Master in communication for Marketing and Export management - SSIT - sede di Pescara

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Il Master mira a formare professionisti nell'ambito del Marketing e dell’ Export internazionale che siano in grado di interagire e comunicare correttamente utilizzando le strategie più attuali. Obiettivo del Master è di formare figure professionali con solide competenze comunicative in grado di comprendere le dinamiche del mercato e del marketing, di saper gestire la comunicazione d’impresa, di utilizzare le tecniche dell’ export management e di saper condurre efficacemente trattative internazionali.


I edizione del

Master in Communication for

Marketing and Export management

a.a. 2014 – 2015

S.S.I.T. Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori

sede di Pescara

La scuola La S.S.I.T., Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori, (ex Scuola Interpreti), con sede a Pescara,e’ un Istituto privato appartenente

al gruppo della F.E.D.E., Federazione delle Scuole d’Europa,

a statuto consultivo presso il Consiglio di Europa ed è abilitata al rilascio di titoli a

valenza europea.

Fin dalla sua fondazione, nel 1978, l’Istituto si è distinto dalla formazione accademica

offrendo ai propri studenti competenze pratiche e professionalizzanti facilmente

spendibili sul mercato del lavoro ed in linea con le richieste del mercato.

La filosofia della scuola è quella di essere sempre al passo con i tempi e di offrire

formazione all’avanguardia.

La Ssit è stata la prima Scuola in italia ad offrire formazione online ed ha attivato diverse

convenzioni con Università private europee e,in Italia,con la SSML “Gregorio VII” di


Presentazione e obiettivi

Le lezioni del Master si terranno interamente in lingua inglese e

saranno gestite da docenti americani esperti del settore. Il Master

mira a formare professionisti nell'ambito del Marketing e dell’ Export

internazionale che siano in grado di interagire e comunicare

correttamente utilizzando le strategie più attuali.

Obiettivo del Master è di formare figure professionali con solide

competenze comunicative in grado di comprendere le dinamiche

del mercato e del marketing, di saper gestire la comunicazione

d’impresa, di utilizzare le tecniche dell’ export management e di

saper condurre efficacemente trattative internazionali.

destinatariIl Master si rivolge sia a laureati in materie economico-commerciali che

vogliano specializzare le proprie competenze anche dal punto di vista

linguistico che a laureati in altre discipline che , pur non avendo

competenze specifiche nell’ambito di dette materie , vogliano ricollocarsi

nel settore del marketing e dell’export.

Ai fini dell’ammissione al Master è necessario essere in possesso di un

livello di competenza linguistica scritta e orale della lingua inglese pari

almeno al livello B2 del quadro di riferimento europeo delle lingue, previo

accertamento linguistico.

Per i laureati in lingue e letterature straniere (ed equivalenti) o in

mediazione linguistica l'accertamento linguistico non è necessario.

Profili professionali attesi

❏ Marketing manager (and consultant)

❏ Export manager (and consultant)

❏ Responsabile/assistente dell’ufficio export per le aziende

commerciali e le multinazionali.

❏ Product distribution manager

❏ International business negotiator

❏ Public Relations manager

❏ Advertising and Promotion manager

prospettive occupazionali

Le competenze relative alle tecniche di Marketing e di esportazione sono tra le più richieste su un mercato che tende all’internalizzazione delle imprese e , pertanto, non conoscono crisi.

Le imprese italiane votate all’export sono quelle altamente competitive sul mercato e necessitano, a tale scopo, di competenze comunicative di alto profilo in lingua inglese, oltre che di competenze tecniche, in un’unica professionalità.

La preparazione offerta dal Master, consente, pertanto di candidarsi ad incarichi di alto profilo sia in aziende italiane che straniere.

strategia didattica Classi costituite da max 15 studenti .

Feedback costante e disponibilità continua di docenti e tutors.

Perfezionamento linguistico scritto e orale con esperti docenti di

madrelingua per perfezionare le abilità comunicative e specializzarle.

Attraverso sessioni ed esercitazioni pratiche di di “brainstorming” , “project

work” , strategy planning”, “negotiating” e altre tecniche di

apprendimento attivo il partecipante sarà coinvolto nelle reali dinamiche del

mercato in cui dovrà confrontarsi professionalmente.

Più che sullo studio teorico le tecniche e gli obiettivi aziendali saranno

valutati e misurati con la logica del “case study”.

supporti multimediali

●Laboratorio interattivo multimediale con rete Teachnet integrata

attraverso il quale il docente dalla sua postazione e’ in grado di

ascoltare, leggere e correggere le esercitazioni orali e scritte di

ciascun partecipante.

●Postazioni multimediali a disposizione degli studenti per la

connessione ad Internet e le esercitazioni individuali.

calendario e frequenza delle lezioni

●Inizio lezioni : sabato 8 novembre 2014

●Tutte le lezioni del Master si terranno nei giorni di sabato per circa

nr. 4 ore ad incontro, dalle ore 10.00 alle 14.00.

●Termine lezioni ed esame finale : giugno 2014

Intercultural Communication Course aim

To introduce students to the interpretation and application of intercultural communication in

social and professional contexts. Students will develop their understanding of linguistic

and cultural diversity and explore its implications for intercultural communication in the

contemporary world.

Course content

The course introduces students to intercultural communication in the contemporary world, focusing on multiple and diverse audiences, mobilities and globalisation, cultural symbols and values, language and categories, hard and soft borders, and interpretations of intercultural sites. Drawing on a wide range of actual, virtual, national and international examples, including those reflecting the experience of Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples, students develop their intercultural awareness and apply this in their own written, verbal and visual communication. Students research, report and present on sites of intercultural communication that are relevant to their particular experience and professional interests

Professional and technical Communication Course aim

To introduce students to a wide range of professional and technical texts, and to develop

students' skills in planning, drafting, evaluating, and editing written content.

Course content

Students will be introduced to the critical analysis of the written and visual aspects of a

wide range of texts in the professional, industrial, corporate, and public contexts to

understand how effective communications are constructed. Students will develop

knowledge on how to create effective print and visual communication through practice in

evaluating, drafting, and revising a range of professional and technical communication.

Communication and conflict resolution

Communication and Conflict resolution Skills

Successful public relations managers need highly refined communication and conflict resolution skills in today’s stressful and competitive business environment. This course helps students learn

about practice, and further develop some key fundamental behaviours designed to establish powerful rapport with business

personnel and clients, and to manage conflict creatively and constructively when it occurs. Core skills include reflective listening,

matching and pacing, managing agreement (assertion), problem solving, and negotiation. Approaches to learning include theory

presentation, skill demonstration, skill practice, and critique.

Leadership and persuasion Leadership, Persuasion and the Successful Executive

Leadership, Persuasion and the Successful Executive offers an intensive examination of the leadership-communication connection.

In other words, how do successful executives engage employees, teams and organizations to effect change and influence behavior in an often- contested and challenging environment through effective

communications? This course focuses on how executives successfully exert their leadership in the broader external environment.

Promotional Communication: Advertising, Publicity and Marketing

Course aim

To study the complexity and nuances of the development, purpose and use of promotional

activities in contemporary society through the promotion of products and services and

the diverse range of approaches, techniques and methods employed, with a particular

emphasis on advertising.

Course content

Students will build on previous courses to develop knowledge of applied approaches to the

use and production of promotional activities in contemporary society. The practices and

processes of promotional activity in diverse organisations are examined using historical

and contemporary case studies. Students are required to demonstrate creative and

critical thinking about promotional culture and its role in industry sector and to exhibit

creativity and originality in the production of promotional material.

Public Relations : Theory and Practice.

· Course aimTo introduce students to the principles of public communication by examining the

concepts, theories and contexts of professional practice

Course contentThis course covers a diverse range of public communication theory and practice and

introduces fundamental theoretical principles and practices underpinning various forms of public communication. It provides an understanding of the political, economic, social and technological context of organisations' communication approaches, particularly public relations and advertising.

Programma Management

Essentials of Management

The basis of management: Planning- organising- staffing- leadership- motivation- communication- controlling- export

correspondence- business negotiations

Marketing management

The fundamentals of marketing and the management decision‐making skills related to the design of marketing strategy.

By the end of the course, students can: (1) understand the role that marketing plays in an organization; (2) analyze how the environment

affects marketing strategy; (3) analyze how consumers make a purchase decision; and (4) design a marketing strategy for a product

or service.

International marketing Course aim

To familiarise students with the concepts involved in the marketing of goods and services


Course content

An analysis of world trading patterns. Italian performance and opportunities in the

international market. Culture as a key business environmental factor. Researching and

understanding overseas markets. Performance factors that determine international

competitiveness. Market entry: licensing, franchising, turnkey contracts, contract

manufacture, acquisition and overseas subsidiaries. International pricing, product and

promotional standardisation, distribution practices, international selling and negotiation


Market reasearch Course aim

Market research plays an essential role in providing accurate and useful information upon

which to base business decision-making. This course provides students with an

understanding of what market research can do, how it is carried out, and the different

sorts of market research data commonly encountered.

Course content

The role of market research in an organisation, overview of the Italian market research

industry, briefing & choosing a research provider, key stages in a research project, what

constitutes “good” research, ethics & privacy issues, qualitative research, reliability &

validity, sampling & non-response, questionnaires, overview of quantitative data types,

fieldwork management, overview of data analysis tools, secondary & internal data,

designing a research system, future trends in market research.

Buyer and consumer behaviour

Course aim

To familiarise students with the concepts of individual consumer and industrial buyer

behaviour, and to acquaint students with applications of these concepts in the market


Course content

Buying behaviour and buying behaviour theories; cultural, class, family and other key

external factors influencing consumers' purchasing; repeat buying patterns (NBD theory

and NBD-Dirichlet); memory (brand beliefs) and brand salience; patterns in belief and

attitude data; customer evaluations of service and their relationship with future

behaviour; the diffusion of innovations (Bass model); the consumer as a shopper,

reactions to marketing interventions, segmentation.

Sales and distribution Course aim

To explain to students the role of the sales function as a component of marketing

communication, the personal selling process, the sales management process, channel

management responsibilities of the sales force, and the role of distribution within the

overall marketing strategy.

Course content

Sales management functions, including selection, direction, monitoring, evaluation,

compensation and training of the sales force; the role of the sales force in channel

management; ethics and trust; the importance of understanding household and

organisational needs and buying processes; the business-to-business selling process;

account management and enhancement of customer relationships; trends in channel

power; distribution strategies, including selection of channel partners and appropriate

levels of intensity of market coverage; distribution channel metrics; special issues

relating to retail selling and sales management; and special issues relating to

international sales and distribution.

Export management


The opportunities and challenges for European companies in the EU and the global environment are numerous. Good knowledge and management skills of export

management, international business and the opportunities of the EU are evident for success.

This course focuses on what it takes to be a successful export manager for a European company. A professional export manager should gain knowledge of different regions and

cultures and needs to develop intercultural sensitivity in order to communicate with business partners from all over the world. This minor gives you an insight in the

multidisciplinary assignments and projects of export management and international marketing.

Export - Import Procedure and Documents

Basic documents used in international trade-export letter of credit - processing of an export

order - excise duty and sales tax procedure - pre-shipment documentation - standardisation procedure for export by sea, inland container depots, container freight stations, export by air, courier service, land and river, export by post. Collection, negotiation of export documents - registration, formalities with export promotion councils, FIEO, export promotion schemes, incentives to exporters - Registration formalities - opening of letter of credit for import. Retirement of import documents. Customs procedure for clearing of imported goods.

International logistics : Global supply chain

Course aim

To provide students the concepts of major issues of International Logistics: Global Supply

Chain Management and the related strategies for planning, analysis, design and

development towards an effective and efficient supply chain management. To help

students understand best practices and focus on all areas and their interface with

changing international market needs.

Course content

Introduction to International Logistics, Global Freight Transportation Management,

import/export operations, Global Sourcing and Trade, Global Supply Chain Management.

titolo In seguito al superamento dell’esame finale si consegue il :

Diploma di Master in Marketing and Export Management

la sede

quota di partecipazione

Quota di partecipazione Soluzione unica: € 1.800

rateizzabile come di seguito specificato: (senza interessi)

● in 3 rate euro 600 ciascuna

● in 8 rate da euro 225 ciascuna

● in 12 rate da euro 150 ciascuna

tassa di iscrizione : euro 200

Iscrizione e contatti 1. Prenotare l’esame di ammissione (gratuito), se richiesto

2. Consegnare in segreteria nr. 2 foto tessera

3. Compilare in segreteria :

➔ modulo di autocertificazione;➔ modulo di iscrizione;

4. versare la tassa di iscrizione;

Per prenotare l’esame di ammissione (gratuito), o per un colloquio orientativo contatta la Segreteria dell’Istituto:

tel.085.27754 - email:

sede : Pescara , Piazza Duca D’Aosta, 34