Maximize Your Art Marketing Time

Post on 12-May-2015

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This slides are from the free webinar that happened on April 21, 2010. Audio and video for this webinar can be found at:


Free Weekly Webinars

• Average of about 20 minutes

• Live Q&A

• Recording available after event

• Send follow up questions to

Daryle Dickens


Maximize Your Marketing Time

Commit to Plan, Do, Review

• Create a plan • Work your plan • Review your plan for effectiveness and make changes based on feedback you get

Failure is not an option!

• No really it is not.

Use your plan to create a schedule

• Schedule appointments with yourself to get projects done and commit to keeping scheduled appointments with yourself

• A journal of your time can identify time wasters

Identify your online HQ

• Focus on the quality of 1 site first

• Branch out to 1 or 2 supporting sites

• Don’t get distracted by the next shiny new thing

The power of a simple kitchen timer.

Plan your marketing tasks ahead of time.

Identify your top 3 marketing tasks.

• Biggest financial impact

• Short term vs. long term

• Pick 1 task and work until complete

Create a business/marketing space.

Reduce time wasters.• Block out time to answer and return calls and emails and

do NOT answer the phone or email at times other than that

• Be precisely punctual and insist others are as well • Use a schedule and prioritized things to do list • Don't do things unless they contribute to your goals

Two books that can help…
