347 (May 1963): 67-73.

Edwards, George C., Jr. “The Constitution, The Citizen, and The Police.” MichiganState Bar Journal 40 (April 1961): 26-32.

Eisinger, Peter K. The Politics of Displacement: Racial and Ethnic Transition in ThreeAmerican Cities. New York: Academic Press, 1980.

Elantz, Oscar. "The Negro Vote in Northern Industrial Cities." Western PoliticalQuarterly 13 (December 1960): 999-1010.

Elenbaas, Jack. “The Excesses of Reform: The Day the Detroit Mayor Arrested the CityCouncil.” Michigan History 54 (Spring 1970): 1-18.

El-Messidi, Kathy Groehn. The Bargain: The Story Behind the 30-Year Honeymoon ofGM and the UAW. New York: 1980.

Engelmann, Larry. “Organized Thirst: the Story of Repeal in Michigan,” in Alcohol,Reform and Society: the Liquor Issue in Social Context, ed. Jack S. Blocker, Jr.,171-210. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979.

Epstein, Ralph C. The Automobile Industry: Its Economic and CommercialDevelopment. Chicago, 1928.

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Ewen, Lynda Ann. Corporate Power and Urban Crisis in Detroit. Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press, 1978.



Farley, Reynolds, et al. “Continued Racial Residential Segregation in Detroit:`Chocolate City, Vanilla Suburbs’ Revisited.” Journal of Housing Research 4(1993): 1-38.

Farley, Reynolds. "Residential Segregation of Social and Economic Groups AmongBlacks, 1970-1980." In The Urban Underclass, ed. Christopher Jencks and PaulE. Peterson. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1991.

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Farmer, Silas. History of Detroit and Wayne County and Early Michigan. Detroit: SilasFarmer & Co., 1890; repr., Detroit: Gale Research Co. 1967.

Feinstein, Otto, ed. Ethnic Groups in the City: Culture, Institutions, and Power. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1971.

Feldman, Richard and Michael Betzold, ed. End of the Line: Autoworkers and theAmerican Dream. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1988.

Fenton, John. Midwest Politics. New York, 1966. (Detroit, pp. 1-43)

Ferry, Hawkins W. The Buildings of Detroit: A History. Detroit: Wayne StateUniversity Press, 1968.

Fine, Lisa. “Our Big Factory Family: Masculinity and Paternalism at the Reo Motor CarCompany of Lansing, Michigan.” Labor History 34 (Spring-Summer 1993): 274-91.

Fine, Sidney. “Expanding the Frontiers of Civil Rights”: Michigan, 1948-1968. Detroit:Wayne State University Press, 2000.

Fine, Sidney. Violence in the Model City: The Cavanagh Administration, RaceRelations, and the Detroit Riot of 1967. Ann Arbor: University of MichiganPress, 1989.

Fine, Sidney. "Rioters and Judges: The Response of the Criminal Justice System to theDetroit Riot of 1967." Wayne Law Review 33 (1987): 1723-63.

Fine, Sidney. The Automobile Under the Blue Eagle. Ann Arbor: University ofMichigan Press, 1963.



Fine, Sidney. Frank Murphy: The Detroit Years. Ann Arbor: University of MichiganPress, 1975.

Fine, Sidney. Sit Down: The General Motors Strike of 1936-1937. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press, 1969.

Fine, Sidney. "The Tool and Die Makers Strike of 1933." Michigan History 42(September 1958): 297-323.

Fine, Sidney. "The Origins of the United Automobile Workers, 1933-35." Journal ofEconomic History 18 (September 1958): 249-82.

Fine, Sidney. "The General Motors Sit-down Strike: A Re-examination." AmericanHistorical Review 70 (April 1975): 691-713.

Fine, Sidney. "Proportional Representation of Workers in the Auto Industry, 1934-1935." Industrial and Labor Relations Review 12 (January 1959): 182-205.

Flaherty, Sean. “Mature Collective Bargaining and Rank and File Militancy: Breakingthe Peace of the ‘Treaty of Detroit.’” In Research in Political Economy, vol. 11,ed. Paul Zarembka. Greenwich, CN: JAI Press, 1988, 241-80.

Fletcher, Ralph Carr. "Runaway Youth to Detroit During the War." Social ScienceReview 22 (September 1948):

Ford, Henry. My Life and Work. In collaboration with Samuel Crowther. Garden City,NY: Garden City Publishing Co., 1922.

Ford, Henry. Today and Tomorrow. In collaboration with Samuel Crowther. Garden

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Ford, Henry (in collaboration with Fay Leone Faurote). My Philosophy of Industry. New

York: Coward-McCann, 1928.

Ford, Henry (in collaboration with Samuel Crowther). Moving Forward. London:William Heinemann, 1931.

Fountain, Clayton. Union Guy. New York: Viking Press, 1949.

Fox, Richard Wightman. Reinhold Niebuhr: A Biography. Ithaca, NY: Cornell



University Press, 1997.

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Flegle, Mae Jeanne McDaniel. "The Use of Leisure Time by High School Students in theSuburbs of Detroit, Michigan." Ph.D diss., University of Michigan, 1972.

Fleishman, William Edward. "A Case Study of Collective Bargaining for Public SchoolTeachers in Detroit, Michigan." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1971.

Fleming, Roy Bernard. "Allocating Freedom and Punishment: Pretrial Release Policiesin Detroit and Baltimore." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1977.



Flynn, Freeman A “Detroit Voters—A Thirty Year View.” M.A. thesis, WayneUniversity, 1948.

Foote, Andrea. "Occupational Mobility and the Job Change: Channels of JobInformation in the Detroit Area." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1973.

Foote, Nelson Northrup. "The Professionalization of Labor in Detroit." Ph.D. diss.,Cornell University, 1956.

Ford, Cary Lee. “Community Policing and Urban Citizen Participation: An AnalysisWithin the Detroit Empowerment Zone.” Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University,1999.

Fragnoli, Raymond Robert. "The Transformation of Reform: The Detroit CitizensLeague, 1912-1933." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1976.

Freund, David M.P. “Making It Home: Race, Development, and the Politics of Place inSuburban Detroit, 1940-1967.” Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1999.

Freyberg, Mark Steven. “Constructing the UAW Dodge Local 3: Collective Identity,Collective Efficacy, Collective Action.” Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan,1995.

Friedland, William H. "Attitude Change toward Negroes by White Shop-level Leaders ofthe United Automobile Workers Union." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University,1956.

Fujita, Kuniko. "Black Workers' Struggles in Detroit's Auto Industry, 1935-1975." M.A.thesis, Michigan State University, 1977.

Fulton, Robert Lester. "Russel Woods: A Study of a Neighborhood's Initial Response toNegro Invasion." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1959.

Gabin, Nancy. "Women Auto Workers and the United Automobile Workers' Union(UAW-CIO)." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1984.

Gahagen, Thomas William. "A History of UAW West Side Local 174 at Kelsey Hayesand a History of UAW Local 78, 1936-1965: The History and Social Environmentof a UAW Local and Its Successor." M.A. essay, Wayne State University, 1986.

Gardner, Orin-Jane Bragg. "A Study of the Role of the Teacher in the Evolution ofAdministrative Personnel Policy in the Detroit Public Schools." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1965.



Garrity, Leona. "The Story of the Poor Commission of Detroit, 1880-1918." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1940.

Gewurtz, Sarah Beth. “Exposure dynamics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons andpolychlorinated biphenyls in the food web of western Lake Erie and the DetroitRiver.” M.A. thesis, University of Windsor, 2000.

Giglio, Joseph. "Historical Survey of Italian Immigration in Detroit." M.A. thesis,Wayne State University, 1956.

Gildemeister, Amy E. “Urban Atmospheric Mercury: The Impact of Local Sources onDeposition and Ambient Concentration in Detroit, Michigan.” Ph.D. diss.,University of Michigan, 2001.

Gildon, Sonja Stokes. “A Critical Analysis of the Rhetorical Strategies Used by TheDetroit News and the Detroit Free Press in Their Coverage of the 1993 DetroitMayoral Campaign.” Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1999.

Gilsky, Gretchen. "A Study of Fee Policy Practice in West District of FamilyService

Society of Metropolitan Detroit." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1955.

Goldberg, Jerry David. "Lincoln Park: The Effect of Collective Bargaining on aTeachers' Organization, 1965-1975." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1979.

Gomez, Jose E. “Factors Affecting Cooperative Efforts Between Suburban and CityCatholic Churches in Metro Detroit.” Ph.D. diss., Michigan State University,1999.

Gooding, Earl Nathaniel M. "Urban Race Riots and Social Change: An Analysis of TwoCities." Ph.D. diss., Vanderbilt University, 1977. (Detroit & Washington,D.C.)

Goodman, Isedore. "Local Zoning Administration: A Study of the Growth, Operations,and Contributions of Detroit's Zoning Law, 1919-1949." M.A. thesis, WayneState University, 1950.

Gordy, Charles Burton. "Scientific Management in the Automobile Industry." Ph.D.diss., University of Michigan, 1929.

Graveline, Grace Helen. “Twenty Years of Public Nursery School Education in the Cityof Detroit: Implications for Future Planning.” M.A. thesis, Wayne Univeristy,




Graves, Helen M. "New Detroit Committee/New Detroit Incorporated: A Case Study ofan Urban Coalition." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1975.

Grossberg, Sidney Harvey. "Factors in Historical and Participation Identification ofDetroit Area Jews." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1971.

Gurin, Arnold. "The Functions of a Sectarian Welfare Program in a Multi-group Society:A Case Study of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1966.

Hamm, William Giles. "Wage Determination in Public Utilities: A Case Study of TwoDetroit Utilities." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1969.

Harris, James, Jr. "Decentralization and Recentralization of the Detroit Public Schools:A Study of the Transitions of a Schools System, 1969-83." Ph.D. diss.,

Universityof Michigan, 1985.

Harris, Richard D. "Homicide in Detroit, 1970-1973: A Test of Subculture of ViolenceTheory." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1976.

Harrison, Harold J. "A Study of the Work of the Coordinating Committee on DemocraticHuman Relations in the Detroit Public Schools from September 1943 to June1952." Ph.D. diss., Wayne University, 1953.

Hart, Jamie. “African Americans, Health Care, and the Reproductive FreedomMovement in Detroit,1918-1945.” Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1998.

Hartung, Frank E. "A Study in Law and Social Differentiation: As Exemplified inViolations of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 and the Second WarPowers Act, in the Detroit Wholesale Meat Industry." Ph.D. diss., University ofMichigan, 1949.

Hawley, William B. "Development of Vocational Education in Michigan during thePeriod 1940-1947." M.A. thesis, Wayne University, 1947.

Haywood, Twila Cele. "Detroit Desegregation, 1969-1974." M.A. essay, Wayne StateUniversity,

Heliker, Betty. "The Need for a Day Care Program in Detroit for the Children ofWorking Mothers." M.A. Thesis, University of Michigan, 1943.



Helling, Rudolph A. "A Comparison of the Acculturation of Immigrants in Toronto,Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1962." (Germans)

Herman, Genevieve I. “Unity and Cohesiveness Among Detroit’s Economic Elite.” M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1973.

Herman, Max Arthur. “Fighting in the Streets: Ethnic Succession, Competition, and RiotViolence in Four American Cities.” Ph.D. diss., University of California, LosAngeles, 1999. (Detroit Riot of 1943)

Hickel, Gerald Kent. "Political Ideology and Its Correlates: A Study of the DetroitElectorate." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1971.

Hoglin, John Giles. "A Descriptive Analysis of the Programming of WJR, Detroit, From1922 to 1970." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1971.

Hodges, James C. "An Analysis of the Detroit Metropolitan Area and the DetroitMetropolitan Area Regional Planning Commission with Emphasis on the Growthof the Area, 1880-1947, and the Problems Caused in Part by its Growth." M.A.thesis, Wayne University, 1948.

Holli, Melvin G. "Hazen S. Pingree: Urban and Pre-Progressive Reformer." Ph.D. diss.,University of Michigan, 1967.

Holland, John Joseph, Jr. "The Detroit Banking Collapse of 1933." Ph.D. diss., NewYork University, 1972.

Honzatko, George Joseph. "Macomb County: A Study of the Expansion of Urban Usesand the Absorption of Farmland." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1957.

Hooker, Clarence O. "Builders of the Model T: Some Aspects of the Quality of Life andSocial History of Highland Park, 1910-1927." Ph.D. diss., Michigan State University, 1988.

Hooyer, John. "The Transition from Township to City Government in Three MichiganTownships (Livonia, Warren, Southfield)." M.A. thesis, Michigan State University, 1964.

Hopkins, Marie. "A History of the Kindergartens in the Detroit Public School Systemfrom 1895 to 1960." Ed.D., Wayne State University, 1969.



Houser, Tai Lynden. “(Modern) Detroit-as-Experience: Understanding Joyce CarolOates

‘them’.” M.A. thesis, Florida Atlantic University, 2003.

Houtman, Loren Henry. "Response of Detroit Public Schools to Immigrant Groups." Ph.D. diss., Michigan State University, 1965.

Humphrey, Norman D. "The Mexican Peasant in Detroit." Ph.D. diss., University ofMichigan, 1943.

Hunter, Eleanor R. "The Labor Policy of the Ford Motor Company." M.A. Thesis,Wayne University, 1942.

Irwin, James R. "Wayne University: A History." Ph.D. diss., Wayne University, 1950.

Iwamoto, Kumiko. “The Epidemiology of Lung Cancer in Metropolitan Detroit: RacialDifferences in Men.” Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1994.

Jacobs, Andrew James. “Intergovernmental Relations and Uneven Development in theDetroit and Nagoya Auto Regions.” Ph.D. diss., Michigan State University,


Jacobs, James Basil. "The Conduct of Local Political Intelligence." Ph.D. diss.,Princeton University, 1977. (Mostly concerns Detroit, 1967-75).

Jacobs, Merle. “Efficiency and Local Reform: A Study of the Businessman’s Role in theDetroit Reform Movement of the Progressive Era, 1900-1916.” M.A. thesis,University of Michigan, 1968.

Jacobson, Solomon G. "Implementation of a Federal Program at the Local Level: ACritique of the Introduction of the Model Cities Planning Program in Detroit." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1977.

Janis, Ralph. "The Brave New World that Failed: Patterns of Parish Social Structures inDetroit, 1880-1940." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1972.

Jaros, Dean Richard. "Children's Orientations Toward Political Authority: A DetroitStudy." Ph.D. diss., Vanderbilt University, 1966.

Jelier, Richard William, Jr. "Challenging Bureaucratic Insularitiy: A Regime Analysis ofEducation Reform in Detroit, 1988-1994." Ph.D. diss., Michigan StateUniversity, 1995.



Jenkins, Bette Smith. "The Racial Policies of the Detroit Housing Commission and TheirAdministration." M.A. thesis, Wayne University, 1950. (or 1951)

Jennings, Edward J. "Ethnicity and Class: Detroit's Polish Workers and the Organizationof the United Automobile Workers." Ph.D. diss., Northern Illinois University, 1984.

Johnson, Ann Kathleen. "Urban Ghetto Riots, 1965-1968: A Comparison of Soviet andAmerican Press Coverage." Ph.D. diss., University of Denver, 1994.

Jones, Lester Lee. "Spatial and Temporal Interrelationships of Land Use, Race, andProperty Values: Detroit, Michigan, A Case Study." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1976.

Jones, Thomas Lloyd. “Labor and Politics: The Detroit Municipal Election of 1937.” Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1999.

Kadushin, Abraham M. "Neighborhood Transformation Design: A Case Study ofIslandview Village, Detroit." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1996.

Kalinski, Peter. “Through the Vestibule: Assimilation and the Great Migration toDetroit, 1915-1925.” M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 2001.

Kaperzinski, Dennis. "The Catholic Youth Organization of the Archdiocese of Detroit: ACase Study in Institutional Development." M.A. essay, Wayne State University,1999.

Katzman, David M. "Before the Ghetto: Black Detroit in the Nineteenth Century." Ph.D.

diss., University of Michigan, 1970.

Keep, William J. "Unpublished History of the Stove Industry, 1890-1930." Handwritten

manuscript, 1915. Microfilm copy. Detroit Public Library.

Kiern, Lawrence I. "War and the Law in Detroit 1917-1919." Ph.D. diss., University ofConnecticut, 1996

Kiriazis, David M. “Urban Mortgage Lending in the Late Nineteenth Century: Detroitand Wayne County, Michigan, 1880-1900.” Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University,1997.

Kirshner, George. "Government Agencies in Detroit in the Work of Overcoming



Discrimination against the Negro in Private Employment." M.A. thesis, WayneUniversity, 1945.

Kleckner, Luther B. "A Case Study of the Fluoridation Program in the City of Detroit: AStudy of Community Action." M.A. thesis, Wayne University, 1954.

Klug, Thomas A. "The Roots of the Open Shop: Employers, Trade Unions, and CraftLabor Markets in Detroit, 1859-1907." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University,1993.

Korolov, Cynthia Porter. “`Help the Other Fellow’: Henry Ford and the Ford EnglishSchool.” M.A. essay, Wayne State University, 2002.

Koscielski, Frank. “Divided Loyalties: American Unions and the Vietnam War.” Ph.D.diss., Wayne State University, 1998. (UAW Local 600)

Koss, Herman. "History of the Detroit Typographical Union No. 18." M.A. thesis,Wayne University, 1951.

Krass, Judith. "Detroit as a Center of Commerce, 1880-1900." M.A. thesis, WayneState

University, 1962.

Krassovsky, Collerohe. "The Evolution of Structure, Functions and Relationships of aSocial Institution: The Children's Aid Society of Detroit." Ph.D. diss., Universityof Michigan, 1937.

Kroll, Michael. "George Addes and the Auto Workers, 1933-1947." M.A. Thesis,Wayne State University, 1981.

Kruesi, Walter E. "Report upon Unemployment in the Winter of 1914-1915 in Detroitand the Institutions and Measures of Relief." Typescript, 1915, Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library.

Kulka, Helen A. "The Barometer of the Detroit Mayor's Interracial Committee: AnAttempt to Measure Racial Tension." M.A. thesis, Wayne University, 1945.

LaCriox, Gedeon A. "An Analysis of the Detroit Board of Zoning Appeals and ItsOperations, 1941-1949." M.A. thesis, Wayne University, 1951.

Lambe, Dilys Kerr. "The Theatre and Allied Arts in Detroit, 1910-1920." M.A. essay,Wayne State University,



Lane, William. "The Evolution of Electric Service in Detroit." M.A. thesis, WayneUniversity, 1936.

Lederer, Phyllis. "A Study of Jewish Influences in Detroit to 1914." M.A. thesis,Wayne

University, 1947.

Ledesma, Irene J. "The Committee on Race Relations of the Michigan Council ofChurches: A Historical Study, January 1943-February 1946." M.A. thesis,University of Michigan, 1946.

Leonard, Mary. "Collective Bargaining in Higher Education: A Case Study of theAmerican Association of University Professors and Wayne State University from1970 to 1990." Ed.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1991.

Levering, Marijean Elizabeth. “None Shall Refuse: The History of the Players inDetroit,1910 to the Present.” Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 2000.

Levine, David Allan. "Expecting the Barbarians: Social Control and Race Relations,Detroit, 1915-1925." Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 1970.

Levine, Jennifer. “`The Working Mother…Has to Maintain a Household’: TheWomen’s Auxiliaries of the UAW-CIO and Government-Funded Childcare duringWorld War II.” M.A. essay, Wayne State University, 2002.

Lewis, David. "History of Negro Employment in Detroit Area Plants of the Ford MotorCompany, 1914-1940." Unpublished paper, University of Michigan, 1954; copy at Reuther Library, Wayne State University, Detroit.

Lewis, Denise. "Black Political Consciousness and the Voting Behavior of Blacks inDetroit, 1961-1968." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1969.

Likkel, Douglas. “Reluctant Partners, Uneasy Truce: The Ford Motor Company, theUAW, and the Roosevelt Government—Preparation for War and the Productionof the B-24 Bomber at Willow Run, 1933-1945.” M.A. thesis, Wayne StateUniversity, 2001.

Lindsay, Howard O’Dell. “Field to Fords, Feds of Franchise: African AmericanEmpowerment in Inkster, Michigan.” Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1993.

Linton, Thomas E. "A Historical Examination of the Purposes and Practices of theEducation Program of the United Automobile Workers of America, 1936-1959." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan 1961.



Litchfield, Edward. “A Statistical Analysis of Certain Aspects of Political Behavior inDetroit, 1930-1938.” Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1940.

Livingston, David Thomas. "The James Couzens Expressway Controversy: A CaseStudy." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1960.

Lloyd, Iris M. "Employee Organizations in Detroit Municipal Government." M.A.thesis, Wayne University, 1948.

Longo, Julie T. “`In the Spirit of ‘76’: The American Revolution Bicentennial andDetroit Redevelopment, 1966-1983.” Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 2003.

Lothian, Robert A. "Detroit Police Procedures for the Selection of Patrolmen." M.A.thesis, Wayne University, 1950.

Lott, John R. "A Critical Evaluation of Industrial Arbitration in the Detroit Area, with anAnalysis of the Umpire Systems as They Are Now Constituted at the Ford,Chrysler, and General Motors Plants." M.A. thesis, Wayne University, 1949.

Lovett, William W. "A Comparative Study of Juvenile Delinquency in Inner-cityDetroit." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1965.

Lowery, Joel John. "Labor Relations in the Automobile Industry During the 1920s." M.A. thesis, Michigan State University, 1958.

McDavitt, Elaine E. "A History of the Theater in Detroit, Michigan, from its Beginningsto 1862." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1947.

McDonald, John Freeman. "Essays on the Patterns of Urban Homeownership and RetailTrade: A Case Study of Detroit." Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1971.

McLeod, AliseaCharmain. “Living Detroit (On the Edge of Disorder): Time and Spacein the Twentieth Century.” Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1998.

McMenemy, Agnes Catherine. "The History of Collective Bargaining in ProfessionalNursing in Michigan." Ed.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1979.

Mackenzie, Patricia O'Donnell. "Some Aspects of the Detroit Bank Crisis of 1933." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1963.

Mackun, Stanley. "The Changing Patterns of Polish Settlements in the Greater DetroitArea: Geographic Study of the Assimilation of an Ethnic Group." Ph.D. diss.,



University of Michigan, 1964.

McPherson, Allan Robert. "The Introduction and Development of the Detroit PublicSchools Adult Education Program: A Historical Study." Ph.D. diss., University

of Michigan, 1988.

Majka, Lorraine. "Organizational Linkages, Networks and Social Change in Detroit." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1981.

Marger, Martin. "Ethnic Penetration of the Elite Structure of Detroit, 1900-1950." Ph.D.diss., Michigan State University, 1973.

Martin, David Eric. “The Problem of Residential Burglary and the Distribution ofCommunity-Oriented Policing Programs in Detroit, Michigan.” Ph.D. diss.,Wayne State University, 2000.

Martin, Homer L. "Factors in the Determination of Sites for Low-rent Housing Projectsin

Detroit." M.A. thesis, Wayne University, 1947.

Masty, Sue Ellen. "Labor and Radicalism in Detroit, 1919-1920." M.A. essay, WayneState University, 1980.

Marx, Sue A. "1952 Election Study: Republican Voters in the U.A.W. Membership." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1956.

Marz, Roger H. "Voting Shifts in a Suburban Community: A Study of Migrants fromDetroit, 1952-1956." Ph.D. diss., Michigan State University, 1960.

Mayhew, Robert R. "A History of the Establishment and Growth in Services of theAttendance Department of the Detroit Board of Education." M.A. thesis, Wayne University, 1940.

Melamed, Robert S. "Depression Government in Detroit: Its Initial Stages, 1929 to1933." M.A. essay, Wayne State University,

Meneghel, David Lee. "A History of the Schubert Theater in Detroit, Michigan: 1914-1964." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1966.

Meyer, Henry J. "The Structure of the Jewish Community in the City of Detroit." Ph.D.

diss., University of Michigan, 1940.



Mfenyana, Nomlindelo Edith. “Domestic Violence Among Latino Families in Detroit,with a Focus on Spouse Inequality in Education and Income and the Wives’Strategies to Avoid Violence.” Ph.D. diss., Michigan State University, 1996.

Middlebrook, Virginia. "An Analysis of Youth Needs in a War Production Area." M.A.thesis, Wayne University, 1945.

Miles, Norman Kenneth. "Home at Last: Urbanization of Black Migrants in Detroit,1916-1929." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1978.

Miller, James A. "The Resident Yiddish Theater in Detroit from 1920 to 1937." Ph.D.diss., Wayne State University, 1968.

Mirel, Jeffrey E. "Politics and Public Education in the Great Depression: Detroit, 1929-1940." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1984.

Mitchem, Stephanie Y. “Getting Off the Cross: African-American Women, Health, andSalvation.” Ph.D. diss., Northwestern University, 1998. (re: Detroit BlackWomen’s Health Project)

Mominee, Jerome M. "A Study of the Administration of the Port of Detroit." M.A.thesis, Wayne State University, 1968.

Mongo, Adolph. "Detroit Police Department STRESS Unit: Catalyst for Change inDetroit, 1971-1974." M.A. essay, Wayne State University, 1999.

Moore, Gilbert W. "Poverty, Class Consciousness, and Race Conflict in the UAW-CIO,1937-1955." Ph.D. diss., Princeton University, 1978.

Moore, Thomas A. "Wobbly Legacy: The Auto Strikes of 1934." M.A. essay, WayneState University, 1991.

Morris-Crowther, Jayne. “`A Challenge and a Promise’: The Political Activities ofDetroit Clubwomen in the 1920s.” Ph.D. diss., Michigan State University, 2001.

Morrison, Joyce Pollard. "An Analysis of Race Labeling in the Local Crime Reports ofthe Three Detroit Daily Newspapers." M.A. thesis, Wayne University, 1951.

Moss, Leonard W. "The Master Plumber in Detroit: A Study of Role Adjustment andStructural Adaptation in a Handicraft Occupation Undergoing TechnologicalChange." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1955.



Moufakkir, Omar. “Changes in Selected Economic and Social Indicators Associatedwith the Establishment of Casinos in the City of Detroit: A Case Study.” Ph.D.diss., Michigan State University, 2002.

Muffoletto, Anna M. "Detroit Public School Teachers' Union: Organization, Operationand Activities." M.A. thesis, University of Detroit, 1958.

Murphy, Michael. “From a Nice Place to Live to a Nice Place to Do Business: SuburbanDevelopment in Livonia, Michigan, 1920-1962.” M.A. thesis, Wayne StateUniversity, 1998.

Myers, George. “A Case Study of African-American Health: The Role of Urban andHealth Planning in Detroit, Michigan (1940-1970).” Ph.D. diss., University ofMichigan, 1999.

Nauss, Gladys E. "Detroit Federation of Women's Clubs: A Study in OrganizationalChange." M.A. thesis, Wayne University, 1949.

Nelson, Jack Ralph. "The Problems of Municipal Incorporation in the City of Troy." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1959.

Neuberg, Helen Jeanne. "Mechanization and Modernization of the Detroit Post Office: ACase Study." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1960.

Neville, Howard Ralph. "An Historical Study of the Collapse of Banking in Detroit,1929-1933." Ph.D. diss., Michigan State University, 1956.

Northrup, Gordon. "Pan-Indianism in the Metropolis: A Case Study of an EmergentEthnic-Syncretic Revitalization Movement (North American Indian Associationin Detroit)." Ph.D. diss., Michigan State University, 1970.

Nulsen, Ray Otto, Jr. "Consumer Bank Selection: A Study in Consumer Decision-Making in Detroit, Michigan." Ph.D. diss., University of Cincinnati, 1973.

O'Geran, Edward G. "A History of Detroit Street Railways." Ph.D. diss., University ofMichigan, 1931.

Ohnuki, Emika. "Detroit Chinese: A Study of Socio-Cultural Changes in the DetroitChinese Community from 1872 through 1963." M.A. thesis, University ofWisconsin, 1964.

Orr, Harry. "The Detroit Federation of Labor during World War I." M.A. essay, WayneState University,



Ostafin, Peter A. "The Polish Peasant in Transition: A Study of Group Integration as a Function of Symbiosis and Common Definitions." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1949.

Ozinga, Thomas John. "A History and Description of the Economic Club of Detroit." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1967.

Paige, Jeffrey Mayland. "Collective Violence and the Culture of Subordination: A Studyof Participants in the July 1967 Riots in Newark, New Jersey, and Detroit, Michigan." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1968.

Parker, John. "A History of the Packard Motor Car Company from 1899 to 1929." M.A.

thesis, Wayne University, 1949.

Parkins, Almon E. "The Historical Geography of Detroit." Ph.D. diss., University ofChicago, 1918.

Parsons, Michael N. "Father Charles E. Coughlin and the Formation of the NationalUnion Party, 1936." M.A. thesis, Western Michigan University, 1965.

Pendergrass, John M. “Registration of Voters in Detroit in 1940.” M.A. thesis, WayneUniversity, 1946.

Perentesis, John Louis. "The Formulation of a Rapid Transit Plan for the DetroitMetropolitan Area, 1953-1958." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1960.

Permaloff, Anne C. "Political Campaign Coverage by Detroit's Daily Newspapers." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1958.

Perusek, Glenn. “The Internal Politics of the United Automobile Workers, 1967-1985.” Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 1988.

Phillip, Robert Hansbury. "Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action:Mayoral Initiative and Bureaucratic Response, the Case of Detroit." Ph.D. diss,Wayne State University,

Phillips, Roy Gene. "A Study of Equal Opportunity in the Construction TradesApprenticeship Training Program Sponsored by the Pipefitting Industry of Metropolitan Detroit Within the Detroit Public Schools." Ph.D. diss., Universityof Michigan, 1971.



Pifer, Matthew T. “Dissent: Detroit and the Underground Press, 1965-1969.” Ph.D.diss., University of Oklahoma, 2001.

Pilling, Patricia Leslie. “A Case Study of Skilled Polish American Automobile Workersin Hamtramck, Michigan.” Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1987.

Pintzuk, Edward Carl. "Going Down Fighting: The Michigan Communist party AfterWorld War II." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1992.

Pitts, Yvonne. "They Want to be True Women: Emma Hall and the Detroit House ofShelter, 1868-1874." M.A. essay, Wayne State University, 1999.

Postl, Mary. "Detroit Develops an International Consciousness, 1930-1945." M.A.thesis, University of Detroit, 1955.

Potter, Ryan Arvin. “Enforcing National Prohibition Along the Detroit River, 1920-1933.” M.A. essay, Eastern Michigan University, 2000.

Poyourow, Rebecca. “From Working Girl to Adolescent: the Detroit YMCA and theTransformation of Sociability among Working-Class Young Women, 1900-1930.” Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 2003.

Pratt, Menah Adeola Eyaside. “Where Are the Black Girls? The Marginalization ofBlack Females in the Single-Sex School Debate in Detroit.” Ph.D. diss., VanderbiltUniversity, 1997.

Ramsey, Maurice M. "Some Aspects of Non-Partisan Government in Detroit, 1918-1940." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1944.

Reed, Rebecca. "Regulating the Regulators: Ideology and Practice in the Policing ofDetroit, 1880-1918." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1991.

Reid, John B. “Race, Class, Gender and the Teaching Profession: African-AmericanSchool Teachers of the Urban Midwest, 1865-1950.” Ph.D. diss., Michigan StateUniversity, 1996. (Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland)

Rever, Lerene D. "The Detroit Knights of Labor: 1878-1888." M.A. essay, Wayne StateUniversity,

Riddle, Richard David. "The Rise of the `Reagan Democrats' in Warren, Michigan: 1964-1984." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1998.

Riker, William H. "The CIO in Politics, 1936 to 1946." Ph.D. diss., Harvard University,




Rockaway, Robert. "From Americanization to Jewish Americanism: The Jews ofDetroit,

1850-1914." Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1970

Rodgers, James William. "The History of the Garrick Theater, Detroit, Michigan, 1909-1928." Ph.D. diss., Wayne State University, 1968.

Rogell, William Bryan. "Industrial Analysis of Livonia, Michigan." M.A. thesis, WayneUniversity, 1953.

Rolland, Siegfried B. "Detroit English Language Labor Press, 1839-1889." M.A. thesis,Wayne University, 1946.

Roock, Wayne E. "The Automobile Age in the Making: Industrial Detroit, 1880-1900." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1964.

Ropka, Gerald W. "An Analysis of the Shopping Patterns of the City of Livonia." M.A.thesis, 1964.

Rosenblatt, A. L. "The Small Loan Industry in Detroit." M.A. thesis, WayneUniversity,


Roth, Ruth. "Nightmare in February: The Detroit Bank Crash, 1933." M.A. thesis,Wayne State University, 1956.

Rusing, Jean. "The Works Project Administration in Detroit, 1935-1939." M.A. thesis,Wayne State University, 1974.

Saba, Leila Beulas. "The Social Assimilation of the Ramallah Community Residing inDetroit." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1971.

Sam, Jean. “Corporate Power and City Policies: A Case Study of Highland Park,Michigan.” M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1975.

Savaglio, Paula Clare. "Polish-American Music in Detroit: Negotiating EthnicBoundaries." Ph.D. diss., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1992.

Scarlat, Magdalena. “Mercury Dynamics in Sediments and the Foodweb of the DetroitRiver.” M.A. thesis, University of Windsor, 2002.



Scharrer, William Earl. "The Pilot Food Stamp Program in Detroit, Michigan: A Study in Public Administration." M.A. thesis, Wayne State University, 1963.

Scherer, Stephen Peter. "The Recent Industrial Pattern of Northeast Detroit." M.A.thesis, Wayne University, 1949.

Schertzing, Phillip Daniel. “`Against all enemies and opposers whatever’: The MichiganState Police crusade against the ‘un-Americans’, 1917-1977.” Ph.D. dissertation,Michigan State University, 1999.

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