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! -p

€£0YER Sm&' ^SATURDAY, • - MARCH 28, 1903

E&sitage*The. large dte-:

madid- thai lias:sprung1 i i

last few y.earsrfor scom lias brought out•Gaffed, new ensilage


section £fee. Saaiforcl Com liasbees fea&d: the most desirable.

" This is- a tmi-form s i zed 'heavy

eared corn with stall g glaecfem fcall and very tMefcaH^strong- -with a large aracra&fc offoliage. • .



ILongfeilow—A variety "welladapted for ITortnerij.; FewYork, this is an eight^rowedyellow flint eora with, small coband large Tqsoad kernel.

Dwarf Essex of the true bi-ennial'variety.

Beans, i Beets, Cabbage,Garrot, Cucumber,Corn, Yelfew and Bed" © vPeas, Badisb, Tomato,' Turnipand- Sweet Peas.



* • •

4* •

* •


• • * •

maues&k)a&mii£iLa*&'& &n T <

SHOULD bej-eeelved atsesneats tMs office not later than

next Thttr&day'to ais-hire appeara-ace in'tben&M issue.

.Copy for ehauges. lit st&iuSiig- adver-Ksemeirte g&ottld be in bv Monday noon.

_.„. ,. inserted€ard of thanks and poetry 5

a line.% -Eesolutions of respeot, etc. will betetiarged for at»the rate of one-half aj;eent a word.


'. 25—Mareh lias-been airemalsable month.tMs yeas.', snojvp all-gone, and thus far hasseeme<J more life April. "We rememberbaelt- setae 30 years ago when the last ofIfareli there was- a terrible storm, andbliz ,carc!—the roads were Impassable formany days. Robert Cooper died in thetown of Constable at the time and thr§edays after, the funeral procession startedfor the cemetery only two miles distantbut on account of snow piled up in largedrifts all had to turn back to their homesand it was three days after before theywere able-to get through to the cemetery,

; Kev. A. A. House and familyhave ar-rived here.

Stephen Lonkey and family start to-day for their home in Sandy Hill, ~N. T.

Mrs. Virgilia Steenberge opened hergehool in the Wolf Swamp District l4Monday. *

X?6#orestTaylor, of Bangor, is moving.;onto-the farm^f Eli Spencer,, inFt, Cov-ington*

Mark Eldred opened.the butter factory.'©f this place Monday. a


We will sell the above: seedsat reasonable prices, quality/considered.



Fenalty for TobaecoBetnrns obtained by the Scottish

^Anti-Tobacco soeie.ty shov^ that' in; four-fifths (or 43) of the United States-;;©i America it has been made a penal:©Sense to give or sell tobacco in any.form to childa-en. The age limi ifeom. 14 up to 21.

S3—The sugar season is nearly over:many have gathered their buckets andfinished sugar maMn'sr.

With the return of therobinsand manyother birds, also the croaking of the frogswe are reminded that spring is" coming:when the hand organ grinder and themen with the dancing bear appear sure that winter is over.

Will Burr is now receiving mDk at hisjactory every day., Newton Keeler went to Montreal Mori-day.• Mrs. W. B. Eoyce has recovered from

:her. long illness and is receiving her'spring millinery goods.

School is closed dtor a'two weeks' vaca-tion., i-ncinda Wood has been spending afew days at. home.

Misses Fanny Adams and Eose Woodhave I'efamedvhome.feoni market: Miss

|-Adams goesto-Mbir-aand: Miss Wood, to"WinthEop- to. resume- their millinerybusi&ess. • . !

jawrence has received her sam-of. spring goods, which, are nowr for examination.

Dinner Sets,

Toilet Sets,

Cups and Saucetfs,

China Plates, etc.


Desks, •

Side Boards,

Chairs and Roekers,

Tables, etc.

Yon are Invitedt©' Ca l l .•

ros,,, N. T.



aOments arising fiom a disorderedstomach, liver or bowels isBipans Tab-bies. TheygostraigM to the seat of..the-trouble., relieve the distress, cleanse. sad. cure 'the affected: parts, and givefcOi^ system a general toning up .

At druggists.Free Cent packet is on migh for an ordinal y-MSiOi, The family bottle 6o cents, contains

A supply for a year*


DANGERS' OF PNEUMONIA.A cold at this time if neglectedisliable• cause pneumonia which is so often.

'-,, and even when, the patient has re-red, the lungs.are weakened, maMhg;

them, peculiarly susceptible\tjb the development of consumption. JPoley's Honeya®M Tar will stop the- cough, heal andstrengthen the lungs and preventmonia.

McMann &

The following is the apportionment ofthe school moneys in the several districtsof this town for the present year:—B i s t r o . 1 1.686.78 Dis i^o .7

3... 440.29 . 8,8... 151.89 O.^lSSv.^4... 152.07 10..,. 186.62.5... 131.64 11....1M.38

150.80Total ...$2,375.03

PNEUMONIA FOLLOWS A COL-Dbut neTer follows the use of Foley'sHoney and Tar. I t stops the cough,heals and strengthens the lungsi andaffords perfect security from an attack ofpneumonia. jEtefiise substitutes.

• ' MrM'ann & Millington.

On the slope of Mont Heal, overlookingJaques Oartier Square in the city of Mon-treal, stands the famous old Chateau deEamezay, built in 1705. In its early daysit wasthe residence of the French govern-ors of Montreal, and beneath its low roof,after the bloody Ereneh and Indian War,was signed the treaty which forever lostto France the western •vrorld, and peopledour great continent with the Englishspeaking race. After the surrender, theold chateau was, for a time' occupied bythe English governors, and afterwards itwas converted into a museum, which" itstill remains:—From -" Gliatmn Ide Bam-ezmj," by 6-uy Morrison Walker, %n FourTrade Nevis for April.

MORE RIOTS.Disturbances of strikers are-not nearly,

as grave as" aa- i-ad?vidaal disorder pi'the system.-' Overwork, loss' of sleep-,;nervous tension will be followed. by-utter collopse, unless- a reliable remedy-is iminecli^^Iy^ emgloyedV nn--»*.>«.nothing so '.'e^bient to cure;

I . I ^ . ^ I .HI 'H^ j t - *J* -*-.•« »J *-rr '* >fT~*-i?"?zf.f?:^.>^?- ,-• *-**T5'T' T

effective nervine aiidv ffite greatest-around medicine? &fe •r^^^p^a. systemgiIt dispels KervoiagneMr" Efteunaati m-

N l | d J | i | ^ i i ; 4 ^ $

De you enjoy ui.-, <•';- co you sieep sopoonytimt you are'iaore U:-ed when you g-et ug>fcljati.-witea you £.0 to Le«l ? Is your appetitefMling,, getting thin; $oes your headacfe,l>aek ache, eyes tire easily ? These aresymptoms of a nervous disorder, which

•.sEould-bepr-omptly treated orfamtingspells,mental and physical nervousness, morbidfsars and Toss of coatrol will lead-to insanityor mental, irresponsibility. Strengthen theKerves: witK Dr. Miles' Nervine.. It quicklysupplies nerve-force arid vitality to the Y? eak-ened sys.tem, brino-ing sleep,, appetite.' andhealth. ' .- I . . ••' "I was almost insane withnervQUS trouble.Gould or sle<:p; Could'see-no pleas-ure' in. life; indeed, life was a>urden"to.:me,and I even prayed God to release me fromit. Three doctors did all they co.uld iOxrme,all to no purpose. I was in despair of evergetting belter when I saw the advertisementof I5r.' Miles' Restorative Nervine. I got abottle, commenced taking-it and wroteyouforadvice. I followed it carefully, taking yourNervine, Restorative Tonic, and Nerve andLiver Pills. Those remedies were my sal-vation. It is some months since I stoppedtaking- the Tonic but I keep the Nervine inthe house all th-j time, as it is a friend that Ido not fee] sale w th;iut. If any sufferershould doubt the ti'.'th of this statement, letthem write to me i-vnd I will do my best to •drive, ail dou'.-r. -"--M their mind."—MRS.MABS;. REDD;-;:;, LA Jose, Fa. „

All drugoris;s sell and guarantee first bot-tle Dr. Miles' Keir.tdies. Send for free bookon Nervous and Heart Diseases. AddressDr. Miles Medical Co,, Elkhart, liacL . .

M i l l i o n a i r e M o r f r a n i i a s - $1??iQ0O,.O0Ow o r t h o f a r t t r e . a s t j . r e s i t i H i ^ t d

of theiiigiitaiiff: . Mes^ossiiile.our peopleare.spending- #10%00%<}"Q-Q-.a year in parttOigee tne; art gaperieB of Europe. Wbulctit econbmieal to remove the tariff.or everi- to buy and import $~he "Buropeangalleries?

'•. . TRAGEDY the nick of time our little

boywas saved" writes Mrs. W. WatkinscO'f'.Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumoniahad;pla^e$ sad havoc •with him and a • terri-felecougli set in besides. Doctors treat-"ed him, but he grew worse every day.At length1, we tried Dr. King's New Dis-covery-for Consumption, and our darl-ing was saved. He's now sound, andweiL" Everybody ought to know, it's theonly sure cure for Coughs, Golds and allLung diseases. Guaranteed by Meilann& Millington Druggist. Price, 50e and]$1.00. Trial bottles-free.

thatA scientific pH-blication, claimsrailway collisions are absolutely pbJe by an automatic' application of- tjieiblock system. ; •

The,best,pill 'neath the stars and stripes;B^ieanses-the system and never gripes.:3|^i6, Bamlif Risers of wordly reputS—A&fe- f©r.i).e'W"itt's and take no substitute.

/Avsm&lLpill, easy to buy, easy to take,and; easy to aet, but never failing in re-suJts..l)'eWitt's Little Early Eisers arousethe secretions and-act as a tonic to theliver, curins: permanently.

There are some tenants who wouldmake their landlord tear up a hardwoodfloor and change the steam fittings toaecomodate a hole cut in n decond-handcarpet. / •

WHAT'S IN A. NAME..•Everything- is in the name when it,

^omes.:to.Witeh:.Hazel Salve, B. 0. De-Witt & Co.- of Ohicago, discovered some,years ago, how to make a salve, from-Witch. Hazel that is a specific for; Piles.CFOE- blinds bleeeting, itching and protrud-ing; Pites, eczema,, cuta, burns,, bruisesarid all'skin diseases, DeWittfs-Salve hasno equal. This has given rise i o numerousworthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's—the genuine.

McMann & Millington, Bmshton.

Hotels are springing up like mushroonsinSft. Louis. They will be needed duringthe Exposition and needless afterwards.

FQLEY'S HONEY AND TARCures coughs and colds.i@ures: bronchitis and asthma.

jcrcmpand'.whooping cough.h and bronchial troubles,

and la grippe,M M & Milling'ton.

The Government has lost an able ser-vant, by the retirement 'of Gfovernpr'WSaS.- . l ferr iam, late Director of the©ensus Bureau. . • v

LUNGS..Yield yapidly to _t]ie.woriderful. curative

and healing, qualities 'ol 'E1oley'sa.. poney.and, Tai*; i t prevents pneumonia and

iiGn from a hard cold settled onthe lungs.

fr McMann & Millington, Brusliton.

The latest reports show that the marks-manship of the American. ETavy has im-~-"rt""tji since the President issued, his

mthe subiect.

All diseases of Kidneys,Bladder, sJrinary Organs.

Also Rheumatism, BadeaelieuHeartBIssase^Gravel,Dropsy, Female Troubles.

Don't.- become fiisepuragedv Tliere is aure-ffii? you. If necessary wite Br. Feriner.

M& Uas;spe!n.ij a life tljtne Oujaiig j.ust sixchcases sb&youra. All consultations. Free.

"X &$•$ sev.erocaso ofldflney disejiso and.^ i dtscmirgktg bloody.', matter,

su pain. My "wife-. as seriously, wl% female troubles-. Br, FGnnsr^saiid Backache Cure cured us both.• - I ? M W H S E L S I l B d i l I "

forOoofe Book—Free.I I O f lHRP'§^e:CureiGkcular, Dr

., Bpxisiitoxt.

Correct Styles,

. ¥.

eWorld and Pacts aridFallacies for $1:, 25. N

New Tori: TMbuue-JParmer and Factsand --.Fallacies' im 85' cents.• Four Track STews and Facts and

Fallacies for 9Q cents'.Other clubbing:offers can be secured

by calling at this office. .

Oliifefj*ijl$y-.i p i $

',.SiB&'"-l.rand O .owel troub-

les, . Easy4,|)lea,s;EDi;t, safe, sure. Only 25cat McMapea? <fe Mijlingiion's dvug store.

Paui%-black:ink-, writing fluid, blueink.and wrAti%-;.and.copying ink in 0cent non-apillabie bottles at Smith's.

A SEVEREGrOLl^iEfQR THREE MONTHS.The follp-wfEg-fletter from A. J- Nus-

baumy of Mtesyill'e, Bid., tells its o-wnstory. ' % suffer;€d:.fi3r«threB months witha severe eoj^ . A> d^uggist prepared mesome"anedicine«anda^^physioianpreseribed:fbt raJe, yetE'didr not improve. I , then

doses cured men"- IJefese substitutes;

This is an. age of progress,<0- you no longer have, to

buy tea that is flavored^ with coal oil, lard, or

anything else which bulk«H> teas are liable to come

in contact with.Oiir T@3 is kept in a nice^ Tea Case which excludes

.everything. but tea.Call for a sample and- be& convinced.

C. A

Those Mn^ed ofiOemetaiy "Wmk .will dowfiilit^eaiK and? get- my prices .beforeplacing: thefe oiriiers. I .will make rfr;an object for a|l to do so.

and Office at residence on Pearl St.Below M. E. Church.

J. Mo *WASHB17B!S*Siaving Roams



Washington St,

Slealir ifu •

If in. warit; of .any. Cemetery.come to see m®. Shopaboye J&» G,


The. Se^-Xork Trabune^ ^amonwfil&gkated agricullraal S^lor farfieraand their famdHe^ud stasis^ttheMiBad ofrthe agrlenllttr&l press, .it«is-;'.a practical paper for praeti^ltf anners,helping them the.iargest possirblgprofit from.the farm through prae^isieal mefl&Sdsv .• It is emtertaihiaig, instructive andprac-

tically usefiHl to the farmer's wife, sonsand daughters* .wuose'interests it coversin an attraciiye maniier.

The rfegtdar price is $1.00 per year, butfor, a:limited; time' we will receive yoursubscription-for The ifew-York TribuneFarmer and also foryo'ur own local news-paper, Eactsiand EaBaeies

Both Papers One TfemiQV Only 85c.Send your order and money- to Facts

and Fallacies. 1Tour name.and address on .a postal card

to The New-Yoi$:. Tribune Farmer, WYork City, will brings you a free samplecopy. .

We have received our


statute in s:ac-i(.rcas.; aifd';fs hereTjy;;'!gjc^eii^t6 'i^lK^erS^iifs

sft6.#fe, notice

l i•said county, .deceased^tKai tMep'are ex-hibit tHe sa*ne,! -witii-tKe; vptiohers thereof; to Iheundersignecli'^exeiSjifcrixat Jiet^residence in'the town.of Moira,in isajid.eount^, on' or before the <jth' dayof April next:. . ' , '

Dated September.26th, 1903.MA-aStjABiET B^^RKETT, Executrix,

BADGER &:X2A-Nsrw:'Ei.i,, Atty's.

•- ™* of Hp^Sajrip.erri^.^jeman-, SuiT:O'g.ate..6fT-tliecounty'of^Era^l3^,\raild:kfcc;pid]iigrto--the-^^^.suqhcase madfekn^jirovi:idedyiiptice is-.hereby g-i-vento all perso^sliaTing;elaims1ag-fl.inst Charles Smitii-,late of iiajigo'r; in saidcdurifyi. deceased, that'theyare.req.itirea't.p'fi^MlJit"the -saiii^ -vvith-the VouchgES-thereofs to^ttier;andersjgn.edi '; th'e:

next. .Dated ,O.eto-ber:2ii

^ fioo2.

Adaumslrators.L-. W. SHCBAL-SJ-. A^tt'yfer A'dm'Sj. . • . Brashton, N* -Y;. •

E l? : ' T'lOTERV

New Yoii

The ^Bhrougji the-


LrV T.upper liafe 6 ig.a. ra. 2 10 p.m.

Tima Table effective Agu. 3, 1902.North boun'cLISxpress- Express Mixed.

Ex. Sun. Ex . Sun.6 30 a. m.S 26 "b 49 "8 58 "

ro 05 "10.37 p . m?

1046 "10 54 .<«11 42 V

" Santa Clara 7 39" St.Regis.F«ll&7 S3

. '5 Dickinson Ctr. S" DI" Moira"Helena

' " Nyando. "Cornwall


Southbound.Lv Ottawa" Finch" Cornwall" Uyando«• Helena'- Moira

S 20S 428,488 ?69 32

3 393 534 01.4 234-454 -ij.i

4 595 35

1050 a. m. 645 p.m. 1 15J

7 40 a. m. 5 30 p. m. 6 00 a. m

" -S 50 " - 40 7 339 23 " 15 S 209 31 " 23 " 8 50 "

' .9 37 ". 7 30 " 8 57 »KPOO '* 7 s5 " 10 05 "

" Dick'scn Ctr. 1020 " S 15 " 1035 " '" St Regis Falls 10 2S " 8.23. " 1048 ""Santa Clara 1042 ." 839 " n 12 "" Tupper-Lake 12 10 p.m. 10 20 p. m. 1 10 p. m.

Connections at-Moira for all points North andSouth. .. .

G.H. PHILLIPS,r General Pass. Agt.. Ottawa, Cat.

TSE -RUTLkm EAILROABOn- ain.d' after Nov. 23th, J902 and ..until further

not" ce,- trains will -leave Brusfatori as follows." •BAST...

7:45£J. iVt.—Express;fDK.all,stations connecfangatAlbTargh with; .East.Eaepress:trains ;fe?r • all poM-ts-south and.east;PullmaiL Parlor- cats Alb'urgh to.AlbanyandB uriilig'ton to •-B:Oston?via'fi.u;tian'd. with-out cnange. and:e6aeiies-. Altarg-h.. to .,y -andBurlington to Boston -toritiects-at Malone withN. Y. C. & H, m ,'R. R. for -all points south. AtRouses Point with: D. &H.G. Co Plattsburgh.

11:40 S' M.—Local, for Rouses. Point, Burlington, Rutland, Albany and.intermediate stations,via Grand Isle,

S :5O P. M.—JVltdly.'Stopping, a'tall stations and con-necting- at Alkurgh!with night- express for Troyand New XorK.aiso,Boston arid all- New Englandpoints. Pulljnan.sleemng: cars, A-lburgh to-NewYork and to ••• Boston-, via. R-utland • /with-out change. Txain^ ?ifalone withj-H. Y,C. & H. R. for Montreal • and : all .points;;6otfcAtRousesPt. with.©. H l O. Go.ior H t eThis train stops twenty jpinutes atsupper. • . ' r • " , ' fr

• GOING WESte..8:4O A. M.—M.ailj.stppping;at all.stations. Arrive at Ogdensbm-g 10:30a. m.,connectin ;g a t Moirawith N,. Y , & O. E . for-iKipperLaJce-. At^oiw-oitdwith/TNT. Y , C . & H . 11 .E . .E.;.,&T alKpomts.vSp5ithg.nd west, .andiit Ogderisbufij-wit'h ferxy: for. Exes-cottj where connection is made%vitli,throiigli:&spxesstrainsf or.the west. c' '•

4%18/ R: Mi-r^Lo'cal*.for Ogdensbjirg. andSriterined-tate-stations-.. Arrives Qgaensbjiig6:10 p ; m . .9 : 2 6 P- M.-^ExDresa, for Ogdensburg aii4 inter-mediate Stations-. ApjiveatNofwoo< p . m ..Qgde&Sjjurg nii5:.p,. m, ' " • •

Ti'ains leave.Ggdens]b(jirg for.Birushtou at 6;io a.- '


p;jprTiECKET-S to all points east and west on saleat Ticket Offiee;. * '

GEO. T. J ARVIS, C. Bi HIBBARD,• • General Pass. Agt.

To W H O M iT.MAjE^o^EitN-:I have had •RU6u'ma;i %m..-fqrt:.seyera! years and

ave. taken difFei:entMnd:s,rpf-xKeumatic cares; butI never4pu,n4iQns|hat^.ort(|\osre-rne until I tookthe. famous .Ay:-J^;;",,I?lieurtiaiie. O.ure wliieK curedme.completely .in ten-days..'"• •"'.' . ••

FR5&NKA. E t D K E B G E ,• ' ; ' M l N Y

. Take..Ph:^ip'Js-...Ce:iery.-:Headachfe--Gu,r:je,..A.. 1, JB.Gold j :Gtu;e and.P.hiHMs Indian Herb Cougji'A.J.P. Rheumatic, Cure is guacate.edtocure, rheumatisin or money refunded. Mairafact.uredpnly J5y . .

A T-. J*

For Sale by -McMann & MiHihgton, Brushton;A. X,. Sayles, JMLoiraj Bradford Bxos., Bangcxr;Steinberge.<S^ Son, North Bangor..

IT?SaWED:HIS.UEQ;•P. A. DanfqjL-t ofXiaGfran^e, Go-., suf-

fered for sfe'-.moBtJif wiih. a f r i M f lruiinin|¥» so.i-# on hip -leg:; buttliat Biic&lWs &%mG&,' S.alve ^liollycured it-mfee.ta.¥:%-.^r Qlserg,. Wounds,Piles, it's tii§;"psti^fee., iA. the world.Otore guaranieete; . i$&M;M~ ots, Bold byMoMann & l | t o t


j . ^ : Ladies wishing New Eastfer Ha$s andSiaits willW- do wdl to visit our store.

15 Tootii Lever. Harrowthe" best

madfe, for $ll(#

of Malone, Si; Y.iook.a ^i,ooo policy with

Insurance gompanyat an annual premium -of '$26.-2.6! Jtmatured January 9, 1903, with the followinguresult:

Paid to trie insured ,. $1,020.57Paid by, the- insured ., _ ;., 656.50Gained by the. insured - ,-$^64.07We have not seen equal results by any cither company. Have you?

«!.,»; W k a , ' *^^~*^- ..-,.,. , ; ^ Tarbell,Gen'l Agent. ; .- Special Agent. *

i a l . o f f e , -Ni,.,.;Y.. • .

Indigestion is of ten caused by OTOT*eating. An eminent authority- Baysthe harm done thus exceeds that fromthe excessive use of alcohol. Eat allthe good food you want "but don't over-load the stomach. A weak stomachmay refuse to digest what, you eat.Then you need a good*.digestant.likeKodol, which digest3 your food with-out, the stomach's aid. This rest andthe wholesome tonics Kodol* containsBoon restore health. Dieting unnee'es-eary. Kodol quickly relieves the-feel-ing of fulness and, bloating fromwhich some people suffer after meals.Absolutely cures indigestion.


' #

Prepared only by E. C. DBWITT & Oo.,OhicagaThe$Lbottl8coniains2tf timestheSOc. size.

fflcMAWN and MILMNGTOtf.


in non-spiliable bottles


Writing. :

. 'Fluid,Copying Ink,

is^o .e^cemoffeled all'goods aremarked helow actual cost.

Gtur show cases and fixtures•wall also be, sold and be replaced-by modeiai, up>4o-dateTs{ylea.

"Watcli &r ow bill of pnees.


L, B, 3280

i->r baic

"We ira to ximkase all kinds osof| w#od fogs to be deliveredi tMs" mt $ d

- v _ r ".•>,• '*";'*,',•**J#'V,*.

• iS 1 "*"